External and internal part-time work: differences. What is the difference between combination and part-time

Part-time and part-time employment are additional forms of employment permitted by law.

The types of work differ in terms of registration rules, working hours, payments, and the procedure for recording in the work book.

Definition and key points of the concept of “part-time work”

Legislative regulation part-time work is determined by Ch. 44 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time registration is carried out independently.

Part-time work is a job in addition to the main job with the performance of duties in your free time.

You can conclude an agreement with the employer of your main place of employment or at another enterprise.

Peculiarities part-time:

  1. The work is carried out under a separate contract indicating the nature of the employment.
  2. A separate record is kept for the employee in .

Upon termination of the main contract, the employer does not have the right to transfer a part-time worker to permanent job. A change in the form of the contract must be made by agreement of the parties by concluding a new document or additional agreement. To hire a part-time employee, a vacant position must be available.

Definition and key points of the concept of “combination”

Registration procedure combination of works is established in Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation understands the combination of work as an expansion of the range of responsibilities or scope of work.

Peculiarities combinations:

  1. No separate agreement.
  2. Lack of timesheets.

In the majority of cases, the combination is formalized for the period of temporary absence of the employee. The need to combine responsibilities arises due to production necessity, but the voluntary desire of the employee is required to conclude an agreement.

Key differences

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Place of work

Part-time work has external and internal forms in relation to the employer; combination is formalized only at the place of primary employment.

Employment contract

A full-fledged employment contract is concluded only with a part-time worker. The document must indicate the nature of the work (part-time) and the limited working hours. When registering a combination, no contract is concluded, but an additional agreement is drawn up that changes the working conditions.

Entry into the work book

The vacation period for a part-time worker is provided simultaneously with rest for his main job. If there are not enough vacation days for additional work, some are provided in advance or without pay.


The parties who have entered into an agreement on the combination of positions by an employee have the right to terminate the agreement by notifying either party 3 days in advance in writing. Partners must notify the parties 14 days in advance. When hiring a person for whom the position will be the main one, a part-time employee is fired with a written warning of 2 weeks.


When registering a part-time or combined job, the following must be observed: general employment procedure:

  • Additional work is provided based on a written application.
  • The personnel authority issues an order.
  • An agreement or additional agreement is drawn up and signed by the parties.

The part-time worker is additionally assigned a personnel number and a T-2 accounting card.

The practice of using these types of employment can be found in this video:

Existing bans

The legislation establishes a number of prohibitions on part-time job. It is not allowed to conclude a contract with working hours:

  1. minor citizens;
  2. persons whose main and additional work involves hazardous working conditions;
  3. positions where the performance of duties requires transport management;
  4. limited - to hired managers of companies, the right of combination of which is granted by the founders.

ban on combination positions are not established by law. The only restriction is set for managers regarding combining the positions of auditors and other similar internal control bodies.

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The main thing when planning a home budget is to understand where most of your expenses go and what you can refuse.

This will allow you to plan your spending part of the budget so that you can save money for major purchases.

If you have managed to reduce your expenses, but still don’t have enough money, then additional work would be the ideal choice. You can work part-time or part-time. Let's look at the difference between these concepts.

Basic Concepts

With a part-time job, an employee regularly performs other work in his free time from his main job.

Part-time work involves performing job duties not only in your own company, but also in another organization.

If you work in different positions in only one company, during the working hours agreed upon by law, then this is a combination.

What is it

Part-time and part-time work is an excellent opportunity to replenish your budget. Internal part-time and combination, what is the difference?

Employment mistakes often occur when the wrong form of working relationship is used. Let's consider combination of internal and external positions, and combination of professions and positions.

Part-time work is characterized by a number of features:

There are different forms of part-time work – external and internal:

Conclusion of an employment contract

The law establishes that it is impossible to conclude an employment contract with a minor citizen. Harmful and dangerous production also falls under the same conditions.

The legislator prohibits employees serving in the civil service, as well as in a number of other areas of activity, from carrying out part-time work activities.

The legislation does not specify the number of companies where a citizen has the right to work at the same time. That is, as long as a person has health, he works in as many companies.

For such employees, labor legislation establishes the duration of the work shift. The employee, having passed the interview, fills out.

The application indicates that this is a part-time job. All documents required for employment are attached, excluding.

