Saturn line, or line of fate. What does a broken line of fate in the palm of your hand mean? Weakly expressed trait

The line of Saturn includes everything that from birth is perceived as an unconsciously pressing and captivating cause.

With the fate line, it is important to pay attention to where it begins on the hand. This can be at four points, namely:

a) near the life line,

b) on the plain of Mars,

c) at the wrist (rassettas),

d) at the Hill of the Moon.

If the line of fate begins at the line of life, then it takes part in the life of the corresponding circumstances and promises, depending on whether it is well or poorly outlined, a happy or unhappy life.

If it begins on the plain of Mars, the more it moves towards the center thumb- the more painful life it means; but if she beautiful shape, it also shows benefits and honors in the service (Fig. 75 d).

Where the blossom became the beginning of the line of Saturn and rises directly to the hill of the same name, then this is good sign, if only it does not go too far beyond the Mount of Saturn.

If the line of Saturn begins at the Mount of the Moon, and then goes straight to the Mount of Saturn, then it means that a happy occasion awaits you, owing its cause to the disposition of the spirit, because the Moon is a sign of variability and whimsicality.

The line of Saturn can end in various places.

If the line of fate cuts deeply into the finger of Saturn (Fig. 71 l), then this is a sign of a melancholic temperament and a sad, ill-fated fate.

If the line of fate is curved and ends on the Mount of Jupiter (Fig. 81 b), then this foreshadows misfortune in the fatherland and happiness in a foreign land. At the same time, ending on the mount of Jupiter means the influence of ambition on thoughts and actions.

The line of Saturn, which goes straight and ends on the Mount of Saturn (Fig. 80 d), indicates quick and unexpected happiness. If, as a continuation of this line of Saturn, more dashes appear on Saturn’s finger (Fig. 80 f), then this means happiness in agriculture, mining, etc.

If the line of Saturn ends at the main line (Fig. 78 e), then this portends happiness in natural research.

If the line of Saturn ends on the Mount of Apollo, then this indicates a desire for literature and art. Its ending on the hill of Mercury reveals the ability for commercial affairs, on the hill of Mars - ardor, lust for power and coquetry.

If only she heads towards one of the hills without reaching it, then this again has a different meaning. Its direction to the Mount of Mercury means success in business or fame due to eloquence; direction to the Mount of Apollo - success in the arts or wealth; direction to the Mount of Jupiter - happiness and ambitious aspirations.

If the line of Saturn is cut in a triangle (Fig. 80 f), then this means a danger threatening life.

A winding, interrupted, repeatedly cut line of fate (Fig. 79 d) predicts fever and stomach pain.

Crossing the straight line of Saturn in four or five different places indicates captivity. The bifurcation of the line of fate (Fig. 78 f) foreshadows long-term captivity.

Interruptions in the Saturn line represent misfortune and torment in life. This should be attributed to heart adventures, mediocre or directly, if the fate line is interrupted at the heart line. And to the circumstances of the mind and soul, if the Saturn line is interrupted at the head line.

If the line of Saturn, interrupted, crosses the plain of Mars, then this foreshadows concerns about food, generally concerns about moral or physical properties. If the line of fate doubles and at the same time intertwines, then this foreshadows troubles and illnesses due to an overly voluptuous life. If the straight line of fate is doubled throughout its entire length, then it means that you have an unusually happy fate.

Of great importance is the difference in the meaning of this line on the left and on right hand.

Let's explore this in a specific case. Let's assume that the line of fate begins at the Mount of Venus.

On the right hand it means an amorous nature.

On the left is a person who will not stop at any means to satisfy his passion.

If it begins at the Mount of the Moon, then this means: on the right hand - long life, on the left hand - the desire for a long life. If together on both hands - a happy occasion, which owes its reason to a good mood.

A cross on the line of Saturn at the height of the hill of the same name means misfortune, captivity and even danger to life.

Forks and bifurcations on the Saturn line, heading outward, portend happiness.

