Classification of pedagogical research methods. Classifications of pedagogical research methods


Research method the path of knowledge and awareness of the most general and widely operating laws of reality, objective reality.

In order for a researcher to solve a given problem, a set of methods, means and techniques of scientific knowledge, i.e. methods of scientific knowledge, is necessary.

To solve specific problems of studying the characteristics of the human psyche and behavior in the pedagogical process, it is used many methods have been researched. Methods must be chosen adequately the essence of the subject being studied and the product to be obtained; adequate to the task. That is, it is necessary to harmonize the methods with the nature of the phenomenon being studied.

Research methods are grouped according to various criteria: according to the level of penetration into the essence, a group is distinguished methods of empirical research based on experience, practice, experiment, and theoretical research methods, associated with abstraction from sensory reality, construction of models, penetration into the essence of what is being studied (history, theory).

The main research methods are observation and experiment. They can be considered general scientific methods. There are many others specific to the social sciences: conversation method, method of studying processes and products of activities, questioning method, testing method, etc.

How methods or means of concretizing and implementing the research method are used specific techniques psychological research. For example, if testing is a research method, then specific tests are used as methods: Cattell’s questionnaire, Eysenck’s questionnaire, etc.

Empirical methods:

1) observation is one of the most common, as well as the most available method studying pedagogical practice. scientific observation is a specially organized perception of the object under study in natural conditions: a) tasks are determined, objects are identified, observation schemes are drawn up; b) the results are necessarily recorded; c) the received data is processed.

To increase efficiency, observation must be long-term, systematic, versatile, objective and widespread. There are also disadvantages: the observation does not reveal the inside of ped.phenomena; it is impossible to ensure complete objectivity of the information. Therefore, obs. Most often used at the early stages of research in combination with other methods.

2) survey methods:

    Conversation - an independent or additional research method used to obtain the necessary information or clarify something that was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification. The conversation is conducted in a free form without recording the interlocutor’s answers. A type of conversation is interviewing, introduced into pedagogy from sociology.

    Questioning - method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed provide written answers to the questions.

    Interviewing the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. During the interview, responses are recorded openly.

The effectiveness of conversations, interviews and questionnaires largely depends on the content and structure of the questions asked. The conversation plan, interview and questionnaire are a list of questions (questionnaire). Stages of compiling a questionnaire:

Determining the nature of the information that needs to be obtained;

Drawing up an approximate series of questions that should be asked;

Drawing up the first plan of the questionnaire;

Its preliminary verification through a trial study;

Correction of the questionnaire and its final editing.

3) studying the products of students’ activities : written, graphic, creative and test works, drawings, drawings, details, notebooks in individual disciplines, etc. These works can provide the necessary information about the student’s personality, his attitude to work and the achieved level of skills in a particular area.

4) Studying school documentation(personal files of students, medical records, class registers, student diaries, minutes of meetings) equips the researcher with some objective data characterizing the actual practice of organizing the educational process.

5 ) method of ped experiment the main research method in pedagogy and psychology (as well as observation; general scientific). a specially organized test of a particular method or method of work to identify its pedagogical effectiveness. A pedagogical experiment is a research activity with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring response, results of pedagogical influence and interaction; repeated reproducibility of pedagogical phenomena and processes.

The following stages of the experiment are distinguished:

    theoretical(statement of the problem, goal definition, object and subject of research, its tasks and hypotheses);

    methodical(development of research methodology and its plan, program, methods for processing the results obtained);

    the experiment itself- conducting a series of experiments (creating experimental situations, observing, managing the experience and measuring the reactions of the subjects);

    analytical- quantitative and qualitative analysis, interpretation of the obtained facts, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations.

A distinction is made between a natural experiment (under the conditions of the normal educational process) and a laboratory experiment - the creation of artificial conditions for testing, for example, a particular teaching method, when individual students are isolated from others. The most commonly used experiment is a natural experiment. It can be long-term or short-term.

