Who from house 2 goes to deputies.

Politics is a very attractive field for many people because of its glamor and hypothetical possibilities. When businessmen go to power: this is normal. They have a goal to transform their assets into an opportunity for further capital growth. We have already become accustomed to the fact that athletes and even film/television stars become deputies. The former go there because they are getting too old for the sport, the latter because of the high media exposure. These two groups have one thing in common - they are known by millions and therefore they have a good chance of passing even without serious election campaign. They are an image that is recognized. But today I was surprised by what I read: the “star” of House 2 is going to run for deputy from the Rosta party in Volgograd.
Either the Growth Party did not find more worthy candidates, or they really believe that this “star” can bring them a precious mandate. In general, if we talk about A. Samsonov’s target audience, it’s 90% women who can recognize him and that’s it. But recognition still needs to be somehow converted into a political rating, which is extremely difficult to do in such a short period of time. In my opinion, he will remain so former star House 2. And there are a number of reasons for this, in addition to those mentioned above.
His behavior on the project, according to the records, left much to be desired: fights, inappropriate behavior.
My position is supported by a political strategist who, after reviewing the recordings with Alexey, came to the following conclusion:
“I saw fragments of a TV show with this guy - he kicks someone, shakes some girl and all that stuff.”
As we see, a man even beats girls on television and is not particularly embarrassed about it, this is no longer normal and should alert the electorate. Of course, there is a similar image of a “controversial politician”, but this niche has already been occupied, and it is necessary to move towards it gradually, and not start with “kicking a girl” on live television; even Zhirinovsky does not allow himself to do this.
But then it becomes much more interesting, if you start delving into the past of Alexei Samsonov, you can find out a number of acute details of his biography. Samsonov’s real surname is Sveshnikov, the guy apparently took it in order to associate himself with the hero of myths, and as I understand it, he needed this surname to create the image of “Lovelace”. Well, this type of person can’t have a surname Sveshnikov, so he had to get out of it.
If you dig even deeper, a quiet horror emerges: the rape of a classmate, her pregnancy and the forced marriage to her in order to avoid responsibility.
Then Alexey Sveshnikov goes into the army and never returns to that family. After the army, he is convicted of armed assault and will receive 2 years in a general regime colony. Immediately before he got on the television project, according to the source, he was blackmailing the wife of a businesswoman who had an intimate relationship with him.
Some kind of unfortunate past for a State Duma deputy comes out, and something tells me that with such a biography it is impossible to pass: any political strategist will reduce his rating to nothing by publishing a couple of facts from his life with the right sauce. It is not at all clear to me what the “Growth Party” in Volgograd is counting on when they nominate a person with such a dubious past. It seems that now the stage has come when politics is cleared of the “echoes of the 90s”, and all the “brothers” are gradually leaving the political field, unable to withstand open competition.

September 13, 2016

Former member popular reality show Alexey Samsonov decided to try himself in a new field. He recently received a certificate of candidate for the Party of Growth.

Former participant of the popular reality show Alexey Samsonov decided to try himself in a new field. He recently received a certificate of candidate for the Party of Growth.

Let us remind you that the elections will take place on September 18. Alexey received his certificate in early August and is now actively campaigning for fans social networks. He invites friends and subscribers to vote in the elections. Samsonov himself, real name whom Sveshnikov leads an active lifestyle and pays a lot of attention to sporting events.

At the beginning of September, Samsonov took part in a yoga training that took place in Muzeon Park. Alexey wants to attract the younger generation to healthy image life. Now he participates in all sporting events from his party.

Let us remind you that Alexey and his beloved Yulia left the television set in 2015, and got married in December. Now Samsonov has begun to get involved in politics, and his wife owns a beauty salon and also works as a model. The girl actively supports her husband and wishes him victory.

Alexey Samsonov (real name Sveshnikov) was nominated by the congress of the Party of Growth as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma in one of the districts. Despite his age, Alexey is a fairly well-known media character. He became famous thanks to his participation in the television project “Dom-2”, where Samsonov was distinguished by frequent fights with the girls of the project.

Immediately after the congress, Alexey Samsonov (Sveshnikov) agreed to give an interview to a journalist from the site “Notebook Volgograd”. Since this is the first interview of yesterday’s “builder of love” in a new capacity for him - a politician, we tried to preserve as much as possible exactly everything that was said by Alexey during the conversation.

Corr.: You are a candidate in the Volga single-mandate constituency, what goals and objectives do you set for yourself in this election campaign?

Samsonov: I do not set goals for the election campaign, but, as it were, for the people, so to speak. In terms of the fact that I would like to meet with voters, communicate with them and, with all their instructions, go to the Duma.

Corr.: In your opinion, what percentage of the votes will the Party of Growth get?

Samsonov: I don’t know, but I think that taking into account how many people were at the congress, how many party members, that young people are coming and going... As they say, everything is growing uphill, I think that we will get a sufficient number, more there is 5-7% , but that's my opinion.

Corr.: Who do you think is your voter, who will vote for you?

