The influence of biorhythms on a person’s ability to work. The influence of biorhythms on human performance

The human body is not just a collection of cells. This is a complex, interdependent system of physiological processes and connections. For this mechanism to work smoothly, a clear program and correct work schedule are necessary. The function of this vital program is performed by human biological rhythms.

Scientists have proven that human biorhythms change significantly with age. For example, the biorhythmic cycle of infants is quite small. Their change of activity and relaxation occurs every 3–4 hours. Until about 7–8 years of age, it will not be possible to understand the “lark” or “night owl” of a baby. How older child, the longer the biorhythm cycles become. They will become diurnal by the end of puberty.

What are the biorhythms?

Based on their duration, all biological rhythms can be divided into several groups:

  • high-frequency, the interval of which is no more than 30 minutes;
  • mid-frequency, are longer, the interval varies from 30 minutes to 7 days;
  • low-frequency - from a week to a year.

Stomach motility, changes in emotional background and concentration, sleep cycles, sexual activity are strictly fixed rhythms, their interval is 90 minutes.
Fact: the nature of a person’s rhythmic field is inherited.
Among the numerous biorhythms of the human body, the main ones are the following:

  1. An hour and a half. It is expressed in a change in the neuronal activity of the brain. Occurs both in sleep and while awake. Influences fluctuations in mental abilities. Thus, every 90 minutes low and high excitability, tranquility and anxiety occur.
  2. Circadian - the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
  3. Monthly. Until recently, it referred only to the menstrual cycle of women, but recent studies have shown that men are also subject to changes in performance and mood.
  4. Annual. Seasons have an impact on hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. Spring and summer bring increased muscle excitability, as well as greater sensitivity to light.

There is a theory that there are also rhythms with cyclicity of 2, 3, 11 and 22 years. They are influenced by meteorological and heliogeographic processes.

People are social creatures who have managed to for many years adapt to the weekly rhythm.

Having long been accustomed to working 5–6 days of the week and resting 1–2 days, their level of performance constantly fluctuates. Moreover, Monday is characterized by a reduced desire to work, and the maximum increase occurs from Tuesday to Thursday.

Functions of biorhythms

Biological rhythms have a huge impact on the vital functions of the body, because they perform very important functions.

  1. Optimization of the body's vital functions. Any biological process cannot proceed in the active phase all the time; it requires regular restoration. Therefore, in order to save resources, there is a change in the minimum and maximum activation of the cycle phases.
  2. Time factor. This function influences the human body's ability to function independently of its consciousness. It helps to adapt to changes in the external environment and weather conditions.
  3. Regulatory. Normal functioning of the central nervous system impossible without the appearance of a so-called dominant. It represents groups united into one system nerve cells, as a result of which an individual rhythm is created for each person.
  4. Unifying. This function, coupled with the principle of multiplicity, influences a person’s ability to adapt their biorhythms to daily ones.

How to set your biological clock

If the sleep and rest schedule is not followed, stressful situations, changing time zones, and irregular nutrition, the biological clock malfunctions, which cannot but affect a person’s well-being and performance. In order to configure them, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • measured lifestyle;
  • eating and sleeping at the same time;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • avoiding overwork;
  • phototherapy - create additional lighting in daytime, especially in cloudy weather;
  • An alarm clock will be a great help to “get in the mood”, the main thing is not to be lazy;
  • Sunrise naturally synchronizes your own biorhythms with natural ones.

Which organ is “responsible” for biorhythms?

The main “chronometer” of the body is the hypothalamus. This tiny organ, consisting of 20 thousand neurons, influences the functioning of all systems. Although, modern research have not given an answer to the question of how exactly this mechanism works, there is a theory that the main signal is sunlight.
Everyone has long known that getting up with the sun and going to bed immediately after sunset is extremely beneficial for health and performance.

What is a "chronotype"

There are situations when you have to stay up all night. However, you should not abuse the body's resources. During wakefulness, its main task is to process accumulated nutrients. This process is necessary for good performance during the day.

