Dating horoscope for the year Scorpio Rat. Zodiac horoscope for Scorpio man and woman

The Scorpio woman is the most secret sign of the horoscope. Is a magnet for various conflicts. But with all this, she remains calm when resolving any issue. To achieve a goal, a Scorpio woman will always go to the end. He loves danger and will always take risks just to get his way. People around them respect such women, but are wary of them because of their external coldness and inaccessibility.

What does the 2016 horoscope promise for a Scorpio woman? A representative of this sign will feel a surge of vital energy. People around you will see this and will be drawn to you. A woman can react aggressively to the shortcomings of other people and this can cause conflicts.

The stars advise directing energy to the right direction, show the gift of persuasion. Also in 2016, you may be overcome by jealousy and envy of the success of your friends. You will want to harm them. Try to focus more on yourself and not pay attention to others. You are full of strength, use it to your advantage.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for the Scorpio woman for 2016 advises not to torment yourself in vain with attacks of jealousy.

For married ladies, winter and spring will pass in romance and pleasure, which you create for yourself. There will be peace and harmony in your soul, your sexuality and attractiveness will appear. These changes will be replaced by your spouse, family life will acquire new colors and, perhaps, you will experience a second honeymoon.

In the second half of the year, you yourself will destroy the family idyll with your jealousy. Do not chop rashly, show your typical coldness. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband, calmly find out what exactly doesn’t suit you. Scandals will continue if you are not more attentive and affectionate towards your soulmate.

For an unmarried Scorpio woman love horoscope For 2016, it foretells many romantic acquaintances, dates and novels. You should take a closer look at your new chosen one, but don’t think that this is your destiny.

At the peak of love, you can get married in a couple of weeks, but the stars do not advise doing this. If a new acquaintance is truly your destiny, then he will not go anywhere. Make serious decisions only with a cool head.

Family horoscope

A family in the year of the Monkey will require a lot of strength. You must constantly control yourself, and not your household. Pay more attention to your husband. Give your children more freedom, don’t put pressure on them. Do something together: this could be a trip together, or a joint piece of art made by all family members.

You definitely need to establish relationships with your parents; you will need their advice and approval in some matters. Take an interest in their health more often; communication will bring you closer.

In 2016, you will be busy with real estate: selling, buying, perhaps the Scorpio woman will be moving. Please note that this situation will completely overwhelm you and take away a lot of your vitality. IN summer period there is a risk of conflicts.

Financial horoscope

The financial horoscope for the Scorpio woman for 2016 recommends first repaying debts and starting to save. This is the only way you can achieve financial independence. At the beginning of the year, there is a possibility of concluding quite profitable deals, which will later replenish the piggy bank. Wages it may also increase.

The second half of the year will be difficult for the Scorpio woman financially. Fate will push you to waste your money, don’t give in and don’t listen to anyone but yourself. During this period, the stars advise working more and not giving in to laziness.


There will also be changes at work. They will be unpleasant. You may be demoted and even fired. For young Scorpio women, this can even lead to depression.

Try to pull yourself together and perceive everything as a temporary difficulty. Trying to do everything at the same time will not lead to anything good, but, on the contrary, will only hinder you. Concentrate on one thing and you will succeed.

The work situation will remain tense in the second half of the year. You will be required to exceed plans or set inflated goals. In such situations, the Scorpio woman must remain calm and not enter into conflict.

Express yourself, show what you really are good specialist. If you work all year and don’t give up, then in the end the Monkey will reward you with a good position or a promising business trip.


The 2016 horoscope for the Scorpio woman guarantees excellent health. You will not be bothered by a minor illness. A surge of vital energy and positive mood in the first half of the year will have a positive effect on the health of women of the Scorpio sign.

In the second half of the year, the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases. An excellent option for the fall would be to visit a sanatorium and carry out preventive measures.

A Scorpio woman will have a craving for physical activity throughout the year. Life energy needs to go somewhere, mastering it will be wonderful extreme species sports Do not resist fate, find a suitable activity for yourself, especially since this will further strengthen your health and immunity.

