How to activate the love zone according to Feng Shui. First, the bed.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of ideal relationships with the opposite sex.

Some cannot find a worthy half for themselves, others cannot maintain love and harmony in marriage. Every love story is unique and the same for all recipes There is no building harmonious relationships.

But the good news is that there are still recipes!

You can find a lot of literature and training with recommendations from psychologists, doctors, consultants, simply experienced and successful people about how to be happy in marriage. They are all good in their own way and can really help you find the right partner, build a relationship and make it wonderful.

Then this can really give very good results!

Here we will only consider a few basic points used to analyze and activate luck in this area of ​​life.

In some cases, what is described in this article will be enough to move stagnation in this area of ​​life from a “dead point” or to improve existing relationships that have cracked.

But, of course, it also happens that everything is much more serious.

And then you need to deal with the Ba-Tzu map, “hunt” for luck with the help of Qi Men, make plans, or even move to a new place of residence.

First of all, to analyze this aspect in a person’s life, his energy map Ba-Tzu is considered.

In the Ba Tzu map, built according to a person’s date of birth, you can find answers to any questions, including the potential for marriage and romantic relationships.

There are times when a person, at a certain period of his life, life path there is simply no indication of the possibility of having a harmonious relationship with the opposite sex. And any attempts to find a partner for a long-term relationship will not bring the desired result. You just need wait out this period so as not to make problems for yourself in the future and not waste your vitality.

But it also happens that the Ba-Tzu map shows that a person had every chance, for example, to get married in a particular year. And he didn’t have any promising acquaintances or opportunities to have a relationship with anyone at all. And this is where knowledge of Feng Shui comes to the rescue. It is “bad” feng shui that can affect the difficulties in building new or old relationships.

A few important points to pay attention to first when analyzing Feng Shui for love and marriage.

It is very important that there are sectors in the house southwest And northwest. These sectors are associated with a place the mother, the mistress of the house (SW) and the patriarch, the eldest man in the house (SZ).

It’s bad if these sectors are missing or “suffering.”

It is believed that the sector “suffers” and does not provide support to its inhabitants when a toilet, pantry or kitchen is located there (especially unfavorably if the stove is located in the north-west of the north-west kitchen). When in the sector itself or in the external environment in this direction objects carrying sha energy are located.

Be sure to keep these parts of the house tidy. Under no circumstances should there be old broken things, chaos or disorder.

Often, family relationships can be affected by the “wrong” layout of a house from a Feng Shui point of view.

One of the most common variants of an “incorrect” layout is the case when in the very center of a house or apartment there are partitions and walls dividing the house into several parts, and in the worst case, there are doors leading to different rooms, closets, cluttered closets or closets. The center must be open and free.

IN couple's bedroom, no matter in which sector of the house it is located, you must also “make” good Feng Shui.

Determine the direction southwest. Place any real earth element there. The more massive the object, the more “settled” the relationship will be.

However, the opposite happens; relationships have become too conservative and boring. Then you need to add the energy of other elements.

For example, a little red, orange. Maybe some unusual interior items, lamps with soft orange light.

There is an opinion that in order to “refresh” a relationship and add passion to it, you can use paintings depicting peonies.

You can use aromas and incense to “regulate” relationships. There are aromas that add sensuality, and there are those that make people feel peaceful and calm.

It is important that there are no objects in the bedroom that symbolize loneliness. For example, a painting with a lonely figure or a lonely figurine. Naturally, a poster depicting a man surrounded by several women is also inappropriate. There should also be no photographs of children in the bedroom.

It is important that the mattress on the matrimonial bed is solid and not consisting of two halves - this is practically the same as a bedside table between the beds :) Each of the spouses will sooner or later begin to live their own lives.

Pay attention to what is under the bed. Storing things under the bed can not only cause health problems, but also harm intimate relationships.

The bed should be positioned with its head against the wall and there should be access to it from both sides. Otherwise, one of the partners will begin to “step over” the other.

There should not be a lot of furniture in the bedroom, especially with sharp corners, but a dull, uncomfortable bedroom with one bed and a bedside table will not create homely atmosphere. You will want to escape from such a bedroom as quickly as possible.

By adjusting Yin-Yang, light and shadow, bright and pastel colors, you can either make people more peaceful and calm, or, conversely, more active.

The absence of a TV in the bedroom is of no small importance. Watching TV every night can bring disharmony to relationships, as it carries a lot of negative information and takes away valuable time for communication.

