When is Trinity celebrated in the year? Trinity Day

Trinity Day is associated with how the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago. But in the same way, the Holy Spirit today descends on every believer; it is by him that all Christian sacraments are performed and blessed.

In 2019, the fiftieth day after Easter is June 16. This is exactly the date of the Holy Trinity in 2019. Another name for such an important event is Pentecost. It is no longer possible to say Christ is Risen, because the Feast of the Resurrection is ending. On Trinity Day, the Gospel of John is read in churches. Part from chapter 7, where he conveys the words of the Savior. This holiday will be on June 16th in 2019.

On the last day of the Passover celebration, Jesus proclaimed that whoever is thirsty must come to Jesus and drink of faith. This was also said about the Spirit that believers were to receive. Because, it’s hard to believe, but at that time the Holy Spirit was not yet on them. Because Jesus had not yet been glorified in the world.

These words can be called eternal. They sound for every person who comes into the world and then turns to God and the church. Those who are baptized following the example of Jesus Christ put on it and this is only possible thanks to the grace of God. Through Christ, his church, grace is transmitted, through church sacraments, through the word of God.

If a person wants new life, he must put on Christ. But for this, thirst must appear in a person. Like a person who has gone without water for a long time under the scorching sun, he strives for moisture. Likewise, a person, tormented by sin and evil relationships between people, longs for a different life, which can be revealed in a person only through Christ. And such a person comes to God. The thirsty one drinks, as they say in the holy books. Not just a person who wants, but a thirsty person to be satisfied.

Folk traditions of Trinity

In Rus', it was believed that on this day it was necessary to collect various medicinal herbs and preparations and prepare them for the year ahead. Because herbs on this day have triple healing power, which persists throughout the entire church calendar period. With the collected green bouquet you need to go to church service; this was considered a symbolic consecration of young shoots medicinal herbs. Then keeping the bouquet away from prying eyes for a year is a strong talisman.

People also believed that on the day of Pentecost, if it rains, then this summer there will be an excellent harvest of mushrooms and berries in the forest.

Important! What you should not do on the day of the Holy Trinity is sewing and knitting, doing repairs and gardening work. It is also not advisable to swim in open reservoirs, but this is rather a popular superstition; they used to believe that there was a high probability that an evil spirit would carry a bathing person to the depths of this reservoir.

About the theological meaning

IN church calendar exactly the Day of the Holy Trinity, what date it will be in 2019 - this is June 16, a holiday on which churches and monasteries are especially elegant and festive. It was customary for the Slavs to decorate their homes with fresh herbs and young wildflowers in honor of the holiday. In temples, monasteries and churches, this custom of decoration has been preserved to this day. According to the old Russian tradition, churches are decorated with grass, young birch branches and even small trees. This is only a good custom, but the theological meaning of the holiday is much deeper.

On this day more than two thousand years ago, on the fiftieth day of Easter, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciple-apostles. How exactly this happened can be read in detail in the acts of the apostles. There you can read that on the tenth day from heaven and on the 50th day after his solemn resurrection, when the disciples were in the upper room (by order of Christ from the day of his Ascension they did not leave Jerusalem), they suddenly heard the sound of the wind, which filled the entire upper room Tongues of fire appeared and rested on each student individually. From that moment on, the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke in different languages ​​to spread the word of God and the commandments of Jesus throughout the world.

Theologians say that the Christian Apostolic Church was born precisely on the day of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost. Therefore, services in honor of this holiday are special and end with a special prayer service, when believers kneel for the first time since Easter.

On the holiday, it is very important to leave your everyday worries, of which there are a lot at the beginning of summer, and direct your feet to an Orthodox church, where in prayers you glorify the Triune God and the Holy Trinity.

Already a week from the date of Trinity, what date it will be in 2019 - the summer begins on June 16. This fast, of course, has a starting date that constantly fluctuates, but it always ends on July 12, the day of Peter and Paul, a non-movable church holiday. It turns out that this year Petrov's fast lasts more than a month.

The Day of the Holy Trinity in 2017 will be celebrated by the entire Christian world on June 4 - the fiftieth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ, which is why the holiday is also called Pentecost.

This is one of the 12 main church holidays- it is dedicated to the gospel event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

What is the essence of the holiday

The Zion Upper Room, in which the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire, became the first Christian temple.

Since ancient times, Trinity has been considered the day of the founding of the New Testament Church on earth, since the Holy Spirit endowed the apostles with special power so that they could preach the Gospel throughout the world and convey to everyone the message of Jesus as the Savior of all mankind.

In honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the holiday received this name: this event denoted the trinity of God. The three hypostases of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - exist in unity, creating the world and sanctifying it with divine grace.

The holiday in honor of the Holy Trinity was established by the apostles - they themselves annually celebrated the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit and commanded it to all Christians. There is an indication of this in the Apostolic Constitutions.

But the holiday was officially established at the end of the 4th century after the adoption of the dogma of the Divine Trinity. Over time, Trinity Day has become one of the most beloved and revered holidays among the people.

The roots of Trinity Day go back to the times when Rus' was still pagan. The week at the beginning of summer marked the final victory of nature over the forces of darkness, the victory of spring over winter and the beginning of a hot summer.

Therefore, in addition to church ones, many folk traditions and customs appeared, which were closely intertwined with pagan ones, which became an integral part of this day.


They prepared for the holiday of the Holy Trinity in advance - housewives began general cleaning in the house and in the yard. We got rid of unused things, especially those that may remind us of unpleasant moments in life.

People who have their own gardens and vegetable gardens try to clear them of various kinds weeds. They uproot weeds and stick their tops into the ground, then it is believed that these weeds will no longer litter their land.

For Trinity, houses and churches are decorated with branches various trees, grass, flowers, as young plants symbolize prosperity, wealth and continuation of life.

On Trinity Day, the whole family went to church in the morning, where a festive service was held that day. On this day you cannot ask anything from the Holy Spirit, it is only important to thank him for being the savior and faithful protector of human souls.

After the temple, everyone went home and had a festive dinner. The feast was rich and varied: porridge, pancakes, all kinds of pies, jelly and decoctions - the holiday was not a fast day, so everything was allowed.

On this day they also visited cemeteries and commemorated the dead, leaving treats.

In the villages, towards evening, a real celebration began - they organized round dances, sang songs, danced, held ritual ceremonies. Also, fairs were often held for the whole week, where there was also a lot of entertainment.

On Trinity Sunday it is still customary to visit people and give gifts.

Rituals and beliefs

The celebration of Trinity in Rus' lasts several days, but on the first day, which is popularly called Green Sunday, people should be especially attentive and careful.

Therefore, it is customary to decorate your homes with various aromatic herbs, and icons with birch branches, in order to protect yourself from various mythical creatures, such as mermaids, Mavkas, goblins and other evil spirits.

In the old days they believed that these days mermaids came ashore and lured guys. To avoid this, fires were burned along the banks of rivers and lakes for several nights in a row - it was believed that the hot fire was supposed to stop evil spirits.

The symbol of the Trinity was wreaths floating along the river - this is how girls told fortunes about their betrothed and, according to some beliefs, paid off mermaids and mawoks who also wanted to dress up. That’s why wreaths were very useful.

© photo: Sputnik / S. Ivanov

Another Trinity ritual was associated with greenery - a girl in love had to weave a wreath of meadow grass and birch branches for her boyfriend. Giving it means declaring love or at least sympathy.

Such a wreath could become not only a decoration and a symbol of tender feelings, but also protection from mermaids, who on Trinity night acquired the greatest power and were able to lure any guy to them.

The wreath was to be turned into a talisman by branches of wormwood, especially the flowering one, which, according to legend, repels any evil spirits, including mermaids, mermaids, and mawoks.

Trinity was also celebrated in forests, fields, gardens - they sang songs, played fun games. Unmarried girls used their own woven wreaths to tell fortunes on this day. They threw wreaths into the water and sang songs; if the wreaths matched, then the girl would be wooed this year.

People believed that on a festive night they dream prophetic dreams, which are usually given special importance.

There was also a belief that an honest person could find a treasure on this day, as if hearing its call from the depths of the earth.


A good omen for Trinity was matchmaking - it was believed that if they woo on Trinity and get married on the Intercession, it means that these spouses will have a long, happy life, in love and harmony.

Flowers and medicinal herbs, collected on such a day are considered healing and can cure any ailment, and the collected dew has a special power that can heal and give strength.

People believed that rain on Trinity - to the harvest, to mushrooms, to warm weather. It was a bad omen that if it was hot that day, it meant that the whole summer would be dry.

People believed that after Trinity the weather would stabilize and warm, sunny days would come.

On the Day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to give away all the change to the poor, thereby protecting yourself from adversity and illness.

