Which word is used only in the plural? Nouns which are always plural

It is mainly countable nouns that are modified by numbers. Uncountable nouns, as a rule, are used only in the singular form:

sugar - sugar, love - love, friendship - friendship.

They are used in the plural only when we mean the variety of species, concepts expressed by them, or when they are used in another meaning in which they are already countable. For example:

air - air, movement - movement (as general concept), music - music, milk - milk, knowledge - knowledge, hair - hair (on a person’s head).

BUT: air - aria, melody - "airs - arias, melodies, movement - movement (for example, political or in dance) -> movements - movements (the same), hair - hair -" hairs - hairs, etc.

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding the ending -s to the singular form:

book - book -» books - books, day - day -> days - days, house - house -> houses - houses.

Reading the ending "-s":

after voiceless consonants - [s]: books
after voiced consonants and vowels -[z]: friends, days
after hissing and whistling (-es) - : boxes [‘boksiz]

Exception l. Singular nouns ending in letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x(hissing and whistling, as they are called), have the plural ending -es:

hero - hero -> heroes - heroes, kiss - kiss -> kisses - kisses, brush - brush -> brushes - brushes, bench - bench -> benches - benches, box - box -> boxes - boxes.

BUT: In words of foreign origin ending in o, in the plural, only the ending is added to the noun -s:

piano - grand piano -> pianos - grand pianos, photo - photography -» photos - photographs.

Exception 2. For nouns ending in y with a preceding consonant, y is dropped and the ending is added instead -ies, which reads [-iz]:

country [‘kAntri] - country -> countries - countries, city - city cities - cities, family - family families - families.

BUT: If u is preceded by a vowel, then the plural is formed by general rule, i.e. by adding the ending -s:

day - day -» days - days, boy - boy -» boys - boys.

3. Twelve nouns ending in -f or -fe, in the plural these letters are lost. Instead of -f or -fe, the ending is added -ves. These are the nouns:

wife - wife, life - life, knife - knife, wolf - wolf, self - essence, human appearance, calf - calf, shelf - shelf, leaf - leaf (plant), loaf - loaf (of bread), thief - thief, half - half, sheaf - pack (of paper), etc.

For example: wife - wives - wives, knife - knife -> knives - knives, shelf - shelf -> shelves - shelves.

4. Some nouns form their plural by changing the root vowel:

man - man -> men - men, woman - woman -» women - women, foot - leg feet - legs, tooth - tooth -» teeth - teeth.
HO: child - child -> children - children.

5. For compound nouns, the plural is formed by adding the ending -s to the second word:

armchairs - armchairs, bookcases - bookcases.

BUT: If these words are combined by a preposition, then the first word is put in the plural: sisters-in-law- daughters-in-law.

Words borrowed from Greek or Latin languages, form a shape plural according to the rules of these languages:

appendix - appendix - appendices - appendices (to the book), crisis - crisis -> crises - crises, basis - basis, bases - basics, radius - radius -> radii - radii.

Names Nouns used only in the singular

  1. Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are usually used only in the singular:

    iron - iron, salt - salt, milk - milk, sugar - sugar, love - love.

  2. The nouns advice (advice, advice), information (message, information), progress (success, success), knowledge (knowledge) are used only in the singular.

    He gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice.
    My coach was satisfied with my progress. My coach was pleased with my progress

  3. The nouns news (news, news), money (money), fruit (fruit, fruits) are used in the singular. But, for example, to indicate various types fruits is used in the plural - fruits.

    What is the news? What's the news?
    It's his money. This is his money.
    Fruit is cheap in autumn. In autumn fruits are cheap.

  4. Among countable nouns, there are those that are used only (or mainly) in the singular form. These are the names of some animals, objects, etc.:

    two sheep - two sheep, six fish - six fish, ten swine - ten pigs, five deer - five deer.

