Burn fortune telling on paper. How to choose the right day

There is a special magic in any Christmas fortune-telling. People try to find out their fate during the period between Christmas and Epiphany. The simplest, and therefore most popular, is fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper.

Rules for fortune telling

To ensure a positive result, follow the ancient custom:

  • They perform divination by candlelight.
  • They crumple a sheet of paper while thinking about the future (sometimes they use a newspaper).
  • Light it with a candle.
  • After the paper burns, look at what the shadow figure means. While it is burning, it is forbidden to interpret the meaning.
  • Make sure that the paper is completely burnt.
  • The interpretation of the figures is carried out by the shadow on the wall, holding a plate with burnt paper between the candle and the white wall.

Decoding the figures

To understand the meaning of burnt paper, look at what figures are reflected on the wall. Clearly defined ones cannot arise, so the interpretation is carried out conditionally, imagining what the reflection looks like. Without a good imagination and developed imaginative thinking, fortune telling by shadows cannot be done.

If there are no associations, parallels are not drawn, the plate is turned the other way.

Images of a person

Sometimes a person trying to make an interpretation based on the formed shadows sees something similar to himself. This can be the entire silhouette or a fragment of the face. To understand the symbols, look at the resulting display, slightly turning the plate from side to side.

The image of an elderly person of any gender symbolizes wisdom. Having seen an old man or woman in fortune telling, they expect a difficult choice that must be made correctly. The witch is seen on the eve of negative witchcraft influence. A baby is considered the embodiment of something new. Fortune telling on paper shadows calls the child a harbinger of receiving news.

For girls, the interpretation of this image is somewhat different. On Christmas Day, fortune telling on burnt paper and seeing a baby means a wedding during the coming year. The bride also sees each other before the wedding.

If you dreamed of a Man with a weapon in his hands, prepare for difficult situation, which will worsen the opinion of others about the fortuneteller. The horseman promises good news. Your image will suffer greatly. A silhouette with a non-dangerous object in its hands (a book, jewelry) - you have to go with the flow, resignedly accepting the blows and gifts of fate.

We saw a profile - fortune telling by the shadow of the paper shows someone who will have a significant impact on life in the near future. The designation of a completely unfamiliar profile is associated with a new acquaintance. Best option when they see a couple, a man and a woman, nearby. The interpretation of such figures is the most joyful. Meaning - happiness, a series of successes.

Images of the animal world

Sometimes in fortune telling, if you set fire to a piece of paper and look at its shadow, you get figures that resemble animals. Each has its own meaning. Fortune telling by shadow creates the following symbolic images:

  • Wolf - proximity of the enemy.
  • Bear - things will go even slower, but rushing is harmful, it’s better to take a break.
  • A dog is a friend's support.
  • Cat - evil gossip spread by women.
  • The mouse is a minor trouble.
  • Fish - everything will be smooth, without worries or worries.
  • Bird - improvement of affairs, take-off.
  • Horse - the need to work hard.
  • Crocodile - the need to take care of the condition of the body.
  • The pig is an undesirable sign. Setting fire to a piece of paper and seeing a pig in the shadows of its ashes means betrayal, deception of the eldest woman in the family.
  • Behemoth - lack of progress. Fortune telling and seeing a hippopotamus, turtle, snail means a complete lack of development.
  • An elephant is an impending disaster that can cause great harm.
  • Duck is an opportunity to get rich.

Fortune telling by the appearance of shadows by candlelight does not always give images of familiar, real-life animals. If you see the image of a fantastic beast on the wall from a burnt piece of paper, expect pleasant changes and joy. Such animals include a dragon, a unicorn, and other fairy-tale creatures.

Images of nature

Fortune telling on paper implies a variety of meanings of shadows, including natural images:

  • Forest - approaching difficulties.
  • Lonely tree - increased wealth, development.
  • Mountains are another symbol of problems.
  • Waves are excitement, experiences that will negatively affect the nervous system.
  • Holes, depressions - deterioration of affairs.
  • Fortune telling by shadows interprets flowers as a high probability of wish fulfillment and receiving a gift.

