Tasks for a quiz on fairy tales. Literary quiz “Journey through fairy tales”

The magical world of fairy tales. Literary quiz with answers for children

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya average" secondary school", Kursk region
Purpose: The literary quiz is intended for children, preschool teachers, primary school teachers, class teachers, teachers additional education and parents. A variety of quiz questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge about fairy tales and their characters. Work will bring children positive emotions.
Target: consolidating children’s previously acquired knowledge about their favorite fairy tales.
1. Draw children's attention to literary creativity.
2. Remember and consolidate knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales.
3. Reinforce the concepts: folk and literary fairy tales, children’s ability to identify types of fairy tales.
4. Organize active leisure time for students and cultivate an interest in reading.

Teacher: Fairy tales are an integral part of childhood. There is hardly a person who, when he was little, did not listen to many of the most different stories. Having matured, he retells them to his children, who understand them in their own way, imagining images of the characters and experiencing the emotions that the fairy tale conveys.
According to scientific definition in literature, a fairy tale is an "epic" literary genre, a story about some magical or adventurous events, which has a clear structure: a beginning, a middle and an ending." From any fairy tale, the reader must learn some kind of lesson, morality. Depending on the type, the fairy tale also performs other functions.
-What kind of fairy tales are there?(Children's answers)
Each of us will agree that in separate species It is worth highlighting tales about animals. Second type - fairy tales. And finally, there are so-called everyday fairy tales. All types have their own characteristics.
-What fairy tales do you know about animals?(Children's answers)
Animals are creatures that live in close proximity to us. It is this fact that influenced the fact that folk art uses images of animals, the most diverse: both wild and domestic. At the same time, it should be noted that the animals found in fairy tales are not presented as typical animals, but as special animals endowed with human traits. They live, communicate and behave like real people. Such artistic techniques allow you to make the image clear and interesting.
- What fairy tales do you know about magic?(Children's answers)
The main characteristic feature of this type is the magical, fantastic world in which the main characters live and act. The laws of this world are different from the usual ones, everything in it is not as it really is, which attracts young readers and makes this type of fairy tales undoubtedly the most beloved among children. In most cases, this type of fairy tale has a typical plot, certain characters and a happy ending. These can be stories about heroes and fantastic creatures, tales about unusual objects and various trials that are overcome thanks to magic.
As a rule, in the finale the heroes get married and live happily ever after.
Everyday tales tell about events ordinary life, illuminating various social problems and human characters. In them, the author ridicules negative human qualities. Such tales can be social and satirical, with elements of a fairy tale and many others. Here they are ridiculed negative qualities rich and vain people, while the representatives of the people embody positive traits.
Everyday tales show that the main thing is not money and power, but kindness, honesty and intelligence.
We talked about types of fairy tales.
-What types of fairy tales are there?(Children's answers)

In addition to the above classification, fairy tales are also divided into author's and folk. Already from the names it is clear that author's tales are those that were written by a specific famous writer-storyteller, and folk tales are those that do not have one author. Folk tales are passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, and the original author is unknown to anyone.

Over the course of their history, each of the nations has come up with a huge number of instructive stories for adults and children, passing on their experience and wisdom to the next generations. Folk tales reflect human relationships and changes in moral principles, show that basic values ​​remain unchanged, teach to draw a clear line between good and evil, joy and grief, love and hate, truth and falsehood.
-What folk tales do you know?(Children's answers)

They can be both magical and everyday. Many folk tales tell about animals.

The question often arises: when was the first Russian folk tale invented? This will probably remain a mystery, and one can only speculate. It is believed that the first “heroes” of fairy tales were natural phenomena - the Sun, Moon, Earth, etc. Later they began to obey humans, and images of people and animals entered fairy tales. There is an assumption that all Russian folk narratives have a basis in reality. In other words, some event was retold in the form of a fairy tale, changed over the centuries and came to us in the form to which we are accustomed.
Author's fairy tales usually are a subjective adaptation of a folk story. Characteristics the author's fairy tale - psychologism, sublime speech, bright characters, the use of fairy-tale cliches.
Who are they, the authors of fairy tales?

Surely everyone has heard about “The Tales of My Mother Goose” by Charles Perrault, the fairy tales of the Italian Gozzi, the works of the German writer Wilhelm Hauff, the Brothers Grimm and the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. We must not forget about the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin! Their stories are loved by children and adults around the world. Entire generations grow up listening to these fairy tales. The most famous and beloved fairy tales are used to make films and cartoons.