The calculation of the amount of additional payments when combining is made based on the volume performed and the nature of the duties. This is confirmed by documents.

When starting a combination, it is necessary to familiarize the employee with the specifics of the work being performed additionally. Any employee can refuse this work regime.

If the employee accepts the terms of the combination, then he agrees to in writing. If the combination regime has lost its relevance, the company’s employer notifies the subordinate about this.

To register a combination according to all the rules, you must:

Mandatory remuneration of the employee is made for the main and additional positions.

A citizen can refuse a combination, even if its validity has not expired. In 2019, there will be innovations for part-time workers:

The difference between part-time work and combination of professions (table)

Condition Part-time job Combination
Place of work Both at the main place of work and in another organization At main place of work
Employment contract Needed Not required Only an additional agreement is drawn up
Not required Not installed
Order for employment Published Published
Entry in the work book Required Not required
Registration or affairs Mandatory for external part-time workers Does not require registration
Remuneration For actual time worked Additional payment established by agreement of the parties
Vacation It appears Represented by main specialty
Restrictions Restrictions are established by Article 282 of the Labor Code, subject to a number of conditions. There are restrictions for the head of the company The combination of a manager is permissible, provided that a number of conditions are met
Termination of work On a general basis With the expiration of the agreement. Provided ahead of schedule

What could be the disadvantages?

Disadvantages of combination:

  • work activity at the main workplace is permissible;
  • restriction of the type of specialties, if different from the main specialty;
  • increase in work performed.

Disadvantages of part-time work:

  • you need to work more than 8 hours. per day;
  • limiting the hours of additional part-time work;
  • existing risk of decreased quality of work.

Combination general director in one organization.

It is permissible for the general director to combine positions with the permission of the company's board of directors. The sole founder independently determines whether he needs to combine positions.

Possible ways to improve

  • management of both state and municipal organizations;
  • members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank;
  • if another local act of the company stipulates the inadmissibility of external part-time work.

As a rule, this is due to the protection of trade secrets. If the general director works part-time, a separate contract is signed.

It can be either urgent or in nature. If the part-time job is external, then the necessary approval is required, in writing from one of the persons:

Part-time work carried out by the general director is determined by a local act.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quite often, when registering an employee for a part-time or part-time job, a number of questions arise. Let's consider some of them that arise more often than others.

Which is more profitable

There is no definite answer that part-time or part-time work is better, since the benefits from the point of view of both the employer and the employee are different.

Below are data for comparison; by studying them, you can decide on the attractiveness of a certain form of labor relations.

Basis for comparison Combination Internal part-time job
Job title Provided according to the related specialization of the worker Any
Documentation Draws up an additional agreement to employment contract, and the order approves An employee writes an application to be hired for a specific position, then an employment contract is signed.
Entry in the work book Not required If the worker desires its availability
Personnel number Doesn't change Assigned for each type of work
Probation Not required At the request of the worker
Opening hours All day If the main type of work is completed
Mark on the report card Placed at the main place of work Appears for all positions
Payment There is a salary supplement There is a salary component for all positions held
Vacation Submitted on an annual basis Presented for each place of work
Benefit Produced One allowance for two positions
Termination When will the additional agreement expire? According to general principles

Is it possible to work in two types of employment at the same time?

There are several groups of citizens who are prohibited by law from holding a second job:

On harmful And dangerous industries
For those who have not yet achieved 18 years old
For drivers If a similar type of activity is carried out
Government employees And municipal enterprises
For employees who work in culture Are educators and work full-time in healthcare
For the following employees Holding the position of judge, prosecutor, police officer, lawyer, military personnel, State Duma deputy and member of the Government of Russia
Without the permission of the head of the organization, carry out additional work in the same area Prohibited for athletes and coaches. Owners of organizations can allow employment for a second job

Other employees can work in two types of employment.

Features for the chief accountant

Quite often chief accountant carries out part-time work in different companies.

Video: what is more profitable: combination or part-time work?

The contract with a part-time accountant is standard. But it must indicate that this work activity is part-time.

Nuances for teaching staff

The legislation defines a list of persons engaged in teaching activities whose work cannot be classified as part-time. This:

Lack of employee records Carrying out literary, scientific or other creative activity not included in the staffing table
One-time consultations or hourly work Takes no more than 300 working hours per year
Faculty leadership As well as supervision of doctors and graduate students, head of the department
Teachers who are already working In preschool, general, special or higher education
Management of the commission, office, laboratory Or teaching courses to students, without recording this activity in the staffing table
Combination, subject to additional payment In the same institution
If excursions are paid on a piece-by-piece basis Or payment is made by the hour and the employee is not included in the staff

All teaching staff receive additional payment upon implementation of additional labor activity.