The material was prepared based on open sources

If you look at the Christian calendar for 2019, you can see that the number religious holidays so great that the Church celebrates them almost every day. Easter is considered to be the most important and significant holiday in Christianity, which is celebrated by absolutely all Christians. Immediately after Easter in importance for Orthodox Church There are twelve holidays, of which there are 12 dates in the Christian calendar. These include Trinity Day, which is also considered one of the great Orthodox holidays. And although it is not celebrated as widely as Easter or Christmas, it is one of the main Christian holidays.

The meaning of the holiday and date in 2019

Trinity Day is directly related to another important Christian holiday, Easter. After Jesus Christ was resurrected and ascended into heaven, his faithful disciples were in a state of continuous celebration. After such a great and bright event as the Resurrection of Christ, the apostles expected new miracles. And these miracles began to happen. Periodically, Jesus began to come to each of them. He appeared to them both individually and to all of them together. This happened for 40 days.

On the fortieth day, the Messiah ascended over his disciples, announcing that he would send them the Holy Spirit, which would come from his Father. Initially, the apostles did not believe that everything would happen exactly as the Son of the Lord told them. However, on the fiftieth day the Holy Spirit actually appeared to them. It is in honor of this event that Christianity celebrates the Day of the Holy Trinity.

Since this twelfth holiday is directly related to Easter, it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the holiday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the date of the holiday changes every year. So, in 2019 in the Orthodox Church it will be celebrated on June 16, since Easter falls on the 28th of the second spring month.

History of the holiday

According to Christian texts, after the resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah periodically appeared to his faithful disciples. He collected them both together and separately. All the apostles were beside themselves with happiness. They lived in a state of celebration, which is not at all surprising, because their teacher performed an unimaginable miracle.

On the fortieth day, the Messiah informed his apostles that he was leaving them and going to his Father. In confirmation of his words, the Son of the Lord ascended above them and went to God. Along the way, Jesus told the apostles that he would send to them the Holy Spirit, which would come from the Lord. In addition, Jesus told them that on the day the world ends, he will appear on earth.

The ascension of Jesus impressed the apostles so much that they had real grace in their souls. They maintained this state with the help of prayers. Every day the apostles gathered in a house located on Mount Zion. They locked themselves in a secluded room and prayed tirelessly, reading the Holy Scriptures. This was precisely the main prerequisite for the emergence of the first Christian churches. That is, this is also connected with the Trinity most important event in the life of the Christian Church.

On the fiftieth day, when the apostles again gathered in the upper room in Zion to pray, a real miracle happened. At three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a loud noise in the air. Everyone thought that a storm had begun. But almost immediately tongues of flame appeared to them. At that moment, the apostles realized that this was not a storm, but the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus. Divided tongues of flame rested on each of the apostles without burning them. The Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak different languages ​​so that Jesus' disciples could preach Christianity throughout the world.

On the same day a holiday was celebrated in Jerusalem. On this occasion, a considerable number of Jews from different countries, cities and settlements. They all heard the noise that the Holy Spirit made. Many of them went to the upper room where the apostles were sitting. Jesus' disciples went out to the assembled Jews and spoke to each of them in their own dialects. Some Jews were surprised by this, while others began to laugh with the apostle and accuse them of being drunk. However, Peter immediately besieged all the scoffers, reporting that the apostles did not drink anything. This is how everyone present learned about the descent of the Holy Spirit.

The Christian Church argued for a long time about whether the Virgin Mary was with the apostles at that moment or not. The fact is that the New Testament does not directly mention this point. But judging by the indirect factors that are described in the Holy Scriptures, the Mother of God was present at this event. Most bishops and theologians agree on this.

Interpretation of the name

The holiday got its name after the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, confirming the message Jesus left for them on the eve of his ascension into heaven. With this descent, the Holy Spirit dispelled all the doubts that the disciples of the Messiah had. Those apostles who did not believe the words of Christ that after his ascension the Holy Spirit would appear to them, repented on that day. The apostles believed in their Lord even more.

This event confirmed the trinity of God. That is why this great Christian holiday received such a name. And although this day is also called Pentecost, most people know about the existence of this holiday called Trinity Day.

How the Feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated in Orthodoxy

Since this holiday is second only to Easter in its significance, it is understandable that it is celebrated on a grand scale. And this applies not only to Orthodoxy, but also to Catholicism. This holiday is one of the most important for all Christians.

On this day in almost all Orthodox churches Beautiful, large-scale and solemn holiday services are held. These services are among the most grandiose of the year, which once again confirms the importance of Trinity Day for Christianity.