The favorite heroes of fairy tales were and remain in Rus': Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful...
The world of fairy tales is amazing and diverse. In a word, this magical world fairy tales tell us that it is better to be kind and honest.

Fairytale Quiz:

I invite you to remember your favorite fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live?
(In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. Name Baba Yaga's vehicle? (Mortar)
3. What definition can be used to combine the following fairy-tale heroes: Basilio, Cockroach, Koschey the Immortal, Babarikha, Barmaley, Sherkhan, Karabas, Baba Yaga? (Negative heroes)
4. Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the prince's wife? (Frog)
5. What was Moroz Ivanovich's house made of? (Made from ice)
6. She sang her cheerful song, not noticing the lion cub, because her eyes were closed with pleasure. Who sang the song? (Turtle Tortilla)
7. What did A. Milna give in the fairy tale? Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" to Eeyore on his birthday Owl? (His own tail)
8. What was the name of the terrible room in Malvina’s house, where Buratino was imprisoned as punishment for his sloppiness? (Into the closet)
9. What was Karabas - Barabas the director of? (Puppet theater)
10. In what fairy tale did a grain of barley grow from a grain of barley? beautiful flower- the tulip in which the little girl lived? (H.K. Andersen Thumbelina)
11. What are the names of the wood particles formed as sawing waste that were in Winnie the Pooh's head? (Sawdust)
12. Guess his name:
"This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots." (C. Perrault. Puss in Boots)

13. What color is the cap of the heroine of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, who carried gifts to her grandmother through the forest? (Red)
14. In which fairy tale were the characters' names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Mishutka and Nastasya Petrovna? (r.s. Three Bears)
15. An animal from a fairy tale by E. Uspensky, who traveled in a box of oranges and settled in telephone booth name... (Cheburashka)
16. At what time of year does the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” take place? (Winter)
17. What fairy tale are we talking about: wolves, a child, a jungle? (R. Kipling Mowgli)
18. What protective device never helped the Princess and the Pea? (Featherbed)
19. From which plant did Eliza weave shirts for her brothers in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Wild Swans”? (From nettle)
20. Which fairy tale talks about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? (S. Marshak. Cat's house)

21. He is a great Russian poet, whose cities, squares, and streets are named after him. In his immortal works there are the Swan Princess and Uncle Chernomor, Prince Elisha and the learned cat, the golden cockerel and the Evil Balda. Who are we talking about? (A.S. Pushkin)
22. On which island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (On Buyan Island)
23. What first fell into the old man's net in A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale? (Tina)
24. Who said that?
“I didn’t sleep the whole night;
Unfortunately for me
It was terrible weather!
The rain just kept pouring down like that.” (Danilo in P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)
25. Name the fairy-tale long-lived king. (Koschei)
26. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
27. On which finger did you have to put the magic ring on in order to find yourself in the palace of the miracle of the sea, the forest beast in the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”? (On the right little finger)
28. Who from literary heroes pulled himself out of the swamp by his pigtail, did not lose heart in the stomach of a huge fish, flew on a cannonball, visited the Moon, grew a tree on the head of a deer? (Resp. Baron Munchausen)

29. Who is spoken about in the following lines:
“Kai looked at her. How good she was! He could not imagine a smarter and more charming face. Now she didn’t seem cold to him..." (Snow Queen. H.K.Andersen)
30. Identify the author of the fairy tale using the words: sea, ship, crown, prince, pain, witchcraft drink. (H.K. Andersen The Little Mermaid)

Target: summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Fairy Tales” using the works of Russian, Soviet and foreign writers, as well as Russian folklore.

Tasks: development of coherent speech, word creation, auditory and visual attention; consolidate knowledge of one- and two-digit numbers; arouse interest in competitive games; development of teamwork skills; relieving emotional stress; correction of fears.

Materials: magnetic board, illustrations for fairy tales, 4 baskets, cubes, a toy fox, wooden mushrooms, sheets with outlines of raspberries (coloring pages), cut-out color pictures for fairy tales or large puzzles, candies for treating children.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales in groups, theatrical activities based on fairy tales.


Children enter the hall to the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” They sit down on chairs.

The teacher enters with the boy Ivanushka.

  • Hello guys! Today brother Ivanushka came to visit us and he needs our help. Tell me, Ivanushka, what happened?
  • Baba Yaga bewitched my sister Alyonushka and she cannot find her way into her fairy tale. Do you know what fairy tale I'm from? What fairy tales are your favorite? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: A fairy tale can teach us a lot, it can force us, it can simply amuse us, create good mood, because in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Well, guys, let's help Ivanushka?

