How to light a fire from a distance. How to light a fire: important rules for making fire

So, life proves that campfire skills can be useful to anyone, even those far from extreme sports. And if you go hunting in unfamiliar places, then you just need to remember a few basic rules for making a fire: how to light a fire in the forest, how to quickly light a fire, how to light a fire correctly, how to light a fire in the rain, what types of fires exist, and so on further.

Where to light a fire

The choice and equipment of a fire pit matters. Of course, a tired hunter, hiker or fisherman who reaches their camp site immediately wants to lie down and rest. Don’t give in, find the strength to prepare everything for the fire. Before answering the question of how to properly light a fire, you should worry about where to light the fire. So, here are some tips for choosing a place for a fire.

  • the fireplace should be protected from wind and rain if possible;
  • Don't light a fire under the canopy coniferous trees and in areas with dry grass;
  • the fire should be located on the leeward side of the tents and no closer than three to five meters from them, so that flying sparks do not burn through the fabric;
  • Do not light fires on peat bogs; fire in them easily spreads deeper.

To prepare a fire pit, clear an area about a meter and a half in diameter of fallen leaves, dry grass and other flammable debris. If the fire will also be a hearth, it is advisable to remove top layer turf and cover the selected area with stones. In open, windy steppe areas, the fire should be buried and a protective wall built on the windward side. IN winter time it is necessary to completely clear the snow to the surface of the ground.

What to light a fire from

How to properly light a fire if you find yourself in the forest. Of course, the fuel for a fire can be different, but remember the basic rules that tell you what is best to light a fire from:

  • dry firewood from hardwood trees produce virtually no smoke, and damp or rotten wood produces little heat, but produces a lot of smoke;
  • firewood from deciduous trees with heavy dense wood, such as oak, hornbeam, gives good heat, a small flame and can burn for up to two hours, so they are well suited for cooking;
  • small dry brushwood gives off a strong flame, burning out in a few minutes;
  • dead pine wood burns well and produces a lot of coals, but also a lot of smoke and scatters large number sparks; fresh spruce branches of coniferous trees, grass and green leaves should be used only for signal fires;
  • in places with sparse woody vegetation, dry peat and dried animal droppings can serve as fuel, and along the banks of rivers and near the sea coast - washed up and dried wood.

Thus, the question of what to light a fire from has several solutions. In order to light a fire correctly and quickly, it is important to understand for what purpose you decided to light a fire. If the choice is not great, and there is, for example, only a birch trunk, at least chop it into logs.

How to light a fire

Conditions in the forest vary and are not always suitable for lighting a fire. How to quickly light a fire in any conditions? To do this, you need to collect and stack the kindling. Kindling, folded into a pyramid, is ignited directly with a match, or with a pre-lit piece of birch bark, tinder or a “fire stick”, which produces a large number of sparks.

Kindling, how to quickly light a fire:
- birch bark is the best kindling, especially in rainy weather, as it always remains practically dry, even on wet and rotting tree trunks;
- moss;
- grass rolled into a rope;
- reeds;
- twigs;
- small resinous chips;
- bark of coniferous trees.

  • How to light a fire in the rain?

In difficult climatic conditions - rain, strong wind, snowfall - homemade preparations are useful for starting a fire: dry alcohol tablets, special liquids. If you have them with you, then the question of how to light a fire in the rain will simply not arise.

  • How to quickly light a fire with gasoline?

Under no circumstances should you use gasoline for ignition! And you can’t light firewood, because it burns out very quickly, and you risk getting poisoned: many people forget about this, but gasoline is a very poisonous thing.

  • How to quickly light a fire if the wood doesn’t light well?

If you're trying to start a fire but the wood doesn't want to burn, just sprinkle it with a pinch of salt, that should help.

  • How to light a fire if large pieces When burning, do birch bark roll into a tube, extinguishing the flame?

Use small, slightly bent triangular pieces of birch bark to light a fire.

  • How to light a fire and move the fire to a new place?

Coals are placed in available containers: empty tin cans or birch bark rolled into a tube, sprinkled with earth, small pebbles and ash.

