Is it possible to carry flowers or other plants on an airplane? Is it possible to take flowers in hand luggage on an airplane? How to carry a plant on an airplane?

Bring if you wish exotic plant Travelers from warm countries are concerned about the question: is it possible to board a plane with flowers in hand luggage? IN in this regard There are many rules that must be followed in order to make a flight and not lose beautiful specimens at customs.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of transporting ready-made bouquets, which are considered already cut, inanimate. There are also a number of nuances here that should be kept in mind. For any trip, especially one made by plane, you need to prepare in advance and check all the laws and requirements several times to avoid mistakes.

Import and export rules

Any plants, fresh flowers, seeds, bulbs are perishable products. Therefore, there are separate conditions for them when crossing the border or on board an airplane. In order to figure out whether you are allowed into the cabin with such luggage, you need to clarify the laws regarding the export of a certain plant from the country you are leaving and the import rules of the state where you are arriving. And they are sometimes very strict.

Before purchasing a beautiful exotic flower or its seeds in a store, find out whether you can transport it across the border and what documents will be required for this. For example, the movement of such cargo is regulated by the law “On Plant Quarantine” and is checked by representatives of the security service of the sanitary and epidemiological region.

According to this act, any flowers, seeds, soil and other elements of plant origin must be controlled and have an international phytocertificate. It is issued in the store when purchasing a plant, but the document is valid for only 15 days.

Prohibited for import into the territory Russian Federation are considered:

  • seeds of wild and cultivated indoor flora, without the appropriate certificate;
  • legume varieties;
  • fresh flowers or parts of plants;
  • pots with soil or other soil;
  • bulbs, roots and nuts.

Such products can be transported only if a special document is available. At the same time, the soil itself is not allowed for travel either in the aircraft cabin or in the luggage compartment. In rare cases, customs may allow a passenger with a potted flower to pass through, but this is more rare than the rule. According to the instructions, the service employee must seize such an element and impose a fine.

To avoid any problems, but still deliver the desired flower to your homeland, for example, for replanting in own garden, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. When purchasing a plant, obtain an international phytocertificate.
  2. Remove all soil and place the roots in a special substrate.
  3. Pack luggage safely for the plant, following the airline's recommendations in this regard.
  4. Remember that such containers will be counted as one piece of luggage space. So if you want to bring a lot of suitcases, you will have to pay extra for some of them.

Is it possible to carry flowers on an airplane as hand luggage? Trying to carry such luggage on board by hand may increase the chances of the object being confiscated, so the risks are quite high. And at least sometimes small sizes Flowers are allowed to be transported in this form, but this is still a violation of the rules.

It is also worth remembering that each country has its own laws regarding the export and import of plants and other specific items. Therefore, inquire in advance about the existing regulations regarding your issue in the state from which you are flying.

For example, from most CIS countries you can bring almost anything to Russia without special documents. The only exceptions are Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. EU countries impose obligations in the form of a certificate and the absence of soil in the pot, but the permissible number of flowers transported is limited to five elements. But it is completely prohibited to bring anything from flora, even in dried form.

Sometimes it’s worth clarifying separately existing rules within the airline you have chosen to travel. Some of them provide stricter controls in this regard than state and federal laws.

How to pack?

In order to preserve the plant, it is very important to properly prepare it for transportation. To avoid any troubles at customs, and also not to lose the flower itself during the flight, the following conditions must be met:

  • clean the roots from the soil as thoroughly as possible, while trying not to damage them;
  • wrap in a damp towel or rag;
  • pack the rhizome in a plastic bag, it should be transparent;
  • pick up cardboard box suitable size, into which you can carefully place the flower and close it tightly.

If you decide to take such cargo as hand luggage into the cabin, then this container will be counted as one piece. It will be possible to add only a small briefcase to it, handbag or laptop. It is much safer and easier to put the box of vegetation in the luggage compartment.

Video: A scandal erupted on the plane over baggage of flowers.

