Losing weight according to blood group 1 positive. What should be the diet for the first positive and negative blood group? Foods that should be limited

According to research results, food products can be divided into useful, harmful and neutral for people with a particular blood group. The fact is that different blood groups did not appear immediately in the process of human evolution, but were formed gradually, as people adapted to different conditions environment(including - to different types food).

Therefore, regular consumption of foods that are not genetically suitable for your blood type and are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract can negatively affect the metabolic process. And the most common problem in modern society - obesity, is directly related to the consumption of foods that are not suitable for the daily diet.

During the digestion of food, substances are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach and enter chemical reaction with blood particles. And substances formed as a result of the digestion of this or that food can cause a positive reaction in people with 1 positive blood group, and for people with 2 or 4 blood groups - a negative reaction.

Such substances that influence the appearance of excess weight include lectins. The function of these proteins is to bind carbohydrate residues. It is well known that people with a particular blood type absorb lectins from different foods differently, since the body with a specific blood type is genetically predisposed to absorb certain foods with suitable glycoproteins.

If your daily diet contains “harmful” foods, then inappropriate lectins constantly accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. Protective systems The body perceives cells in which a large number of such lectins accumulate as foreign.

The topic of this material is a diet for blood group 1 with a positive Rh factor. As you know, the first blood group is the oldest and is widespread among people (about a third of the entire population). 2, 3 and 4 blood groups evolved from the first.

People with the first blood group (type 0, “Hunters”) have immune and digestive systems that are well adapted to adverse conditions.
Possible problems: allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, stomach ulcers due to high acidity, poor blood clotting.

Let's consider the main points that are important to pay attention to when organizing your diet to effectively reduce the amount of accumulated fat:

Important: five meals a day. This does not mean that you need to increase the amount of food you eat daily. Just divide the food into 5 parts (instead of 3-4).

The diet itself will consist of two stages. The first stage is weight loss itself. During this period, we consume only those foods and drinks that are beneficial for your 1 positive blood group.

Second stage. When will you get rid of excess weight, then you can include neutral foods in your diet.


Table of products (healthy, neutral and harmful):

Important Tips:

So, the most important rule effective diet- exclude poorly digestible foods from the diet. People with 1 positive blood group have a reduced metabolism. But we can improve our metabolism and increase our metabolic rate in order to remove excess weight and lose weight.

To do this you need:

Include the following products in the menu:

- seafood, seaweed, fish;
- liver and meat products (beef, lamb, veal), homemade sausages;
- iodized salt;
- fruits (except sour ones), vegetables;
- greens, daikon, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, radish

Healthy drinks. Rose hip and green tea, seltzer water, ginger licorice drink, mint drink
- useful vitamins and supplements. Vitamin K and B vitamins, iodine, manganese, calcium, pancreatic enzymes

Exclude the following products from the menu:

- from wheat, lentils, corn, oatmeal (slow down the metabolic rate, blocking the release of insulin after digestion);

All types of cabbage (except broccoli), citrus fruits, marinades (slow down metabolism, preventing the thyroid gland from producing thyroid hormones);

Harmful drinks. Strong alcoholic drinks, coffee, echinacea, aloe, St. John's wort, senna.

Besides the correct dietary nutrition you need to do physical exercise regularly. In order to stimulate the production of hormones that improve metabolism and increase metabolic rate, it is important to do exercises with intense movements (swimming, aerobics, brisk walking, running and in winter - skiing) 5-6 times a week.


The best recipes for salads, hot meat and dessert dishes for people with blood type O:

Recipe for preparing a fish dish. Trout in cream sauce:

How to quickly make diet cutlets in a slow cooker:


How to cook delicious meatloaf Meatloaf, which we can include in our diet menu. Video recipe:

We prepare a delicious fish casserole at home. Video recipe:

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The diet for blood type 1 positive is often called the hunter's diet, since such people have high immunity, their gastrointestinal tract functions well, and the body absorbs meat better.

Basic principles

Blood type nutrition (1, 2, 3, etc.) is based on the theory proposed by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. A patient with the first positive must eat what people who lived during the period when this blood type appeared ate. Rh positive or negative special significance V in this case does not have.