For directors serving in a state or municipal enterprise, combinations are only permissible of a basic and scientific nature.

Teaching staff government agencies, given the opportunity to improve their qualifications to increase accruals for the positions they occupy.

It is permissible to arrange leave for teachers working part-time at the same time as a leave of absence issued at their main workplace.

With less quantity vacation days For work performed additionally, the difference is paid at your own expense. This will equalize the periods of both vacations.

The number of days also differs from the type of activity of teaching staff. annual leave. Payment sick leave carried out for all types of work.

If a part-time worker has less than 2 years of work experience, it means paid sick leave only at the main place of work.

Change Russian legislation in 2019 it underwent quite a serious reform. Many articles have been corrected.

Some of them removed the contradictions of other legislative acts from the labor code. Some were replenished with benefits for Russian citizens. Some of the reforms, on the contrary, tightened a number of norms and requirements.

This activity of adjustments to the labor code suggests that the system of legislative reforms that began in 2019 has not yet been completed. One can only guess what they will bring for the working population of Russia.

"Accounting and Personnel", 2008, N 1

Part-time and combination. feel the difference!

The problem of lack of money is universal. It is hardly possible to find at least one person who is completely satisfied with his income. Where can I get additional finance? That's right: if you brush aside all criminal possibilities, then all that remains is to work more. And the accountant of the company where such hardworking employees work has additional questions. What options are there for getting a part-time job? What is the difference between them? You will find the answer in this article.

The Labor Code distinguishes between two main types of part-time work:

Additional work performed during the working day;

A part-time job that an employee does after graduation, that is, in his free time.

Eight hours for work and part-time work

Let’s assume that during the working day, in addition to his main duties, an employee also does work in another position or profession. This phenomenon is called combination (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). He has the following symptoms:

An agreement has been concluded with the employee to perform the main work;

A separate employment contract is not drawn up for additional work;

The employee works part-time in the same organization;

The employee does not stop performing his main duties;

The employee does part-time work during his working day;

Additional and main work refers to different professions or positions provided for in the staffing table.

If the position is the same...

A logical question: is it not possible to additionally work in the same position (profession) as the main one? Of course you can! Only in in this case we are no longer talking about combining, but about expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work. These concepts, by the way, are regulated by the same article - 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All the same conditions are present here as in the combination case, only the employee performs work in his own profession (position), but to a greater extent.

Let's give an example. If a storekeeper also performs the duties of a loader in a warehouse, this is a combination. But the maintenance by a specialist of the HR department, to which a certain division of the organization is assigned, also of the work books of employees of another department, will already be an expansion of the service area.

Note. Combination of positions (professions) - performance by an employee of additional work in another position (profession) in the same organization during the working day.

Most often, employers use both combining and expanding service areas (increasing the volume of work) to fulfill the duties of a temporarily absent employee. Moreover, increasing the volume of work is practiced more often.

There is no fundamental difference between these concepts. The Labor Code regulates both combination and expansion of service areas in the same way. However, if, on behalf of the manager, an employee performs work in another position or profession (that is, there is a combination of jobs), it is necessary to first check the employee’s suitability for this position or whether the employee has special knowledge in the required profession.

How to arrange a combination

The employer does not have the right to “load” an employee with additional duties (not related to his main job) during the working day. This is possible only with the written consent of the employee himself. This requirement is contained in Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The parties must agree on the content of additional work, its volume and timing, as well as the procedure for payment for such work. All these conditions must be specified in an additional agreement to the employment contract. Based on this agreement, an order is issued from the manager to involve the employee in additional work. But there is no need to make any additional entries in the work book.

Note. The amount of payment for additional work performed during the working day is determined by agreement of the parties, taking into account its content and (or) volume. The minimum and maximum amounts of additional payments are not limited by law.

One of the terms of the agreement for additional work is its duration. However, as stated in the Labor Code, both the employee and the employer can stop part-time work without waiting for the end of the term. And without explanation. It is sufficient to notify the other party in writing no later than three working days in advance. In this case, you need to draw up another additional agreement to the employment contract and issue an order to stop additional work.

