How guys sunbathe in a solarium. What can be the harm and benefit of a solarium?

Everyone loves the bronzed skin tone that comes from being in the sun. You can enjoy an even and beautiful tan all year round, the work of the sun is performed by special units - solariums. Lamps emitting an ultraviolet spectrum of rays, similar to the sun, allow anyone to get the desired degree of tanning, regardless of the weather. With the popularization of solariums, a lot of controversy arose about whether such a tan is beneficial and whether it is harmful to the body.

Moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays has a beneficial effect on many body systems. Respiratory processes are activated, blood circulation increases, and metabolic processes occur more intensely in cells. The endocrine system responds positively to solarium. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the body produces vitamin D3, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to this, muscle and bone tissue is strengthened, healing and restoration processes are accelerated.

The benefits of solarium

Human immunity also depends on exposure to the spectrum of UF rays. With a lack of ultraviolet radiation, the important processes, which leads to a weakening of immune forces. Solarium allows you to mobilize protective functions and tone the immune system.

Another fact explaining why it is useful to go to a solarium - improvement mental state. While in a solarium capsule, you can imagine yourself on the seashore and relax. Ultraviolet light helps relieve muscle tension and weakens the effects of stress factors. Seeing a tanned body in the mirror that looks slimmer improves your mood and improves your well-being. Many people suffering from seasonal depression are advised to visit a solarium to prolong their sun exposure.

Some experts argue that visiting a solarium is mandatory, especially in winter period, and is recommended for people with skin diseases - psoriasis and acne, as well as those at risk of developing hypertension.

Cosmetologists advise visiting a solarium for those who develop capillary mesh on their arms or legs. Ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on blood vessels.

Harm from solarium

All of the above is beneficial. The harm of a solarium is as follows:

  • with excessive exposure to ultraviolet irradiation, the skin's resources are depleted, it becomes drier, collagen fibers are destroyed, and premature aging - photoaging - may occur;
  • ultraviolet radiation in large doses provokes the formation of benign and malignant neoplasms, activates the growth of moles, in worst cases can lead to melanoma - skin cancer;
  • The solarium should not be visited by those who take certain medications - tranquilizers, non-steroidal painkillers, tricyclic antidepressants and antibiotics. When using drugs in the body, photosensitivity increases, and being in a solarium can cause allergies or burns.

If you are a supporter of a beautiful tan and constantly bring your body to a golden brown crust on the beach or in the solarium, you have probably heard numerous rumors more than once that the consequences of solarium can be very dangerous for your health.

On the other hand, you can often hear that tanning is good for the skin and improves your mood. To make sure whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium, let’s listen to the advice of experts.

Solarium harm and benefit

Professional cosmetologists are confident that tanning (both in the sun and in a solarium) effectively helps get rid of acne and helps treat psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis. From an aesthetic point of view, a bronze skin tone is very fashionable and attractive, compared to the pale, dull skin color after winter.

Another significant plus is ultraviolet rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in our body and the hormone of joy - serotonin. However, the complete safety of the solarium is guaranteed only absolutely healthy people subject to the rules of tanning in a solarium.

Harm of solarium for women

The benefits of tanning can unnoticed turn into harm if your desire for beauty chocolate shade you will start to abuse. It has long been known that ultraviolet radiation in large quantities causes premature aging of the skin, makes it dry and thin, and increases the risk of cancer. And about sunburn, I think it’s not even worth mentioning. So there's hardly beauty in in this case requires such sacrifices.

To protect yourself from the harmful effects of rays on the skin and redness after a solarium, you must use a tanning product in a solarium in accordance with your skin type. The cream reflects harmful rays that cause premature aging.

Who should not sunbathe in a solarium?

Before tanning in a solarium, consult your doctor. Sunbathing in a solarium is harmful in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, liver diseases, etc. Also, taking certain medications may be a contraindication to tanning for you - some medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to tanning, which can cause allergies, burns, and age spots.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Many people are concerned about the question: can pregnant women use a solarium? The answer is clearly negative. Pregnancy and solarium are incompatible, since you do not need additional stress on the body. In addition, due to hormonal changes in the body, you have a high chance of becoming covered with dark spots after tanning, which increases the risk of tumors. Solarium is contraindicated for breastfeeding women for the same reason.

