The educational system in America is school. School system in the States


Education system in the USA includes 4 levels of education: primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate.

It begins at the age of about 5 years, when children enter the zero grade of primary school. Primary school education in the United States continues until 5th or 6th grade, after which high school begins, ending with 8th grade. High school is 4 years of study - from 9th to 12th grade. Secondary education ends at 18 years of age.

A student's grade in a particular subject is determined not only on the basis of test results, but also on attitude to learning, participation in class life, etc. State exams are SAT and ACT - general academic tests for general abilities, knowledge of mathematics and level of language skills. skills that are also entrance to colleges and universities.

Graduates of schools working in US education system , receive a High School Certificate. This diploma is recognized by universities in the USA and Canada. From grades 9 to 12, students prepare to take final exams, after which they receive a High School Graduation Diploma.

There is also a special 13th grade - Advanced Placement Program. It is for those who wish to study in more depth those subjects in which they plan to specialize at the university. Graduates of this class can be immediately enrolled in the 2nd year of the university. Next, those wishing to receive higher education can enroll in colleges or universities, where they receive a bachelor's degree in 4 years.

High Schools are aimed at admission to colleges in the USA and Canada, business schools and other universities. The diploma is internationally recognized and is awarded after completing the senior four classes. high school. Required condition- students must be over 18 years of age before September 1 of the year in which they graduate.

Students enrolled in this program must take the SAT or ACT in 11th or 12th grade, and if English is not their first language, they must take the TOEFL or IELTS test in 12th grade. Students must complete approximately 100 credit hours in each subject and must complete between 20 and 24 credits (depending on state) to gain access to higher education.

American schoolchildren begin earning academic credits starting in the 9th grade. The education system provides one credit for each successfully passed subject. In total, you need to earn 20-24 credits (depending on the state) to become a diploma holder.

In the 12th grade of High School, you have the opportunity to choose a course for in-depth study of US high school subjects. This is the Advanced Placement program. The results of AR training provide benefits for admission to 90% of universities in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and more than 50 other countries. American universities do not want to accept applicants who have passed the AP with a grade of less than 3 on a five-point system. But if you pass your subjects with excellent marks, you have a chance to get priority even when entering Princeton, Harvard and Yale universities.

English language requirements for admission to the High School program of study: minimum TOEFL score 500 or Cambridge First Certificate

Position of the USA in the ranking of countries in terms of the quality of school education (based on the results of the PISA study)


Proportion of students per maximum score at least 1 subject

Proportion of unsuccessful students in 3 subjects

in Natural Sciences

in mathematics

in reading and critical comprehension of what you read

1 1 1 39,1% 4,8%

7 10 2 22,7% 5,9%

5 13 4 21,4% 6,3%

14 17 5 15,5% 6,8%

11 16 10 19,2% 9,8%

10 5 27 29,3% 4,5%

12 21 11 20,5% 10,6%

13 8 27 22,2% 10,1%

15 26 21 16,9% 10,1%

25 31 20 13,6% 13,6%

32 24 26 13,0% 7,7%

29 27 30 14,0% 13,7%

The rating was compiled by Medelle specialists based on international testing of high school students PISA of public schools in 72 countries (OECD member countries and countries interacting with the OECD). When assessing results, what is taken into account is not so much the amount of theoretical knowledge acquired from the school curriculum, but the ability to apply it in practice in real life knowledge acquired at school. The ranking is based on the test scores received by each country (the higher the score, the higher the position in the ranking). The final overall rating is calculated as the arithmetic mean between scores in 3 areas of knowledge.

Features of school education in the USA (according to OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - for 2013)



Position among OECD countries

Proportion of population with higher education

5 out of 36

Expected percentage of young people under 25 years of age entering universities

Expected share of young people who will receive complete higher education

Annual costs per student, USD

5 out of 38

Share of private spending

Teacher to student ratio

Number of teaching hours per year in high school

3 out of 37

Ratio of the average salary of a high school teacher to the average salary of employees with higher education

Human Development Index (HDI)


5 out of 188 in the world

% of schoolchildren who received a matriculation certificate allowing them to be enrolled in a university


All of the above statistics are for public schools.

