The most powerful miraculous healing icons! The most famous and valuable icons of Russia.


Icons have an ancient and very rich history in Russia. For centuries, they protected the Orthodox from all kinds of misfortunes, cataclysms and wars, helped to maintain presence of mind and forced them to rise from their knees again and again...

Ancient Russian icons stopped enemy armies and encouraged their own, healed ailments and sent pestilence to the enemy, saved them from fires and directed the formidable forces of nature against villains.

Which Russian icons are the most famous and valuable? Let's name 30 Russian Orthodox icons that can definitely be defined as the most famous.

1. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

According to legend, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke himself. She was brought to Russia in beginning of XII century as a gift to Prince Mstislav.

The icon was recognized as miraculous after it three times withdrew the invaders’ troops from Moscow.

Now the icon is in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the Tretyakov Gallery.

2. Icon "Trinity"

The famous Trinity icon was painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century for the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral. Over the 600 years of its existence, the icon was renewed five times, but after the restoration in 1919, the author’s layer was again discovered.

Now the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

3. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was found on the ashes in 1579 after the Mother of God appeared three times in a dream to the girl Matrona. Today, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most popular in Russia. It is believed that it was her patronage that helped Pozharsky’s militia expel the Poles from Moscow.

Of the three miraculous lists, only the St. Petersburg one has survived to this day; it is now kept in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

4. Tikhvin icon Mother of God

It is generally accepted that the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was found in Tikhvin in 1383. The icon is revered as miraculous. According to legend, it was her intercession in 1613 that helped save the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery from the Swedish invasion.

Now the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God is in the Tikhvin Dormition Monastery.

5. Smolensk icon Holy Mother of God

The Smolensk Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was brought to Russia in the 11th century. She was credited with many miracles, including saving Smolensk from the invasion of Batu Khan in 1239.

There are many copies of the Smolensk icon, but the prototype was lost during the occupation of Smolensk by German troops in 1941.

6. Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

In the 9th century, the Iveron Icon was kept in the house of a pious widow, who saved it from destruction by lowering it into the sea. Two centuries later, the icon appeared to the monks of the Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos.

In the 17th century, a copy of the miraculous icon was brought to Russia. Today you can venerate the image in the Novodevichy Convent.

7. Don Icon of the Mother of God

The Don Icon of the Mother of God is double-sided, with the Dormition of the Mother of God depicted on the reverse. The authorship of the icon is attributed to Theophanes the Greek. According to legend, the Cossacks presented this miraculous icon to Dmitry Donskoy before the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380.

Today, the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery and leaves it every year on August 19. On this day, the image is transported to the Donskoy Monastery for the festive service.

8. Icon of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Icon of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary dates back to the 12th century. In 1170, when Andrei Bogolyubsky besieged Veliky Novgorod, during a procession along the walls, the icon was pierced by a random arrow. The icon began to cry, and Bogolyubsky’s troops fled in horror.

The image is still kept in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod.

9. Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God

The icon was found in the forest near Kursk on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1295. At the site of the acquired image, a spring immediately began to flow.

According to legend, after the Tatar-Mongol raid the icon was cut in half, but as soon as its parts were combined, it miraculously “grew together.”

In 1920, the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God was taken from Russia by Wrangel’s army. Since 1957, it has been kept in the Znamensky Cathedral of the Synod of Bishops in New York.

10. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

The exact date of painting of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God is unknown, but the first mentions date back to the 12th century. The icon is considered miraculous; it was saved from fire several times, and in 1613, nun Martha blessed her son Mikhail Romanov with this icon when he was elected to the kingdom.

You can venerate the miraculous icon at the Epiphany-Anastasia Convent in Kostroma.

11. Pskov-Pechersk Icon “Tenderness”

The “Tenderness” icon is a 1521 copy of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, the Pskov-Pechersk Icon protected Pskov from the siege of the Polish King Stephen in 1581.

Now the icon is in the Assumption Cathedral of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery.

