How to choose the right portable gas analyzer? Reviews of Testo models.

How to choose the right individual gas analyzer? Let's find out the expert's opinion - we bring to your attention the article by A.P. Sitnikov - head of the analytical sector of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SPO Analitpribor.

IN present moment on Russian market There are a huge number of individual gas analyzers, both domestic and imported. Moreover, almost all of them have the necessary permits (Certificate of Type Approval of Measuring Instruments, Declaration of Conformity of the Customs Union, Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union). However, not all gas analyzers can be used as safety devices for monitoring toxic and flammable gases in the air. working area.

One of essential elements Ensuring the safety of personnel at facilities hazardous due to the release of toxic and flammable gases is the use of stationary and individual gas analyzers. And if for right choice If stationary gas analyzers are the responsibility of the design organization that carried out the project of the facility, then the company’s specialists, as a rule, employees of labor protection departments, are directly responsible for the portable and individual gas analyzers and alarms used.

Working for a long time at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SPO Analitpribor, due to the nature of my official duties, I often encountered investigations of accidents associated with poisoning by toxic gases or explosions of flammable gases and vapors. With regret, I would like to note that quite often specialists of enterprises responsible for safety regulations have quite serious troubles and bear administrative liability due to the use of devices that do not comply with the regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation. However, there are a number of general criteria for the selection of equipment, the observance of which allows you to select equipment that is optimally suited for the purposes of ensuring personnel safety and fully complies with regulatory documents, which eliminates the occurrence of problems during inspections carried out by regulatory authorities and investigations of accidents that have occurred.

The proposed criteria for selecting devices can be divided into three groups: legal; technical - these are mandatory elements, and price - related to the financial situation of the enterprise. So, in order:

Legal criteria

1. Availability of the necessary permits: Certificate of type approval of measuring instruments, Declaration of conformity with technical regulations of the Customs Union, as well as Certificate of compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union (for explosion-proof equipment) are mandatory documents, without which the use of devices at all facilities, with the exception of household sector, it is simply impossible, and even there it is better to play it safe. The last two documents are required by decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 293 of December 25, 2012 “On uniform forms of the certificate of conformity and declaration of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the rules for their execution.”

Certificate of compliance with technical regulations The Customs Union is required to permit the circulation of goods on the territory of the Customs Union, and indicates that quality characteristics comply with accepted standards technical regulations. This document is valid on the territory of three states: the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation. A Customs Union certificate not only allows for unhindered circulation of products within the Customs Union, but also allows you to avoid bureaucratic delays that previously artificially slowed down turnover.

Gives the right to sell goods in the customs territory of the Customs Union states without additional delays in the form of certification procedures within countries where legislation requires mandatory additional verification measures.

The received declaration of the Customs Union gives the right to manufacturers to carry out trade turnover on the territory of states, without additional preparation of documents accepted within the participating countries: declaration of conformity in the GOST R system, GOST R certificate.

You must ensure that these documents are available before making a decision to purchase devices. As a rule, manufacturers post these documents on their websites; if not, then you need to request them.

2. Compliance with the current national and industry standards regulatory framework. So, the main regulatory documents for devices for monitoring toxic gases in the air of the working area are: GOST 12.1.005-88 (Change N1 of 2000) “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area” and GN 2.2.5-1827-03 “Hygienic standards” dated 21.12 .2003 These documents indicate the values ​​of maximum permissible concentration limits. for toxic substances and the frequency of their monitoring depending on the hazard class of the substance. Moreover, the data on maximum permissible concentrations are indicated in mg/m3; accordingly, measuring instruments must have units of measurement - mg/m3. Gas analyzers with other units of measurement, such as ppm, can be used with the following restrictions:

  • limits of permissible error of concentration measurements harmful substances in the air of the working area, equal to the maximum permissible concentration or more, should be +/- 25% of the measured value with a confidence probability of 0.95; when measuring concentrations below the MPC, the limits of the permissible absolute measurement error should be +/- 0.25 MPC in mg/cubic meter. m with a confidence probability of 0.95, clause 5.4 GOST 12.1.005-88 (Change N1 from 2000)
  • in the process of monitoring the air in the working area, with significant changes in ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, it is necessary to recalculate the measured values ​​with a corresponding adjustment of the gas analyzer response thresholds.

Technical criteria

1. Compliance technical characteristics device operating conditions at a specific site:

  • execution (explosion-proof for categorized objects, or general industrial);
  • temperature range;
  • if necessary, control in hard to reach places(wells, containers, etc.) - built-in pump or "remote sensor; by the way, practice shows that the built-in stimulator is more reliable during operation, because it eliminates malfunctions associated with a broken cable between the sensors and the device, the possibility of failure building sensors due to contact with liquids located in containers, wells, etc., but here, as they say, there are no general opinions on taste and color.

