Magnetic and compass courses and bearings, ship magnetism. Ship magnetism

Magnetic compass deviation. Correction and translation of rhumbs

Metal ship hull, various hardware, the engines cause the magnetic needle of the compass to deviate from the magnetic meridian, i.e., from the direction in which the magnetic needle should be located on land. The magnetic field lines of the earth, crossing ship iron, turn it into magnets. The latter create their own magnetic field, under the influence of which the magnetic needle on the ship receives an additional deviation from the direction of the magnetic meridian.

The deviation of the needle under the influence of the magnetic forces of the ship's iron is called compass deviation. The angle between the north part of the magnetic meridian Nm and the north part of the compass meridian Nk is called the deviation of the magnetic compass (betta) (Fig. 44).

Deviation can be either positive - eastern, or core, or negative - western, or leading. Deviation is a variable quantity and varies depending on the latitude and course of the ship, since the magnetization of the ship's iron depends on its location relative to the magnetic field lines of the earth.

To calculate the magnetic course of the MK, it is necessary to algebraically add the value of deviation 6 on this course to the value of the compass course of the KK:

Kk+(+-(betta)) = MK

Or MK-(+ - (betta)) = KK.

For example, the compass course of the KK is 80°, while the deviation of the magnetic compass (betta) = 20° with a plus sign. Then using the formula we find:

MK = KK + (+-(betta)) = 80°+ (+ 20°) = 100°.

If the ship's own magnetic field is large, then it is difficult to use the compass, and sometimes it stops working altogether. Therefore, the deviation must first be destroyed with the help of compensation magnets located in the compass box and soft iron bars installed in the immediate vicinity of the compass.

After eliminating the deviation, they begin to determine the residual deviation at various courses of the ship. The destruction and determination of residual deviation and the compilation of a deviation table for a given compass is carried out by a deviator specialist at a deviation range specially equipped with leading signs. The deviation is considered to be eliminated quite satisfactorily if its value on all courses does not exceed +4°.

Figure 44. Correction and translation of rhumbs

As already mentioned, true courses and bearings must be plotted on maps. To obtain true courses and bearings, it is necessary to make a certain correction to the readings of the compass installed on the ship, since it shows the compass course and compass bearings. The compass correction (delta) k is the angle between the north part of the true meridian N and and the north part of the compass meridian Nk. The compass correction (delta)k is equal to the algebraic sum of deviation (betta) and declination d, i.e.:

(dela) k = (+-betta) + (+-d)

It follows that to obtain the true values ​​it is necessary to add the compass correction with its sign to the compass values:

IR = KK + (+ -(delta) k)

Or CC = IR-(+ (delta)k).

In Fig. 43 shows the transition from MK to KK through declination.

In Fig. Figure 44 shows the relationship between all quantities on which the correct determination of true directions at sea depends. The angles formed by the lines NK, Nu, Nn and the heading and bearing lines have the following names:

Compass course K K - the angle between the compass meridian line NK and the course line.

Compass bearing KP - the angle between the compass meridian line NK and the bearing line.

Magnetic course MK - the angle between the magnetic meridian NM and the course line.

Magnetic bearing MF - the angle between the magnetic meridian line NM and the bearing line.

True course IK - the angle between the true meridian line Na and the course line.

The true bearing of the IP is the angle between the true meridian line and the bearing line.

Deviation (betta) is the angle between the compass meridian line NK and the magnetic meridian line NM.

Declination d is the angle between the magnetic meridian line NM and the true meridian line Nu.

Compass correction (delta) k - the angle between the true meridian line N" and the compass meridian line N K.

There is a mnemonic rule that helps the navigator correctly operate with the values ​​of true magnetic and compass directions. To fulfill this rule, you must remember the sequence: IR-d- MK-(betta)- KK. If we algebraically subtract the declination d from the IR, we obtain the value MK, which is located next to the right of the IR; If we algebraically subtract the deviation (beta) from the MC, we obtain the value KK, which is located next to the right of the MC. If we algebraically subtract from the IR both values ​​d - declination (beta) -deviation to the right of the IR, we obtain KK. Provided that we have a compass course and need to obtain the MK, we perform the opposite actions: to the compass course KK we add the algebraic deviation 6 to the left of it and we obtain the magnetic course of the MK. If we algebraically add the declination d, which is to the left of the magnetic course, to the magnetic course, we obtain the true IR course. and, finally, if we algebraically add deviation (betta) and declination d to the compass heading, which are nothing more than the compass correction DK, then we get the true heading - IR.