We are accustomed to the fact that in the Russian language everything is not as simple as it seems. Can you name the plural of the word “bottom” without prompting? Bottoms, bottoms, bottoms? Do you think it doesn't exist? Not really. Let's deal with difficult plural forms of nouns.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Right: donya

Right: keychains

Until recently, dictionaries had the only correct declension scheme for a word: brelok, brelok, trinkets, trinkets, and so on. This spelling (and pronunciation) is due to its French origin. True, if in the letter, perhaps someone else remembered the captive letter “o” in the suffix, then in speech we often listened to how friends brought “keychains” from travel, and their keys were always “with a keychain.” However, dictionaries give in to the pressure colloquial speech. Now in spelling dictionary Lopatin’s form of the word “trinkets” is considered equal to “trinkets”, although other dictionaries still made a note that this is a colloquial and non-literary version.

Right: shilya

We hope you have recovered from the shock of the “donyas”. Let’s not rant and just say that the word “aw” in the plural is declined by analogy with “bottom”: shilya, shilyev, shilyami, shilyakh.

Right: doctors

In modern Russian there are approximately 300 words that have nominative The plural is, so to speak, variable. Endings in -ы (-и) are more familiar to us and are considered literary (editors, proofreaders, trainers). But over the years, forms in -a (-я) have managed to rightfully take the place of some literary variants. If at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there were “doctors”, now the only correct version of “doctor” with an emphasis on the last letter. And if you still have doubts, you can always say the unmistakable “doctors”.

Right: contracts

Although several years ago the modern Russian language underwent great changes, and now it is not considered a gross mistake if you say “agreement” with the emphasis on the first syllable (but we hope that the readers of “Mel” still adhere to the traditional and correct pronunciation of “agreement”). People make mistakes just as often when there are several “agreements”: treaties or agreements? There is only one correct option: “The CIS countries have signed peace treaties.”

Right: poker (gender case)

As a bonus, let's take the genitive plural. We hope that in childhood everyone was familiar with the poker, and maybe you were even trusted to use it. And if there are several of them, then you need to write it like this: two pokers, five pokers.

By the way, we wrote about “stockings”, “socks” and “tomatoes”.

Lesson summary on the topic “Plural nouns” in 5th grade (FSES).

Lesson topic:"Plural of nouns."

Lesson type: OZN (discovery of new knowledge) using TDM (activity method technology)

Activity goal: developing students’ ability to perform a new way of acting

Lesson objectives:


  • introduce students to the peculiarities of forming the plural of nouns;


  • develop research, creative activity students;
  • develop students' communication abilities.


  • cultivate a positive attitude towards the learning process;
  • interest in the native language.


Projector, electronic presentation, task cards.

Forms of student work: group, individual

Planned results:

1. Subject:

know the peculiarities of forming the plural of nouns;

mastering the spelling of the endings of plural nouns.

2. Metasubject:


reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve a learning task;

extract information from various sources;

give definitions to concepts;

explain linguistic phenomena;

build a reasoning;

give examples as evidence;

establish cause-and-effect relationships.


determine and formulate the purpose of the activity;

draw up an action plan, work according to the plan;

predict and adjust your activities;

put forward versions of solutions;

analyze and evaluate your own work.


be able to collaborate in a group;

take into account different opinions, compare different points of view;

express and defend your point of view;

negotiate, ask questions on the topic;

speak in front of an audience.

3. Personal:

express a positive, conscious attitude towards learning;

evaluate your own educational activities;

apply the rules of cooperation in the group.

Lesson progress

Teacher's opening speech. (2 slide)

Our language is a universal means of communication, a means of transmitting knowledge and wisdom from one generation to another. Fluency in one's native language is a sign of human culture. And therefore, in order to become cultured people, to be able to communicate freely, to write correctly, we need to comprehend the secrets of language. These secrets you discovered in primary school, you have already learned that spelling studies, you can name some types of spelling patterns, you know how to pronounce words correctly. Today we will continue to work on improving the culture of our speech.