12. Saint Nicholas (Ugresh Icon)

The Ugresh Icon appeared to Dmitry Donskoy on his way to the Kulikovo Field in 1380. Later, a monastery was founded on that site, where the image was kept until the monastery was closed in 1925.

Now miraculous icon is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

13. Icon “Savior of Eleazar”

The revealed image of the Savior of Eleazar was found in November 1352. The icon was recognized as miraculous, and the tree on which the icon was found was walled up in the vault of the temple built where the icon was found.

Since August 2010, the icon of the Savior of Eleazarovsky has been kept in the Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery near Pskov.

14. Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nicholas of Mozhaisk)

The icon was painted in the first half of the 17th century from the famous carved sculpture depicting St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a sword in his hands. In 1993-1995, the icon was restored, revealing the lower layers of paint.

Now the image is in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Mozhaisk.

15. Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows

The revealed image of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows was found in the bell tower in Vologda. For many years parishioners walked on it, mistaking it for a floorboard. The image was recognized as miraculous during the cholera epidemic in 1830.

Today, the revealed image is lost, but one of the famous lists, myrrh-streaming icon"Semistrelnaya", located in the Church of the Archangel Michael in Moscow.

16. Icon of the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow was canonized only in 1999, but her icon, painted in the 21st century, has already been recognized as miraculous. The list contains a particle of the saint's veil and relics.

You can venerate the shrine in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow.

17. Icon of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Blessed Xenia of Petersburg was canonized in 1988, but they began to venerate the blessed one during her lifetime.

The most famous image is located in the Smolensk Church in St. Petersburg, where everyone can venerate it.

18. Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord was painted in 1403. For a long time, Theophanes the Greek was considered its author, but recent research has shown that the icon was painted by an unknown icon painter of the same period. The creation of the image is associated with the restoration and reconsecration of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Since the 20th century, the famous icon has been kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

19. Icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous

One of the miraculous images of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is located in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek. Inside the icon is an ark containing the relics of the saint.

20. Icon of St. Basil in prayer to Christ

The icon was painted at the end of the 16th century for the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat, which is better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

The icon is still kept in the same place and is one of the oldest images of the temple.

21. Savior Not Made by Hands Simon Ushakova

The icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands was painted by Simon Ushakov in 1658. The icon painter was criticized for the uncharacteristic depiction of the face of Christ, but later it was this image that became the most popular in Russia.

Now the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

22. Icon of the Savior in the Power of Andrei Rublev

The Icon of the Savior in Power was painted by Andrei Rublev and his apprentices for the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir in 1408.

The icon can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

23. Icon of Seraphim of Sarov

One of the most revered icons of Seraphim of Sarov is kept in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. The image is an exact copy from the cell icon of Schema Abbess Tamar and contains a rosary, part of the saint’s robe and part of the stone on which he prayed for a thousand days.

24. Icon of Dionysius, Mother of God Hodegetria (Guide)

The icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria was painted by Dionysius in 1482. For a long time the image was kept in the Ascension Monastery in the Moscow Kremlin, but is now in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

25. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The Pochaev icon was first mentioned in chronicles in 1559, when noblewoman Anna Goiskaya presented the icon to the monks of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra. The icon was recognized as miraculous when its patronage saved the monastery from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

The image is still kept in the Assumption Pochaev Lavra in Ukraine.

26. Intercession of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

The most famous and earliest image of Sergius of Radonezh is not an icon, but a cover. It was embroidered in the 1420s, and is now in the sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

27. Icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul

The icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul was painted in Novgorod in the 11th century and, with a high probability, is the oldest Russian work of easel painting. Three times in its history the icon left Novgorod, but always returned back.

Now the image is in the Novgorod Museum-Reserve in Veliky Novgorod.

28. Icon. Spas Golden Robe

The image of the Golden Robe of the Savior was painted in the 11th century especially for Rus'. The icon received its name because of the now lost solid gilded frame.

The icon can be venerated in the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.

29. Icon. Ustyug Annunciation

The Ustyug Annunciation is one of the few surviving icons of the pre-Mongol period. It was written at the beginning of the 12th century in Veliky Novgorod, and transported to Moscow in the middle of the 16th century.