The method of measuring the line of fate, which is modern times is considered generally accepted, as we have already shown; here we will outline an even more ancient method (Fig. 71). According to this method, the point of intersection with the line of the stomach or Mercury means a period of time up to 25 years; the point of its intersection with the head line gives the 50th year of life; the point of intersection with the happiness line is the 75th year of life. If the line continues, then its end point means the 90th year of life, and in the middle of this segment is the 80th year of life.

When determining the points of life, we should not be misled by the frequent interruption or movement of this line.

The Saturn line is in the center of the palm. It starts at the wrist and extends to the middle finger or Mount of Saturn. In another way, it is also called the line of fate.

If there is no branch, then the person is independent, has free will, but often cannot decide on a goal. Two lines of fate - lucky sign, it promises good luck and the support of true friends. On the left hand the feature is more pronounced than on the right.

General characteristics

The characteristics of the Saturn line are very individual. It looks different for each person, the differences can be dramatic. Here are the main properties of the trait:

  • Direct and clear
  • Weakly expressed
  • winding
  • Intermittent.

Straight line

A straight line that ends on the Mount of Saturn foreshadows a measured life and happiness in old age. Such people are conservative; they do not accept sudden changes. They feel calm if the path of life goes according to a strictly planned plan. There are no ups and downs on their path, they do not reach the heights of glory, but they do not fall into the abyss of failure.

Weakly expressed trait

If the Saturn line is barely visible on the palm, then the person has a strong will. He determines his own destiny and does not like to rely on chance. At the same time, it is difficult for such people to decide on goals; they often change their occupation.

Saturn line on the palms. Palmistry. Sergey Serebryakov

LINE OF DESTINY No. 1, prosperity, travel and relocation (Bhagya Rekha)

Fortune telling. palmistry. line of fate. signs

Details about the line of fate. Palmistry

Failures cripple them, they lose their bearings. Much depends on interaction with other signs on the hand. When a trait is absent altogether, its owner will face ups and downs, but the results depend solely on the decisions he makes.

Twisted line

A wavy line is a sign of a wavering personality. Such people are greatly influenced by other people's opinions; they depend on loved ones. They rarely make decisions on their own and rely on the advice of others. Fate will be determined by who will be there and what influence they will have. If you are lucky enough to meet a true friend and mentor, everything will go well. Otherwise, a person will face difficult trials, temptations and failures.

dashed line

A gap in one place portends drastic changes. Perhaps you are bored with your profession, you are unhappy with your financial situation, or you want to change your environment. How the fateful decision will affect your future life depends on the state of the Saturn line in the second section. When it disappears and becomes weaker, it means the changes have not been beneficial. A clear line means the decision was made successfully.

A line consisting of separate sections is a sign of indecision. Its owner often changes his lifestyle, tries himself in different areas, and finds it difficult to make a decision in life. Happiness and peace are fickle, he is never satisfied with his own situation. An island at the point of rupture is a sign of difficult choices and doubts.

Beginning of the line of Saturn

The Saturn line begins at the bottom of the palm. But the starting point is in different places. Here are some options:

  • Mount of Venus
  • Mount of the Moon
  • Gap between Venus and Moon
  • Center of the palm (plain of Mars)
  • Life line
  • Branch of the mind or heart.

Palmistry places great importance on where the line of fate begins. An island at the beginning is an unfavorable sign; it indicates great doubts and difficulties in choosing a path. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Launch on the Moon and Venus

The beginning of the Saturn line from the Mount of the Moon is a harbinger of an active life in which events quickly replace each other. Such people are active, but often think only about themselves. Starting on the Mount of Venus is a sign of a sensitive and emotional nature. Emotions, love affairs and matters of the heart have a decisive influence on fate. When the line crosses the life line, the personality depends too much on the parents. If the Saturn line begins between two hills, a person will have an active life, he will be spiritually developed and emotional at the same time.

Palm center

If the Saturn line on your hand begins with the Mars plain, expect material difficulties in your youth. It is difficult for such people to decide on a profession and life priorities. But by the age of 30-35 they get back on their feet, find a goal, and start making good money.

