How to find out your Internet connection. Correctly setting the router connection type

The cost of network access depends on the type of Internet connection. In the very general view types are divided into wired and wireless. The first group includes all connection methods associated with pulling a cable to the subscriber’s apartment. The cable can be a telephone cable or intended only for the Internet; such a line is called a dedicated line. A wireless connection is setting up network access through a special antenna. In the article we talk about the listed options in more detail and advise which type of Internet connection is best to choose.

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What types of Internet connections are there?

Dial-up access

This is a modem connection via the telephone network. To set up, you need to have a home phone and a telecom operator whose equipment is powerful enough to provide access to the network.

The disadvantage of dial-up communication is that the connection to the network occurs through the same line as dialing. Therefore, simultaneous use of the Internet and telephone is impossible. In addition, on average, such a connection allows you to access the network at speeds of up to 56 Kbps. Few online games work with this connection, and downloading files can take several weeks.

Nowadays, dial-up connections are common in areas where population density or territorial features do not allow for broadband Internet.

Connection via asymmetric digital subscriber line

It is otherwise called ADSL. This is another type of modem connection. It also requires a telephone line, but a digital modem allows you to dial up and access the network at the same time. The line capacity with this type of Internet connection is higher than in the method described above. It provides the subscriber with a fairly high speed of access to the network - on average up to 24 Mbit/s. The load on the line is distributed asymmetrically - the incoming connection is faster than the outgoing connection (speed up to 1.4 Mbit/s). Because of this, it takes longer to upload files to the server.

Connection via cable TV

This is the type of access that is provided according to the DOCSIS standard - data transmission via television cable. It is usually used if there are no Internet providers in the house. With its help you can get speeds from 27 to 50 Mbit/s. To set up access, you must have cable television in your home and a special modem.

Access via Ethernet cable

Ethernet – dedicated line. It is used to connect a computer to the network directly or through a Wi-Fi router. The capacity of such a channel is higher than in the case of ADSL or television cable. Data transfer speed from 50 Mbit/s in both directions - both from the computer to the server and back. You can connect only if there is broadband Internet in the subscriber’s home.

Connection via GPON

GPON is a technology for setting up network access through a personal fiber optic line. It is carried out from the provider’s equipment directly to the subscriber’s apartment. This type of network connection setup provides maximum data transfer speeds of up to 1 Gb/s. To connect, you need to pull from common line cable to the subscriber's apartment and install an optical modem. The technology is not yet available in all regions.

More common than GPON are fiber optic and twisted pair connections. In this case, the optical cable is pulled until apartment building, and the Internet is distributed to subscribers using twisted pair cables. The capacity of such a channel is lower.

Setting up access via antenna

This group includes radio, mobile, satellite Internet. To set up access using the listed channels, antennas are required.

Radio Internet operates through an access point provided by the provider. The signal from it spreads over a certain radius and arrives at the subscriber’s equipment through an antenna installed in the apartment. Then, using a modem, the signal is sent to the computer. If the access point is far away, the signal may be too weak. In this case, in addition to the antenna, signal amplifiers are used.

Mobile communications operate through antennas installed in cell phones or USB modems, additional equipment not required. This type of Internet connection is the most affordable, but has low bandwidth compared to a wired connection via a dedicated line.

Satellite communication is established through street antennas aimed at the satellite. Due to the large distances the signal must travel, it usually arrives with a delay. Other disadvantages of the connection include low connection speed, unstable operation in bad weather, high cost of equipment and subscription fees. However, in some areas, satellite communication is the only available connection channel.

How to find out your Internet connection type

If your device is connected to a network, you can find out the access method through the settings. Just go to Network and Sharing Center on Windows computers or Network for Mac. There will be information about available options connection and current connection method. If on at the moment Internet is not working or do you need more detailed information, contact your provider's technical support.

What type of Internet connection to choose

Much depends on the carriers available in your home and your needs. Dial-up access provides slow connection speeds and is inconvenient to use. This can only be selected if other types of network settings are not available to you.

If you want to connect to the Internet via your phone, ADSL is more suitable. Using this channel you will get a speed sufficient for normal surfing: launching most online games, downloading movies, watching online videos. If you are planning to use smart home technology and want to set up digital TV via the Internet, find out about the possibility of replacing the telephone cable with fiber optic cable using GPON technology, with simultaneous connection of telephone, Internet and television. This will cost more, but all three services will be provided through one cable. The throughput of such a line is much higher than that of its analogues.