At night, the production of growth hormone is activated. It triggers anabolic processes. Regular lack of sleep makes you feel hungry. People are drawn to sweets and fatty foods, their metabolism slows down, and this is a direct road to obesity!

Moreover, all people differ in chronotype. “Larks” are already on their feet from 6-7 am, but by 21-22 o’clock their energy dries up. “Owls” find it difficult to get up in the morning; their performance increases only in the evening.

Modern researchers also identify “pigeons”. These people become more active by the middle of the day.
Fact: statistics say that in the world as many as 40% are “owls”, a quarter of the population consider themselves “larks”, the rest are “pigeons”. But most often these are mixed species.

Which of the “feathered animals” has an easier life?

Considering modern work and rest regimes, it becomes clear that pigeons are the luckiest of all. Indeed, their biorhythms allow them to better adapt to modern life.
Larks are healthier than owls and pigeons, but they have a harder time adapting to regime changes.

Don't rush to feel sorry for the owls. Yes, their performance is delayed and appears only at the end of the working day. However, by the age of 50, their health characteristics are much better than those of early risers. This is explained by their high adaptive capabilities. It is also believed that there are many optimists among owls, which cannot be said about larks.

It turns out that not only scientists are interested in chronotypes. European employers, when hiring employees, ask to indicate their biorhythmic parameters. For example, night work is better suited for owls, since their efficiency and productivity at this time will be higher than that of larks. Thus, the number of defects and accidents becomes significantly less.

We are not as lucky as the Europeans. But there is hope that in the near future each “feathered” will have its own schedule.

The influence of the daily cycle on internal organs

It is important for every person to know when and how work is activated internal organs, because the choice of the optimal time for taking medications and carrying out cleansing procedures depends on this.

  1. Heart. Emotional and physical activity It is better to move it to daytime (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Do not load the engine from 23:00 to 1:00 am.
  2. Large intestine. The maximum performance of the organ occurs from 5 to 7 o'clock; from 17 to 19 o'clock it is in the calm phase.
  3. Bladder. Fluid accumulation occurs from 3 to 5 p.m., from 3 to 5 a.m. there is minimal activity.
  4. Lungs. Open the window from 3 to 5 am, at this time it is important for the human body to “breathe”. The minimum activity occurs between 15:00 and 17:00.
  5. Liver. Active regulation of blood and bile occurs from 1 to 3 o’clock, weak activity is observed at 13 – 15 o’clock.
  6. Vision. This information will be of interest to drivers. Driving at 2 a.m. is especially difficult.
  7. Stomach. “Eat your breakfast yourself...” says the famous proverb, and for good reason! After all, the peak performance of the stomach occurs at 7-9 am. From 19:00 to 21:00 the stomach should be allowed to rest.
  8. Gallbladder. From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. active production bile, minimum – from 11 to 13 hours.

Interesting! The most difficult time to cope with loneliness is between 20 and 22 hours.
So what should it be optimal mode biorhythms? We get up at 4 am, have breakfast at 5 am, lunch at 10 am, midday at 3 pm, dinner at 7 pm. We go to bed at 9 pm!
The main thing is to listen to your biological clock and let it coincide with the biorhythms of nature!

Yuri Okunev School

Hi all! Yuri Okunev is with you.

Have you ever wondered why we sleep at night, have lunch from 12 to 14 pm, and work during daylight hours? Why do we feel so sleepy after lunch, but in the evening we are cheerful and full of energy? Today the topic of our article is: biorhythms and their impact on human performance. We'll talk about what it is and how to do more in a day and be less tired.

Biorhythms are a cyclical alternation of active and calm phases of biological processes established by nature.

The main criterion by which you can understand that you are dealing with biological rhythms is regularity and repeatability: every day the Sun rises, animals wake up, rivers tide, cells are renewed, substances are synthesized.

In other words, these are clocks laid down at absolutely all levels from the atom to the galaxy, ensuring the timely flow of all processes. Man also submits to this great order.