During the service, which begins on Saturday evening the day before and lasts until the morning, three paramia are read. Well, on the holiday itself there is a traditional liturgy. After it, Great Vespers is served, during which stichera and in every possible way glorify the Holy Spirit, who descended on the apostles. This service ends the post-Easter period, during which prostrations are not performed in Orthodox churches.

In many Orthodox churches on this day, freshly cut grass is laid on the floor, and icons are decorated with birch branches. Some believers do the same in their own homes. This is especially common in Russian villages.

Folk signs

Like many other Orthodox holidays, Trinity Day has absorbed a considerable amount Slavic traditions and customs. In addition, this holiday is rich in all kinds of signs.

1. For the Slavs, Trinity has always been a symbol of the beginning of the summer season. Therefore, the peasants carefully monitored the weather on this day. So, the rain that day guaranteed a wet summer season and, accordingly, good harvest.

2. Illuminated birch branches placed around the house and scattered green grass guaranteed a good harvest.

3. Any work on this day is bad omen. On Trinity you can't do anything around the house except cooking. It is also not recommended to swim on this day.

4. An excellent tradition on Trinity Day was matchmaking.

5. On this day, young beauties always told fortunes. And although the Church has a negative attitude towards such customs, this did not stop the girls.

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Holy Trinity 2017 is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.

Trinity in 2017: what date?

The great holiday of Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. In 2017 it falls on June 4th. This is one of the most important church holidays of the year.

Trinity 2017: traditions and folk signs

The Trinity holiday is celebrated for three days, and housewives carefully prepare for it - they clean up the house, decorate the home with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs as a sign of prosperity and a new life cycle.

The Saturday before Trinity is a day of remembrance. On this day, people light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died a premature death.

For Trinity Day, women bake pies and prepare meat and fish snacks. In some regions, eggs are painted green on this day.

The first day of Trinity - Green Sunday - is popularly considered a day of activity and deceit of mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. Houses are especially decorated with green branches to protect them from them. On Sunday mornings, festive services are held in churches. People also visit each other. Mass celebrations and fairs begin.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechal Monday: after the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

The third - God's Day - was intended for guys to choose brides for themselves.

Prohibitions and signs for Trinity

People considered it a bad omen to have weddings on Trinity, but this day is suitable for matchmaking and “conspiracy.” It was believed. that the family agreed on Trinity will have a long and happy life together.

On this day you cannot work in the field, in the yard and in the garden. Women are not recommended to sew or cook. Also, they did not swim on Trinity Day, since it was considered mermaid time.

The dew that falls on Trinity Day is considered very beneficial for health. Girls are advised to wash their face with it to preserve youth and beauty. Rain on this day promises a good harvest, a warm and mushroom-filled summer.

Trinity in 2017: fortune telling

They used to guess on Trinity from Thursday until Sunday. The most common fortune-telling was associated with weaving and floating wreaths on water, but other common fortune-telling was also suitable - with rings, chains, Christmas, etc.

Wishing for their betrothed, the girls wove wreaths of greenery, flowers or birch branches and went to the river. There they bowed their heads and threw the wreath into the water. By the movement of the wreath they made wishes for the future and for the betrothed. It was believed that if the wreath floated well and calmly, everything would be fine with its owner that year. If the wreath floats under water or drowns, the girl should be wary of illness, death of loved ones or other troubles. If the wreath unraveled, it promised separation from a loved one. The wreath quickly floated away - this means that the groom will be from distant lands, and if the wreath was stuck near the shore, there was no need to wait until the next Trinity for matchmakers.

Spirits Day: when in 2017

The day after Trinity is called Spiritual Day. It is dedicated to the holy spirit. Today in Rus' they tried not to work, and all the prohibitions in force on the Trinity were preserved. People believed that on Spiritual Day the Earth celebrated its name day, so it was forbidden to touch it, but this time was suitable for looking for treasures. People believed that the Earth would bestow wealth on whoever it liked.

When is Trinity in 2017?

Many Orthodox believers are interested in what date is Trinity in 2017? This year we will honor her on June 4th. Usually on this holiday the weather is excellent. Even if there is a little rain, it will not be able to spoil the high spirits. On this day, Christians go to church in the morning for a festive service in honor of the Holy Trinity. It marks the unity of God the Father, Sleep and the Holy Spirit.


This holiday is remembered in the wake of a biblical event. Before his suffering on the cross and death, Jesus Christ promised the apostles that he would send them the Holy Spirit. He will invisibly teach them everything and they will be able to preach the gospel and the good news that God incarnated on earth and lived throughout the world. And on the 50th day, which was later called Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on them and they began to understand different languages and were filled with other spiritual gifts. After this, the apostles decided that they needed to continue preaching all over the world, and so today they know about Orthodoxy in many countries on other continents.

