Mechanical phenomena OGE physics theory. How does the OGE in physics work?

Assignments. There are 26 tasks in the OGE in physics.

1–22 → problems with short answers. In the appropriate field on the form you need to enter the option number, answer, or fill out a small table for compliance.

23–26 → problems with detailed answers. You need to write down not only the final result of your reasoning and calculations, but also the entire process of solving the problem.

The main sections of physics that are tested on the OGE:

  • Mechanical phenomena
  • Thermal phenomena
  • Electromagnetic phenomena
  • Quantum phenomena

Time. The exam lasts 180 minutes. It takes 2–5 minutes to solve one problem of a basic level of complexity from the first part, higher level complexity - up to 15 minutes.

Problems with a detailed answer from the second part take the longest to solve:

Task 23, experiment → 30 minutes

Task 22, qualitative task → 15 minutes

Tasks 25 and 26 → 20 minutes each

Allocate your time during the exam so that you have time to check all the answers and, without rushing, transfer them to the final paper - allow at least 15 minutes for this.

How work is evaluated

1 point → tasks 2–5, 7, 8, 10–14, 16–18, 20–22

2 points → tasks 1, 6, 9, 15 and 19. Maximum score will be given if both elements of the answer are correct. If one mistake is made, you will receive 1 point.

2–4 points → problems with a detailed answer. The maximum score is given for experimental task 23. These tasks are assessed by two experts: they assign points independently of each other. If their estimates differ significantly, the work is checked by a third expert. His scores are considered final.

The maximum score you can get on the OGE in physics is 40 points. They are translated into a rating on a five-point scale.

10–19 points → “3”

20–30 points → “4”

from 31 points → “5”

What is tested in the exam

All exam requirements are listed in the 2019 specification. Familiarize yourself with it so that you have a clear idea of ​​what topics will be covered in the exam.

The OGE tests how well you:

  • Do you know the basics? physical concepts, quantities and phenomena
  • Know how to apply physical laws
  • Have a basic knowledge of methods scientific knowledge
  • You know how to conduct experiments
  • Understand physical texts and can extract information from them
  • Solving problems different types and difficulty level

Let's look at a few examples of problems on these topics.

Analysis of problems

Physical laws - problem 7

Let’s take the task of knowing the law of conservation of energy: “In an isolated system, energy can only be converted from one form to another, but its quantity remains constant.”

How to decide

Answer:−204 J. In this problem the answer is negative. When the action force and the resistance force are directed in different sides, the work of the resistance force is always negative and is indicated by a minus sign. If you do not put a minus sign, the answer will not be counted.

Physical phenomena - task 6

To solve the problem, you need to look at the picture to establish the truth or falsity of all five statements.

How to decide

Answer: 2, 4.

What to pay attention to. In problems where you have to choose two options out of five, always check all five options. Then you will be absolutely sure that you have found the two correct answer options.

Methods of scientific knowledge - tasks 18 and 19

It is necessary to analyze the results of experiments, expressed in the form of a table or graph, and correlate the results obtained with the statements given in the problem.

How to decide

We know that when climbing a mountain, atmospheric pressure drops, and when immersed in water, it increases. However, in in this case The design of the bathysphere is sealed and constant pressure is maintained inside it. Therefore, only option 1 is correct: to prove that the boiling point of water depends on atmospheric pressure, you only need to conduct experiment A.

Answer: 1.

How to decide

✔️ The first statement is true. The bottom of the vessels changed shape under the influence of liquid, which means we can draw this conclusion from this experiment.

✔️ The second statement is correct. Indeed, different liquids cause the bottom to sag more or less.

❌ The third statement is incorrect. To check it, you need to take vessels different shapes, but our vessels are the same.

❌ The fourth statement is incorrect. To check it you need different heights column of liquid, which we don't have.

❌ The fifth statement is incorrect. This is Pascal's law, and it is confirmed by completely different experiments.

Answer: 1, 2.

What to pay attention to. In this problem, you need to find not correct statements, but precisely those that directly follow from the experiment given in the problem. Moreover, from the point of view of physics, all five statements may be true, but only two conclusions can be drawn based on the observations presented, without involving additional data.

Experiment - task 23

How to decide

1. Draw a diagram of the electrical network.

Answer: 5 ohms.

What to pay attention to. Hints about the progress of the solution are contained in the task itself.

Answer: 5 ohms.

Evaluation criteria. To get 4 points for problem 23, you need to clearly and clearly describe all four points.

You will receive only 3 points→ if everything is correct, but

  • Incorrectly calculated the answer
  • The unit of measurement was entered incorrectly
  • The diagram was drawn with an error or not drawn at all
  • They did not provide a formula for calculating the required value

You will receive only 2 points→ if the measurements were taken correctly, but

  • They did not provide a formula for calculating the required value and did not receive an answer
  • Didn't give an answer or diagram experimental setup
  • They didn’t draw a diagram and didn’t provide a formula for calculating the required value

You will receive only 1 point→ if

  • Provided the correct values ​​of direct measurements
  • Brought correct value only one direct measurement and formula for calculation
  • They gave the correct value of only one direct measurement and drew the diagram correctly

Understanding physical texts - tasks 20 and 22

You need to correctly understand the meaning of the terms given in the text and answer questions about the content of the text. In this case, you need to be able to compare information from different parts text and apply it in other situations, as well as translate information from one sign system to another.