How harmful is a solarium during menstrual periods? It is not recommended to visit a solarium during menstruation, as an increase in body temperature can cause severe bleeding. In addition, hormonal changes occur in your body these days, which can affect the quality of your tan and cause you to become covered in spots.

Why is a solarium dangerous? Moles, freckles and solarium

For people with a large number of moles, especially if there is a birthmark with a diameter of more than 15 mm, doctors recommend limiting the time of tanning. But if you really want to get a beautiful skin tone, large moles should be covered with a band-aid while tanning. Don't forget about sunscreen! You have a high risk that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moles will develop into a cancerous tumor. IN summer season you need to monitor your moles, and if they begin to quickly increase in size, become inflamed, or bleed, consult a doctor immediately.

People with very fair skin and it is not advisable to sunbathe in a solarium with a large number of freckles. Your skin is more likely to turn red and burn than tan. If you do decide to sunbathe, carefully protect your skin with solarium cream and reduce tanning time to a minimum. And you can get a chocolate skin tone with self-tanning

Spots after solarium - chloasma

Some women may notice dark spots on their skin after sunbathing - chloasma. This trouble is associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. Chloasma very often appears on the face of pregnant women. There can be many reasons for this - taking hormonal drugs, liver disease, women's diseases, worms.

If before tanning you applied skin perfume, this can also trigger chloasma. To avoid stepping on a rake a second time, read the rules for visiting a solarium.

To get rid of dark spots try using whitening cream or folk remedies for skin whitening.

If chloasma begins to increase, contact your doctor immediately for appropriate treatment.

Allergy to solarium (photodermatitis)

There are cases when a weakened body reacts inadequately to the sun's rays: the skin begins to itch, a rash appears after tanning. Allergy to the sun is a sign of dysfunction internal organs: liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, etc.

First of all, stop tanning sessions. Ointments with lanolin, zinc or methyluracil will help soothe itching.

To determine the cause of photodermatitis, consult a dermatologist or allergist, otherwise you will not have a beautiful tan.

Solarium contraindications:

Girls are prohibited from sunbathing for six months after the laser resurfacing procedure.

If you have had a chemical peel, ultraviolet light is contraindicated for a month.

A solarium after hair removal can cause you troubles; there is a high risk of getting burned, since you removed from the skin protective layer.

Don't even think about tanning during an exacerbation of any chronic disease. Solarium after surgery is also contraindicated. Remember that tanning is an additional burden on the entire body.

People with liver, hematopoietic and nervous system, as well as for diabetes mellitus.

Is solarium harmful to human health or is it a myth? How does the radiation of this device affect the human body? Many salon visitors ask similar questions. Let's try to figure it out.

Long gone are the times when a milky white body and pale face were considered an undeniable standard of beauty, a kind of sign of nobility and aristocracy.

Today, an even bronze skin tone is a real decoration of the body. And if previously it was possible to get a beautiful color only in the summer or in hot countries, now the long-awaited golden tan is available to everyone at any time of the year for a very reasonable price.

What is this device?

How does a bronze tint appear on the skin? Why does a person need it? The sun's rays contain harmful ultraviolet rays. Under his influence human body produces melanin, which forms a kind of protective layer on the surface of the skin, which protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The essence of artificial radiation is that it imitates such an action.

This device is a booth specially equipped ultraviolet lamps. Unlike sunlight, these lamps do not produce ultraviolet light. Otherwise, being under the artificial light of such a booth is practically no different from taking sunbathing.

Booths (or capsules) come in two types: horizontal and vertical.

In the horizontal capsule, the client receives a golden skin tone while lying down. The lamps of such a device do not differ in power, so it is impossible to get a burn in a session lasting twenty minutes.

The disadvantage of a horizontal capsule is that the skin tone is not entirely uniform: those areas that are further from the lamps and closer to the surface of the bed do not tan as intensely. Therefore, you need to change your position from time to time.