Combination fee

You must pay for additional work! They do this according to the rules of Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the amount of payment for part-time work is determined by agreement of the parties, taking into account the content and (or) volume of additional work. That is, neither minimal nor maximum dimensions additional payments are not limited.

If additional work requires piecework wages, the amount of additional payment is determined based on the quantity of products manufactured and established prices. And if it’s time-based, the surcharge can be set in several ways, for example:

As a percentage of the employee’s salary for the main job;

As a percentage of the salary corresponding to the combined position;

In a fixed amount.

Part-time work

Additional work performed after the end of the working day is called part-time work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can work part-time not only with your main employer, but also in other organizations. It's just that in the first case we will talk about internal part-time work, and in the second - about external one.

The following signs of part-time work can be distinguished:

The employee has a main job;

The employee works additionally in his free time from his main job;

Part-time work is regular and paid;

A separate employment contract has been concluded with the employee.

How to register a part-time worker

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates part-time work much more strictly and in more detail than combination and expansion of service areas. Chapter is devoted to these issues. 44 of the Labor Code. The increased attention is perhaps due to the fact that with a part-time job, the employee exceeds the working time limit established by the Labor Code and works in his free time intended for rest.

Note. Part-time work is the performance by an employee of additional work (either for the same employer or in another organization) in his free time from his main job on the basis of a separate employment contract.

Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, for example, you cannot hire part-time:

Persons under 18 years of age;

Employees for heavy work or work with harmful (dangerous) working conditions, if their main activity is related to the same conditions;

Workers to manage vehicles or control their movement if their main work is of the same nature;

State or municipal employee for any work, except teaching, scientific or other creative work.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the separate rules for part-time work established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of June 30, 2003 N 41 for teaching, medical and pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers. As we have already noted, a separate employment contract must be concluded with a part-time worker (including an internal one). Moreover, it must indicate that the person will work on a part-time basis. Information about such additional work, at the request of the employee, can be entered into the work book. This entry is made at the main place of work. When concluding an agreement with a part-time worker, you need to take into account that the Labor Code limits the duration of his working hours. According to the rules of Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it should not exceed four hours a day. An employee can be assigned a different work schedule, but in any case, during the accounting period (month, quarter, year - depending on the organization’s working hours), the time worked by a part-time employee should not exceed half of the standard working time for this category of employees.

Note. A part-time worker cannot work more than four hours a day. You can set a different work schedule, but in any case, the time worked by a part-time worker cannot exceed half the standard working time for the accounting period.

That is, with a normal eight-hour working day (and a five-day schedule), a part-time worker cannot be required to work more than 20 hours a week, and with a shortened one, even less. For example, in hazardous working conditions - no more than 15 hours a week. If for some reason a part-time worker works more than expected, such work is considered overtime and must be paid accordingly. The exception is cases when an employee at his main place has suspended work (Part 2 of Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or is suspended from it (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As for the termination of a part-time agreement, the following applies: general rules. True, in this case the employer has additional grounds for dismissal. An employment contract with a part-time worker can be terminated if a person is hired for whom it will become the main job (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the employer must send a written warning to the part-time worker two weeks before the proposed dismissal. However, if the part-time contract is fixed-term, such grounds for dismissal do not apply.

Part-time fee

Part-time workers are usually paid in proportion to the time worked. But, as stated in the Labor Code, the contract may also provide for other payment options (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, it should be noted that the Ministry of Finance of Russia allows taking into account in the tax cost the cost of remuneration of part-time workers only within the amount not exceeding the official salary provided for in the staffing table (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 1, 2007 N 03-03-06/ 1/50).

Note. An employment contract with a part-time worker can be terminated if a person is hired for whom it will be the main job (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

All guarantees and compensations established by the Labor Code are provided to part-time workers in full. For example, sick leave and maternity leave are paid to an employee not only by the main employer, but also by the company where he works part-time (Article 13 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth ").

The exception is “northern” guarantees and compensation, as well as those related to combining work and study. Such guarantees and compensation can only be obtained at the place of main work.

Part-time workers are also entitled to annual paid leave.

Moreover, simultaneously with vacation from the main job. If there it turns out to be longer, then at the “second” job the employee has the right to take leave for the missing days without pay. wages. And if, by the time he goes on leave at his “first” job, the part-time worker has not yet worked at the “second” job for six months, the “second” employer provides him with paid leave in advance.