  • How to quickly light a fire so that it gives warmth?
- If you put pine cones in a fire, they will give a lot of heat; the cones, of course, should be dry and placed on top of light kindling.
  • How to light a fire for cooking over a campfire?

- The fire for dinner should not be too big, otherwise high temperature will not allow you to get close to the kettle or pot.

The right fire and the wrong fire

Types of fires and their purpose

All types of fires can be divided into two groups - “for the hardworking” and “for the lazy”. The first types of fires require constant attention, but they are good for cooking. In bonfires “for the lazy,” large logs placed along the wind are usually used as fuel. The purpose of these types of fires is long burning, they are good because they burn for a long time, requiring almost no adjustment. Most often they are used for heating.

How to light a fire Hut and Well. The pioneer variants of the fire-hut and fire-well are familiar to everyone from childhood; the shape is different, but the essence is the same: firewood is stacked in the form of a house or log house. Kindling is placed at the bottom between the logs. The purpose of this type of fire, in addition to being very convenient to cook food on, is also illumination at night. Requires a lot of wood.

How to light a fireFireplace. The purpose of this type of fire is for night heating. The fireplace burns for a very long time. It is made up of four short logs in the form of a well, with a wall built on one side of it. To do this, drive in 2 thick stakes inclined outward, onto which logs or logs stacked on top of each other are placed. The fire is lit inside the well. The upper logs of the screen gradually roll down as the lower ones burn out.

How to light a Star Fire. Depending on whether the star fire is used for cooking or heating, it is made up of 5-10 large logs or logs up to two to three meters long. They are placed at the ends together in the shape of a star. As the logs burn, they are moved towards the center. At small size star fire, giving a hot flame, it is convenient to cook food on it.

Types of fires:
a - hut; b-well; c - taiga; g - fireplace; d - Polynesian; e - stellar; f - gun

How to light a taiga fire. Taiga bonfires are traditional bonfires of hunters and fishermen. The purpose of this type of fire is for overnight stays in the forest. Distinctive feature The taiga fire is long and uniform burning, which does not require frequent addition of firewood, as well as the almost complete absence of smoke, providing a comfortable overnight stay and contributing to the restoration of the physical and psycho-emotional state of people after a long journey. The wide fire front of a taiga fire allows you to cook food on it for large group people and dry things.

How to light a fire Nodya. This type of fire is prepared from large logs of dead coniferous tree trunks up to three meters long and with a diameter of at least twenty centimeters. In order for the tree to catch fire faster, before laying it along the entire length of the log, it is necessary to make notches with an ax, without removing the shavings completely. In the classic double-log node, the logs are stacked lengthwise on top of each other and secured at the sides with four wet wood stakes driven into the ground. Often they construct a node of three logs without fencing. In this case, two logs are placed on the ground parallel, close to each other, and a third log is placed on top of them. Pegs made of damp wood are laid between the logs to increase air flow and kindling is placed. Stones can be used instead of pegs.

How to light a fire at night and its modifications. To build a night fire, you need 2-3 logs laid on the ground parallel or at a slight angle. Often used for cooking and drying clothes, as well as for heating. Option - three or four logs are laid on a long log at an acute angle with a slight overlap (up to half a meter). This type of fire is often lit for warmth during overnight stays outdoors under a tent.

How to light a fire on the Ridge. The ridge type of fire is a fire made from dry cedar roots and branches. A hot, powerful flame and no crackling are the main signs of a proper fire. But there are situations, especially during the autumn rains, when you cannot do without birch.

How to light a Polynesian fire. Why this fire was called a Pacific tropical paradise remains behind the scenes; perhaps this method is relevant in humid climates. So, a cone-shaped pit about a meter deep, the walls of which are lined with large logs or logs, and a fire is made at the bottom. The purpose of this type of fire is that it produces a lot of coals and is good in rainy and windy weather.