A pedagogical experiment can be ascertaining, establishing only the real state of affairs in the process, or transformative (developing), when it is purposefully organized to determine the conditions (methods, forms and content of education) for the development of the personality of a schoolchild or children's group. A transformative experiment requires control groups for comparison. The difficulties of the experimental method are that it is necessary to have excellent command of the technique of its implementation; special delicacy, tact, and scrupulousness on the part of the researcher are required, and the ability to establish contact with the subject.

Theoretical methods:

1) modeling reproduction of the characteristics of some object on another object specially created for their study. The second of the objects is called a model of the first (minimal in size, reproducing the original).

There are also mental models called idealized.

2) idealized model – any theoretical idea developed as a result of observations and experiments.

3) Literature Study makes it possible to find out which aspects and problems have already been sufficiently well studied, which scientific discussions are ongoing, what is outdated, and which issues have not yet been resolved:

- compiling a bibliography- a list of sources selected for work in connection with the problem under study;

- abstracting - a condensed summary of the main content of one or more works on a general topic;

- note-taking- keeping more detailed records, the basis of which is highlighting the main ideas and provisions of the work;

- ;annotation- a brief record of the general content of the book or article;

- citation- verbatim recording of expressions, factual or numerical data contained in a literary source.

Mathematical methods in pedagogy they are used to process data obtained by survey and experimental methods, as well as to establish quantitative relationships between the phenomena being studied:

- Registration- a method of identifying the presence of a certain quality in each group member and a general count of the number of those who have or do not have this quality (for example, the number of those actively working in class and those who are passive).

- Ranging(or the rank assessment method) requires arranging the collected data in a certain sequence (usually in descending or increasing order of some indicators) and, accordingly, determining the place in this series of each of the subjects (for example, compiling a list of the most preferred classmates).

- Scaling- introduction of digital indicators in the assessment of individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena. For this purpose, subjects are asked questions, answering which they must choose one of the specified assessments. For example, in the question about engaging in any activity in your free time, you need to choose one of the evaluative answers: I am interested, I do it regularly, I do it irregularly, I don’t do anything.

Statistical methods are used when processing mass material - determining the average values ​​of the obtained indicators: arithmetic average (for example, determining the number of errors in verification work control and experimental groups)

Research method– a way of understanding the reality under study, which allows you to solve problems and achieve the goal of search activity.

Theoretical: analysis, content analysis, retrospective analysis, abstraction, analogy, systematization, specification, modeling

Empirical: survey methods (questioning, conversation, interviewing), experiment, observation, sociometric methods, trainings

Traditional pedagogical methods

We will call traditional methods that modern pedagogy inherited from the researchers who stood at the origins of pedagogical science.

Observation- the most accessible and widespread method of studying teaching practice.

Disadvantages of observation: it does not reveal the internal aspects of pedagogical phenomena; when using this method, it is impossible to ensure complete objectivity of information.

Learning from experience- another long-used method of pedagogical research. In a broad sense, it means organized cognitive activity aimed at establishing historical connections of education, identifying the general, sustainable in educational systems.

Using this method, ways to solve specific problems are analyzed and balanced conclusions are drawn about the advisability of their use in new conditions. That's why this method often called historical.

Studying the products of student creativity- homework and classwork in all academic subjects, essays, abstracts, reports - will tell an experienced researcher a lot.

Conversations- a traditional method of pedagogical research. Conversations, dialogues, and discussions reveal people’s attitudes, their feelings and intentions, assessments and positions. A type of conversation, its new modification - interviewing, transferred to pedagogy from sociology. Interviewing usually involves

public discussion; the researcher adheres to pre-prepared questions and poses them in a certain sequence.

Pedagogical experiment- this is a scientifically conducted experience of transformation pedagogical process under precisely controlled conditions. Unlike methods that only record what already exists, experimentation in pedagogy has a creative character. By experimentation, for example, new techniques, methods, forms, and systems of educational activities make their way into practice.

A pedagogical experiment can cover a group of students, a class, a school, or several schools. The decisive role in the experiment belongs to scientific hypothesis. The study of a hypothesis is a form of transition from observing phenomena to revealing the laws of their development. Reliability of experimental findings

directly depends on compliance with the experimental conditions.