E. Pashkova

Signed for seal

Combination and part-time work are often confused not only by employees, but also by employers themselves. However, mixing these concepts can lead to a violation of workers’ rights, which means negative consequences for the company.

From the article you will learn:

Main and additional work

The current Labor legislation does not have a formal definition of the main job. In practice, it is understood as the organization in which the work book specialist Quite common - but not mandatory - signs of the main job are also maximum quantity working hours spent by an employee in this organization, higher wages compared to other places, etc. We provide a number of other conditions that may be useful for identifying a specific place of work as the main one in our .

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In today's realities, many specialists seek to increase their income by supplementing their main job with part-time work in other places. By the way, in some cases, additional employment may be the initiative of the employer, who thus seeks to optimize the number of employees and the wage fund. At the same time, it is extremely important for all parties to clearly understand the format of such cooperation, as well as mutual rights and obligations. For example, the difference between part-time and part-time jobs in terms of working hours can be quite noticeable.

Types of additional work

Depending on the conditions of employment of the employee in the main job, its complexity, the presence of restrictions on employment in this position and a number of other factors, he can carry out additional work activities in the following formats:

combination provided for in Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

part-time job provided for in Art. 60.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, despite the absence of such terms in the current Labor Code, in practice it is customary to distinguish between internal and external part-time work. The combination of professions and positions, however, should not be confused with these concepts;

performing the duties of an employee who, for one reason or another, is temporarily absent from work. This situation, in turn, should not be confused with part-time and combination work.


Combination is the performance of additional work responsibilities within the established working hours for the employee at the main place of work.

Based on this definition of this type of employment, it is obvious that work in the mode it can only be carried out with the same employer who provides the specialist with the main place. In this case, we are talking about internal combination: internal combination is a different type of activity, which we will consider in the corresponding section of our material.

The main condition that is necessary to attract a part-time worker to work in this mode is his consent to this type of employment. Such consent must be expressed in writing in order to avoid discrepancies. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the Labor Code interprets the concept of combination, as well as part-time work, quite broadly. In particular, this term includes:

  • an increase in the number of operations performed in the same profession or specialty in which the employee is engaged in his main job. According to Part 2 of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is called expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work being implemented;
  • expanding the range of functions performed;
  • performing fundamentally different types of work, including job responsibilities in another profession or specialty.

However, for the purposes of completing the necessary documents and charging additional payment, the distinction between these situations, as well as the difference between part-time and part-time jobs, can be very important. Check out our to understand what the main differences between them are.

Combined payment

Performing additional duties or expanding their scope in accordance with the current Labor Code will require the employer to make additional payments to this employee. The general procedure for determining the amount of additional payments can be established by the local normative act or collective agreement between the employer and employees of the enterprise.

However, the financial conditions for attracting an employee to work part-time (as well as part-time) must be clearly recorded on an individual basis. The main document used for these purposes is the employment contract with the employee. It indicates full terms and conditions calculation of additional payments to an employee for performing additional duties, which, as a rule, is carried out taking into account the actual volume of work performed and its complexity. Many organizations consider it advisable to determine the amount of additional payments to a part-time employee based on the amount of working time spent on additional duties. In our We give an example of such a calculation.

Registration of combination

As Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, obtaining the employee’s express written consent to work in a combination mode is prerequisite to attract him to such work. In practice, such written consent is often formalized as part of the employment contract with the employee. In this case, two options are possible:

  • If combination is offered to the employee immediately at the employment stage, and he agrees to such an offer; the conditions for performing the work, including the amount of additional payment for additional functions performed, are specified directly in the employment contract. Otherwise, the employment procedure is carried out according to a standard algorithm, which includes issuing a hiring order and filling out documentation for a new employee;
  • if the combination is formalized for an employee who has previously worked in the organization, the conditions for performing new tasks for him are fixed through a conclusion additional agreement to the employment contract. In this case, it will be necessary to issue an order to combine positions or professions, indicating the main conditions listed in the additional agreement.

Pay attention! In both cases, the employee must be familiarized with the contents of the relevant order against signature.