We are so accustomed to a certain daily routine and way of life that it seems self-evident. Meanwhile, we, as part of nature, also live in a certain chronological movement.

Organs, glands, brain, blood spend energy while working. They need to rest to replenish it. This is ensured by chronorhythms. Let's look at the main natural rhythms that affect human performance and health.

Circadian period

Rotating around its axis, the Earth creates daily biological fluctuations of day and night, affecting the physical and psychological performance of the human body. In order for it to function correctly and restore energy in a timely manner, more than 500 bioprocesses are repeated every day at a certain time interval: sleep patterns, metabolism, temperature changes, cell division, etc.

There are general trends human activity during the day:

  1. until 12 noon activity increases and reaches its highest peak
  2. to 15.00 hours decreases.
  3. until 18.00 pm it increases again.

Surely, you are familiar with the state of laziness after lunch or in the evening when you return home from work and have dinner. It's not just about a hearty lunch or late-day fatigue, but also about the phases of rising and falling energy.

Observe how long it takes you to complete the same task. different times days. The result may vary by two or more times.

Based on the productivity curve, plan your activities and activities so that they fit into your schedule. Choose a couple of weeks to collect data and during that time, score your performance on the following parameters:

  • speed
  • quality
  • emotional sensations and reactions
  • physical well-being

It is likely that your personal curve will differ slightly from the standardized one.

Chronic deviations from one's biological fluctuations can lead to impaired performance, increased fatigue, stress and even disease.

Based on the circadian cycle, I will give a few general recommendations when distributing cases:

  • from morning to lunch, do the most labor-intensive and energy-consuming tasks. If you are an active sales manager, call clients, an accountant, do the reporting, and a manager, make plans for the future.
  • from lunch to three, perform less demanding routine tasks
  • From three to six in the evening, spend time energetically carrying out previously planned plans.

Monday is a hard day

The existence of a weekly cycle also affects human performance and activity. People created this chronorhythm themselves, our social life, professional activity is based on 7 days of the week. Peculiarities of processing information and perceiving the environment are developed, tied to the week.

For example, it is difficult for us to concentrate on work on Saturday and Sunday if we are used to working the traditional 5 weekdays. On Friday, a planning meeting or meeting will be less effective, since a certain amount of fatigue has already accumulated over the week.

You can increase your workload if you take into account weekly dynamics:

  • Monday – dive into work environment, switching after weekends. On this day, conflicts and health problems occur more often than on others. The daily productivity will be no more than 50%.
  • Tuesday – increasing work efficiency. Don't make strategic decisions, but boldly carry out responsible tasks.
  • Wednesday and Thursday are the most active and eventful days. Efficiency – 100%. Act confidently and make decisions.
  • Dedicate Friday to routine work and small tasks.

Annual cycle

The movement of the Earth around the Sun forms the seasons and creates the annual cycle. Based on cyclicity, the greatest activity occurs in autumn. In the spring, depression and illness worsen. Therefore, plan to buy an apartment, change jobs, repairs and other important matters for the fall. In the spring, take care of your health, go on vacation, find a new hobby.

Personal rhythm

In addition to the existing natural ones, a person himself creates his own individual rhythms that affect performance and health. Any repeating events, be it strong coffee at the beginning of the working day or soothing music at night - these are all the habits with which you establish your rhythm of life.

Personal rhythm of the day is an important component of life. successful person. Getting up time, morning rituals of waking up, exercise, training on the way to work - these good habits can become a reliable foundation for building a productive day and, as a result, a bright, rich, happy life.

I discuss these issues in more detail within. Join us to work on your effectiveness in an orderly and systematic way.

Causes of fatigue

If you live not according to your natural clockwork, but according to made-up rules: work at night, ignore your meal schedule, then you have to blame yourself. The body, not having time to replenish its reserve of strength, will gradually fall into a state of chronic fatigue.

Fatigue is the depletion of vital resources, the inability to continue activities of the same intensity as before. Manifested by weakness, slow reactions, lethargy, apathy.