Life line

The trait of fate, starting from the branch of life, is a sign of lack of independence. Such people depend for a long time on their parents, who determine their path. If the life line and the Saturn branch diverge smoothly, then there are no contradictions between you and your relatives. At a certain age, you will continue on your own path with the support of your parents. Intersecting branches - bad sign. The desires of your loved ones and yours do not coincide, you feel pressure, it creates discomfort and internal contradiction.

Branches of the mind and heart

The Saturn line, starting from the head line, indicates a difficult choice. In the first half of life, a person searches for himself, rushes between different professions, classes. He makes the final choice himself, guided by logic, common sense and experience. In the second half of his life, success awaits him.

If the trait of destiny begins from the heart, then the determining factor will be marriage, relationships with a loved one. Often such people are lonely and not very lucky until middle age. When they find their soulmate, they decide on their priorities, begin to make a career and earn good money.

Flow and ending of the branch

The line of Saturn can go towards various hills located in the direction of the fingers. Sometimes there are branches from it in one direction or another. Palmistry believes that they are important in determining fate.

Mount of Saturn

This direction is the luckiest. It means that life will pass calmly, happiness awaits a person in old age and material well-being. Most likely he will live recent years surrounded by family, with beloved children and grandchildren.

Mount of Jupiter

If a branch ends on the Mount of Jupiter, then its owner is endowed with ambitions. He strives to lead people and occupy responsible positions. In addition, he loves life in all its manifestations. Sometimes he is unrestrained, vain, and wastes money.

Hill of Apollo

The solar or Apollo hill on the hand is responsible for creativity. The line of Saturn on this hill ends in people with an artistic nature. If it is forked or crowned with a trident, success and glory await the owner. A blurred or crossed ending is a sign of failure.

Mount of Mercury

Mercury is the god of trade and thieves. People whose fate line rests on this elevation can take two paths. If their moral principles are strong, they will achieve success in commerce and finance. If they received an improper upbringing, do not have a strong position in life, they will break the law, become charlatans and dishonest entrepreneurs.

Signs and branches

Palmistry pays great value signs on the lines and branches that extend from them. Any branch from the Saturn line indicates a person’s attraction to one or another sphere of life. If they go to the Mount of Venus, then feelings and emotions determine fate. The lunar hillock speaks of importance spiritual development. A twig towards the life line indicates family attachments; its owner constantly turns to his parents for advice and seeks their support.

A branch to Mercury speaks of a gravitation towards business, trade, determines high level intelligence. A twig that reaches towards the Sun is a sign creative personality. And Jupiter gives a person leadership qualities, love of life, responsibility. Jumpers between Saturn and the mental trait indicate that such a person is guided by the arguments of reason. If the branch reaches towards the heart line, love and marriage are important to its owner.

Here are the main signs that appear on the Saturn line and their meaning:

  • Lattice - a person will face troubles, difficulties in making decisions
  • Period - a problem that is difficult to solve
  • A point taken in a ring - the problem cannot be solved without outside help
  • Ring without a point - walking in circles, inability to find a way out
  • Island - difficulties in making decisions, danger.

It is important to determine the age at which the signs operate. The line to the branch of the head corresponds to the interval from birth to 35 years. Between the head and the heart is the period of life from 35 to 50 years. After the heart branch comes old age. It is important to remember that the Saturn line only determines trends. Our destiny is in our hands. Everyone can change it, for the better or for the worse depends on the correct choice.

Palmistry is a whole science that is based on observation and comparison of facts regarding character. First of all, let's figure out which hand to guess by: left or right. Left hand display of what is prescribed, the right - what is on at the moment and what will happen. The segments can change their movement depending on how they fold human life. The Saturn line on the hand, or in other words, the fateful line comes out from the wrist and grows upward. What do the lines on the famous Mount of Saturn mean? Let's find out below.

General rules for a beginner palm reader

Saturn lines may be absent. This phenomenon means that fate can be very bright and full of various events, but a person does not see any goals in front of him. Such an individual, doing one thing for several years, can change his entire destiny in one moment. The Saturn fate line is very often not visible in the hands of criminals or drug addicts.