Children: - Yes! Yes!

– To do this, you need to go on a journey through fairy tales and cope with all the challenges that you will encounter along the way! And you will also find treacherous questions prepared by Baba Yaga. If you find the answers to them, the witchcraft will disappear, and Alyonushka will return to Ivanushka! Are you ready? Let's divide into 2 teams and hold a competition: the first team is “Well done”, and the second is “Dares”. The first competition is a warm-up. Just let's agree that the team to whom I ask the question will answer and not shout!!! So, warm up.....

Didactic game “Guess the fairy tale”

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled... (Kolobok.)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?.. (Pinocchio.)

Cinderella's feet

fell down by accident.

She was not simple,

and crystal... (Slipper.)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children? (Kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”)

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three bears.)

The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three little pigs.)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit.)

  • And the road is far

And the basket is not easy

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

  • There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water -

In the hoof hole!

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

The team that wins the competition receives a cube, which we put in a basket. Whoever has the most cubes wins.

1 competition."Fairy"

Educator: And now I invite one person from each team.

Children stand on both sides of the leader, the leader has an outstretched palm, and on it is a cube. Explanation of the task. The presenter reads a short excerpt from a fairy tale, the children quickly remember what kind of fairy tale it is and whoever remembers first quickly takes the cube from the presenter’s palm. The competition continues two or three times. The teacher reads several excerpts from fairy tales.

“They brought milk, eggs, cottage cheese and began to feed the fox. And the fox asks to be given a chicken as a reward.” (“The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”)

“... The cat heard... The cat came running... His back is arched, his tail is a pipe, his eyes are burning, his claws are extended. Well, scratch the fox! The fox fought and fought, but the cockerel let go.” (“The cat and the rooster.”)

. ... The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but there was no trace of her - she ran away. The wolf spent the whole night fumbling around the ice hole - he couldn’t get his tail out...

(“The Fox and the Wolf.”)

Now the cold winter has come, frosts have begun to creep in; The ram - there is nothing to do - comes to the bull: “Let me warm up, brother.” - “No, ram, your fur coat is warm; you'll survive the winter anyway. I won’t let you in!” (“Winter quarters of animals.”)

2 competition."Mushrooms for the Chanterelle"

There is a knock at the door (one of the adults helps to do this).

Educator: Someone is coming to visit us. She opens the door, a costumed fox comes in, or we take out a toy fox, and they ask her: “Why did you come running to us, fox?”

“Yes, I ran through the forest, with my little box,

and there were forest mushrooms in the box, she tripped, fell, and scattered the mushrooms.”

The presenter gives baskets to one of the participating teams and scatters mushrooms (you can cut colored mushrooms out of paper and scatter them on the floor, whoever collects more in their basket faster) counts, gives a cube, and the fox with mushrooms is escorted out the door.

3 competition."Berries for a bear"

Educator: Guys, you all have ever gone to the forest with adults (emphasize that, of course, you can’t go into the forest alone), but one girl went to pick berries and got lost, came across a hut in the forest. (Remember what kind of fairy tale, what the girl’s name is, who lived in the hut - the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”).

Educator: Do you know that the bear was angry with Masha, because she was able to deceive him? Let's appease the bear so that he doesn't get angry or offended, let's give Misha a treat.

Again, one of the teams goes out, the presenter offers to color the berries that Misha loves so much, who is most likely to color (use the contours of the berries on sheets of paper attached to a magnetic board). The winner gets a cube.

Dynamic pause “The fairy tale will give us a rest”

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

- The waist will become an aspen,

If we bend over

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

- So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One, two, three, four, five.

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

- If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One, two, three, four, five.

Say it again:

One, two, three, four, five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested?

On the road again!

(Children repeat the described movements.)

4 competition."Correct the mistakes"

Educator: There are mistakes in the names of the following fairy tales. Find them. I will call each team in turn a changeling. Be careful.

* “Cockerel Ryaba” - “Chicken Ryaba”.

* “Dasha and the Bear” - “Masha and the Bear”.

* “The Wolf and the Seven Lambs” - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”

* “The Cockerel and the Pea Seed” - “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”

* “Ducks-swans” – “Geese-swans”.

* “A fox with a saucepan” - “A fox with a rolling pin.”

* “At the command of the fish” - “At the command of the pike.”