In general, the year is quite good. Health and vitality will allow you to achieve success during this period. The main thing is not to give up.

Don't look around, live your life. Everyone has failures, the main thing is not to dwell on them, but to move forward. Tune in to the fact that the Monkey will test you all year. If the Scorpio woman goes through everything with pride, the end of the year promises generous gifts.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will be in the spotlight in 2016, even if they themselves do not want it. The Fire Monkey will take them seriously, so you will have to try very hard to get out of a number of difficult situations with dignity. But there is no need to be particularly upset about this, because we are not talking about some large-scale “challenges of fate”, but about unique tests that you will be able to overcome, there is no doubt about that. In general, this will be a fairly positive period, full of a wide variety of events and phenomena that will remain in your memory for a long time. Don’t be ashamed to be who you really are; in general, know that the Fire Monkey does not recognize duplicity and hypocrisy, so in 2016 many masks will be torn off, you can be sure. Scorpio women and Scorpio men will receive several various recommendations, which is logical, but general trends"work" for everyone. You definitely won't be bored this year, even if you didn't plan anything “special.”

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio woman

For fair half For representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, 2016 will be bright and impressive, especially in terms of feelings and emotions. You will probably experience many interesting events, perhaps you will even start a new relationship. In this sense, the Fire Monkey recommends being more careful, but not delving too much into what is happening. A whirlwind of events and feelings will take you where you need to go, don’t doubt it, and when you open your eyes, you, like Ellie, may well find yourself in your own Land of Oz. For the rest, act in accordance with previously outlined plans. 2016 will be a successful year for your career, but in relation to your sign it is worth noting some nuances. Firstly, you should not rely only on own strength, do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary, you really need it. Secondly, do not rush into making investment decisions. And if you are being rushed, this is a clear indication that nothing good will come from this situation. It is enough to remain vigilant and your “sharp eyes” will definitely suspect a trick.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio man

For Scorpio men, 2016 will turn out to be a fairly productive time, not so much in terms of business, but in relation to other areas of life. You will probably find a lot of ambiguous situations, a way out of which will appear on its own and it will fully support you. You obviously shouldn’t have any complexes about your desires right now. Most situations will indeed work out in your favor, if, of course, you pursue purely positive goals without interfering with the aspirations of others. Family Scorpios in this regard, they will spend the year a little less bright, but probably much more romantic. In terms of business, you should focus on your colleagues. It is not at all necessary to do what they do, but, as they say, it is always more profitable to learn from the mistakes of others. The Fire Monkey will definitely tell you which direction to look. But remember, when a finger is pointed at the sky, it is foolish to look at the finger. Subtle, but more accurate prediction will prevent you from objectively perceiving what is happening and making your own choice.

Horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Scorpio is a generalized astrological forecast for 2016 for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2016, we recommend compiling personal horoscope for 2016. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2016, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects and their impact on your destiny throughout 2016. This also has a significant advantage in the form of leadership, which allows you to more rationally manage events, making optimal decisions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2016 for zodiac signs:

The astrological forecast for 2016 is intended for people born between October 24 and November 22.

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 – joy and luck

Jupiter moved to the 11th house of the horoscope in August 2015. Time to earn money through your work or borrow it from your father. This is the money house of career, as well as such traditional things as friends, ambitions and goals. Besides, this is the older brother/sister's house, so things must change for him/her too. 2016 for you is a year of new opportunities and numerous new useful acquaintances. After completing a job well done, you begin to enjoy the fruits of your success. Implemented long-cherished plans will bring a feeling of satisfaction and confirmation that you are right in relation to your beliefs or ideals. The energy of Jupiter will allow you to concentrate all your attention on as many projects as you decide for yourself. Finally, you will begin to consider yourself a full member of society and enjoy your social life. You will be ready to engage in any activity and enjoy the results obtained: you will perform well in various kinds organizations, associations and so on. Perhaps you will make a bunch of new acquaintances with whom you will develop strong partnerships in the future.

