Lucky star by year of birth. What is your guiding star?

Not everyone knows that the Chinese horoscope of the 12 animals is not limited to only annual signs, just like Western astrology, which characterizes not only your zodiac sign in which the sun was located at the time of your birth.

A professional horoscope takes into account complete birth data, including the exact time of birth. A lot depends on this. But what if you need to quickly get an idea about another person or get to know yourself better? Chinese numerology will help us, namely the “9 stars” system. In fact, it would be more correct to say that this is a system that combines astrology and numerology.

The most important indicator is the year of birth. Of course, during a detailed analysis, the astrologer will take into account the month and day (and even the hour), but the beauty of this system is that here the year carries a very large semantic load. We can say that it determines 60-70% of the character, behavior and fate of the person born. It is especially useful to know the characteristics of your annual star when you want to better understand another person, what motivates them, what their motivations are, their internal needs, talents, and abilities. This helps to establish communication very quickly, helps when raising children, as well as when analyzing compatibility with a partner.

There are many nuances and details in 9 star astrology. A lot of information can be gleaned from your date of birth. I will talk about this in detail at the next webinar.

But today we will learn to determine the leading star of the year of birth and learn about its basic influences on character and destiny.

First, remember, we will talk about eastern calendar and about Eastern years. Chinese year always starts around February 4-5! Therefore, when you look at the table and look for your year of birth, take this nuance into account. If a person was born on January 10, then his birth star must be looked for in the previous year.

So, all you need is to find your year of birth and determine under which star you were born. There are 9 stars or 9 basic energies. Each star has its own name and leading element.

Star 1

Element: water
Image: water, ice
Season: winter

People born under the influence of this star are usually sociable and emotional. These are very sensual natures; close, trusting relationships are important to them. But emotions and increased anxiety are a frequent enemy of such people. The unit is associated with winter and night time, so units can close and go into their own inner world, unnecessarily wind up yourself and others. They definitely need to fight their fears and negative programs, otherwise they themselves will lead their lives to a dead end.

In general, a few are very flexible people; they quickly adapt to new conditions. Like water, which can fill any vessel and take any shape. But it is always worth remembering that the person of this star is hypersensitive, he can easily get offended and withdraw into himself.

Another common negative trait of these people is laziness and passivity. Water can easily turn into ice, becoming cold and lifeless. Therefore, it is important for Units to always monitor their emotional state, actively engage in sports, go for walks, communicate more and support good level sex life. If sexual energy will be suppressed, they can become very tense and depressed.

Few people need to be wary of all bad habits and various kinds dependencies to which they are more susceptible than other numbers.

Star 2

Element: earth
Image: fertile land garden

Two makes a person caring and homely. This is a traditional star of loving mothers, for whom it is extremely important home, children, husband. In general, deuces really value material comfort, good food, quality rest. By the way, twos should be careful with food, as these people are prone to gaining excess weight.

Earth in Chinese astrology is associated with practicality and patience. It is very important for twos to feel, weigh, and evaluate everything from a logical point of view. But if a person goes too deep into analysis and reflection, he runs the risk of never achieving his goals. This is a lazy star by nature, so you should always be wary of getting stuck in the swamp of life.

Star 3

Element: wood
Image: thunderstorm, thunder
Season: early spring

Three is associated with early spring, period rapid growth and movements. These are the first May thunderstorms. People born under the influence of this star are very emotional, idealistic natures. They are easy-going, active, athletic. A good trait of triplets is optimism, a cheerful disposition, a person is constantly developing, growing, striving somewhere. Good generator ideas.

But this star also has negative sides - impulsiveness and lack of restraint. They can suddenly explode like a bolt from the blue. And in this state, such people make a lot of mistakes, which they later regret greatly. The advantage is that they heat up quickly, but also cool down quickly.

Star 4

Element: wood
Image: wind
Season: late spring

Star four endows those born with strong intellect and creative abilities. In some ways they are similar to triplets, since the element of the star is also wood. But fours are more collected and smooth in their movements through life. These are very persistent individuals; if they set themselves a goal, they will definitely achieve it. But in the negative, such persistence can easily develop into stubbornness.

Almost all fours love to travel, explore new countries and cultures. A change of scenery is important for them, and this, by the way, can be good remedy from stress.

People born under the influence of this star should be wary of taking on many obligations at once and doing several things at the same time. There is a risk of never finishing anything.