Try removing the TV from the bedroom for a while, after a couple of days you will already feel changes in your well-being and in your relationships too.

There should be no mirrors in the bedroom that reflect the marital bed. The TV is also a kind of mirror if it is placed opposite the bed. It is believed that a mirror opposite the bed in the bedroom can lead to cheating.

From time to time you need to use various energy cleanses not only of the bedroom, but of the entire house in order to eliminate stagnant energies, disinfect, and scent the room. To do this, use incense, aroma lamps, candles, and charged water. Of course, wet cleaning and fresh bed linen also play an important role.

Sometimes the cause of discord in the family is some unfavorable annual Flying Star or repairs in a forbidden place. For more information about this, read the article about the influence of Flying Stars this year. (Catalog "Flying Stars").

Good news: there are Stars who, on the contrary, increase chances for singles and improve sluggish relationships!

Keep track of the Flying Stars of the year and month, as every year they fly to one of the sectors of the house romantic Star Four and Lucky Events Star Nine, which help the other half in the search.

However, you need to be careful married couples, since the active use of a sector influenced by these energies, as well as the energies of other Flying Stars, can provoke flirtation and connections on the side.

And lonely people should definitely use this, since this is perhaps the most noticeable and tangible theory of the influence of energies on us.

There are also special techniques in Feng Shui that help activate romantic luck. One of them is the activation of your personal sector with fresh flowers"Flower of Romance" responsible for romantic relationships. To do this, you need to place fresh cut flowers in clean water in this sector every three days.

For people born in Monkeys, Rats, Dragons - in the west;

Pigs, Rabbits, Goats - in the north;

Tiger, Horse and Dog - in the east;

Snake, Rooster and Bull - in the south.

Another important point in Chinese metaphysics, it is the selection of dates for certain events.

Each person has a unique energy matrix, and there are favorable periods, days, hours, etc., suitable for one and unfavorable for another.

There are also days common to everyone, which help to predict how the situation may turn out in one or another area of ​​life for any person.

There are days when you should absolutely not meet the opposite sex, because such relationships can subsequently bring only disappointments and troubles. And vice versa, there are days when any acquaintance can be very promising. On such days, it is recommended that those who wish to have serious relationship, so to speak, “to go hunting” for potential brides and grooms.

Equally important is date of wedding or registration of relationship. In East Asian countries, where Feng Shui is very popular, it is taken very seriously.

A mandatory tool for building a happy future there is a calendar. Tonshu (Tong-shu), according to which not a single important event or event is planned, including a wedding.

Without preliminary analysis Ba-Tzu cards of lovers and choice suitable date no one makes the decision to get married there. Perhaps this is why divorces are so rare there.

Of course, choosing a date is not the only reason for happy and long-lasting marriages in East Asian countries. Not least in the hierarchy of values ​​of these peoples is the attitude towards parents, the traditions of ancestors, the importance of family in a person’s life, a carefully preserved culture that goes back centuries.

As history shows, the attitude towards family and family traditions in these countries were not very different from our Slavic ones. Unfortunately, many of us have lost these roots, and few remember Slavic traditions arranging our home, about our choice of dates for weddings, about our family ways.

There remains only hope that someday our greatest traditions of the past will be elevated to the rank of a worldview and will be as revered as the heritage of the past in China and other countries of East Asia.

In the meantime, let's not deny the experience of other nations and take advantage of the information that they willingly share with us. Let's try to influence the quality of our lives and become at least a little happier and more loved.


Take your time to rearrange the furniture if you suddenly find out that you need to change something in your environment.

There are days on which you absolutely cannot move your bed, otherwise you may attract trouble into your life.

Do not rearrange the furniture when the annual or monthly Star of Total Trouble, Five Yellow, is in the room.

Avoid days whose Earthly Branch conflicts with your Day and Yearly Branches. (look up any unclear terms in the dictionary)

Use the Ba Tzu calculator, Flying Star Forecast and Everyday Forecast if you want to change something in your home.

According to Eastern philosophy, everything has a pair - this is the general harmony. Loneliness is unnatural. A lonely person is a violation of harmony, so the Universe helps everyone in finding their soul mate.

Before using Feng Shui techniques to attract love, listen to yourself and make sure that you are looking for a permanent partner, and not one-time sexual adventures. Feng Shui helps those who are committed to serious relationships and marriage.