In September, Jupiter will move into Libra, your 12th house. During this period, many minor worries and daily worries will disappear if peace settles in your soul and you engage in your own enlightenment. You will find the strength to step back a little and see what some things really are. Little by little, mental and emotional boundaries will begin to disappear, and you will be able to calmly control yourself and confront pressing problems. In life, wealth and success will take on a new meaning for you, especially when you begin to look for the sources of spirituality. During this period, your instincts and dedication will reach their peak. Moreover, you may even be convinced that you are ready to devote yourself entirely to mercy, which is so lacking in our lives. You will be extremely inspired by music and visual arts.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio - difficulties and trials

For you, Scorpio, Saturn has moved into the money house in Sagittarius, where money does not flow like before... In 2016, you will finally come down to earth, money and material wealth will take on special significance for you. You will be left with the false feeling that your worth as a person depends on your ability to have a wallet full of bills. If money has never played a significant role in your life, a combination of circumstances will force you to look at its value differently and realize the need to earn as much as possible. This will be a very difficult time for you, especially if you have had nothing to do with making money before. You may be in great pain from looming debts. Conversely, if making money has always been an integral part of your life, in 2016 great opportunities will open up for you to make even greater wealth for yourself. IN at the moment do not take risks in financial matters, as most likely it will not pay off. Be that as it may, the money situation will become simpler only after 2 years.

Saturn in conflict with Neptune: real and unreal

Neptune in this position can bring romantic intricacies into your life, and generally involve you in many different events. During this time, it is better to focus on yourself and your children; the people around you will not be as good as they seem.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio - surprises and surprises

When Uranus entered Aries in 2011, it moved into your sixth house of work, health, and service. There may be changes at work that you've been craving or dreading. Try to put up with them and see what happens. In 2016, problems related to your health will come to the fore. You will become more enthusiastic about fitness and dieting. Exercise and hard work will bring not only pleasure, but also tangible results. Unfortunately, during this period you will tend to take excessive care of your body, which can often be the cause of hypochondria. You may also become overwhelmed by issues related to pet health and/or decide to use some of your knowledge for good and be useful.

The 6th house is also the house of the stepmother, so in 2016 your father, if he is divorced or widowed, may bring home a new "mother". Give her a chance and see what happens. Moderate Scorpio’s characteristic desire to hang her on the rack!

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 – mysterious and spiritual

Neptune has moved into your fifth house of love relationships, children, creativity, sports and mother's money. A potential marriage partner may seem ideal, and you may think that you have found your soulmate - perhaps you have - but do not rush into marriage until you have studied your partner from all sides... Go on a trip or something... something like seeing your future partner from a different perspective before agreeing to marriage. Prepare for the fact that during this difficult period for you, you will give more than you receive. Neptune is the enemy of ego and selfishness. Perhaps it is at this time that you will think about the concept of “ perfect love"and you will most likely be disappointed in your discovery. Be careful and try not to fall in love with the image of a person drawn in your imagination, because then, most likely, you will discover that reality is not as ideal as you thought. During this period, you will be especially altruistic. You will be exhausted, you will be exhausted and, what is most unpleasant, you will not even hear “thank you” for all the efforts made. However, if you look at it from the other side, your creative possibilities During this period of time they will reach the peak of their development. If you are a father or mother, do not neglect raising your children, otherwise they may start taking drugs or abusing alcohol. You should also encourage your children to develop their artistic talents. Make sure they have their feet on the ground and know what is good and what is bad.

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 – major changes

Pluto in the third house of communication, siblings, and school education. You may become more interested in local politics. Or return to education to become more competent in the profession. Perhaps you are thinking about how you can get your first or, for example, second education. Perhaps your sibling will begin to put on airs and you will have to bring her or him down to earth. During the period of 2016, excellent opportunities will arise for self-realization, intellectual development, analysis of one’s behavior and the causes of many existing problems. As in principle and always under the influence of the energy of Pluto, these possibilities, as a rule, are formless and can become the cause big disappointment, unless you direct them in a specific direction. If your attempts remain unsuccessful, let events take their course: the power of your soul can sometimes cause many psychological problems. You do not know how to simultaneously concentrate your attention on several problems and constantly experience intellectual hunger, especially when it comes to practical or scientific knowledge.