Fatigue is distinguished:

  • Muscular. Reluctance or inability to move due to energy depletion or excess lactic acid in the muscles.
  • Neuropsychic. The brain consumes the most energy of all organs, and if the energy supply is not restored in time, there may be consequences including forced shutdown. Occurs with chronic lack of sleep, constant excessive mental stress. Accompanied by instability of mental activity: outbursts of emotions, increased anxiety, depressive states.

I will list eight factors that disrupt the internal biological clock and lead to fatigue:

  • Stressful events
  • Poor organization of work and rest
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements
  • Permanent business trips
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, coffee abuse
  • Sleeping pill addiction
  • Poor ecology in the region of residence

People with weakened mental health, pregnant women, and patients with chronic diseases are especially at risk. But even if you are in good shape, do not forget to systematically give your body the necessary breaks.

How to live to the fullest?

As you already understand, if for various reasons the body does not replenish energy on time, it will go on strike and refuse to work the way you want. Therefore, it is much more rational to prevent such situations and accumulate the necessary resources in advance.

A few preventative tips that will allow you to increase your work intensity:

  1. Alternate work and rest based on your chronotype, daily, monthly and annual cycle.
  2. Know how to stop and stop activities.
  3. Relax in complete isolation from work.
  4. Don't lie on the couch in front of the TV on weekends, but spend time moving. Best vacation– switching to another type of activity.
  5. When you work, take regular short breaks.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Eat right.
  8. Take care of your health, contact your doctors on time.
  9. Don’t make a scandal or quarrel over trifles, develop self-control.
  10. Refrain from bad habits.


It is very important that parents take care of the child’s study, rest and other activities. You shouldn’t overexert your child with circles, sections, classes, just to keep him busy. All children under adulthood should have at least 4 hours of free time when the child does whatever he wants.

For people who work a lot, 24 hours is not enough to get everything done. It seems that there is still a lot of things to do, but by the evening there is no energy left. How to manage everything, but at the same time maintain good health? It's all about our biorhythms. Daily, monthly, seasonal, they help our body function harmoniously, cell by cell, as a single unshakable natural organism. After all, do not forget that in nature everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and man, by interfering with the laws of the creator, only harms himself.

Biorhythm: what is it and why is it needed?

Modern life has a frantic pace. In pursuit of their dreams, people do not spare themselves or their health. We often forget about simple things, we do not listen to the internal calls of our body. But it’s so easy to get acquainted with natural biorhythms and stick to their schedule. This approach will help you stay alert all day and also maintain the healthy functioning of all organs.

According to medical terminology, biorhythm is cyclical processes in a living organism. They do not depend on race or nationality, but they are greatly influenced by natural and social factors.

We often say about people: “This person is a lark, but this one is a night owl.” So we mean that these two people have different circadian rhythms, like animals. Some people can get up very early and work at dawn. They are called "larks". Almost 40% of the population are morning birds, who also go to bed early.

The opposite type is "owls". There are quite a lot of such people, about 30%. They differ in that their highest working period is in the evening. But in the morning it is very difficult for them to get up.

The rest of the people are of the mixed type. It has been noticed that almost all athletes are night owls. Their ability to work after 6 pm is 40% higher than in the morning.

What are the biorhythms?

The circadian rhythm is the most noticeable biorhythm in the lives of each of us. Its components are sleep and wakefulness. Sleep is absolutely vital for a person. During the “fast” phase, the brain restores memory, and the person dreams of beautiful dreams, like mixed pictures from the past. The “slow” phase helps fill the body with new energy.

It is also noted that even during the day and night there are certain hours of active wakefulness (from approximately 16.00 to 18.00) and a passive state (from two to five in the morning). It has been proven that most traffic accidents occur before dawn, when drivers relax and cannot concentrate.

Seasonal biorhythms

They appear with the change of season. It has been proven that in spring, like a tree, human body is updated, metabolic processes are enhanced. IN winter periods there is a slowdown in these processes. It is difficult for people to live in such climatic conditions where the change of 4 seasons does not occur. For example, in the North, the seasonal biological biorhythm is very disrupted due to the fact that spring here comes much later than in middle lane.

