Business plan for the investment project improvement. Investment business plan (business project)

For some, attracting investment is the only opportunity to bring their project to life, for others it is a transition to the next stage in the process of growth and development of the company. In any case, whatever the purpose of receiving external support, you will have to thoroughly prepare for it. Therefore, the example we provided of a business plan for an investment project, which will help achieve the goal, may be quite useful. You can easily find many other options in our extensive catalog.

A little about investments

By and large, an investment attraction plan is a set of certain documents that are designed to acquaint a potential investor with the project from the planning stage to the key point - making a profit.

In a broad sense, investing is investing capital in any area. For example, in production, science, trade or research. Often, potential grant seekers are aimed at receiving funds that will help them re-equip their enterprise, open a new production line, and expand their sphere of influence.

Sources of such financing may include:

  • the enterprise itself;
  • state;
  • banks;
  • foreign companies;
  • domestic large holdings.

The principle of creating a business plan for a project must, among other things, take into account who exactly your request is addressed to.

What is the essence of a business plan

It is no secret that the business plan itself is a document whose purpose is to highlight the following points:

In addition, he must necessarily represent a long-term perspective further development enterprises. A potential investor must clearly understand why exactly you are asking for money, how much you want to receive, and what benefit awaits him personally in all this. Without such a well-prepared picture of the development of events, it is, unfortunately, not possible to obtain the desired capital.

What to pay attention to

Using the example of our proposed business plan for an investment project, a version of which is available, we will try to highlight the main points that should be taken into account when drawing up such a document. It is important to note that we do not propose to analyze a specific enterprise, but, on the contrary, we offer a unified scheme under which you can “fit” any idea that requires attracting investor funds.

So, please note that the style of presenting information in your document should be strictly concise, structured, and competent. The text should be well perceived by absolutely any reader, and not just by a specialist in a narrow field. All parts of the plan must comply with a logical connection, and the information and data must correspond to reality.

When drawing up a plan, adhere to the following principles:

  • reliability and accuracy of information;
  • a sufficient number of necessary indicators and parameters;
  • use of extremely important information;
  • uniform distribution of information throughout the plan;
  • using correct language and avoiding controversial statements.

Not good good helpers there will be embellished facts: their use may cast doubt on you personally and your company as a whole.

It should be noted right away that no regulatory documents The structure of the business plan is not regulated, but you still need to adhere to the unspoken rules. For different projects The outline of your plan and its scope may vary.

It starts with the title page. It usually contains information of the following order:

  • compilers;
  • time and place of compilation;
  • Name.


Business from scratch - how to write a business plan: Video

Every activity has a planning stage. financial sector are paying attention to this issue special attention. An investment plan is a project that includes both a description of the stages of work in a business and an analysis of potential risks and a scenario of behavior in a particular case. Development of an investment plan is mandatory requirement, regardless of the volume of investments, therefore each investor must have the appropriate skills in drawing it up.

What is an investment plan and its differences from a business plan

The essence of this document is that it represents a complete strategy for achieving the goals and objectives, as well as the expected results of the investment. In a broad sense, any person can create an investment plan, not only in relation to the financial side, but also in any other area of ​​life.

In practice, this document is also called an investment (strategic) project, strategic investment plan or business plan. These concepts practically coincide, since in all cases we are talking about planning investments in an enterprise, the expected results of the investment and specific deadlines for achieving them. However, there are some differences between an investment plan and a business plan:

  1. A business plan is a specific elaboration of a newly created or already ready-made business, description of attachments, full estimate expected costs, participants in the process and a description of the expected time frame for achieving results.
  2. The investment plan largely coincides with it in structure, however, it represents long-term planning of investments in one or several types of business at once.

Therefore, a plan is a strategic project, and a description of business development is often an integral part of it. Thus, we can say that a business plan is the most important part of a strategic project. And therefore the concepts are often used with the same meaning, which is not a mistake.

Purpose, objectives and functions

Each plan has its own goals and objectives. In a global sense, the goal of a strategic project is to determine the object of investment, the timing of profit and the expected results from investment planning. That is, when setting a goal, the expert must clearly answer the question of whether the investor will be able to achieve his goals within the set time frame by investing a specific amount in the enterprise. Accordingly, the following tasks arise:

  • attracting investments;
  • creation of new jobs;
  • improvement of key economic indicators, business expansion;
  • correct prioritization, highlighting the main and secondary areas of business development;
  • analysis of the sales market (for this it is necessary to draw up a separate marketing plan).

Therefore, the development of a strategic project performs several functions at once:

  • creating a business concept and a model for its development;
  • practical implementation of this model, analysis of possible risks;
  • attracting new financial resources, searching for sources;
  • calculations and evaluation of the effectiveness of previously made investments.