Eclipse in the fifth house of children, in particular the first child, and love affairs. New love may come into your life and sweep you off your feet... but due to conflicted Mars, a sudden breakup may soon follow. If you are aware of the potential of events, you can simply observe what happens and then decide whether to continue.

Second eclipse in the behind-the-scenes 12th house. It may not have much impact on you, but it should help your partner at work... and perhaps understand what kind of person your stepfather is, if you have one.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio men

  • Those born in the first decade (10.23-10.30) will experience creative success at the beginning of 2016. They should refuse risky and dubious offers, especially financial ones, new loans, and trips abroad. Summer is the best time to make your dreams come true.
  • Those born in the second decade (01.11-10.11) at the beginning of 2016 should stop active actions for a while and “lie down.” In the spring, they will experience increased creative potential, various holidays and romantic encounters. Persistence in work will bear fruit.
  • Those born in the third decade (11.11-22.11) must overcome shyness, which will only get in the way. At the beginning of 2016, you should devote yourself to your home and family, you can make repairs. September is perfect for a love journey.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio woman

  • For those born in the first ten days (10.23-10.30), 2016 will bring many little joys. In the spring you need to carefully monitor your reputation. March will bring love, and in the summer and autumn it is worth pursuing self-realization - all endeavors will be successful.
  • Those born in the second decade (01.11-10.11) will lead an active life in 2016: the beginning of the year is a time for spiritual self-development, spring is a wonderful period for romance, and the beginning of autumn is for relaxation and travel. The end of autumn should be devoted to work.
  • For those born in the third decade (11.11-22.11), the first month of 2016 will be a period of active social life. In the spring we will have to make a serious decision in love relationships, and in October - get down to work.

Horoscope for 2016 for each month for the sign of Scorpio

  • January 2016 for Scorpios is a good month for attending spiritual practices. You need to take good care of your marriage. The time has come to resolve matters that have been put on the back burner.
  • In February 2016, Scorpios can meet the love of their lives. It is not recommended to start new projects. Scorpios will be at risk of colds.
  • In March 2016, Scorpios are strongly discouraged from lying and being cunning. In the personal relationships of Scorpios, everything will be ambiguous. High probability of inflammation.
  • The most successful month for Scorpios will be April 2016. Scorpios will be able to take on any job and achieve success in it. There may be a slight deterioration in your health.
  • In May 2016, Scorpios will be able to realistically evaluate their relationship with their partner. At work, Scorpios will face insurmountable difficulties. Beware of injury.
  • In June 2016, Scorpios can be absolutely frank with others. In the professional sphere, everything will depend on the speed of actions of the Scorpios themselves. You should start doing stretching exercises.
  • In November 2016, Scorpios will face distrust from others. There will be a chance to reveal your creative potential at work. Income will please Scorpios.
  • In December 2016, the time will come for Scorpios to take stock of their personal relationships. Scorpios will face a lack of time. Old diseases may worsen.

Astroprofile Scorpio

  • Influence: Pluto, Mars
  • Symbols: beetle, scorpion
  • Colors: green, red, blue, black
  • Stones: garnet, alexandrite, sapphires
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 9, 11 and 4
  • Element: Water
  • Antipode: Taurus
  • Compatibility: Cancer.

Scorpio woman

Her frantic energy can drive almost any man crazy. If she chose her “victim,” he couldn’t escape her. The Scorpio woman is distinguished by her determination. If she wants something, she is ready to move mountains and even go over her head for it. He has strong intuition and can sense the approach of trouble or happiness in advance.

Since childhood, little Scorpios have already shown their strong character. Parents often find it difficult to raise them, but they should have great patience. Over time, Scorpios learn to control their emotions and become calmer. But all their lives they continue to engage in self-digging and devouring themselves.

In general, these are positive, ambitious people, true friends and wonderful wives.