An amateur navigator, when making calculations and working on a map, uses only the true values ​​of courses, bearings and heading angles, and magnetic compasses give only their compass value, so he has to make calculations using the above formulas. The transition from known compass and magnetic values ​​to unknown true ones is called the correction of bearings. The transition from known true values ​​to unknown compass and magnetic values ​​is called the translation of rhumbs.

All sea vessels are equipped with magnetic compasses. The main advantage is their high degree autonomy and reliability with a simple device. Main disadvantage- low accuracy of determining directions. Sources of errors are: inaccurate knowledge of magnetic declination, deviation, inertia and insufficient sensitivity of the magnetic needle system to the Earth's magnetic field. Errors especially increase when pitching.

Typically, two magnetic compasses are installed on a ship - main(GMC) to determine the position of the vessel and travel(PMK) - to control the ship. The MMC is installed in the DP, usually on the upper bridge in the place of best protection from the effects of the ship's magnetic field, The PMC is installed in the wheelhouse. Often, instead of two magnetic compasses, a ship is equipped with one compass on the upper bridge, but with optical transmission of readings to the wheelhouse.

The reliability of determining directions using a magnetic compass largely depends on the accuracy of knowledge of its deviation.

A large deviation leads to the fact that the magnetic compass stops responding to the Earth’s magnetic field and, in fact, is no longer a heading indicator. Therefore, the deviation of the magnetic compass must be compensated by creating an artificial magnetic field. This process is called destruction of deviation. Under normal sailing conditions, the destruction of magnetic compass deviation is carried out at least once a year in special ways, studied in the course of deviation. The deviation remaining after destruction is called residual deviation; it must be determined by navigators and should not be more than 3° at the main compass and 5° at the directional compass. The residual deviation must be determined:

1) after each destruction of deviation,

2) after repair, drydocking, demagnetization of the vessel;

3) after loading and unloading cargo that changes the magnetic field of the ship;

4) with a significant change in magnetic latitude;

5) when the actual deviation differs from the table deviation by more than 2°.

The essence of determining residual deviation is to compare the measured compass bearing with the known magnetic bearing of the same landmark:

Since deviation depends on the ship’s heading, it is determined on 8 equally spaced main and quarter compass courses. After that, for each magnetic compass its own deviation table is calculated after 10° of the compass course. An example of a residual deviation table is shown in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2.

QC d QC d QC d QC d
+2.3° 100° -3.3° 190° -0.7° 280° +4.5°
+1,7 -3,7 +03 +4,3
+1,3 -4,0 +1,3 +4,0
+1,0 -4,3 +2,0 +3,7
+0,5 -4,0 +2,7 +3,5
-3,7 +3,5 +3,0
-0,7 -3,3 +4,0 +2,7
-1,5 -2,5 +4,3 +2,5
-2,0 -1,7 +4,5 +2,3

The residual deviation is determined by two observers. It must be borne in mind that after each turn the magnetic compass card comes to the meridian in 3-5 minutes and therefore the compass cannot be used at this time.

Let's consider the main methods for determining residual deviation.

1. On target(Fig. 1.26).

This is the most accurate method. Some ports even have special deviation points. The vessel crosses the target using each of the 8 main and quarter compass courses and at the moment of crossing the target, the navigator measures the compass bearing of this target. Magnetic bearing is calculated using the formula (1.17) MP=IP-d. IP is taken from the map, d is also determined from the map and reduced to the year of voyage.


The action of the force of earthly magnetism on the iron hull of a ship causes in the latter the appearance of magnetic forces or the appearance ship magnetism. The combined action of the forces of earthly and ship magnetism on the compass can, as theory shows, be reduced to 6 forces that influence the compass in different ways. The magnetic force of the earth is directed, generally speaking, at an angle to the horizon, and for convenience it is replaced by two component forces: N- horizontal and Z- vertical. The 6 forces that emerged in the ship's hull have the following names:

(1) λН- the force that directs the compass needle along the magnetic meridian;

(2) UλН- the force producing constant deviation in all courses;

(3) BλН- longitudinal force

(4) GλH- shear force

come from solid ship iron and produce semicircular deviation;

(5) DλH

(6) QλН

come from soft ship iron and produce quarter deviation.

Expressions semicircular And quarter note mean that when the ship turns 360°, the deviations produced by these forces respectively pass through zero 2 and 4 times.

