How to recycle a broken mirror. How to throw away an old mirror

A mirror is considered a special item in the house. It has long been used in magical rituals. It creates an alternative world, reflecting everything in itself and creating doubles. This subject worries many people. It is important to throw away an old mirror from the house correctly so as not to cause trouble.

If the mirror is not broken or cracked, cleansing rituals are performed before throwing it in the trash. The same rituals are performed before selling: they will help you sell or throw away the item without consequences.

They don’t take the unnecessary mirror with them from the old house, but buy a new one.

All rituals to throw away an old mirror are carried out alone. The energy should be positive.

Bury an item

Burying an item is the easiest way to get rid of an unnecessary mirror:

  • it is wrapped in black opaque fabric;
  • taken out into the forest;
  • buried with the surface facing up under any tree except aspen.

The item will release the remaining energy into the ground. Aspen is considered a tree of evil spirits, so people do not bury it under it.

Cleaning the mirror before selling

Before selling, the item is cleansed of its energy. This is done using earth or running water:

  • Place the surface side up in the shade (under a tree or canopy) for 3 days, then remove and wash.
  • The item is washed with running water and then wrapped in an opaque cloth or bag.

Holy water method

To cleanse with holy water, take a church candle and holy water. They hold a lighted candle in front of the mirror and thank it for its faithful service. Then the surface is sprinkled with water and wrapped in an opaque bag or cloth. After this they are thrown into the trash.

The mirror is placed near the tank (do not throw it inside: it will break). The fabric or bag is opened slightly and the surface is sprinkled with salt. They also sprinkle the place where the item stands. Salt helps cleanse it negative influence, and then it does not harm future owners.

What to do with a broken mirror

Throw away broken mirror it is not possible in the usual way. At the same time bad omen, if something old, cracked or broken is stored in the house for a long time. To throw away a damaged item, other rituals are performed:

  • The fragments are covered with a dark cloth and followed by a dustpan and broom.
  • Do not collect fragments with your hands: there is a risk of injury. They try to sweep away the fragments without looking into them.
  • The fragments are poured out of the scoop separately into an opaque garbage bag or wrapped in a dark cloth.
  • They throw it away.

You can’t store the fragments in the house, so they don’t hesitate to dispose of them. For this reason, throwing it in the trash is not appropriate. The dust is wiped with a rag, which is also then thrown away.

If you need to leave the fragments at home (there is no way to throw them away now), they are carefully washed running water: she's filming negative energy. It is better to pour them into a plate or other container.

To ward off trouble and negativity, the fragments are taken out of the apartment:

  • Pack the broken mirror well in a bag or bag, tie it and throw it into running water.
  • If there are no bodies of water nearby, they find a place that they will never have to visit. At night they bury the fragments under a tree and leave without looking back.

Additionally, at the time of disposal, protective words are spoken. It is not necessary to use any formulas, these can be words with the message that it is not happiness that is thrown out of the house, but grief, that trouble is turned away from the house.

In order not to bring misfortune to your own abode, you should know whether it is possible to throw mirrors out of the house. It is not for nothing that there are beliefs that say that such home attributes are certain portals and keepers of all the information of their owner. Even if there is no faith in such things, you should not thoughtlessly and carelessly get rid of your own things.

How to throw away an old mirror

It is not recommended to throw the old mirror into the trash bin. It can break into many fragments, which folk signs means the approach of misfortune.

Even if you are not a superstitious person, following tips It would be a good idea to study about getting rid of old mirrors.


1. An old mirror stores information about the place where it hung, about the owners of the house in which it was located. Not by chance ancient fortune telling, proven by more than one generation, are associated with mirrors. Therefore to mirror surfaces must be handled with care.

There is a whole ritual for throwing away old mirrors. Wrap the mirror in a thick piece of dark-colored fabric. Carefully take it out of the house and place it near the street trash can. After this, sprinkle salt on the mirror itself and the place where you placed it. This ritual helps clear your energy from the mirror.

2. Before you throw away the mirror, place it under running water. Thus, information about its previous owners will be “washed off” from it. After this, put the mirror in a bag and place it near front door. Perhaps one of your neighbors will find your piece of furniture useful.