Household things

When fortune telling is carried out on paper based on the shadows that appear, sometimes reflections are obtained that resemble the most ordinary things. The human imagination is significantly limited by familiar, understandable images. A person easily sees in the ornate curves of ash what belongs to the category of everyday life:

  • Bed - a stop of all activities, lack of development, significant slowdown.
  • Stroller - the arrival of a baby.
  • Mirror - you won’t be able to hide, you will have to stand face to face with what frightens you.
  • A book is a symbol of obtaining new information. Guessing and seeing a closed book will not bring financial benefits. The benefit will be only spiritual. Open - the proximity of new success.
  • The ring provides answers to questions related to personal life. This is a sign of strong love.
  • Candle - it’s stupid to hope, dreams won’t come true.

Images of buildings

Any fortune telling by shadows shows not only mountains and flowers. If images appear that are similar to a certain place, take a closer look at what exactly it looks like. If at church, this is a warning about a possible deterioration in health. If you are in a cemetery, control yourself and prepare for a series of losses. The burnt paper tower is also a warning of impending problems.

A large ship symbolizes the regularity of life, calm movement towards the intended goal. The boat does not have such stability in symbolism. A person who sees a boat in a fortune-telling on paper and candles will definitely meet an old friend.

An airplane is the fastest transport on earth. If you had to set fire to a piece of paper, and an airplane appeared in the shadows, it is wise to prepare to move in the near future.

To sum it up

Fortune telling with burnt paper by shadows provides answers to questions regarding the coming year. Fortune telling is customary during Christmas time, so predictions are given a year in advance. For this type of divination, it is enough to crumple up a notebook sheet, burn it, and see what kind of shadow it casts. Interpretation requires observation and developed imagination.

Winter is a time for fairy tales and the fulfillment of desires, so girls loved to spend Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas to Epiphany (from January 6 to January 19), in fortune-telling and predictions. But, as practice shows, the most truthful answers to all questions asked could be obtained precisely on the night of January 6-7, when Christmas fortune-telling was carried out.

On this night, young maidens in Rus' gathered in the bathhouse, since it was the most secluded place and it was here, according to legend, that magical power flew in, answering all the girls’ questions without concealment. Before starting fortune telling, the girls swam, thus washing away all the troubles and problems that had accumulated throughout the day, and went with a clear head and a clean body to dialogue with the power of magic and sorcery.

A prerequisite: the bathhouse had to smell like pine, so the fortune tellers brought in spruce and pine branches, which from the heat scattered a pleasant aroma throughout the room, and they themselves could beat each other with spruce brooms, thereby appeasing the magical power so that it would be favorable and gave only truthful answers.

In some villages, they also brought various sweets and pastries to the bathhouse, which were placed on a bench covered with a white cloth; it was believed that the spirits would wash themselves, eat, listen to songs (the girls always sang on this day) and, being satisfied, would give good and faithful advice.

Today, all these ancient rituals are rarely observed by anyone, but fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide is also relevant among modern girls, therefore, the following methods of prediction will be useful to them, however, it is still advisable to prepare appropriately for them, so as not to anger the magical power: instead of a bathhouse - a sauna, instead of fir branches - aromatic oils oh well white tablecloth replace it with a snow-white towel and, of course, don’t forget to take a steam bath to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts.

The meaning of figures for fortune telling on wax, coffee, shadows and others

Here you will find a breakdown of the figures for folk fortune telling on coffee and tea, as well as for fortune telling on wax, shadows, mirrors, lead, tin and the like. The database contains values ​​for 600 figures.

Name the figure you see:

For every person, his future is a secret that he really wants to know. This is probably where multiple attempts to create a time machine came from. After all, no one knows what the future is. Yuletide fortune telling are able to lift this veil of mystery.