  • - "... - the minimum depth of the navigable passage established on the section of the navigable route at the design water level..." Source: "GOST 26775-97. Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways...

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  • - "... - the smallest dimensions of the navigable passage established on the section of the navigable route at the calculated navigable water levels..." Source: "GOST 26775-97...

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  • - im. Yu. A. Gagarin RAS, created. in 1939...

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  • - see, Mesmerism...

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  • - see Terrestrial magnetism...

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  • - List of all cargo on the ship or plane. Before it is handed over to customs upon leaving or upon arrival at a port or airport, it must be signed by the captain or chief mate...

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  • - a list submitted to the customs authorities of all cargo on board a ship or aircraft...

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  • - "... - depth, width, free height and radius of curvature of the navigable passage..." Source: "GOST 26775-97. Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways...

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  • - ".....

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  • - "...- the axis of the navigation channel is a conventional line passing in the middle part of the navigation channel, or a line indicated by navigational signs;..." Source: Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 14...

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  • - "...- ship supply premises - intended for storing supplies of provisions, ship property, consumables and raw materials, as well as various supplies for the operation of production and technological workshops.....

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  • - "... is the weighted average depth of the shipping channel on a section of the shipping route, used by the transport fleet in operational period navigation..." Source: "GOST 26775-97...

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Deviation is the phenomenon of deviation of the magnetic compass needle from the magnetic meridian under the influence of the ship’s magnetic field

Compass meridian is the vertical plane in which the magnetic compass needle is installed on a ship

Magnetic compass deviation - the angle between the magnetic and compass meridians

Deviation is measured in a semicircular counting system. If the compass meridian is deviated to the east of the magnetic meridian, then the deviation is considered positive. If the compass meridian is deviated to the west of the magnetic meridian, then the deviation is considered negative

The deviation of the magnetic compass depends on the ship's heading. If you change course, the ship’s magnetic field and its effect on the magnetic compass needle will change.

The deviation varies depending on the latitude of the navigation area. The deviation of the magnetic compass in the same course, but at different latitudes, will be different

To ensure reliable and accurate magnetic compass readings, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate deviation. The principle of eliminating deviation is artificial creation near the compass there are magnetic fields equal but opposite in sign to the fields generated by the ship's iron.

Effect of liquid cargo on stability

Stability is the ability of a vessel that has become tilted at a certain angle under the influence of external forces to return to its original position straight position after the force ceases. Ships always carry liquid cargo (ballast water, fuel, fresh water for various purposes, etc.), and liquid cargo ships carry standard cargo. If a liquid cargo completely fills the volume allocated to it (cistern, tank), then when the ship tilts, it will behave like a solid, non-moving cargo. The effect of such a load on stability is similar to the effect that a fixed solid load has on stability.

If the tanks have a free surface (not completely filled), then when the vessel tilts, the shape of the volume of liquid in the tank will change, and this affects the landing and stability of the vessel. From the point of view of influence on stability, a liquid load with a free surface is similar to a suspended load, the suspension point of which is located at the metacenter, and the length of the suspension is equal to the metacentric radius.

The correction Δh to the metacentric height, taking into account the influence of the free surface of the liquid, will be: Δh = -(P × ρ l) / D (P = ρ l × V l - mass of liquid in the tank; V l - volume occupied by the liquid; ρ l - liquid density).

The value of the metacentric radius for this case: r l = i x / V l (i x is the moment of inertia of the free surface of the liquid relative to the longitudinal axis passing through the center of gravity of the area of ​​this surface). => Δh = -(ρ x /ρ) × (i x / V)

The main influence on Δh is exerted by the value i x, which depends on the shape and size of the free surface. At large area of the free surface, the moment of inertia i x , and, consequently, the correction Δh will be so large that the transverse metacentric height will be insufficient and may even become negative.

Recommendations for elimination or reduction negative influence the free surface of the liquid cargo on the stability of the vessel: when accepting liquid cargo, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the tanks or compartments are filled to 95% or more; voyage supplies should be consumed first from the upper containers, and then from the lower ones in turn; when ballasting, sea water cannot be taken into several ballast tanks at once; During the voyage, you should avoid taking sea water into ballast tanks and removing it from them; ballasting must be done in a port or at a base - a shelter.

Give a description running lights power-driven vessels of 50 meters or more in length

A power-driven vessel underway must display:

1. masthead light ahead;

2. a second masthead light behind and above the forward masthead light, however, a vessel less than 50 m in length is not required, but may display such a light;

3. side lights;

4. stern fire.