If you do not have the opportunity to run a wire into your apartment, consider radio Internet or mobile communications. The disadvantage of the first is the need to install an antenna at home, the disadvantage of the second is the low connection speed.

Satellite access should only be considered if you have no other way to connect to the network.

How to Determine the Type of Internet Connection Available in Your Home

Use the form to select a provider by residential address on our website. Enter the city name, street and house number. The system will automatically select a list of available telecom operators for you. You can view their tariffs, get advice about the service and sign up for a connection.

If previously it was possible to access the Internet only through a telephone jack, today the variety of ways to access the global network is amazing. Let's try to list all the main methods of connecting to the Internet, their capabilities and disadvantages.

Wireless Wi-Fi connection.
Wi-Fi (Wire Fire) is a wireless technology for connecting a computer to the Internet. It can also be used to organize a local network. The work is carried out on the principle of adapter - access point. If there is a Wi-Fi access point near you, then you are very lucky. The connection speed depends on the signal strength, but cannot exceed 21 Mb/s. Almost all laptops and PDAs are equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, which allows you to access the Internet if there is an access point nearby. There are USB and PCMCIA adapters that connect to a laptop or personal computer without any problems. The advantage of this Internet connection is high speed and, in some cases, free. There are two downsides: the signal strength deteriorates in bad weather and Wi-Fi access points are not available everywhere.

Dial-up wired connection.
Perhaps the most common and accessible Internet connection. Access to the global web is via a telephone line. To establish a connection, you need a modem and a number from the Internet provider through which the call will be made. The maximum data transfer rate is 56.6 Kbps, which is very slow today. With the advent of the Internet in the CIS countries, this type connection was very relevant, but with the advent of new technologies it is rarely used anywhere. Plus one. and lies in the low cost of equipment for organizing access. Disadvantages: tariff plans are expensive and very slow bandwidth channel.

Wired ADSL connection. (Leased line)
ADSL has replaced the technically outdated Dial-up. The installation of new telephone PBXs made it possible to speed up the speed of sending and receiving data to 30Mb/s. This gave new life the dying “telephone” Internet. Very often ADSL is called a leased line. This is due to the peculiarities of organizing this connection. To use this method of accessing the Internet, you need two modems supporting ADSL technology. One for the provider, the other for the end user. The number of connection slots the provider’s modem has, the number of users you can connect to it. The provider will allocate a free slot in its modem for the user and connect it to ADSL. This explains the meaning of the phrase dedicated line. The advantage of ADSL is its availability and low price for traffic, which depends on the selected tariff plan. As a rule, almost every provider that provides Internet access using ADSL technology has a wide range of tariff plans and everyone can find a tariff that suits them. The disadvantage is that the signal depends on the distance between the telephone exchange and the user. The higher it is, the slower the connection speed. The minimum speed is 56.6 Kbps.

Mobile Internet connection (GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G)
With the advent of mobile communications, came the opportunity to connect to the mobile Internet. Access is via mobile phone or a special modem. The operating principle is similar to mobile communications: receiver-tower-satellite-data center and then in reverse order. The connection speed depends on the type of coverage where you are. Coverage with GPRS technology provides speeds of up to 150 Kbps. Coverage supporting EDGE up to 236 Kbps. If there is 3G in your area, the speed can reach 21 Mb/s. IN present moment 4G is rare in the CIS countries and we will not consider it, but in the West 4G is already the norm, and the speed mobile internet on average about 63 Mb/s. The advantage is the prevalence of this type of Internet access and the prospect of high-speed 3G or 4G in your area. The downside, as in the case of Wi-Fi, bad weather leads to a poor signal, and therefore to a minimum speed of sending and receiving data.

