Bamboo: an elegant plant with sacred powers. “Lucky plant” – indoor decorative bamboo

Even in ancient China, people who were keen on the teachings of Feng Shui noticed amazing physical properties bamboo The plant was characterized by rapid growth, while being strong and strong. The Chinese also noted that if its voluminous massive stems are present in the home, good luck inexplicably appears in it, material well-being and idyll.

Since then they began to call him “ happy tree" It was believed that the plant is capable of absorbing all evil, ridding its owner of negative energy.

Symbol of happiness and the number of its stems

The trend to grow it at home has continued to this day. Today it is impossible to imagine a Chinese who does not have a single stem of this strange plant in his house or apartment. Even if it is not possible to keep bamboo at home due to the small area, any self-respecting Chinese has finished goods or furniture made from it.

In wise Chinese philosophies and teachings, bamboo has always been associated with lightness, tranquility, harmony, peace and serenity. At the same time, its powerful stems were personified with powerful internal strength, security and longevity.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, bamboo symbolizes strong, independent, persistent and wise man with an unbending will. He gives his owner strength in difficult times. life situations and helps to overcome all possible obstacles that are encountered on the thorny human path.

The most important thing is that bamboo, placed in an apartment according to Feng Shui, is a universal and sacred symbol. Depending on where exactly you place the noble plant, you attract living, beneficial energy precisely into the desired sphere of existence.

If you place a talisman in the southeastern sector of your living space, you will attract good luck and abundance in the material side, and activate the powerful energy of wealth. If the placement of the stems is in the north-west, you will definitely get help in important matters and issues that have been tormenting you for a long time.

Quantity According to Feng Shui, bamboo stems also have their own sacred meanings:

  • The two stems represent a strong, harmonious and happy union, filled with love and adoration, respect, awe, and affection. It is optimal to place such a composition in the zone of love and relationships, that is, in the southwestern direction of the room;
  • Three stems attract unconditional happiness, so they can be placed in the family sector - in the eastern part of the apartment;
  • The five stems symbolize constant abundance, prosperity and prosperity. Such a “bouquet” should be placed in the sector of wealth and money, located in the southeast of the home;
  • The seven stems are associated with strong vitality, good health, longevity, excellent well-being and physical strength. Place them in the central part of the room - it is the part that is responsible for the health of you and your household. It is optimal if they are located on the table;
  • The eight stems activate constant prosperity in all areas of life and activity. In general, the number 8 in Eastern philosophies is usually given the most favorable meaning, because inverted this number means “infinity”... Infinity of love, health, happiness, strength, prosperity. A composition of eight plant stems can be placed in any convenient sector of the room;
  • Nine stems are purchased for good luck. They are best placed in the areas of career, wisdom and knowledge. Success in these areas is guaranteed to you!;
  • Twenty stems, especially if they are tied with a red satin ribbon, are responsible for warm relations in the house, strong friendship, devotion and fidelity. This purchase is ideal for those who want to improve the shaky atmosphere in the house and strengthen the love between household members;
  • Twenty-one stems guarantee an influx of favorable energy in any area of ​​life, so placing the plant in this number is in the sector of the area of ​​life that you want to correct most.

As for the negative values ​​of the amount of indoor bamboo according to Feng Shui, the number “four” has it. This number symbolizes death among the Chinese, so a floral arrangement that includes such a number of stems can bring troubles and failures into your home.

This will especially affect the sphere of existence in the sector of which such a “bouquet” is located. For example, if you place four stems in the wealth zone, you can expect losses, unnecessary gains, and even theft. If you localize them in the love zone, the strength of your union can easily be shaken under any external influence. Be extremely careful in this regard.

Bamboo "magic"

You can not only place bamboo of happiness and good luck according to Feng Shui in its “pristine” form, but also decorate the room with it, or buy furniture with elements of the plant. Widespread coffee tables, shelves, chests of drawers with this wonderful plant.

A flute made from a plant is also a powerful protective talisman, especially if it is decorated with red ribbons and threads.

This product not only helps dissipate negative energy, for some reason accumulated in the house, but also to neutralize the “secret arrows” aimed at you. If you have this accessory in your home, you will be reliably protected from the machinations of enemies and secret enemies.

An indoor flower will definitely help you improve your life, find spiritual peace, inner strength and constantly accompanying luck. In addition, happiness bamboo will be an original and beautiful addition to the interior, especially if it is made in an oriental minimalist style.