The system, including the diet for blood type 1, has become popular. There are no strict restrictions on the amount of food eaten, and there is no need to count calories. Implied proper nutrition with some rational restrictions, which gives the effect.

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With the first group (positive) blood, nutrition involves mainly meat and fish. You will have to completely give up corn and cabbage.

Not all dairy products can be added to the daily menu; just like cereals, they can be included in the diet, but in small quantities.

If a person has the first negative group, it is believed that such Rhesus results in slow digestion, so you can rearrange the diet so that in the afternoon it contains only easily digestible foods.

Product table

There is a table of foods for women who follow a similar diet. It is also suitable for men, but if they have physical activity, you need to eat more protein.

Products table:

Healthy Products

The diet for the first group is, first of all, protein.

The diet should contain the following healthy foods:

  • lean meat (it is boiled, baked, broths are prepared from it);
  • fish and seafood, including species such as: flounder, eel, smelt, shrimp, squid and mussels;
  • leafy greens - lettuce, spinach, herbs;
  • seaweed as a dietary supplement because it contains a lot of proteins and amino acids;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products - yogurt, hard cheese;
  • from vegetables - radishes and broccoli;
  • from fruits - apples, pears, various berries, pineapple, figs;
  • from porridges - exclusively buckwheat.

The blood type 1 diet was developed by Peter D'Adamo. According to the doctor, carriers of 1 positive and negative blood groups are born hunters, both men and women, and therefore to improve their immune system, normalize the functions of the digestive system, maintain vigor and even lose weight when dieting for 1 blood group, they should eat low-fat meats, as well as fish and seafood.

Features of the diet for blood group 1

The blood type 1 diet involves eating red meats, poultry, fish and seafood on the menu. Excludes pork, dairy and grain products, baked goods, coffee, strong black tea, and alcohol. There are some dietary features for people on a blood group 1 diet with positive and negative Rh factor.

A dietary feature of people with positive blood group 1 is the daily consumption of lean meat dishes in their diet, preferably beef and lamb, turkey, as well as fish and seafood. For a side dish, if you have a positive Rh, porridges are recommended: buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, as well as spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, radish, artichokes.

A special feature of nutrition when following a diet with 1 negative blood group is the consumption of meat dishes at least 3-4 times in the weekly diet. It is better to stew or bake meat in the oven. If you have a negative Rh factor, you should first marinate dishes in tomato, cherry or lemon juice. Fish should be on the menu. Additional use indicated fish oil. Small quantities of goat cheese are allowed in the diet. Consumption of fatty cheeses should be reduced to a minimum.

Prescribing a diet based on blood type

People with 1 positive and negative blood group are prescribed a diet for weight loss. A well-designed menu allows you to lose excess weight while maintaining energy and vigor. Other indications for the diet for people of 1 positive and negative blood group include: a weakened immune system, metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive system.

List of permitted and prohibited products


  • Diet for blood group 2 - menu for the week
  • Properly formulated diet according to blood type
  • Diet for blood group 3: positive, negative
  • Diet for blood group 4: weekly menu with recipes
  • Diet for hepatitis C - weekly menu with recipes

When following a diet, you must take into account in your diet the foods recommended by nutritionists for people with blood type 1.

The diet must include:

  • meat (except pork);
  • offal (kidneys, liver, heart);
  • fish and seafood;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, pumpkin, turnip, broccoli, leek;
  • parsley, spinach, ground pepper, curry;
  • prunes, apples, plums, cherries, figs, cherry plums.

People with blood type 1, both positive and negative Rh factor, are advised to completely exclude the following foods from their diet menu:

  • Pork, goose, bacon and ham;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products (except for cottage cheese and curd cheese);
  • Pistachios, peanuts, lentils;
  • Pasta and bakery products from durum wheat;
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar;
  • Potatoes, champignons, cauliflower;
  • Oranges, tangerines, melon, strawberries, avocados;
  • Black tea, strong coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Menu for the week for 1 positive

People with positive blood type 1 are recommended to snack on pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pine nuts or almonds in between main meals while following a diet. You can supplement the diet menu with lime or green tea, rosehip decoction.


  • Curd cheese. Jam.
  • Pike soup.
  • Stewed lamb. Salad of radishes, cucumbers, greens.