What to expect from 2016

A lot awaits the Scorpio woman in 2016 good times And positive emotions. Good events and pleasant meetings will happen to them unexpectedly, which will make their joy even stronger. Scorpio will finally be able to relax and enjoy what is happening. Her life will be filled with good energy.

However, do not forget that the responsibility for the work you do lies on your shoulders. She will return you to earth quickly enough. A lot of time will be spent on fulfilling official obligations. At some point you will get bored with the routine and you will want to give up on everything and move away from the city. Rest assured that your efforts at work will be appreciated.

Thanks to the accumulated long time savings, you can afford to fulfill your cherished desires. IN family relationships, which have long turned into a routine, suddenly pleasant changes will begin to occur. New shades of feelings will flare up in you and your partner, and your romantic period will begin again. Walking under the moon with kisses will become your companions again.

2016 will reward every Scorpio woman what she deserves and give exactly as much happiness as she deserved and earned over the past years. The Scorpio woman values ​​warm, trusting relationships between people. In the new year you will make new acquaintances, some of whom may become your true friends in the future.

Scorpio is used to going towards his dream and 2016 Fire Monkey perfect for this. Right now you need to clench all your willpower and achieve what you want. But there is also reverse side medals. Because of large quantity emotions, you will become so exhausted that it will affect your physical condition and may end badly for you.

It’s worth taking things a little easier. Don't take everything to heart, let it go unpleasant situations and react less emotionally to success. Don't forget that only you can take care of your health.

In the new year, passionate Scorpios will become even more emotional and plunge into the abyss of feelings and sensations. This also applies to married representatives of the sign. Office romances and love affairs on the side are possible. But none of these hobbies will lead to anything serious, since this is just an attempt on the part of Scorpio to get bright emotions.

Another reason for love affairs can be the basic desire for expensive gifts and going to good restaurants. Closer to spring, Scorpio may have several contenders for his heart at once, who will make every effort to achieve this sultry beauty.

The Scorpio woman will play with her men and try to bring them head to head. While they would fight for her and die of jealousy, she would watch their suffering with pleasure.

It is important that Scorpio does not forget about the boomerang law. One day it all might come back to her. With the onset of autumn, Scorpio himself can become the owner of horns. In response to the betrayal of a loved one, Scorpio may behave unpredictably, at a minimum this will be a breakup and divorce in married couple. At this moment, it is very important to have friends and loved ones next to you.

You are very emotional and take everything to heart. This can lead to heart disease. Everything will get better in winter. Personal life will return to normal. You will become softer and hide your thorns for a while. Try to open up to people and talk about your experiences. Forget loneliness. Start pampering yourself with sweets and beautiful things. Meet your friends and spend more time on fresh air.

Finally, Scorpio’s endless hard work will be appreciated by management. Takeoff by career ladder this woman is blessed in the new year. However, their persistence and persistence in work may begin to irritate their colleagues. This may lead to conspiracies against you. They may start to throw a spanner in the works to prevent you from rising higher.

Scorpio should not pay attention to this. Her task is to move forward with her head held high. Let it just stroke her ego. If you still have problems that are difficult to solve alone, do not hesitate to ask for help from those you trust. In the new year, you should not change your place of work, as expectations may be far from reality. If you are counting on new job Fabulous money awaits you, you are mistaken.

Trust the stars, reliability and stability are what you really need now. Better work your way to promotion in your old place. There you have many more prospects.

2016 will give Scorpios a big chance to take care of their health. Over the past years, full of exhausting work with nerves and sleepless nights, your body has seriously weakened. The new year will be successful surgical operations and even plastic. If you have still dreamed of fixing any part of yourself, but did not dare, the time has come! It is best to take this step with the arrival of winter.

In 2016, it will be easiest for you to get rid of the harmful habit of smoking and forget about alcohol forever. Don't miss this valuable opportunity. In any other year, such a step will bring you painful consequences.

In the summer, try to take some time off for yourself. Fly to the sea, away from the city. It is best for the trip to be surrounded by loved ones, friends or a loved one.