Plant care

For your green “pet” to bring you joy and happiness, it is not enough to simply place it in the corner of the house and forget about its existence. Proper and decent care for such a magical plant is extremely important.

Timely change of feed water is the key to long-term preservation of bamboo in fresh. Never use running chlorinated water - it can destroy your valuable plant.

If you don't have a special one at home household filter, simply pour tap water into a large container and leave for 24 hours. It is advisable that its surface be exposed to sun rays. After a day, the chemicals will evaporate, and you can place the stems in this purified and saturated liquid with living energy.

Yellowed stems should be removed, as they can injure healthy “neighbors”. The same rule applies to darkened, rotting parts.

Light is another factor that can negatively affect the growth of a flower and its release of chlorophyll. Think about the plant's natural habitat. It grows in the tropical forests of equatorial Africa, in dense shade. Therefore, open sunlight is unlikely to “like” your new acquisition.

It is necessary to change the water in which the bamboo stands at least once a week. If you have an aquarium at home, feel free to place the stems in it. It will grow well thanks to microorganisms concentrated in sufficient water.

It is better to place the plant in a room deprived of natural light. Stones, branches and pebbles in the vase should be kept perfectly clean.

Bamboo is a traditional plant for tropical and subtropical forests in the Asian region. This member of the Poaceae family is actually a grass. However, thanks to its incredible growth rate, ability to adapt to any conditions and surprisingly strong stem, it very quickly turns into a real tree, forming a humid jungle.

Common bamboo is widespread in the south and east of Asia, Africa and Madagascar. However, for all other places this plant is considered exotic. And therefore, since the 19th century, it has been used with pleasure by designers to decorate the interiors of offices and residential premises.

At the same time, bamboo is always popular not only among decorators, but also among superstitious people, who consider it a symbol of perseverance, prosperity and constant movement forward. It is worth noting that all the positive signs listed below are associated specifically with bamboo, and not with something very similar to it ornamental plant– Dracaena Sandera.

Bamboo in the house

Almost all signs speak very favorably of the presence of this unpretentious and strong plant in the home. It can and even should be grown alone and family people, choose as a present and receive as a gift.

  • Bamboo stems growing on the windowsill have a very beneficial effect on the family atmosphere, harmonizing and organizing not only the space, but also the feelings and relationships between household members.
  • Actively growing shoots rapidly increase the owner’s well-being, and also contribute to his stable positive mood, excellent health and psychological comfort.
  • A strong and hardy plant helps the inhabitants of the home not only gain physical strength, but also strengthen their spirit. His presence helps to overcome any illness and adversity, and more effectively cope with difficult life situations and professional problems.
  • Bamboo is necessary for people in active career growth or intensive training. Its presence on the desktop of a student or schoolchild stimulates memory and attention, and activates mental activity. A green pet will help an adult acquire new knowledge and skills, awaken creativity and the ability to generate ideas.
  • Everyone knows about the incredible ability of bamboo to grow quickly. That is why the appearance of this plant in the house adds purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal to the inhabitants of the home, strengthens willpower and self-discipline.
  • This amazing grass can survive in the most unfavorable conditions. Such a thirst for life is contagious and adds optimism, mental vigor and a positive attitude to household members.
  • An interior decorated with bamboo has a great effect on the health of the inhabitants of the house. Its shoots relieve accumulated fatigue and depressive states, increase immunity.
  • Asian herb is valued by esotericists. They recommend growing it next to door and window openings to insure against leaks of positive energy and protect the aura of the home from dark external influences.

Healing Ability

The impact of the powerful energy of bamboo on sick people is extremely undesirable, and therefore the plant is not placed in the same room with the sick person. At the same time, his medicinal properties undeniable.

  • Traditional healers use a decoction of bamboo fiber to combat a variety of respiratory problems.
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, tea made from bamboo stems is used as an antipyretic.
  • The more delicate parts of the plant (leaves, shoots) are used to combat cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders and intimate problems.

Before using bamboo as medicine, you should remember that its stems contain poisonous toxins. They disappear only after special heat treatment.

Bamboo and feng shui

Feng Shui experts treat overgrown grass with special sympathy. They are confident that its appearance in one or another sector of the home contributes to the prosperity of the inhabitants. If you place a pot with bamboo in the east of the apartment, family well-being will come to the house, in the south - fame and recognition of the owner’s professional merits, in the southeast - wealth.

However, in order for the plant to “work” correctly, it must be turned into the main element of a special composition. The ensemble should include five main symbols that ensure a harmonious connection between the home aura and the external space of the world.