Magnetic compass deviation table

The deviation table shows the dependence of the residual deviation of the magnetic compass on compass courses. It is compiled after the destruction of the deviation by a deviator (a specialist in the port deviation service). The table is valid for up to 12 months. In exceptional cases, the captain of the vessel may extend the validity of this table with his signature for 3 months. The table can be made in two versions - compass courses are set in increments of 10 or 15 degrees. The argument for entering the table is the compass heading. If the compass course is not specified, then the magnetic course can be used as an argument.

Let me remind readers that the question being analyzed is as follows: is it possible to continue sailing with a compass whose deviation has increased to 60° as a result of a lightning strike, if one knows its correction?

In the first two parts, we looked at the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials, studied the basic definitions, and also remembered what the Earth’s magnetic field is.

The third participant in the process of developing a course using a magnetic compass, in addition to the compass itself and the Earth’s magnetic field, is the magnetic field of the yacht. This is what we’ll talk about in the next part of the series “Magnetic compass business. Brief summary."


Today, the vast majority of yachts have on board devices and mechanisms made from certain ferromagnets. In addition to “ship iron”, everything creates its own magnetic field electrical appliances, of which there are more and more on board every year. Obviously, all these sources of magnetic field distort the Earth’s magnetic field, so the compass card installed on the yacht shows not the magnetic meridian, but its own compass meridian. I think it would be appropriate to recall that the angle between the magnetic and compass meridians is called deviation.

The deviation of a magnetic compass installed on a ship is not a constant value, but changes during navigation for a number of reasons, in particular, when the ship’s course and the magnetic latitude of navigation change. All ship iron can be magnetically divided into soft and hard. Solid iron, having become magnetized during the construction of the ship, acquires a certain residual magnetism and acts on the compass card with a certain constant force. When the ship changes course, this force, together with the ship, changes its direction relative to the magnetic meridian and therefore, at different courses, causes a deviation of unequal magnitude and sign.

When the course changes, the ship's iron, which is soft in magnetic terms, is remagnetized and acts on the card with a force of variable magnitude and direction, also causing unequal deviation. When the magnetic latitude of navigation changes, the strength of the Earth's magnetic field and the magnetization of soft ship iron change, which also causes changes in deviation.

Thus, three forces act on the card of a magnetic compass installed on board a ship: the constant magnetic field of the Earth, the constant magnetic field of hard ship iron, and the alternating magnetic field of soft ship iron. The interaction of these fields creates a certain total magnetic field strength. The needle of a magnetic compass occupies a position along the tension vector, and the compass meridian can differ greatly from the magnetic one. And here we finally come to the answer to the question posed at the beginning of our summary: what to do if the deviation of the magnetic compass suddenly, “as a result of a lightning strike,” became very large, for example, more than 60°. Does it need to be destroyed or can the movement continue by determining an amendment?

With a large deviation, i.e. with a significant strength of the ship's magnetic field, the Earth's magnetic field may, on some courses, be almost completely compensated by the ship's magnetic field. In this case, the compass card will be in a state of indifferent equilibrium, and the compass will stop working: on some courses, the card will rotate with the ship due to the same increment in the course and deviation angles; on other directions, the sensitive element will be carried away by friction in the support due to an excessive decrease in the guiding force .

In addition, looking ahead, we note that at large deviation values ​​its determination itself becomes difficult and inaccurate, since the procedure for determining deviation assumes that the ship is on one or another known magnetic course. With large deviation values, when the course changes, it quickly changes its value, and even small errors in the course, which are inevitable, begin to significantly affect the accuracy of the determinations.

Thus, the clear answer to the question posed is that it is dangerous to continue moving with a compass that has a large deviation. It is imperative to destroy it, then determine the residual values, and only then can you safely continue moving.

The total magnetic field strength of ship's iron in the theory of magnetic compass business is described by Poisson's equations. Of its three components, the magnitude of deviation is influenced by two components - the magnetic field of soft iron and the magnetic field of hard iron.

In the magnetic compass field, the forces that form the ship’s magnetic field and, accordingly, the deviation they cause are conventionally divided into constant, semicircular and quarter. The magnitude of the constant deviation does not depend on the course and does not change when the magnetic latitude changes, which is why it is called constant. The constant deviation is caused by the influence of longitudinal and transverse soft ship iron.

Semicircular deviation is a deviation that, when the ship's course changes by 360⁰, changes sign twice, taking two times zero values. Semicircular deviation is caused by the magnetic field from vertical soft and any magnetically hard ship iron.