Often, romantics want to please their relatives or loved ones with a pleasant gift in the form of a bouquet right before their trip. And although this is a rather beautiful gesture, it is still worth remembering some nuances:

  1. According to the rules of most airlines, such cargo is allowed to be carried in hand luggage. But still, the air in the cabin is too dry for flowers, which at the end of the trip will turn them into an unaesthetic sight. Cut plants are difficult to tolerate flight.
  2. Finding a suitable container and water for them during the trip will be very difficult, since people need clean liquid in the cabin and it is available in strictly limited quantities. But the plant will not live long without such nutrition.
  3. There are risks that other passengers may be allergic to some flower in the bouquet. And this already threatens more serious and dangerous problems.
  4. Remember that it is impossible to carry anything on an airplane on your knees. The passenger will have to figure out where to put the bouquet, because it is inappropriate to hold it on shelves or under the seat along with other bags, and it is uncomfortable in your hands.

Therefore, before you make such a romantic gesture, imagine how many problems you will create for the person himself, those around him and the staff. It is better to order a bouquet delivery in the city of arrival and give flowers at the end of the trip.

Quite often, our compatriots who spent their holidays in another country want to bring home souvenirs in the form of fresh or cut flowers, and even in the form of bulbs, to plant them on their own personal plot. But since it’s time to return home aerial view transport, many are interested: is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane and is it generally allowed to transport flowers on an airplane? We will try to understand these questions in this article.

Perishable products that can be carried on board an aircraft or left in the baggage compartment include: following products of plant origin:

  • potted plants;
  • cut or growing flowers;
  • different types of seeds.

Before getting an answer to the question: is it possible to board a plane with flowers of a certain type, you should clarify the regulations for the import and export of such products from the country that tourists are leaving. Since on certain types vegetation, strict export control is introduced and some varieties are considered rare - they are protected by law. Therefore, before buying any type of vegetation, you should clarify all the points with the embassy of the country you will soon have to leave.

Transporting flowers on an airplane

When considering restrictions on the import of flowers into the territory of the Russian Federation, you should be aware of the current legislation that prohibits bringing flowers on an airplane. According to the law, which is called “quarantine for imported plants”, it is prohibited to import into Russia:

  • seeds of both cultivated and wild plants;
  • crops related to legumes;
  • fresh flowers, plants and even their parts;
  • flowers and plants in pots with soil, as well as soil for plants separately;
  • flower bulbs, for example, tulips or daffodils, root vegetables and even nuts.

However, the ban on the import of the above products loses its force if the passenger has an international phytocertificate in hand. Obtaining such a document is quite simple if you make such a request to the sellers from whom you purchase flowers or other types of vegetation.

However, it is worth remembering that transporting flowers on an airplane using this certificate will be legal. only for 15 days, since the validity period of this document is designed specifically for this period of time. In addition, even if you have a certificate in hand, you will be able to bring flowers onto the plane only in a special substrate, and you will have to completely get rid of the flower soil.

Many may disagree with this provision, pointing out that they have transported flowers or seeds on an airplane more than once and such goods were not taken from them during inspection. Of course, such a combination of circumstances can be seen more than once, since many customs officers are loyal to passengers carrying such goods. But you can also come across other employees who inspect passengers’ luggage strictly. After detection of unauthorized products, a fine will not be imposed on the violator, since such a law has not yet come into force, but customs officers can confiscate vegetation quite simply and legally.

If you want to bring the plant you like and not end up in an unpleasant situation, you should still take a few simple but very important steps:

  • take a certificate from the seller;
  • remove all soil from the plant;
  • place the roots of the flower in the substrate;
  • pack the vegetation in a thick cardboard container and send it to your luggage.

Is it possible to carry flowers on a plane, that is, to place them with other things that are carried in hand luggage? Of course, you can try your luck if you follow the above recommendations, but the chance of keeping your new green “pet” with you will decrease several times when going through customs control.

Is it allowed to import plants or flowers from CIS countries into Russia?

