Large house made of cardboard with your own hands. Cardboard tea house

You will need:

White cardboard



Latex primer (optional)

Glue stick


Stationery knife

Decorations (tinsel, bells, balls).

1. To get started, download the template from THIS link or you can draw a house of similar dimensions yourself.

2. Cut out all the pieces from paper and glue them to white cardboard using a glue stick or double-sided tape.

3. Cut out the pieces from cardboard. Use a utility knife to cut out doors, windows and other details.

4. Fold all the elements along the fold lines and glue everything together.

5. If desired, you can apply a primer to the paper house to prevent it from deforming.

6. Paint your house and after the paint has dried, start decorating it.

The house can be hung on the Christmas tree using a thread attached to the roof so that it hangs level, or you can simply place it on flat surface so that it decorates the house.

DIY craft "House made of paper tubes"

You will need:

Thin paper (regular printed paper is fine)




1. Roll each sheet (or identical pieces of sheets) into a tube. It's better to use a pencil - it's easier to twist.

2. Draw windows and a door on paper or cardboard and cut them out.

3. Glue the tubes together as shown in the image (to make a hut).

4. Glue the windows and door to the hut.

5. Decorate the house to your liking.

Another option:

DIY Santa Claus house (master class)

You will need:

Cardboard box or



Stationery knife


Polyurethane foam and gun (optional).

1. Prepare a cardboard box and make a house out of it. You will need to cut the pieces and glue them together.

2. Use a utility knife to cut out the windows and door. You can draw them in advance with a simple pencil.

3. Paint the house or you can decorate it polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to apply foam in strips so that each strip is 1.5 cm wide. As it dries, the foam will swell, so it is better to leave 3-4 mm between the strips.

4. After you have covered the house with foam, leave it for 30 minutes to allow the foam to dry.

Making a stand for the house.

Cut out a rectangle from cardboard that should be larger than the base of the house.

Glue the house to the stand and decorate the perimeter of the stand with foam.

*Foam is optional. To imitate snow, you can use cotton wool, which should be glued with PVA glue.

* You can also cut out snow slides, snowdrifts, a snowman or a Christmas tree from paper or white cardboard and glue them to the base, bending them bottom part and applying glue to it.

If you used foam, then after it dries, cut off the excess parts with a stationery knife and sand it with sandpaper.

Paint all the desired parts.

DIY cardboard house: gnome's home

You will need:

Cardboard cylinders from toilet paper

White paper

Colored paper

Black felt-tip pen

Glue stick

Hot glue or PVA glue

Sequins of different colors (including white).

1. Cut one toilet paper cardboard cylinder in half, and the second and third so that you have two long and two short pieces. This way you will have houses of different sizes.

2. Cut the white paper into strips 15 cm long and 2-3 cm wider than the height of the cylinder that you will wrap with this strip.

3. Cut out windows and doors from colored paper. Use a marker to draw door handles and window details.

4. Using a glue stick, glue the windows and doors to the white stripes.

5. Wrap the strips around the corresponding cylinders and secure them with glue. Fold the excess paper into the cylinder.

6. Make several cones of different colors from colored paper, glue the ends of the cones, and glue the cones themselves with PVA glue to the house cylinders.

*You can add a little glue to each roof of the house and sprinkle glitter on it to imitate fallen snow.

DIY paper house: paper New Year's village

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (cardboard from regular packaging)

Stationery knife




White acrylic paint and a brush

LED garland.

1. Prepare cardboard and use a pencil to draw several houses connected to each other on it. You can use a ruler. You will end up with a small village. Cut out a village from cardboard.

2. Bend the cut out piece like an accordion along the lines that connect the houses. To make even folds, place a ruler on the fold line and bend the cardboard.

3. Draw and cut out a Christmas tree on cardboard. Trace the tree onto another piece of cardboard and cut out a second tree. Make a cut on one tree from the top to halfway, and on the other from the bottom to halfway and connect both parts to get a 3-D tree.

4. Apply white paint to rooftops and Christmas trees to imitate snow.

5. Place the village and Christmas tree on a white cloth or felt and place an LED garland next to it.

DIY house (photo)

Paper or white cardstock that you can print on.

*You can draw a similar drawing yourself and cut it out.


Stationery knife

Glue stick

Battery operated candles.

1. Print and cut out the house drawing. Cut out windows and doors with a utility knife.

2. To make the roof, cut a rectangle measuring 15x9 cm. Bend it in the middle.

3. Assemble and glue the house and glue the roof to it.

* You can make several houses to make a small village.