Favorable and critical biorhythms

Have you ever noticed how you really like a job at one time, and then there is a decline in interest? Or did you become interested in something, but after two or three weeks it was no longer interesting to you? All such phenomena are explained by a change in three biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual:

  • the physical activity cycle is 23 days;
  • emotional - 28 days;
  • intellectual - 33 days.

Graphically, each of these cycles can be represented as a wave that gradually increases, reaches a maximum, stays at the top for some time, and then falls down, passing the zero value. Having reached the bottom point, it moves up again.

In practice, this means interest in some activity, therefore, when calculating the schedule of training, business trips and reporting projects, you need to give time for a break and a change of activity.

This issue has been studied in detail in China. As you know, in countless factories in the Middle Kingdom, ordinary workers have to do simple but monotonous work. Over time, a person gets tired of monotony, and his performance decreases. It is during this period that you need to change workplace to switch. Thus, by replacing workers, the Chinese manage to achieve maximum efficiency labor.

Examples of daily biorhythms

Our entire life on Earth is connected with its rotation around its axis and around the Sun. Therefore, the human daily biorhythm lasts about 24 hours, exactly as long as the Earth makes a full revolution around its axis. During the period from midnight to midnight, various measurements are taken: illumination, air humidity, temperature, pressure, even the strength of electric and magnetic fields.

As mentioned earlier, circadian biorhythms include the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. These two phases are closely related to each other and shape one another throughout the day. If the body is exhausted and needs rest, then the sleep phase begins, during which strength is restored. When the resting process is completed, the waking phase begins. Scientists recommend sleeping 1-2 hours during the day not only for children, but also for adults over 50 years of age. This has a beneficial effect on the renewal of strength and significantly improves healthy well-being.

Behavioral principles for healthy sleep

Here's what's especially important:

  1. You need to try to follow the regime. The body is very sensitive to inconstancy. If you go to bed at the same time every day, even 5 hours will be enough to restore full strength.
  2. Correct distribution of hours of work and rest. Pledge good sleep- physical activity during the day. Passive lifestyle and nap may lead to disturbances in night rest.
  3. Don't overdo it with sleeping pills. Take pills only in extreme cases, but first try other methods to improve your rest: walking on a fresh air before bed, a warm bath, heated milk with honey, etc. Be aware that tablets depress the nervous system and lead to disruption of natural rhythms.
  4. Never be discouraged, even if you can't sleep. You just need to take a break. Listen to music, read a book, watch a movie... And then sleep will come by itself.

How our organs work during the day

Our bodies also obey. Each of them has hours of maximum load and minimum. This allows doctors to choose the time to treat the damaged biomechanism at the most favorable time. Let's look at the daily biorhythms of organs and give the time of their maximum activity:

human: norm and pathology

A healthy body will be when its internal cycle is fully consistent with external conditions. Examples of this can be easily found in nature. Dandelions close at night to open their buds again in the morning. With the arrival of autumn, cranes feel that the cold is coming and begin to fly south. With the arrival of spring, northern Arctic foxes move closer and closer to the Arctic Ocean in search of food. Of the listed biological phenomena, plants are subject to daily biorhythms. Many of them, like people, “go to bed” at night.

But only one factor affects plants: the degree of illumination. A person may have dozens of such factors: working at night, living in the North, where half the year is night and half the year is day, lighting with a fluorescent lamp at night, etc. Pathologies associated with the disorder biological rhythms, is called desynchronization.

Causes of disturbances in the rhythm of human life

There are two factors that influence desynchronization:

  1. Interior. Associated with a person’s psycho-emotional state, depression, apathy, which is accompanied by sleep disorders and insufficient quantity energy. The use of substances that first excite the nervous system and then deplete it has a detrimental effect. These are all types of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, stimulants, food additives.
  2. External. Changes in the human body are influenced by many external factors: time of year, work schedule, people around you at work and at home, secondary needs that force you to work overtime, etc. Of the listed phenomena, daily biorhythms include the work schedule. It is he who significantly influences the formation of the daily cycle. If a person has a lot of night shifts, his body adapts to new needs, but this is quite difficult and painful. Still, there comes a time in the morning when you feel unbearably sleepy.