2. Orthoepic warm-up. (On the table each child has cards with words that need to be emphasized): (3 slide)

Alphabet, gate, at the board, on the board, lived, lived, call, kilometer, lighten, beets, cakes, without cake, deepen, simplify, driver, sorrel.

(mutual check with your deskmate, check on presentation slides, give each other grades)

3.Updating knowledge - determining the topic of the lesson

Spelling warm-up.(4 slide) Write down nouns, determine declension. (write on the same piece of paper under the dictation of the teacher):

Basketball, carriage, wardrobe, building, computer, route, handwriting, professions, hockey. (Checking the presentation slide, grading each other.)

Which of all the words is the odd one out? (professions)

Why? (It is one in the plural)

Determine the topic of today's lesson. (Plural of nouns)

Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook “ Plural of nouns" (5 slide)

If I ask you to form plural nouns, can you do it?

Mushroom - , chair - , window - , flower -

What about the contract? agreements or treaties?

4. Goal setting. Lesson problem.

Problem: How to determine the endings of plural nouns? (6 slide)

Determine your goal for the lesson.

Material for observation: Fill in the missing letter. (7 slide)

Swamp - swamp.., army - troops.. swamp - swamp.., century - century.. silk - silk..., engineer - engineer..., director - director..., agreement - agreement..., thought - thought..., letter - letters... tone (about color) - tone... and tone (about sound) - tone..., bread (about cereals) - bread... and bread (about baked bread) - bread...,

Year - (years and years), workshop - (workshops and workshops (at the enterprise), storm - (storms and storms).

Having trouble?

5. Solving the problem. (8 slide)

How do you know if you completed the task correctly? (ask the teacher, find it in the dictionary, find it on the Internet). Group work. The first is a table in the textbook and on the slide, the second is a spelling dictionary indicating the pages on which difficult words, the third - the Internet to help.

Once the endings are determined, the mode of action is generalized.

Is it possible to group words somehow?

1. masculine

2. feminine

3. neuter

Try to present your new knowledge in the form of a table or in the form of a word-formation model. (9 slide)

1. masculine - a (- i); - s (- s)

2. feminine - and (- s)

3. neuter - a (- z)

How to distinguish masculine endings?

According to pronunciation: - a (- i) under stress, complete the table.

Compare the resulting table with the table in the textbook. 218.

What about the words (bread, tone?) (depends on the meaning, you need to check the dictionary). And the words: year, workshop, storm? (dual or equal use of both forms).

6. Reflection

What was the most difficult? Interesting? (10 slide)

7. Physical education minute. (11 slide)

Exercise 550

What do words of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd groups have in common? Read and memorize the words (1 student reads out loud). The teacher calls the word in the singular, if it is plural - y, then they clap while standing, if - a, they squat. While performing the movement, we pronounce the words in chorus.

Address - addresses, engineer - engineers, professor - professors, officer -

officers, master - masters, cake - cakes, prize - prizes, doctor - doctors

8. Application of acquired knowledge in new conditions.

Ex. 552 (12 slide)

Under which picture will you label the sheets, under which picture will you label the leaves; under which are the teeth, under which are the teeth; under which are the roots, under which are the roots? Make up and write down phrases with these nouns.

Question is a joke. Three friends look at the starry sky. 1st says: “How many stars are there in the sky!” The second corrects him: “Not stars, but stars!”, and the third laughs: “Oh, you literate people! There are no such words at all!”

What's the right way?

Which case form could not the boys form correctly? (genitive)

(13, 14 slides) In front of you is a slide with images of objects. Use these nouns in the plural in your speech genitive case. (Lots of oranges, tomatoes, socks, stockings). Slide check. Remember!

Execute exercise 554

Find the fourth odd one and explain. (15 slide)

Pair shoe, boot, stocking, sock;

many places, things to do, canned food, pasta;

kilogram oranges, apples, apricots, tomatoes;

group engineers, partisans, officers, trainers;

songs Georgians, Gypsies, Tajiks, Tatars.

Attention exercise (orally):

Be careful! Form the plural from the singular: arc - arcs, hand - hands, flour - ? Beller - bellringers, Greek - Greeks, man - ?