Samsonov: Listen, you know what... I can say that my voter is from 18 to 60 and older. But for me the main thing now is that young people go to the polls. I want to attract young people to the elections with all my hands and feet, because if large number young people will come to the polls and do right choice, accordingly, a lot of things will change in the country, and not just in the districts. Therefore, this is exactly what we want, because 40-45 percent of young people do not go at all. I didn’t want other people to make choices for young people, and then these same young people would remain dissatisfied with the choice. We need to take everything into our own hands so that the younger generation develops, so that medium and small businesses develop, and give them the opportunity to grow upward. Let sports develop too. If a person is healthy, then everything should grow, as they say, uphill.

Corr.: Which parties do you consider your most serious rivals?

Samsonov: Yes... personally, I have absolutely no rivals. I will fight both for the single-mandate constituency and for my party, so that our party moves forward and grows, goes uphill. Because now in the Duma we need to remove everyone who sits there. There are already, so to speak, pensioners sitting there who have been sitting in one place for 10 to 20 years. Here they sit and sit, time passes, and absolutely nothing changes.

Corr.: Who are you talking about? Give the names.

Samsonov: I won’t be familiar. I will only say that I am speaking in principle about all party leaders. Because the road needs to be opened to the young so that the young can develop. In a young healthy body... how to say... I don’t know how to express it... A young body, it seems to always be moving forward. Do you understand?

Corr.: What is the strategy of the Party of Growth in the fight for votes?

Samsonov: Well, what do you think? We have the Party of Growth, a youth party. Do young people usually choose or older people? This all goes without saying.

Corr.: How will you convince voters to vote for you?

Samsonov: I will tell the truth! I know my city inside and out, in principle. I feel sorry for the city because no one is taking care of it. This is a hero city, and it ranks second to last in terms of economy. Is that possible? This is not some town or village. This is a hero city of two million. It used to be famous for its factories, but now what is left of the factories? Do you know what they say? The country lives as long as the factories work. That's all. If you raise all the factories, imagine how many jobs will be freed up, how many salaries will be paid, how much everything will go uphill and grow. There is something to do.

Corr.: Will you promise voters jobs in factories?

Samsonov: Absolutely right. I set this task for myself so that they have decent salaries, so that they, as they say, do not deny themselves anything, can buy anything, go anywhere.

Corr.: If you fail in the elections, will you return to Dom-2?

Samsonov: You know, no. I don't consider electoral failure, I absolutely don't think about it anyway. Although "Dom-2" is a good school of life. People go there with enormous potential. But in reality, why do people go there? Because there is no one to go, those who come to Moscow. They want something, but due to the fact that there are no jobs, they go to Dom-2. But I want to say thank you to this project and say hello to my friends. Many families formed there, many children were born, and everyone lives happily and prosperously.

Corr.: Are any of your friends from “House-2” going into politics?

Samsonov: Neither friends nor colleagues from “Dom” go into politics, but I will use every possible means to attract them to our party so that everyone is a member of the party.

Corr.: You made money on “House-2” scandalous reputation and often let go of their hands. Moreover, women were beaten more often than men. Should women deputies in the State Duma be afraid if you win?

Samsonov: Like all men, I swear with women, but I haven’t hit a single woman. I can intimidate emotionally, but I have never raised my hand to any woman. I can scream, scare, swing, but to hit a woman... I’m training what will happen if I hit a woman?

News on Notepad-Volgograd

The show “Dom-2” has long been the talk of the town. A bad example of the bottom of society that they represent similar mrs. Sobchak personality. The harm that this show has caused to our country will be tangible when the Dom-2 generation, raised in front of television screens, enters adulthood. That is, very soon. But also faster harm the entire society was inflicted by the actors from "House-2", who... decided to run for State Duma already in the fall of this year.

Here's what the media writes:

Newly-minted politician Alexey Samsonov is running in the Volzhsky single-mandate constituency.
Party of Growth member Alexey Samsonov said in an interview with Life that he was grateful to the scandalous Dom-2 project, of which he was once a participant. According to Samsonov, it was thanks to the TV show that he ended up in the Growth Party.

What? “Party of Growth” again? Yes, as much as possible. When all the system liberals (Nechaev, Stankevich, Dmitrieva, Nadezhdin) were herded into it, it could still be tolerated.

But now, when the ranks of the PROstaTitovites (as Borist Titov’s “Growth Party” is popularly called) have been replenished with actors from “House-2”, it is no longer possible to tolerate this.

- “Dom-2” is a very good school of life, people go there because they basically have nowhere to go, they see their future and prospects there. If it weren’t for Dom-2, I wouldn’t be in the Party of Growth. People come there with great potential. There are fleeting relationships there, but many have given birth to children and, most importantly, remain in Russia. I want to say a big thank you to the project. This is a serious school of life,” Samsonov said.

Seriously? There is something to argue with.

But here I completely agree with the “Teach Good” project:

“Dom-2” is not a school of life, it is, rather, a school of death and moral degradation.

Let's take a look at this newly minted parliamentary candidate:

Klitschko is not alone in his genius.

I showed my life on camera. I am who I am. I have a wife and a family. And I myself am very emotional - this is my character, this is the kind of person I am. But I have never hit a woman, I can push, but there were no serious consequences. I didn’t beat women, I don’t beat them and I don’t intend to beat them,” said Alexey Samsonov.

It is, of course, wonderful that this character has a family. But if your program as a candidate for the State Duma sounds like this: “I haven’t hit women, I don’t hit and I don’t intend to hit,” then this clearly speaks about the level of the party that is nominating you.