* “Zayushkin’s house” - “Zayushkin’s hut”.

5 competition."Collect a picture"

On the trays there are cut-out pictures for fairy tales. I call one child at a time from the team, the children must put together a puzzle and name the fairy tale encrypted in the picture.

Educator: Well done, guys! You know fairy tales well and helped sister Alyonushka find her way into her fairy tale and meet her brother. Thank you.

Ivanushka thanks the children and leaves to meet his sister.

Now let's summarize.

We count the cubes, name the winner, and treat the children to candy.

Literary quiz

"Journey into the world of fairy tales"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about fairy tales; activate and develop clear intonation and expressive speech, enrich vocabulary; cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art, ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, watching cartoons and conversations on the content, listening to tape recordings of fairy tales, an exhibition of books on the topic, dramatization games based on fairy tales.

Preparatory stage: Two teams of children are formed in advance.


The music of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Children enter the hall, which is decorated with balloons and illustrations of various fairy tales.
Hello, children and dear adults! We are glad to see you at our quiz “Journey to the World of Fairy Tales”. Let's welcome our participants.
We present to you the jury. The jury scores each correct answer one point.
So here we go!

1 competition “Warm-up”

What name did the dog have in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter?


Who loved to brag and paid with his life? (Kolobok)

What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, and went into someone else's house where bears lived? (Mashenka)

Who had an ice hut, and in what fairy tale? (Fox)

In which fairy tale were they able to speak: the stove, the apple tree and the river? (Geese - swans)

What animal discovered the little house in the forest? (Little Mouse)

2 competition “Mysterious”.

You need to guess the names of the fairy tales.
(The leader asks riddles to each team in turn).

1. A girl is sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He himself, without knowing it,
He carries her home. (Masha and the Bear)

2. People are surprised:
The stove is moving, the smoke is coming out,
And Emelya on the stove
Eating big rolls! ( At the behest of a pike)

3. The granddaughter went to her grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
The gray wolf was watching her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

4. Those who didn’t want to work
Did you play and sing songs?
To the third brother later
They came running to new home. (The Three Little Pigs)

5. The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet
What awaits her in this fairy tale?
The toad will steal it in the morning,
An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole. (Thumbelina)

6. Grandfather planted it in the garden

Miracle - a vegetable to eat,

Summer is already passing,

Grandfather goes to look at the works.

He started to pull, but it didn’t come out,

You can't get by here without your family.

Only with the help of a norushka

We were able to pull out the vegetable. (Turnip)

7. Chanterelle - sister

She was very cunning.

Bunny - panty

She drove me out of the hut.

The rooster only managed

Stand up for the fox

Took a sharp scythe

And he managed to drive the fox away. (Zayushkina's hut)

8. The two mice kept playing,

They sang songs and danced.

They were tumbling, having fun,

They didn't help the cockerel.

“Not me!”, “Not me!”,

They shouted vying with each other.

The cockerel got angry here,

He stamped his foot and got ruffled!

Little mice are hiding here,

Instantly they turned into good ones. (Spikelet)

9. This house is not small,

He gathered so many guests.

Everyone has found a place here,

Everyone has found a friend here.

But the bear hobbled

This house was destroyed. (Teremok)

    "Eating rolls

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess" (Emelya)

    “An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, and handsome” (The Frog Princess)

    “There is a way, but it is not easy -

I catch fish with my tail.

The hole is full of it...

That's it, it's time to go home - it's dark.

Oh, looks like the catch is rich!

I can’t pull the tail back” (Wolf)

    "From the stepmother and from the sisters

Just reproaches and reproaches.

Oh, don't lose your head,

If it weren’t for the cow” (Khavroshechka)

5. He lives on the roof and loves to fly to visit his friend Baby. (Carlson)

6. Her stepmother forced her to work late and did not let her go to the ball. (Cinderella)

7. What was the name of the old woman in the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, who loved to do nasty things? (Shapoklyak)

8. This fairy-tale hero learned to write poems and play the musical instruments and even flew to the moon. (Dunno)

9. Who came to help Grandfather pull the turnip after Granddaughter? (Bug)

10. What was the name of the cat from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Matroskin).

4 competition “Guess which fairy tale this is from?”

I want to check how well you know fairy tales. Look at the TV screen and explain the magical power of this fairy-tale object. Name a fairy tale in which this item is present.