Star 5

Element: earth
Image: emperor

Very strong people from birth, with a powerful inner core and enormous potential. How they manage it will largely be their envy. On the one hand, they are excellent organizers, leaders, and managers. On the other hand, the element of earth tends to devote a lot of time to family, children, and home. But at home, such people also most often play the role of leaders, no matter whether they are men or women. And here the most important thing is not to go too far, since all fives are emperors at heart, they can unnecessarily suppress their loved ones, and risk turning from an emperor into a domestic tyrant.

The biggest danger for such people is to withdraw into themselves, withdraw into isolation, become unsociable, and simply passively go with the flow. In this case, it is important not to let everything take its course; perhaps it makes sense to work with good psychologist to unlock your inner potential.

Star 6

Element: metal
Image: sky
Time of year: early autumn

Star 6 is the most yang, the most masculine of all the stars. She is very straightforward and a little tough. Her image is that of a big leader, a big boss. Therefore, it gives the born a strong will, a proud character, and self-confidence. These are extremely responsible and hardworking people. They have highly developed intuition.

But, like the five, it is very easy for the six to go too far, to become too aggressive and self-confident. For all people of this star, it is very important to have a clear value system, a clear strategy, and strict moral principles in life. A very important religion spiritual development. All this will help you achieve great success.

Star 7

Element: metal
Image: jewelry
Time of year: late autumn

People are cheerful, romantic, a little carefree. If 6 is " big metal", then seven is associated with small metal - money and jewelry. Such people strive for luxury, a beautiful life, pleasures, parties. They are very charming and sociable people. Money and material values ​​always play one of the main roles in their lives. But it is always easy to upset the balance here. Therefore, in a negative situation, a seven can become a greedy, overly mercantile and envious person. In fact, the more the seven gives, the more it receives.

Like 1s, all 7s should be wary of bad habits and various kinds of addictions. There is time for work, and an hour for fun.

Star 8

Element: earth
Image: mountain

These people are hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Others often have a false idea of ​​the true essence of such a person. Give the eight time to open up. Such a person cannot be rushed. Of all three “earthly” numbers, this is the most earthly, the most stable and solid. Social fulfillment, recognition in society, praise, and victory are extremely important for him. Eights often work too much, forgetting about all other areas of life. Able to withstand great physical and psychological stress. They definitely need to be able to harmoniously distribute vital energy and alternate work with rest.

Star 9

Element: fire
Image: bonfire
Season: summer

The hottest and bright star. Active, passionate, emotional people. Always in the center of events, they love to shine and attract attention. They have a quick reaction, a sharp mind, and easily make contact with others. Great feeling humor.

But any fire is useful in moderation. Nines have a problem with the measure. They are easily irritated, quickly lose their temper, and have ways of burning others. All nines from birth have a tendency to destruction and self-destruction. It is very important to learn to control your emotions and direct your fiery temperament in a positive direction. For example, in sports or creativity.
tags: chinese astrology feng shui stars year of birth chinese horoscope

Ecology of Life: This unique system combines numerology and astrology. Astrological techniques allow you to find out the strengths and weaknesses person...

This unique system combines numerology and astrology. The “9 Stars” astrological technique allows you to find out a person’s strengths and weaknesses, and also gives advice on improving health.

Chinese numerology

Today we will tell you how to find out your personal destiny number. It is this number that will indicate who you are in at the moment, and will tell you where to move next in order to realize yourself in your personal life and career.

Use this handy table to find your year of birth. The number that stands next to the desired date will be the personal number of your destiny.

Star No. 1. People who are under the influence of this star are extremely sociable and emotional. These are one of the most sensitive natures, which are characterized by increased anxiety. Often people who are led by star No. 1 like to withdraw into themselves and, under the influence of sad thoughts, fall into melancholy.

These people should fight their fears, otherwise they themselves will become the cause of their illnesses. Those who are under the influence of star No. 1 need to be wary of bad habits and various addictions.

Star No. 2. People who are under her influence are extremely caring and homely. Often these are loving mothers whose family and home come first. Twos are very practical, patient and willing to make great sacrifices. Such people should be careful with their food cravings. Unfortunately, they are prone to gaining excess weight quickly.

Star No. 3. People born under her influence are easy-going and extremely active. They are not the type to sit still and wait for things to get better. Threes, without waiting for anyone's help, will find a way out of even the most difficult situations. Their distinctive feature is unquenchable optimism and a cheerful disposition.