The vertical capsule, designed for tanning in a standing position, has a higher lamp power, which is why staying in the booth cannot exceed twelve minutes. In such conditions, the bronze color of the skin turns out to be perfectly uniform. The cost is a little higher.

The vertical pod is also more hygienic, as visitors do not have to come into contact with the booth. And another plus in this case is freedom of body movements. But at the same time, in a horizontal cabin you can completely relax and, feeling the warmth of the lamps, imagine that you are lying on the beach in the sun, while the air conditioning system creates the illusion of a light breeze.

Perhaps we should also remember the third type of device - a device intended for use at home. However, using this device it will take much longer to achieve a beautiful skin color than in salon booths.

Let's try to understand in detail what a solarium gives us, what its benefits are and what the harm is.

Benefits of the procedure

It would seem that the only advantage of visiting a solarium is aesthetics, namely an even, beautiful tan, available at any time of the year without a significant investment of time and money. A bronze-colored body looks more attractive and fit.

In addition, after receiving a piece tan, there are no traces of a swimsuit left, as on the beach, and also due to the fact that each radiation session is strictly dosed, it is impossible to get a burn. What other benefits could there be from artificial sunbathing? Let's look at all their advantages:

  1. Well-being improves, the metabolic process in the body is normalized. After relaxing under warm lamps, many feel rested and full of energy.
  2. This is a great preparation for the beach season. With the onset of hot summer, you will not only look much more spectacular than the pale ones around you, but you will also prevent sunburn, since the skin will already be protected by a layer of melanin and therefore not so vulnerable to the relentless scorching rays of the sun.
  3. A sufficient amount of the most valuable vitamin D, which is produced during ultraviolet irradiation, prevents a number of possible diseases such as rickets, psoriasis, colds, skin and joint problems; The benefits of vitamin D for women are colossal, because its deficiency causes the skin to age faster, wrinkles to appear, and menopause may occur earlier.
  4. Calcium obtained through ultraviolet irradiation is 70% more beneficial and effective for the body than the same element consumed in capsules. This is the result of research by American scientists. And calcium, as you know, is extremely important for the health of teeth and muscles.
  5. According to medical experts, artificial sunbathing is good for the immune system. After a series of sessions, the body's ability to fight viruses and infections will increase.
  6. During the session, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for pleasure and happiness. Therefore, a bonus to beautiful skin attached good mood. Scientists have found that apathy appears not only from a lack of vitamins in the body, but also from a lack of sun, chronic fatigue, lethargy. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, to improve your well-being, it is very useful to sunbathe under the artificial “sun”.
  7. Those who suffer from the appearance of capillary mesh on the limbs need a tan. Thanks to the action of ultraviolet radiation, blood circulation improves and the condition of blood vessels is normalized.
  8. It is known that after sunbathing, blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease.
  9. The benefits of solariums for men have also been proven, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the male body produces the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for erection and libido.

It is worth considering that all of the above advantages are relevant only if the procedure is carried out “correctly”, which implies strict control over the moderation of the frequency and duration of stay in the “solar capsule”, timely replacement of lamps, disinfection of the booth and other compliance with the conditions necessary for safe tanning.


Is tanning harmful, and if so, how harmful? Of course, solariums bring more than just benefits. Harm from exposure to ultraviolet light is also possible. Experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology argue that if the procedure is not abused, then it is incapable of causing any tangible harm to health. However, let's look at the negative aspects:

  • The very first on the list and the main harm of a solarium is that it can provoke cancer. Swedish scientists claim that frequent visitors (who perform the procedure more than ten times a year) increase the likelihood of skin cancer by seven times!
  • Although obtaining a piece of bronze shade is considered safer, in modern realities some lamps can be so radioactive that one procedure in a booth is equal to a whole day spent under the hot summer sun.
  • Another harmful thing is that the skin and hair often dry out after the procedure. Unwanted age spots and freckles appear on the body.
  • The harm from solariums for women is manifested in the fact that with frequent visits to the capsule, the skin ages much faster. It becomes dry, sluggish, loses firmness and elasticity. Wrinkles appear earlier than expected.
  • It has been proven that excessive use of artificial “sunbathing” can cause problems with the mammary glands, thyroid gland, and there is a possibility of visual impairment, including cataracts.
  • If you visit the solarium too often, skin problems may arise. At first, the production of melanin, on the contrary, eliminates rashes and heals small wounds. But over time, if tanning is abused, diseases skin will only get worse.