Items appear on the screen:

Walking boots. (boy-thumb)
Self-assembled tablecloth. (Old Man Hottabych, Two Ivans)
Golden Key (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

Golden or simple egg (Hen Ryaba)

Straw House (The Three Little Pigs)

Birch bark box (Masha and the Bear)

Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)

Well done guys! I didn't know you knew fairy tales so well.

5th competition “Correct the mistake in the names of fairy tales”

Listen carefully.

"Axe Soup"
"At the hare's command"
"Green Riding Hood"
"Puss in Shoes"
"Two Little Pigs"
"Wolf and Five Puppies"
"Sister Tanyushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Ryaba the Cockerel"

"Ducks - Swans"

"Zayushkin's House"

"Princess Turkey"

"Boy with a fist"

What wonderful participants you are! You know everything!

6 competition "Living Fairy Tale".

Each team needs to show a fairy tale without words through movements, facial expressions, and gestures. Teams must guess the name of their opponents' fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”).

In the meantime, the teams are preparing for the competition, I would like to test our guests’ knowledge of fairy tales. Well, what shall we check?

Playing with the audience.

“Add a word to the title of the fairy tale”

Geese -…(Swans)
- Princess -…(Frog)
- Scarlet - ... (Flower)
- Winnie -….(Pooh)
- Masha and….(Bear)
- Zayushkina...(Hut)
- Tiny -….(Khavroshechka)
- Sivka -…(Burka)
- Boy...(Finger)
- Red...(Riding Riding Hood)
- Sleeping Beauty)
- Tops -... (Roots)

Our guests are so attentive, they never make a mistake! I praise you!

7th competition “Question and answer”.

The teams need to answer my questions:

1. What was the name of Pierrot's bride? (Malvina)
2. Who is the right size for the glass slipper? (to Cinderella)
3. Who was born in the cup of a flower? (Thumbelina)
4. Who took matches and set fire to the blue sea? (Chanterelles)
5. Who cooked the porridge from an ax? (Soldier)
6. Who laid the golden egg? (Chicken Ryaba)
7. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Gerda)
8. What was the name of the village where the postman Pechkin lived? (Prostokvashino)
9. Who treated sick animals? (Aibolit)
10. Name the hero who lives on the roof? (Carlson)
11. Which of the heroes rode down the street on a stove? (Emelya)
12. What did the fly buy at the market when he found the money? (Samovar)
13. What did the wolf fish with in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”? (Tail)

8th competition “Magic chest”

Children take assignments out of the chest. Answer the question "Who owns these words?

Get into one of my ears and out of the other - everything will work out (Cow)

Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one (Morozko)

Don't drink, brother, you'll become a little goat (Alyonushka)

As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets (Fox)

I see, I see, don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa. (Masha)

The beaten man is not lucky,

The beaten one is not lucky (Fox)

The Milk River, the banks of jelly, where the geese and swans flew (Alyonushka)

We hear, we hear - not my mother’s voice! Our mother sings in a thin voice (Kids)

9th competition “Guess the melody”.

Now you will hear songs from fairy tale or cartoon characters. Remember the names of these fairy tales.
(An audio recording of songs from the fairy tales “Pinocchio”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” sounds. , "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats").

10th competition “Find a house for the hero of a fairy tale”

The names of fairy tale heroes are laid out on the floor in front of each team. Houses with different quantities window. To find out who lives where, you need to divide the names of the characters into syllables.
Children take any picture, determine the number of syllables in the name of the fairy tale hero and attach it to the desired house. (Kolobok, Cat, Cinderella, Thumbelina, Wolf, Fox, Malvina, Aibolit, Rooster)

11th competition “Fairytale puzzles”. (Captains competition)

Each team needs to listen carefully to the assignments and solve fairytale puzzles.

1. How many animals did Kolobok meet in the forest? (4 - hare, wolf, fox, bear)
2. How many petals does the Seven-flowered Flower have? (7)
3. The heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” came to visit the heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. 4. How many of them are there together? (8 – a wolf and 3 piglets, Masha and 3 bears)
5.What was the cat’s position in the fairy tale “Turnip”? (5 – grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug. Cat, mouse)
6.Name five fairy tales in which the fox was the hero.
7. How many heroes are there in the fairy tale “Winter Lodge of Animals”? (Wolf and bear, bull, ram, goose, rooster and pig.)

Well done, captains!

Our quiz “Journey to the World of Fairy Tales” has come to an end. I would like to thank both teams for their active participation in the game. You have proven to us that you are real experts in fairy tales.

And now the jury gives the floor.

Summing up.
Rewarding. Presentation of prizes.
Music sounds, children leave the hall.