You need to relieve stress. Take a dance class, yoga class, or swimming class. Stop drinking liters of coffee, better replace it with clean water, without gases, which invigorates no worse. Going to the spa and chatting with friends will also help huge role for your health and will give you a lot of good emotions.

Which of the great women was born under the sign of Scorpio

Astrid Lindgren, Swedish writer, ballerina and choreographer Maya Plisetskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, People's Artist USSR, Whoopi Goldberg, producer, screenwriter, actress, Demi Moore, film actress, Marina Khlebnikova, singer, Julia Roberts, actress; Lolita Milyavskaya, actress and singer. Vanessa Mae, composer and violinist, Peta Wilson, model and actress.

This man has excellent self-control. He knows his own worth very well. You will not see a blush on his face or even a drop of embarrassment after a compliment expressed to him. And he completely ignores insults. He always smiles sincerely, and not a single muscle on his face trembles, nor does anything betray his fear or joy.

Astrologers advise to be very careful with these people. They look very calm, but only they know what kind of volcano is boiling inside. The faint of heart should not ask Scorpio for an opinion about themselves. He will tell you the truth. There is an opinion that Scorpios love only themselves. This is not true. He is always ready to help in word and deed.

Usually, either devoted people or those who envy them are drawn to them. But even his enemies treat this man with respect. Real Scorpio is not afraid of anything. For the sake of friends and loved ones, he is ready to go through thick and thin. Scorpio never forgets the people who gave him a helping hand, but he also remembers his enemies. Most often, Scorpio plans his revenge and can take revenge even after many years. Scorpio never (never!) forgives insults!

What to expect from 2016

For Scorpio, 2016 will bring many pleasant and positive feelings. They will be characterized by great charm, which they will still try to restrain and not expose to the public. They will seethe with energy. This year will be conducive to active communication with friends.

But it will not do without aggression; in the new year, a man of this sign will often lose his temper. He should control himself and not give free rein to his emotions. From the very beginning of the year, a strong feeling of passion will awaken in the Scorpio man. The big disadvantage of this will be aggression towards your partner and insurmountable jealousy. It is worth controlling yourself so as not to make mistakes that you will regret.

Envy will also awaken in Scorpio, which can cause relationships with friends to deteriorate. He will keep everything to himself and accumulate bad energy. But he should remember that everything bad always comes back to him. Scorpios will show great generosity to everyone.

Scorpios who have not yet been lucky enough to meet their soulmate will have this opportunity in the new year. New Year will give them so much charm that even married ladies will find it difficult to resist them. They will be irresistible, and their heart will open to new meetings and unforgettable experiences.

Even those men who have long said goodbye to single life will feel a great surge of love and passion for their spouse. Feelings will regain their former colors. The children in their family will be happy about such changes, harmony and understanding will reign in the house.

Scorpios often allow themselves to cheat. At the same time, they in no way accept it when they are deceived. In 2016, the likelihood of this will be high. But don’t be afraid, if your significant other receives enough love, she won’t leave you anywhere.

There is no need to create theatrical scenes with screams and fists smashed against the wall. Everything can always be resolved peacefully through conversation. You need to use all your charm, remember the secrets of courtship and everything will be in your hands.

The coming year will bring quite a lot of work problems into the lives of these men. They will constantly have to deal with stress. But this will give Scorpios the opportunity to finally understand themselves and find the one golden mean within themselves, which they will feel comfortable adhering to.

The hardest thing is to deal with problems and look for a way out. difficult situations will be for young people. They have not yet determined their goals in life, changes will knock them down, leading them in one direction or the other. Because of their greed, Scorpios will take on a lot of work and take on a large load that they may not be able to bear.

Scorpio knows that any business requires full dedication. This year It’s better to do less, but with high quality. Awareness of this will save the man of this sign.

In the new year, everything will depend on Scorpio. If he accepts right decisions about work, it will go uphill. If you make a mistake, it will lead to dire consequences. They need to act all the time and not stop halfway.

The end of the year will bring long-awaited relief and reward Scorpio for his efforts. It will be important not to miss your chance and use it correctly.