Depending on the purpose pursued by the experiment, there are:

1) ascertaining experiment, in which existing pedagogical phenomena are studied;

2) verification, clarifying experiment, when a hypothesis created in the process of understanding a problem is tested;

3) creative, transformative, formative experiment, in the process of which new pedagogical phenomena are constructed.

Depending on the location, a distinction is made between natural and laboratory pedagogical experiments.

Natural represents a scientifically organized experience of testing the put forward hypothesis without disrupting the educational process. Subjects of a natural experiment

most often become plans and programs, textbooks and teaching aids, techniques and methods of teaching and upbringing, forms of the educational process.

Laboratory is used when it is necessary to check a particular question or if, in order to obtain the necessary data, it is necessary to ensure particularly careful observation of the subject, while the experiment is transferred to special research conditions.

Pedagogical testing

Testing- this is a targeted examination, the same for all subjects, conducted under strictly controlled conditions, which allows for objective measurement of the studied characteristics of the pedagogical process. Testing differs from other methods of examination in accuracy, simplicity, accessibility,

possibility of automation. If we talk about purely pedagogical aspects of testing, we must first of all point out the use achievement tests. Widely used basic skills tests, such as reading, writing, simple arithmetic operations, as well as various tests for diagnosing the level of training™ - identifying the degree of mastery of knowledge and skills in all academic disciplines.

Final test contains a large number of questions and is offered after studying a large section of the curriculum. There are two types of tests: speed And power. In speed tests, the test taker usually does not have enough time to answer all the questions; according to power tests, everyone has such an opportunity.

Methods for studying collective phenomena

The processes of upbringing, education, and training are collective (group) in nature. The most commonly used methods for studying them are mass surveys of participants in these processes, conducted according to a specific plan. These questions can be oral (interview) or written (survey). Scaling and sociometric techniques and comparative studies are also widely used.

Questionnaire- a method of mass collection of material using specially designed questionnaires called questionnaires. Questioning is based on the assumption that the person answers the questions asked to him frankly. Teachers were attracted by the survey due to the possibility of quick mass surveys, de-

superiority of the methodology and the possibility of automated processing of the collected material.

Nowadays, pedagogical research widely uses various types questionnaires: open, requiring an independent response, and closed, in which you need to choose one of the ready-made answers; nominal, requiring the test subject's surname to be indicated, and anonymous, doing without it; full And trimmed; propaedeutic And control etc. Widely used method of studying group differentiation(sociometric method), which allows you to analyze intra-collective relationships. The method allows you to make “slices” that characterize the various stages of relationship formation, types of authority, and the state of the asset. Perhaps its main advantage is the ability to present the obtained data in a visual form using so-called matrices and sociograms, as well as quantitative processing of the results.

Quantitative methods in pedagogy

Quality- this is a set of properties that indicate what an object is, what it is. Quantity determines dimensions, is identified with measure, number. It is necessary to distinguish two main directions in the use of quantitative methods in pedagogy: the first - for processing the results of observations and experiments, the second - for "modelling, diagnostics, forecasting, computerization

educational process. The methods of the first group are well known and widely used.

Statistical method contains the following specific techniques.

Registration- identifying a certain quality in phenomena of a given class and calculating the quantity based on the presence or absence of this quality.

Ranging- arrangement of the collected data in a certain sequence (decreasing or increasing recorded indicators), determining the place in this series of objects being studied (for example, compiling a list of students depending on the number of missed classes, etc.).

Scaling- assignment of points or other digital indicators to the characteristics being studied. This achieves greater certainty. An increasingly powerful transformative means of pedagogical

research is becoming modeling. A scientific model is a mentally represented or materially realized system that adequately reflects the subject of research and is capable of replacing it so that studying the model allows one to obtain new information about this object. Modeling is

method of creating and studying models. The main advantage of modeling is the integrity of the information presentation. Modeling has been successfully used to solve the following problems:

Optimization of the structure of the educational process;

Improving the planning of the educational process;

Management of cognitive activity, educational process;

Diagnostics, forecasting, training design.