When lighting fires, follow the rules fire safety

How to light a fire

Even if you know where to light a fire, what to make a fire from and how to light a fire, you have learned all the types of fires and their features, nothing will help you if you are left in the forest without a source of fire. The source of the flame when fishing, hunting, or hiking is a sacred thing. You can be left without everything, but not without a lighter or matches, the safety of which must be taken care of in advance, otherwise you will have to light a fire without matches.

  • How to light a fire in the forest

To do this, matches, head to quarter length, are dipped in melted wax or paraffin and packaged together with a piece of “grater” in an airtight bag or metal pencil case. Lighters are less professional, but smokers have them scattered everywhere, which means they have a chance to start a fire.

  • How to light a fire without matches

You can try to start a fire using a magnifying glass, eyeglass lens, removable camera lens, other pieces of glass, or clear plastic. With the help of the sun, tinder is set on fire, prepared from finely ground leaves and resinous bark, birch bark, moss, and bird down. You can, of course, try to make fire by friction using a bow, a drill and a support. But in practice, this method is practically not used due to its complexity.

We hope that our tips on how to light a fire will be useful to novice hunters, fishermen and tourists. By the way, it is important to know not only how to light a fire, but also whether it is possible to light fires, where you can light fires, and where you cannot. After all, those who light a fire in the wrong place and at the wrong time can easily get a fine for a fire. In case of any incident, immediately seek help,Calls are accepted 24 hours a day and free of charge from landline and mobile phones:

  • by calling the Rescue Service - 112

When you intend to relax mentally in the forest, keep in mind that lighting fires is not allowed in all areas. If you neglect these rules, you can get a serious fine for a fire in the forest, according to the law banning their lighting outside the city, within the city, on summer cottage. They also fine you well for setting fire to grass and garbage. Therefore, do not ignore the fire safety criteria (FS), try to comply with the fire safety regime (FR), and do not light a fire in prohibited places.

Various picnics, hikes, exciting outdoor activities in summer time involve cooking delicious dishes on fire. Many people enjoy this type of pastime: the forest, good company, a fire, barbecue, barbecue, camp soup, singing songs, etc. And, in order not to spoil your wonderful vacation with potential fines, just study the rules for making a fire in the forest and find out where you can do it.

PPB in the forest

This implies a certain normative act. It contains criteria for fire safety in the forest, and also contains instructions on how to properly light a fire in this area.

Based on the rules of industrial safety (PPB) in forests (this is a government decree adopted in 2007), the following formulation appeared that in the interval from the day the snow layer melts until the autumn weather conditions with rain stabilize or until a new snow layer forms in the forest belt You can't light a fire.

Where you should not light a fire during a fire danger period specifically:

  • in young coniferous zones,
  • in burnt areas,
  • in areas of damaged trees,
  • peat places,
  • in tree felling areas where there are still remains of felled wood.
  • under the trees,
  • in areas where the grass has dried out.

Is it possible to make a fire on the river bank? In other zones, it is allowed to make fires in areas separated by a non-flammable strip. It is cleared right down to the mineral soil layer. Its minimum width is 50 cm.

If you have lit a fire, then after all the wood cutting elements have burned, the fireplace must be thoroughly covered with earth or filled with a large volume of water.

The smoldering of the coals must be completed

Also, according to the PPB, the following is prohibited in forests:

  • Throw flammable components such as matches and cigarette butts. Also, glass and other containers should not be thrown away here.
  • When hunting, use wads made of flammable materials.
  • Keep fabrics and paper materials, soaked in any flammable mixtures (oils, gasoline, etc.).
  • Fill the appropriate tanks with fuel while the engine is running.
  • Use vehicles with damaged power supply technology.
  • Smoking or starting uncontained flames near vehicles being refueled.
  • Arrange open flame in peat areas.

Where can you make fires? Based on the code of fire safety in the forest, a conclusion is drawn - fire can be lit only in strictly designated places and in special areas that are separated by a firebreak of at least 0.5 m wide, where there is no dry grass and not under the canopy of trees.

Particular attention should be paid to the rules of PR. It is usually declared under certain weather conditions, most often during hot, dry seasons. When this mode is in effect, all flame sources cannot be used in the forest.