In winter, Scorpio is at risk of the flu, which can develop into chronic diseases. It is very important at this time to especially carefully monitor your health and not leave everything to chance. If you feel unwell, it is better to take sick leave rather than wait for the situation to worsen.

In spring, it's best for you to go on vacation or just spend some time with your family. It is not advisable for you to be nervous, since at this time your cardiovascular system and vision will be under attack. The end of spring can bring with it stomach problems, depression and a feeling of overwork.

Start taking vitamins, go jogging, and walk in the fresh air as often as possible. All this will give you strength and improve your mood. Autumn will not bring any surprises; you will easily get through this period. But it’s still worth paying attention special attention playing sports, running, swimming. This will prevent you from falling into winter depression and will help you accumulate energy for the rest of the year.

If you are suffering hypertension, be especially attentive to your health. Don't be nervous, don't overload your brain and body, you need peace and a measured life. This will save you from a stroke. Go to the doctor and, if necessary, take the prescribed medications.

In general, a man of this sign should try to do less digging and eating. Relax, life is much simpler. What do you think? Communication with friends and family is main secret good mood and well-being. A good solution to relieve stress would be to purchase a pet animal.

The most important thing that can be said about Scorpio is that his health depends only on him. If he doesn't want to live, no one can save him. But if this person is happy and loves life, practically nothing can deprive him of this opportunity.

Which great men were born under the sign of Scorpio

Mikhail Lomonosov, Russian scientist, encyclopedist, physicist; Ivan Turgenev, Russian writer and poet; Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian writer, thinker; Niccolo Paganini, Italian violinist, composer; Alfred Sisley, French landscape painter; François Auguste René Rodin, French sculptor; Cesare Lombroso, psychiatrist; Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor; Arkady Raikin, pop and theater actor, People's Artist of the USSR; Leon Trotsky, Russian public figure; Eldar Ryazanov, People's Artist of the USSR; Alain Delon, French film actor.

Scorpio birth dates: 24.10 - 22.11

Scorpio's ruling planet: Pluto.

Scorpio Element: Water.

Scorpio symbols: scorpion, eagle, lamp, pyramid.

Happy Scorpio days: Friday, Saturday.

Bad day for Scorpio: Tuesday.

Scorpio Metal: iron, steel.

Scorpio Gemstone: topaz.

Scorpio plant: heather

Scorpio Numerology: number 4.

The most inspiring color of Scorpio: black.

Opposite sign of Scorpio: Taurus

Scorpios will have to experience a rather pleasant and positive period that will come with the onset of 2016. Representatives of the sign will feel a surge of energy, but at the same time they will seem reserved and cold, although their special charm will be visible to the naked eye. With their charm, Scorpios can not only attract people, but literally put them into a hypnotic state. The year will become good time to communicate with friends, representatives of the sign will show a special gift in communicating with the people who surround them. But along with the charm in Scorpios, not so much will also awaken. good quality, they will show aggression towards anything they don't like. Therefore, the stars advise being more benevolent, controlling your negative emotions so that they do not bring unpleasant moments into life.

At the beginning of the year they will be especially sexually attractive, they will often take advantage of this, they will desire passion and love more than ever, but will not share these innermost desires with their loved ones. During this period, representatives of the Scorpio sign must prepare for the fact that an unbridled sense of jealousy and ownership will awaken in them, and this will be aggression, so they need to try to curb these qualities in time so as not to make mistakes that will then be very difficult to correct. Scorpios will also begin to envy; friends may be subjected to this evil and negative feeling, and this will be carefully hidden and disguised envy, which can transmit negative energy and even destroy plans. Representatives of the sign should not forget that all the negativity they experience will always come back like a boomerang.

The middle of the year will give Scorpios time family troubles, so it’s worth spending more time on your family and children. There will also be a desire to meet your old friends. During this period, representatives of the sign will be merciful and generous, but at the same time there is a risk of committing actions that they will later regret. Scorpios must learn to keep their emotions, both external and internal, under control.