As a standard, the segment of Saturn on the palm originates from the wrist itself and tends upward to the middle finger. As mentioned above, they read fate by right palm. All segments can change their direction depending on what actions the person takes. People build their own destiny and not always, exactly what is shown on the left hand happens.

Before starting reading, be sure to examine the left palm. She will give many answers. Then you should move on to a more detailed study of the right hand. The ring of Saturn on the hand is located above the Mount of Saturn, under the middle finger. Most often, this sign is observed in people with a bad character, envious and absurd. The ring of Saturn is for pessimists, lazy people who do not want to pay attention to the fullness of life. However, the ring is a changeable sign, and when an individual changes his views and acts boldly and openly in an effort to achieve his cherished goal, it disappears. The Mount of Saturn is the beginning of a fateful period.

The Mount of Saturn is one of the most significant figures on a person's palm for a palmist. A well-developed hill speaks of a melancholic, purposeful nature, it is very difficult to build with it love relationship. He is more inclined to scientific activity, studying little things. Moles between the line of fate and the middle finger speak of loneliness, unluckiness, and the fate of fate that haunts a person in all areas of life. The meaning of the lines is interpreted by the totality of their location, the icons lying on them and by the intersections of the main and secondary segments.

Location analysis

Saturn's fate lines in the palm may consist of intermittent segments. This situation means that there were difficulties along the person’s life path and he was on some kind of brink, trying to change his situation. A long, continuous line is very rarely visible. The segments are often short and frequently interrupted. Almost no one has the ability to immediately build their life correctly; we are constantly in search of ourselves.

Double lines on the Mount of Saturn indicate that you have a purposeful person who can deal with several things at the same time. Moreover, in everything he undertakes, he is successful. Everything achieved was achieved through backbreaking labor. He takes everything he undertakes seriously and always sees it through to the end.

A wavy segment that ends on the Mount of Saturn shows an individual in whose life there is no action. Everything happens only in words. His word simply means nothing. Collaborating with such a person is very dangerous.

If the segment of fate in the palm of your hand is smooth without breaks, originating from the wrist itself, you have a stubborn nature that does not tolerate other people’s orders. A simple-minded person, a little nervous. He doesn’t know how to restrain his emotions, so you can hear a lot of insults from him.

When the line of Saturn intersected with the line life path, then moves upward again, palmistry says that such a person will have a period in life when he can relax and understand that finally everything is going as usual and there is no point in wishing for more. When the long-awaited peace comes you can determine using a compass. Conjugation of lines on the palm will be the year of dreams come true.

Location Features

The lines on your Saturn finger - what meaning do they carry? Since ancient times, it was believed that the heavenly bodies have a special influence on the fate and character of people. When a segment of fate begins its path from the Mount of the Moon, it means that the individual will always have to bear his cross and it is simply impossible to bypass fate. In rash deeds, defeat always awaits him.

When an additional line passes next to the segment of fate, this speaks of a universal personality. Such a person can do a whole carload of all sorts of things in a day. He always manages to do everything. His intelligence allows him to do any business without any problems. Even if he is not yet proficient in something, this is not a problem, because he learns quickly.

The Mount of Saturn is dotted with vertical lines - signs of fate say that a person will have or has good additional income in a completely different field from his main job. The more segments, the more knowledge that can be used to make a profit a person acquires.

Additional interpretations

Palmistry deals with deciphering human destinies in segments. Just like in fortune telling with cards, one line cannot tell everything completely. It is necessary to rely on intersections and signs that can often be seen on these segments. The lines on the palm are a kind of map that leads to a cherished desire.

When the segment of Saturn passes through the head line, you see a balanced person who has everything in stability and under control. If at the same time the fateful segment grows upward, passing through the heart line, this person has long drawn up a plan to achieve his goals, according to which the person confidently moves forward. When in end point you see the resemblance of a flower, as depicted in the photo - this is a sign of good luck in all matters, wealth and stability.