Here you will find fortune telling for marriage for Christmastide and Christmas: on buttons, indoor flower and threads. They will predict whether you will get married soon, what kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and what kind of character he has.

Christmas time is a great time for all kinds of fortune-telling, because on these days ordinary people do not work, but walk with all their might and celebrate Christian holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, and it is on these days that otherworldly forces are most active, which means it is possible to look into their future without the help of specialists to find out what it promises!

What is a cherished dream? Everyone has their own, but it is for the sake of it that a person lives, breathes and moves. Some are ready to move mountains to fulfill their plans, while others hope for magic and wait for this magical moment. And what's surprising... he comes. The main thing is faith and hope that everything will work out!

Love is the greatest feeling on Earth, and in the entire Universe. This is a priceless gift that, alas, is not given to everyone, but which many dream of. For the sake of love you can suffer, for the sake of love you can live, for the sake of love you can create. Therefore it is love fortune telling and predictions are the most popular among both women and men.

We are all waiting for our soulmate, with whom we will go through life hand in hand, overcoming adversity and rejoicing in our shared happiness. That's why unmarried girls and they strive to find out, by looking into the future, what it is like - their beloved and unique one.

Who among us would not like to know our destiny? In trying to look into the future, we are not embarrassed by the complexity of the methods, the unusualness of the means, or the originality of the interpretations... And the use of coffee for fortune telling in the most surprising way has “taken root” in the practice of fortune-tellers.

Many people fell in love with fortune telling on burnt paper, fortune telling with a man's name, etc. They do not require special skills, are easy to perform and show interesting results. These fortune telling can be used by both young girls and adult women. The most mysterious and creative, perhaps, is fortune telling on burnt paper. This method requires a good imagination, since the fate of the fortuneteller is revealed by the shadows left by the paper on the wall. It is recommended to perform it at midnight during Christmastide (7.01 - 19.01). You will need: thin paper (for example, newspaper), matches, a glass of water, a plate and a candle. giving it round shape, place the lump on a plate. Now light the candle wick from a match, start burning the paper with different sides. When it burns well, but at the same time leaves its shape, that is, it has not yet turned into ash, you need to extinguish the paper. You cannot blow on it or extinguish it with any other harsh influence, as this can damage the resulting image. Dip your fingers in water and, spraying drops from them, gradually extinguish the paper. Now turn off the light, bring the plate to the wall, keep the candle near you. Start deciphering the shadow cast by the burnt paper. In order to understand what fate prophesies for you in the form of shadows looming on the wall, you need to peer into every detail. It’s good if you don’t do fortune telling on burnt paper alone, then it will be easier to see all the interesting images.

Write down everything you saw so that you can decipher the pictures later in a calm atmosphere. Ordinary dream books will help you understand the meaning of each image. For example, if a young girl, while performing fortune-telling on burnt paper, saw the figure of a bear in the shadows, it means that a admirer will soon appear in her circle. Or, if she clearly sees a man's shadow, she will soon meet her love. Flower means imminent marriage. The cross is a big trouble, which may also affect loved ones.

The interpretation of fortune telling on burnt paper is quite simple, so you don’t need to be intimidated by the long list that eventually appears. Try to connect the predictions with each other, and you will have a complete picture of the near future.

There are other fortune telling for girls on paper. For example, fortune telling male names. It is done before bedtime. Take several small pieces of paper of the same size and a pen. Write the man's name on each one. Place the leaves under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, put your hand under your pillow and take out the first piece of paper you come across. The name written on it will be your betrothed.

Another one requires some culinary ability. Take several small pieces of paper and write men's names on them. Now prepare the dough from water and flour. Cut the dough into small pieces. Take each piece of dough and add a piece of paper with a name on it as a filling. You will get some kind of dumplings. Now cook them, watch the one that comes up first. As soon as one of the dumplings rises to the surface, immediately catch it with a spoon and cool. Open the dumpling - the name written in it will be your betrothed.