  • The center of the quintet should be a tree, whose role is played by the plant itself.
  • The second most important component is water. Its presence ensures regular watering.
  • Full growth and development of a plant is impossible without soil, which plays the role of the third component - earth.
  • Fire is an indispensable addition to the composition. Naturally, it is present only in the form of a symbol - a scarlet ribbon entwining grassy stems.
  • Complete harmony is unattainable without the last element - metal. Its function is performed by any small coins hidden in a pot or tied to a red ribbon.

When creating a bamboo composition, the number of plant stems plays an important role. It is unacceptable to keep 4 shoots in one container, since this number symbolizes death. But other numbers contribute to positive changes.

  • 2 stems placed in the zone of love and marriage (in the southwest of the home) guarantee married couple complete harmony, for lovers - passion and fidelity, and for lonely people - a meeting with their soul mate.
  • Do you wish your family happiness and prosperity? Place a pot with 3 shoots in the family area, that is, in the eastern sector of the apartment.
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties? It is enough to place 5 sprouts in the wealth zone in the southeast.
  • The magic number 7 in the form of bamboo branches, located in the very center of the home, guarantees good health to all household members.
  • If you want to attract Lady Luck to your side, then place a pot with bamboo anywhere in the apartment, but do not forget that the plant must have exactly 8 stems.
  • If you dream of the favor of fortune in a specific area, then ensure the presence of 9 shoots in the desired sector: in the north - for a successful career, in the northeast - for success in studies and making informed decisions. The east is suitable for solving family problems, and the southwest sector will help you find love. The southeast guarantees a salary increase or winning the lottery, while the south quickly brings you closer to fame and universal respect.

If you purchased a bamboo product

Signs convey a lot of positive things about the impact on the quality of life of a living plant. But what about souvenirs and decorative items made from materials such as bamboo? Doesn't its wood lose its wonderful abilities after processing?

  • If you become the happy owner of bamboo sticks, then be sure to hang them in the house near the ceiling near the door or window opening. And don’t forget to tie it with scarlet braid! Such a talisman will protect your home from external negativity and harmonize the internal space.
  • Bamboo flute in the house – great way dispel negative energy flows and concentrate all existing positive energy. To do this, you just need to hang musical instrument on a red thread in long sections upward in a selected area: above the head of the bed, in the center of the kitchen or living room, next to the front door.
  • A bamboo product, which has received the nickname “breeze” in our country, would be best placed on the street in front of the entrance to the home. After all, it has an amazing ability to “sift through” the surrounding energy, delaying all negative influences, concentrating and enhancing the positive ones.

Feng Shui meaning of indoor bamboo

Firstly, this is growth. Bamboo grows very quickly, with each section always longer than the previous one. Therefore, by placing a plant in one of the sectors of the apartment, you can achieve growth (career, spiritual, personal, etc.).

Secondly, bamboo in China is considered a symbol of health and longevity, since it is a hardy and strong plant. Place stems of growing bamboo in the children's area of ​​your apartment according to Feng Shui, and your children will be healthy and physically developed. And if you plant bamboo in a wealth zone, your family’s financial condition will gradually and systematically improve.

Thirdly, bamboo represents strength and inflexibility. It will have a beneficial effect on developing your own inner discipline and will give you the strength to overcome any problems.

Number of bamboo stems according to feng shui

Living bamboo is an unpretentious plant that takes root well indoors. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese call it “lucky bamboo”, because a certain number of its stems in a pot will provide you with advancement in a specific area:

  • 2 – love and family life;

  • 3 – happiness;

  • 5 – material wealth;

  • 7 – health;

  • 8 – growth (in a broad sense);

  • 9 – luck and success in any endeavor;

  • 20 stems tied with red thread are the “Tower of Love”, a symbol of care and friendship.

According to Feng Shui, red thread enhances the miraculous properties of bamboo.

In addition to living bamboo, it is also relevant to place products made from it in the apartment. This could be a picture with a bamboo frame, a kitchen tray, various stands and even furniture. “Get” lucky bamboo in your apartment, and your home will be filled with beneficial energy, love and prosperity.

The teachings of Feng Shui claim that bamboo in the house attracts good luck and prosperity. It is believed that this plant symbolizes longevity, vitality and help in difficult situations. That is why Feng Shui practitioners call it “lucky bamboo.”

Bamboo - Feng Shui meaning

The plant has very strong stems, which is why it personifies vitality and perseverance. Bamboo gives a person a sense of purpose, which many people sometimes lack.