Quiz on fairy tales. "Our Favorite Fairy Tales"

- To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales;
- develop individual literary preferences;
- to awaken in children an interest in theatrical play, to develop intonation expressiveness speech, develop the ability to build a dialogue between fairy-tale characters, enrich children's vocabulary;
- cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, camaraderie, friendliness;
- contribute to the establishment interpersonal relationships between children of the group, their parents and teachers;
- evoke a positive emotional response, a desire to take part in team competitive games of a developmental nature

Cognition, communication, reading fiction, socialization, music, physical education.
Preliminary work: reading, telling fairy tales, conversations on fairy tales, thematic exhibition “In the World of Fairy Tales”, theatrical activity of playing with a table theater.
Organizational moment: children are divided into 2 teams, come up with team names.
Material: audio recordings, slides of fairy-tale characters, fairy-tale objects and illustrations for fairy tales.
Quiz progress:
Children join the group to the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”
Hello guys! Tell me guys, do you like fairy tales? A fairy tale is an amazing, magical world in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations occur. Do you like fairy tales? Then I suggest you conduct a literary quiz “Our Favorite Fairy Tales”. Let's greet each other, the team - "Storytellers" and the team - "Wizards". Guys, let's greet our jury. The jury will evaluate each of your correct answers with one point, and at the end of our quiz they will sum it up.
And so let's start our quiz with a warm-up. I will ask questions to each team in turn, and you must answer quickly. Are you ready? Let's begin!
1 competition “Warm-up”
1. Who did Kolobok meet during his travels? (with a hare, wolf, bear, fox)
2. Who pulled the turnip? (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse)
3. What egg did the Ryabya hen lay? (golden)
4. To whom was Little Red Riding Hood going? (to grandma)
5. Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gena)
6. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
7. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)
8. What did Mukha – Tsokotukha buy at the market? (samovar)
9. Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)
10. What did the Wolf fish with in the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf”? (tail)
11. Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)
12. Who helped the girl and her brother hide from the geese? (milk river - jelly banks, apple tree, stove)
13. Who caught Ivan Tsarevich’s arrow? (frog princess)
14. What kind of hut did the fox have? (icy)
2nd competition “Find out the fairy tale by description”
Well done, I see that you are well prepared. For the next competition “Find out a fairy tale by description”, first listen carefully and then answer.
1. In the fairy tale, the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Apple tree, cover me!
Rechenka, save me!

2.At the forest edge
There were two huts.
One of them melted
One is still standing.
"Zayushkina's hut"

3.The thief stole wheat,
And Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magical
And Ivan rode him.

4. Said a word -
The stove rolled
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don’t know
Lucky lazy guy?
"At the command of the pike"

5. Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
I messed up a little:
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window.
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

6. There is no river or pond.
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

7. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.
I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.
"Masha and the Bear"

8. It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?

9. The mouse found a home for itself.
The mouse was kind.
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents.

10. The maiden is beautiful, sad
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.
"Snow Maiden"
3 competition “Guess the hero of the fairy tale.”
Guys, now all your attention is on the screen. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale, and from which fairy tale he came to us. (Slides are shown on the TV screen) Guys, guess who the riddle is about

There is a hut in the dark forest, standing backwards.
In that hut there is an old woman - And her name is (Yaga).
Well done, let's take a little rest.
Physical minute "Baba Yaga". (audio recording starts)
4 competition “Correct the mistake”
"Ryaba the Cockerel", "Dasha and the Bear"
"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs", "Ducks and Swans"
“A fox with a saucepan”, “Zayushkin’s house”
“Turkey Princess”, “Katya and Brother Ivanushka”
“Tsarevich Ivan and the Green Wolf”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Mouse”
“At the behest of a dog”, “Bubble, straw and shoe”.
5th competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”
All attention is on the screen. You need to guess and name the name of the fairy tale. (Illustrations for fairy tales are shown on the screen.)
6th competition “Name the magic object”
Guys, look at the TV screen, name the fabulous object and what is its power.
Items appear on the screen:
Mitten, carpet - airplane, boots - walkers, mirror, broom, wand, ball, glass slipper, golden key, golden egg, whale fish, pumpkin carriage.
Well done, everyone named and answered.
Guys, our quiz has come to an end. And now our respected jury will sum up and announce the result.
The result is announced and small gifts are given to the children.
Guys, we don’t say goodbye to fairy tales, but say goodbye to them and see you again.