The absence of churches in Soviet times and the pagan beliefs of the inhabitants of Russia and post-Soviet territory are still alarming and frightening. It’s easy to throw a broken or unnecessary thing out of the house, but as soon as it comes to a mirror, the owners become indignant. How to properly get rid of a mirror and not bring trouble to your family is a question many people ask. Rituals will help you throw away the mirror without consequences.

It is believed that the mirror contains unknown powers and capabilities. We start each new day with a mirror and end by looking into it. It is placed in bathrooms, closets, wardrobes and carried in a pocket size. All important events in life pass around a mirror, in particular if it is in the living room or bathroom, which it remembers. For many, a mirror is a door to other world.

The mirror surface is fragile and often breaks or becomes discolored after impact or shaking; the resulting pieces are signs of receiving alarming news. Breaking a mirror means bringing troubles and misfortunes into the family, especially if you continue to use it.

There are several reasons for getting rid of the mirror:

Abrasion of amalgam on back side mirrors
In the case when the mirror breaks or gets cracked and chipped;
Replacing an old one that does not fit the interior with a new one.

Popular tips for getting rid of an old or broken mirror read:

It is not recommended to get rid of the mirror on the waxing moon or during the full moon;
You can’t take out the mirror together;
You cannot deliberately break the mirror before throwing it away;
the mirror is wrapped in fabric or polyethylene when taken out of the apartment;
a new mirror is installed in place of the old one a week after the old one is thrown away.

You can clean energy from the surface of the mirror by sprinkling salt on it and at the place of release.
You can erase information from the mirror’s memory under running water. The cleaning process will take 10 - 15 minutes.
Holy water and church candle are able to cleanse the mirror surface of the owner’s energy. To do this, you need to carry out a ritual, during which you sprinkle the mirror surface and cross it with a burning candle. You can say goodbye to the mirror and thank you for your service using the phrase “You have served good people for many years, now another century is coming, and it’s time for you, mirror, to retire.”
An alternative may be to transfer the mirror to other owners. The mirror is cleaned before sale. This is necessary to prevent diseases and not cause harm to new owners. This is due to the fact that the mirror can transfer life situations to a new family and recreate them there.
You can bury the mirror in the ground with the reflective surface facing up in a sparsely populated, uncultivated place.
The fragments of the broken mirror are collected and thrown under running water.
The fragments are still painted dark color- as if closing the passage to the other world.

When buying a mirror, focus on the shape of a circle or oval - they evoke positive feelings and emotions. Modern technologies can protect the mirror with a special layer that will protect it from falling into small pieces when broken. This feature is very useful and necessary when there are small children in the house.


Old mirror stores information about the place where it hung, about the owners of the house in which it was located. It is no coincidence that ancient fortune telling, tested by more than one generation, is associated with mirrors. Therefore, mirror surfaces must be treated with care. There is a whole ritual for throwing away old mirrors. Wrap up mirror in a thick piece of dark-colored fabric. Carefully take it out of the house and place it near the street trash can. After this, sprinkle salt on your own. mirror and the place where you take it. This ritual helps cleanse your energy.

Before you throw away mirror– place it under running water. Thus, information about its previous owners will be “washed off” from it. After that put mirror in a bag and place it near the front door. Perhaps someone will find your piece of furniture useful.

Another ritual that can be performed before throwing away mirror- this is to sprinkle it with holy water and cross it with a church candle. At the moment of this ritual, mentally say goodbye to mirror m, thank him for his service and wrap him in cellophane. Then put it outside in front of the trash bin.

Small mirrors, powder compacts with mirrors, handbags with mirrors put in ordinary cellophane bag, and throw it in the trash. If things are still in good condition, you can leave them somewhere on a bench at . Usually such things quickly find new owners.

Please note

According to signs, old and broken mirrors should only be thrown away during the waning moon. You should not hang a new mirror or any other object in the place where the mirror hung for one or two weeks.

Useful advice

It is better to throw away the mirror while wearing rubberized gloves. These gloves are sold in hardware stores. This way you will definitely avoid cuts.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors. People have long associated this piece of furniture with the other world and endowed it with mystical powers. One of the most unpleasant signs is if a mirror breaks.

Why does a mirror break?

It is believed that if a mirror breaks, then misfortune will haunt you for seven years. This is one of the most unpleasant signs, promising long-term problems and sorrows.

This superstition arose because our ancestors were convinced that a mirror is a door to the other world. It turns out that if the mirror breaks, then the entities from the afterlife break out and begin to harm the person who dares to disturb them.

