Electrical distribution boards. Types of distribution boards: rules for their selection

Distribution boards ShchR are used in lighting and power installations of residential, public, administrative, industrial buildings and structures, as well as other similar buildings. The main tasks performed by distribution boards ShchR:

  • - reception and distribution of electrical energy with a voltage of 380/220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • - protection against electric shock from accidental contact with live parts;
  • - prevention of fires caused by ignition of wire insulation due to excessively high leakage currents to the ground;
  • - protection against infrequent switching on and off of group circuit lines, as well as for protection against overloads and short circuits.

ShchR design

Distribution boards ShchR are a metal shell with a degree of protection IP31, welded from sheet steel, in which installation on rails is provided circuit breakers and residual current devices (RCDs). Input of supply lines and output of outgoing lines is carried out from below or from above. Execution of shields ShchR hinged or recessed. Access to the panel is provided from the facade through the door.

Technical characteristics of ShchR

Rated voltage, V 380/220
Frequency, Hz 50
Rated current of input circuit breakers, A up to 160
Rated current of circuit breakers and differential current switches of group circuit lines, A up to 63
Rated leakage current settings of input differential current switches, mA 30; 100; 300
Rated leakage current settings of differential current switches of group circuit lines, mA 10; 30
Degree of protection according to GOST 14254-80 IP31
Climatic conditions standardized for accommodation category 4 according to GOST 15150-69 UHL

Familiarize yourself with the basic electrical diagrams of the primary connections of ShchR distribution boards with single-phase and three-phase supply networks.

Operating conditions ShchP

Climatic modification UHL, placement category 4 according to GOST 15150 - 69, altitude above sea level 2000 m. temperature environment from +5оС to 40оС at relative humidity no more than 60% at a temperature of +20°C.
The environment is not explosive and does not contain aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals and insulation, and is not saturated with conductive dust. Installation location ShchR- protected from the ingress of water and other liquids, direct exposure to radiation, sudden shocks (impacts) and strong shaking. The working position in space is vertical.

Structure of the symbol for distribution boards ShchR

ShchR - XY UHL4

An example of recording a device when ordering it "ShchR-3N UHL4 4 board": Distribution board ShchR three-phase hinged version for installation.

Scope of supply ShchR

At the customer's request, the number of passports, instructions and keys can be changed.

Switchboard ShchR - what is it?

As you climb up the landing, the first thing that catches your eye is the new switchboard, which was installed only recently. Gray, shiny, what hides behind it?

Switchboard ShchR- This metal structure, divided by a partition into three compartments: metering, distribution and low-current compartments. Meters, circuit breakers and shutdown protection devices are installed in each panel compartment accordingly.

Distribution boards ShchR are actively produced and sold by our company. Produced ShchR designed for receiving and distributing electrical energy in three-phase four-wire and five-wire networks with a voltage of 380/220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz with a grounded neutral. Distribution boards ShchR protect group circuit lines from overloads and short circuits. You can see everything technical specifications ShchR on the same page above.

Distribution boards ShchR They are installed not only in lighting, but also in power plants of residential buildings, public and industrial buildings, as well as administrative and other similar structures. Light and electricity in apartments are not possible without distribution boards ShchR. They are used not only to power them, but also to install devices for television, telephone and radio broadcast networks.

Distribution boards ShchR Made from high-strength steel, they are comfortable and reliable. For more durable use, the following requirements must be met: altitude above sea level no more than 2000 meters, ambient temperature from +5 to +40 degrees and humidity no more than 60%. The optimal environment for the operation of switchboards is one that does not contain aggressive vapors and gases, is not explosive and is not saturated with conductive dust. When installing panels, avoid places with high humidity, direct effects of radiation and sharp shocks and shocks. ShchR should be installed strictly vertically.

And again returning to the landing, you see the already familiar distribution meter with a window for taking readings. Now he no longer seems so mysterious and incomprehensible.