For the last 85 years, the icon has been kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

30. Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

The Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God is one of the oldest Russian icons (1155) and is revered as miraculous.

During the restoration of 1946, the icon was severely damaged, but subsequent work was able to partially save the image. In 2009, the image suffered again when it was attacked by a fungus that appeared on the icon due to improper storage. Today, the icon is preserved in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum in a special room. Scientists fear that new restoration can completely destroy the image.

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Hello, dear readers. When you come to the temple, it is important to know the icons and their meaning in order to immediately approach the image you need.

How to pray in front of an icon

Many people think that it does not matter which icon to pray in front of, because prayer comes from a pure heart. But we offer a prayer not to the icon itself, but to the one whose image is conveyed on it, because all saints have their own strengths.

  1. Stand in front of the shrine and cross yourself to attract God's blessing.
  2. After you have asked for help, that is, prayed, kiss the image. By doing this you will express your respect to the Lord.
  3. After finishing the prayer service, you must cross yourself three times.

Pray with bright thoughts, forgiving everyone who offended you.

The meaning of the icons

This is one of the most powerful icons. The Most Holy Theotokos had to endure many torments, which are symbolized by seven arrows. When a person feels bad, he goes precisely to this image. “Seven Shot” will help in protecting housing, will protect from troubles, envious, evil people, from curses, damage, the evil eye of the person who wears her icon on his chest.

If you need to reconcile the warring parties, bring peace and tranquility to your home, then you need to kneel before this relic and prayerfully ask for help. They take it with them when they go on important matters.

At home they put it opposite front door, higher than half the wall, so that she could “see” the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the relic, it is necessary to read a prayer service. You may notice: a person with unkind thoughts will stop crossing the threshold of your home.

The Most Holy Theotokos will become a protector from criminals, thieves and any unkind people. Those living in this house can be sure that their family is reliably protected.

Place it on your desktop, it will protect you from quarrels with your boss and work colleagues. If a person’s soul is embittered, then he can approach the face, the Most Holy Theotokos will help him return to good thoughts again.


Icon of the Mother of God. The Mother of God consoles, prays for everyone who has stumbled, and calls upon them to touch the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy. The purpose of this holy power is difficult to overestimate.

The inexhaustible cup will help everyone who turns to it with faith. She proclaims that heavenly help and mercy are destined for all who ask. It will help cure those who are addicted to gambling from drunkenness, drug addiction.

The image of the Mother of God should be installed at the head of the bed of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction and prayed every day.

There are many known cases of healing from drunkenness and other addictions. There is evidence that the relic helped solve housing issues and facilitate the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments and houses.

Parents who send their children into adulthood are obliged to ask for help by saying prayers in front of the shrine every day.

3. Icon of the Mother of God “HEALER”

It will help heal a person not only from physical illnesses, but also mental ones. The relic can be recognized by the image of the Mother of God standing at the bedside of a sick person.


Our whole life consists of small joys that we often do not notice in pursuit of an ephemeral dream, forgetting about our loved ones, about words of gratitude. Therefore, many dreams, becoming obsessive, do not allow you to enjoy the new day, and therefore are not heard.

What to pray for at the face Unexpected Joy

Prayer at the shrine grants:

  • Gain spiritual power;
  • Get what you always dreamed of, but no longer believed in getting it. It could be someone's forgiveness, repentance;
  • Grants healing of ailments, especially with hearing loss and ear diseases;
  • Our Lady will help find and return missing people;
  • It will help a pregnant woman to bear and give birth to a healthy child;
  • For parents whose children have taken the wrong path, the Mother of God will give them the opportunity to bring them to their senses;
  • Resolves conflicts, helps to come to a happy solution;
  • People pray at the relic for the preservation of marriage, love and harmony.


The miraculous image of the Mother of God grants healing from hand diseases. Prayer services protect against fire, various diseases, sadness and grief.


The painting of the image dates back to the 10th century. If you need quick, emergency help, they kneel before the shrine. They also ask:

  • about healing mental illnesses;
  • about healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness;
  • prayerfully ask for the birth of healthy children;
  • They pray for the release of those who are languishing in captivity.