* You can also cut out Christmas trees from green cardboard.

4. Place a candle with batteries inside the house.

*You can decorate the house to your liking. Use felt-tip pens, glitter with glue, cotton wool (snow), etc.

DIY box house

You will need:

Box (of cereal, pasta, for example)




PVA glue

Clothespin or masking tape(if necessary).

1. Open the box completely and place it on the table.

2. Draw a straight line along the unfolded box 2.5 cm below the middle.

3. Make cuts from the original fold lines of the box to the line you drew (see image). The white dots indicate the places where the cuts need to be made.

4. Cut off those parts of the box where the X is written.

5. Turn the box over and apply glue to a small bend (see image).

6. Fold the box with the pattern facing inward and secure with glue.

7. Fold the opposite narrow sides to form a roof. Each part needs to be bent in half (see image).

8. Cut the wide sides so that they can be glued to the part of the roof that was formed in step 7. You need to cut with a margin so that this margin can be bent and glued.

This craft will not take a lot of time and materials, and this activity will be very useful for the child.

nom. When working with paper and three-dimensional figures, spatial thinking develops, imagination and ingenuity work. Among other things, this is simply a fun activity for both adults and children.

Every girl dreams of her favorite doll living in a house. Is it worth spending huge sums of money to purchase doll's home, if you can easily make it with your own hands. In addition, the child will treat the toy more carefully when he himself takes part in its creation.

To do beautiful house from cardboard boxes, you need very few materials and, most importantly, imagination!

You will need:

  • Boxes made of durable cardboard of different sizes;
  • Paints;
  • Colored paper;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Pencils or markers.

You can make any house - large or small, with a removable roof or a stationary one, with separate rooms or one large one. To have an idea of ​​what the house will look like, look at approximate diagrams and sketches on the Internet (instructions are attached to each). Based on them you can draw own plan dollhouse.

Large do-it-yourself cardboard house for children

Getting your baby interested is quite easy. Build him a house! If you live in an apartment, making housing from plasterboard at home will be very difficult due to lack of free space. But there is a way out, because probably each of you has large boxes of household appliances– TV, refrigerator or gas stove. Unless you're planning a big move, you probably won't need these boxes. But you can make an excellent little house out of them for your child. It will be interesting for the baby to play in such a spacious house.

To do children's playhouse with your own hands, you need:

  • A large cardboard box or two medium ones;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Colored paper or wallpaper;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife.

Place the box so that the opening parts are at the top. Cut a piece of cardboard from an unnecessary box to create a quadrangular roof. Secure all bends with tape.

You can leave the top of the roof empty to allow better air flow.

Figure out where the door will be located. The hole should be of such a size that the baby can crawl inside the house. Draw a door and cut it out with a utility knife. We do the same with windows. The finished holes can be decorated with old tulle, this will make the home cozy.

You can lay a warm blanket on the floor, so the baby will not freeze, even if he sits inside the house for hours.

The homemade house is ready and waiting for its owner!

DIY cardboard houses: diagrams and nuances of construction

To create a house, first of all, you need to draw a sketch. Finished drawing You can download it on the Internet at home or try to draw it yourself, based on your child’s requests. If you wish, you can make a model of the house from plain paper.

House project:

  1. According to the drawing, cut from cardboard box sketches of the future toy house.
  2. Cut through windows and doors. Remove unnecessary pieces of cardboard.
  3. The joints need to be taped.
  4. If the folds are glued correctly, the house can be folded, and in this form it will take up very little space.
  5. The roof of the house is made from the end parts of the box. They are fastened together with tape, and the roof can be covered with colored paper on top.
  6. To make a second floor, you need to install interior partition. Place a sheet of cardboard on top and secure it firmly along the edges with the walls of the house.
  7. The staircase between floors is also cut out of cardboard.

Now the house can be decorated doll furniture or make it yourself from cardboard.

Helpful tips for making:

  • The door of the house should open outwards;
  • To make the house stable, you need to install cardboard pipes in the corners;
  • For safety reasons, only adults should cut cardboard.

How to make a cardboard house with your own hands: step by step with pictures

Handsome and original house for Barbie can be made not only from boxes, but also from ordinary colored sheets of cardboard. Let your daughter help you create a house, do the layout and think through the decor.

To work you will need sheets of thick cardboard, colored tape, markers and stationery knife.