Sometimes (not very often, but still) people develop an addiction to tanning - tanorexia. This is a psychological addiction similar to alcohol or tobacco. A person always feels the need to have a very tanned body, to always get a piece of bronze shade.

If the procedure fails for a long time, the tanorexic becomes nervous and angry. It is noteworthy that this type of addiction occurs more often in young people under 30 years of age.


In what cases should you abandon the procedure for obtaining a piece of bronze shade altogether?

  1. People with diseases such as bronchial asthma, disorders of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, and tuberculosis should not sunbathe.
  2. You should also abstain if you have recently had surgery.
  3. You have an abundance of tattoos on your skin.
  4. There are a lot of pigment spots and moles.
  5. You should not go there while you are taking medication.
  6. For allergy sufferers.
  7. It is not recommended to use the services of artificial “sunbathing” for children and adolescents under fifteen years of age.

For the fair sex there is additional contraindications. Sunbathing prohibited:

  • Women with mastopathy.
  • During menstruation.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Immediately after any cosmetic procedure, such as hair removal or peeling.

Video: Malysheva about solariums – harm or benefit?

What do solarium lovers need to know?

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to remember a few useful tips. If you adhere to them, going to the solarium will not be harmful to your health:

  1. Choose your salon carefully. Try to find out how professional the staff is, what condition the device itself is in, how often the lamps in the solarium are changed.
  2. Feel free to consult with the salon staff about the specifics of the session, and let them select an individual visit program for you.
  3. Select in advance a suitable suntan cream or milk, as well as a product to apply after the procedure. You should apply the cream immediately before entering the booth.
  4. To prevent your hair from drying out, put a protective cap on your head. Use special stickers for nipples, moles and birthmarks.
  5. Before visiting the “sun capsule”, you must remove absolutely all jewelry and completely wash off your face makeup.
  6. If the capsule is horizontal, make sure that the salon staff disinfects it with a special solution.
  7. To avoid harm to your eyes, you can wear sunglasses. Although this is not necessary. If you don’t want pale spots around your eyes, just close them and under no circumstances open them throughout the entire procedure.
  8. It is better to take a break for a couple of days after the first time. During this time, observe your body's reaction to the procedure.
  9. To restore the skin, the break between sessions of artificial sunbathing should be at least forty-eight hours.
  10. The maximum recommended number of visits per year is two courses of ten sessions each. It's already dangerous.

Adhering to such simple rules visiting a solarium, you will only receive pleasure in the form of a beautiful tanned body and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

The article contains detailed and reliable information about the dangers and benefits of obtaining an artificial bronze tint. What is a solarium in the first place - benefit or harm, each person decides for himself. This is a matter of personal choice, as is which type of tanning is preferable - the sun or a solarium.

Many people, in light of the information coming from doctors, are asking the question: how useful is a solarium? The harm and benefits of it must be equally assessed in order for the procedures for obtaining “artificial” tanning to have a positive effect on the body.

What are the benefits of a solarium? Having asked this question, it is worth dividing all the positive ones into two groups: aesthetic and exclusively medical.

From an aesthetic point of view, with the help of procedures carried out in solarium salons, a person can achieve an even dark skin tone, so popular today, at any time of the year. This is the first, but far from the only reason to turn to receiving services fake tan.

The second important aesthetic advantage is a decrease in the level of oily skin, which automatically leads to a gentle resolution of acne problems. However, it is worth mentioning that if a person has acne, then there is a high probability of its intensification some time after undergoing the procedures.