  • Pumpkin puree. Jelly.
  • Rassolnik. Cherry plum.
  • Grilled salmon fillet with sweet pepper.


  • Cottage cheese with prunes.
  • Turkey broth. Sweet potato.
  • Beef with rice and spinach.


  • Barley with figs and cherry plum.
  • Chicken soup. Plums.
  • Salmon fillet with Jerusalem artichoke.


  • Muesli. Honey.
  • Beef meatballs in tomato sauce.
  • Veal in cream sauce with parsley.


  • Soft-boiled egg. Rye gingerbread.
  • Rabbit meat stewed with vegetables.
  • Herring. Turnip. Prunes.


  • Rice wafers.
  • Cream soup with shrimp.
  • Turkey fillet with seaweed.

Weekly menu for 1 negative

Diet 1 negative blood group involves preparing meat dishes in a preliminary marinade, preferably in lemon or tomato juice. Carriers of negative blood group 1 are recommended to add iodized salt to their food, especially when following a diet. If you feel hungry, it is better to snack on dried fruits, walnuts.


  • Cod liver. Toasts.
  • Roast lamb.
  • Veal fillet. Turnips, spinach.


  • Rye gingerbread. Plums.
  • Beef cutlets. Green beans.
  • Sturgeon. Sweet potato.


  • Nalistniki with chicken liver.
  • Hake fillet. Baked turnips.
  • Beef medallions. Broccoli.


  • Pearl barley. Fish oil.
  • Vegetable soup with meat broth. Baked apples.
  • Grilled trout. Spinach.


  • Buckwheat. Stewed chicken liver.
  • Ear. Rye bread.
  • Lamb baked with prunes.


  • Barley porridge with almonds and cherry plums.
  • Beef soup. Toasts.
  • Herring. Rice. Seaweed.


  • Prunes stuffed with walnuts.
  • Beef medallions.
  • Turkey steak. Beans.


Beef medallions


  • beef tenderloin 200 gr;
  • lemon 1;
  • onions 1;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Cut the beef tenderloin into medium pieces, at least 1.5 cm thick, and pound it if desired to give it a delicate taste. Salt and pepper the meat and sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the onion, cut into rings, add to the marinade and leave for 20 minutes. Then fry the meat in a frying pan with a small amount olive oil. Place the fried pieces of meat on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper and place in the oven for 30 minutes until cooked.

Cream soup with shrimp


  • shrimp 5;
  • sweet potato 3;
  • lime 1;
  • carrots 1;
  • cream 10% 100 ml;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Peel the shrimp, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lime juice. Peel carrots and sweet potatoes and chop finely. Cook the vegetables in salted, boiling water for 15 minutes until tender. Drain off the excess water, pour 10% cream into the vegetables, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Then use a blender to bring it to a puree consistency. Add shrimp to the cream soup and decorate with herbs if desired.

The exquisite taste of creamy shrimp soup will add a touch of piquancy to the diet menu of representatives of the 1st positive blood group.

Sturgeon baked in the oven


  • sturgeon 1.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon 1.

We clean the fish from scales and entrails, remove the gills. Rinse running water, rub with salt and pepper, leave to marinate for 5 minutes. Place on a baking sheet parchment paper, place the sturgeon on it, sprinkle it with squeezed lemon juice. Place the fish in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.

Sturgeon - amazing delicious dinner, acceptable in the diet of people of blood group 1 with positive and negative Rh factor.

Baked apples


  • apples 2;
  • honey 1 teaspoon;
  • nuts 20 gr.

Wash the apples and cut out the middle without touching the base. Place honey and nuts (raisins, prunes, etc. to taste) into the resulting form. Place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

According to research by naturopathic physician from America James D'Adamo, the most ancient blood group, which at the time of its appearance was the only one in each of our ancestors, is considered to be the first (I). Currently this group is the most common.

To create proper diet, intended for people with the presence of the first positive (I+) blood group, it is necessary to delve into the diet of ancient people and understand what basic food is suitable for nutrition in modern world. Our ancestors were mostly hunters, and accordingly, most of their diet consisted of meat. This explains the irresistible desire on a subconscious level in people with this blood type and Rh factor to consume a lot of meat products.