Let's get started:

  1. Our house will not have a front wall - this makes it more convenient for a child to play with a doll if the house has several tiers.
  2. The basis of the house are four standard sheet cardboard, which are fastened together with colored tape.
  3. Before joining the sheets, you need to cut out the window of the future house.
  4. Having fastened the sheets, we make the second floor. To do this, you need to connect 3-4 sheets together to make the overlap more durable.
  5. Glue the sheets along the entire perimeter to the walls of the house using tape.
  6. The walls of the house can be covered with wrapping paper, imitating wallpaper, and thin felt can be laid on the floor - like a warm carpet.

The child will be very interested in playing with the new acquisition and decorating the house. These skills will definitely be useful in adulthood.

If the child is already going to school, he can take his creation to an exhibition or simply show off to his classmates.

DIY cardboard house: how to decorate a doll's house

Dollhouse, like ordinary apartment, requires comfort. To make your home more comfortable, you need to put wallpaper on the walls - made from colored paper, packaging wrapper or simple glossy magazines. You can hang curtains on the windows; you probably have a piece of unnecessary fabric. To attach them, use pushpins or a stapler.

Like any apartment, the house should not be empty. Your favorite doll also needs furniture. From the boxes you can build a voluminous sofa, a wardrobe or bookcase, a table and chairs. They can be painted with watercolors or pasted over with appliqués.

The floor can be covered with felt, which is attached to the box using glue gun. Now the Barbie doll can walk on the floor barefoot.

To make the house light and cozy, you can hang LED garlands along the walls.

Around the house you can place decorative flowers in pots and build a fence from plastic bottles. However, this option is acceptable if space in the nursery allows.

Let your child decorate the house himself, as your tastes may differ. Entrust this work to your baby, let him develop his imagination!

Step-by-step master class: how to make a cardboard house for a cat

If you have a tailed, mustachioed animal living at home, you know how cats love to hide - they jump into a stroller, climb into boxes or onto shelves. You can make a house out of a box and your pet will have a personal apartment that no one will claim.

Cardboard cat box - original and interesting idea, but, alas, such a house will quickly fall into disrepair. Cardboard is afraid of water, so it cannot be washed. If your pet confuses the house with the litter box, the cat's apartment will have to be thrown away.

In addition, cats love to sharpen their claws, and this can also damage the house.

Despite the disadvantages, this option is the cheapest and fastest to implement.

Building a cat house:

  1. You need to choose a box in which your cat will not feel cramped. Cats love space and enjoy visibility, so you shouldn't place the box in the farthest corner of the room.
  2. You need to lay a rug or a pillow on the floor.
  3. You can cover the outside of the house with old wallpaper so that the cat’s home does not disturb the interior of the “human” room.

When the house is ready, invite the cat to explore it. Let him get used to the new thing, study it. There is no need to force the cat to immediately climb inside, this may only scare him away.

How to make a house out of cardboard (video)

If you have imagination and love to tinker, you will be able to make toy house from cardboard. This gift will appeal to both babies and older children. Even adult girl will appreciate such a gift, because very often you want to return to a carefree childhood and play with Barbie dolls again.

In the house where the cat lives, reigns special atmosphere. Pets may have different character, however, they all bring variety to the former measured life.

Often cats become attached to one place, spending a lot of time there. Accordingly, they leave scraps of fur, sharpen their claws, and play. In such cases, the question arises of creating a separate sleeping place, own house.

This can be bought at a pet store. In this case you will have to spend money. Or you can make your own cat house from a cardboard box.

Types of cat houses

Here is a gallery of ideas from home craftsmen:

You can explore the range cat houses, presented on the market, and choose the optimal design for your pet.

Most often, cat owners choose the following models:

  • Various beds. Suitable for calm animals that spend most of their time observing.
  • Booth house. Suitable for pets who like to spend time in solitude. It's easy to make from a cardboard box.
  • Hammock bed. Can be located in any free place - under a chair, stairs, etc.
  • Game complexes. Suitable for families with two or more cats. They may consist of several houses, passages, scratching posts and hammocks. Their parameters and content depend on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

We create a house for a cat. What do you need to know?

Dimensions. Cardboard houses must correspond to the parameters of the animals. For a pet with average parameters, a cubic design will be suitable, the width of which will be about 40 centimeters. A hole 15–20 centimeters wide is sufficient for entry. If the entrance is very wide, the animal will feel unprotected. The basic rule is that the pet must fit freely in the house, lying on its side.

Important! Siamese and Bengal cats love to sit on their hind legs. It is better for them to make a cardboard house with their own hands in the form of a wigwam. Its height should be at least 60 - 70 centimeters.