Satellite Internet connection.
Lastly, let's look at the satellite connection. This is the most expensive equipment of all. existing methods Internet connection. To organize it, you need a satellite dish, a signal converter, a DVB card and the ability to access the Internet through another type of connection. There are companies that install and configure all this equipment. The cost for all this pleasure starts at two hundred dollars. The operating principle is as follows: a signal is sent through another type of Internet connection (for example, wired ADSL) to the provider’s server. A server with a high-speed Internet channel processes the received signal and sends the necessary information to a powerful repeater antenna. The antenna sends a signal to the satellite, and the satellite sends the received signal to your satellite dish. The converter converts the signal and sends it to the DVB card, which then transmits the received information to the browser. It's that simple. The cost of traffic depends on the selected signal reception speed, and covers the range from five to one hundred dollars per gigabyte. Cons: high equipment costs, expensive tariff plans, speed depends on the tariff and weather. Pros: good speed in good weather, the hope is to reduce traffic costs.

There are a lot of offers on the market for services for organizing Internet access. When choosing a method for connecting to the World Wide Web, consider first of all your financial capabilities and what you actually need the Internet for. To download a larger amount of information (music, movies, games), high speed and stability of the connection are important, but for chatting or on a forum, a speed of tens of megabytes is not needed.


Wireless Internet is connected in cases where a wired connection is either unavailable or does not provide adequate quality, such as ADSL, or is prohibitively expensive (tariffs or wire laying). So, we will look at the 5 main types of wireless Internet, their features, pros and cons.

1. Wi-Fi bridge

Popular option wireless connection is the organization of a Wi-Fi bridge between the connection object and the Internet source (emitter), which in turn is connected to the network by wire. It is worth noting here that important feature is the organization of the source, i.e. installation of equipment that will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal. If, in principle, everything is clear with the receiving side, then problems may arise with the transmitting side. As a rule, Wi-Fi transmitting equipment is installed in high-rise buildings at the maximum height to avoid possible interference in Wi-Fi signal transmission. Such an object still needs to be found, negotiated with the owners, with the HOA, with management company etc., if necessary, coordinate the installation of the emitter with other organizations (firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations, TV crews, electric companies, etc.). Next, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment, as well as adequate protection against theft and burglary. Besides, an important condition is the choice of a private Wi-Fi range for organizing the channel. The standard 2.4 GHz band, especially in high-rise buildings, is heavily loaded, which leads to noise on the airwaves and, accordingly, a decrease in signal quality and Internet speed. The use of the 5 GHz band is regulated by the State Radio Frequency Commission (GRKCH), accordingly you need to obtain permission and register the receiving and transmitting equipment. There are also specific Wi-Fi bands such as 3 GHz, 6 GHz, however, difficulties can arise in them too. First of all, with equipment, because... It is not always possible to find receivers, transmitters, antennas and other equipment for specific bands. In addition, you need to understand that the higher the frequency, the worse the signal permeability and, accordingly, the range of the system. Thus, if all organizational problems are solved, as well as the availability of an initial wired channel, when organizing a Wi-Fi bridge, you can get a fairly high Internet speed at the site. The distance from the transmitting to the receiving device can reach 10-15 km (in case of line of sight).
High speed(up to 300 Mbit/s)
➕ Stability (the connection does not depend on other users, since the channel is exclusive)
➕ Low subscription fee (similar to tariffs for wired Internet, since in fact this is what it is from the point of view of the provider)
➖ High price for installing equipment (30-80 thousand rubles)
➖ Difficulties in organizing a channel
➖ In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the SCRF, large fines with dismantling of equipment are possible
➖ Limited use (only in cities, because you need a source of wired Internet and high-rise buildings to install transmission equipment)

Satellite Internet, as well as satellite television and satellite communications, have been used for quite a long time. The main and, in fact, the only advantage is accessibility and independence from location. Satellite Internet can be installed in the mountains, on an island, in a forest, in a village. At the same time, modern equipment is also quite easy to set up, approximately similar to satellite television. However, there are also significant drawbacks.
➕ Availability (satellite Internet can be installed almost everywhere)
➕ Independence (except perhaps only from weather conditions)
➖ High cost of equipment (40-50 thousand rubles)
Low speed(average 6-8 Mbit/s)
➖ Absence of completely unlimited tariffs
➖ High subscription fee (up to 15 thousand rubles per month)

3. Radio channel

Internet radio is essentially similar to a Wi-Fi bridge, but the carrier channel does not use the widespread IEEE 802.11 standard, but some alternative or specific one. In principle, any data can be transmitted over a radio channel, including the Internet. WiMAX, AirMAX and others are often used.
High degree security
➕ Potentially high speed, but depends on implementation by specific provider
➕ Low cost of equipment due to ready-made kits from providers
➖ High subscription fee
➖ Extremely low coverage area
➖ Equipment specifics