In addition, it grows quite quickly, and therefore, in the teachings of Feng Shui, it also symbolizes accelerated growth in all areas of life, be it a career, improving personal life, achieving wealth or improving health. Even paintings depicting bamboo can harmonize a person’s life.

If you pay attention to the stem of the plant, you will notice that each subsequent part is longer than the previous one. This also plays an important role when interpreting the meaning of bamboo. This feature symbolizes harmonious and gradual development, when a person goes through it step by step.

Bamboo also protects the house and its owners from negative forces from the outside, and is capable of accelerating the fulfillment of desires.

If you decide to purchase bamboo for your home, choose a living plant and pay attention to the number of stems, each of which carries a special meaning.

2 stems. Favorable for building happy, harmonious relationships in which mutual respect, mutual support and unconditional love reign.

3 stems. If you want to find spiritual harmony and find happiness within yourself, which will not depend on external circumstances, buy bamboo consisting of three stems.

5 stems symbolize material well-being. The flow of money into your home will increase if you get a plant with five stems.


7 stems. They will contribute to the fact that you and your loved ones will gain what cannot be bought for any money - excellent health, excellent well-being and for many years life.

8 stems. They activate energy flows that are responsible for continuous development and growth in any area of ​​life. After all, the inverted number eight represents infinity.

9 stems. This is a symbol of good luck. If you want to become luckier and be surprised every time that the events and circumstances of your life work out in the best possible way, 9 stalks of bamboo is what you need.

20 stems are suitable for those who want to make family relationships more pleasant, warm and friendly. The effect of bamboo will be enhanced if you tie these stems with a red satin ribbon.

21 bamboo stalks are able to activate positive energies that you can direct into any area you wish - it all depends on what zone you place the plant in.

Where to put bamboo at home

Bamboo will have a beneficial effect on the circulation of positive energies in any corner of your home. However, if you feel that some area of ​​your life is significantly “lame,” then place the plant in a certain zone.

Eastern zone. This sector of your apartment is responsible for family happiness. If you place twenty stems of bamboo tied with a red ribbon here (this composition is called the “Tower of Love”), you will very soon notice how much your relationship with your family has improved.

South-eastern zone. A plant placed in this part of the house will lead you to financial well-being. Since the element of this sector is water, it would not be amiss to install here, next to the bamboo, photographs depicting water or talismans that personify the water element.

Southwestern zone. If you want to improve your relationship with your significant other or meet your love, buy a bamboo with two stems and place it in the southwestern sector of your apartment.

Follow the rules of caring for the plant, and then it will thank you generously.

First, monitor the quality of the water you feed your bamboo. It is advisable to purchase a special filter that will clean running water from chemical impurities. If this is not possible, pour water into a container and leave it for a day, preferably so that it receives sunlight during the day.

Secondly, promptly cut off stems that have turned yellow, darkened or begun to rot. Otherwise, they can infect their healthy “neighbors.”

Thirdly, sunlight may adversely affect the plant, because its natural growing conditions are dense shade in tropical forests. Place the bamboo in a room that receives minimal sunlight.

Fourth, remember that the water in the vase in which your bamboo grows should be changed weekly. If there are stones or pebbles in the vase, make sure that they are perfectly clean.


Bamboo in feng shui

More residents Ancient China noticed that the presence of bamboo in the house attracts good luck and prosperity and gives the owner of the home longevity and health. Since then, the Chinese called it lucky bamboo.

Sometimes the most effective remedy solutions to many problems - this is bamboo in Feng Shui, which is considered a source of life-giving force. Symbols of bamboo are security, longevity and strength. Chinese bamboo with straight and tall stems is very durable, it personifies a person of unbending will and great internal discipline. It gives strength in difficult life situations and the ability to overcome all troubles.

What does bamboo mean according to Feng Shui?

Bamboo is a plant characterized by fast growth and unpretentiousness. In Feng Shui, bamboo means rapid growth in all directions (career, study), gradual improvement in life, and material well-being. Strong and hardy, bamboo also symbolizes health.

If a panel, painting depicting bamboo or living bamboo is placed in the children’s area, then they will have good health, rapid physical and intellectual growth. Bamboo signifies the gradual, step-by-step and systematic improvement of life, since each successive section of bamboo is longer than the previous one.

Bamboo in any form (live plant or products made from stems) can gently change the flow of life. This plant is an unsurpassed protector of the home from any negative energy. With it, you will be reliably protected from evil spirits if it is in your apartment, and your wishes will come true as quickly as bamboo grows.