Benefits of a self-made cardboard house:

  • Saving money.
  • A self-created product will be in harmony with the interior of the room.
  • An additional reason to please your pet.
  • Minimum investment of time and effort.
  • There is no need to throw away empty boxes.

  • We cut out rectangles from a cardboard box measuring 50 x 40 centimeters. For Siamese and Bengal cats, cut out pieces measuring 50 x 60 cm. A total of three rectangles are needed. This will be the base and two side parts.
  • We cover the rectangles inside and outside with upholstery fabric.
  • We connect the two parts to each other at an angle of 60 degrees. We attach the third part to them. We fasten the entire structure with PVA glue. We get a house in the form of a triangular prism.
  • We cover the bottom of the house with padding polyester or other soft bedding.
  • We install the house near the radiator to make the cat warm and cozy.

We decorate self-made homes for pets like this:

  • We cover it with fabric, which we select in accordance with general style interior
  • Cover with paper white. Then we decorate it to our liking.
  • We wallpaper it to match the walls of the apartment.
  • We decorate the house with soft toys in the form of mice, birds, other animals and insects.

You can install a scratching post next to the house so that your pet can sharpen its claws. This way you will protect your furniture from damage.


  • It is prohibited to use a stapler as a fixing material. Cats sometimes chew cardboard. A pet may accidentally swallow a stapler or injure its mucous membrane.
  • Do not use adhesives with a strong odor. PVA glue is optimal. It does not emit strong odors and dries quickly.
  • It is forbidden to use boxes found on the street. Stray cats and dogs could live in them. There is no guarantee that they were healthy.
  • Tight boxes should not be used. The cat will want to stay awake in a place where it is uncomfortable.
  • It is forbidden to hang a cardboard cat house. The product may fall and the animal may be injured.

A self-built cardboard house for a cat will save money family budget and the nerves of the owners. After all, a pet will not look for a place to lie in the wrong place.

A paper house is great idea for crafts. Do you want to organize miniature housing for your toys, make decorations for school project or just for fun, you don't need anything special other than paper and water to make a little paper house. So don’t hesitate and get to work soon!


Preparing to create a paper house

    Gather everything you need. Depending on what type of house you decide to make, you will need a different set of materials. However, in any case, all materials will be easily accessible.

    • For an origami-style house, you only need one sheet of plain paper, scissors, and a marker or pen.
    • The dollhouse will be a little more difficult to make, but not much. It will require 10-11 sheets of paper, a pen or pencil, tape and scissors.
    • If you want to make a fairy house, then you will need paper, a small bowl, water, a tray or plate.
  1. Decide what kind of house you will make. The smallest house will be an origami style house, and the largest will be a doll house. Think about how you intend to use the cabin and base your decision on that.

    Organize yourself a clean workspace. You will find it difficult to work if your workbench is cluttered, as you will need to make neat folds on papers and make straight cuts. Therefore, for this job, your table must be clean.

    Make additional folds on the paper. Fold the square in half, bringing the left side towards the right. Then unfold it back. Next, fold the square in half, pulling the top side towards the bottom. Wrinkle the fold well and unfold the paper again. Two new folds should appear on the square, forming a plus.

    Fold the paper into a smaller square. First, fold the top side of the square towards the horizontal fold in the center that was created in the previous step. Then repeat this action with the bottom side and fold it up towards the middle.

    • Next, turn the paper over to the other side. Do not unroll the folds you have made before.
    • Now fold the left and right sides of the square towards the center. They should meet in the center at the vertical fold line.
  2. Straighten the roof of the house. To get the roof of the house, you need to open the flaps of the upper corners of the paper. Lift them up, pull them to the side, and then push them down so that the corners of the roof extend beyond the sides of the house. After this operation, the paper folds should form isosceles triangles. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length.

    Complete the decoration of the house. Turn the paper over to the other side. Draw a door, window and other details that you want on the house. Everything is ready!

Making a dollhouse from paper

    Tape two sheets of paper together. You need to glue two sheets of paper with the short sides. Start by folding these two sheets in half (“sandwich”). Be sure to press the folds well. Then lay out the sheets and glue them together with tape. You must glue those sides that run parallel to the folds you made earlier. Label the glued sheets with the letter A and set them aside.

    Glue two more sheets together. Now you need to glue the two sheets together with the long sides. Label the resulting part with the letter B.

    Draw a line on piece B. The line should be 7.5 cm from the tape. Cut the sheet along this line. Try to cut the paper as straight as possible. This will be the front side of the house.