Usually, to solve these problems it is enough to be able to read and understand the text; additional knowledge may not be required at all.

How to decide

❌ Statement A speaks of any body, and the text speaks of rocks, which means statement A is incorrect.

✔️ "Little ones" permanent magnets" in statement B correspond to the "miniature magnetic arrows" in the text, which means statement B is correct.

Answer: 2.

How to decide

The text says that the field did not change for 700 thousand years. However, the text does not contain any information about the frequency with which the field changed.

Conclusion: no, such a conclusion cannot be drawn.

Answer: the statement is incorrect.

Tasks of different types and levels of difficulty

Short answer problems - 3 and 10

How to decide

In this case, it is important to pay attention to the key point in the condition - the words “between the table and the book.” The correct answer to the problem is 2. In other cases, the figure shows forces acting either only on the book, or only on the table, or on the book and table together, but not between them.

Answer: 2.

How to decide

Answer: it is asked to be expressed in grams, so 200 grams.

What to pay attention to

  • Read the conditions carefully
  • Write down all numbers as indicated in the reference materials
  • Always convert all quantities to the SI system (meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin)
  • Write down not only the number, but also the designation of the physical quantity

Long answer problem - 25

How to decide

Answer: 25 meters.

What to pay attention to

  • Be sure to write down a brief condition - what is given to you
  • Enter all quantities into “given”. Even those that are not mentioned in the problem, but which you will use
  • All quantities must be in the same units of measurement (SI)
  • Explain the introduction of all new quantities
  • Drawings and diagrams must be clear and reflect the conditions of the task
  • Write down your every action
  • Always write the word "answer"

Evaluation criteria

To get 3 points for problem 25, you must correctly write down the brief condition of the problem, provide equations and formulas necessary and sufficient to solve the problem, correctly perform all mathematical transformations and calculations, and indicate the correct answer.

You will receive only 2 points→ if everything is correct, but

  • Wrong entry short terms tasks
  • Incorrectly converted units to SI
  • They only provided a solution without calculations
  • Didn't do the math conversions correctly or made a mistake in the calculations

You will receive only 1 point→ if

  • Not all formulas necessary and sufficient to solve the problem were written down
  • They gave all the formulas, but they made a mistake in one of them
  1. Mechanical phenomena
    1. Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path. Moving
    2. Uniform linear movement
    3. Speed
    4. Acceleration
    5. Uniformly accelerated linear motion
    6. Free fall
    7. Circular movement
    8. Weight. Density of matter
    9. Strength. Addition of forces
    10. Inertia. Newton's first law
    11. Newton's second law
    12. Newton's third law
    13. Friction force
    14. Elastic force
    15. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity
    16. Body impulse
    17. Law of conservation of momentum
    18. Mechanical work and power
    19. Kinetic energy. Potential energy
    20. Law of conservation of mechanical energy
    21. Simple mechanisms. Efficiency simple mechanisms
    22. Pressure. Atmospheric pressure
    23. Pascal's law
    24. Archimedes' Law
    25. Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound
  2. Thermal phenomena
    1. Structure of matter. Models of the structure of gas, liquid and solid
    2. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of chaotic movement of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion
    3. Thermal equilibrium
    4. Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy
    5. Types of heat transfer: thermal conductivity, convection, radiation
    6. Amount of heat. Specific heat
    7. Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes
    8. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid
    9. Humidity
    10. Melting and crystallization
    11. Energy conversion in heat engines
  3. Electromagnetic phenomena
    1. Electrification of bodies
    2. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges
    3. Law of conservation of electric charge
    4. Electric field. The effect of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics
    5. Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage
    6. Electrical resistance
    7. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit. Consistent and parallel connections conductors
    8. Work and power electric current
    9. Joule–Lenz law
    10. Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current
    11. Magnet interaction
    12. Action magnetic field to a current-carrying conductor
    13. Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments
    14. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves
    15. Law of rectilinear propagation of light
    16. Law of light reflection. Flat mirror
    17. Refraction of light
    18. Light dispersion
    19. Lens. Focal length lenses
    20. Eye like optical system. Optical instruments
  4. Quantum phenomena
    1. Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation
    2. Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom
    3. Compound atomic nucleus
    4. Nuclear reactions

Physics. New complete guide to prepare for the OGE. Purysheva N.S.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016 - 288 p.

This reference book contains all the theoretical material on the physics course necessary to pass the main state exam in 9th grade. It includes all elements of content, verified by test materials, and helps to generalize and systematize the knowledge and skills of the basic school course. Theoretical material presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks. Practical tasks correspond OGE format. Answers to the tests are provided at the end of the manual. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren and teachers.