The first positive blood group positively perceives a protein diet, but only one in which lean meat (all types, excluding pork) and fish predominate. A strong digestive and stable immune system in people with the most ancient blood group contributes to the good absorption of meat, but even avid meat eaters have weaknesses in the body. They have a low level of adaptation to the new environment, and the activity of the immune system contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions, ulcers and increased acidity in the stomach.

People with a positive Rh factor and the first blood group should adhere to a certain diet to maintain their weight at normal levels and their body in good shape. Foods that can be consumed in unlimited quantities:

  • meat (lamb and beef);
  • spinach;
  • iodized salt;
  • brown algae and kelp;
  • eggs; - radish;
  • broccoli;
  • pineapples;
  • dairy products;
  • liver;
  • figs;
  • buckwheat porridge.

Naturally, when compiling a dietary diet, the question arises about what drinks can quench your thirst. The diet, compiled for people with the oldest blood type, allows the consumption of freshly squeezed pineapple and cherry juices. To replenish the amount of moisture in the body daily, mineral table water, all types of green tea, and decoctions made from rose hips, ginger, linden and mint are recommended. Also acceptable, but occasionally and not in large quantities, are some other drinks - teas made from chamomile, ginseng, sage, apricot, grape and carrot juice, natural wines from white and red grape varieties.

Products that should be limited or eliminated completely

Products that can be included in limited quantities in a diet program for people with a positive blood type include:

  • rye bread;
  • cauliflower;
  • beans;
  • cereals (most often oatmeal is recommended);
  • cod;
  • salmon.

Products that it is advisable to exclude from the menu completely:

  • wheat;
  • marinades;
  • sugar;
  • cabbage;
  • citrus;
  • ice cream;
  • champignons;
  • strawberry;
  • corn;
  • ketchups;
  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • olives;
  • peanut butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • melon.

Features of the diet

To lose weight or keep it normal, people with a positive blood group should completely avoid foods that block insulin production and inhibit the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. First of all, the already mentioned wheat becomes a prohibited product. Eating foods from the recommended list will help speed up the metabolic process, which will enhance the weight loss effect. Many people with this common blood type develop a pronounced slow metabolism over the years. For this reason, you should include plenty of red meat and seafood in your diet. It is advisable to give special preference to foods containing a lot of iodine - broccoli, spinach, greens.

When cooking, it is recommended to replace table salt with sea salt. To stimulate the production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland, you need to include radishes and bitter radish in your diet menu. If these products are not particularly loved by a person with a positive blood group, then you can squeeze juice out of them and mix it, for example, with carrot juice to improve the taste.

In the case when a person with such a blood type and such a Rh factor has a disrupted blood clotting process, it is necessary to include certain foods in the diet, namely: greens, eggs, algae and cod liver oil. Sweets and baked goods are especially harmful. It is strictly not recommended to eat muffins, cakes, pies, buns, and sweets. These products should become banned.

Measures that enhance the effectiveness of the diet

Since the problem of slow blood clotting is quite common among people who have the first blood group with a positive Rh factor, in addition to diet, vitamins from group B and vitamin K will help get rid of this phenomenon. In this case, you should stop using certain medications, for example, from Aspirin, which increases acidity, and Ginko biloba, which excessively thins the blood.

In any case, whether to take certain medications or refuse them should be decided together with the doctor individually in each specific case. To maintain the body in normal condition, people with the most common blood type should lead a healthy lifestyle in addition to dietary nutrition. You need to move a lot. To do this, you can choose one of following methods: skiing, aerobics, swimming, running.

The problem of excess weight in lately has become especially relevant. Excess body weight can lead to serious problems with health. Poor diet, constant stress, bad habits and sleep disturbances can lead to the fact that a person’s kilograms begin to rapidly increase.

There are many ways to get your body in shape and... In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself for hours gym, give up your favorite foods and thereby cause even more stress and harm to yourself.

What do you need to know about the blood group 1 diet?