Under the finger of Saturn, a line of fate is sometimes formed, emerging from the segment of the heart and head. This arrangement is interpreted as an eventual victory, but with great difficulties. In the second version, with approximately the same interpretation, the fateful segment leaves the line of life and passes through the line of the heart and mind, visiting the island of Saturn. A man’s dream became a reality as a result of long-term painstaking work. This is the achievement of not only material wealth, but also success in family life, by working on yourself.

A broken line indicates a sharp negative change in life. This can be related to any area:

  • divorce;
  • job loss;
  • forced relocation, etc.

Such a moment is a turning point in a person’s life, but it will certainly be followed by the opportunity to start over and achieve success. When a segment of the head interrupts its run on a segment of fate and emerges in a different place, this is always associated with a change in the sphere of activity. Such signs have nothing to do with love and family. This means that a person at one point gives up on what he is doing and begins to promote new ideas, build his life in a new way in terms of his career.


Palmistry involves the interpretation of not only intersections with the main and additional lines, but also considers the meaning of all kinds of icons formed on a fateful segment, which can be an obstacle or a hint.

  1. Star - speaks of problems in terms of career, demotion, which will affect the financial situation.
  2. An island in the center of the palm is interpreted as the loss of a partner. The location of the sign at the end of the segment is an urgent warning about changing your life's rules, otherwise death awaits you.
  3. Square - palmistry interprets it as a sign of protection. Not only a square, but also any other sign with sharp corners will mean protection.
  4. The chain is complex in all aspects. Perhaps trouble threatens not the person himself, but his family and friends, but he will fully feel their suffering.
  5. Triangle - a person must confidently move towards his goal and not retreat under any circumstances if he wants to achieve victory. The triangle means victory at the end of the road.
  6. The cross always speaks of troubles. Palmistry interprets the cross as the end of what brought suffering and the beginning new era, a clean slate.

Interpretation depending on duration

When the segment is long, clearly visible, tends to fit the middle finger - a persistent person. He knows where he needs to go, where to take detours, and where to pave a new road. There is practically no special choice in his fate, because he will have to follow what is predetermined in advance. Man cannot argue with fate.

If the line is completely absent, then the person has absolutely no goals. This phenomenon is mainly observed in people who independently ruin their lives with alcohol or drugs. Characteristically, there is no line for criminals. The most interesting thing is that these people still have a fate line on their left hand, which means everything can be corrected and returned to normal.

A segment of medium length that goes under the middle finger, but does not reach it. All possible variations of lines indicate the uniqueness of each person’s life path. People in their lives constantly learn something, search for themselves, suffer failures and win victories. If the line of fate is simply dotted with all sorts of segments, this means that the worldview and character of a person has changed under the influence of society and events. If the line is too clear and deep, there is a lot in front of you strong personality, to some extent even a dictator. He knows how to suppress people who oppose his opinion.

Interpretation by starting point

The line of Saturn originates in the center - characteristic feature balanced and responsible nature. When the Mount of the Moon is taken as the starting point, a person communicates a lot with people. His life path is associated with sensitivity and emotional turmoil. When the line of fate begins very deep on the Mount of the Moon, deviated from the Mount of Saturn, the location itself is extraordinary, and therefore the person in front of you is unusual.

This arrangement speaks of a person with unconventional thinking, isolation and unpredictability. The Saturn line originates from the life path line - this location indicates that the main thing for a person is to rely on family values. Such a person has little developed individualism.


The line of fate is the most changeable line on the human palm, and accordingly the meaning of the interpretation will change each time. Its location may change depending on a person’s lifestyle, changes in habits, work, and changes on the personal front. Lines on the hands are formed when a person performs any actions, for example, clenching his fists when he is angry or opening his palms when he is happy or trying to show his openness. Palmistry is a whole science that, based on comparing information about the lines of the hands, can make a forecast for the future.