Another external factor that is subject to the daily biorhythm is the use of a fluorescent lamp in the dark. From time immemorial, our body is designed in such a way that when dusk comes, it prepares for sleep. And if at the time when you need to go to bed, there is still daylight, the body is perplexed: how is this possible? This leads to desynchronization. Exceptions are made in the regions of the Far North during the polar nights.

The Secret of Survival

In the Buddhist religion there is a basic law: do not disturb the natural flow of life. He talks about the need to obey what is inherent in nature. IN modern world we often forget that we are part of the universe. Man strives to conquer the Earth, space, unravel mysteries and become the ruler of the world. It is at this moment that a person forgets that it is not he who controls nature, but she who controls him. Chasing a dream leads to the fact that the daily biorhythm is lost, and this leads to the appearance dangerous diseases which often lead to death.

To ensure the body’s survival, we must take care of the safety of the following factors:

  • food;
  • water;
  • changing environmental conditions.

We must toughen ourselves up and teach our children to do this. How closer person to nature, the healthier he is.

Violations of daily routine

We can have one day off a week, go to the sea once a year, relax once a month, but we must sleep every day. Of the listed phenomena, circadian biorhythms include the change in time of wakefulness and rest. The following diseases are associated with violation of this schedule:

  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome - a person falls asleep very late and gets up closer to lunch, but cannot change himself.
  • Advanced sleep phase syndrome - early risers go to bed early and get up at dawn.
  • Irregular sleep-wake rhythm. Patients can sleep a couple of hours a day and still feel fine. For example, going to bed during the day and waking up late.

How to restore the daily cycle

The human daily biorhythm is structured in such a way that when the sun rises, you need to start working, and when it sets, you need to go to rest and go to bed. Getting used to the same routine, it is difficult to readjust after a change external conditions. But there are several recommendations on how to make it easier:

  1. Night shifts must be alternated with day shifts so that the body gradually adapts.
  2. If your line of work requires you to frequently change location with a new time zone, then you need to develop a set constant action, which will be deposited on a subconscious level and will help you accept the changed reality. An example of such a daily biorhythm: in the morning, force the body to stay awake, even if native land late at night, and before going to the bedroom, calm the body with relaxing teas, deceiving the internal clock.
  3. If trips are frequent but short, there is no point in adapting. But you also need to develop a set of constantly repeating actions. This is embedded in us on a subconscious level: wash your face in the morning, have breakfast, work, have lunch, work again, have dinner and go to bed. We always wash our hair at least once a week, and every month we go for a check-up with a doctor, but of the listed phenomena, only those that are repeated invariably from day to day are classified as daily biorhythms.

Physical activity

The more tired a person is, the easier it is for him to fall asleep.

Scientists at the University of Barcelona Trinitat Cambas and Antoni Diez, specialists in chronobiology, argue that our body is a unique self-healing system. And it itself will function well if a person does not interfere with the biorhythms of nature. If your sleep has gone wrong, you feel overwhelmed and out of place, think about it, perhaps you yourself are to blame for such consequences.

Human biorhythms are repeating rhythms in the body, which have their own time period from a fraction of a second to a couple of minutes.


The entire basis of biology is built on rhythmic work, which directly affects any organism. Human health, for example, is affected by a whole range of external factors that affect the body every second.

Therefore, for each person it is very important, firstly, to determine the type of daily biological rhythm, and secondly, to maintain an individual daily biorhythm. As a result, such work will help you realize the importance of following a daily routine. This type of work will also improve your health. Based on this, it can be argued that biological rhythms and human health are closely related.

Biorhythms and their impact on human safety

We have already found out in the previous part that biorhythms greatly influence human health. But what if a person does not correspond to his biorhythms? Surely the first day of non-compliance with biorhythms will not greatly affect a person’s health, but well-being can be greatly affected, as well as the emotional background.