    Add a door. Place part B so that the tape strip is at the top. In the lower, larger part of part B, draw a door. You can also paint some windows and flower pots or any other design details for the front of the house.

    Connect the front of the house to the floor. Use folded piece A for the floor and side walls. Tape the bottom side of Sheet B (which you just drew on) to the side of Sheet A halfway between the folds. Before gluing the parts, make sure that the side edges of the front sheet line up with the fold lines on sheet A (the sheet with the floor). If this does not happen, redo sheet A again according to the instructions above, or simply make a new fold on the old sheet in the required place.

    Raise the walls of the house. Raise the side walls of the house and connect them to the sides of the front wall. Tape the walls together. Don't worry if the side walls are too short. You'll fix it soon.

    Measure the height of the walls. Measure the empty space above the side walls to get an idea of ​​how much paper you will need to make them larger. Then cut out two rectangles of the appropriate size from paper. If you want, you can also paint (or stick) windows and other home decoration details on the side walls.

    Tape rectangles to the side walls of the house to increase their height. Also be sure to glue them to the front wall of the house to increase the strength of the house.

    Cut out the door. Cut the door on the facade so that it remains attached to the house on one side. Then crease the fold at this point so that the door can be opened and closed as desired.

    Draw two large isosceles triangles on a separate sheet of paper. U isosceles triangle the two sides are the same length. Then cut out these triangles. They will become the sides of the roof. If you want, also draw or stick on the attic windows.

    Measure the width of the front of the house to create the roof slopes. Cut two rectangles with a height the length of the side of the above triangles and the same width as the width of the front of the house. To create a more realistic roof, decorate the rectangles with a tile pattern.

    Glue the rectangular roof slopes to the triangles. First, glue the rectangular and triangular roof parts together with their sides. Then glue the top sides of the rectangles (the roof ridge). You should get a large volumetric prism.

    Glue the roof prism to the walls of the house. The house itself is already ready! Now you can complete the decoration by arranging the toy furniture, after which your dolls will have a great home!

Making a paper fairy house

    Prepare 10-12 sheets of paper. If you don't have separate sheets, you can tear the sheets out of your notebook. Take one piece of paper and place it in water. It should get thoroughly wet.

    Slowly crumple the leaf and squeeze out the water. You don't want to squeeze the sheet until it forms a hard ball, but rather a soft, pliable ball. In other words, the wet paper should have the consistency of Play-Doh. Therefore, additionally wet the sheet or squeeze water out of it until it reaches the desired consistency.

    Form a stick out of a paper ball. It will look a little like a sausage. Before performing this operation, you need to wait until the paper becomes like plasticine.

The New Year's time is coming - a time of miracles, when everyone can feel a little like a helper to the kindest old man in the world. After all, think about it, if in addition to gifts for the children of the whole planet, the old grandfather also had to decorate our houses, how would he manage to do everything? That is why we, adults, help him in every possible way, because it is impossible for children to stop believing in Santa Claus.

Home decoration is the most main task in the process of creation New Year's mood. Buying ready-made decorative elements in a store is not difficult, but making New Year decorations with your own hands is something completely different! In this article you will find more than 20 master classes and schemes for creating New Year's houses. At first glance, it may seem to an unprepared person that creating a New Year's house from paper, cardboard or any other materials is an impossible task. In fact, this is not the case, especially if you have ready-made template. So, if you are serious, then get ready to become a real builder, because in this article you will find diagrams of not only single houses, but also entire winter villages!

You can make a very beautiful New Year's house with your own hands from an ordinary cardboard box. The inside of the box is usually brown, which, in fact, works to our advantage. The box will have to be gutted and turned inside out. Draw a house template and cut it out. Next we glue the walls and floor. You can leave the top with an improvised roof and use the house as a gift box, or you can glue a full roof and put it under the Christmas tree. You can draw on top of the cardboard with a special white marker, white gouache or regular corrector. Externally, the house is very reminiscent of the gingerbread delicacy that is common in the Western world. Well, you and I are familiar with the gingerbread house from the famous fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm “Hansel and Gretel”. If your children have not heard it yet, then it’s time to read this story, and a homemade gingerbread house from a cardboard box will be an excellent attribute for a small dramatization!

More Gift Boxes:

If you are planning to make not just a house, but a whole Christmas village, then you can mandatory you will need a church. Print our finished diagram, cut it out of cardboard, glue it in in the right places and the model of the church is ready. Now all that remains is to decorate it with sparkles and artificial snow so that the church becomes truly winter. You can download the finished diagram below.