The definition of this regime is reflected in Article 30 of the fire safety law: when the fire threat increases, state or local authorities in certain territories can establish a special fire safety regime.

During the operation of this regime in certain zones, based on the legal documentation of the Russian Federation and municipal laws relating to food security, additional fire safety criteria appear. According to them:

  • the population is involved to localize fires outside settlements,
  • citizens are prohibited from visiting forests,
  • Additional actions are being taken to limit the development of forest and other fires outside populated areas.

According to the last point, the task is to prevent fires that form in forests and other areas uninhabited by people from entering populated areas.

The designated mode can operate in certain areas. Only local authorities have the right to establish it. During its operation, administrative monetary penalties increase very seriously.

In these cases, they can develop fire-fighting distances along the boundaries of populated areas, create special non-flammable strips based on mineral components and carry out other similar operations

Penalties for outdoor fires

Such sanctions at the administrative level are imposed in the following situations.

First. When fires are lit in the forest

For ignoring food safety regulations in forests, according to a special code, the following financial penalties apply for specific illegal actions in relation to food safety regulations in the forest:

1. For lighting fires in the forest not in accordance with the PPB (Article 8.32) individuals are required to pay 1,500 - 3,000 rubles, officials are required to pay 10,000 - 20,000 rubles, legal persons - 50,000 - 200,000 rubles.

2. Burning of various forest flammable materials (branches, grass, etc.) without complying with safety rules and in those areas adjacent to forests, defensive and forest vegetation, where there is no special non-flammable strip of the required width, implies the following penalties:

  • physical persons pay amounts in the range of 3000 - 4000 rubles;
  • persons of official level - in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles;
  • legal entities – 150,000 – 250,000 rubles.

3. The following sanctions are imposed for illegal actions in forests during PR activity:

  • with physical persons charged: 4000 – 5000 rubles;
  • from officials - 20,000 – 40,000 rubles;
  • citizens legal status– 300,000 – 500,000 rub.

4. For ignoring the rules of fire safety, which resulted in a fire in the forest, but no serious damage was caused to human health, the following penalties are imposed:

  • with physical persons – 5000 rub.;
  • from persons of official status – 50,000 rubles;
  • from legal entities – 500,000 – 1,000,000 rubles.

Second. When bonfires are made in the forest, near a river and in other areas

Here, article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses attracts attention. On its basis, certain financial penalties are carried out:

1. When PB criteria are violated, not counting the cases reflected in Articles 8.32 and 11.16 of the current Code, reprimands are issued or the following penalties (administrative sanctions) are imposed:

  • individuals are required to pay an amount in the range of 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • persons with official status - an amount in the range of 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • citizens of the legal level pay 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

2. For similar actions, but committed during the activity of the PR, the following sanctions are formed:

  • for physical penalties for persons are in the range of 2000 - 4000 rubles;
  • for officials - in the range of 15,000 - 30,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - 400,000 -500,000 rubles.

Burning grass

Today, the main initiator of ignition of dry grass is the person himself. In many situations, at the beginning of the season, outdated dry grass is burned, along with it stubble and reed vegetation are caught in the flames. These actions are motivated by judgments about the great benefits of burning grass in the spring.

In rare situations, the grass can catch fire natural method, for example from a lightning strike. But the likelihood of such situations is very low.

Sanctions for setting fire to grass and various garbage

It is always necessary to take into account that you can be fined not only for lighting a fire.

Sanctions may be incurred for burning leaves, grass and other plant debris in public and commercial areas. Exceptions are places designated for such activities

For the specified burning of plant residues and garbage in areas not intended for this purpose, the following administrative penalties apply:

  • individuals pay amounts in the range of 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • official status - in the range of 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • legal level – 150 – 200 thousand rubles.

It is very important that no tragic incidents occur while relaxing in the forest belt.

If a family with children goes to this area, it must thoroughly provide all levels of safety for carrying out have a good rest. All safety standards should not be ignored either by children or their parents and other older relatives.

IN garden area and grass should not be burned at the dacha. The same applies to various types of garbage. It is recommended to export it in special packages. If you do burn garbage, be sure to monitor this process. Do not leave an active flame uncontrolled. Be sure to thoroughly extinguish items like cigarette butts and matches before discarding.