Pedagogical research is a search for ways and means of improving the pedagogical process. Such paths are methods pedagogical research. With their help, it is possible to obtain information about a particular subject being studied, analyze and process it, and then include it in the system of known knowledge.

Classification of pedagogical research methods

Studies are classified in several ways. So they distinguish:

· Theoretical and cause-and-effect analysis, comparative historical analysis.

· Practical methods: conversation, questioning, observation, experiment.

Depending on the sources of information, methods of pedagogical research are divided into methods for studying theoretical sources and methods for analyzing the existing pedagogical process. According to the methods of processing the analysis of certain data, methods such as the method of analysis and the method of quantitative processing of the material are distinguished.

Some methods of pedagogical research

1. Observation as a method of pedagogical research it is the most accessible and widespread. Observation means a pre-prepared and organized perception of a process, phenomenon or object in natural conditions. It should be noted that it is somewhat different from the so-called everyday one. Firstly, in scientific observation specific tasks are set, observation schemes are developed, and objects are identified. Secondly, the results obtained must be recorded. Thirdly, the received data must be processed. We can speak of high effectiveness of observation if it is systematic, versatile, long-term, widespread and objective. Since observation is not about revealing inside pedagogical research, then it is used only in initial stage research, in combination with other methods.

2. Learning from experience - one of the most ancient methods of pedagogical research. In a broad sense, the study of experience implies an organized one that is aimed at establishing historical connections between teaching and upbringing, as well as identifying sustainable common features in educational systems. Thanks to this method, an analysis of ways to solve problems is carried out, and a balanced conclusion is drawn about the need to apply these solutions in new historical conditions.

3. Studying the products of student creativity, such as class and homework, abstracts, reports, essays, as well as the results of technical and aesthetic creativity. A similar method has wide application, for example, it is used in assessing the individual characteristics of students, their inclinations, interests and attitudes towards various responsibilities and affairs. Organizing educational research using this method also requires careful planning, as well as preparation for skillful use with other methods.

4. Conversations, dialogues and discussions are what help to identify people’s attitudes, their intentions, feelings, positions and assessments in relation to a particular phenomenon. Pedagogical conversation has features: it is characterized by pre-planned attempts by the researcher to penetrate into inner world investigated, as well as to identify the reason for the occurrence of a particular action.

5. Experiment - this is a kind of observation, only in in this case The experimenter observes the process that he himself systematically carries out. Thus, a pedagogical experiment can be carried out with a group of students, a school, or several schools at once. How reliable an experiment turns out to be largely depends on compliance with all its conditions.

6. Testing- one of the most popular methods of pedagogical research. It is a targeted and identical examination of all subjects, which must be carried out under strictly controlled conditions. Testing differs from other research methods in accessibility, accuracy, simplicity and the possibility of automation.

7. Questioning - mass collection of material, which is carried out through pre-developed questionnaires, so-called questionnaires. The survey is based on the assumption that the person being surveyed will honestly answer the questions given in the survey. However, as statistics show, in practice such expectations are met only by half, which sharply undermines confidence in questionnaires as an objective method of obtaining data.

Classification of methods of scientific and pedagogical research

A variety of research methods can be divided into four groups.

Traditional (empirical)) we will call the methods inherited by modern pedagogy from the researchers who stood at the origins of pedagogical science.

Observation– the most accessible and widespread method of studying teaching practice. Scientific observation is understood as a specially organized perception of the object, process or phenomenon under study in natural conditions. Main distinctive features scientific observation from everyday observation are: defining the problem, identifying an object, developing an observation scheme; mandatory recording of results; processing of received data. To increase the effectiveness of observation, it must be long-term, systematic, versatile, objective and widespread. There are several types of observation: direct and indirect; open and closed; longitudinal (longitudinal) and retrospective (turning to the past).

In the process of scientific and pedagogical research they study school documentation, characterizing the educational process.