To implement them, it is necessary to take into account several requirements for the preparation of this document. It must contain specific qualitative and quantitative indicators, real goals that are expected to be achieved in a given period. Also, any plan must contain a complete list of its benefits and weaknesses. In fact, it is risk analysis that allows the company to achieve financial stability, since the advantages of the business should not distract the investor from forecasting possible difficulties.

Regardless of the specific type of business, the structure of the plan looks approximately the same for all cases. It includes an introductory part with a description of the project, a main part where the stages, volumes of investments and desired results are described in detail, as well as a conclusion with tracking of all key indicators and an analysis of the actual situation on the market.

Introductory part

The introductory part is not just an introduction describing planning, but a project passport, which contains the following data:

  1. The name of the project, which reflects its essence. It often coincides with the name of the company, although it may differ from it - for example, in cases where the same enterprise implements several strategic projects at once.
  2. Detailed description of the enterprise. Its full name is given, constituent documents, details, main and secondary areas of activity. The introduction indicates the positions and names of all managers of the company, its key employees (chief accountant, heads of sales, advertising, security services, etc.).
  3. A detailed description of the products or services that the company provides. This section not only provides a list of products, but also describes their advantages and disadvantages from a sales point of view. Provide a description of competitive advantages (real and potential).
  4. Description of the stages of achieving goals. A schedule of investments is drawn up over different periods of time. When implementing it, they take into account the expected demand for a product or service, the growth rate of wages for various employees, and fixed costs (rent, depreciation, transportation costs, etc.).

Marketing plan

It is an analysis of the features of product sales:

  • analysis of market conditions;
  • goals and development strategy of the company in the foreseeable period (next year);
  • tactics, detail of each stage ( detailed description strategy);
  • budget, analysis of expenses and income (fixed and variable);
  • system for monitoring the implementation of the plan, the ability to adjust it.

Organization of the project implementation process

This is one of the most important components of an investment plan. Here the project itself, the stages of its implementation (timing, sales volumes, costs and expected results) are described in detail. Typically this information is presented in the form of a graph, which is compiled taking into account various factors:

  • decrease or increase in demand;
  • dynamics of purchase prices;
  • current environment;
  • development forecast.

At each stage of project implementation, responsible persons are appointed, and forms of control over their work and the activities of other subordinate employees are established.

Financial plan

A financial plan is essentially a budget with monthly (quarterly, annual) income and expenses of an enterprise. Income is calculated based on business development indicators (for example, sales volume, trade margin, average bill). Costs - based on fixed and variable costs:

  • rent;
  • purchase of goods;
  • fund wages;
  • taxation;
  • transport costs, etc.


The conclusion should contain reasonable conclusions about whether this project is worth pursuing in present moment how best to enter the market, for example:

  • minimal investment in the initial period;
  • location of the company (store);
  • pricing policy, aggressive market conquest.

Also, the conclusion should contain specific answers to all questions of the investment plan and a description of the stages of its implementation. Therefore, the conclusion is a summary of the project with brief description all its points.

Example of an investment plan

It is possible to develop a strategic project for the development of a company only if you have the appropriate skills. However, anyone can draw up a business plan for a small company (small business), if desired. As an example, we can take the opening of a toy store with the code name “Fairy Tale World”.

In practice, the plan for a specific project may differ slightly from the theoretical scheme, but in essence it will always include a cost estimate, risk analysis, marketing and financial plan.


The name of the store is “Fairytale World”. The main products are children's toys, goods for children under 15 years of age. Product advantages:

  • constant demand;
  • psychological characteristics of the consumer (it is more difficult to refuse a purchase to children);
  • the client purchases goods not only in connection with the holiday, but also in everyday life (baby food, cloth, stationery etc.).


  • high competition;
  • the presence of large companies that can offer a lower price;
  • high rental costs (usually it is advisable to place such a store in large shopping centers).

Calculation of initial investment

The initial investment estimate is about 4 million rubles based on the following calculations:

  • rent of premises for 1 month 150 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises 600 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment for trade 400 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first goods 2 million rubles;
  • advertising costs 300 thousand rubles;
  • organizational expenses for registering a business and processing other documents - 100 thousand rubles;
  • spare means for action in unforeseen situations 250 thousand - 400 thousand rubles.

Selecting a room

This is a very important point, since at least 50% of the profit depends on the choice of a specific location. IN in this case are guided by the following factors:

  • location in large shopping centers with a constantly large flow of customers, including families with children.
  • the location of kindergartens or schools, as well as other educational institutions nearby;
  • Another factor is the proximity of new buildings (new neighborhoods), where young families usually live.


Minimum requirement is to hire 6 people:

  • manager (manager);
  • 3 sales consultants working in shifts;
  • accountant;
  • warehouse manager.