However, you cannot take this sign so literally and become despondent at every broken mirror, setting yourself up for seven years of hardship and misfortune.

If you understand the situation from an esoteric point of view, and based on modern knowledge in this area, then the mirror is just an energy storage device. It turns out that if a mirror breaks, it simply cannot cope with the negative energy accumulated in it. This is a signal that indicates that it is time to change something in life. It turns out that if nothing is changed, the situation may change for the worse.

Again, huge role The circumstances under which the mirror broke play a role, so this sign cannot always be interpreted literally.

Your personal mirror has broken

If a mirror breaks, in which only you mostly look, then this circumstance should be considered as a sign warning you that the time has come to change something in your life. You may be filled with hatred, envy, sadness and dissatisfaction with your current situation. The mirror absorbed your suffering and inner experiences like a sponge, and now all the negativity has come out.

Of course, this does not bode well: the accumulated negativity spills out, this is especially dangerous if the mirror broke by itself at the moment when you were looking at it, however, you should not panic right away. You need to carefully collect the fragments and throw them away from the house. Try not to look into a broken mirror and don’t pick up the fragments naked - it’s better to wear gloves, which you also need to get rid of later.

Now you don’t need to put yourself in a sad mood and prepare for trouble. Negative energy can be neutralized. Try to restructure your thinking and drive bad thoughts away from yourself. Try not to look in mirrors anymore bad mood. Set yourself up to be positive and under no circumstances think that something bad is going to happen to you now.

A mirror in the house broke

If a mirror in which all members of the family regularly look is broken, then this is a sign that an unhealthy atmosphere reigns in the house and negativity is constantly accumulating.

Perhaps it's time to change something in your relationships with loved ones and make energy cleansing premises.

The main thing is to remember that a broken mirror does not always guarantee trouble for seven years.

You need to get rid of a broken mirror immediately, even if only a small piece breaks off. Again, do not handle the shards with your bare hands.

When the mirror really breaks unfortunately

There are cases where a mirror does break unfortunately, but this is extremely rare. For example, suddenly, for no apparent reason, a mirror breaks, and some time later news comes of an accident that claimed the life of one of the family members. In this case, the mirror, which has absorbed the energy of the household, gives a signal of approaching grief.

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Many people consider mirrors to be part of the interior and do not give them special significance. However, in fact, mirrors are a powerful conductor of energy that can both harm and help their owners.

When should you throw away a mirror?

Mirrors are part of the interior, but over time there may be a desire to change the style of the apartment, make repairs, or acquire new furniture.

In this case, you can throw away the old mirror, because updating brings energy of joy and comfort.
You can also throw away those mirrors that have become tarnished over time or have scuffs and scratches. Blisters often appear on old mirrors, they begin to distort the image and are certainly not suitable for further use.

Broken and cracked mirrors should also be thrown away, because they emit negative energy, and they can easily get hurt. According to legends, you should not look into broken mirrors, so as not to bring trouble to yourself.
It is worth throwing away mirrors that were left over from previous owners. There is absolutely no point in storing a source of someone else’s energy, because it is unknown how it will affect the new residents. In addition, the previous owners could often quarrel, which means that the mirror will retain negative emotions that will interfere with living happily.

How to properly get rid of mirrors

Don't throw mirrors in trash bins. They can break, and this will bring misfortune to the house.
The mirror needs to be prepared before taking it out of the house. It must be wrapped in a dark cloth that does not allow light to pass through. Sprinkle salt on the mirror near the trash can to remove your energy from it.

You can simply take the mirror out of the house and leave it for someone else to use. Wash away all the information from it with running water, and then the mirror will become “neutral”.
A mirror can be buried in a vacant lot, especially if it has broken. It needs to be placed in a deep hole and sprinkled with salt.

According to legends, mirrors can only be thrown away during the waning moon in order to eliminate troubles in life. The only exceptions are broken mirrors, which must be disposed of immediately.

Each mirror should be cleaned of accumulated energy, especially if it belonged to several generations of the family. After the ritual, it can be thrown away without danger. Buy regular coarse salt on Thursday, prepare a container of holy water and a church candle. The candle must be placed in salt and set on fire, and then said:

“I burn out the accumulated evil with fire, leaving nothing behind. I cleanse the mirror and free it from my energy.” After this, sprinkle the surface with holy water, wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and calmly throw it away.