One of the amazing gifts of the apostles was that they could understand what language someone was speaking when they came to a new area and, most likely, responded in the same way. This is a great miracle, such spiritual insight, a gift from God to his disciples, so that Christianity would spread over time throughout the world. Before their conversion by Christ, the apostles were simple fishermen and people of other working professions, simpletons, as the Bible says. And this is how the Lord exalted them, what spiritual level they reached, thanks to His intervention.

In our time, what is the date of Trinity Day 2017? The celebration will be celebrated at the beginning of summer on June 4. For Orthodox Christians, this is a great holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale. So the church continues to remember Pentecost or the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.


Let's consider the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox Trinity. In ancient times, housewives believed that they needed to prepare well for Trinity - to clean the house. They swept, thoroughly washed the floors in all rooms, cleaned old cast iron stoves, did laundry, and beat out carpets. The owner was cleaning up the yard at this time. He stacked a stack of hay and logs that were used to burn the stove in the winter, and removed last year’s leaves, bark and twigs with a rake.

After the corners in the whole house were cleaned, the housewife and the owner tore up willows and birch ones were especially popular, with tall beautiful grass attached to them and preferably near the swamp, tied such bunches and carried them to church in the morning to be blessed. Blessed branches with grass were hung in the corners of the entire house, and at the door outside and inside if desired. It was believed that this way a blessing from God would come to the house faster and this year there would be prosperity, which meant: an excellent harvest of vegetables and multiple births of new livestock and poultry.

Various traditional treats were placed on the tables. This day was not fast, therefore, it was possible to prepare pearl barley or wheat porridge, delicious soup for starters or borscht. For the second, the meat was cooked and the liquid was left as a gravy. This brew was poured over the porridge and it became rich, they ate vegetable salads and more. Many people are interested in when is Trinity in 2017, the date of the holiday? It will be on June 4th.

If some kind of greenery grew in the garden in the form of onions, dill, parsley, then they made a salad from it. For example, hard-boiled eggs are added to “Spring”. They used to make a similar one, but most likely it didn’t have the same name. They could bake a whole suckling pig and make sausages for the holiday. At that time they drank healthy kvass, uzvars, compotes and other useful things, which modern man he doesn’t, but in vain.


The young people on the ruins were having festivities. They came together and sat on a large fallen tree or on benches and talked. They joked, laughed, sang ditties and folk songs. The musicians played accordions and balalaikas, and young people danced in circles and danced with pleasure.

Romantic relationships began between young boys and girls. If a guy liked a girl, he could ask her if she agreed to become his wife, and if she agreed, the guy asked his parents and they came to his bride’s house to ask for her hand. At this time, the parents observed how clean the house was, did the girl serve food on the table, was she friendly, with a good disposition? If the future relatives did not like the character or neatness in the house, they could advise their son not to take this Marya, Ustinya, etc. as a wife.

Before this, on Trinity Sunday, girls who were not yet married asked the Mother of God and God for good husband. There was also a custom of dressing up as a flower. Popular images were cornflower and chamomile. It was believed that such a connection with nature attracts good luck. Some girls wondered, tried to predict whether they would meet their betrothed this year or is it too early?

About work on holiday

What date is Trinity Sunday in 2017? It is also celebrated on June 4th. It is considered a great twelve-year celebration. According to the command of the church, you cannot work on such days. Both Orthodox and Catholics must go with the whole family to the morning service. It is reverent to stand there with green branches in your hands. Then the priest conducts the ceremony of consecrating them.

If the matter could not be postponed, it was carried out immediately, for example, feeding the cattle in the barn. Animals cannot stop eating for a whole day - this is a mockery. They were given food and drink. Chickens were fed grain or broth and it was not considered a sin.

Orthodox traditions

For Orthodox Christians, the birch tree symbolizes the Trinity. Its branches were torn and on this day it was in the house of every believer, as on New Year We have Christmas trees now. In the church, grass that had just been cut was thrown onto the floor. The floor was laid in the same way at home.

Cut rather long birch branches were placed in a vase near the iconostasis. There are regions in Russia where birch does not grow. There its branches were replaced with oak or maple, rowan or viburnum. The morning service ended and the whole family hurried home with blessed branches and grass. A festive dinner of several courses was prepared there. There was also jellied meat, no doubt about it, and it was necessary to bake a loaf, it personified the holiday. Are you going to cook a loaf when it’s Trinity in 2017?