By the way, when studying technical parameters devices, you should not trust the data given in advertising, and even in the operating instructions for the product, because When certifying devices in Gosstandart, some parameters of devices are not confirmed and there are facts when in the manual, for example, the temperature range of operation of the device is indicated from -40 to 50 ° C, and in the appendix to the description of the type of measuring instruments from -20 to 40 ° C. This happens especially often with imported devices. Therefore, it is better to request an Appendix to the Certificate of Type Approval of Measuring Instruments. For alarm devices for flammable gases and vapors, you must make sure that the substances present at your facility are in the list of substances controlled by this device; it is indicated in the specifications for the product or in the appendix to the Certificate of Type of measuring instruments. If the required substance is not on the list, which happens quite often, then it is best to request written confirmation from the manufacturer that the device can be used to monitor the required substance. If, instead of an official response, you are redirected to an advertisement or website, think carefully before purchasing the device, because... neither is an official document.

2. Make sure that you receive a device certified by Gosstandart, and the manufacturer has the right to supply the device with a verification period of no more than half the verification interval. The delivery package of the device should include a verification method, which will allow you to verify it in the regional divisions of Gosstandart (TSSM) or other organizations accredited for the right to conduct state verification.

Price criteria

1. Check with the supplier for the price of the device in the configuration that you need (charging and feeding devices, sample collection elements - a flow stimulator if it is not built into the device, sampling devices, a sample transportation line, various devices for reading information if there is a non-volatile device memory, etc.). Take into account the cost of delivery and state verification, because... some manufacturers perform it for a fee.

2. Calculate the cost of maintenance and repairs. To determine the cost of repairs, it is necessary to request the cost of the sensitive elements of the devices, because most often it is they that fail, and at the same time make sure that they can be purchased (some manufacturers use imported sensitive elements and do not always supply them to users, referring import manufacturer or its dealers).

Compliance with the above criteria will allow you to ensure maximum personnel safety and eliminate the possibility of problems with Rostechnadzor. and also competently motivate your own management for the choice you have made, which is also important.

Head of Analytical Sector
FSUE SPO Analitpribor A.P. Sitnikov
[email protected]

Modern industry, saturated with all kinds of high-tech solutions, increasingly needs the most precise control. This is especially true for such cornerstone industries as: energy, defense and oil and gas complexes, transport industry, where this is a priority task.

To perform this task, various controllers are used, one type of which is gas analyzers(gas detectors). These devices are designed to measure the concentration of certain components in gas mixtures. Moreover, one class of devices provides detection of leaks of explosive vapors before their content reaches the maximum permissible level. The other detects possible leaks of toxic gases or liquid vapors. In both cases, the analyzer gives a signal (light and sound) warning of danger.

Design and classification of gas analyzers

Regardless of the type gas analyzer classification consists of the following main elements:
- primary transducer (sensitivity sensor), which, using various methods measurements converts gas concentration into a measured electrical signal;
- a measuring and display module that processes the received signal, compares it with certain threshold values ​​and then displays the result on a digital indicator;
- power supply unit and protective housing.

Devices are distinguished by area of ​​application and installation method. It depends on the operating conditions. Thus, in addition to general industrial use, the devices can be used in areas of increased explosion hazard (drilling oil and gas wells) and in special conditions(mine, sea). Based on this, gas analyzers are either stationary or portable (portable).

The former constantly automatically monitor the concentration of gases (vapors) and, if a given threshold is exceeded, they give all types of signals, and can also turn on ventilation and other security systems themselves. The latter, first of all, ensure personal safety. They continuously measure the content of gas mixtures directly at the employee’s location. The devices are attached to overalls or a protective helmet.

Types of gas analyzers and the most interesting models

The main difference between types of gas analyzers- measurement method. According to this characteristic, all devices are divided into optical, thermocatalytic, electrochemical and semiconductor.

Thermocatalytic or thermochemical

One of the cheapest types of analyzers. The principle of operation is the oxidation of hydrocarbons on a catalytically active element. Gas concentration is measured by the proportionality of the heat generated to the hydrocarbon content. Not the most different better reliability, cannot withstand overloads, has low sensitivity, as well as a number of other serious disadvantages. However, it is still used in industry, although it is obsolete.

One of the most popular representatives of this type- universal microprocessor gas analyzer STM-30M Russian production(FSUE SPO "Analitpribor"). Used for continuous automatic monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases (mixtures). Mainly used in the oil and gas industry. Capable of recognizing up to 140 flammable substances. Operates in the temperature range from -60 to +180 ºС.