There is no need to fill out any other documents regarding the fact that an employee is involved in part-time work. This applies, inter alia, to the issue of entering such information into the work book: The instructions for filling out these documents do not require recording such information. At the same time, if work activity within the framework of an additional position or profession involves regular contact with material assets, it is advisable to conclude a contract with the employee .

Canceling Operation in Combine Mode

As a rule, the period during which an employee will perform certain duties in a part-time mode is negotiated at the stage of discussion of this type of work. The specific time boundaries of this period are fixed in the employment contract or an additional agreement to it. By the way, it can be set in the form of a specific date or an indication of one or another circumstance - for example, the return to work of a temporarily absent employee. However, any of the parties can prematurely refuse to continue cooperation in the combination mode - the current legislation grants such a right to both the employee and the employer.

Intent to terminate the agreement

According to Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the initiator of such a decision is obliged to warn the other party of the intention to terminate the cooperation agreement in this area no later than three working days before its execution. This should be done in writing: this method will clearly record the date of termination of the agreement and can become an argument in the event of an emergency. conflict situation. Based on such notification, the employer issues an order to cancel the combination.

Experts agree that there is no need to conclude a new additional agreement to the employment contract in this situation, since the termination of the combination is carried out by notification. At the same time, if the cancellation of work in this mode suggests any additional conditions, for example, payment of compensation to an employee for early termination of this agreement, such an agreement can be signed. And what to do if an employee who worked part-time quits the organization altogether, we will tell you in this .

Part-time job

According to Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right, at his own discretion, to dispose of time free from his main job, including spending it on other paid activities. If such work is performed on a regular basis with a set amount of payment for performing specific functions, it is called part-time work. In turn, Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the issues of regulating the labor activities of part-time workers and their interaction with employers.

Pay attention! IN labor legislation There are no restrictions on the scope of work and the number of employers for whom an employee can work part-time.

At the same time, involvement in part-time work is possible if the following requirements are met:

  • the employee has already reached the age of eighteen;
  • if part-time work involves exposure to harmful conditions on the employee, his main work is not related to the influence of such factors;
  • the employer and employee entered into an employment contract for part-time work, which recorded all the conditions of such cooperation.

Pay attention! For some categories of specialists, for example, heads of organizations, additional conditions have been established when working part-time.

Main types of part-time jobs

Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly prescribes two main types of part-time work, depending on how the main and additional places of work of a particular employee are related to each other:

if an employee works in his free time from his main job for the same employer, we are talking about internal part-time work (internal part-time work, which should be distinguished from this work, involves performing duties within the framework of the main job). working hours);

if an employee works part-time for another employer, this is called external part-time work.

Registration of part-time work and conclusion of an employment contract

The difference between a part-time job and a part-time job lies, among other things, in the procedure for registering such an employee for work. So, if we are talking about internal part-time work (like part-time work, it is carried out with the same employer), the employee does not need to provide the latter with any documents, since he has already submitted them when applying for employment at his main place of work. In the case of external part-time work, the list of documents provided is regulated by Art. 283 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It includes:

  • passport or other document serving as identification;
  • for work requiring a certain level of qualifications - a document on existing education;
  • for working in hazardous conditions - a document from the main place of work indicating that there is no exposure to such conditions.

Pay attention! A work record book is not provided for part-time employment, since it is kept by the main employer.

An important requirement of the Labor Code is that each employer for whom a specialist works part-time must enter into a separate employment contract with him. It must indicate that the work in this position is part-time work. Moreover, such an agreement may have either a limited or unlimited duration. Other requirements for the content of such an agreement can be found in our does not give him such an opportunity. However, the corresponding entry must be made by the main employer who keeps the work book: we will tell you how to do this in this .

Limitations on part-time work hours

Combination and part-time work - what is the difference? - this question is asked by both employees and employers. One of the aspects of the answer to this is the limitation regarding the duration of part-time work established by Art. 284 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Work activities are carried out within the framework of a regular work shift when combined, and part-time work is limited to no more than four hours a day.

This restriction, however, applies only to those days when the employee is busy at his main job. On days that are holidays at the main location, on extra space he can work a full shift. At the same time, the employer who provides the employee with part-time work must monitor the total duration of his work during the month. We describe in detail what limits apply in this regard in our material.

Part-time and combination: what is the difference

What is the difference between a combination and a part-time job - Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries answer this question differently. However, in our country, both of these concepts are clearly stated in the current Labor Code, which makes it possible to quite specifically define the difference between a part-time job and a combination job.