These people are also characterized by lack of restraint and impulsiveness. Often, after such emotional outbursts, they feel guilty and repent of what they have done.

Star No. 4. People born under its influence have not only strong intellect, but also creative abilities. They are very similar to triplets, as they are used to achieving everything. on our own. They also like to travel and are easy-going.

Such people should be wary of great responsibility. You should think more than once before taking on several things at the same time.

Star No. 5. People born under her protection are extremely strong-willed and purposeful natures. These are excellent organizers, real leaders and leaders. Over time, due to the enormous responsibility they have assumed, they tend to withdraw into themselves.

They may become completely unsociable, passively observing the course of events. In this case, it is important to stop in time and visit good specialist, which will help unlock enormous internal potential.

Star No. 6. These people are endowed with predominantly masculine qualities. They are characterized by extreme straightforwardness and enormous willpower. People led by star No. 6 are extremely hardworking and responsible. Often these are good leaders and bosses.

Unfortunately, at times they are characterized by excessive aggressiveness and self-confidence. They very easily go too far, later regretting what they did or said.

Star No. 7. These people are very romantic and carefree. Often one gets the impression that they are not adapted to the harsh realities of life, but this is not at all the case. Money and material goods are almost in first place for sevens.

All people who are under the protection of this star should remember: the more you give, the more you will receive.

Star No. 8. Such people give the impression of closed and cold personalities. In fact, they are very kind, they just need help to reveal their beautiful essence. Often these people work very hard, forgetting about other areas of life. They, like no one else, should make it a rule to regularly take short breaks from work.

Star No. 9. These are active, extremely passionate and strong-willed people. They know how to quickly find an approach to to the right person. Nines have a sharp mind and lightning-fast reaction. But excessive activity is fraught negative consequences in the form of excessive irritation. They are often capable of offending loved ones without even realizing it. published


First of all, download the ZET astroprocessor, today it is one of best programs for astrological calculations. A free version is available on the author's website. After installing and launching the program, read the reference manual for it, this will help you configure the program correctly and learn how to use it.

Using the ZET program, build a birth horoscope (natal chart, radix) for the person you are interested in. Remember that it is important to know your exact date of birth, down to the minute. Save the constructed natal chart in the program database. Now you can begin to analyze the birth chart - it allows you to find out the characteristics of a person’s character, his abilities, predisposition to certain types of activities, etc.

Remember that for a competent analysis you need to know at least the basics of interpreting horoscopes. Namely: to know the meaning of the signs of the Zodiac and houses (fields), to be able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the planets - being in the monastery, exaltation, exile or in decline. Understand the meaning of the term “manager”. Be able to evaluate the natal chart by the general arrangement of the planets - they can be evenly distributed, located in the upper or lower hemisphere, in the left or right, or grouped. Know what the leading planet of the horoscope represents and what impact it has on a person’s personality. Understand the aspects of the planets, as well as their qualities and properties. Have an understanding of the trines of air, water, earth and fire, as well as the crosses - mutable, fixed and cardinal, etc. etc.

When analyzing a birth chart, first evaluate general view horoscope. Important points are the location of the planets, the presence of triangles, squares, oppositions and connections. Great value has what sign the ascendant is in. Determine the leader - she has a very great influence on a person’s character and his whole life. Evaluate which planets are in crosses and trines of elements.

Analyze in which houses the planets are located; it is best to immediately make notes in a text file. Evaluate the position of the planets in terms of their presence in the abode, exile, etc. This will already allow you to do important conclusions about the character of the owner of the birth horoscope, his qualities, material well-being, area of ​​interest, abilities, etc.

Study the aspects of the planets, evaluate their influence on a person and his life. Try not to use descriptions from the program - they can be called up by hovering the cursor over the line of the selected aspect and right-clicking. Create a notebook or computer file with your own descriptions, based on available literature and your personal observations. This will help you immediately see the situation, rather than checking the program data every time.

Remember that when analyzing a birth horoscope, there are no uniform rules or standards. Are there any general principles, but in the end, each astrologer develops his own personal system of analysis. Interpretation natal chartcreative activity, in it great importance have not only experience, but also the intuition of an astrologer. Developed intuition allows the astrologer to connect through the horoscope to information fields and receive the necessary information with the highest accuracy. But it's very high level, only a few specialists achieve it.