If plants or their seeds are imported into Russia from CIS countries other than Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, then a special permitting certificate will not be required. If flowers, bulbs or seeds are imported from the three countries listed above, then the passenger must mandatory have a special certificate.

Is it possible to transport vegetation from Russia to another country?

If you need to get an answer to the question: is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane from Russia to another country, then you need to turn to the legislation of other states, because this question is different countries is considered in different ways, for example:

  • Vegetation is allowed to be imported into America only with a certificate and without soil;
  • No more than 5 units of goods are allowed to be imported into EU countries without a certificate and without a soil mixture;
  • The import of any vegetation, including dried, into Australia is generally prohibited.

Almost all types of flowers and vegetation are allowed to be transported to EU countries if you have a certificate on hand and the transported goods are properly packaged.

Rules for packing vegetation

By adhering to simple rules for packaging vegetation, passengers will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation at customs and the transported goods will arrive at their destination without damage:

  • the root system of the flower must be completely cleared of soil;
  • the cleaned rhizome can be wrapped in damp material;
  • It is better to use transparent cellophane for packaging;
  • In order to protect the plant from damage, it is recommended to pack it in a thick box of a suitable size.

It is worth noting that the packed vegetation will occupy one place intended in hand luggage, and in addition to it, you can take on board a man’s briefcase or handbag, a laptop or other type of equipment. If you need to take more things on board, then you should place the carefully packed flower in a suitcase with your things and send it to the luggage compartment. Taking into account the above recommendations and adhering to not complex, but mandatory rules carrying vegetation on the plane, passengers will be able to avoid unpleasant situations at customs inspection and will bring home the desired souvenir from another country intact and without damage.

Many tourists often buy flowers as a souvenir to remember their vacation. But before purchasing, they often have questions: “Is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane?”, “How to transport them: in luggage or hand luggage?”, “Are there any restrictions on their import into Russia or into the territory of another country? "

Seeds, plants, flowers and other plant products are perishable items allowed on board as baggage (in the hold or in carry-on baggage) as long as they comply with weight/size restrictions and are not violated. x requirements that apply in the country of destination. Depending on the country, the import of these products is strictly regulated or prohibited due to their classification as a protected species or pest risk. Therefore, it is important to contact the embassy of the country you are planning to fly to.

Is it possible to transport flowers on an airplane? Restrictions on the import of flowers to Russia

According to the law “On Plant Quarantine”, it is prohibited to import into the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • seeds of wild and cultivated plants;
  • legumes;
  • living plants, as well as their parts;
  • plants with soil and the soil itself;
  • root vegetables, nuts, bulbs (for example, tulip bulbs from Holland) and other plant materials.

Although if you have an international phytocertificate in your hands, then importing plants is not prohibited. It can only be issued when purchasing flowers in a store. This certificate is considered valid for 15 days. Please note that the plant, despite having a certificate, must not be in the ground, but must be in a special substrate.

Perhaps many will be indignant and say that they transported plants and seeds and did not take them. Of course, this is quite possible, since customs at the airport is quite loyal to passengers bringing flowers.

But if you don’t want to risk being left without the purchased plant, then it’s better to pull it out of the pot, be sure to pack it in a thick cardboard box and put it in your luggage. You can, of course, bring flowers in your hand luggage, but the chances of being left without them at customs increase.

Is it possible to carry flowers on an airplane? A few common questions

What happens if plants or bulbs are found in my hand luggage or checked baggage during security?

In this case they will be confiscated. There are no fines for transporting plants to the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to import plants from the CIS into the Russian Federation?

Yes, flowers, bulbs and seeds can be imported from almost all CIS countries (both in hand luggage and checked luggage). Exceptions apply only to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan; to import plants from these countries you will need a certificate.

Is it allowed to transport plants from the Russian Federation abroad?

Everything directly depends on a particular country.

USA - allows the import of plants provided that they are in a special substrate (without soil) and have phytocertificates.

EU - allows you to import plants without a certificate, but they must also be without soil. It is allowed to import no more than five seedlings or potted plants.

Australia – any plants (even dried ones) are prohibited for import.