With MEC ELECTRICA, many things become simpler, clearer and more profitable.

Schematic electrical diagrams of ShchR distribution boards

ShchR 1 UHL4

ShchR 3 UHL4

Elements on the diagram

It is impossible to imagine the operation of equipment at home without electricity. The main component of any home energy network is a do-it-yourself distribution board, for example, created or purchased in any hardware store. It is necessary for the layout of all protective devices, as well as the metering device.

Today there are many different types of panels, the use of which is typical for enterprises and private homes.

Why are shields installed?

In no apartment or even the simplest office, no electrical installation work is carried out without the mandatory installation of some kind of distribution board. Some time ago, everyone had only distribution boxes, but now they are no longer enough. The reason lies in safety and comfort.

If, as before, there is only a distribution box at home, then when replacing sockets, nothing will be done without de-energizing the entire apartment. For example, to connect electrical appliances with high power, it will be necessary to additionally equip them with special devices protective type, which will clearly affect the free space in the room - it will decrease.

After installing a plastic switchboard or made from any other material, you yourself reduce the risk of combustion of any of the electrical appliances. It is thanks to the operation of the shield that electrical energy can be distributed truly evenly across each of the channels, and excess current flow through any one channel of them can be avoided.

It is especially important today to use such indispensable devices for various rooms With large area, which are characterized by enormous loads.

This situation is common today even for some residential buildings, taking into account the fact that how many electrical appliances are used by people in each apartment.

Which shield to choose?

The main distribution board, which can be purchased at the store, is a high-quality power unit with high voltage. It is essentially a simple mechanical/electronic system used primarily to provide all free space electricity.

An input-distribution device is a whole complex of many different components used for metering, as well as rapid reception of electricity. It is almost always made in a metal case, and its panels can easily replace each other.

Models of metal distribution boards are devices that are also used in factories and in homes for the correct distribution of electricity. Thanks to their work, you can protect yourself not only from overcurrents, but also from short circuits that are dangerous to life and health.

Automatic transfer of a reserve - all devices of this type work flawlessly when it is necessary to transfer to a certain additional power source from the main one in cases where the voltage in the house drops or any emergency situation arises. Also, the premises are always safe from possible overloads.


After looking at a few photos of the switchboard, it is easy to understand that this is not a high-tech device and it should be used for the most convenient installation process, as well as the subsequent use of the equipment. There are no special requirements regarding characteristics, and all that is necessary is that it has the required number of devices and that it itself be of a suitable size.

When choosing a size, you should rely solely on the number of circuit breakers/switches, and not make a purchase based on the principle that the larger the shield, the better.

Mounted or built-in shield?

If you are interested in instructions for assembling a switchboard, then it is best to first choose a built-in type switchboard, since during repairs the hinged switchboard can very easily be caught.

Built-in shields simply do not have this drawback, but their assembly process is much easier. It is for this reason that, when possible, it is advisable to choose to place the shield in a niche.

Select material: plastic, metal

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of which material is best to choose, since during use, metal distribution boards last as long as cheaper plastic ones.

However, it is worth noting that if you choose metal, you can easily repair the case in the future if necessary, or attach a small flashlight directly to it for convenience.

Indoor or outdoor shield?

Very often today, the installation of a switchboard is carried out on the street and for this reason the appropriate switchboard is selected, since otherwise it will not be possible to simply supply electricity in the future.

As a rule, the shield device of this type assumes mandatory presence not only good counter, but also an introductory machine. It's best to choose street signs for home only made of metal and always with bottom cable entry. This will minimize the risk of water getting inside the system in an emergency.

Among other things, it is very important to ensure that the meter readings are always freely accessible without the need to open the cover. In this way, it will be possible to significantly increase the service life of any shield.

Switchboard Manufacturers

Speaking about the size of distribution boards, it is worth noting first of all the fact that if you purchase a defective panel, it will definitely not be able to perform its functions at full capacity. It is for this reason that you should pay attention to trusted manufacturers in the store, like Makel or EIK. These are representatives of the mid-price segment, but nevertheless they have proven themselves to be more than just successful.