4. Wireless optical communication channel (BOX)

Internet transmission over an optical wireless channel (not to be confused with optical fiber) is similar to laser beam. There is a beam transmitter and there is a beam receiver, they must be in line of sight without interference. Data transfer speeds can reach 10 Gbit/s. However, in practical implementation, such technology is extremely rare when connecting end objects. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment and the complexity of channel implementation.
➕ 100% channel security
➕ High speed up to 10 Gbps
➕ Connection stability
➖ Extremely high cost of equipment (100-150 thousand rubles)
➖ To organize Internet access, an initial wired channel is required
➖ The need for line of sight and absence of interference between the transmitter and receiver

5. 3G/4G Internet (public networks)

Definitely the most popular and in demand method of wireless connection to the Internet is the use of 3G and 4G LTE networks of operators cellular communications. Such networks in our country are offered by both the Big Four operators (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2), and local operators such as Vainakh Telecom, FreshTel, etc. An undeniable advantage this method Internet connection is the versatility of the equipment, due to which you can connect to the Internet almost everywhere, except for the most remote areas, mountains, the far north, taiga, etc. However, there are few consumers in these areas. In densely populated areas, operators are actively developing 3G networks and even more actively 4G, because... It is this technology that promises many advantages, primarily high speed and connection stability.
➕ High availability (about 90%)
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbit/s, on average about 20-30 Mbit/s)
Unlimited Internet(for subscribers)
➕ Low cost and versatility of equipment
➕ Using different 3G/4G networks to connect
➖ Difficulty self-installation and equipment settings

It’s hard to imagine the modern world without the Internet. Thanks to various search engines You can find absolutely any information on the Internet and spend your free time playing exciting games online. In addition, through the World Wide Web you can use services that make our lives easier, namely: food delivery, taxis, courier services and much more.

Today the Internet has already become a part of life. modern man. Almost all business and entertainment are connected in one way or another with the Global Network. However, to ensure connection, several conditions must be met at once. The topic of our conversation today: "What is an Internet connection? Types of connection, their advantages and disadvantages."

Via cable

Currently, this type of connection is most widespread. To connect to cable Internet, you need to contact the provider that services your home. He will extend a wire into the apartment through which the signal will go. Typically used for this purpose twisted pair or fiber optic. Let's consider the features of these options.

twisted pair

In this case, from the distribution cabinet installed in the entrance to your apartment, copper cable, which is then connected to your computer or router. According to this principle, the connection is usually made in apartment buildings. In this case, it is enough to simply determine what type of connection is installed in your home. If a thin wire enters your apartment, and the connection speed is on average up to 100 Mbit/s, then most likely you are using twisted pair. If the speed is higher and the cable is thicker, you probably have a fiber-optic Internet connection. Connection types can also be determined by other characteristics.


If an optical connection is used, a cable is inserted into the apartment and connected to a special distribution cable installed in the house. This type of connection has one very important advantage. Speed ​​in in this case can reach 1 Gbit/s. Using an optical cable, you can connect to the World Wide Web and use TV and telephone services. In this case, there is no need to run three wires into the apartment at once: one cord will be responsible for all types of connections. Cable Internet can work with network protocols using two protocols: local and virtual.

Local network

The principle of a local protocol cable connection is that your provider assigns you a separate IP. The communication provider unites all PCs into one common network, where each address is controlled. This type of connection can also be subdivided based on the use of static or dynamic IP. The easiest way is to use a dynamic IP address. The settings are carried out directly by the Internet provider. The user does not need to adjust anything.

How do you know what type of connection you have? If you just connected a cable to your computer and the Internet started working, then you have a dynamic IP. When using a static IPOC, you will be prompted for additional login parameters. In terms of providing access to the Internet, the static option is more complex. The system will ask you to enter data before each session. You can request all the necessary information for connection from your provider.

For services that always request a static IP, this address is preferable. How can you determine in this case that the static option is being used? In most modern routers through which the Internet connection is made, connection types are detected automatically. If you have a cheap or old router, then your provider can provide you with all the necessary data. Our specialists will also help you understand your specific device model. Judging by the reviews, providers mostly connect their clients via a static IP address. Rostelecom is engaged in the widespread implementation of “statics”. This is due to the fact that such a connection facilitates the process of monitoring each specific user. As for the quality of the connection, everything is largely determined by the type of cable and user equipment.