Studying the products of students' activities– homework and classwork, essays, reports, reports, results of aesthetic and technical creativity. Individual characteristics, inclinations and interests of students, attitude to work and their responsibilities, level of development of diligence, diligence and other qualities, motives for activity - this is just a small list of educational aspects in which this method can be successfully applied.

Three well-known varieties are used in pedagogy survey methods: conversation, questioning, interviewing. Conversation– dialogue between the researcher and the subject according to a pre-developed program. TO general rules The use of conversation includes: selection of competent respondents, justification and communication of research motives that correspond to the interests of the subjects, formulation of variations of questions. The method is close to the conversation method interview. Here the researcher, as it were, sets a topic to clarify the point of view and assessments of the subject on the issue being studied. The rules of interviewing include creating conditions conducive to the sincerity of the subjects. Questionnaire As a written survey, it is more productive, documentary, and flexible in its ability to obtain and process information. There are several types of surveys. Contact questioning is carried out when the researcher distributes, fills out and collects completed questionnaires during direct communication with the subjects. Correspondence surveys are organized through correspondent connections. Questionnaires with instructions are sent by mail and returned in the same way to the research organization. Press surveys are carried out through a questionnaire posted in the newspaper. After filling out such questionnaires by readers, the editors process the data received in accordance with the goals of the scientific or practical design of the survey.

Pedagogical experiment are considered to be the main research methods in pedagogy. In a general sense, it is defined as the experimental testing of a hypothesis. An experiment is essentially a strictly controlled pedagogical observation, with the only difference being that the experimenter observes a process that he himself expediently and systematically carries out. A pedagogical experiment requires substantiation of a working hypothesis, development of the question under study, drawing up a detailed plan for implementation, strict adherence to the intended plan, accurate recording of results, and formulation of final conclusions. The reliability of experimental conclusions directly depends on compliance with the experimental conditions. All factors other than those being tested must be carefully balanced. Depending on the purpose, they distinguish: a stating experiment, in which existing pedagogical phenomena are studied; a transformative or formative experiment, during which new pedagogical phenomena are constructed.

Theoretical methods include: theoretical analysis– identification and consideration of individual aspects, signs, features, properties of pedagogical phenomena ; literature study ; modeling – building models of pedagogical phenomena and processes and others. Theoretical research methods allow us to clarify, expand and systematize scientific facts, explain and predict phenomena, establish relationships between various concepts and hypotheses, highlight among them the most significant and minor ones.

(according to V.A. Slastenin)

In accordance with the logic of scientific research, a research methodology is being developed. It is a complex of theoretical and empirical methods, the combination of which makes it possible to most reliably study such a complex and multifunctional object as the educational process. The use of a number of methods allows for a comprehensive study of the problem under study, all its aspects and parameters.

Methods of pedagogical research in contrast to methodology, these are the very methods of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish natural connections, relationships and build scientific theories. All their diversity can be divided into three groups: methods of studying teaching experience, methods theoretical research and mathematical and statistical methods.

Methods for studying teaching experience - These are ways to study the actual experience of organizing the educational process. Studied as best practice, i.e. the experience of the best teachers and the experience of ordinary teachers. Their difficulties often reflect real contradictions in the pedagogical process, existing or emerging problems. When studying teaching experience, methods such as observation, conversation, interviews, questionnaires, study of written, graphic and creative works students, pedagogical documentation.

Observation - purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material. At the same time, records (protocols) of observations are kept. Observation is usually carried out according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting specific objects of observation.

Observation stages:

Definition of tasks and goals (why, for what purpose is the observation being carried out);

Selection of object, subject and situation (what to observe);

Choosing an observation method that has the least impact on the object under study and most ensures the collection of the necessary information (how to observe);

Selecting methods for recording what is observed (how to keep records);

Processing and interpretation of the information received (what is the result).

A distinction is made between included observation, when the researcher becomes a member of the group in which the observation is being conducted, and non-involved observation - “from the outside”; open and hidden (incognito); continuous and selective.

Observation is a very accessible method, but it has its drawbacks due to the fact that the results of observation are influenced by personal characteristics (attitudes, interests, mental states) researcher.