If you want the shield to not only perform many functions, but also have an interesting appearance, you should pay attention to the FOTKA brand. But it’s better not to buy products from unknown Turkish or Chinese manufacturers, because if you decide to save money, you’ll most likely end up just having to pay twice.

Photos of distribution boards

To ensure reliable and safe operation of the power supply system, residential buildings and enterprises use switchboards that contain protective and distribution equipment. Such devices must meet the most stringent safety requirements and have high mechanical strength, so it is better to buy them from a trusted place. The specialized online store "Electrics Cheap" offers large selection quality distribution boards from the best manufacturers world, which you can purchase at the most favorable prices. The assortment is presented here: https://elektrikadeshevo.ru/catalog/shchity-raspredelitelnye/. Our material will help you navigate the wide variety of such equipment and choose the right switchboard.

No. 1. Why do you need a distribution board?

Apartments, offices, garages and factories cannot do without installing a distribution board. Why is it needed, because previously many were content with distribution boxes alone? It's all about convenience and safety. If you continue to use only distribution boxes, then, for example, when replacing, you will have to de-energize the entire apartment, and when connecting some powerful electrical appliances, you will have to equip them with their own protective devices, and they also need space.

Installing distribution boards prevents the risk of electrical appliances burning out. Thanks to the shield, electricity is distributed evenly across all channels, eliminating excessive current flow through one of them. This device is especially important for large premises where enormous loads occur, and for residential buildings, distribution boards are also necessary, given how many electrical appliances people use at home today.

The distribution board is triggered not only when excessive voltage occurs, but also saves a person from electric shock.

No. 2. Main types of distribution boards

A distribution board can be responsible for the safe supply of electricity to an apartment, a floor, or a large building. Depending on the scale of the service area, electrical panels are divided into the following types:

  • main distribution board(MSB) is at the head of the hierarchy, installed at transformer substations and in large industries. As a rule, it is distinguished by its impressive size, is responsible for the power supply of the entire facility, and protects against network overloads and short circuits. The main switchboard, which evenly distributes electricity throughout all rooms, can automatically switch from the main power input to the backup one;
  • introductory switchgear (ASU) installed at the entrance power cable in multi-apartment residential buildings, office centers, production premises. The ASU distributes power lines for apartment and floor panels, keeps records of consumed electricity, and triggers in case of overloads and short circuits;
  • emergency commissioning of reserve(AVR) is not used everywhere and is designed to switch consumers from the main power source to a backup one in the event of an emergency. AVR is necessary for hospitals and other institutions where continuous power supply is important. Sometimes such devices are used in;
  • floor shield(SHE) is installed mainly in residential buildings to distribute power to 2-6 apartments. In such a panel, space is allocated for modular automation and electricity metering devices. Can be used in administrative buildings;

  • apartment panel(SchK) is located on the input electric cable in an apartment, it is usually installed in the hallway, vestibule, less often - around front door. Apartment panels are familiar to almost everyone; they are used for protection against short circuits and overloads, distribution of group power lines and electricity metering. The choice of distribution boards of this type will be discussed.

Among other types, we note lighting boards(SCHO), which are necessary for rare switching off and turning on of automation, such devices protect against overloads, and are used in public and commercial buildings. Control panel(control room) are also installed in administrative buildings for management, heating equipment And . Automation shield(SHA) is necessary to control software controllers for ventilation, heating systems, etc. There are more uninterruptible power supply panels(ShBP), which are installed when connecting computing and medical equipment that requires a constant supply of electricity and is sensitive to voltage changes.

No. 3. Types of electrical panels according to installation method

According to the installation method, distribution boards can be divided into the following types:

For an electrical panel it is important to choose right place, because our safety is at stake. The following requirements are put forward for the installation site:

  • sufficient distance from fire and explosive substances;
  • good natural ventilation;
  • easy accessibility. If something happens, the electrician must make a minimum of effort to get to the panel;
  • A sufficient level of natural light is desirable.