Tidy up your bedroom

A single bed conveys to the Universe that you are focused on loneliness: replace it with a double bed.

Look what the bed looks like. She must have an attractive and seductive appearance. An unsightly, sloppy bed with an ugly bed linen– signs of a lack of personal life.

There should be nothing in the room that reminds you of loneliness. Furniture and accessories - armchairs, ottomans, floor lamps, sconces - must be paired.

There should be no thorny plants or objects with sharp corners in the bedroom - these are sources of negative energy. Fill the room with round objects. Do not keep dried or artificial flowers in the bedroom - they symbolize ashes and interfere with the emergence of relationships.

Prepare a place for your future partner. Clear some shelves wardrobe. If you sleep on half of an unassembled sofa, unfold it at night.

Buy items that symbolize eroticism: silk bed linen, a beautiful peignoir, candles with the scent of chocolate, roses, myrrh.

Accessories will attract the energy of love and help hold it.

Rearrange the furniture

There is a saying in China: rearrange 28 objects in your house and your life will change. Bulky objects, such as furniture, affect the flow of energy in the house. Furniture must be positioned correctly. Before you move, clean out your home.

In Feng Shui, liberation from the old is important. Old things are carried negative energy and memories - they have no place in the house. Take your time and get your apartment in order. Throw away junk you don't need. Clear out the cabinets and dust them.

The house transmits information to the Universe. New energy means new acquaintances. Do not block the energy path with old unnecessary objects that form rubble.

When cleaning your home, don't overdo it. Leave everything that makes you happy and once brought you happiness, even if it’s old items. For example, children's albums with drawings. Exceptions are things left over from old relationships. Hide or throw away photographs, letters and memorable gifts. They're blocking the way new love.

Get rid of accessories, paintings, photographs and posters with images of lonely people or animals, as they carry the energy of loneliness. Replace posters of posing but lonely movie stars with pictures of men and women hugging, forming happy couples.

The apartment is hung with posters of kittens, lonely beauties, the interior is decorated in pink tones and bottles are placed - a clear overabundance feminine energy. Dilute it with a masculine look and bring into the interior items that a man would like.

The room should not be filled with children's toys. In an interior where everything reminds you of childhood, mature relationships will not arise.

So, if you want to find a permanent partner who would like to share your home, add items to the interior that he might like.

Arrange the talismans of love

Some believe that love zone According to Feng Shui, it is located in the bedroom. Such people find the southwestern part of the bedroom and try to activate it.

This opinion is wrong. Love is not just sex. In Feng Shui, love is associated with marriage and family life, so you need to take a broader approach to solving the problem of loneliness.

The zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is the southwestern part of the house or apartment. Here is the energy responsible for the personal life of the people living in the house.

Using a compass, find the southwestern part of the apartment and point perfect order. Keep it clean and well lit. Remove things with sharp corners - they scare away potential partners. Make the southwestern sector of the apartment an island of love and romance, and in return it will attract love.

, and someone is exclusively interested in feng shui love zone. In a word, every person is trying to find what he really lacks in life, and what his soul strives for.

It can really help with this feng shui love zone, which is located in every house or apartment, you just need to correctly identify it and activate it. We will tell you how to do this and what is needed for this in this publication.

Feng Shui of apartments, love zone

The sector of love and marriage is located in every house (apartment) in the southwest direction, its main element is earth, and its color is Yellow. Using a compass, determine where exactly this area is located in your home, and be sure to first free it from excessive clutter, remove excess furniture and dusty, unnecessary old things, especially sharp and metal objects, pictures and photos (including yours) of lonely and sad people, all this carries extremely negative information into your personal life, in other words, there is a strong message to the universe that you want to be lonely.

Look around carefully and exclude the presence in this part of the apartment of objects that in any way represent water - aquariums, fountains, photographs of the water element and even vases with water, as well as objects blue. The fact is that according to the teachings of Feng Shui, any water floods and extinguishes any love relationship. But all these items will be very appropriate in the zonal space of wealth and prosperity.

The presence of living domestic plants here is also undesirable, since the tree draws life force from the earth, especially prickly and climbing flowers - cactus, aloe, vine, etc.

In this part, you should avoid any electrical appliances that will generate the already quite mobile and elusive Qi energy, which can lead to the creation of artificial and insincere relationships.