Survey methods - conversation, interview, questionnaire. Conversation - an independent or additional research method used to obtain the necessary information or clarify what was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification. The conversation is conducted in a free form without recording the interlocutor’s answers. A type of conversation is interviewing, brought into pedagogy from sociology. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. During the interview, responses are recorded openly.

Questioning - method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed provide written answers to the questions. Conversations and interviews are called face-to-face surveys, while questionnaires are called correspondence surveys.

The effectiveness of conversations, interviews and questionnaires largely depends on the content and structure of the questions asked. The conversation plan, interview and questionnaire are a list of questions (questionnaire). Stages of compiling a questionnaire:

Determining the nature of the information that needs to be obtained;

Drawing up an approximate series of questions that should be asked;

Drawing up the first plan of the questionnaire;

Its preliminary verification through a trial study;

Correction of the questionnaire and its final editing.

Valuable material can provide studying the products of students’ activities: written, graphic, creative and tests, drawings, drawings, details, notebooks on individual disciplines, etc. These works can provide the necessary information about the student’s individuality, his attitude to work and the achieved level of skills in a particular area.

Studying school documentation(personal files of students, medical records, class registers, student diaries, minutes of meetings) equips the researcher with some objective data characterizing the actual practice of organizing the educational process.

Plays a special role in pedagogical research experiment - a specially organized test of a particular method or method of work to identify its pedagogical effectiveness. A pedagogical experiment is a research activity aimed at studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring response, results of pedagogical influence and interaction; repeated reproducibility of pedagogical phenomena and processes.

The following are distinguished: stages of the experiment:

Theoretical (statement of the problem, definition of the goal, object and subject of research, its tasks and hypotheses);

Methodological (development of research methodology and its plan, program, methods for processing the results obtained);

The experiment itself is conducting a series of experiments (creating experimental situations, observing, managing the experience and measuring the reactions of the subjects);

Analytical - quantitative and qualitative analysis, interpretation of the obtained facts, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations.

A distinction is made between a natural experiment (under the conditions of the normal educational process) and a laboratory experiment - the creation of artificial conditions for testing, for example, a particular teaching method, when individual students are isolated from others. The most commonly used experiment is a natural experiment. It can be long-term or short-term.

A pedagogical experiment can be ascertaining, establishing only the real state of affairs in the process, or transformative (developing), when it is purposefully organized to determine the conditions (methods, forms and content of education) for the development of the personality of a schoolchild or children's group. A transformative experiment requires control groups for comparison. The difficulties of the experimental method are that it is necessary to have excellent command of the technique of its implementation; special delicacy, tact, and scrupulousness on the part of the researcher are required, and the ability to establish contact with the subject.

The listed methods are also called methods of empirical knowledge of pedagogical phenomena. They serve as a means of collecting scientific and pedagogical facts that are subject to theoretical analysis. That is why a special group is allocated methods of theoretical research.

Theoretical analysis - this is the identification and consideration of individual aspects, signs, features, and properties of pedagogical phenomena. By analyzing individual facts, grouping, systematizing them, we identify the general and special in them, and establish a general principle or rule. Analysis is accompanied by synthesis; it helps to penetrate into the essence of the pedagogical phenomena being studied.

Inductive and deductive methods - these are logical methods for summarizing empirically obtained data. The inductive method involves the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion, the deductive method - from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Mathematical methods in pedagogy they are used to process data obtained by survey and experimental methods, as well as to establish quantitative relationships between the phenomena being studied. They help evaluate the results of an experiment, increase the reliability of conclusions, and provide grounds for theoretical generalizations. The most common mathematical methods used in pedagogy are registration, ranking, and scaling.

Registration - method of identifying the presence of a certain quality4. quality for each group member and a general count of the number of those who have or do not have this quality (for example, the number of those actively working in class and those who are passive).

Ranging(or the rank assessment method) requires arranging the collected data in a certain sequence (usually in descending or increasing order of some indicators) and, accordingly, determining the place in this series of each of the subjects (for example, compiling a list of the most preferred classmates).