No. 4. Material of manufacture

The distribution board can be made of metal or plastic. Metal shield more resistant to mechanical damage, highly durable and reliable, and at the same time decent weight. The appearance of such products is not the worst, but still not ideal, so metal panels are more suitable for installation in garages and industrial premises.

For an apartment it is better to choose a neat one plastic shield. These are lightweight and aesthetic devices, and responsible manufacturers produce quite durable products that are not inferior in durability to metal ones and do not require mandatory grounding. Cheap plastic shields from little-known Chinese companies tend to turn yellow over time.

Shields made from a combination of plastic and metal are also available on sale.

No. 5. Protection of the shield from dust and moisture

The degree of moisture and dust protection is selected depending on the operating conditions of the equipment:

No. 6. Types of distribution boards by design

According to the type of design and purpose, electrical panels are divided into the following types:

No. 7. Number of modules in the distribution panel

The fundamental difference between all panels is the number of modules. Some people mistakenly believe that their number should be a multiple of 12, but this is not always the case: panels designed for 16 and 18 modules are used, there are even compact models in which the number of modules does not exceed 10.

To decide how many modules are needed in your case, it is best to first draw up an electrical wiring diagram indicating all points of consumption, this includes sockets, lighting fixtures, separately highlight electrical appliances that consume a lot of energy (, washing machine, ). Next, the groups are defined. For lighting wiring, automatic switches with a current of 10 A are used, for socket wiring - 16 A. As switching and protective devices, you can use not only automatic switches, but also RCDs, or replace these two devices with a differential circuit breaker. The number of RCDs, automatic devices and automatic devices must be known to correctly select the number of modules. It is also worth considering the presence of a counter and its size.

The width of one module is 18 mm, it is equal to the width of a single-pole switch. To connect a two-pole circuit breaker you will need 2 modules, a three-phase circuit breaker - 3, a single-phase RCD - 3, a three-phase RCD - 5, an electric meter - from 6 to 8 depending on its size (the width of the device can simply be divided by 18 mm).

For an apartment, in some cases, a shield for 12-16 modules is enough. If the meter is located in the panel, you will have to take a device with 16-24 modules. A large private house may require a shield for more than 24 modules. In large cottages, two panels are sometimes installed, since due to the large length of the wiring, in the event of an accident, one may not always work promptly, or may not work at all.

In addition, the panel may contain surge protection devices, photo relays or starters automatic switching on Sveta. If you are not sure what you can do right choice switchboard, it is better to trust the specialists. Help will most likely be needed when assembling, installing the switchboard and connecting all groups of electrical appliances to it - it’s better not to joke with electricity.

No. 8. Manufacturers of distribution panels

Defective shields will not be able to perform their functions fully, being unable to distribute evenly electric current throughout all premises. Also, such shields, if necessary, most likely will not turn off the damaged group of circuits automatically, so it is better to trust your safety to trusted manufacturers. Leader in terms of quality – companyABB, but its products are expensive. Shields Makel andIEK They are a little cheaper, but the quality is very good. In terms of design, shields stand out FOTKA made in Greece. It is better to avoid nameless products made in China and Turkey - this is not a case where you can save money.

Finally, we note that, other things being equal, it is better to give preference to shields with a transparent door, which provide easier control over the state of the machines.

Electricity is necessary to operate the vast majority of household devices. To receive and distribute energy, a mounted or built-in metering and distribution board (ASB) is used.

What is it

An electrical power distribution board (PSB) is an electrical input device (IDU), with the help of which energy is distributed throughout the room or its individual part. It is also often called a distribution point (DP). It is used at a network voltage of less than 1000 Volts and a frequency of up to 60 Hertz. Introductory distribution boards can be used in a private house, apartment, administrative and industrial premises.