Virtual network

VPN, or virtual private network, works on the principle of using encrypted protocols. Data exchange between the provider and the user's PC is encrypted, increasing security on the Internet. There are only two main types of VPN connections - PPTP and PPPoE. One of the most popular protocols is PPPoE. To connect to the Internet, you will need a username and password. The Windows operating system recognizes PPPoE as a high-speed connection with conditional dialing.

PPTP is not widely used because it requires the user to enter the ISP's server address. A special feature of PPTP is its encryption algorithm. Which wired Internet operators in our country use this protocol? The most popular provider that uses it is Beeline. Reviews about this type of connection are quite mixed. Many people are not satisfied with the changing speed of data flow, but for others it is not critical.


At the time of writing this review, the most popular type of Internet connection is FTTB. When using this type of connection, wired Internet operators install a switch in the house that interacts with the provider's station using fiber optics. A twisted pair cable is pulled to the subscriber’s apartment, which is inserted into the router or directly into the PC. In terms of price/quality ratio, this type is optimal. Access speed can be up to 1 Gigabit per second.

Using combined connection types

What types of Internet connections are there? A combined connection combines several types at once. In this case, the virtual network will have priority. Static and dynamic IP addresses can be used as additional resources. The difference between these types is the method of entering data about the provider’s server: manual or automatic. In reality, this type of connection is used quite rarely. It is often used in office networks with a multi-level structure.

Connection via telephone line

Surely many remember the times when Internet access was provided through a telephone. Today, fiber optic technologies dominate. However, to this day there are territories where, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to extend an expensive cable. In this case, having a home phone helps a lot. You can connect to the Internet via Dial-Up or ADSL. The latter allows you to work at low speeds of about 10 Megabits. This is enough to complete most tasks. To fully work with this technology, you will need a telephone cable and a modem. At the same time, if you want both your phone and the Network to work, you need to use a splitter. He is responsible for branching cables to the telephone and computer.

Internet access via Dial-Up connection can already be called a relic of the past. With this technology, the phone line will be busy if you are surfing the Internet. The connection speed will be only 56 Kbps. Today this is no longer enough. Despite all the shortcomings of this technology, there are simply no other options left in hard-to-reach areas. Judging by user reviews, when using this type of connection, even watching a video on YouTube becomes a problem.

Satellite Internet

Many people today are interested in how to connect the Internet via a satellite dish. Currently it is one of the most expensive types connections. However, you can install the plate almost anywhere. The main requirement is good visibility of the satellite. For most large operators this is not a problem.

A satellite dish is the optimal answer to the question: “Which Internet is better in private house"With the help of a satellite dish, you can easily access the Internet even in the wilderness, where there are no communications. Many probably know by what principle satellite television works. The Internet through this device works according to the same scheme, the only difference is that an additional transmitter is placed on the dish. This is necessary in order to ensure two-way exchange of information. Such a channel operates at a speed of several tens of megabits. The main disadvantage characteristic of this type of connection is the high price of equipment and service. Tariffs for such Internet are simply exorbitant.


Many people are probably familiar with Wi-Fi protocols and know first-hand what a wireless connection is. As a rule, Wi-Fi covers areas that are difficult to reach with cable connections. This type of connection is often used in cottage villages.

To provide Internet access, the provider installs base stations. They cover a network of approximately 5-10 square kilometers. To connect to the Internet, the user needs to use a receiver. If the client is located at a considerable distance from the station, he can use a special antenna that amplifies the signal.

A built-in Wi-Fi module is now found on most modern electronic devices. To connect them to the Network, you just need to select the correct position from the list and enter the password. This is why many clients today are trying to establish an Internet connection through a Wi-Fi router.

In addition, today some providers are trying to promote WiMAX technology. It is easily scalable and easy to deploy, but has not yet been widely adopted.


The Internet today has covered almost the entire globe. However, connecting it is not so easy. To gain access to the Network, you will have to use the services of one of the providers. Residents of large cities can choose from several connection options. In small towns or villages, as a rule, it is possible to connect to only one, maximum two providers. In this case, you can try to install the Internet via a satellite dish.