Do not keep active fires, cigarette residues, matches, or glass containers in your recreation areas. Such containers, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, act on the principle of a magnifying glass: they can ignite grass and other elements.

When walking past flaming grass, do not ignore this fact. If you do not have the ability to deal with this incident yourself, report it to a special service. You can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 112.

If any such incident occurs, seek assistance immediately.

Bonfire in hiking conditions often means the life of a traveler. It is simply impossible to overestimate its importance: the fire of a fire is warmth with which you can warm up, it is an opportunity to dry things and cook food. Sometimes fire is just an opportunity to survive. Usually we are used to lighting it with matches or a lighter, which are always at hand (many tourists take dry alcohol or some kind of liquid with them on hikes to light a fire). But this is not always at hand, and situations vary. What if suddenly the situation is extreme: the matches are wet, the lighter does not work, the forest around is after rain and everything around is damp? What then? Die from the cold? Or should I try to start a fire? How?

I found it on the net interesting project from Grigory Sokolov dedicated to non-standard methods of starting a fire in camping conditions - I’m sharing. There are many of them and fire can almost always be obtained. I have made a selection according to the most interesting methods from his collection, maybe it will be useful to someone.

Method No. 1. An old flint lighter that has run out of gas.

The most common situation on a hike. There was the last lighter, but it’s a shame - all the gas came out. What to do, how to make fire? The video answers this question. Even an empty lighter can provide you with fire and warmth.

Method number 2. Making fire in damp wood by friction.

Situation: To make fire, only a knife and a small piece of rope are at hand. It has recently rained in the forest and everything around is damp and wet. Method: light the fire by rubbing the onion.

Method No. 3. Getting fire from a battery and a small piece of foil.

Batteries are such a thing these days that we very often have them on hand. Know that if you have a battery and some foil, for example from some food packaging, that means you have fire.

Method number 4. Wire friction method

Knife and small piece steel wire- that’s actually all that is needed to get fire in this way. And also a little physical activity. 🙂

Method No. 5. Method of making fire by rolling cotton wool with chalk

In places where people used to live, in old abandoned houses you can always find cotton wool. In furniture, mattresses, upholstery. Chalk - whitewashing walls. By using this method you can get fire.

Method number 6. Getting fire with the sun and a condom

Generally speaking, a condom on a hike useful thing. In addition to its direct purpose, it can be used as a hermetic bag, as a container for storing water and, below, as a means for starting a fire in camp conditions.

Method No. 7. Making fire with a spoon and the sun.

An ordinary steel spoon, which should be slightly bent, a little soot from the pot and a piece toilet paper- that's all that is needed to get fire. Yes, and of course - sunny weather.

Method No. 8. Getting fire from the sun and an old gas bottle

Old gas cylinder has one very useful part for this method of making fire. Namely, the bottom. An empty beer can will also work, by the way.

Method number 9. Fire from the sun and reflector from a flashlight

It turns out that the reflector of a flashlight, headlight or any other device for directional light is an almost ideal lens for receiving fire from the sun.

Method No. 10. Fire from the sun and two bottle bottoms

“Use what is at hand and don’t look for anything else.” (c) Vilias Fog. IN in this case fire is made from garbage, which is often much more around than required. A structure consisting of two bottoms glass bottles, a small amount of water and, of course, the sun may well provide you with fire.

Method No. 11. Old light bulb, water and sun.

You may find old light bulbs in a place where people once lived. And they can serve well when making fire if there is nothing else at hand.

Method No. 12. Ice + sun = fire!

And finally - a completely extreme technology for making fire. Ice, sun, cleaver and a little hard work. Unlikely to be useful, but very impressive!

Grigory Sokolov - many thanks for the material provided.

Not everyone has experience making a fire, but sometimes there comes a time in life when it is necessary. Perhaps you have only recently become interested in hiking, and there is nothing to do on a hike without a fire. Moreover, you need to light a fire despite the weather conditions, and your entire life experience in this matter is setting fire to dry grass in childhood.