Saint, especially revered in Russia. A prayer service to Seraphim of Sarov helps to heal from pain in the joints, arms, legs, and spine.

Patron of Moscow. Those whose work involves weapons, risking their lives, as well as athletes and entrepreneurs who start their own businesses pray to him.


Protector from want and poverty. If his face is in your home, then he makes sure that the family has prosperity and protects from want. He is worshiped by all travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors and everyone who reveres this saint.

In Rus', the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is especially revered. Before this holy power, the coronation of kings and the election of high priests took place.

Prayer services will help to pacify people at war with each other, soften evil hearts, and heal those who are possessed by a demon from bodily and mental weakness.

People have always resorted to the help of the icon of the Holy Mother of God. In what cases can it help:

  • She protects the house from fires.
  • Doctors, military men, firefighters, and pilots ask her for help.
  • Miraculous fire helps to cleanse oneself from committed sins and mental illnesses.


The Virgin Mary grants:

  • Healing the sick,
  • Restocking,
  • Getting rid of enemy attacks.


She is the personification of purity and innocence, therefore, she stands up for the protection of young girls, helping them maintain their innocence and chastity.

Prayers at the image of the Unfading Flower help you marry the person whom fate itself sent. Married women can ask for a prosperous family life.

The miraculous face protects and helps women maintain purity, self-control, and good character. If you ask the Virgin Mary for support with faith, she will definitely fulfill your request. Our Lady will definitely help girls find a worthy life partner.

When a woman faces severe life trials or experiences mental shock, she must kneel before the image of the Most Pure One, then life will definitely improve.


Intercessor. She helps everyone who is in trouble or has difficulties at work, as well as in their personal life.

The guidebook will help you take the right decision, will save you from mistakes. When blessing young people before marriage, they also turn to Our Lady of Kazan. The life of the newlyweds will be very happy if the wedding takes place on the day of the celebration of the Holy Image.

Spouses can always turn to this image for help. Saint Mary will help anyone who turns to her with any pure request. If the request is negative, it will not be heard.

How to ask for help

If you pray at home, then you need to pray in the morning:

  1. Before prayer, wash your face and cross your hands;
  2. Leave all annoying thoughts;
  3. Light the candles, kneel down, read the prayer service;
  4. Say your request in your own words, coming from your heart.


A rare but extremely powerful image that protects the home from evil spirits, the family from outside interference, helps spouses find happiness and love, and everyone else get rid of despondency and depression.

Place it at the entrance, then it will protect your home from all evil spirits and from unfriendly guests. Many people confirm that after private prayer in front of this Holy Face, problems were solved by themselves.


Named in honor of its resilience, not being damaged, no matter what disasters, elements and wars the image of the Mother of God, located in the Kiev monastery, survived.

A miracle beyond the control of human reason makes this icon a protector in all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The icon will ward off troubles, fires, will not let dashing people into the house, will help strengthen family happiness.

Pray at the icon when leaving home, as well as in solitude. The best place in the house for your Protectress, the wall opposite the front door or above it.


The icon of the Mother of God helps people:

  • Grants necessary benefits to those who need them;
  • Brings comfort in grief, helps in difficult life situations;
  • Heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • Protects merchants on long journeys.

Pray to the face, and help will come to you in work, business and family life.


The miraculous icon will help if you pray without fuss and anger in your heart:

  • About the return of lost items;
  • To save yourself from slander and slander;
  • On release from prison;
  • On the successful completion of legal proceedings;
  • About help during a trip to a foreign country;
  • About those who serve in “hot spots”.


A prayerful appeal to the Holy Trinity will help you cope with any trials and find the right path. Before the shrine, you need to read prayers in order to cleanse yourself of those sins that torment you and do not allow you to live in peace. It is believed that the prayer said at the Holy Trinity icon is a direct conversation with God.

Prayers for all occasions.

In difficult everyday situations, people turn to God. The Almighty hears their sincere prayers and helps those who ask. In order for God to help your trouble, you must correctly contact him and his helpers. You will learn about saints and prayers from this article.