Advantages of school education in the USA

  • Opportunity to study in public schools for foreigners (1 year only)✰✰✰✰
  • Flexibility of the school curriculum✰✰✰✰✰
  • Career guidance summer schools for high school students✰✰✰✰✰
  • Summer semesters at universities, providing the opportunity to obtain academic credits ✰✰✰✰✰

Study in the USA

9 out of 10 Americans attend public schools. The rest go to fee-paying private schools, many of which are religious. Private schools, often expensive and competitive, prepare graduates for admission to the most prestigious universities.

Study in the USA: elementary school . Academic subjects include arithmetic, reading and writing. Natural and social sciences are almost impossible.

Study in the USA: High School . Students are required to study mathematics, English language, natural and social sciences, physical education is also compulsory. Students choose one or two classes themselves (foreign language, art and technology).

Study in the USA: High School . Students choose disciplines independently, but within the compulsory areas. You need to earn a certain number of credits (a certain number of credits are given for each subject) in the exact sciences, social sciences, etc. Most states require 9 subjects.

Tuition fees for private schools in the USA


Prices for education and accommodation in private schools in the USA range from 15,000 USD to 50,000 USD, which is cheaper than schools in Switzerland and the UK, but more expensive in Ireland, Canada, and Germany.


Study according to US school standards

There is an American (as well as British) section in many international schools Switzerland and other countries, they are very popular among foreigners. The advantage of studying in American schools outside the United States is that, being originally founded for children of different nationalities, these schools are more flexible and better adapted to foreigners. Well, and most importantly - in the atmosphere: in any Swiss school the atmosphere of a family is recreated, which is not something they strive for in the USA. In the US, schools are more like university campuses.

At the same time, preparation for English-speaking universities in Switzerland is set at the highest level: regular meetings are organized with representatives of universities in the UK, USA, Canada, and University Placement services operate, reviewing preliminary applications from students and looking for realistic placement options at the place of study.

Graduates of schools operating in the US education system are accepted for admission without exams to universities not only in the USA, but also in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries, as well as in some universities in continental Europe and Asia.

For those who did not study US secondary education system , for admission to universities in the USA and Canada you need a TOEFL certificate (Test of English as a Foreign Language) - this is a long-known English language exam developed and administered by the American Educational Testing Services (ETS).

The development of education in the United States began in the first half of the seventeenth century. The life of the colonists who arrived in the country at that time was full of hardships and quite unsettled, but the first educational institutions had already begun to open - these were both small schools and quite large educational centers. For example, the well-known one was founded back in 1636.

In America, it is predominantly public, financed from state, federal and local budgets. But the higher education system in the United States is structured in such a way that most universities operate on a private basis, so they strive to attract students from all over the world.


The age for starting training and its duration vary depending on the state. For children, education in the United States typically begins at age five to eight and ends at age eighteen to nineteen. First, the American kids go to primary school and study there until the fifth or sixth grade (depending on the school district). They then enter high school, which ends with eighth grade. Senior, or higher, school is grades nine through twelfth.

Girls and boys who received school education in the United States can go to college. After studying there for two years, they receive a degree that is equivalent to secondary specialized education in Russia. Or you can study at a college or university immediately for four years and get a bachelor's degree. Those who wish can then continue their studies even further and receive a master's or doctorate degree in two to three years.

Primary school

Children from five to eleven or twelve years old study here. As in Russia, all subjects are taught by one teacher, with the exception of music, fine arts and physical education. Academic subjects included in the curriculum include arithmetic (sometimes elementary algebra), writing, and reading. Social and natural sciences are studied little in primary school and often take the form of local history. The peculiarities of education in the USA are such that learning largely consists of excursions, art projects and entertainment. This form of learning evolved from the Progressive movement of education that emerged in the early twentieth century, which taught that children should acquire knowledge through everyday actions and analysis of their consequences.

High school

Schoolchildren from eleven-twelve to fourteen years old study here. Each teacher teaches his own subject. The curriculum includes English, mathematics, social and natural sciences, and physical education. Children can also independently choose one or two more classes for themselves: as a rule, these are subjects from the field of art, foreign languages ​​and technology.