Well, okay, it doesn’t matter, we will try to tell you how to do it and you can make a fire yourself, despite the conditions around you. So let's get started.

How to start a fire?

That's right, from finding a suitable place for this. The place should be as level as possible, preferably protected from strong winds. It is necessary to remove the turf layer, this is mainly done for fire safety reasons. You should also remember that you cannot light a fire near growing trees - it must be located at least 5 meters from the nearest tree. Well, it doesn’t hurt to dig around the fire in a circle either, this will additionally protect against the spread of fire.

Next, you need to provide yourself with firewood. It's better to prepare it right away required quantity firewood, so that later you won’t bother yourself with this activity anymore, or, say, so that you don’t have to look for firewood at night, in the dark. To light a fire, we need so-called starting firewood - small chips, dry branches, birch bark, finely chopped firewood.

All this kindling material can be folded into a hut and then set on fire. To make things easier for yourself, you can use various means for ignition - dry or liquid fuel, which can be bought in the store. After the fire begins to flare up, begin adding larger firewood.

In this article we will not describe how you can make a fire without matches, we will only mention that fire can be made in various ways, for example, using a flint, using a lens, etc. The best way When starting a fire, you still need matches and a lighter, so when going into the forest, be sure to stock up on them, and see how to start a fire without matches.

What types of fires are there? Types of fires

Beginners usually have no questions about what type of fire to choose, they just make a fire and that’s it. The main thing is that it burns, and it will do. In fact, be able to breed different types there are enough fires important point, since they have different purposes- some type is good for cooking, some for heating or drying clothes. Let's look at all types of fires separately.

The first type is “Shalash”

The most common type of fire. Usually it is used by novice tourists. It is done simply - the firewood is stacked in the form of a hut, similar to an Indian wigwam. Increasingly thicker logs are placed obliquely, and on the wind side a hole is left between them, which forms, as it were, an entrance to the hut.

This type of fire burns very hot and bright, perfect for lighting a camp at night. You can also cook food on it and it is good for drying clothes, the minus of such a fire is that it is very gluttonous and requires a lot of firewood.

Bonfire "Shalash"

The second type is “Well”

This is also a fairly common type of fire. The firewood is stacked in the form of a log house, creating something like a well. The most suitable fire for cooking. It has a low, wide, uniform and hot flame. Suitable for drying clothes.

More economical option than a “hut”, firewood burns more slowly and during the combustion process a lot of coals are formed, which give a high temperature.

The third type is “Star”

It is also called starry. They called it that because the firewood is laid out in the shape of a star. Typically these are logs that are stacked with their ends together, and as the wood burns they are moved closer to the center. It also applies to economical types of fires, because it burns out slowly.

Such a fire can be maintained long time, only occasionally adding branches. Gives a lot of heat and coals. The use of this fire is cooking and you can camp around it for the night.

The fourth type - “Nodya”

Undoubtedly this is the most best bonfire in terms of long acting, it is very economical, burns evenly, gives a lot of heat - suitable even for a winter overnight stay. How to light such a fire? Take two large dead logs (the larger and thicker the logs, the longer the fire will burn), lay them horizontally on top of one another, drive stakes into the sides, secure the logs so that the top log does not roll off the bottom one.

The logs should be separated from each other by wedges, you can use stones, make sure that there is a gap of about 10 cm, place kindling in this gap - small branches, birch bark, dry leaves and set it on fire. This fire can burn all night, it requires virtually no duty, no additional firewood, it is simply irreplaceable for overnight stays.

"Nodya" is ready to be set on fire

The main feature of the “Nodya” type fire is that it can be used for overnight stays even in winter under open air and in the most severe frosts. Without a doubt, this is the best winter fire.

Bonfire "Nodya"

The fifth type of fire is “Taiga”

Another type of long-lasting fire, does not require frequent addition of firewood, and is similar in principle to “nodya”. Purpose: overnight stay, drying clothes and cooking. It's simple to make - a log is used as a canopy, several thinner logs are placed with their ends on it, on the leeward side opposite the canopy.