Depending on the layout of your apartment (house), indicated by feng shui love zone may be located in a variety of areas of your home, for example, in the bathroom or toilet, we already know that this area is not the best for it, since there is a negative effect there sewer pipes, which washes all the positive Qi energy away from the house.

For the sector of marriage and love, the bathroom is also not a very favorable place, but do not despair, you can try to correct and neutralize everything. So be sure to connect to all available plumbing drain pipes red ribbons or ribbons. Hang a wind chime over the bathroom, it will help you repel negative energy, and to make this talisman harmonize well with the interior of the bathroom and look appropriate, choose a model made from real sea shells. On the door both from the outside and from the inside you can attach a mirror, just keep in mind that it should not be opposite front door to the house. You can read more about how to properly place a mirror according to Feng Shui

Neutralize all negativity in the bathroom and toilet, but under no circumstances activate the treasured sector there, which is responsible for love and marriage. It’s better to find a local zonal space of love in the bedroom and use it to attract or enhance wonderful feeling in your life.

Feng Shui love zone. How to activate.

To the treasured sector. bringing a long-awaited feeling, it worked, it is necessary to correctly place necessary and important things in it, including amulets and Feng Shui talismans. First of all, there should be paired things here, symbolizing love affection. You need two in total, two vases, two candlesticks with candles, two boxes, etc.

Be sure to place figurines of loving couples; they can be either decorative or Chinese according to all the canons of ancient Chinese teachings. The most common feng shui love figurine, a pair of mandarin duck birds, which symbolize a happy and long marriage. There are also a couple of cranes, geese, herons, all of them carry the strongest energy of a happy couple in love that nothing and no one can separate. Swan fidelity and a pair of graceful swans will ensure devotion to each other.

The presence of a Moon Fairy figurine is beneficial both in this part of the home and in the entire apartment. This Fairy is considered the goddess of love and marriage, her peculiarity is that she helps or young unmarried girls to find your soul mate, or to carry the most important and important feeling through your entire life as an established married couple. In addition to the love sector, you can place this figurine in the bedroom or at the front door, as it can also attract fame and wealth to you. Please note that such a talisman works for exactly one year from the moment it appears in the room, after which it should be taken out of the house or replaced with the same new one.

It’s also good to contain it according to feng shui love zone red and pink color, you can paint the walls in similar colors, or stick wallpaper, hang curtains, lay a carpet, buy desired color plaid, bedspreads or make red sofa cushions.

It is also appropriate to find other love attributes here; these can be a variety of hearts, kissing figurines, cupids, photographs in beautiful frames of loving couples, scented candles, sticks, etc.

The wind chime, which we have already mentioned above, must be present in you to attract the cherished feeling; again, you should choose red or pink flowers, with pendants in the shape of hearts, birds, crystals, triangular objects, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that by activating the treasured love zone in your home, you will not only find your soulmate in the near future, but will also become a charming, attractive and sociable person, and these qualities, you see, are the first step to success in love affairs.

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Before you start activating the energy of love, you must be sure that you are not in the mood for easy flirting or short-term relationships, but for real feelings and long-term family life with your loved one. Feng Shui teachings are aimed at attracting true love, where partners harmoniously complement each other and constantly improve their relationships.

First of all, you should decide what kind of person you dream of meeting. You can take a piece of paper and write on it the desired appearance of your chosen one, the approximate age, as well as the qualities that, in your opinion, he should have. After this, the list needs to be rewritten on pink or red paper, rolled up, tied with a red ribbon and placed in the corner of the apartment where the marriage and love zone is located.

Activation of the southwest sector

According to feng shui, the zone responsible for romantic relationships is located in the southwestern part of the house. In order to attract happy mutual love into your life, you need to pay special attention to the design of this sector.

If in this area there is old furniture or have a lot of magazines and newspapers stored, there is a high probability that your love relationship is not working out in the best possible way, since such things accumulate negative energy and prevent the entry of new fresh energies. Therefore, before placing Feng Shui talismans for love in the marriage sector, you should do a wet cleaning, and then clean the space using incense.

The southwest zone can be activated through various earth and fire elements. But the elements of water should not be here, because water extinguishes the fire that “feeds” this sector. It is also undesirable to use talismans made of wood or metal here.
Feng Shui masters advise placing paired talismans in this corner, symbolizing mutual love and family happiness.