In high school, students begin to be divided into streams: ordinary and advanced. Children who perform well are placed in “honor” classes, in which all the material is covered more quickly and higher demands are placed on learning. However, such school education in the United States is now being criticized: many experts believe that the separation of well-performing and lagging students does not provide an incentive for the latter to catch up.

High school

This is the last stage of secondary education, including education in the ninth to twelfth grades. In high school, students are given more freedom in choosing what subjects to study. To obtain a diploma there are minimum requirements, established by the school board.

Higher education in the USA

There are about 4.5 thousand higher education institutions in the country educational institutions. More than fifty percent of students choose to study in a six-year program (bachelor's + master's). More than half a million foreign students receive education in the United States every year, more than half of them are representatives of Asian countries. Tuition costs are growing every year, and this applies to both public and private universities. For a year of study you have to shell out from five to forty thousand dollars (depending on the educational institution). At the same time, many universities pay generous scholarships to low-income students. IN colloquial speech Americans usually call all higher education institutions colleges, even if in fact it is not a college, but a university.

Types of universities

Higher education in the United States can be divided into three types. Educational institutions differ mainly in atmosphere and number of students. A college differs from a university in the absence/presence of research programs and graduate school.

In colleges, students are mainly trained, and scientific work remains outside the scope of educational programs. As a rule, those colleges that offer a four-year education are private and small (accepting up to two thousand students). Although in lately Large state colleges began to be formed for talented young people. According to American laws, a resident of the area where they are located can enroll in such educational institutions, but in reality this is quite difficult to do. Since different schools have different standards of study, colleges do not really trust the grades of applicants and provide their own exams for them.

All universities in the country are also divided into state universities, funded by the government, and private educational institutions. At the same time, in terms of prestige, the first few are inferior to the second. The main purpose of state universities is to educate students from their own region, and for young people from other states, competition is established and they are charged higher tuition fees. Such universities often suffer from overly large classes, bureaucracy, and insufficient attention from teachers to students. But despite this, many school graduates and even foreign applicants who want to get an education in the United States flock to the best state universities, including the University of Michigan and Virginia, as well as the University of California at Berkeley.

Private higher education institutions include the most famous American universities, namely Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Most private universities are average size, but there are also very small ones (for example, Caltech) and very large ones (for example, the University of Southern California).

Education level in the USA

Higher education in the United States is considered one of the best in the world. In general, the literacy rate of Americans reaches 99 percent. According to 2011 statistics, 86 percent of young people over the age of twenty-five had a secondary specialized education (school + two-year college), and 30 percent had a bachelor's degree (school + four-year college or university).

In contrast to the successes of higher education institutions, secondary education in the United States is experiencing a number of difficulties. As the United States Secretary of Education says, the country's school system is now stagnating and cannot compete with many other countries. About 25 percent of American students fail to graduate on time because they fail final exams.

In conclusion

Despite a number of problems, the education system in the United States has established itself as one of the best in the world. Tens of thousands of people arrive in the United States every year from different countries with only one purpose - to study at universities. The United States has more institutions of higher education than any other country. And universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, Princeton have long become synonymous the highest level education all over the world. People who graduate from them have every chance to build a successful career in the future.

The American education system offers ample opportunities for international students. The number of programs, educational institutions and cities where they are located is so large that even a student from the USA can feel dizzy. If you begin your search for a suitable university, it is important to understand the American education system. This will help you eliminate unnecessary options and develop own plan training.

Structure of education in America

Primary and secondary school

American students first attend primary and secondary school, where education takes a total of 12 years (grades 1-12).

At about age 6, American children begin primary school, where they study for 5 or 6 years and then move on to secondary school. It includes two levels: secondary school itself (“middle school” or “junior high school”) and senior high school. Upon completion of high school, a diploma or certificate is issued. After completing 12 grades, American schoolchildren can enter a college or university, that is, receive higher education.

Rating system

To apply to a university or college, like Americans, you will need to provide an academic transcript. This is an official document of your academic progress. In the US, it contains grades and grade point average (GPA), which measure academic performance. Course completion is typically measured in percentages, which are then converted into letter grades.

It can be difficult for a foreign student to understand the American grading system and average academic scores. The same grade can be interpreted differently by a university. For example, two applicants from different schools apply to the university. Both have a 3.5 GPA, but the former attended a regular school and the latter attended a prestigious school with a more challenging curriculum. For the university, their grades have different weight, since the requirements for students in schools are very different.

Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind a few very important points:

  • Find out which level of education in the United States corresponds to the last level completed in your country.
  • Pay close attention to the entry requirements of each university and college, as well as individual higher education programs, which may have different entry requirements from university ones.
  • To ensure compliance, meet periodically with your academic advisor or guidance counselor.

Your academic advisor or guidance counselor will be able to advise you whether you should spend an extra year or two preparing for university in the US. In some countries, governments or employers may not recognize U.S. education if the student attended a U.S. college or university before becoming eligible to enroll in a university in their home country.

Academic year

The school year in the States usually begins in August-September and lasts until May-June. Most freshmen begin their studies in the fall, and students from abroad should join them. At the beginning of the academic year, everyone is full of enthusiasm, making new friends and adapting to the new stage of university life. In addition, many training courses are studied sequentially, one after another, and start in the fall.

In many universities, the academic year consists of two parts, called semesters, and in some it includes three periods - trimesters. There is also a division of the year into quarters, including an optional summer quarter. Essentially, with the exception of the summer quarter, the academic year is usually divided into either two semesters or three quarters.

US higher education system: levels

First level: Bachelor's degree

A college or university student who has not completed a bachelor's degree is considered to have failed to graduate. The duration of a bachelor's degree is usually about four years. To earn a bachelor's degree, you can begin your studies at a two-year community college or take a four-year course at a university or college.

In the first two years of study, you will study mainly a variety of compulsory subjects: literature, science, social studies, arts, history, and so on. These general education disciplines provide a knowledge base, a foundation for further in-depth study of a particular area.

Many students choose community college to complete a two-year mandatory program. Upon completion, they receive a transferable associate's degree with which they can transfer to a university or four-year college.

This is where students develop a specialization - a specific area of ​​study that you focus on in your further studies. For example, if your major is journalism, you will receive a Bachelor of Arts in journalism. To qualify for this degree, you will need to complete a certain number of training courses, corresponding to the selected area. The specialization is chosen at the beginning of the third year of study, and it can be changed according to at will.

It is the flexibility of the American higher education system that sets it apart from others. Switching from one specialization to another is a very common practice for students in the United States at a certain stage of their education. Often they find that they are making progress in something else, or finding more interesting areas. However, remember that changing your specialization means learning new disciplines, and this, in turn, increases the time and cost of training.

Second level: Master's degree

Currently, graduates with a bachelor's degree are seriously considering further education in order to be able to work in a certain field or advance in their career. career ladder. A master's degree is usually required for senior level positions in library science, engineering, security mental health and education.

In addition, foreign students from some countries can study abroad only in programs at this level of education. It's best to find out which diplomas and certificates are valid for employment in your country before you apply to American University.

A master's degree is usually a department at a university or college. To enroll, you will need to pass the GRE (Graduate Record Examination). Certain master's programs require special entrance tests: LSAT (Law School Admission Test) in law, GRE or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) in business schools, MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) in medicine.

Master's programs usually last one or two years. For example, the most popular MBA program takes about two years to obtain a master's degree in business administration, while others, say, a journalism program, last only a year.

Classroom studies make up a significant part of the master's program, and the graduate must prepare a qualifying thesis research work, which is called a master's thesis (“master’s thesis”) or complete a master’s project.

Third level: Doctoral studies

Many higher education institutions consider obtaining a master's degree only the first step towards a doctor of science (PhD) degree. However, there are also universities where students can prepare for a doctorate directly, bypassing the master's program. A PhD will require you to spend at least three years, and for international students this period can increase to five to six years.

First two academic years Most PhD candidates spend time in classrooms and seminars. You should devote at least another year to conducting your own research and writing your dissertation. It must have scientific novelty and contain a point of view, developments or research results that are published for the first time.

The doctoral dissertation includes an analysis of existing scientific knowledge on the chosen topic. Most US universities that offer doctoral degrees also require candidates to have at least a reading level of two foreign languages, work at the university as a visiting scholar or teacher for a specified period, pass a qualifying doctoral entrance exam, and pass an oral examination. exam on the dissertation topic.