Popular Take two sheets of paper of the same size and fold them into squares. Cross out one square with a pen. Now make a guess on which of them the wish will come true and on which one it won’t. Throw both squares out of the window at the same time and watch which one falls first. If the square is “yes”, then the wish will come true, and if the square is “no”, then the plan will not yet come true. Choose any method of fortune telling you like and confidently find out your future.

I would like to believe that we can predict the future, find out whether we made the right choice, how to behave further and what to do? These fortune telling for girls on paper will help you understand your feelings and the feelings of other people towards you, and learn about the near future.

Fortune telling on paper

In fortune telling what we will describe next, main role the piece LI plays. But let's take it in order! Write down on paper a question that worries you, but formulate it in such a way that you can answer it: “yes” or “no”. For example, will I go to the cinema with Zhenya today? Now you need to count the number of letters under each word, then continue adding two numbers at a time and so on until you get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. That is, if you end up with 15, then you also need to add 1+5. It is the final number that will tell you the answer to the cherished question! If in the end you have the number 8, then you now need to play a little counting game with the LI particle: l-1, i-2, l-3, i-4, l-5, i-6, l-7, i-8. Cross out the “I” and you are left with an “L”. Now the most important thing, how are these letters interpreted? L is yes, but I is no. This fortune telling on a piece of paper is one of many that gives answers to the most cherished questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen

You fell in love and you don’t know how this guy feels about you. Fortune telling on a guy on paper chamomile will help you find out more about his feelings. And we don’t need a field daisy, but a painted one. How many letters are in the name of the boy you like, so many petals for the flower. Don’t forget to draw a stem - it will be a kind of starting point. From the petal clockwise we enter the name of the beloved. After that, under his name we write ours. If your name has more letters, then write only those that fit. That is, if a guy’s name has 8 letters and yours has 10, then you only write the first eight letters of your name. After everything is written, you need to count how many petals there are that make up a pair of a consonant letter and a vowel. Y, b – in this case we also classify them as consonants.

The meaning of fortune telling on paper

  1. If there is no such petal, then you have nothing in common. In the future, only friendship awaits you, and you can become best friends, despite the fact that you are a girl and he is a guy and they say that such friendship does not exist - do not listen. But there will be no love, unless something happens that forces you to get closer.
  2. One petal indicates that your relationship is quite successful. But it’s worth fighting a lot for a guy’s feelings, since they will periodically go out and you will need to do everything to ignite them. Your love with him is a constant struggle and conquest on your part. If you are ready, then go for it, but keep in mind that it will not be easy! Feed your feelings with pleasant joint events and activities. But don’t forget about this option: perhaps this guy is not for you and someone else could love you sincerely.
  3. Two petals - at first your relationship is a fairy tale, but every day some dark shadows will creep into it, which will darken your relationship. At first, life will be so easy, and love will be so strong that you will not be interested in anything that happens around you - all your attention will be on yourself and your lover. You will think that your relationship will last forever, but rose-colored glasses in your case, they will quickly take off, and you will see that this is not your hero. Although no, marriage is possible and it will probably even be happy. But at times and every year there will be less and less happiness. You will not be able to put up with each other’s shortcomings, but remember, if you still stay together, then don’t try to change the person, you need to come to terms with his shortcomings or replenish his treasury of advantages.
  4. Three petals are love and it can keep you together forever, but it’s worth constantly feeding it so that you don’t become unbearably bored with each other at one point. Don't get caught up in the routine, brighten up your time together with surprises! Do a lot of things together - it brings you closer. And don’t refuse the guy’s help, he loves you, give him the opportunity to feel needed and useful. Your relationship will most likely end in marriage.
  5. Four petals or more are a union for life. You've met someone with whom you won't get bored, not because he's funny, but because you're perfect for each other. Support and support - that's who you found. Harmony, passion and mutual understanding are what, in addition to love, will fuel your relationship. The two of you are one.