Are there any restrictions on the transport of flowers, seeds and bulbs into the European Union?

Almost all types of plants are allowed to be transported within the European Union without any restrictions.

How to properly pack a plant for transportation?

First you need to clean the rhizome from the soil, wrap it in damp newspaper or cloth and pack it in a plastic bag.

At the same time, do not forget that flower pot- This is only one piece of hand luggage; however, you can carry a handbag, briefcase or laptop.

If you plan to take more things with you, simply put the plant in your suitcase or carry-on bag. It is better that it be packed in a thick cardboard box so that the flower is not damaged.

While vacationing in different countries, travelers admire plants that do not grow in their homeland; they often decide to bring back from their trip not only photographs, but also the seedlings or bouquets themselves. Of course, your loved ones will like such a gift. The question remains: is it possible to board the plane with flowers?

Before the flight, it is better to go to the website of the selected airline and find out in what form flowers are transported, what kind of packaging will be needed, and whether it is possible to take the bouquet along with hand luggage on board the plane.

In air travel regulations, all greens belong to the group perishable products, which can be transported in accordance with special conditions cargo transportation:

  1. The cargo must have documents confirming the legality of transportation and the safety of plants.
  2. Perishable product must be properly packaged. For example: fresh flowers transported in luggage are packed in a cardboard or plywood box.
  3. Such cargo can only be transported by air without intermediate stops.
  4. The packaging must be easily accessible for inspection.

You can transport this way: live seedlings, cut flowers, bulbs, seeds and plants in pots.

Flights within Russia

On air flights within Russia, you are allowed to board the plane with a bouquet of fresh flowers. Here it is equal to hand luggage and you do not have to pay extra for it. This applies to such airlines as: Aeroflot, Russia, Ural Airlines and Utair. Other carriers you can take it with you for free or hand luggage, or flowers, that is, you will have to pay extra for everything together. The volume of the bouquet is not clearly stated in the rules, the main thing is that it does not interfere with other passengers.


Before you get ready to take a bouquet or tubers of any flowers abroad, you need to carefully read the rules for their import into a specific state.

All countries monitor biological safety and each has its own rules for importing plant material:

  • All types of plants and seeds are allowed to be imported into Europe. The main thing is to pack the flower correctly and get a health certificate for it.
  • Australia has banned the import of any plants into its territory, even in dried form.
  • You can import flowers to America with certificates without land.

From abroad

Flower lovers would like to bring additions from abroad to their collections of home and garden plants. However, this issue is much more serious than it seems at first glance. The point is that various pests can live in the seed material and in the flowers themselves, or the plant may be infected with some disease. In such cases, a special resolution “On plant quarantine” applies.

This law provides for the import of greens from abroad, according to the following rules:

  • mandatory sanitary and border control;
  • the plant must be purchased in flower shop. You must have with you supporting documents of purchase, as well as an international sanitary certificate indicating the health of the plant material;
  • The validity of the certificate is limited to 15 days, it can also be obtained from the sanitary control service itself;
  • The import of soil into Russia is prohibited, so the roots are placed in a substrate for transportation.

Compliance with all the rules for importing seeds and flowers from abroad does not guarantee that an exotic plant will grow in our climate.


By properly packing the plant, travelers will be able to pick it up safely upon planting.

Packing Tips:

  • the roots of the plant need to be cleaned and wrapped in a damp cloth;
  • then pack it in transparent cellophane so that the moisture from the flowers does not evaporate;
  • To be safe, you can place the flower in a thick cardboard box.

Even if you want to solemnly carry the bouquet in your hands, it will be better preserved during the flight in the luggage compartment in suitable packaging.

The rules for transporting flowers on an airplane are simple: on a flight within Russia you can take a bouquet along with hand luggage, and when flying abroad and bringing flowers from there, you must take a certificate.

Frequently asked questions Carry-on baggage

What can I carry as carry-on luggage?