Features of the American higher education system

Atmosphere in the classrooms

Classes can be held either in the form of lectures for large audiences - up to several hundred students, or in the form of seminars or discussion classes for just a few students. The atmosphere in American university classrooms is very democratic. Students are expected to express their opinions and defend points of view, participate in discussions and make presentations. For international students, this is one of the most unexpected aspects of the American education system.

Every week, teachers give assignments to read certain sources. You will need to complete homework to participate in class discussions and understand lectures. Certain program requirements also include laboratory work.

The instructor assigns a grade to each student taking the course. As a rule, they depend on the following points:

  • Each teacher has different requirements for classroom work, but all students should take part in classroom discussions, especially in seminars. As a rule, this is a very important factor in assessing a student.
  • Usually, midterm control is carried out during classroom work.
  • To be assessed, you must submit at least one research or course work, or laboratory reports.
  • It is possible to conduct short exams or tests. Sometimes teachers conduct unscheduled knowledge tests. It does not have much impact on the grade and is intended to motivate students to complete assignments on time and attend classes.
  • The final exam is conducted after completion of classroom training.


Each course is “worth” a certain number of credits or credit hours. This number roughly corresponds to the number of academic hours a student spends in the classroom for a given course during a week. Typically, you can earn 3-5 credits per course.

The full program at most institutions includes from 12 to 15 credits (4-5 courses per semester). To successfully complete your studies, you need to earn a certain number of credits. International students should study full-time.

Transfer to another university

If a student transfers to another university before graduation, all (or most) previously earned credits are usually taken into account at the new university. This means that when transferring to another university total time learning remains almost the same.

Types of higher education in the USA

1. Public colleges or universities

This is an educational institution that is funded and operated by the state or local government. Each of the 50 US states has at least one such university and may have several colleges. Many of these public universities are named after the state and have the word "state" or "public" in their name, for example: State University Washington, University of Michigan.

2. Private colleges and universities

Unlike universities of the first type, these educational institutions are privately financed and managed. Tuition is likely to be higher than public colleges, and private colleges and universities are typically smaller in size.

All religious educational institutions are private. Almost all of them accept students of all faiths and religions, however, a certain number of universities prefer students who adhere to the same religious beliefs as the college or university.

3. Community College

These are two-year colleges that provide the opportunity to obtain an associate's degree (counted toward transfer to a four-year university). There are many types of two-year degrees. Most important aspect Such training is the opportunity to take this degree into account when moving to another educational institution. In general, this education is divided into two main areas: preparation for further education and vocational education for the purpose of employment. Associate's degrees in the arts or sciences are generally suitable for transfer to higher education institutions and colleges. It is unlikely that you will be able to transfer with an Associate of Applied Science or College Certificate qualification.

Community college graduates most often enroll in four-year colleges or universities to further their education. Since they can re-credit previously earned credits, students have the opportunity to complete their bachelor's degree in two or more years. Many community colleges also have English as a Second Language (ESL) or intensive English language programs that help students prepare for university-level courses.

If you don't plan to pursue more education than a community college, you should find out if your associate's degree counts for employment in your country.

4. Institutes of Technology

An institute of technology in the United States is a university with at least four years of study in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. Some of them offer postgraduate education, others have short-term programs.

Material prepared by: Makhneva Alena

The education system in the USA is recognized as one of the best in the world. Studying in America attracts foreign students with the opportunity to improve their English language skills, high quality teaching, experience in international communications, many popular programs and brilliant career prospects. US universities occupy first positions in international educational rankings.

America does not have a strict unified public education system. Here it is universal. Its structure is determined by each state separately. Nevertheless, education in America is multi-stage in nature. The country's educational system is represented by:

  • preschool institutions for raising children 3−5 years old;
  • primary school, including grades 1–8, which educates children aged 6 to 13 years;
  • a secondary school, where children aged 14-17 are taught; students are admitted to the 9th grade and graduate from the 12th grade with high school diplomas;
  • higher education, represented by colleges with a two-year period of study and subsequent receipt of basic education, as well as colleges and universities, where students are trained for 4 years and are awarded a bachelor's degree;
  • master's degree, which provides the opportunity to continue education with the possibility of awarding scientific degree master's degree (training period lasts 2 years);
  • a final stage of study lasting from 3 to 6 years, which leads to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Preschool education

The main goal of preparing children for school in America is to develop their abilities and instill in them an interest in learning. Classes (music, modeling, sports), as a rule, take place in a playful way; children also playfully master writing and reading.