Fortune telling on spoons with paper

Four spoons need to be wrapped in paper. Each in a separate piece, it is better to wrap it in two or three layers. Afterwards, you need to wrap all four spoons in one large piece of paper, but so that each spoon lies separately from each other (without touching). After these simple steps, raise your hands over the spoons and ask the question you are interested in, turning to the brownie. But don’t forget that the answer you can get is either “yes” or “no,” so formulate it correctly in advance. The question has been asked, now unfold the main paper and look, if most of the spoons are no longer wrapped separately, each in their own paper, then the answer is yes, but if everything remains as before, or fewer spoons are unfolded, then the answer is no. This fortune telling can also be used as fortune telling on paper.

Fortune telling on paper

Like one of the fortune-telling for a lover, there is also a fortune-telling on paper for a desire. Make a wish, draw an arbitrary number of lines on a piece of paper - no matter how many, the main thing is to think exclusively about your goal while doing this. You will know when to stop. And start crossing out two sticks at a time. If some stick is left without a pair, then the wish will come true, but if each line has a pair, then for now the wish will remain unfulfilled.

Fortune telling on burnt paper

Fortune telling on burnt paper There are different things, but the most popular is the interpretation of the shadow of the ashes. As a rule, it should be carried out at night, of course, in the dark. Keep the question, the desire in your head and write it on a piece of paper, which you will burn.

We place the candle on a chair or table in front of the wall and light it. Place a saucer nearby in which you will burn the paper. From a candle, light a piece of paper with a wish and watch the process, but look directly at the wall: what shadows are formed there and what they remind you of. But the main fortune telling begins when the fire has already gone out and only remnants of paper lie on the saucer. We turn on fantasy, imagination - and judge the future. Iconic figures are sometimes quite intricate, so you need a lot of work. You can slowly turn the plate with ashes until you see some clear symbol on the wall.

The meaning of fortune telling on burnt paper

Fortune telling - burning paper - is quite popular, so there are a huge number of options for symbols that can be seen on the wall. Below are the meanings of the most popular shadows that girls see at night in a dark room when they tell fortunes on paper.

  • seeing man silhouette in the shadows, the girl is expecting a meeting with her future groom or will appear new friend, which will help in a situation that now seems impossible to solve;
  • horizontal lines or stripes on the wall, which symbolize the road, indicate that a trip awaits you somewhere or that you will be moving;
  • if you were lucky and saw on the wall flower, then wait for a marriage proposal from your lover, but if you are not dating anyone yet, then perhaps soon you will be called on a date and some juicy surprise will happen to you;
  • to diseases and problems that will not be so easy to cope with, portends shadow of the cross;
  • vertical bar prophesies the appearance of temptation, which is better to refuse, because if you submit to it, expect trouble;
  • shadow of a castle or building– a quick wedding or moving to a new home with a loved one;
  • see cat, means that soon a seducer will appear on the horizon who will give you a lot of pleasure, but your relationship will not develop into anything more than just a short intrigue;
  • bird– changes. They will be good or bad - it all depends on where the bird is flying: up or down. Accordingly, if the first option, then pleasant changes await you, in the second option, expect failures, but you will cope;
  • pig to prosperity and unexpected wealth in the near future. Although it is also possible that the pig is due to ingratitude on the part of your friends;
  • horse– be vigilant, perhaps your loved ones will want to trick you even at the moment when you are completely disarmed;
  • see haystack- this means that you will be sitting at home in the near future, and no exciting or interesting events will happen to you.

As you already understand, there are a wide variety of options, the main thing is to use your imagination!

Fortune telling on paper

For this fortune telling you do not need to be an artist. It is necessary to schematically draw a man, a woman, a bird, a tree, a flower, a fence, a cat, a river and a door. Each of the drawings symbolizes something. This fortune telling on papers will help you understand situations that have become unclear to you or you cannot find the right way out of them.

After drawing everything listed on separate pieces of paper, put them in a bag. You have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive answer to a question that genuinely interests you. Have you formulated it? Do you know what needs to be clarified first in your life? After asking a question and mentally scrolling through it in your head, pull a leaf from the bag. Now we will decipher what came out.