Be careful! Educate singular from the plural: singers - singer, crowns - crown, tongs - ? Deer - deer, pony - ? success - success, armor - ? Explain.

Here are nouns ending in hissing. Which of these words ends withb, and which ones don’t? Formulate a rule. (b is written in the noun Zh.r. unit h.; not written in the noun M.r. unit h. And in the noun Plural r.p.) (16 slide)

Daughter, sword, crying, from the roofs, doctor, near the dachas, comrade, many tasks, help, youth, thing, oven, no transmissions, from schools, floor, baby, beam, speech, brick, from behind the clouds.

Written exercise 553 (With ь or without ь? Checking, explanation of spellings).

9. Homework: (17 slide)

Paragraph 98, ex. 551 or 555 (optional)

Individual task (card): Form the plural I.p. from these words. and plural R.p. Place emphasis in all forms.

Lecturer, engineer, driver, accountant, inspector, mechanic, turner, groom, contract, age, cream, soup, hospital, director, professor, doctor, fan, black grouse, ham, anchor, boat.

10.Reflection (18 slide)

today I found out...

it was interesting...

it was difficult...

I completed tasks...

I realized that...

now I can...

I learned...

I did it...

I was able...

I hang it in the Russian language corner in the classroom additional material: Pspelling of nouns

Case endings for plural nouns.
Masculine nouns in the nominative plural:

For masculine nouns in the nominative plural, forms in s(s) And a(i): courses, gardens, nails, banks, edges.

Forms in -a(-i) used:

many monosyllabic words: running - running, sides, sides, centuries (but: forever and ever, forever), eyes, houses, forests, meadows, horns, snow, varieties, haystacks, silk;

in words that have singular stress on the first syllable: address - addresses, buer, buffer (and buffers), fan, bill, evening, heap, voice, doctor, great snipe, huntsman, gutter, pearl, millstone, boat, shako, jacket, bell, dome, coachman, ploughshare, master , seine (and seines), numbers, hams, districts, orders, islands, farms (and farms), cut (cut), sails, passports, quail (and quails), cook, cellar, train, offal, watchman, tenor ( and tenors), tower, black grouse, tractor, paramedic (and paramedics), weather vane (and weather vanes), cold, farmstead, skull, best man, stamp (and stamps), fitting (and fittings), sharpie (and sharpies), also some other words like director, cuff, professor, sleeve;

some homonym words(select form on a(i) or on s(s) depends on the meaning): hogs (male pig) - hog (part of a chimney), corps (body of a person or animal) - corps (building, military unit), camps (socio-political groups) - camps (temporary parking), bellows (mechanism for pumping air, a container for wine) - furs (dressed animal skin), images (generalized representation) - images (the same as an icon), orders (an organization with a specific charter) - orders (insignia), passes (something missed, overlooked) - passes (document for the right to enter somewhere), sable (fur-bearing animal) - sable (sable fur), currents (movement of electric charge in a conductor) - current (place of mating birds, platform for threshing), tones ( musical sound) - tones (shade of color in brightness, color), brakes (trans. obstacle in the development of something) - brakes (device for slowing down or stopping movement), teachers (head of teaching) - teachers (teacher), breads (product , baked from flour) - bread (standing cereals), flowers ( flowering plant) - colors (color, light tone).

Wed. also the difference between nouns that have singular and plural forms, and nouns that have only a plural form: wires (from escort) and wires (from wire), abacus (accounting device, relationship) - accounts (financial document).

The meaningful role of endings -s(-s) And -a(s) performed in the following words: teeth - teeth, roots - roots, hooks - hooks, leaves - leaves, husbands - husbands, sons - sons, shreds - shreds [cf. also in neuter words: knees (joint) - knees ( special welcome in dancing) - knees (joint at the pipe)].