There are the following types of SR:

  1. Main;
  2. Group;
  3. Apartment;
  4. Storey.

Metal electrical distribution boards of the main switchboard type (main panel) are necessary for the input and distribution of electrical energy throughout an apartment or building. Main feature is that it works in networks with a solidly grounded neutral wire, and can also meter incoming electricity. Used for protection electrical lines from voltage surges and power leakage.

Photo – Main switchboard

Group electrical panel used to control individual groups of current consumers (lamps, household appliances, etc.). It is equipped with automatic switches that control current consumption. Using automatic machines, if necessary, a complete power cut can also be carried out.

Apartment and floor panels are analogues of group panels. They are used to branch and control the incoming current to certain groups of consumers. For example, in an apartment this could be a boiler, electric stove and sockets, and on the floor - separate apartments.

Photo - large main switchboard

Technical requirements for the device designated in GOST 51321 ( general characteristics distribution boards):

  1. The device must have a high ignition protection class. For this purpose, the shield body is made of insulating materials that do not melt at temperatures up to 850 degrees (this point may vary depending on the IP protection class and climatic modification UZ, UHLZ, etc.);
  2. Closed models are resistant to mechanical stress, including shock loads;
  3. The device must be equipped with clamps for mounting metering devices, circuit breakers or other electrical control devices;
  4. The wire insulation must withstand up to 660 Volts;
  5. During a power surge, the working parts can withstand up to 2500 Volts for a minute;
  6. The service life of the panel with the meter is 25 years.

Types of shields

There are several types of shields:

  1. Mounted, overhead (SHRN);
  2. Embedded (for example, Ekinoxe);
  3. Floor-standing.

Mounted mounted on the walls of the building, built-in- in the niches of houses. It is worth paying attention, in order to protect the cottage, it is more profitable to use niche models. Floor-standing are the largest, they are installed on the floor.

Photo - case sizes

For on-site visits, professional electricians use a portable switchboard, which is in no way inferior to its “stationary” counterparts. Its connection is carried out directly through the machines. To correctly determine the voltage in the network, a light indication is used. Now such models are presented by Legrand and IEK companies.

We propose to consider what other distribution boards exist and their technical characteristics.

Photo - model with a three-phase meter

SCHURN 3-48 is a three-phase wall-mounted metering and distribution board, used for installation on floors or in private houses.

Mounted (overhead) panel АВВ (АВВ) STJAT 22E:

Input distribution panel type ShchO-70:

This is a special model. To ensure continuity of operation, the device is equipped with ATS units. The panels are combined with busbars, which helps increase the space for installing additional elements (circuit breakers and meters). Models of this series, in most cases, are installed in private or apartment buildings.

Photo - floor type

Shields type ShchMP-01 are models with a mounting panel. Thanks to small overall dimensions they can be installed in a niche on the floor or in an apartment; it is also used as an outdoor one for a dacha or private home. This wall-mounted electrical panel has a very high protection class against negative impact external environment. Additional equipment includes a special zip lock that will protect the device from penetration.

Their analogue is ShchRNM-2 - this is a hinged (external, street) panel with a mounting panel. The key difference from the model above is the ability to remove mounting panels for installation of other automation. The high protection class IP-54 allows them to be installed on the walls of a building. The door is secured with a lock.

If you need to install a distribution board for installing smart home components, it is recommended to use a plastic low-current board of the Volta type. It is designed for 17 modules, the model has a built-in 4-row panel equipped with switches for controlling the “smart house” system.

ShchRN-12 – mounted distribution board (internal), equipped with 12 modules. There are models on sale with a number of modules from 9. This ideal option to protect your garage or cottage from power surges. Type – three-phase, rated voltage and current frequency – 380/70.

OSCHV-3-63-6-0 36 UHL4 IP31 (or ShchRV):

Electrical distribution boards and cabinets manufactured by Schneider Electric MOD are very popular: they are easy to install, easy assembly and high level of quality. The international certificate states that the service life of Schneider Electric equipment is more than 30 years. For example, the Mini Pragma IP40 model has 1 row of panels on which 6 modules can be installed. Ideal for controlling sockets or lights in a building. High level protection allows installation in rooms with high humidity.