Having learned to work with the birth horoscope, study transit horoscopes - they allow you to assess the likelihood of certain events in the near and distant future. Remember that we are talking about probabilities, and not about predicting certain events. In particular, an astrologer will never say that a person will face a serious illness or death - he will only warn that at such and such a time there is a high probability of such and such negative events, which gives you a chance to avoid them.

Try to immediately create a solid base of your astrological knowledge. If you understand the basics well, it will be much easier for you to understand the intricacies of astrology in the future. You can find a wide variety of astrological educational literature on the Internet; it will help you understand the rules for interpreting horoscopes.

With the help of numerology, you can not only learn a lot about your character, hidden abilities and talents, but even change your life for the better. The main thing is to correctly determine your personal luck number.

In numerology, the basic numbers are considered to be from one to nine. Each of them has its own sphere of influence that must be taken into account. You can’t just take and assign to yourself any number you like: there is a special calculation for this that will help you determine happy days and achieve the goal.

How to use luck numbers

Number 2. Your happiness in life lies in creating a family, which is favored by the deuce. Surrounded by loved ones, you will not be afraid of any adversity, but loneliness can play a cruel joke on you. You should have high hopes for this number, especially for people who are unsure of the correctness of their choice. Lucky days can be considered 2, 11, 20, 29.

Number 3. An exalted figure with sacred power. Patronizes people who have lost direction in life, helps them gain faith and shows support in difficult situations. On the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th you can count on good luck, which will help you build a new destiny and save you from other people’s interference.

Number 4. Imposes restraint, incorruptibility and justice on its owner. Helps people make informed decisions, keep their word and strive for self-improvement. Numbers 4, 13, 22, 31 double the opportunity to find happiness.

Number 5. Symbolizes love and learning. 5, 14 and 23 are days when you should immerse yourself in learning something new or make dates that can change your personal life. Five is able to challenge excessive modesty and self-doubt. Usually people under her protection are happy in marriage and have great opportunities in the working field.

Number 6. Six helps people to be loyal, never lose heart and take into account other opinions. Usually, those with the number 6 achieve success through the work of others. Happiness tends to those endowed with resourcefulness, sociability, and prudence on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of every month.

Number 7. Those with a seven will enjoy good fortune throughout their lives. This is the number of a lucky person, it helps to find luck and success, especially on the 7th, 16th, 25th. Favors the acquisition of personal qualities with the help of which a person finds himself in life.

Number 8. The owner of an eight is often lucky on the 8th, 17th, and 26th. Luck follows from the very beginning to the end of the day, no matter what a person does. However, representatives of the fair sex should take note of the fact that conception on days under the auspices of 8 can complicate pregnancy.

Number 9. Helps people take stock, avoid serious consequences, and achieve what they want. On the 9th, 18th, 27th, you should mobilize your strength to finish something important. The energy emanating from the nine can help close current affairs profitably. However, everything new these days fails and risks ending not in your favor.

Helps people attract good luck with lucky numbers. Based on your date of birth, you can calculate for yourself the days that are suitable for making fateful decisions. Be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

Incredible facts

Nine star astrology is considered to be the oldest form of astrology.

It combines the wisdom of the ancient Book of Changes, traditional Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements.

Feng Shui astrology is not the same as the Chinese horoscope, which is based on the 12 zodiac signs. The name comes from the ancient belief that the energy of the Universe, called Qi, is directed to the Earth through 9 stars. The quality of this energy changes throughout the 9-year cycle.

If you want to know more about yourself and your loved ones, the first thing you need to find out is your 9-star astrology number. It is based on the year you were born. However, it must be taken into account that According to Feng Shui astrology, the year begins not on January 1, but on February 4.

Therefore, if you were born between January 1st and February 3rd, your number will relate to previous year. For example, a person born on January 15, 1997 would be in the year 1996 in 9 star astrology.

So, what can your 9 Star number reveal about your character, health, relationships, career and more?

Star 1

Element: Water

Color: White

This number gives its owners strong intuition. Outwardly they may look modest and inconspicuous, but they are very strong personalities.

The childhood of such people can be associated with a number of difficulties, which contributes to the development of character traits such as independence along with patience and assertiveness. All this helps them achieve success.

Success most often comes through your own work, rather than the help of your family. These people do not like any restrictions, they are independent and possess leadership skills.

More developed representatives of star 1 are always in search of new people, religions and books. Like water, the personality of such people is flexible and can develop in any direction.

Ones love to observe others, they can keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, but at the same time they understand the art of communication and are excellent listeners.