1. From the word stone, the plural form is stones (the form of stone is obsolete).

2. When choosing the appropriate form, it is necessary to take into account that one of the forms can be used only in a certain lexical environment. Thus, with the normative form of the century, the form of the century is used in stable expressions forever and ever; the normative pretzel form gives way to the pretzel form in the expression pretzel to write out.

3. B modern language masculine words have the form a(i) more productive, especially in oral speech, in connection with which it is more often used as a means of stylistic and stylistic differentiation; Wed: contracts (book) - contracts (colloquial), inspectors - inspectors, proofreaders - proofreaders, cruisers - cruisers, bakers - bakers, spotlights - spotlights, editors - editors, sectors - sectors, mechanics - mechanics, turners - turners , workshops - workshops, navigators - navigator.

With the plural, not everything is as simple as it seems. And if you disagree, then you probably just haven't tried to deal with the genitive case. Georgians or Georgians, tomatoes or tomatoes and key rings instead of key chains.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Right: kilogram tangerines / oranges

You will most likely read tips on how to choose the sweetest tangerines under New Year. Well, or a little earlier. In the meantime, we'll tell you how not to screw up with correct pronunciation or even worse - writing. The next time you find yourself at a fruit stand, listen to who says it and how. We bet that you will definitely hear a couple of mistakes (depending on how long it takes you to carefully select fruits). Remember: the names of masculine fruits and vegetables that end in a hard consonant (just like “orange” and “mandarin”) will have the ending –s in the genitive plural: a ton of oranges, tangerines, bananas, pomegranates. Saying “a kilogram of tangerine” and “weigh a couple of oranges” is also possible. But only in colloquial speech and when no one hears. The only exception to the rule is for “apples” - the option “ten apples” is considered colloquial. It would be correct to say “we don’t have green apples, only red ones."

Right: two kilograms tomatoes And eggplant

It's the same with tomatoes and eggplants. Vegetable? Yes. Masculine? Yes too. Does it end in a hard consonant? Yes again! This means that in the genitive plural we write the ending -ov. Therefore, your salad will be made from tomatoes and eggplant (not tomato and eggplant).

Right: we have 150 cans pickles in the cellar

It’s also very tasty when tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots are salted. True, it can be difficult not to make a mistake in the same genitive case of the same plural. If you brag to someone about how many pickles (not pickles) you have in your pantry or your parents’ cellar, do it right too.

Right: three pairs stocking

Let's remember the basics. But at the same time, a common and annoying mistake: how to write “socks”, “socks” and “stockings” in the genitive plural. Adults suggested memorizing this way: stockings are actually long - the ending is short (“stockings”), knee-highs and socks are short - the ending is long (“socks”, “socks”).

Initially, all words were written with the same ending -ov: stockings, socks, boots (the word “stockings” still exists in some dictionaries with the mark “obsolete”). But later “stockings” lost their ending, and the spelling “stockings” began to be considered the only correct one.

Right: we no longer have clean socks and knee socks

We have already described in detail about knee socks and socks just above. But we would like to point out that in lately There has been a tendency towards numerous changes in dictionaries. For example, in the “Russian Spelling Dictionary” edited by Lopatin, the usual version of “socks” coexists with the genitive case form “sock”. There is a possibility that soon the “sock” will become acceptable norm(like “five kilograms of tomatoes” in colloquial speech), but for now we recommend writing and saying only “socks” and “socks” in the genitive plural.

Right: without shorts

Right: without shorts

First of all, shorts is a noun that can only be used in the plural. Previously, there was only one correct option in the genitive case: (without) shorts. Although now the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences gives that both options - shorts and shorts (emphasis on the first syllable) - are equivalent. So if you are going to tell someone this important information about shorts - choose the option that you like best. Although (without) shorts sounds, it seems to us, more familiar. But don't be shy anyway.

Right: large selection jeans

“I have five pairs of jeans.” We’re terribly happy, but everything about this sentence is wrong. Some nouns that denote paired objects and are used exclusively in the plural may also have a zero ending in the genitive case. Trousers - trousers, shorts - shorts (although there is also an equal option “shorts”). But besides them, there are also “jeans” and “pants”, which have -ov at the end. So choose your jeans wisely. And if you want to talk about denim, then you don’t even have to think about the accent. Equal options: denim and denim.