Celebrations were held on the street, harmonica players played loud melodies, and old and young began to dance. Then the women sang Russian folk songs and went home in the evening. If there were leftovers from a family meal, they might be taken to the church in the morning, where beggars traditionally sat. We rejoiced on this day with all our hearts and glorified God that, no worse than others, we have a roof over our heads and a large family.

The date of the Catholic Trinity coincides with the Orthodox one and the celebration is celebrated on June 4. This is a big Twelfth holiday and very beloved among the people. Every year everything happens at church services more people. Everyone wants to join the faith and traditions of centuries ago.

Trinity: what you can and cannot do on this holiday, signs for Trinity

The holiday does not have a specific date in the church calendar, as it is tied to the day of Easter - it is celebrated on the 50th day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

Do's and Don'ts

According to folk traditions and signs, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, as on any other Orthodox holiday, cannot be performed various jobs- sew, wash, wash, clean, etc. All housework and household work must be completed before the holiday.

It is especially strictly forbidden to work on the land on the holiday, including digging, planting and mowing grass.

Those who do not follow old customs and violate prohibitions, according to beliefs, can suffer significant damage. So, for example, for those who plow, their livestock may die, for those who sow, hail will destroy their crops. And for those who spin wool, their sheep will get lost and so on.

These days you can prepare food for festive table and feed and water livestock and domestic animals. On the holiday, the whole family decorates the house with branches of various trees, flowers and greenery, blessed in the church.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on Sunday - on this day, believers try to attend the festive service in the church in the morning, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and devote time to prayer.

Is it possible to work for Trinity?

In the old days, on the days of great holidays, people always tried to put off all their work, believing that this was displeasing to the Lord, since work, as a rule, did not go well and did not bring a positive result.

The priests explain that by working on Trinity Day, we seem to show God our disrespect, therefore, if possible, on the days of major holidays, such as Trinity, it is better to postpone all matters, including work in the garden.

Of course, there are especially important tasks that cannot be postponed to another day, but it is better to start doing them only after attending the service and praying.

In addition, in modern world There are many jobs that must be done daily, without breaks or weekends, so if a believer cannot visit the temple, he can pray at home or at work.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity Sunday?

During the holiday, people also refrained from swimming in the house - they tried not to go close to the water, even just to wash themselves.

Church officials claim that there is and cannot be any reason not to allow swimming on Trinity Sunday. It’s just not a good idea to replace going to church and praying. beach holiday, which will certainly be a sin.

You can go into nature after the service, especially since Trinity always falls at the end of May or beginning of June, when the weather is hot.

What else can't be done

It was forbidden to hold weddings and celebrate weddings on Trinity Sunday, but matchmaking on this holiday was considered a favorable omen - life together would be long and happy.

On the holiday of Trinity, it is forbidden to think about bad things, quarrel with loved ones, be offended by others and wish bad things on someone.

It was also forbidden to go to the forest on Holy Trinity. In the old days, they believed that goblins and mavkas (evil forest spirits) watched over people there, lured them deep into the forest and tickled them to death. But the girls who wanted to find out their future, breaking the ban, still ran through the forest to tell fortunes for their betrothed.

Customs and signs

The week before Trinity is called Green - during the week the girls weave wreaths for all family members and bring them home. If the wreath has not withered by Trinity, it means that the person will live happily ever after.

On Trinity, it was customary to decorate rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes prosperity and continuation of life. For this they used branches of birch, rowan, maple, mint, lemon balm - people believed that the more greenery there was in the house on Trinity, the happier the house would be.

In the church, during the service, herbs and bouquets of wild flowers were blessed, which were dried and stored for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye. After the festive morning service, the site and the house were blessed with holy water in order to ward off otherworldly forces.

Since ancient times, a cheerful feast was organized - close people and relatives were invited to a festive dinner, who were treated to the Trinity loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, and jelly. They gave each other funny gifts.

Rusks from the Trinity loaf were kept to be added to the wedding cake of the newlyweds as a sign of happiness and love.

On Trinity Sunday it is useful to walk barefoot on the grass, collect and dry medicinal plants(thyme, mint, lemon balm), which are subsequently used as medicine. Since ancient times, people believed that on this day earth and greenery have special healing powers.

On Trinity and subsequent days they were sure to wear their pectoral cross, as a talisman that will protect against otherworldly creatures.

Among girls, floating a woven wreath was considered an important custom. If the wreath floated far away, then you can prepare for the wedding; if it drowns, then there will be trouble, and if it lands on the shore, then she will have to wait a long time for marriage. And in order to see your betrothed in a dream, you had to put birch branches under your pillow.