Semicircular deviation graph

Quarter deviation is a deviation that, when the ship's course changes, changes in direction twice as fast as the course. When the course changes from 0⁰ to 360⁰, the deviation changes its sign four times and passes through zero the same number of times. The quarter deviation is caused by the magnetic field from the longitudinal and transverse ship's soft iron.

Quarter deviation chart

Since the source of deviation is the longitudinal and transverse ship iron, the destruction of deviation is also carried out using longitudinal and transverse destroyer magnets.

Of all the forces that cause deviation of the magnetic compass, the weakest are the forces that cause constant deviation. Its value, as a rule, does not exceed 1⁰. Therefore, this force is not compensated, but taken into account in the form of a compass correction.

Semicircular deviation occurs under the influence of all hard and vertical soft ship iron. These forces are compensated by longitudinal and transverse magnets - destroyers installed inside the binnacle. In order to compensate for one or another magnetic force, it is necessary to apply an opposite directional force to the compass card. This is achieved by using appropriate compensators. When destroying deviations, they are guided by the following rule: forces originating from solid ship iron must be compensated by permanent magnets, and the forces from the inductive magnetism of soft ship iron - using elements of soft ferromagnetic material. Correct installation compensators - this is the task that needs to be solved to eliminate deviation.

Binnacle of a modern magnetic compass with compensators and correctors

Quarter deviation occurs under the influence of only soft horizontal ship iron. The forces causing quarter deviation reach minimum values using quarter deviation compensators - bars, plates or balls made of soft ferromagnetic material, installed outside the binnacle, in its upper part.

It should be noted that quarter deviation is more stable than semicircular deviation. Therefore, the destruction of the quarter deviation is carried out, as a rule, once - immediately after the construction of the vessel. Subsequently, the residual quarter deviation practically does not undergo noticeable changes for many years, which cannot be said about the semicircular deviation.

In addition to quarter and semicircular deviation, when the ship’s hull is tilted, i.e. when heeling, trimming or during pitching, an additional error in the magnetic compass occurs - heel deviation. With roll or lateral roll, the roll deviation is maximum on courses N and S. With longitudinal roll and pitching, on courses E and W, respectively. Roll deviation can reach values ​​of 3⁰ for each degree of roll. To destroy it, a special compensator is provided inside the binnacle - an inclination magnet. It is installed vertically, under the compass bowl.

To prevent instability of semicircular deviation due to changes in magnetic latitude when the ship is sailing, the compass is equipped with another device - a latitude compensator. This is a vertical rod made of soft ferromagnetic material, mounted on the outside of the binnacle. It eliminates the variable (latitudinal) part of the semicircular deviation.

It is curious that this latitudinal compensator is called Flinders bar, in honor of English navigator and Australian researcher Matthew Flinders. By the way, it was he who named Australia Australia. During an expedition in 1801, he, making systematic determinations of declination using two compasses, discovered that in the Northern Hemisphere the northern end of the compass needle was attracted by an unknown force to the bow of the ship, and in the southern hemisphere - to the stern.

Matthew Flinders

Analyzing the results obtained, Flinders came to the conclusion that the cause of the deviation was the ship's iron, which, with changes in latitude, changed the magnitude and polarity of its magnetism under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. Since most of the ship's iron was in pillars, i.e., vertical posts supporting the deck of a wooden ship, the famous navigator came up with the idea of ​​eliminating the deviation by placing a vertical bar of iron near the compass, which is still used today under the name Flindersbar.

Flinders bar - vertical pipe on the left of the binnacle

So, we have received a scientifically based answer to the question posed by Fyodor Druzhinin. At large deviation values ​​- several tens of degrees - it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to use a magnetic compass without destroying it, since the uncompensated forces causing the deviation will balance the Earth’s magnetic field so that the magnetic compass will no longer act as a heading indicator.

Modern yacht magnetic compasses are structurally somewhat different from classic instruments with a high binnacle and complex system compensation magnets. Nevertheless, the task of eliminating deviation is relevant for them as well.

What methods exist for eliminating deviation, how to eliminate deviation on a yacht magnetic compass, and much more, I will tell you next time.

To be continued…

Used literature: P.A. Nechaev, V.V. Grigoriev “Magnetic-compass business” V.V. Voronov, N.N. Grigoriev, A.V. Yalovenko “Magnetic compasses” NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY “HANDBOOK OF MAGNETIC COMPASS ADJUSTMENT”