Parents are given a choice of such preschool educational institutions, such as nurseries, kindergartens and preschool centers of public or private type.

In the USA there are several private kindergartens for Russian children, where they take children from 2 years old.

As soon as pupils reach the age of five, they move to older groups kindergarten, conventionally considered zero grades of primary school. This stage is transitional, since when conducting classes, teachers gradually retreat from game form, increasingly concentrating on the traditional.

In a number of states, children after graduation before school education issue certificates of general achievements, which are necessary for enrollment in the school.

There are also so-called preschool laboratories in America that open at higher educational institutions. This research experimental base for training future teachers is remarkably equipped, which creates optimal conditions for the full development and upbringing of children. Such departments are designed for children from 3 to 6 years old.

School education in the USA

The three levels of school education include primary school, secondary school and higher school. Primary school (elementary schools, grade schools, or grammar schools) begins with compulsory education in grade zero, in which children from the age of five are prepared for school. In primary school, learning is carried out mainly through play, so that children do not lose interest in learning and knowledge.

Often in elementary school, education is based on the implementation of art projects, excursions, and other entertaining forms of learning. This is due to the influence of the progressive education movement of the early 20th century, which involves teaching children through work and everyday activities and studying their consequences.

In secondary schools (middle schools, junior high schools, or intermediate schools), students can choose subjects, but at the same time mathematics, English, physical education and world history- are required. A second foreign language, art, technology can be additional items. In addition, in high school they begin to divide students into streams: ordinary and advanced. The latter identifies those students who are the best students in a given subject. The peculiarity of the so-called “honor” classes is that they cover the material faster and have more homework.

From the age of fifteen, students move to high school(high school), which includes both compulsory subjects and additional ones. High school students are prepared for four years to enter higher education institutions. Mathematics and foreign languages, as well as history and literature - subjects that receive special attention during this period. In addition, students can choose subjects based on their interests.

The most popular schools in America are The Lawrenceville School, American Canyon High School, and The Edwardsville Community Unit School District.

Higher education for foreigners

Education in the USA is considered one of the best in the world. Today there are about 4,500 higher educational institutions in the country. The duration of study for a bachelor's degree is 4 years. Obtaining a master's degree increases the duration of study to 6 years. Most American universities and colleges are private. The cost of training, depending on the prestige of the institution and educational programs, varies from $30,000 per year and above.

Most often, higher education institutions in the United States are called colleges, which sometimes causes some confusion. After school, applicants have the opportunity to continue their studies at American vocational colleges (community colleges). In such colleges, applicants can undergo a preparation program for higher education and subsequent transfer to universities, as well as master vocational programs.

The advantage of these institutions is that they help students adapt to the American education system, offer a more simplified admission process, and the cost of studying there is relatively low. Teachers at vocational colleges pay more attention to students due to their small numbers, so this option is very popular not only among Americans, but also among foreign students.

After studying at professional colleges for two years, students can continue their education at university colleges in the United States. This lasts for another four years, after which students receive a bachelor's degree.

To obtain a master's degree, a student must, during two years of study at the university, write a scientific paper on a topic of his choice and defend the research.

The highest scientific degree - Doctor of Philosophy - is awarded after conducting research and defending a dissertation after three years.

The most prestigious colleges and universities in America are: Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, Amherst College, Seven Sisters, Bard College, Berkeley Theological School, US Coast Guard Military Academy.

Opportunities for free education in the USA

Not everyone can afford to pay for studying in the USA. Therefore, many are looking for ways to get free education. This opportunity arises when paying:

  • scholarships that are awarded based on student achievement;
  • grants that are provided in case of impossibility of paying for education;
  • financial assistance provided by the educational institution.

Particularly popular scholarship programs for studying in America are the Fulbright program, the E. Muskie scholarship program and the AAUW educational foundation program.

To get a free education in the States, you need to pass high-score tests (GRE, GMAT, SAT), prepare high quality a motivation letter that would prove the uniqueness of the candidate for selection by the selection committee. You need to start looking for a scholarship or grant for free education two years before admission, since application deadlines, as you know, have their own deadline.