If a person has changed his life pattern and began to behave differently, then the lines of fate change their location and clarity. The interpretation will depend not only on the type of line, but also on its location and the signs on it. For example, the star warns of problems with finances, which means it’s worth changing jobs or finding additional income; square - powerful protection; triangle – goal achievement, victory; cross - difficulties that will be replaced by success.

There is an immutable rule: than straighter line Saturn, the more purposeful a person is, and the less inclined he is to compromise. A person with a clear straight line when faced with difficulties will never show self-doubt.

photo of Saturn's line

What does the Saturn line on the palm mean?

  • In palmistry, the straight line of Saturn in combination with the straight line of the Mind (in the figure) indicates an objective, sober mind and the character of a person with completely predictable behavior. A strong, deep line of Fate can usually be found on the palms of economists and successful businessmen.
  • The long, clear line of Saturn speaks of this. that a person will not deviate from his chosen direction, because he is purposeful and sufficiently disciplined. He strives to take full advantage of the opportunities provided. With a relatively long middle finger, everything planned will most often be translated into concrete results. This happens because Saturn only helps with real plans and informed decisions.
  • A long, deep and clear line of Saturn on the hand, combined with a straight, expressive index finger also indicate a tendency to make responsible decisions. With the convex mount of Jupiter, which speaks of ambition, a sense of proportion and restraint are inferior when choosing means to achieve the desired result.
  • A relatively short middle finger in combination with a clear line of Fate is evidence of a lack of strength, which leads to incompleteness of what was planned.
  • The long and winding line of Saturn, the inner drive of industry or diligence, combined with soft hand indicates constant problems in life. All vital forces are spent on overcoming the obstacle, because of this there is a feeling of instability and internal constraint.
  • The double line of Saturn in palmistry indicates the possibility of double specialization or special professional skills. She promises multilateral development, hard work and good luck. A parallel line speaks of parallel employment or hobby, hobby, or a tendency toward repetition. In addition, this is a sign of basic luck. For example, job seeker a person can receive two equal offers at once.
  • If the Saturn line is too short, interrupted or weakly expressed, the person's sense of purpose is not so obvious. Often such people do not know what they want, perhaps they do not have the will, and lack an inner core.
  • The absence of the line of Fate indicates that a person has absolutely no desire to fight the flow of life and the vicissitudes of fate. Often this is indifference to what is happening, but not necessarily accompanied by apathy. Possibly wealth inner world replaces a person with material values ​​and the desire to achieve them.

Line of Fate, go Saturn

There are many different points of view on the Fate of man. Some believe that a person himself is the creator of his own fateful path and can influence the course of Fate, others are of the opinion that everything is predetermined from above in advance, long before a person’s birth, and it is useless to argue with this, there is no point in trying to change one’s Fate, everything depends on God's will. Each person has the right to have his own point of view.

Palmistry says that the line of Fate is one of the most important. The Line of Fate also has a second name – the Saturn line. Considering this line from the point of view of the material world, we can say that it speaks about the financial level, about the success of a given person in public sphere, about the career ladder.

From a psychological level point of view, the line of Fate contains information about making plans for the future, as well as the possibility of implementing these plans. The Line of Fate on the left hand tells about plans for the future, on the right hand it tells how these plans will be realized.

Saturn gives the line of Fate a slightly fatal connotation, and also adds to all the information stored on this line the desire for restrictions, conscientiousness, clarity of action, responsibility and discipline.

Using all the lines, you can determine the past as well as the future of a person.

But the line of Fate gives information about the most significant dates in a person’s life that most seriously influence his life.

A clearly defined line of Fate suggests that this person Now, in this period of time, I am ready to completely consciously build or restructure my life in such a way that I can clearly see the goal in it and realize all my ambitious plans in reality. If any negative changes appear on the line of Fate, for example, points, breaks, intersections, then the information given by this line is no longer simple. We will most likely talk about various warnings that are fatal in nature.

If a person does not have this line, this indicates that his life has been and will be calm, without strong disappointments, vivid impressions, and in general it can be called quite boring.

If the line of Fate is weakly expressed, this is a sign that the life of its owner has no purpose, it is restless, but life’s storms do not teach such a person anything.