This review outlined the basic principles by which an Internet connection is made. Connection types were considered, indicating all the advantages and disadvantages. Which option to choose - decide for yourself. Don't just decide which type of connection suits you best. The financial component is also important.

Before you start setting up your router, it is advisable to find out the necessary information. We need to find out what Internet connection technology our Internet provider uses, we need to have the necessary parameters that will need to be set in the router settings (depending on connection technology). If, for example, the provider uses a connection using Dynamic IP technology, then you do not need any additional parameters. It’s enough to select Dynamic IP in the router settings, and the Internet will work.

You also need to find out whether the provider binds by MAC address. If it does, then after connecting the cable to the router, the Internet will not work even after correct configuration, because the provider does not have the MAC address of the router registered.

Now we will sort everything out in order.

The most important thing is to understand that the task of the router is to connect to the Internet and distribute it to your devices. It establishes a connection to your ISP in the same way as a computer. In order for the router setup to go smoothly and without problems, you need to correctly specify the connection type (WAN Connection Type) and set the necessary parameters.

What happens if you choose the wrong connection type?

This is the most common problem when setting up routers. The Internet will not work. The wireless network will appear, but after connecting to it, there will be no Internet on your devices. On computers, for example, the connection status will be “Without Internet access.” The Internet will also not work via cable from a router.

Everything is clear here, the router did not establish a connection with your provider because the parameters were set incorrectly.

How can I find out the connection technology my provider uses?

In Russia, Ukraine, and probably in other CIS countries, providers most often use the following technologies: Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP.

  • Dynamic IP– the most normal technology :) . A lot of Internet providers use it. We just connect the cable to the router and the Internet is already working, you don’t need to configure anything. You just need to specify the Dynamic IP technology. But, as a rule, it is set by default in the router settings.
  • Static IP- not a very popular technology. To set up such a connection on your router, you must know the IP address that your Internet provider should give you.
  • PPPoE– a popular technology (in Russia), which requires the creation of a special high-speed connection. If your provider uses PPPoE technology, then you most likely have created such a connection on your computer. In the router settings, you will need to select PPPoE, specify the login and password that your provider gives you. You may also need to set a static IP address.
  • PPTP And L2TP– similar protocols, when setting them up you also need to specify a name and login. And also, the server address and, if necessary, a static IP. If the Internet was previously connected to the computer, then there was a special connection on the computer that you launched.

I have already written a lot, but still haven’t answered the main question.

Before you start setting up your router, be sure to find out what technology your Internet service provider uses.

How to find out? Call your provider's support and ask. Go to the provider's website and find instructions for setting up the equipment there. Or look in the documents you received upon connection.

If you call support, ask also whether the provider binds by MAC address, and what MTU value is best specified in the router settings.

If you already know the connection technology, then you should also know the necessary parameters. If you have a Dynamic IP, then, as I wrote above, no parameters are needed, but if you have, for example, a Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP, then you must know the login, password, static IP (if necessary), server address . Or only certain parameters (it all depends on the connection).

As a rule, this information is specified in the Internet connection agreement.

Is there a binding by MAC address?

Many providers tie the Internet to the MAC address of a specific network device. Each computer network card, or router, has its own MAC address, and this address is registered with the provider.

If your Internet provider makes such a connection, then even after correctly configuring the router, the Internet will not work. Since most likely, the provider has registered the MAC address of your computer, not the router.

What to do in such a situation?

Find out if binding is done by MAC address. If not, then no additional settings need to be made. If there is a binding, then in the router settings, you need . It is necessary that the router has the same MAC as the computer to which the Internet is connected. In articles on setting up certain routers, I try to write how to do this.

There is another option: look at the MAC address of the router (usually it is located on a sticker on the router itself), call the support of your Internet provider and tell them the new MAC to which you need to connect the Internet.

The key to successfully setting up a Wi-Fi router:

  • Correctly specify the connection type and correctly set the necessary parameters (these are settings on the “WAN”, “Internet”, “Internet” tabs - different on different routers), which are issued by the Internet provider.
  • Clone the MAC address, or register the MAC address of the router if the provider does the binding.

These are the two basic rules. Please pay attention special attention these two points, and you will succeed. The main thing is that the router will already distribute the Internet, and then you can set up a Wi-Fi network, set a password, and other functions according to the instructions for a specific manufacturer or model. You can find these instructions on our website or on the Internet.