Right: crafts from macaron

We're talking about food again. But no vegetables and fruits. It is worth remembering one more form of the genitive case of a noun, which is used only in the plural: crafts from what? - pasta. And no “pasta” please.

Right: I ate a plate pancakes And waffles

And for those who are no longer into chips, salted fish and pickles. We tell you how to have intelligent conversations in coffee shops. Although “pancakes”, “waffles” and “cookies” are not far from “pickles” in grammatical terms. Remember: the correct genitive (plural) forms are “pancakes,” “cookies,” and “waffles.” And if suddenly in some dictionary (Ushakov’s, for example) you came across the option “pancakes” - don’t believe it. This form is incorrect. And no one has recommended using it for a long time.

Right: five kilogram / gram

Right: five kilograms / grams

There is variability not only in shorts and shorts, but also in units of measurement. If they are combined with numerals, then you have two equal options to choose from - seven kilograms and seven kilograms. But if the genitive case is not used for conditional counting, then the number of options is reduced to one: I want to lose a few extra kilograms (or grams).

Right: she doesn't have boot And shoes

It's sad to live without boots and shoes. But usually what is put on (or shoes) on the feet is used with a zero ending. For example, stockings, boots, sneakers, boots, felt boots, shoes. Unless the sneakers distinguished themselves: in the genitive plural there will be “kedov”. By the way, about the shoe. Correct form only (no) “shoes”, with emphasis on the first syllable. “Shoes” is not an acceptable option, although some try to recognize it in colloquial speech. Well, let’s immediately talk about accents. No “shoe” - just “shoe”.

Right: there's so much around the house nursery

The place where serious socialization and preparation for the harsh kindergarten and school life. The first thing you need to know about the word “manger” is that it does not have a singular number (just like swing). The second is the complex genitive case, which fails many. The correct word would be not “nursery”, but “manger”. And thirdly, the emphasis in all cases falls on the first letter “I”: a child in a manger.

Right: in Sochi Georgian more than Armenians

It can also be difficult with nationalities. Try to remember whether you need an ending or not. First, let's deal with the Georgians and Armenians. If you Google “Georgians” you will find 314,000 results. Of these thousands, somewhere they probably explain the mistake, and somewhere they talk about the owner of the surname Gruzinov, but still. If we want to name the number of representatives of Georgia or Armenia, then “five Georgians” or “three Armenians” would be correct.

Right: in the company Turk

Friends from Turkey left not far from the Georgians and Armenians. There is one more trick that will help you remember the correct options. Very often, in the names of nationalities, the genitive plural case coincides with the nominative case form in the singular: Turks, Georgians, Ossetians, Romanians. You can check it in the dictionary.

Right: I have many friends - Bashkir(And Tatars)

Another common mistake that actually follows the previous rules. We decided to repeat it once again so that you remember once and for all. But one should not think that all nationalities, without exception, null endings. Not really. For example, in the genitive case, the literary norms are: Abkhazians (not Abkhazians), Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks, and so on.

Right:coaches Spartak and CSKA are unhappy with the match

And now no genitive case - plural nouns in pure form using the example of football coaches. Nouns ending in a consonant form the plural using the ending -ы: “trainers”, “editors”, “creams”, “contracts”. This is a literary norm, so just remember. And about the other one literary norm ending in –a - read below.

Right: your eyes - How bottom of the oceans

Agree, the compliment is so-so. Especially if they say “bottoms”. But if you use the correct plural form, then your interlocutor (a secret grammar Nazi at heart) will certainly be conquered. Well, by the way, no jokes. The word “bottom” actually has a plural form (although even the candidate of philological sciences Marina Koroleva did not immediately find out about this) - “donya”. Just like an appeal from Latin American soap operas (“ Good morning, Dona Rosa!”). So the oceans still have bottoms, just like bottles of champagne.