Scaling - introduction of digital indicators in the assessment of individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena. For this purpose, subjects are asked questions, answering which they must choose one of the specified assessments. For example, in the question about engaging in any activity in your free time, you need to choose one of the evaluative answers: I am interested, I do it regularly, I do it irregularly, I don’t do anything.

Comparing the results obtained with the norm (for given indicators) involves determining the deviation from it and correlating the results with acceptable intervals. For example, normal self-esteem of a person is coefficient values ​​from 0.3 to 0.5. If it is less than 0.3, then self-esteem is underestimated, if it is more than 0.5, then it is overestimated.

Statistical methods are used when processing mass material - determining the average values ​​of the obtained indicators: arithmetic average (for example, determining the number of errors in test work of the control and experimental groups); median - an indicator of the middle of the series (for example, if there are twelve students in a group, the median will be the score of the sixth student in the list, in which all students are distributed according to the rank of their scores); calculating the degree of dispersion around these values ​​- dispersion, i.e. average square deviation, coefficient of variation, etc.

To carry out these calculations, there are appropriate formulas and reference tables are used. The results processed using these methods make it possible to show a quantitative relationship in the form of graphs, diagrams, and tables.

In accordance with the logic of scientific research, a research methodology is being developed. It is a complex of theoretical and empirical methods, the combination of which makes it possible to comprehensively study the problem under study, all its aspects and parameters with the greatest reliability. The concept of method has been used since ancient times as a synonym for the expressions “path of research”, “way of cognition”.

Methods of pedagogical research, in contrast to methodology - these are the very ways of studying pedagogical phenomena.There are several classifications of pedagogical research methods. The classification criteria are source of information, methods of processing results, level of research.

In accordance with the criterion " source of information» methods of pedagogical research are divided into 2 groups: Methods for studying theoretical sources, Methods for analyzing real teaching experience. According method of processing the results obtained distinguished: Methods of qualitative analysis, Methods of quantitative processing of results (methods of mathematical statistics). By criterion "level of research":Empirical methods. The most common method for studying teaching practice is observation method. The essence of the method lies in the deliberate, systematized and purposeful perception of a pedagogical phenomenon. There are direct, immediate and introspection. Conversation is a method of communication that allows, with the help of pre-prepared questions, to penetrate the inner world of the interlocutor, find out the reasons for the action, and obtain information. The method is not simple, it requires emotional sensitivity and knowledge of psychology. Questionnaire is a method of mass collection of information using questionnaires. Mathematical methods are used to process the received data and establish quantitative relationships between them. Registration– method of identifying the presence qualitative characteristics from a group member. Ranging– requires the arrangement of collected data in a certain sequence. Scaling– means the introduction of digital indicators in assessing aspects of pedagogical phenomena. Statistical methods– used when processing bulk material. There are formulas and reference tables for this. Theoretical methods. Method of theoretical analysis allows you to highlight and consider individual aspects, signs and properties of pedagogical phenomena. Working with literature.Method of studying experience, documentation, products of student creativity. Helps a lot too modeling method. Experimental methods. The most important method is pedagogical experiment. Unlike methods that record existing facts, experimentation in pedagogy has a creative nature. The following stages of the experiment are distinguished: Theoretical(statement of the problem, definition of the goal, object and subject of research, its tasks and hypotheses). Methodical(development of research methodology, program, methods). The actual experiment(carrying out a series of experiments).

Analytical stage– quantitative and qualitative analysis is carried out, interpretation of the obtained facts, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations, implementation of the results in the educational and educational process.

Thus, modern pedagogy, as a science, uses a system of methods, techniques, principles, approaches for theoretical and practical research problems of teaching and upbringing. Each method plays a specific role, helping to study individual problems of pedagogical phenomena. Like any science, pedagogy develops through the introduction of new research methods and improvement of established methods. Along with traditional methods, new methods borrowed from other sciences are being introduced into pedagogical research. This opens up new opportunities for the development of pedagogy.