Star 1 is influenced by the element of water. In traditional Chinese medicine, water rules kidneys, bladder and reproductive system.

This means that when there is stress or imbalance in the body, these organs begin to absorb negative energy and become weak. People of this number need to take special care to feed their energy and not let it deplete.

You need to start with the basics: getting enough sleep, good food, sufficient amount of water. It is important to stay warm, exercise, cultivate discipline, and try to clearly express your thoughts in communication.

Star 2

Element: Earth

Color: Black

These are people of action who often remain in the shadows. They know how to support a person, are constant and reliable. The first half of their life is more like continuous learning. They usually have a long road to success, which, as a rule, comes to them at a later age.

Those born under the 2 star are considered perfectionists, with patience and the ability to focus on the smallest details. They have strong ideals and are social advocates. Thanks to their hard work and ability to establish contacts, they make good teachers.

They are easily offended when it comes to relationships. When they really like a person, they are ready to open their soul to him. Sometimes this is misinterpreted as a sign of frivolity.


Star 2 is influenced by the earth element according to Feng Shui. In traditional Chinese medicine, the earth is responsible for pancreas, spleen and stomach. These bodies control correct work lymphatic and immune system.

Since these people often provide support to others, it is sometimes difficult for them to refuse a person's request, even if they most want to be alone and relax. They are encouraged to always take quiet time to replenish their energy, and to take better care of themselves, balancing the desire to give and receive.

Star 3

Element: Wood

Color: Green

People born under the star 3 are full of energy and optimism, changing many activities in life. Having achieved one goal, they immediately move towards another, otherwise they get bored.

Very often success comes to them in early age. Threes can make hasty decisions, not taking the time to think things through and moving forward as they find it difficult to sit still. They learn from their experiences.

Possessing excessive straightforwardness and honesty, they can make enemies for themselves and even be left alone.

Being highly sensitive, they can react to cutting remarks with anger. They focus on their own successes rather than the successes of others, but are able to be genuinely happy for others. They often explore and follow their own path, becoming good leaders.


Star 3 is ruled by the element of wood, and in traditional Chinese medicine the element of wood is responsible for liver and gallbladder . This means that when threes are stressed, these organs are the first to suffer.

You need to limit activities that deprive these organs of energy.

Avoid consumption large quantity saturated fats and late night feasts, giving preference to exercise and meditation. This will help you find balance and strengthen your energy.

Star 4

Element: Wood

Color: Green

Those born under the star 4 often become good experts . They will always give good advice, relating to the area in which they understand. However, in matters that do not concern their field of activity, they can be very impractical, and even somewhat absent-minded.

These people love life very much and are focused on those moments that allow them to understand a topic deeper. They can be called romantics and idealists, and they do not like to be pressured. If they have to do something they are not interested in, it makes them unhappy.

By nature, those who are protected by Star 4 are very gentle and emotional. Thanks to their caring nature, they often gain the respect and trust of others.

Their success is often in the hands of the people they have helped or cared for. Their eccentricity can sometimes create problems in relationships. They often give the impression of open and carefree people, while in fact they are deeper and more self-sufficient.


The energy of people born under star 4 is expressed in the element of wood. In traditional Chinese medicine, the tree is responsible for liver and gall bladder. These organs primarily absorb negative energy.

It is very important for you to balance your emotions, as the liver stores anger, resentment and other unexpressed emotions. These people are very sensitive to their surroundings, so it is especially important for them to pay attention to the arrangement of their home.

Their trusting nature makes them receptive to the energy of other people. Once you learn to maintain inner balance through meditation, yoga, or other practices, you will notice improvements in all areas of your life.

Star 5

Element: Earth

Color: Yellow

Wherever they are, people always gather around them or events happen.

Those born under Star 5 often face difficulties in the early period of their lives and achieve a lot without family support.

They take on tasks and work and always bring them to the end. In almost all areas of life, A's adhere to “all or nothing” rules. In case of betrayal, they delete the person from their lives forever.

They can be found completely in different areas life. These are good managers of enterprises and projects. They are not necessarily the center of attention, but people born under the 5 star have unfathomable power and control.

Since this number is in the center, these people tend to attract both positive and negative situations. They have the power to use the positive aspects and repel other energy, or channel it in a favorable direction.

Their thoughts and words have a profound impact on the well-being of others. Being in balance, they do not like sudden changes and need time to get used to new ideas.