Right: at your place key rings more than keys

Until recently, dictionaries had the only correct declension scheme for a word: brelok, brelok, trinkets, trinkets, and so on. This spelling (and pronunciation) is due to its French origin. True, if in the letter, perhaps someone else remembered the captive letter “o” in the suffix, then in speech we often listened to how friends brought “keychains” from travel, and their keys were always “with a keychain.” But dictionaries surrender to the onslaught of spoken language. Now in Lopatin’s spelling dictionary the form of the word “trinkets” is considered equal to “trinkets”, although other dictionaries make a note that this is a colloquial version.

Right: not enough nerves

At the modern pace of life, nerves are sometimes truly lacking. The main thing is not to be “nervous”. Still, parting with one is not as sad as with nervous system entirely.

Right: the best directors Moscow schools

In the modern Russian language there are approximately 300 words in which the nominative plural is, so to speak, variable. Endings in -ы (-и) are more familiar to us and are considered literary (trainers, as in the example above). But over the years, forms in -a (-я) have managed to supplant some literary variants. More precisely, take their place. Now the only thing the right options“Directors”, “Professors”, “Doctors” are considered.

Right: five poker

We hope that in childhood everyone was familiar with the poker, and maybe you were even trusted to use it. If there are several of them, then you need to write it like this: two pokers, five pokers.

Photo: Winslow Homer’s painting “Fog Signal”

During the lesson we will learn to determine the number of nouns, learn about the peculiarities of using nouns in the plural, and about the correct placement of stress. We will complete many interesting tasks.

Let's say it correctly:

No boot, shoe, felt boots .

Pair boot, shoe, felt boots .

Many places, affairs, soldiers, apples .

No socks , pair socks .

Many kilograms tangerines, oranges, tomatoes .

Let's write down the sentences, adding letters where necessary.

We bought a pair of noses in the store...

Tanya has a lot to do.....

There are no empty seats on the bus...

There are a lot of tomatoes on the market... and apples...

There are a lot of soldiers at the parade...


We bought a pair of socks at the store.

Tanya has a lot to do.

There are no empty seats on the bus.

There are a lot of tomatoes and apples on the market.

There are many soldiers at the parade.

Peculiarities of placing stress on plural nouns

Now let's get acquainted with correct positioning stress in some nouns in the plural form.

Rice. 13. We speak correctly! ()

Director-director A

Driver - driver e ry

Cake - t O mouths

To find out how to pronounce a word correctly, you can turn to a spelling dictionary or an accent dictionary for help.

There are unusual nouns in the Russian language. What is their secret?

Let's find out.

Let's look at the pictures.

Let's name the objects.

Milk, flour, honey, leaves.

These nouns do not have a plural form.

Let's look at another example.

Let's name the objects.

Chess, clock, glasses, sled, scissors.

These nouns do not have a singular form.

We conclude: in the Russian language there are nouns that do not have a singular or plural form. We will get to know them in more detail in high school.

In this lesson we learned that nouns are inflected by number. There are two forms of number: singular and plural.

It turns out that in Old Russian language, in addition to the singular and plural numbers familiar to us, there was one more number that was used to designate paired objects. This is a dual number. The dual number was used to designate two or paired objects.

For example, eyes, sleeves, banks, horns.

Now this role is played by the plural.

Some nouns have several possible number forms, which differ in meaning:

« leaves"on the tree - " sheets» paper, « teeth» person - « teeth» pitchfork

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. Festival pedagogical ideas "Open lesson" ().
  2. Nsportal.ru ().
  3. Do.gendocs.ru ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012. Part 2. Do the exercise. 118, 119 P. 88.
  • Divide the nouns from the poem into two columns: singular and plural.

The wind blows on the sea
And the boat speeds up;
He runs in the waves
On swollen sails.. (A. Pushkin)

  • * Using the knowledge acquired in class, come up with 2 puzzles or 3 riddles for the singular and plural of the noun.