A fairly common type of analyzer. Performs measurement by passing electric current through electrolyte solutions in contact with the analyzed gas. Unfortunately, just like thermochemical devices, they have a short service life. But in good condition they are used to work with a wide range of gases. Capable of measuring ultra-low concentrations. The main purpose is excellent detection of toxic gas leaks.

A high-quality gas detector of this type is offered by another domestic company, Eris. The model is used to continuously detect hazardous concentrations of toxic gases, oxygen gas or vapors. Used to control air pollution in the working area.


These are universal devices. They work on the principle of changing the surface resistance of a semiconductor material as a result of exposure to gas. Their use as a meter is ineffective, since the measurement error is high. But as an excellent leak detector for flammable or toxic gas mixtures, a semiconductor device is indispensable.

Very reliable hydrogen sulfide gas analyzer NTMOS Det-tronics company (USA). This is an automatic continuous air monitoring device. Has very high performance characteristics. Can operate in a temperature range from -40 to +60 ºС.

Optical (infrared, absorption)

The most expensive type of analyzers. Has high sensitivity and measurement accuracy. The operating principle is based on the ability of gas molecules to selectively absorb infrared radiation. These devices operate over a wide range gas concentrations. Can work with overloads. Ideal for detecting leaks of explosive and flammable gases.

The most popular model is (China). High measurement accuracy is ensured by the use of innovative technologies. The error in the operation of the device is 1%.

By the way, today you can increasingly find universal, multifunctional devices. They combine all four measurement methods. For example, the device Sigma-03 Russian company "Prompribor-R".

Gas analyzer is a highly accurate meter, which determines the quantitative and qualitative composition of gas mixtures, as well as components atmospheric air. The device's sensors detect excess levels of hazardous impurities in the air. Most often, the operation of gas analyzers requires a number of auxiliary devices that create required pressure, purifying the gas mixture from dust and resins, etc.

Gas analyzers are used to control:

  • air mixture by ecologists. Atmospheric monitoring helps prevent man-made disasters and promptly respond to increased concentrations carbon dioxide and other hazardous substances.
  • atmosphere of the working area, safety and health systems, especially in garages and boiler rooms, as well as tunnels, wells and other underground buildings. They determine the content of harmful gases in the work area and help eliminate their influence.
  • industrial emissions and technological processes in metallurgy, petrochemistry, energy, cement industry. In production, it is necessary to know the composition of the gas environment and regularly measure the content of sulfur, nitrogen, freon, oxygen, methane, hydrogen and other substances. Such devices are capable of analyzing up to 50 components in real time. gas mixture simultaneously.
  • operation of boilers, gas turbines, furnaces and burners; equipment operating on fuel combustion.
  • when waterproofing a pipeline or gas pipeline. Identify gas leaks.
  • concentrations of gases in water and other liquids, for analysis of water purification. For this purpose, oxygen gas analyzers are most often used, which determine the volumetric content as well as the partial pressure of oxygen. They are used at aeration and wastewater treatment plants, in water treatment laboratories.
  • car engine emissions in modern diagnostics. Typically, such a gas analyzer measures 4 components of the gas mixture: CO, CH, NOx and O 2. This device determines the toxicity of exhaust gases. With its help, you can carry out a number of diagnostic operations to study the condition of the car, identify the causes of malfunctions of the engine, fuel supply and ignition systems.
  • air pollution in residential areas. Helps identify sources of gas leaks.
  • air exhaled by a person and the presence of alcohol in the blood.

Types of gas analyzers

By functionality:

  • Indicators devices that provide a qualitative assessment of the gas mixture based on the presence of a controlled substance. Information is displayed using several dot indicators. If all indicators are lit there is a lot of component in the gas mixture, one little is lit. Leak detectors also belong to this group. Using leak detectors equipped with a probe or sampler, you can identify the location of a gas leak from a pipeline.
  • Alarms have one or more alarm thresholds. Optical indicators or sound devices are triggered when the concentration reaches a threshold value.
  • Actually gas analyzers. These instruments provide an estimate of gas concentration by volume or mass. As a rule, they are also equipped with threshold devices, analog or digital signals, and printers.