You can buy an assembled switchboard in almost any electrical goods store; the price will depend on the purpose and number of modules. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average cost of the Mini Pragma IP40 model, for example, varies from 8,000 to 9,000 rudders.

Video: how to make a switchboard

How to connect the Shchur

You can install and turn on the device yourself, but this requires a project, for example, a single-line diagram of a distribution board (for example, RShch-16). The device passport includes a diagram according to which you need to put the device into operation, but before you start installing it you need to study PUE requirements to the existing network.

Photo - single line diagram

This scheme is developed individually for each enterprise or residential building. It can be ordered from special design bureaus. With the existing project, in the future it will be easier not only to connect the device, but also to assemble the necessary circuit.

Electrical panel- This is a serious device that distributes electricity throughout the house. It performs many safety functions, protecting wiring from overloads, and distributing energy to all consumers.

Installation and assembly of electrical panel

The electrical panel includes complex modular equipment. If necessary, you can carry out the installation yourself, but first you need to learn how to properly assemble the shield.

To separate the work of electrical components and housing installation, you should purchase a panel that has a removable frame and DIN rails.

There are several types of electrical panel installation:

  • wall mounting;
  • installation in the wall.

Let's consider the second option, since the first one is installed simply on holders. Before you hollow out an opening in the wall, you need to make sure that it is not “load-bearing” in the house. According to the rules, installation work cannot be done in it.

The electrical panel must be visible. Doors should not impede his access. For safety reasons, the shield should not be placed close to gas pipes and other flammable substances. To place it on the wall, it is necessary to take into account the height from the floor to its lower edge of at least 1.4 m, and the distance of the upper edge from the floor is no more than 1.8 m.

It will help to mark the future area building level. To maintain all dimensions, you can attach the body to the wall and outline it with chalk. A slot is made using a grinder along the marked lines.

A chisel and a hammer drill will help to hollow out the inside. You need to check the depth of the resulting niche by inserting the electrical panel housing into it.

First, the mount included in the kit is mounted there. Then the electrical panel. For fastenings, holes are made and dowels are inserted. Polyurethane foam the remaining cavities are sealed.

DIN rails are unscrewed from the electrical panel in order to install modular equipment on them. If the kit does not include special fasteners, then you need to drill holes in the back wall of the shield for future fastenings. This is done carefully; excessive force may cause the housing to burst.

How to insert cables correctly

An electrical panel with a removable cover will help you insert the wires inside correctly and conveniently. Conventional enclosures have holes for cables that are slightly cut or pressed out. They are located at the top or bottom of the body. They may also be in its back wall.

In electrical panels low quality, there may not even be a hint of any holes. Then you will have to mark and drill them yourself; not everyone has the patience for this. Therefore, it is better to buy a housing that is more expensive and will take less time to install.

Modern housings for core planting have plugs. They are removed after the shield is installed in the wall. Cables are inserted into the resulting holes. Instead of plugs there may be gland plates.

The first step is to start the input core. It should be located near the input machine. There are comb-type fastenings on the shield; the lead-in conductor should be attached to it. A plastic clamp is used as a tie. Its excess ends are cut off.

The cable is marked with markings, which are indicated on the diagram. This is done with all veins. After their installation, apply removable cover and marks are placed on it. Cutouts are made along them, and the lid falls into place.

How to cut cables inside a switchboard

The insulation must be removed from the inserted cores. This process is done carefully; conductive wires must not be damaged. Immediately a second mark is made on it. This is important because after cutting all the wires there can be a lot of confusion.

Paper tape is suitable for labels. Do not forget the main rule: marks must be applied as indicated on the diagram.