Outstanding athletes may be lucky enough to get a chance to free training thanks to sports scholarships. However, this unique American benefit is issued for only 1 year. It can be extended at the end of the season, but provided that the athlete has improved his results.

Russian students have the opportunity to study in the States under a student exchange program, based on an agreement between educational institutions for an internship or study for 1-2 semesters with accommodation in student-type towns or host families.

Tuition fees in the USA

It should be noted that the cost of studying at colleges and universities in the United States is not affordable for everyone. Studying in the USA is very expensive. If education in secondary school is free (there are only 10% of private schools), then the price at a university is sometimes really very high. To get a better idea of ​​how expensive it is to study in America, below is a table of study types and prices.

Type of training Age Duration Minimum cost Average cost English level
Summer camp 6−18 1−10 weeks $699/week $999/week Elementary
Language courses 16+ 1−16 weeks $350/week $650/week Elementary
Secondary education 11−17 1−6 years $13,000/year $30,000/year Intermediate
Preparing for university 16−18 1 year $16,000/year $25,000/year Intermediate
Bachelor's degree 17+ 4 years $ 15,000 $25,000−35,000/year Upper-Intermediate
Master's degree 20+ 2 years $15,000/year $25,000/year Upper-Intermediate
Doctoral studies 20+ 3−5 years $ 15,000 $25,000/year Advanced

Secondary and higher education in the USA

There is no unified national education system in the United States; each state determines its structure independently. Education is largely public, controlled and funded at the federal, state, and local levels. The most common system is public schools, except for them the education system includes church and private educational institutions (three thousand privileged private schools) in which about 14% of all students study. America's institutions of higher education are primarily private.

Children in America become schoolchildren between the ages of 5 and 8 and graduate from school between the ages of 14 and 18.

The US education system includes:

  • preschool education, where children 3-5 years old study
  • primary school (grades 1-8), which educates children aged 6-13 years
  • secondary school (grades 9-12) which educates students aged 14-17 years
  • educational institutions of the last level of education related to the higher education system

Primary education

At the age of 5, children go to elementary school (Elementary school, Grade school or Grammar school), to grade zero (Kindergarten). Although it is not compulsory in some schools, almost all children go through this stage of education, also called “Preschool”. Depending on the school district, in fifth or sixth grade primary education American schoolboy ends.

Secondary education

High school in the USA (Middle school, Junior high school or Intermediate school) is divided into two stages - junior and senior, each lasting three years. Junior high school ends with eighth grade, senior high school is grades nine to twelfth. In most senior secondary schools, students study mathematics (2 years), English (4 years), science (2 years) and social studies (3 years). American children typically graduate from high school around age 18. To receive a high school diploma, graduates need to complete credits in 16 academic courses during the last four years of study.

Colleges: local, technical, urban and elementary education.

Four-year colleges and universities Those who have completed a high school education may enroll in:

  • to community colleges
  • to technical colleges (Technical College)
  • to city colleges (City College)
  • to primary colleges (Junior College)

After two years of study, all of them issue a degree (Associate’s Degree) comparable to secondary specialized education. There is another way to continue your education - enroll in colleges or universities, where a four-year course of education ends with a bachelor's degree. To receive it, students must earn a certain number of credits and pass the required exams. Those who have received a bachelor's degree can, again, continue their studies to obtain a master's degree (2-3 years) or a PhD (3 years or more).

Higher education

American higher education is considered one of the best in the world and is typically completed over 4 years of college or university. In the USA, it is customary to call all universities colleges, even when we are talking about universities.

All American universities can be divided into three types. Subject to availability research programs or graduate programs, institutions of higher education are divided into colleges and universities.

Most four-year colleges are small (less than 2,000 students and most are religious) and private. Universities, in turn, are divided into two types: private universities and state universities. The latter, as a rule, are quite large and in many ways inferior to private ones. Private universities include the most famous American universities, such as Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale and others. A number of universities and colleges admit students only based on the results of a competition of documents on graduating from high school, but prestigious universities usually arrange competitive selection, since the number of applicants significantly exceeds the possibilities for admission to educational institutions.