The Chinese plant several varieties of bamboo in their garden because each one sounds differently in the wind, causing the entire garden to sound like an organ.

Bamboo creates beneficial energy in the garden, and the melody created by the bamboo in the wind enhances yang.

The value of the number of stems of living bamboo

The value of the number of bamboo stems

Be sure to purchase live bamboo, it does not require special care, but will bring prosperous Feng Shui to your home or office. The unusual, original look of spirally twisted bamboo will decorate any interior. Chinese bamboo can grow in water or in soil. Make sure the water is clean - it should not stagnate, as according to Feng Shui this is an unfavorable sign. Change it periodically for a fresh one.

You can plant several stems in one wide container.

2 the stems will symbolize love and marriage. Bamboo is a symbol of love, loyalty and devotion.

It is believed that 3 bamboo stems attract happiness to every home, while 5 - wealth.

7 bamboo stalks in one pot will give you health. Since the central part of the apartment is the health sector, bamboo should be placed there.

Bamboo of happiness with 8 stems will mean growth in any area (career, welfare).

Bamboo with 9 buy stems for good luck.

Can be connected together 20 bamboo stalks with red thread, and you will get a “Tower of Love” - a gesture of friendship and care. Red ribbons and threads enhance the magical properties of bamboo.

“Lucky bamboo” can be grown in vases, shallow trays, but to enhance magical properties It is best to grow in containers shaped like a dragon, toad or turtle.

Location of the “lucky bamboo”

“Lucky bamboo”, located in the south, will bring fame and recognition, and in the east (family zone) - love, happiness and strengthening the family.

Plants placed in the southeast will attract wealth.

Any bamboo (indoor or outdoor) brings good luck. According to Feng Shui, bamboo can embody the harmony of all 5 elements at once, if created correctly.

The tree is a bamboo stalk. Water is the water in which it grows. The earth is the ceramic vessel in which it is located. Fire - red ribbons used to tie bamboo. Metal – coins that are attached to red ribbons or dropped into a vessel. If you manage bamboo correctly, it will help you live in peace and harmony with the world around you.

Decorate your kitchen with bamboo products: napkins, coasters, trays will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior and will be a source of energy.

Bamboo products

Bamboo is a symbol of good luck

Flutes, sticks and wind chimes are made from the hollow stems of dried bamboo. Flutes and sticks are neutralizers, which are created by protrusions in the apartment, sharp corners of furniture, overhanging shelves and ceiling beams. Bamboo flute hung on a red cord at an angle so that the long sections of the flute are at the top and the short sections and the hole of the flute are pointing down.

The flute can be used for other purposes:

  • to create a barrier to negative energy, flutes are hung next to the door;
  • to attract energy, flutes are hung at the head of the bed at an angle of 45°;
  • if you need to redirect energy, you need to place them in the corridor (optionally in the attic, basement or right next to the stairs), orienting them in the desired direction. In addition to redirecting energy, they will additionally disperse positive energy throughout the apartment.

Bamboo sticks tied with red thread and hung from the ceiling slow down the flow of chi in long corridors home, catching it.

Stems of bamboo with red ribbons can be placed above the front door, near huge windows, where negative energy that brings failure, chaos, problems is captured by bamboo and neutralized, and therefore things get better.

Bamboo wind chime

Bamboo wind chimes (or windmills) create vibrations in the air, which has a cleansing effect. In this way they reduce negative energy. These wooden products It is better to place it in the east or southeast on the wind flow, so that when they hit each other, they periodically make a pleasant sound. A bamboo mill “grinds” energy: part of it passes, part of it cuts off. It restrains negative energy and stimulates beneficial qi. Bamboo wind chimes can be hung in your home between the front door and the stairs leading to the second floor. This will restrain the rapid incoming flow of energy. Wind chimes will help retain energy in the house if front door and the door to the patio of the house are opposite each other.

They are also hung in places where the flow of qi changes direction, since in this case it is necessary to smooth out sharp transitions of energy.

Bamboo as a gift

The Chinese believe in the power of this tree so much that indoor bamboo available in every family.

There is a tradition of giving “lucky bamboo” to your friends on all holidays and celebrations, which is considered a true gift.

In this way, the Chinese provide a person with positive energy and wish him health and good luck. “Lucky bamboo” is given to both men and women because it is a symbol of yang, representing endurance, strength and courage.

Bamboo and products made from it are a universal feng shui symbol that can change your life for the better.