The benefit of a solarium for the body from a medical point of view consists, first of all, in the significant production of vitamin D. The latter is involved in the high-quality absorption of calcium, and, consequently, in strengthening the bone structure. In addition, do not forget about the useful psychological impact procedures in the solarium. After all, the resulting vitamin D is involved in the production of pleasure hormones, which are so necessary in cloudy weather conditions.

There is also an opinion that the benefits of tanning in a solarium lie in its preventive mechanism for skin cancer. During the procedure, a special substance, melatonin, is produced, which colors the skin darker. To be fair, it is worth noting that not all doctors completely agree with this assessment. Yes, a barrier is created, however, after undergoing an artificial tanning procedure on the beach, it is worth using protective equipment, because Skin tanned in this way receives a natural barrier of only 4 SPF, with a minimum required of 15 SPF.

And the last thing that deserves special mention is the positive impact of solarium procedures on the body’s immune system during the ARVI and flu season.

However, there are certain disadvantages to getting an artificial tan.

Disadvantages of undergoing procedures in a solarium

Is solarium good for the body? Relatively, there are certain risks that a person who regularly applies for artificial tanning is exposed to.

It’s worth starting with the fact that both a natural tan and one obtained in a solarium contributes to early photoaging of the skin. To be fair, it is worth noting that such an effect can only be obtained if the stated norms for visiting a solarium are not observed, which is no more than twice a week and no more than thirty sessions per year. If this provision is not observed, then most likely the skin will lose its elasticity, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of wrinkles, age spots and peeling upper layers epidermis.

Modern representatives of the stronger sex want to look courageous and sexy, and this is what most girls and older women choose. Many men regularly visit the gym to make their body truly beautiful, but they neglect the solarium, believing that it is intended exclusively for women.
Meanwhile, during the winter cold, it is not only a way to quickly acquire an attractive skin tone, but also a means to get rid of seasonal depression, as well as increase immunity and produce vitamin D3, without which the body cannot absorb calcium.
Specific benefits of solarium for men The fact is that ultraviolet radiation causes increased production of testosterone, which is so necessary for the male body to function normally.

Regarding the question of dangers of solarium for men, then the answer is no more than for women, rather even less, since men's skin is usually thicker and burns less often.
If you decide to visit a solarium, you should consult a doctor about contraindications.
People with a large number of moles and age spots, tuberculosis, oncology, thyroid disorders, diabetes, arterial hypertension, skin diseases in the acute stage and some other diseases definitely should not take ultraviolet baths.

In addition, it is not advisable to sunbathe if you are taking antibiotics, antidepressants, or other potent drugs, since they increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
Blondes and redheads with very fair skin and a lot of freckles are better off abandoning the idea of ​​visiting a solarium altogether, and can use self-tanning to give a darker skin tone.

How to sunbathe properly for men in a solarium?

The main principle is moderation, especially in the first session. Even if a person has dark skin and usually does not burn in the sun, the first ultraviolet bath should not exceed 5 minutes in duration, and for fair-skinned people 3 minutes will be enough.
The spectrum emitted by lamps is somewhat different from the sun; it is unknown how your body will react to it. In addition, you should not sunbathe naked, the buttocks and genitals easily burn, and the sensations are not pleasant.

The harm of a solarium for men will be significantly less if you use suitable cosmetics. Even if you have never used cosmetics before, you should not neglect your health in order to improve your skin color or get joy hormones using a solarium.
Before the session, you should apply special tanning creams in a solarium to your face and body, protect your lips with balm, protect your hair with a disposable cap, and protect your eyes with glasses.
It is recommended to cover tattoos as they quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
At the end of the session, you need to use tanning creams. They cool, moisturize the skin and create a protective layer on it to reduce moisture loss and prevent premature aging.
It is also better to cover large pigment spots and moles; they have the ability to degenerate into malignant diseases under intense ultraviolet irradiation.

How often can men go to the solarium?

Typically, experts do not recommend visiting more than once every 2-3 days, since the skin takes time to repair cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation. With each subsequent session, the time for taking a bath under artificial sun rays, but it should not exceed 15 minutes.
A standard cycle consists of 10-12 baths, it can be repeated twice a year, and in between, visit the solarium once a month to maintain skin tone and tone.