Marketing plan

The most frequently chosen format is self-service, i.e. cash and carry. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the store’s assortment especially carefully. It should be quite diverse and designed for any family budget:

  • cheap plastic toys (consumer goods) and expensive goods ( board games, collectible models, game mechanisms);
  • It is mandatory to have branded products that are associated with children’s films, for example, the “Smeshariki” series, “ Angry Birds"etc.;
  • display of goods in strict accordance with the principles of successful merchandising (prices, color, design, in accordance with zoning, etc.).

Financial plan

Here we calculate the fixed costs necessary to maintain the normal state of the business (in monthly terms):

  • wage fund and insurance contributions from 150 thousand rubles;
  • monthly rent 150 thousand rubles;
  • outsourcing (cleaning, accounting is also transferred to it later) 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utility services of the premises is 30 thousand rubles;
  • taxation costs 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses 50 thousand rubles;
  • other (unforeseen) expenses 30 thousand rubles.

In total it turns out to be about 400 thousand rubles. monthly.

Risk analyzes

Risks include manifestations of business weaknesses that were described above:

  • high competition among stores in a similar segment (small business);
  • competition from large players (network companies);
  • seasonal dependence (the largest sales volume during the period New Year's holidays, decline in summer);
  • increase in rent payments and other costs (utilities, purchase prices, etc.).

Expected return

Also in investment plan it is necessary to specify in detail the expected level of income. It should be based on specific indicators:

  • trade margin minimum 50%, maximum 200%, average 100%;
  • average bill (excluding markup) is about 800-1000 rubles;
  • number of checks (sales) per day - on average 50;
  • daily income about 30 thousand rubles;
  • monthly income is about 900 thousand rubles.

Thus, in pure terms, the store can bring in about 400-500 thousand rubles. revenue monthly. This average value, which can vary significantly depending on the season.

In conclusion, you need to make a reasonable conclusion about whether it is worth doing such a business, as well as where exactly to start, where exactly to open a store. That is, the conclusion represents the answers to all the questions identified in the plan and the corresponding conclusions.

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There are a lot of ideas for doing business nowadays; some people grab hold of their blue dream, begin to strive forward, and do not calculate all the pros and cons of such a business. Others approach this issue more carefully and responsibly, drawing up a business plan for themselves in advance. This way, it is possible to understand whether the project is profitable, whether the goods and services with which a person wants to enter the market are relevant.

If there really are prospects for development in this direction, then it is very necessary to draw up a business plan for the investor. What can a business plan give an investor?

First of all, these calculations will help to understand whether the project is really profitable, what actions will be taken to achieve the goal, and how long it will take to repay the borrowed funds. On the other hand, if there is a need to take out a loan from a bank, then these calculations will be the basis for issuing or refusing to a novice businessman.

A business plan to attract an investor should be simple, convincing, and well-reasoned. The numbers and data in it should be presented based on current realities; they should not be taken out of thin air. This is the document on the basis of which all work processes will be based, and it must be compiled very carefully.

It is undesirable to embellish the existing facts, but you should not hide your ambitions. It is advisable to immediately indicate the existing risks for future partners, but this must be done in such a way that a positive decision is made on your issue. The difficulty is that there is no single well-thought-out template for drawing up such a business plan.

On the other hand, this plays into your hands, because you can draw up an action plan according to which absolutely every, even minor, moment will be taken into account.

The best option for drawing up a business plan is to use text information, graphs, tables, and diagrams. The more of the latter, the better, because it will be possible to clearly assess how relevant your proposal is.

The business plan must be informative to attract investors

The development of a business plan does not take a day or two. This is a rather complex, balanced project that needs to be approached by all parties. First of all, the investor will be interested in the following indicators:

  1. How much funds will you need?
  2. What is the intended purpose of these funds?
  3. How long and according to what plan will you act in order to implement your project.
  4. How qualified are the participants in the case?
  5. The company into which an injection of funds is needed will be assessed.
  6. The most topical issue is the benefit that an investor can get from working with you. There are no strict guidelines on exactly what a business plan should look like. Therefore, when creating it, pay attention to how informative and persuasive it is. In other words, it must contain reliable facts, calculations, figures, graphs that can fully confirm the information you provide.

Types of investment injections

For an investor, not only the business plan plays a role, but also the final cost of the project; what kind of investments you may need also plays a role. There is a certain classification that you can focus on:

  1. Real investment. This could be machines, equipment, land, premises, purchase trademark, money for personnel development and so on.
  2. Financial. This includes lending, purchasing shares and other types of securities.

In other words, novice businessmen may need either certain tools for work, or money. In addition, based on the correctness of drawing up a business plan, you can immediately understand what type of investment the businessman will make.