So, the church is ready, now all that remains is to build the houses local residents. Download the finished diagram from the link below, cut it out of cardboard, glue the house and decorate it. Who should be accommodated in the houses? Anyone! Little dolls, pine cone elves, or any other residents you have. If there is a little Santa Claus, then feel free to accommodate him too! You'll get a whole residence!

If there are any problems with cardboard, then you can easily make a New Year’s house from salt dough. You can use it as a candlestick, it looks very cool. So get ready salt dough, roll it out to about 1-1.5 cm thick. Cut out the walls, windows and door. This can be done with special molds, and if there are none, then use a stationery knife and a ruler. Glue all the walls and glue the roof. Cover the joints with the remaining dough. When the house is dry, sand the rough edges with a sanding knife and enjoy your creation!

Cute houses in the style of Danish architecture can be made using this scheme. At the link below you will find diagrams of all three houses, which you just need to print and bend along the lines. Place an electric candle inside, turn off the lights and enjoy the city's winter landscape!

If you love corn flakes or, like true Englishmen, eat oatmeal in the morning, then you will probably have cardboard boxes of the appropriate sizes. Below is a step-by-step master class on how to make a New Year's house with your own hands from a cardboard box. Follow the instructions carefully and you will succeed!

Excellent New Year's houses are made from magazine clippings. Find a picture of a suitable house or castle, cut it out and glue it in a circle. Place an electric candle inside and enjoy.

Wonderful New Year's houses can be made from plain white paper, decorating some parts (roof and windows) with sparkles. You can download ready-made templates from the link below. Watch the step-by-step instructions and make your own New Year's house!

If you have accumulated a lot greeting cards, you can make wonderful houses out of them, which you can use to decorate your apartment, combining them into garlands. Or you can use these postcard houses to congratulate friends and acquaintances. You will find step-by-step instructions for making houses from old open doors below.

You can make craft houses not only from paper or cardboard. Felt is also an excellent material for making. The manufacturing process is incredibly simple; step-by-step instructions can be found below. All that remains is to get some felt and an electric candle. New Year's craft the house is ready!

With our ready-made scheme and step by step instructions You can make a whole city, especially if your team has little fidgets ready for handicrafts. You will also need electronic candles or you can use a New Year's garland. Add some mini Christmas trees and the New Year's city is ready! And most importantly, the whole family is in a New Year's mood!

New Year's houses can also be made from scrap materials, which is especially great when these materials are no longer suitable for use, such as milk packaging. If you look at it, the house is almost ready, all that remains is to make the roof and adjust the size of the house itself. If the box doesn’t look very presentable, you can cover it with paper and draw windows and doors, but if you’re happy with everything, then the craft house is ready!

From this step by step wizard class you will learn how to make a simple New Year's house from ordinary cardboard. The main difficulty lies in the template, and if you do not have spatial vision and architectural education, drawing something more or less complex on paper is quite difficult. Therefore, using the link below you can download a ready-made diagram of the house and glue it together yourself.

Download the finished house template, cut and glue. The DIY Christmas house craft is ready!

Download this simple template, print and cut out. In our instructions, the house is made from an old music book. You can make from plain white paper or “draft paper”. A little decor, an electric candle and Voila! Your DIY paper house is ready!

If you don’t have time to tinker with voluminous houses, but want to decorate your apartment with the whole city, then this option is especially for you. You will need a sheet of Whatman paper (thick) in A2 format, a printed template and a stationery knife. From the links below you can download two various options cities. Finished diagrams are printed on A4 sheets, printed out, glued and transferred directly to whatman paper for cutting.

Getting ready for the New Year with the children and making Santa Claus's house out of paper. Download the finished template, print it and glue it together. Young designers will be delighted!

As already noted, house crafts can be made from the most different materials, including from wooden sticks. Popsicle sticks are quite suitable for this job, but you had to collect them all year. In any case, you can take notes on the idea and be sure to do it next year!

A very cute New Year's house can be made from paper tubes. For this you will need: thin paper, scissors, glue, pencil, decorative elements. Cut the paper into strips of the same size. Wrap the paper strip around a pencil and glue it with glue, remove the pencil. You will need about 50 tubes to make a house like in the master class. When the base is ready, glue on the roof, and then the windows and other decorative elements.

Incredible New Year's houses can be made from felt. Volumetric or flat, in the form gingerbread houses or hours. In addition, felt houses can be used to decorate pillows or socks for gifts. You will find the finished patterns under the photo.