One of the most effective methods, allowing you to get married soon is to paint the wall located in the love sector red. In this case, there will be a powerful activation of yang energy, facilitating an early meeting with a man suitable for a serious family relationship.

Bedroom decoration according to Feng Shui

From the point of view of competent harmonization of space, optimal place to choose a bedroom will be rectangular room, having smooth ceilings and floors. Doors and windows should have a similar shape. In order to attract love or improve an existing romantic relationship, it is best to use peach or soft pink colors to decorate the room.

The bedroom should not contain any interior elements that symbolize loneliness, for example, figurines or images of single women; instead, it is recommended to hang paintings and photographs of happy couples in love.

It is unacceptable to use elements of the water element, for example, fountains, aquariums, seascapes or paintings depicting waterfalls. Such symbols provoke discord in relationships and can cause one of the spouses to cheat. An abundance of soft toys and souvenirs can also “scare off” romantic luck, so it is advisable to remove them from the room.

It is not advisable to place living plants in the bedroom, as they do not contribute to good sleep. However, women and girls who have not yet met their other half are recommended to place a bouquet of peonies in the room, which are considered one of the most effective feng shui symbols.

If you wish, you can not buy fresh flowers, but hang a picture with their image in front of the entrance to the room. If you have already met your chosen one, it is better not to place peonies in the bedroom, as this can lead to infidelity of one of the spouses.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of furniture intended for sleeping. The sofa is a taboo for the marital bedroom. Not best solution and two separate beds, especially if they are separated by a nightstand. Ideal option- double bed with a beautiful headboard made of wood. It is recommended to place its head against the wall and provide free access to it from both sides. You should not place the bed in front of a mirror - this can lead to problems with sleep and cause cheating on your husband or wife.

The mattress must be solid and not consist of two halves that symbolically “separate” the spouses. It is also necessary to ensure that under the bed is always clean, and not to allow old things to accumulate here, as this can not only lead to discord in personal relationships, but also provoke various diseases.

According to ancient Chinese practice, there should not be too much furniture in the rest room, especially objects with sharp corners should be avoided. Essential attribute modern bedrooms– large screen TV. However, feng shui experts say that this technique emits negative energy. Constantly watching television brings disharmony to family relationships and takes away time that could be spent communicating with loved ones.

To prevent stagnant energy from accumulating in the bedroom, you need to regularly perform energy cleansing spaces: constantly do wet cleaning, change bed linen, light candles, use aroma lamps and various incense.

Symbols and talismans to attract love

After you have determined with the help of a compass where the southwest zone is located in the bedroom and have carried out all the cleansing procedures, you can begin to decorate it with the help of various symbols and love talismans.

  • To attract love in the southwestern sector, it is recommended to place crystals that help to find family happiness and harmony. However, before using this talisman, it must be placed in salt water for a week to cleanse the energy.
  • Paired talismans, for example, figurines depicting swans, dolphins, doves or mandarin ducks, will help activate the sector of love and marriage.
  • If you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, hang paintings depicting beautiful bright birds, for example, phoenixes or peacocks.
  • A sea shell in the bedroom will help enhance romantic energy. The ideal place for its location would be the southwestern zone.
  • The moon has been traditionally considered a symbol of love for many millennia. By hanging a picture of the night luminary in your bedroom, you can significantly increase your chances of meeting the man of your dreams.
  • Decorate the far right corner of the room with a pair of red or pink quartz hearts, and place a framed photo of yourself between them. This way, you will let the Universe know that you are ready to meet your loved one.
  • In the southwestern sector you can put chocolates or put ceramic vase, filled with chocolates, which are also symbols of romantic relationships.
  • According to Feng Shui, the love zone is supported by the element of fire, so it can be activated with two red candles, which need to be lit once a week. When you light candles, visualize the image of your future chosen one, and imagine your happy life together.
  • Feng Shui masters recommend using a red lamp to attract romantic luck, which should be placed in the marriage sector and turned on every evening for 3 hours for 49 days.
  • The southwest zone can be activated with the help of Chinese red lanterns, which help to refresh relationships and bring back lost passion.

Flower of Romance

Another way to help you soon achieve happiness in your personal life is to activate the Flower of Romance. In order to find out where this sector is located in your house, you first need to determine in which animal year you were born. eastern calendar, and then find out, using a special table, which animal is a Peach Blossom for you.