By design:

  • Stationary gas analyzers are heavy and bulky and are usually intended for continuous operation. They carry out constant monitoring of the working area of ​​the enterprise and record the degree of gas contamination both at the facilities themselves and around them. Such devices examine the concentrations of flammable gases, including and maximum permissible ones. They are equipped with built-in threshold devices, which, when gas levels are exceeded, trigger a siren, ventilation or shut-off valve.
  • Portable smaller-sized products that can be easily moved from one object to another and simply put into operation. They are used in the oil and gas industry, public utilities, during environmental monitoring and laboratory research, during the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and sanitary services, adjusters of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, safety and labor protection services.
  • Portable small and light. They are used in places where gas and oil are produced, processed and transported, as well as in wells, water canals and tunnels. They are also used at gas stations and in places where it is necessary to ensure the individual safety of workers. They are used by environmentalists during field trips when they monitor the composition of the air in residential areas or industrial facilities. These devices are equipped with audible and visual alarms, as well as an infrared port for transmitting data to the main station.

One of the varieties flue gas analyzers that optimize combustion processes and inventory emissions in environment boilers and industrial furnaces. These devices can also detect gas leaks or concentration values carbon monoxide indoors.

Bynumber of measured components:

  • A significant part of industrial gas analyzers can measure only one parameter of a component mixture.
  • An automobile gas analyzer records the concentration of three to five exhaust components. A high-quality device for diagnosing modern engines is designed to analyze four components with the function of calculating the mixture composition.
  • Some stationary gas analyzers are designed for simultaneous analysis of several components at once - up to 50 in a mixture.

Pabout the number of measurement channels:

Gas analysis devices can have one channel for measurement, that is, one sensor or one sampling point, or several. As a rule, the number of measurement channels per device ranges from 1 to 16.

Additional capabilities of gas analyzers

Modern automotive gas analyzers can measure engine speed and oil temperature.

Gas analysis instruments remember intermediate measurement protocols and transfer the results to a personal computer or print on a built-in printer.

Some models collect and statistically process measurement results and calculate average values, and then calculate the volumetric flow rate of gases and the mass emission of pollutants.

How to choose a gas analyzer

  • First of all, you need to determine the purpose of the device. Why do you need it to monitor natural gas leaks in a boiler room or measure CO in car exhaust gases?
  • Then you need to understand what size device you need: stationary, for placement on an object, portable or portable so that it fits in your pocket.
  • Determine which specific gas or gases you need to control, in what concentration range and with what accuracy. When determining the measurement range, it is necessary that it corresponds to real fluctuations in gas concentration. If it is known that the oxygen content in the atmosphere of the working area does not exceed 20% vol., then you should not order a device with a scale of 0 100% vol., since the measurement error in this case will be large. The scale 0 30% vol. will suit you.
  • Decide where the sensor should be located inside the device itself or whether it will be remote. A remote sensor is necessary when taking measurements where the person measuring himself cannot or does not want to get into, for example, sewer well. The number of sensors can vary, as a rule, from 2 to 16 the more there are, the higher the coverage of the space under study.

Heating using fuel-burning units is convenient, economical and efficient. Leakage of flammable gas or combustion products is undesirable when using the boiler.

A household gas alarm (or sensor) is a device that monitors the quality of ambient air in a boiler room. When a dangerous concentration of harmful substances accumulates in the air, the alarm goes off: it turns on the sound and light alarm, turns off the gas supply and stops the combustion of fuel in the boiler.

Installing such a sensor will protect owners from gas accumulation in the room and help eliminate leaks in a timely manner.

The signaling device can send a signal to mobile phone(if you have a GSM module and connect it to the subscriber number).

Gas alarms are installed in rooms where accumulation of harmful substances is possible. Traditional gas detectors are capable of detecting accumulations of carbon monoxide, propane and natural gas (methane).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a substance released during the combustion of fuel, and its leakage into indoors can be deadly.

Methane (CH4) is the main element of natural gas, which is supplied through a central gas pipeline. If it accumulates, an explosion and fire can occur (even from the smallest spark).

Propane (C3H8) is the main element of a liquefied propane-butane mixture, which is heavier than air, so even with an open window, gas may accumulate in the lower part of the room.

Design and principle of operation of gas alarms

The operation of gas alarms is based on various sensors: thermomechanical, optical or electromechanical. All gas analyzers consist of certain elements:

  • The primary transducer is a sensing element that senses and calculates the gas concentration in the ambient air.
  • A measuring and display module is a system that receives the signal from the primary transducer and compares it with a given value.
  • The power supply is a support system electrical supply device.
  • Device body.

Functionality of gas alarms:

  • Light and sound alarm.
  • Cutting off the gas supply using a solenoid valve.
  • Turning on the exhaust device.
  • Sending a signal to the fire or control panel.

If you are planning to build a bathhouse, do not forget about.

Another way to heat a bathhouse is a warm floor, more about it in.