At the end of the year, Scorpios will be able to experience the feeling that they have been reborn. Representatives of the sign will gather their thoughts and begin work on creating inner harmony. All this will have a positive effect on their relationships with others, all contacts will be improved. The reason for such changes may be a new romantic interest.

Work for Scorpio in 2016

The coming year will bring many problems related to their professional activities into the lives of representatives of the sign. They will experience strong worries regarding the unpredictability of life's ups and downs; during this period, a difficult struggle with their own will begin. inner world. But it is during this period that the stars will provide Scorpios with the opportunity to find that ideal balance, the golden mean of the world within themselves. Such a stubborn and intense struggle will take a lot of strength and energy, but it will be the young people who will benefit the most. The fact is that at a young age the life position has not yet been fully determined, it is quite unstable and not formed, so a confluence of situations can have a negative impact on state of mind. However, you should never be discouraged and relax; the inner strength that representatives of this horoscope sign possess will help them successfully deal with all problems and troubles.

The beginning of the year will be marked by some fuss regarding everything related to professional activity, they will grab at everything at the same time, try to do as much as possible. However, such haste and inconsistency will not lead to anything good; in any business it is important to act confidently and decisively, and this is what Scorpios will have to adhere to in order to avoid failures. Representatives of the sign will have to accept a number of important decisions related to work, their future career will depend on the correctness of these decisions.

In the second half of the year, you should also not expect ease, starting from colleagues and work partners, ending with your bosses - everyone will demand more activity from Scorpios, they will begin to demand in full. But representatives of the sign will be able to cope with the situation, show their talents, and act actively and quickly.

At the end of the year as a reward for hard work, Scorpios will be waiting for a generous gift presented by fate. All they have to do is take advantage of this unique chance correctly - when will luck smile like this again!?

Financial horoscope Scorpio 2016

The beginning of the year will be a favorable period to begin to improve your financial situation. However, they should know that they will be able to achieve their goals only if they repay all their debts. This must be done as quickly as possible; this is the only way to begin to stabilize and improve your financial well-being. Representatives of the sign may receive an interesting offer, so you can confidently conclude a deal, because it will only have a positive impact on business development. If Scorpios accept this offer, then soon their business will not only go uphill, but will also be able to reach new heights, their financial situation will be more than stable.

The middle of the year will be less rosy than the beginning; representatives of the sign will have to work hard to return everything to normal. However, this situation is not a necessary factor for the fact that material well-being is in danger of complete collapse. You will have to cope with difficulties for the reason that this will allow you to continue to receive only good income. Scorpios will have to be careful about all their decisions, and it is likely that they will have to accept fairly harsh working conditions.

In general, 2016 will be quite favorable for representatives of this horoscope house, full of business communications, interesting and profitable offers. Scorpios should not miss opportunities that come their way and act more actively. The stars warn that in no case should Scorpios shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, not try to be cunning and deceive fate, otherwise all plans will go to waste.

Love horoscope Scorpio 2016

Those who have not yet been lucky enough to meet their loved one will be able to experience maximum harmony in their personal relationships in 2016. They will feel a revival when all their senses awaken, their hearts will be open to everything new, unusual and interesting. Representatives of the sign will literally shine in the eyes of the opposite sex, they will radiate charm, confidence, in other words, they will be magnificent and irresistible.

Representatives of the sign who have already started a family can also prepare for the fact that feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Even after living married to a person for a long time, Scorpios will fully experience the revival of feelings and emotions. Children will enjoy a surprisingly comfortable and calm home environment, they will become more pleasing to their parents, and only positive energy will reign in the house, positively influencing everyone.

In the middle of the year, Scorpios will experience no less vivid and emotional impressions, but now they will not concern love and harmony. Great traitors, they never thought about what it was like for their loved one, ah, Scorpios. However, the time will come when negative energy will completely absorb the representatives of the sign. But not everything is so bad, it is likely that all fears and suspicions will be far-fetched, so you should not start destroying everything that comes to hand, including your relationships, but it is better to sort everything out calmly.

In 2016, Scorpios will have a bright and eventful life, full of pleasant and disturbing moments, but this is precisely what makes love so beautiful and exciting.