As the logs burn, they move closer to the main log. This method is called "on the log". There are many varieties of taiga fire, everyone chooses for themselves which one is more convenient for them. For example, “criss-cross” - 2-3 logs are placed on a pile of coals, and the same number of logs are placed crosswise on top.

Bonfire "Taiga"

Sixth type - “Pyramid”

A very interesting type of fire. Two logs are placed parallel to each other, and more logs are stacked across them. Smaller logs are placed on top, and so on, until very small ones are at the top, on which kindling is placed and a fire is lit.

Such a fire can be used for spending the night; it will burn for quite a long time.

Bonfire "Pyramid"

Seventh type - Polynesian fire

For it you will need to dig a hole and line the walls with stones. A fire is built at the bottom of this pit. Logs and logs are stacked vertically in the pit; such a fire can be lit in rainy and inclement weather. The fire is not voracious and burns for a long time.

It is also called invisible because it is practically invisible. To prevent the wood in the fire from smoking, you need to dig another hole nearby with a narrow channel to the fire for air access.

"Polynesian" fire

Eighth type - “Trench”

This fire is mainly used for cooking. A trench measuring half a meter by a meter and up to 30 cm deep is dug, the bottom is lined with stones and a fire is built right on these stones. This fire is needed to form coals, it turns out something like meat and fish. The coals heat the stones and you can also fry food on them.

There are also other types of fires, we only talked about the main ones. I would also like to mention the signal fire - it is the main means of signaling survivors to rescuers. You also need to know how to breed it, because your life may depend on it.

It is advisable to prepare not one fire, but several at once, and use the most elevated places to build them - this way there is a greater chance that you will be discovered. First, they make a “hut” type fire, and then put raw branches and grass in it, you will get a column of white smoke.

It is difficult to find an even more important skill for a tourist, fisherman, hunter, or indeed nature lover than the ability to light a fire. Not a single multi-day hike is complete without a camp, and therefore a fire. Fire in the forest is needed in any weather. But how to light a fire in the rain, wind, or even in winter?

It is not always possible to quickly cope with such a task. The worse the conditions (rain, wind, wet firewood, etc.), the more time it takes to preparatory work. Otherwise, no less time and effort will be spent on many repeated attempts. But to start a fire with one match has become the norm, all you need to do is follow a simple sequence of actions.

Choosing and preparing a place for a fire

A flat, flat area of ​​mixed forest not far from the water is perhaps an ideal place for a fire. The size of the site should be comfortable for the entire group to relax. If you plan to stop for the night, the area should be large enough so that the distance between the fire and the tents is at least three meters. The wind direction is also taken into account. The wind should blow from the tents to the fire, but not vice versa. At night, on mountain slopes and near large bodies of water, the wind direction changes to the opposite.

When choosing a location, you need to take into account fire safety requirements. After all, a fire is much easier to prevent than to extinguish. Sometimes the fire cannot be extinguished by the efforts of the participants of the hike. So, dry tall grass or foliage around, distance from water - these are the factors that increase the likelihood of a fire and make it difficult to extinguish it. In hot weather, southern slopes of hills become especially fire hazardous. Steep slopes are also undesirable, as a burning log can roll down unnoticed and set the forest on fire. If possible, it is highly advisable to surround the fireplace with stones. They not only protect the forest from fire, but also save fuel. This becomes especially noticeable in windy weather.

When the site is selected, it is necessary to prepare the place where the hearth will be. To do this, an area with a diameter of one and a half meters is cleared of leaves and branches, and in winter - of snow. Under no circumstances should you light a fire in the snow - it’s the same as lighting it in a puddle. In the center of the site, remove the turf with a knife, spatula or hatchet. There is much less moisture in the layer of earth under the turf; sometimes the ground there is completely dry even after rain. It will be much easier to light a fire on it. You should get a small depression with a diameter of an elbow. The sod can be placed nearby - it will also be useful to cover the remaining ashes with it before moving on. Leaving no trace behind is a good habit.