Types of gas alarms

The main difference between gas analyzers is the type of gas captured. The most common household alarms are gas analyzers for:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • methane;
  • propane.

Combined gas analyzers capable of capturing several types of gas at once.

Fans for household alarms

One of the types of localization of the accumulation of harmful substances in the boiler room is the installation exhaust fan, which is turned on by a signal from the gas analyzer and provides forced ventilation.

Shut-off valves

An electromagnetic shut-off valve is used to instantly stop the flow of gas based on a signal from a gas analyzer. There are different valves:

  • According to the diameter of the pipeline.
  • Electrical.
  • With permissible pressure.
  • Different in design.

There are 2 types of construction: normally open and normally closed.

They have the following differences:

  • A normally open valve is manually cocked and is not energized during operation. If the gas analyzer is triggered, an electrical impulse is sent to close the valve. The valve is marked “NA”;
  • A normally closed solenoid valve is also manually cocked, but this requires a power supply. During operation, it is constantly under voltage, and upon a signal from the gas analyzer, the voltage disappears and the valve closes.
Best used for household purposes normally open valves, since their operation will not be affected by the lack of voltage.

Cost of solenoid shut-off valve: type N.A., 220 V, Pmax: 500 mbar:

Nominal diameter Cost, rub.
Madas Dn 15 1490
Madas Dn 20 1515
Gross Dn 20 1360
Madas Dn 25 1950
Gross Dn 25 1470

Operation of gas alarms

It is better to mount gas analyzers to a vertical plane where a gas leak may occur (near a boiler, furnace, gas meter, gas water heater).

The gas analyzer should not be placed in the following places:
  • Close to gas burners(1m).
  • In places of heavy contamination (dust, grease, ash).
  • Near ventilation ducts.
  • In places where paint, solvent and flammable materials are stored.

When installing the sensor, consider physical properties gas and its density:

  • Methane - not lower than 0.5 m from the floor.
  • Carbon monoxide - at a height of 1.8 m from the floor, but not higher than 0.3 m to the ceiling.
  • Propane not higher than 0.5 m from the floor.
  • Combined sensor for methane and carbon monoxide - in the range of 0.5-0.3 m to the ceiling.

To ensure smooth operation solenoid valves needs to be installed batteries with an automatic transition system to backup power.

The gas analyzer’s passport describes all the functions and requirements for operation, and compliance with them will allow achieving reliable operation equipment.

Gas analyzer installation

No device installation required special effort, it can be secured with dowels or self-tapping screws. The device passport contains a diagram for connecting electrical power to the device and connecting it to other equipment.

Installation of solenoid valves on gas pipelines should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Periodic inspection

At least once a year, it is necessary to inspect the performance of the gas analyzer.

They are used in many areas of our life: in ecology, analysis and control systems of internal combustion engines (internal combustion engines), in industry, sometimes in residential premises, in boiler rooms and other institutions. They save many lives and allow production to be controlled. Company LLC NPO.EKO-INTEKH. supplies excellent gas analyzers at great prices!

The gas analyzer itself is a device that determines the concentration of certain gases or even their mixtures in various environments (most often in air). The very first and most common, even today, are absorption gas analyzers. Most of them are portable gas analyzers. Their principle of operation is that the components of the analyzed gas mixture are gradually absorbed by special reagents. The state of the reagents determines the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the analyzed gases.

Automatic gas analyzers are capable of analyzing a gas mixture in any environment over a long period of time. Stationary gas analyzers in various institutions They just belong to this species. Before you buy a gas analyzer from us, you should first decide what type of equipment you need.

1) Chemical (volumetric manometric) gas analyzers determine the characteristics of the gas mixture based on chemical reactions.

2) Thermochemical gas analyzers. The operation of such devices is based on measuring the thermal effect during the gas combustion reaction. Probably each of us has seen methane gas analyzers. So most of them work precisely on this principle.

3) Electrochemical gas analyzers. These devices measure the electrical conductivity of a special solution that absorbs surrounding gases. Based on these data, the concentration, pressure and even volume of gases are determined.

4) Photometric gas analyzers are used mainly for measuring small doses of certain gases in any environment. Their operating principle is based on the fact that some substances are capable of changing their color upon contact with a particular gas mixture. The color change is detected by sensors that determine the gas concentration.

5) Thermal conductometric gas analyzers are both portable and stationary. Their feature is the ability to analyze multicomponent gas mixtures.

6) Densimetric gas analyzers are mainly used to determine the concentration of carbon dioxide in air or other gas mixture.

7) Magnetic gas analyzers are used to determine the concentration of oxygen in a gas mixture. This is based on the effect that oxygen is highly susceptible to the effects of magnetic fields.