Quizzes are entertaining games in which you need to answer questions quickly and correctly. questions asked. In elementary school, a quiz on Russian fairy tales is relevant.


Quizzes are distinguished by:

  • Theme of the event.
  • Difficulty of questions.
  • Rules of the event.
  • Reward for the winner.

The following can take part in the quiz:

  • Two people: one asks questions, the other answers.
  • One leader and one team of players.
  • Two or more playing teams.

Quizzes for kids

IN school age Quizzes are encouraged during extracurricular activities. By choosing various topics for competitions, the teacher organizes entertaining and educational events in order to expand and strengthen existing knowledge. Quiz in Russian folk tales occupies not the last place during school events.

Purpose of the school quiz:

  • Unite the class: the team must act as one coherent organism.
  • Test students' knowledge.
  • Preparing for the quiz will motivate students to improve themselves and strengthen their knowledge.
  • The prize becomes an incentive to win and thus stimulates the expansion of existing knowledge.

For junior classes

Fairy tale quizzes are most often organized in elementary grades. At this age, children are interested in such works and gain a lot of knowledge from them. Fairy tales contribute to the development of the concepts of “good” and “evil”; the child learns honesty, justice, sees that a bad deed is followed by punishment, that anger, resentment, and revenge do not lead to anything good.

Thus, a quiz on Russian folk tales will contribute to the development positive qualities from a schoolboy.

Classification of Russian folk tales

There are three large sections of works of this genre:

  • About animals.
  • Household.
  • Magical.

They also differ in the characters they play. In fairy tales about our lesser brothers, the qualities of people are transferred to animals that speak, think and behave like people. In everyday life there is a truth of life, greed and stupidity are ridiculed. Magical ones are full of wonders.

The meaning of all fairy tales is to show how good defeats evil, stupidity, and rudeness. The main characters are endowed with ingenuity, kindness and responsiveness.

Why hold competitions?

A fairy tale quiz for children has the following goals:

  • Summarize existing knowledge of fairy tales.
  • To cultivate a love for oral folk art.
  • Develop your imagination.
  • Learn to recognize fairy tales by their characters.
  • Develop associative memory.
  • Motivate schoolchildren to further read works of fiction.

The folk tale quiz has a positive impact aimed at proper upbringing schoolchildren.

For example, the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen are relevant in They talk about kindness, friendship, responsiveness and readiness to always come to the aid of a friend.

Quiz on fairy tales by G.H. Andersen

  1. Who took the sleepy Thumbelina away from the woman’s apartment in which she lived (based on the fairy tale of the same name “Thumbelina”):
  • Toad.
  • Mouse.

Correct answer: Toad.

2. What wish did Thumbelina make before her wedding to the mole (based on the fairy tale of the same name):

  • Eat.
  • Sing a song.
  • Look at the sun.

Correct answer: look at the sun.

3. As in the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea,” the queen found out that the girl who came to them was a princess:

  • I asked her to dance.
  • I put a pea under her mattresses.
  • I took my word for it.

Correct answer: I put a pea under her mattresses.

4. What the Little Mermaid sacrificed to the witch in exchange for legs instead of a tail (according to the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”):

  • I paid the money.
  • I cast my vote.
  • Gave me a necklace.

5. Who was the first to shout “But the king is naked!” (based on the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes”):

  • Old lady.
  • Child.
  • One of the courtiers.

Correct answer: child.

6. Which birds aroused the admiration of the duckling in the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”:

  • Chickens.
  • Ducks.
  • Swans.

Correct answer: swans.

7. What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”:

  • Roses.
  • Daisies.
  • Tulips.

Correct answer: roses.

8. What metal was made of the steadfast soldier who fell in love with the beautiful dancer (based on the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”)?

  • Copper.
  • Tin.
  • Bronze.

Correct answer: tin.

9. How many brothers did Elsa have in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”:

  • Eleven.
  • Nine.
  • Thirteen.

Correct answer: eleven.

10. How he “distributed” dreams to the children of Ole-Lukoje (based on the fairy tale of the same name “Ole-Lukoje”):

  • Placed it under the pillow.
  • I told it in the baby's ear.
  • Opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Correct answer: opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Love for fairy tales

  1. When the cockerel choked on a grain, to whom did the hen run first for some water (according to the fairy tale “The Bean Seed”):
  • To sticky.
  • To the girl.
  • To the river.

Correct answer: to the river.

2. What did the Fox treat the Crane in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”;

  • Potatoes.
  • Milk.
  • Semolina porridge.