Star 5 is under the influence of the earth element. The most vulnerable organs in people with star 5 are spleen, pancreas and stomach.

These organs immediately make themselves known when you are nervous or fixated on something. You should avoid any extremes when taking care of yourself. Exercise and take long walks in nature to avoid depleting your energy.

People under the protection of Star 5 have great resilience, but this should not be taken for granted.

Star 6

Element: Metal

Color: White

These people often face difficulties early in life, but the situation improves in middle age.

Possessing high intelligence, organization and extraordinary thinking, they are able to cope with any challenging task. But they often become defensive and can miss many opportunities.

Communication situations can be problematic for them, as their straightforwardness may inadvertently offend the other person. However, they themselves can take some statements very close to heart. Pride can sometimes become a driving force in their lives and makes them believe that they are always right.

They always choose practical approach, pushing idealism into the background. They can be strict and demonstrate willpower if they use their authority.

They are often socially oriented, working for the benefit of the team or family. Such people demonstrate their attitude by setting an example to others through their behavior, rather than by voicing their ideas out loud. They make good managers, and they can bring any product to its logical conclusion.

They have very strong and deep intuition, bordering on extrasensory.


Star 6 is influenced by the element of metal. In Chinese medicine, metal is responsible for organs such as lungs and intestines. This means that when stressed, these organs will be the first to suffer, as well as the skin, which can also be sensitive.

People born under Star 6 need to be very attentive to their emotions, try to express them or let them go. This is especially true for sadness and grief.

You are strong leadership qualities, and you like a challenge, and therefore to maintain vitality, you need to feed the feminine yin energy. Focus on developing inner peace through yoga and meditation and avoid burnout.

Star 7

Element: Metal

Color: Red

Those born under Star 7 have an innate sensuality and attractiveness. Most of them are very sociable people, witty, sincere and fun-loving. If they were spoiled in their youth, they may be extravagant and even seem arrogant.

They can easily change their minds and sometimes seem frivolous. Thanks to optimism, they easily generate ideas and start various projects, but do not always bring what they start to completion.

Sevens are easy to spot and progress quickly at work. Although they are very practical and patient, they develop best when they receive support and attention from others.

Despite the external lightness and apparent superficiality, inside they are quite collected and will find practical solution for any situation. They have a good gift of persuasion.


Star 7 is influenced by the metal element, which is responsible for lungs and intestines. These organs are most vulnerable during periods of stress.

Unlike Star 6 people, it is much easier for you to express your emotions. However, sometimes your tendency to joke and have fun hides deeper and not always conscious emotions.

Don't suppress your true emotions, otherwise it will worsen your lung function.

Star 8

Element: Earth

Color: White

Eights kind, impartial and attached to the family. However, when they sense injustice, they can speak out sharply and fiercely defend the interests of the wronged.

Appearances can be deceiving and despite being stubborn, cynical and even sometimes aggressive, these people are quite kind and gentle. They are willful and do not accept being told what and how they need to do.

They are not eager to fight, preferring to think everything carefully before acting.

Often these people have a clear plan regarding their career and achievements. At the same time, they do not refuse new ideas and directions in life. The first half of their life, as a rule, passes in a hurry, and success usually comes when they learn to balance their goals and capabilities.

Eights love family. Even if something prevents them from starting a family at an early age, they never forget about it. With age, this love only becomes stronger.


Star 8 is influenced by the element of earth, which is responsible for spleen, pancreas and stomach.

Eights need to take care of maintaining their energy. Active lifestyle and physical exercise will help them avoid their characteristic stagnation of energy and apathy.

Star 9

Element: Fire

Color: Purple

These people have the ability to develop new ideas and initiate new activities. They attract a lot of attention to their person and have remarkable charisma. They have a changeable nature, and it can be very difficult to predict what mood they will be in.

They are sociable and enthusiastic, but often do not think through their plans and opinions.

More developed representatives of Star 9 use luck, charisma and sociability to advance in career ladder or in a profession that combines chaos with the more material aspects of life.

They know how to get approval and support, and are successful in public relations and sales.

They often find it difficult to stay in one place for long at work and in relationships.


People of Star 9 are under the protection of the element of fire. In Chinese medicine, fire is responsible for heart and small intestine.

It is especially important for Nines to strengthen their energy and create a solid foundation for the fiery energy to be in balance.

These people tend to be hyperactive and nervous. Adequate sleep, good nutrition, pleasant and regular exercise will help calm them and bring them into balance.