For example, for a Horse it will be a Rabbit, and for a Monkey it will be a Rooster. Each animal corresponds to a certain side of the world. Having found out where your “romantic” zone is, place a talisman there that will activate love luck. In addition, you can buy a figurine of your “patron” and constantly carry it with you so that it helps attract love.

If you have long dreamed of a happy mutual love, use the advice of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, and soon you will see how your life will magically change for the better.

Family holiday

Based on Feng Shui philosophy, the Marriage zone is the southwestern part of an apartment or house. This sector is mainly associated with the relationship between you and your partner, as well as with the way you relate to yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, people and phenomena in general. If you are very lonely and have been looking for a partner for a long time, then you need to turn your attention to this sector. If you already have a loved one, then using Feng Shui techniques will help you maintain beneficial energy for your relationship. Moreover, they will bring harmony and positivity to your communication with others.

The element of Earth, fueled by Fire, reigns in this territory. But Water and Metal are unacceptable here, they significantly weaken the strength of the zone.

Activation of the Marriage Zone

Effect of activation: the sector will be responsible for all areas of relationships, between children and parents, close and not so relatives, your partner and you. The sector will directly affect your sex life.

Make sure that the reject area is always perfectly clean. This will help you keep your relationships clean, for example, maintain the fidelity of your spouses. If you don’t keep order here, then discord will inevitably arise in your relationship, which often ends in betrayal.

Please pay close attention and to ensure that there are no broken, damaged or cracked objects in this sector, otherwise “cracks” will also appear in your personal life. In Feng Shui, it is believed that the strength of the objects in this zone is the strength of your relationship.

Under no circumstances should you store previously used items, such as antiques, in this sector, since such items carry with them all the energy of their former owners. Don’t forget that these things will still be foreign, no matter how well they fit into your interior, so don’t be surprised if someone else appears in your relationship or your spouse starts cheating. Always be very careful with such things and objects. In this zone, everything should be personal and verified.

Candles for romance

Place a couple of candles, red and white, in the sector. They will represent a man and a woman. Some feng shui gurus suggest tying candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship between spouses. If, nevertheless, a misunderstanding arises between you and your partner and conflict situations, light these candles for a while, thereby purifying the subtle levels of your energy.

In order for the relationship between spouses to always remain tender and full of love, Feng Shui advises that all things in this sector, from the chair to sofa cushion or lamp, had their own pair. The presence of unpaired objects in this area, as well as portraits, photographs of single women and men, or single figurines, can lead to divorce or prevent you from finding your other half.

Of the paired feng shui symbols to activate this zone, the following would be appropriate:

  • Dove figurines embodying immeasurable love and tenderness
  • Beautiful butterflies inherently associated with joy and love
  • Mandarin ducks are one of the most significant symbols of happiness and fidelity in family life.
  • Swans, personifying fidelity to a partner for centuries.

If you are lonely and it is vital for you to attract romantic feelings into your destiny, then place in the zone any objects made in the shape of a heart: boxes, pictures, soft toys, valentine hearts, etc. They will help activate the sector.

The Love and Marriage Zone is an ideal place to place a love altar, where you store:

  • Erotic things, objects for love pleasures, sexual incense and oils, aphrodisiacs.
  • Romantic evidence of your feelings, photographs dear to your heart, where you are together with your partner and where you are happy, love letters and especially valuable gifts and souvenirs.
  • Books about love, for example, “Kama Sutra”, “Tao of Love”.
  • Your stones matching zodiac signs partners. They should always be close, so that they are never separated by other objects.
  • Pictures with erotic content will help enhance the sexual part of the relationship.

Do not allow anyone to touch these items and do not display them in public.

Place yours on the walls wedding photos or photos taken on your honeymoon in which you and your partner are happy and radiating love. The powerful energy of such images will affect not only this area, but your entire home.

What should you avoid?

Make sure that gentle, romantic music is always playing in this area. It harmonizes energy and brings it into balance.

Avoid use in this sector, especially in the bedroom, household electrical appliances, since they generate excessively active, practically uncontrollable energy. This can negatively affect your relationship with your partner, figuratively speaking, making it artificial.

Remember, the Marriage area is the ideal place to store cherished memorabilia related to your family, for example, family album or archive.

It is important for success in your personal life how you work on arranging the marriage zone. If, in spite of everything, you are sure that your destiny is loneliness, you will be lonely. Because there is no place for love in your heart. You need to feel internally that life will certainly change and these changes will only be for the better.