Correct answer: semolina porridge.

3. Where did the seventh kid hide from the wolf (according to the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”):

  • Under the table.
  • On the roof.
  • In the oven.

Correct answer: in the oven.

4. Who drove the fox out of the bunny’s hut (according to the fairy tale “The Bunny’s Hut”):

  • Rooster.
  • Wolf.
  • Bear.

Correct answer: Rooster.

5. How Mashenka outwitted the bear and was able to return home (based on the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”):

  • She hid in a box of pies.
  • She ran away from the Bear.
  • She followed the Bear when he carried gifts to her grandparents.

Correct answer: hid in a box of pies.

6. Whom Kolobok did not meet on his way (based on the fairy tale of the same name “Kolobok”):

  • Wolf.
  • Hare.
  • Hedgehog.

Correct answer: Hedgehog.

7. How the cancer outwitted the Fox and was the first to “reach” the agreed place (according to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”):

  • He asked the Wolf to carry him to the place.
  • Clings to the Fox's tail.
  • I just got there first.

Correct answer: attached to the Fox's tail.

8. How many animals fit in the tower (based on the fairy tale of the same name “Teremok”):

  • Four.
  • Five.
  • Six.

Correct answer: five.

9. How the Wolf caught fish in an ice hole (based on the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”):

  • With a fishing rod.
  • With your tail.
  • With a net.

Correct answer: with your tail.

10. How the Fox wanted to force the black grouse to come down to the ground (according to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Black Grouse”):

  • She said that a decree had been signed according to which animals do not touch each other.
  • I wanted to treat him with grains.
  • She invited me to visit her.

Correct answer: she said that a decree had been signed according to which animals do not touch each other.

Magic in fairy tales

One of interesting topics in class extracurricular lessons is a fairy tale quiz. Primary school is the most appropriate time for this. Children primary school They are just at that age when everything unusual and magical is interesting. Some students believe in miracles and want to meet fairies and other unusual characters. Therefore, fairy tales are among the favorites of primary schoolchildren.

One of the most relevant events at this age is a fairy tale quiz.

Reinforcing knowledge about folk tales

The suggested activities can be used in extracurricular activities that include a fairy tale quiz, with the answers given below.

  1. Who constantly gave advice and helped Vasilisa complete all her stepmother’s tasks (according to the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”):
  • Kitty.
  • Doll.
  • Girlfriend.

Correct answer: doll.

2. Who stole from the royal garden (according to the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”):

  • Robbers.
  • Firebird.
  • Wolf.

Correct answer: Firebird.

3. The princess was sitting at the window in the high mansion. What had to be done to take her as a wife and receive half a kingdom in addition (according to the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”):

  • Jump on your horse to the window and touch the princess's hand.
  • Sing her a song.
  • Jump on your horse to the window and kiss the princess.

Correct answer: jump on a horse to the window and kiss the princess.

4. Who did brother Ivanushka turn into after disobeying his sister and drinking water from a hoof (based on the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”):

  • Calf.
  • Baby goat.
  • Lamb.

Correct answer: baby goat.

5. Why did the Snow Maiden melt? What she did (based on the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”):

  • Jumped over the fire.
  • I went to the stove.
  • I went out into the sun.

Correct answer: jumped over the fire.

6. Why did you leave Ivan Tsarevich? What he did (based on the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”):

  • Burnt the frog's skin.
  • He told his brothers about her magical transformation.
  • He left her at home without taking her with him to the feast.

Correct answer: burned the frog's skin.

7. Who was the first person the girl asked where she could find her brother, carried away by the geese-swans (according to the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”):

  • At the apple tree.
  • At the stove.
  • By the milk river.

Correct answer: by the stove.

8. What magical fish did Emelya catch (according to the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”):

  • Goldfish.
  • Pike.
  • Crucian carp.

Correct answer: pike.

9. Who helped the girl escape from Baba Yaga and gave her a comb and a towel, from which they made a wide river and (according to the fairy tale “Baba Yaga”):

  • Birch.
  • Dogs.

Correct answer: cat.

10. Which bird helped Tereshechka get home and escape from the witch (according to the fairy tale “Tereshechka”):

  • Gosling.
  • Martin.
  • Firebird.

Correct answer: gosling.

Fairy tales are an extraordinary world filled with magic, in which good triumphs despite all difficulties. Children happily perceive the positivity that comes from such works. Therefore, a fairy tale quiz held at school will give students positive emotions and allow them to have a good time.