Many people know that a person’s emotions greatly influence susceptibility to disease. From this we can assume that non-compliance with one’s own biorhythms threatens a violation of human safety.

Chronotypes dove, owl, lark

Scientists divide human biorhythms into chronotypes depending on activity at the time of day. Owl is a chronotype of people who prefer evening activity and are more productive at this time of day. The following chronotypes are also determined by the time of day: lark - morning, and dove - day.

By date of birth and time

Human biorhythms are purely individual and are in no way related to the date of birth, and any calculation and reference to the date of birth is a pseudo-scientific assumption that does not have any facts behind it.

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All living things, including humans, are influenced by biological rhythms. We cannot be constantly in good shape, all processes in our body either slow down or become more active, and all this happens according to our internal biological clock.

Chronobiology studies biorhythms (“chronos” means time, “bios” means life). Knowledge in this area helps to properly distribute your time, establish correct mode nutrition, sleep, pick up best watch for mental and work activity.

Our The body begins to wake up at 4 o'clock. By this time, the breathing centers are excited. By 5-6 o’clock the metabolism “turns on” and blood pressure increases. At 7-8 o'clock - time of increased heart rate.

From 7 to 9 o'clock the gastrointestinal tract reaches its maximum activity. This optimal time for breakfast, because During this period of time, food is well absorbed and is not stored in the body as fat.

At 9 o'clock it turns out to be “at the top” short term memory , which promotes intellectual activity. Between 10 and 12, blood circulation throughout the body increases, the brain is supplied with blood, and the time comes for its maximum performance.

From 12 to 13 the body begins to feel hungry, blood flows to the stomach, and mental activity decreases. By 2 p.m. there is a decline, drowsiness, fatigue occurs, and body temperature drops.. At this moment, the body is least sensitive to pain. By 16 o'clock performance is restored.

Interval between 17 and 18 hours is considered ideal for sports, since it is then that a person has ideal coordination of movements and good reaction. By 20 o'clock blood pressure and body temperature decrease, metabolism slows down.

From 21 o'clock the body begins to prepare for sleep, the amount of melatonin, the hormone of sleep and relaxation, gradually increases. From 10 p.m. to 4 p.m., cells in the body are renewed and the nervous system rests.. Therefore, lack of sleep during this period makes a person less resistant to stress and weak.

Scientists have also found that the human body obeys 3 main biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual.

Physical biorhythm affects endurance, strength, coordination, reaction speed, general physical condition, and level of immunity. Its period is 23 days. American researchers have proven that it is associated with the activity of the nervous system. In the first half of the cycle, a person is vigorous and strong; in the second half, all his indicators are reduced. But the most dangerous are the first and eleventh days of the cycle. It is then that accidents happen, various falls, injuries, and illnesses remind themselves. Experts advise avoiding operations and vaccinations in the second half of the cycle, because the body's recovery will be slower.

Emotional cycle influences creativity, love, sensitivity. Its duration is 28 days. During the first 14 days of this cycle, a person is most often cheerful and optimistic, doing well creative works, the second 14 days - less friendly and open, and during the change of these periods, many feel irritable, become quick-tempered and aggressive, and lose control of themselves.

Intellectual biorhythm influences mental abilities human, its period is 33 days. Some scientists believe that this biorhythm is associated with the secretion of the thyroid gland. As in previous biorhythms, in the first days of the cycle there is an increase: information is easily perceived and assimilated, assigned tasks are solved instantly, and in the remaining 16.5 days the ability to think logically decreases. On days 1 and 17 of the cycle, it is better not to take on serious problems and postpone important issues for another time. To know the time of decline and rise of your biorhythms, they must be calculated based on your date of birth.

A person lives according to a number of biorhythms, and by listening to our body, we can achieve and achieve a lot. Moments of weakness are also natural, so you should love and take care of yourself, and not torment yourself with thoughts of laziness and parasitism.