Depending on the class of air ticket purchased, point of departure and destination, different free baggage allowances will apply. In general, one piece of baggage allowed on board an aircraft should not exceed following sizes 56cm x 45cm x 25cm and must be light enough to be placed in the overhead compartment of an aircraft.

In addition to free baggage, passengers are also allowed to carry some personal items free of charge. (40x30x15 cm): camera, folding umbrella, etc.).
During pre-flight security you will need to remove laptops and other large electrical and/or electronic devices(tablets, game consoles, hair dryers, travel irons, etc.) from a case or bag and place them in a tray separately from other carry-on luggage for security screening.

If you need to carry more than 100ml of liquid medication or hypodermic syringes in your hand luggage (for example, if you have diabetes), you must carry a medical certificate with you and present it at security.

We remind you that for safety reasons, items such as scissors, knives, and other items with sharp or piercing parts must be carried in checked baggage, but in no case in hand luggage. Safety mechanical razors and disposable razors, the blades of which are securely fixed in cassettes, are permitted to be carried in the aircraft cabin.

For more information consult:
Hand luggage
Dangerous items
Electronic devices

What items are considered dangerous?

Guided by security considerations, as well as based on the nature of things, we can identify a certain number of items that a passenger cannot transport either in hand luggage or with him, and some items cannot even be transported in the luggage compartment as part of the passenger’s luggage.

How to check the size of hand luggage?

At the airport check-in area there are special size check stands (Iberia or airport) where you can check whether your hand luggage meets the established requirements so that you can carry it into the cabin.

If its size does not meet the requirements, you must check it as checked baggage.

Can I carry liquids in hand luggage?

According to current regulations (Instruction 1546/2006 of the European Union), there are a number of restrictions regarding liquid substances, which can be carried in hand luggage in the cabin for all passengers departing from airports European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Brazil, USA And SOUTH AFRICA..

Each passenger may take on board a small quantity of liquid, creamy substances or substances of similar consistency in a 100 ml container, which are transported in a closed bag made of transparent plastic with a zipper or Velcro lock, and the capacity should not exceed 1 liter. The bag is presented for inspection separately from hand luggage.

Some exceptions:

  • If you are traveling with infants, you can take milk for children or juice.
  • If necessary, you are allowed to take with you dietary products, medicines(liquid, gel or aerosol), insulin or other medicines in sufficient quantities for the trip, and at the inspection it is necessary to provide confirmation of their authenticity.
  • Items purchased by passengers in airport stores transfers in areas accessible only to passengers, or on board the plane EU airlines.

These restrictions do not apply to liquid items carried in checked baggage. It is not recommended to transport liquid in fragile or glass containers. In case of damage, the company is not responsible for them.

Security measures taken in accordance with this regulation.

  • Some size restrictions for hand luggage according to IATA standards (56cm x 45cm x25cm). In other cases, passengers are required to check in their luggage at the appropriate counter.
  • Item personal use: In addition to hand luggage, you are allowed to carry one personal item not exceeding the established dimensions (no more than 40x30x15 cm).
  • Passengers must remove outerwear and also jackets and pass them through the scanner during inspection separately from hand luggage, and the passenger himself passes through the metal detector arch.
  • Laptop computers and other large electrical and electronic devices must be removed from baggage to be checked by a security scanner separately from hand luggage..

How many pieces of hand luggage can I take on an IB5XXX flight operated by Vueling?

It should be remembered that as carry-on baggage, a passenger can take with him one item whose dimensions do not exceed 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm (height x width x length), which must also be able to pass through control devices, installed at airports.

You can also take with you one more additional item, the size of which is much larger. smaller than specified (55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm), for example, a small suitcase, a handbag or a photo or video camera.

At the boarding gate, items of hand luggage or additional items, which do not comply with this standard, i.e. exceed it in the number of seats and (or) do not correspond to the above dimensions, will be confiscated and sent to the luggage compartment of the aircraft, and the passenger will have to pay additionally.

Passengers on flight IB5000 connecting to another Iberia flight traveling in Business Plus class over long distances can take two pieces of carry-on baggage, as allowed by the fare for that class.