Firewood can be deciduous or coniferous, dry or wet. Everything that is still green and alive or already rotten and rotten is not firewood. The wood of a living tree is the leader in fire resistance, and the dust makes excellent caustic smoke devices. Ideal option– dry firewood. They break with a characteristic crunch and their smoke smells pleasant. Wet wood, if it is not rotten and did not lie directly in the water, but is wet from rain or snow, is wet only on the surface and a little deep. It stays dry inside. If you split such a log with a knife or hatchet, you get almost dry firewood. It's important to have minimum required dry firewood

Softwood firewood is easier to light due to the resin contained in its wood. But for the same reason they burn out faster. In addition, coniferous firewood sparks strongly. If you use only them, you need to protect clothes, rugs, tents, in short, everything that burns from sparks. Hardwood firewood, on the contrary, is more difficult to ignite, but burns longer and hotter. Thus, to light a fire, it is advisable to use pine fuel, and then, when it gets a little hot, switch to deciduous fuel.

Trees and branches that have already dried out but have not yet fallen (dead wood) are better than those already on the ground (deadwood). Dead wood gains moisture only during precipitation and is less susceptible to insects. Brushwood collected in swampy, damp areas may have bad smell upon combustion. When going for firewood, a saw ax and a rope are very helpful. Using a rope with a weight at one end is convenient for removing high-lying dry branches.

Final preparations

Some of the brought firewood must be immediately broken and placed near the future fire, so that you can quickly throw it into the flaring fire. It is not necessary to break all the brushwood brought - only the one that is needed in the first place. The rest is placed in a place so that it does not interfere with movements around the camp.

Place the best, driest and thickest logs at the bottom of the recess. This is a kind of foundation of the hearth. It will be much easier to light such a fire, because you can now do it on a flammable site. A platform made of logs accumulates heat, and if suddenly the first attempt at arson is unsuccessful, then the heat will not be wasted in vain, but will help next time. Two more logs are placed on top of the platform. Their function is to protect against wind; in addition, they reduce lateral heat loss.

Kindling is a kind of first tenant in the house of fire. In the forest, the best kindling comes from small pine branches. Even after heavy rain, the lower branches of coniferous trees remain dry, so a broom made from them, folded in half, lights up with one match.

If there are no pine needles, it is advisable to have something flammable with you. Plain paper, although it ignites easily, burns quickly and produces a lot of ash. It is better to use a candle, a lid plastic bottle or a piece of rubber. Hardwood chips rubbed with a candle burn no worse than pine needles. Any material that can produce a steady, albeit not strong, flame for some time is suitable as kindling.

All that remains is to light the fire

The coniferous broom has one very useful property: It can be lit in your hands. By rotating the broom you can keep the flame constantly directed towards the non-burning part of the broom. The flame flares up in a matter of seconds and gains strength that can set fire to larger branches. The flared broom is placed on the platform between the two top logs.

The burning kindling, set on fire right on the site, is carefully covered with thin twigs or wood chips, resting them on two side logs. Here, too, it is important to ensure that it does not burn idle. Its flame should always be covered with a new twig or sliver. When enough of them light up, you can throw in larger branches.

After laying a burning broom or stable burning of wood chips, they are covered with prepared brushwood. Thin branches are placed first, gradually moving on to larger ones. When the flame is strong and stable enough, even wet wood can be thrown into the fire. The moisture will evaporate from them, they will smoke a little, and then they will burn no worse than dry ones.

Fire, water, wind, wood. Complete Feng Shui

When it rains, it is sometimes advisable to build a simple shelter over the fireplace, such as a canopy or hut, where you can wait out the bad weather and dry out. If the fire is needed for a short time, you need to spare no fuel and maintain a more intense combustion. In winter, the size of the fire should also be larger. For this, it is better to use several large logs than many thin branches. This way the combustion will be long and stable. A taiga fire, for example, can burn for almost a day without additional fuel.

In the forest you can light any fire under almost any conditions, be it rain, wind or snow. The main thing is to spare no time and effort in preparation: clear the area, find some dead wood and build a site. With this approach to this matter, you can always be confident in the result.