For example, he will receive a small income from the business, a large income, or no income at all. The latter will be relevant in case of obtaining a social or non-economic effect.

Options for attracting investments at different stages of the project

It happens that assistance in the form of material or economic benefits is not required at the beginning of the activity, but is revealed in the process of work. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the value of the business for a specific investor, and also be prepared to argue for this need.

Naturally, questions may arise as to why exactly in given time there is a need to invest in running a business. This could be either the systematic development of a new company or a mistake during the preparation of a business plan. In other words, certain expenses that have now come to light were not taken into account.

Whatever type of business plan you prepare, always remember that there is a certain list of factors that you must indicate when drawing up the document itself:

The simpler these calculations are, the better. You can show the step-by-step implementation of the business you have created now, the time reference, as well as the planned income.

And if everything seems quite simple, then in practice it won’t work out that way. Strategies for promoting your business should be carefully thought out by a professional!

The approach to drawing up a business plan should be clear, balanced, and thoughtful.

Any investor will be able to provide this document to their employees, who can easily check the adequacy and balance of the data provided in it.

Main sources of investment

There are a lot of people investing in business now, but beginning businessmen are not always lucky enough to find someone who is willing to take a risk. In total, there are two main directions from which you can get funds for the business you are creating:

  1. Finding an investor interested in your project. In this case, you need to draw up a carefully thought-out business plan, show how your idea differs from others, and convince the investor that his investments can bring him and you considerable money. Sometimes it’s not easy to do this, but if the project is really worthwhile, then none sensible person won't want to miss it.
  2. Contacting the bank. There are a considerable number of commercial organizations that are ready to invest in startups of young and motivated people. However, in this case, there will be many more questions to the business plan, so you will have to calculate every little thing, every detail, because it will be quite difficult to convince a qualified employee that the game is worth the candle.

The question will concern not only the payback of your business, you may also need to get acquainted with how the structure of the enterprise is built, what qualified personnel you already have, how things are progressing at the moment, how well the competitive market has been studied, what prerequisites for further development and expansion do you have There is.

Since the main nuances that are needed when drawing up a business plan and presenting it to an investor have already been considered, you need to understand where to find such a person or group of people who will want to invest their money in your business, because for some this seems somewhat unrealistic. Well, let's look at several methods through which you can find investors for a startup.

Now there are a considerable number special programs, sites that help you find a person or company who will agree to invest in you. There are both special platforms for launching startups and entire networks of business angels. In the latter case, you will not only be able to receive money for development, but will also receive help and support at every stage of this kind of cooperation. On the one hand, this is good, because you will have a reliable shoulder nearby, on the other hand, you won’t have to show too much initiative.

Business incubators are also popular. Some use online lending platforms or contact companies that directly deal with direct loans. Some people think it’s easier to turn to friends and family. However, in this case, we may be talking about a rather risky undertaking, when both you and your loved ones could lose a lot of money.

You can find a suitable investor on special websites

If you contact a company that can help you invest, then specialists there will be able to calculate how realistic the business plan you have drawn up is. Note that it is not necessary for an investor to look for a sample of such a business plan on the Internet - it is enough to simply know its structure in order to independently carry out all the necessary work.

Is the goal justified?

It’s difficult to say this without studying the business plan and without knowing what exactly your company will do. However, remember that convincing an investor of the benefits of your project is one thing. You will have to pay him back after the specified time, because infusions of funds into the development of the company are carried out for a reason.

Every investor wants to get some benefit from such work. That is why, before you start looking for an investor, weigh the pros and cons, and see if you can’t save money on your own to create a startup in a year or two. If not, and your idea is really worthwhile, then you should start looking for investors seriously.

Training video: business plan to attract an investor

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine about money “”! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action, which will allow you to turn a crude business idea into a confident one. step by step plan to implement a clear task.

We will look at:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed?
  • How to write a business plan correctly;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

To conclude the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring your idea to fruition and success things in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples finished works, which you can simply use or take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples submitted business plans can be download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections - step by step guide on its compilation

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many important functions that no other person can do differently.

With its help, you can secure financial support and open and develop your business much earlier than you can raise a significant amount for the business.

Investors react mostly positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, because they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also a necessary plan if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the risk calculation turns out to be too daunting, you can slightly redo, transform general idea to shorten them.

Creating a Good Business Plan - This great solution to search for investment and develop your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, of which there are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to our own efforts It’s worth using “other people’s brains”. A business plan involves many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, which can achieve success.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects yourself. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing your social circle, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultation on certain issues. This is the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and misconceptions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, but home- this is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current situation, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stably and regularly generating income). This is the first step towards achieving your dreams and secure middle class status.

If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in the video: “How to draw up a business plan (for yourself and investors).”

That's all for us. We wish everyone good luck in their business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of publication.