In order for the cable to be sufficient for the entire length of the wiring, you need to insert it into the electrical panel and run it to its entire height. Then measure the same distance in height again. The result will be a length twice the height of the shield. This supply of cable will allow you to confidently guide it to the desired point according to all wiring rules, and excess pieces can always be cut off.

Modern modular protection devices

The quality of electricity in modern networks is not always satisfactory. To protect the line from overloads, they began to use protective devices modular type. The electrical panel with automatic circuit breakers will be protected from short circuits. It will immediately react to the appearance of overcurrents. When connecting the machine, you must adhere to general rule on the power supply - it is connected only from above.

The insulation is removed from the wires. The machines have clamping terminals, insert the core into them and tighten with a screw. Be careful not to let insulating materials come into contact with the terminal. If this happens, then the apartment may suddenly lose electricity, or the protection device may fail. This may cause a fire.

There's one more thing important rule: Do not connect wires of different cross-sections to one AB terminal. A wire with a larger cross-section will get good contact when tightened, while a wire with a smaller cross-section will get poor contact. The insulation on it will melt, which will lead to a fire.

If the connected core is monolithic, then for good contact its end should be bent in a U shape. The connection area increases, and the contact is reliable.

Stranded wires in the terminals of the machine cannot be tightened without special lugs. The contact will be poor and unreliable. To switch them use:

  • NShVI tip (2);
  • NShV tip.

Assembly of modular panel elements

For those who have never come into contact with such a task, you can provide instructions for assembling an electrical panel. Let's prepare workplace, nothing should interfere with the assembly of modules. We make good lighting.

The following modules will be required:

  • circuit breaker (load switch);
  • voltage relay;
  • residual current device (RCD);
  • differential automatic machines;
  • circuit breakers;
  • cross module.

Can be assembled single-phase shield with your own hands, provided that you have some knowledge of an electrician.

All modules are mounted on a previously removed DIN rail. They are arranged in the same order strictly according to the list. The modules are secured using special clamps. Having checked the correct distribution, we proceed to the terminals. You need to loosen the screws on them.

Will be needed different types comb. Input clamps (terminals) will help you more conveniently connect the combs to the power wires. They must be placed between the terminal of the module and the comb.

The input load switch has a phase output (lower contact) from which a phase is distributed to the RCD, circuit breakers and other switches. The RCD has zero terminals; they receive a working zero, which is taken from the lower output terminal of the input circuit breaker.

For further assembly of the electrical panel, one end neutral wire should be free. It is connected to the main bus of the working zero. Zero buses and zero outputs of all RCDs are switched with a blue wire.

All unused connections are tightened with a screwdriver. After this, the entire installation is checked. By applying voltage to introductory machine, press the test button.

Circuit breaker terminals are checked for voltage. When they are turned on, the same measurements are made at the output. To prevent household appliances from burning out due to voltage surges, a voltage control relay is installed. The method for assembling a three-phase panel is the same as for a single-phase one. They differ only in the number of conductive wires.

Final installation

When everything modular devices installed and tested, all that remains is to transfer them to the electrical panel housing. For safety, turn off the power. A niche in the wall is being prepared. The assembled devices are mounted on a DIN frame inside the housing.

The main and protective zero buses are mounted. When distributing wires among bundles, it is not recommended to allow them to intersect. The protective zero wires are attached to the PE bus. The connection sequence is observed as in the electrical panel diagram. The protective zero before commutation with the bus terminal is marked.

When all devices are connected, a check begins for compliance with the connection diagram. On the Internet you can see a photo of the assembled electrical panel.

To check the assembled electrical panel, you need to install all switches and sockets in the apartment. Connect the load to sockets on all lines of powerful consumers. After applying voltage, phases and zeros are checked for compliance.

When the adjustment is completed, do not rush to close the electrical panel. It should work for a couple of hours, and then it will become clear whether the assembly was carried out efficiently. Installing and connecting the shield is a labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge and experience. You should start with it after studying the theoretical part and follow step by step instructions on assembly.