Format: pdf

Size: 6.9 MB


Preface 5
Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path.
Move 7
Uniform linear motion 15
Speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated linear motion 21
Free Fall 31
Uniform movement of a body in a circle 36
Weight. Substance density 40
Strength. Addition of forces 44
Newton's Laws 49
Friction force 55
Elastic force. Body weight 60
The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 66
Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum 71
Mechanical work. Power 76
Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 82
Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 88
Pressure. Atmospheric pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' Law 94
Mechanical vibrations and waves 105
Structure of matter. Models of the structure of gas, liquid and solid 116
Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of chaotic movement of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion.
Thermal equilibrium 125
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy 133
Types of heat transfer: thermal conductivity, convection, radiation 138
Amount of heat. Specific heat capacity 146
Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Energy conversion in heat engines 153
Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid 161
Melting and crystallization 169
Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges. Law of conservation of electric charge 176
Electric field. The effect of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics 182
Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a site
electrical circuit 188
Series and parallel connections of conductors 200
Work and power of electric current. Joule-Lenz Law 206
Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current. Interaction of magnets. The effect of a magnetic field on a conductor carrying a current 210
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments.
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 220
Law of rectilinear propagation of light. Law
reflections of light. Flat mirror. Refraction of light 229
Dispersion of light Lens. Focal length of the lens.
The eye as an optical system. Optical instruments 234
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation.
Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom 241
Composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions 246
Reference materials 252
An example of an instrumentation option OGE materials(GIA) 255
Replies 268

The reference book contains all the theoretical material for the basic school physics course and is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the main state exam (OGE).
The content of the main sections of the reference book - “Mechanical Phenomena”, “Thermal Phenomena”, “Electromagnetic Phenomena”, “Quantum Phenomena” - corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements on the subject, on the basis of which the control and measuring materials (CMMs) of the OGE are compiled.
The theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form. Clarity of presentation and visibility educational material will allow you to effectively prepare for the exam.
The practical part of the guide includes samples test tasks, which both in form and content fully correspond to the real options offered at the main state exam in physics.

Most often they write about preparing for the Unified State Exam, undeservedly forgetting about the Unified State Exam. But in order to take the exam after the eleventh grade, you must first go to the tenth and study fruitfully for another two years. It is the preparation for the OGE and passing it that mobilizes all the child’s internal reserves and powerfully motivates him to continue his studies and strive for a prosperous future and an interesting profession.

By intensively preparing for the OGE, the child builds a solid foundation for further success. This includes good studies in grades 10-11, and a significant foundation for high-scoring passing the Unified State Exam, and successful studies in the chosen educational institution, where the child will go after finishing school.

The examination paper consists of two parts and contains 26 tasks. In Part 1 there are twenty-two tasks of varying difficulty, but requiring a short answer - you need to write a number or a set of numbers as an answer, and establish correspondences.

Part 2 - four tasks - requires detailed answers. Moreover, one of them is laboratory work. Equipment for it will be provided, so there is no possibility of making a mistake with the necessary instruments and materials. What should the graduate demonstrate when completing this practical task? Carry it out correctly physical experience, sketch, be able to record the results obtained, analyze them and produce correct calculations. The task is very difficult and you need to carefully prepare for it. Also, do not forget that you only need to clearly complete the assigned task. No additional measurements possible when carrying out this or that laboratory work, and there is no need to carry out calculations during the exam - this is a waste of precious time that could be used to solve other tasks. No points are awarded for additional research and solutions. Only for completing the assigned task.

Often an offensive mistake during registration experimental work are a careless sketch of the experimental setup, or its absence, or incomplete.

Also, graduates often forget to write down units of measurement during calculations or, having made correct calculations, do not draw a conclusion. Trifle? But they add up to points.

What else should you pay attention to when preparing for the OGE in physics? For the correctness of the calculations. Even with ideal accuracy of physical calculations, mathematical calculations, unfortunately, often turn out to be erroneous, and hence low scores.

When making decisions, it is always necessary to write down not only the calculations, but also all the formulas used in this case. If they are missing or only some are recorded - high results no need to wait. There should also be a brief record of the condition, for example, a calculation problem.

Taking into account the conditions of the OGE, the nature of the tasks, you need to prepare for the upcoming test. Don’t just cram theory and formulas, but strive for understanding so that every letter in the formula is filled with meaning.

If we look at the analysis of exam papers even for the Unified State Exam, we see that in addition to the topic “Mechanical Motion”, all the others covered up to the tenth grade: thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena cause difficulties for graduates and numerous errors. Even... Archimedes' law. Therefore, having been well prepared to pass the Unified State Exam, the child is already preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

When solving the demo version of the OGE-2017, exam papers from previous years need to be achieved not just the right decision, but also learn to fit into the time allotted for the exam - 180 minutes. Some schoolchildren, due to the specific nature of their temperament, do not like rushing: they are used to savoring a task, thinking about it for a long time different options solutions without rushing to write them down. In the "Specification of Test Materials for Physics" - a golden document, truly practical guide for successful step-by-step preparation for passing the exam, - the approximate required calculated by practical means is given optimal time: it is proposed to spend 2-5 minutes on solving basic tasks, increased complexity - from 6 to 15, high complexity - 20-30. When preparing, it is imperative to take into account the clearly limited period of time allotted for completing the examination work.

Hard work, perseverance, the desire to learn, understand, and achieve a goal always leads to victory and high results.