Woman- this image symbolizes the fact that you are very demanding of yourself and of those around you, and this bar is very high - this prevents you from living an easy life, you constantly burden yourself with some kind of worries, not wanting to rely on other people. This card also suggests that the people who surround you may interfere with what you have in mind; they will think that they are guided by common sense, but in fact their excessive caution will hurt you.

Man– you cannot fulfill your desire on your own; you need to resort to the help of friends and relatives. It just seems to you that you can do everything much better on your own, in fact, you need to learn to trust yourself. But at the same time, the image of a man suggests that everything you have planned will come true thanks to a reliable rear.

Bird suggests that for now it’s worth holding off on planning something important for the near future. Dream, but don't make it happen yet because you may be disappointed.

House– in the next few days everything in your life will be calm. And what you wished for will come true only if you wait patiently and work hard to realize your plans. And don’t forget that you are not yourself and turn to your loved ones for help. It is also associated with some troubles that await you. If you have made a wish for something that cannot be realized without the financial side, then it is better to hold off on it, since in the near future financial issues will be difficult for you to resolve.

Fence symbolizes that soon all adversity will end and the white stripe your life with pleasant surprises and surprises that your friends will arrange for you. Do not refuse help, because at this period of your life, it is selfless.

Cat drawing- the strength of your character. This means that the wish you made will come true only after you start working hard to realize it. Don’t pile your worries on others, now only you can help yourself.

Flower- to changes in personal life. Your wish will not be fulfilled without the intervention of your significant other. This drawing also speaks of unexpected luck, so keep your nose to the wind - big finds and monetary rewards are possible.

River– you need to unwind and travel, abandon all plans and relax. This drawing can also symbolize the arrival of relatives who are very dear to you, but whom you have not seen for a long time.

Doors– this is access to a new professional and educational level. You will certainly achieve success in your plans. The near future will be productive and eventful.

Fortune telling with sticks on paper

Make a wish for three guys: give each a number. For example, Petya is No. 0, Valera is No. 1, and Seryozha is No. 2. Afterwards, you need to write the following letters in the column: LURDNISTEKHB. L - loves, y - respects, r - jealous, d - thinks about you, n - likes you, i - is interested, s - suffers, t - is drawn to you, e - there is another, x - wants to be friends, b - will be friends . Next to each letter you need to draw sticks. How many? Mentally tell yourself “stop” and stop. After this, you need to cross out three sticks in each row until there are no combinations of three left. If there is no stick left opposite a letter, write “0” next to it. Accordingly, if there is one stick, then “1”, if there are 2, then “2”.

Fortune telling on paper shadows gives an answer to a question by transmitting information from the subtle plane. This type fortune telling is safe. It belongs to white magic because it does not aim to harm anyone. During the fortune telling procedure, the figures and symbols that the shadow of the burnt ball of paper takes on are interpreted. Varieties of this ritual are fortune telling on ashes, as well as on the betrothed using burnt leaves with the names of fans.

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    What is needed for fortune telling

    The most important attribute is candles. They should be plain, without decorative elements. You need to choose light, calm shades. Pink or white work well. Allowed to use red, green, purple flowers. Black wax candles are strictly prohibited. You will also need clean paper. During the ritual it will burn quickly, so you need to take as many sheets as possible.

    Fortune telling using shadows from paper is carried out on a plate or saucer. Ideally, use plain dishes without decorative elements or edging. To avoid fire, it is advisable that it be deep or have wide brims. You can also use a small metal tray.

    Why does a woman dream of fish - interpretation from dream books

    How to choose the right day

    The optimal time for the ritual is the new moon. The best night is from Friday to Saturday. This day is patronized by Saturn, which is responsible for important and fateful events, the realization of the potential inherent in a person.

    Important! The most accurate results are obtained on Christmastide, on the week of mermaids (the week before the onset of the Trinity holiday) or on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7, new style).