The main difference between these concepts is that part-time work is carried out during free time from the main job, while part-time work is performed within the main work shift. At the same time, internal part-time work and combination work can be carried out with one employer, while external part-time work involves working in different organizations. In addition, to obtain the most complete answer to the question about external, internal combination, part-time work and what is the difference between them, a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • payment for vacations and sick leave;
  • attracting special categories of employees to work;
  • transfer to another job;
  • providing guarantees and compensation;
  • other aspects of the implementation of labor legislation.

The most convenient form of comparing the main differences between part-time and part-time work is a table that shows the corresponding characteristics for each type of work. We have compiled a convenient table about the difference between combining and part-time jobs in 2017 especially for you.

Low wages force many people to look for new sources of income. Current law Russian Federation It is allowed to work part-time or combine several positions to obtain additional financial resources. In this article, we propose to learn about the difference between part-time work and part-time work, and also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods of earning additional income.

Combination and part-time work - the difference between these concepts is fundamental, despite the apparent identity

The meaning of the term "part-time"

The Labor Code is a legal document regulating the relationship between an employer and an employee. This document contains a detailed list of the rights and obligations of each party to this relationship. The forty-fourth article of this document contains regulations governing the procedure for carrying out part-time work activities. According to established rules, these job duties must be performed during hours free from main work activities.

In addition, each worker is given the right to perform part-time duties on weekends or holidays. It is important to note that there are a number of interesting nuances. Current legislation states that these duties cannot be performed during a lunch break or at the end of the working day.

Among distinctive features The following features of this type of employment should be highlighted:

  1. This type of work can only be performed by a person with official employment(main workplace).
  2. Part-time work can only be performed during the time period when the employee has already completed his main job responsibilities.
  3. Part-time work implies the existence of an additional agreement between the parties, where the amount of work will be fixed, which is counted as this type works

Upon detailed study of the sixtieth article of the Labor Code, we can conclude that part-time work is divided into two categories: internal and external part-time work. With internal part-time work, the employee fulfills additional labor obligations while being on the territory of the main employer. This type of work is allowed only if there are vacancies in the company.

It is important to understand that all additional work responsibilities are performed only after primary obligations have been completed.

External part-time work involves additional employment with another employer. It should be mentioned that this type work is allowed only on legal days off. Most often, this method is used by those people who work on shift schedule. It also needs to be said that today an employee is allowed to combine the same position at different enterprises.

Both categories involve performing an additional amount of work that goes beyond the scope of the main job functions

The meaning of the term "combination"

When considering the question of what part-time work and combination work are, you should delve deeper into the study of the Labor Code. According to the sixtieth article of this document, the term “combination” is used in relation to the implementation of those types additional work that are carried out at the main place of work activity. Speaking in simple words, the employer gives the subordinate an additional load, which is combined with the main activity.

Based on the above, we can conclude that these types of work activities have significant differences from each other. When combining, the employee must give written consent to the additional amount of work. It is important to note that in this case there is no need to conclude an additional labor agreement. As required document Only the order of the head of the company is considered.

The main difference between a part-time job and a combination job is that in the latter case, the employee can refuse the boss’s request to fulfill additional work obligations.

Part-time work is a personal initiative of a person in the case when he is not satisfied with the financial conditions at his main place of work.

It should be noted that the head of the company does not have the right to assign additional work to his employees without the written consent of the employee. This means that every worker is given the legal opportunity to refuse such an offer. As practice shows, many employers exceed their official authority, loading employees with additional work, paying for work according to the established salary. In order to prevent such a scenario, every person engaged in labor activity must carefully study their job descriptions, which contain all the information about the obligations of the company’s employees.

If you want to get a source of additional income, you must first study the current Labor Code in order to learn to understand the difference between part-time and part-time work. Knowing these nuances will reduce the risk of conflicts with the company administration.

Expanding the scope of work performed or service area involves the emergence of additional responsibilities for the employee within the framework of the position he already holds.

Advantages of each type of work activity

If you need to obtain an additional source of income, you should analyze in detail all the pros and cons of each of the types of work activity under consideration. There is a significant difference between working part-time and combining several positions. However, not every representative of the HR department can answer the question of what type of work is more profitable for a company employee.