If the line is straight and without breaks, this is a sign of a calm, but, nevertheless, interesting life. A wavy line indicates that its owner is a disorganized person who does not have the will to determine what is most important to him in life. The only thing such a person is constant about is his love of controversy.

If the line of Fate reaches the Mount of Saturn, it means that a person persistently wants to convince himself that he is capable of something for which in reality he has neither the strength nor the talent. Such a person often thinks that he is so smart and talented that he can easily surpass even himself.

If the line goes towards the Mount of Jupiter, this means that the person’s efforts will not be in vain and well-deserved success awaits him.

If the line has its beginning in the line of the Head or Heart, it means that success, although late, will still come.

If the line of Fate begins with the line of Life, this means that a person is oppressed by the lifestyle that he leads. He is not satisfied with his job or family.

If the line of Fate starts from the top bracelet, then this is a sign that the person is accustomed to early years take responsibility.

If the line starts from the Mount of Venus and ends on the Mount of Saturn, this means that a person can always count on his family, which has supported him since early childhood. It is likely that such a person will inherit a significant amount of money or something valuable.

The line starts from the Mount of the Moon. This suggests that a person will have a life full of impressions and travel.

If the line ends on the Head line, this is a sign that the person is making plans that most often lead to setbacks and failures.

If the line of Fate ends on the line of the Heart, this indicates that the person will have to play the role of a victim, as circumstances will require it.

If the line ends on the Mount of the Sun, this is a sign that the person has talents and is very popular.

A branch to the Mount of Mercury is a sign that in business sphere a person will have great success, which will lead to wealth.

Russian Emperor Paul I was predicted by his hand to die violently. According to the prophecy, the emperor had to fear close relative. Paul I believed in fate and waited for his death hour. He began to believe in predictions after one day, late in the day, he was walking around St. Petersburg and the ghost of Peter I appeared before him, who, according to Paul I himself, uttered the following words: “Paul, Paul, poor emperor.”

The presence of a branch to the Mount of Apollo is evidence that the person will become famous.

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Influence of Saturn Philosophical understanding of Saturn Saturn is the main planet that brings suffering and misfortune into people's lives. Its action is karmic, that is, a person cannot correct almost anything in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that Saturn concerns in his chart. Saturn was

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Saturn Zone SATURN FINGER The Saturn finger is the middle finger. He is the embodiment of Rock himself. It tells about the ways to implement all plans and the degree of responsibility for their implementation. The middle finger is located on the border of the passive and active zones of the palm

From the book School of Dreams author Panov Alexey

Line of Fate The Line of Fate is a vertical line that crosses a person's palm approximately in the center. The Line of Fate begins at the wrist and rushes upward to the fingers. This line is characterized by the fact that it can begin at different points at

From the book Fate in the palm of your hand. Palmistry author Schwartz Theodor

Heart Line The Heart Line largely indicates the nature of a person's emotional life. From it you can judge what kind of relationships you have with the people around you. The Heart Line is closest to the base of the fingers. It starts on the edge of the palm under

From the author's book

Health Line The Health Line, or hepatic, crosses the palm diagonally, starting at the Life line and ending next to the Heart line. This may seem strange to you, but the luckiest ones are those on whose hands there is no hepatic line. Such people

From the author's book

From the author's book

Life line Palmists often view this line as a reflection of life expectancy, but this is not entirely true. By analyzing the life line, you can draw conclusions about the state of health, illnesses and practical aspects of life. A long, beautiful, red continuous line

From the author's book

Head line, or main line By the length, thickness, severity and color of this line one can judge mental abilities, wit, self-confidence, energy and discretion of a person. Straight, long, good color the head line indicates a healthy

From the author's book

Line of Fate The line of fate is responsible for everything that is predetermined in a person’s life from the moment of his birth. When analyzing the line of fate, it is important to pay attention to where it begins:? at the line of life;? on the plain of Mars;? at the wrist (rastsetta);? at the hill of the Moon. If the line of fate