    Particularly reliable information can be obtained on Vasiliev evening - January 13. Fortune telling is also successful on January 18, the day of Epiphany Eve. Christmas opens the Christmastide period, lasting until Epiphany (January 19). The accuracy of prediction during the Yuletide period is due to high energy religious holidays. IN New Year(the night from January 31 to January 1) it is not recommended to perform the ceremony.


    What is allowed and what is not allowed during fortune telling:

    • For the ceremony you will need to choose white wall, free from any objects. If there is none in the room, you can hang a clean sheet.
    • The ceremony cannot be performed in feeling unwell or depressed.
    • The sacrament is performed in a dark room. It is necessary to take away all things that could become a source of sounds.
    • Mirrors, icons and photographs have the ability to distort information. They also need to be taken out.
    • There should be no draft in the room.
    • The performer of the ritual removes himself jewelry, amulets, watch and belt.
    • The sheet must be clean. Fortune telling on a newspaper or on a piece of paper is not allowed.
    • It is recommended to use a candlestick so that the melting wax does not burn your hands.

    Basic mistakes of newbies

    During the ritual, beginners make three main mistakes:

    • They stop guessing too early, immediately switching to interpreting the meanings. It is necessary to watch the picture until the very end - this will allow you to see the complete image.
    • They forget some elements, and then, trying to remember them, are distracted from the process.
    • As an answer to the question posed, they take not the final shadow, but the most attractive one for themselves.

    To avoid these mistakes, you should perform the ritual carefully, without haste. It is necessary to burn the paper until a black lump remains. Only after this can one begin to interpret.

    Advice! It is useful to use a voice recorder in fortune telling using paper shadows, recording during the procedure. This will ensure that important details are not overlooked.

    How is fortune telling carried out?

    Algorithm for the ritual:

    1. 1. The sheet is crumpled into a ball and placed on a plate. If there is a specific question about fortune telling, it is written down on paper.
    2. 2. The plate is placed next to the candle. Already at this time the first image will appear.
    3. 3. Now you can set fire to the paper from the candle flame. During the burning process, the dishes are carefully turned in a circle, and figures appear on the wall.
    4. 4. The “skeleton” of burnt paper is of great importance in fortune telling. The interpretation of the shadow from it represents the final answer to the question posed at the beginning of the procedure.
    5. 5. At the end of the ritual, it is allowed to carefully lift and bring the plate with burnt paper closer to the wall. This will allow you to examine the shadow of the paper ash in more detail.

    What do the symbols mean?

    Deciphering the received signs requires high concentration on the process, developed imagination, and the ability to establish associations between images. Symbol designations can refer to both the near future and distant events:

    Symbol Interpretation
    ButterflyA new acquaintance awaits the fortuneteller, which will develop into an exciting romance
    TowerCareer growth
    HippopotamusStagnation in business, reluctance to leave the “comfort zone”
    BullAn enemy from whom you can expect anything
    BottleThere is a solemn event ahead. Indicates alcohol consumption
    WitchNegative influence on energy coming from a woman
    CamelPortends troubles and trials. But the fortuneteller has all the powers to cope with them with dignity
    ScalesYou should carefully consider the decision, weigh all the pros and cons
    WolfIn the life of a fortuneteller there will be many acquaintances that will lead to unexpected changes
    GatesPrecursor important events: moving, new position, weddings
    CityThe fortuneteller managed to cope with a difficult situation, which attracted the attention of influential people
    MountainsDifficulties and obstacles ahead
    TreeLuck is in the works
    StrollerPregnancy, replenishment of the family. Sometimes there are new worries
    HouseThe life of a fortuneteller is stable and protected
    DragonCircumstances influence powerful forces from outside. It will not be possible to change the situation
    HedgehogThe fortuneteller has great financial and spiritual resources
    LockGood reputation, strong position in society
    StarFavor of the Higher Powers
    BoarThere will be a chance to get a promotion soon
    RingThe person is fixated on current difficulties. When confirmed by other symbols, it can be a harbinger of a wedding.
    CrownRecognition and glory. The planned projects will be implemented and will bring fame and money
    • Strong attachment to the past.
    • The appearance in life of a seductive and cunning lady capable of exerting a magical effect
    ShipA long-time wish will come true
    CrossRisk of serious illness and even death
    RabbitNext to the fortuneteller is an unprincipled person capable of the most insignificant acts
    ForestThe questioner has well-developed associative thinking. In a series of life events, he will benefit from a trip to places associated with childhood or adolescence
    SwanAround the questioner are true friends. Peace and quiet in love and relationships
    LionIndicates a courageous and decisive personality. Support from unexpected quarters
    FoxSelf-deception, unwillingness to face the truth
    FaceHelp from a friend or relative
    HorseHousehold difficulties that should be addressed in the near future
    BearThings aren't going well in the best possible way, but you shouldn’t be active yet. It is more useful to take the position of an observer
    BagMoney will come from unexpected quarters
    BabyThe main meaning is pregnancy, childbirth. Also indicates a new beginning in business or creativity.
    MouseVanity, minor worries
    RhinocerosThe fortuneteller has great tenacity. But he should find the right point of application of his efforts
    MonkeyOn life path you will meet a person who will help you get rich
    BirdDramatic positive changes, good news
    RuinsProblems, financial difficulties, separation from the other half
    DogIs one of the main symbols of a close comrade, ally
    ElephantMeeting a respectable person
    HeartRelationships characterized by present moment like friendship, will soon develop into love
    TableFun and feast awaits
    Vehicle (car, train, plane)A sign of an upcoming trip that will affect the rest of your life
    SnailThe completion of the project will slow down
    FlowerGood luck in business, financial prosperity
    ChurchA wedding or funeral is coming up - depending on other symbols
    HumanLover or friend.

    How to find out the name of your betrothed

    There is a type of divination on burnt paper that allows you to find out the name of your future husband. To perform the ritual you will need the following:

    • white paper;
    • scissors;
    • new matches;
    • church candle;
    • pen;
    • saucer;
    • small mirror.

    Before performing the ritual, you must remove all jewelry and loosen your hair. The ceremony is performed alone, after midnight.

    Fortune telling is performed like this:

    1. 1. The mirror is placed on the table, a candle is fixed in front of it and a candle is lit.
    2. 2. A sheet of paper is cut into as many pieces as there are fans.
    3. 3. The names of admirers are written on each of them.
    4. 4. Next, you should set the sheets on fire from the candle fire. The paper is held vertically.
    5. 5. Names that do not burn out to the end are put aside;
    6. 6. Then you need to focus on the fire of a burning candle and say: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me.”
    7. 7. The candle burns out completely. Then you can go to bed.

    At night you should dream about the gentleman who will become your future husband. After the ceremony, sheets of paper with names must be burned in a special way. They are held vertically in the hand and then set on fire. The shadows they cast on the wall will tell about future family life:

    • A tree means a strong family.
    • Knife - married life will be turbulent.
    • Broom – tense relationship with mother-in-law.
    • A horse is a financially secure marriage.
    • Bird – love and happiness.
    • Well - many children will appear in marriage.

    Determining the future by the ashes

    Some girls prefer to cast a spell not on the shadow, but on a handful of ashes left from the lump. Under the light of a burning candle, ashes are also capable of taking on unusual images. You will need a white saucer blank slate papers and candles.

    A sheet of paper is set on fire by a burning candle. When the paper decays, a conclusion about a possible future is drawn from the shape of the ash (see table of symbols). Some esotericists believe that fortune telling by ashes has more to do with the distant future than with the immediate future.

    If all the rules are followed, the predictions come out quite clear. During the ritual, it is important not to try to see what you want, but to interpret the shadow that appears. If during fortune telling nothing intelligible appears, you should thank the element of fire and postpone the procedure until next time. But repeated divination is possible no earlier than in a month.