On Trinity, you cannot follow common signs and superstitions, many of which give advice on what you supposedly “cannot” do on Trinity (swimming, going to the forest and field, working, etc.).

First of all, you need to live this day as a Christian - go to church, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend free time with them.

For a Christian there are no prohibitions on certain types of activities on an ordinary or holiday day, if they do not harm his soul. Neither swimming, nor walking, nor work will interfere with a believer if he remembers God.

On Trinity Sunday, every believer tries to visit the temple, where on this day after the Liturgy special kneeling prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins, the mercy of God and the bestowal of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But a Christian can only preserve and increase this grace in his life by following the Gospel and not superstitious rules.

And most importantly, not only on the Holy Trinity, but also on any other day, you should not keep negative thoughts in yourself, do not wish bad things on anyone, forgive your family and friends all the insults, get over them and leave them in the past, so that you can find peace mentally and physically.

Congratulations in verses on Trinity

Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, followers of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes the trinity of God.

In churches for this celebration, evening services are held, where prayers are sung and prayers are made for the well-being of people in life.

On Trinity Day, bright,
On this Sunday day
I bring thanks to the Savior
For the blood of His sacrifice, for the mercy of Calvary,
Because He threw off the shackles of sinners,
For the Spirit of consolation, for Holy help
For the wonderful and dear truth.
For clean water that flows like a river,
For peace and forgiveness, for the Holy Word,
Because our congregation is so crowded.
For the feat of Christ - selfless and difficult!


The Holy Trinity will always help,
You can overcome adversity with grief.
The Lord will pave the way for the stars,
So that he can always swim to the truth.

On Trinity Day the Holy One will pour out,
Intoxicating, warm, beneficial light.
And your happy path will begin,
For many, many bright, good years.


The sacred holiday is on the doorstep.
Let the worries go away
Let evil and troubles leave us,
Let goodness not leave.

Today is Holy Trinity.
The heavenly light illuminates us
And gives God's grace.
We can't suffer today!

Let everything be in the world today
We will be happy like children
And let's live at least a day
Without evil, without grief and problems!


You open the windows -
Today is Trinity!
Look at the sky -
There's an angel praying

So that you always
Live only joyfully
To always be in fate
Everything was sweet!


May Trinity be with you
Gives his gifts:
Luck in fate,
Let him bestow love,

Lord's grace
Let it pour on you
To live and prosper -
Everything in life works out!


I wish you on Trinity
I am kind from the bottom of my heart,
The soul will be washed with warmth,
And there will be a life of duty!

May happiness be endless
They promise you -
Cheerful, carefree
Let the days come!


Trinity has arrived
Brought happiness!
For both you and me
To your whole family,

On this holy day,
I'll give you some simple advice:
You won't if you sin
You will live happily!


Happy Trinity Day
Congratulations to all of you.
Health, goodness and happiness
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

May the Lord always protect
From troubles and fears.
There will be more of you in life
Only good signs.


Let's remember on Trinity Day,
That the Lord created us all!
We will fill your heart with love,
May each of us be happy!
And all you have to do is wish
Hope and faith - always!
May the sun smile on you,
May you never be sad again!


May the Holy Trinity
Despite all the sins,
He will give us peace, freedom,
The virginity of living nature,
God's blessing,
Have a joyful mood!

Fortune telling and omens for Trinity 2017

The Holy Trinity occurs on the 50th day after Easter. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th. Facts have figured out which signs and fortune telling are the most popular on Trinity.

Signs for Trinity

On Trinity Sunday they tried not to schedule a wedding: it was believed that nothing good would await such a family. However, matchmaking and acquaintance on this day were good sign and promised happiness to the marriage.

In addition, on Trinity, bad thoughts, envy and anger were a bad sign and did not bode well.

Women tried to finish all housework before Trinity. It was believed that on this day one should not sew, spin, bleach, bake pies or work in the garden.

In addition, on the holiday of Trinity, many believed that visiting the cemetery and sweeping graves would help scare away evil spirits and attract wealth and prosperity to the village.

The heat was a bad sign for Trinity. It testified to a dry summer and a poor harvest. Rain on Trinity, on the contrary, promised a good harvest, lots of mushrooms and excellent weather.

If, three days after Trinity, the birch branches with which the house was decorated remained fresh and did not wither, wet haymaking was expected.

But the dew collected on Trinity Day had a special power that could heal and give strength.