Among the advantages of part-time work, one should highlight the opportunity to choose a new direction of work activity. This type of additional work allows a person to improve their professionalism and increase their level of qualifications. In addition, part-time work allows you to get significantly greater profits compared to combining. But it should be noted that combination has a number of its advantages. Among them are:

  1. Opportunity to increase your salary by performing a larger volume of work.
  2. The opportunity to improve the level of qualifications by replacing a temporarily disabled company employee.
  3. A chance for promotion by raising your own authority in the eyes of the company's management.

Based on the above, we can conclude that each employee must independently decide which type of additional income is more profitable. When choosing between a combination and a part-time job, you need to focus on your own needs.

Procedure for processing documents

Analyzing the prevalence of these types of work activities is practically impossible. Each company independently decides on the introduction of those vacancies that may be available to employees working part-time or part-time. As practice shows, for many companies with a developed internal structure, combining several positions is standard process. Most often, this technique is used when the main employee is temporarily incapacitated. This fact is explained by the fact that it is not profitable for the company administration to attract a new employee for a short period of time. It is this factor that becomes the reason that one of the workers of the enterprise is asked to combine several positions.

In most cases, a candidate who performs similar duties to the temporarily absent specialist is considered for such a position. It is important to understand that when combining, it is unacceptable to increase the duration of the work shift or interruption from the fulfillment of basic obligations. For official appointment to a position, administrative documents are used.

Part-time work must be formalized by concluding an employment contract

Part-time and combination - what is the difference between these concepts? A part-time worker is a separate unit with its own privileges. Appointment to a position is carried out by concluding an employment agreement.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that there are a number of citizens who do not have the opportunity to work part-time. The list of persons belonging to this category is recorded in the two hundred and eighty-second article of the Labor Code. To date, this type of work is not available to deputies, employees of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as staff of credit institutions. In addition to civil servants, this type of work activity is prohibited for persons under the age of majority and people whose job responsibilities are related to transport management. It should be noted that part-time work is not acceptable for workers engaged in hazardous work. production process(in the case where part-time work implies similar working conditions).

It should be noted that these rules do not apply to part-time work, since all work obligations are carried out during the working day.

An example of the difference between the two types of work activity

From all of the above, we can conclude that, in addition to the differences, the types of work activity under consideration have a number of similar features.

Part-time and combination, main differences table:

Working conditionsPart-time jobCombination
Place of workIt is allowed to fulfill labor obligations both on the territory of the main employer and on the territory of an additional one.Fulfillment of labor obligations in the territory of the main workplace.
Labor agreementAccording to current legislation, the employer is obliged to conclude an employment contract with the employee. The duration of the agreement is discussed by the parties.An annex to the main contract is drawn up, which fixes the duration of the additional scope of work. The same document records additional obligations of the employee. The completed document must contain the signature of each party.
ProbationLength probationary period discussed by the parties at the interview stage.Not provided.
Registration procedureRegistration of a new employee is carried out according to the established form.The basis for appointment to additional position, is an order from management.
Filling out a work bookThe record is recorded only at the main place of work.Additional entries are not made in the work book.
Filling out a personal file and personal cardFor an internal type of part-time job, only fill in personal card. With an external type of part-time job, both documents are drawn up.A personal file is not opened. All necessary information is entered into an existing personal card.
Payment procedureThe salary is directly proportional to the amount of work performed or working time. As a rule, when calculating the salary, the employer takes into account the required allowances and additional payments.When combining several positions, a certain amount is added to the employee’s salary. The amount of remuneration is negotiated by the parties. Additional payments and allowances are not awarded.
Procedure for granting leaveAccording to the established rules, leave at an additional workplace is issued simultaneously with the main one.The vacation is not extended, but the employee is given a monetary increase to the required amount of vacation pay.
Additional restrictionsThere are a number of restrictions recorded in Labor Code RF.Appointment to a position is carried out only after receiving the written consent of the employee.
End date of employmentTo terminate an employment agreement, the grounds set forth in the eighty-first article of the Labor Code are used.The last day of additional work activity is the date specified in the addendum to the employment contract. According to the current rules, each of the parties to the agreement has the right to terminate this agreement at any day. The party wishing to terminate the agreement must notify the other party three days before “breaking” the agreement.

Thanks to this article, you can find out the main differences between the two types of earnings. It is important to note that for each of these types of work activities, the employee is assigned a certain level of financial responsibility, which is directly proportional to the position held.