  • Scientists together with doctors have developed a unique method that will help you get rid of extra pounds and improve your overall well-being. helps not only to get in shape quickly and effectively, but also helps restore overall health, since it is developed individually.
  • American scientists have found that products can have beneficial, unfavorable and neutral effects, which can directly affect body weight and general condition person. Thus, a diet for blood group 1 involves avoiding certain foods that have a toxic effect on the body and are poorly digested. By eliminating the “wrong” foods, the process of losing weight in a person occurs. The main condition of such a diet is that the diet contains only those foods that have a positive effect on the human body.
  • As a rule, with the first positive blood group, people are advised to create a menu taking as a basis one of the protein diets, but only those that include the use large quantity fish and any meat except pork. This blood type digests meat products well, but even in such cases complications sometimes arise.

Such people have a low level of adaptation to new products; the main difficulties they may encounter include:

  • excessive activity of the immune system, leading to allergic reactions;
  • development of peptic ulcers;
  • increased level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to diet properly?

What to do to make the diet effective?

In order for the blood group 1 diet to be more effective, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

Diet products


People who have blood type 1 make up their diet from foods that will keep their weight normal and their body in good shape.

The main products included in the diet include the following:

You can create a menu yourself by combining products at your discretion. If we talk about alcoholic drinks, then they are naturally not welcome, but the consumption of white and red sheep is allowed in small quantities.

Which ones should be abandoned?

Before you start drawing up a menu during a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with those foods that can harm your health and will block a person’s weight loss.

To such harmful products include the following:

These products not only worsen a person’s well-being, but also clog them with toxins. gastrointestinal tract, but also slow down the process of losing weight.

In order for the weight loss process to proceed more effectively in parallel with the diet, it is advisable to observe calorie intake and perform at least the minimum.

While following a diet designed for people with blood type 1, you should remember that after your weight is normalized, you should not return to your usual menu. This diet should become a lifestyle.

Sample menu for the week

The weekly menu for blood group 1 is maximally balanced for women and men, and it includes all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, the person will lose weight.

An example menu in the table, which can be changed at your discretion, looks like this:

Day of the week Menu
Monday : buckwheat porridge, soy milk, cheese, rosehip tincture.

Dinner: baked turkey fillet with prunes, stewed pumpkin, greens.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: grilled halibut fillet and sweet potato salad with asparagus.

Friday Breakfast: rice porridge with half a grapefruit and rosehip drink.

Lunch: grapes or persimmons.

Dinner: stewed liver with vegetables.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: lightly salted herring and fresh vegetable salad.

Saturday Breakfast: rye bread with soy sauce and 2 peaches.

Lunch: fresh tomato or carrot juice.

Dinner: stewed beef heart with vegetables, kohlrabi and herbs salad.

Lunch: sunflower or almond seeds.

Dinner: baked hake with boiled young peas, radish salad with herbs and cucumbers.

Sunday Breakfast: 2 eggs with soy cheese and rye bread, linden tea.

Lunch: kiwi or pomegranate.

Dinner: beef cutlets with zucchini puree and salad.

Lunch: hazelnut.

Dinner: stewed cod and beetroot and prune salad.

Despite the fact that at first glance the preparation dietary dishes may seem complicated - it's not. Everything is prepared quite simply and quickly. Let's look at a few of them.


Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • To prepare, you need to chop the cabbage, finely chop the zucchini, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Fry the onion in olive oil.
  • Place vegetables in boiling water and simmer for an hour.
  • After a while, add rice and peas to the broth.
  • Cook until done.

Baked lamb with prunes

Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • Rub salt and pepper into the meat, make small cuts, and place small slices of carrots in them.
  • Place the well-washed prune meat on the foil and the raisins on it.
  • Then wrap the foil tightly and place it in an oven preheated to 160 o C for 60 minutes.

Baked apples

Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • Wash the apples and cut out the core.
  • Place on a baking sheet.
  • In a separate container, mix raisins, cumin, sugar and sprinkle with a little lemon juice.
  • Place the resulting mass in the centers of the apples and place them in an oven preheated to 180 o C for an hour.

There are many different diet options and each can affect people differently.

So, for example, one person can gain weight by following a certain diet, while another person’s weight loss will be only 1-2 kg. First of all, such results depend on the fact that human body reacts differently to food restrictions.

In some cases, by eating the same foods, one person can gain weight and another can lose weight, and all this is a consequence of genetics.