Fortune telling for Trinity

On Trinity Sunday, the girls told fortunes about fate and their betrothed, and also waited with trepidation for matchmakers. The most common fortune telling was “curling” a birch tree and weaving wreaths.

On the eve of Trinity, the girls went into the forest, tilted the tops of young birch trees and “curled” a wreath from the branches. If on a holiday a girl came to her birch tree and saw that it remained the same, this promised a wedding, a beloved betrothed and wealth in the house. If the wreath withered, bad things were expected.

The girls were wearing wreaths on Trinity Sunday, but they did not let men in. If a guy saw someone's wreath, it was considered a kind of evil eye for the girl. The wicker wreaths were carried to the river and floated into the water: wherever he swam, that’s where the groom would be. If the wreath remains near the shore, the girl will not get married, and if she drowns, the girl will die this year. It is interesting that the wreaths were not removed from their heads with their hands: the girls bent over the water so that they themselves fell into the water.

In addition, on the holiday of Trinity, girls put birch branches under their pillows in the hope that their betrothed would come to them in a dream.

Trinity in 2018, what date is the holiday for the Orthodox?

Christians have twelve holidays a year that are of great importance. And one of these days is Trinity. Since this holiday is not accompanied by such serious preparation as, for example, Christmas or Easter, not all people know when in 2018, what date it is in Russia. Let's consider when Trinity will be celebrated and what are the traditions of this day.

Trinity celebration date

This holiday belongs to the category of transitional holidays. The date of Trinity directly depends on the date of Easter. As you know, in 2018 the holiday in honor of the Resurrection of Christ falls on April 8. And Trinity is always celebrated forty-nine days after this, that is, on the fiftieth day.
It turns out that this year the Orthodox will celebrate Trinity on May 27th. It's Sunday, so many people will take a break from work on this day.

The origin of the holiday

It is no coincidence that the holiday is called Trinity. He exalts the triune God. As follows from religious books, on the fiftieth day after Christ was resurrected, and ten days after he ascended, another miracle occurred. The Virgin Mary and the apostles gathered in a house that was located on Mount Zion. It was in this place that the Son of God appeared to the disciples several times after he was resurrected.
Mary and the apostles at that moment already realized that Jesus had changed the future, that he had left people a faith and a church where they would come for many years. Therefore, the apostles waited for the return of the Savior so that Jesus would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. The apostles spent all their time in the upper room on the second floor of the house and fifty days after Easter, they felt a strong blow of wind, and then everyone present in the room was surrounded by tongues of flame.
The disciples immediately realized that Jesus had appeared before them and began to speak as the Holy Spirit told them. They were ordered to carry the teaching about God throughout the world. Thus God appeared in his third hypostasis. Therefore, now everyone glorifies the Holy Trinity. That is, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Trinity Celebration
The holiday is always celebrated on Sunday, so almost all people have a day off on this day, which means it can be celebrated according to all the rules. For those who already know when Trinity will be in 2016, what date it is, all that remains is to find out the traditions of this day.
Preparation for Trinity is very simple. A day or two before the holiday, every housewife should clean up her home. A mandatory ritual is decorating the home. For this, various greens and tree branches are used. You can make various compositions and pick, for example, branches of birch, linden or lemon balm. And to create a pleasant smell, you can spread mint. Such an atmosphere in the house will definitely set a person up for a holiday.
Also, the day before Trinity, that is, on Saturday, people must clean up the graves of the deceased. You definitely need to sweep the grave with some branches to ward off death from your family.
All believers on Trinity Sunday must go to church in the morning. It is advisable that the whole family be present at the liturgy. In churches on this day you can also see various fragrant herbs on the floor. The clergy also wear green robes, which are symbols of victory over death.
People should bring freshly cut grass or bouquets of herbs and flowers to church. After the service, everyone needs to rush home to sit down at the table.

Since Trinity is not celebrated during the period of fasting, the dishes can be anything. But there must be baked goods on the table. The housewife should prepare the loaf, and then, when everyone has eaten, cut the remains and dry them. Then these crackers are usually added to a cake or pie that is baked for a wedding. It is believed that then the life of such spouses will be happy and carefree.
Many people on Trinity prefer to go out of town and celebrate the holiday in nature. And on this day, healers and healers go into the forest and collect herbs, which they will then use to treat people. Also on this day you can prepare a bunch of tear herbs. The collection of several plants is first mourned, then blessed and placed behind the icon. Then using this a small bouquet people ask Higher powers send rain so that the harvest will be rich.
By the way, it is recommended to engage in agricultural work a few days before Trinity. On the day of this holiday