Which saint and icon protects the house from fire, protects from thieves and enemies

One of required attributes Orthodox religion is an icon. She is an image of the image of the Saint. Of course, a believer can always turn to God when he needs it.

But sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate your thoughts on prayer. The icon is the symbol that helps the Orthodox to tune into a connection with the Lord. An icon that has not been consecrated in a church is just a piece of furniture. But the consecrated one is a powerful amulet that protects your home from adversity.

It is important to know which icon needs to be placed in the house so that it protects it from robberies and disasters. Reliable shield against fires and lightning The following icons serve:

  • St. Nikita of Novgorod - protects from evil energy. It also eliminates fears and cleanses people’s souls. It should be placed in the main room.
St. Nikita of Novgorod
  • Burning Bush - it also protects people who work with fire or weapons.
Burning bush

It is customary to ask the Force before the faces to protect your home and material property from theft and robbery: ·

  • St. Theodore Tyrone the Great Martyr - it is recommended to place the icon if thieving, dishonest people live near you.
Theodore Tyrone
  • Mother of God “Sign” - protects from robberies.
Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”
  • St. John the Warrior - helps to find thieves and recover stolen goods. You need to hang the image above the front door.

John the Warrior

Icons will help against the evil eye of unkind people, envious people and the thoughts of enemies:

  • Seven-shot – depicted Holy Virgin, whose body was pierced by seven arrows, symbolizing the suffering that she had to endure. You can also pray to this icon for human mercy. They hang it opposite the door to the home. It is believed that people with bad thoughts will not be able to cross the threshold of the home where this shrine hangs.
  • Ostrobramskaya Icon of the Mother of God - strong amulet against corruption and dark forces. They also turn to her, asking for peace. Helps avoid quarrels in the family.
Ostrobramskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Do not forget that the icon is not the Almighty himself or the saints, but only their images. Therefore, pray not to the icon, but to the saint depicted on it. Priests always say that they venerate the icon, but do not worship it. You need to worship the Heavenly Father.

An icon works as a talisman only in cases where your faith in the Lord is strong.

IMPORTANT: Correctly place amulets icons on east wall Houses.

In the old days this is exactly what they did. Now, given the modern layout of our apartments, it is allowed to hang images of saints in other places. You just need to follow the main rules:

  • choose a place for the icon from where the entire room is visible. Wash and cross him.
  • The place for the images is selected once, do not move them unnecessarily.
  • Before installing the icon, walk through all the rooms with it.
  • Do not hang pictures or other decor between the icons on the wall
  • do not place them near a noise source (TV, stereo system)
  • You can decorate shrines with flowers or embroidered towels.
  • do not store icons in closed drawers or cabinets
  • you can put candles or a lamp next to it

Prayer to protect the house

IN different situations believers ask God or the Saints for protection. Such an appeal is, in essence, a prayer, which can be mental or pronounced out loud.

This is a person’s attempt in moments of weakness to get help from Higher powers. Sometimes, leaving our home even for a short time, we are overcome with anxiety for its safety. What about situations when we leave for a long time?

In order to protect your home from unkind people and disasters, they use a prayer-amulet. It also helps to get rid of negativity and unfavorable energy Houses. You can turn to the Almighty or to the Saints who protect your home:

  • go to church.
  • write notes for the health of your family.
  • Place candles in front of the images of the Son of God, Nicholas the Pleasant and the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
  • get some holy water.
  • purchase candles (12 pcs.).
  • in your house, light them near the icons.
  • read the prayer.
  • Wash your face and your household with water from the church.
  • Spray the corners of the home with the remaining water.

The following tips will also help protect your home from negativity:

  • invite a priest to the house so that he can bless the room.
  • try not to quarrel or swear in the house.
  • when leaving home, bless it.

Family icon - keeper of the hearth, helping in love and family life

It is believed that every home should have icons. In difficult life situations, images of Saints help people.

By turning to icons, it is easier for a believer to cope with unfavorable circumstances. A family icon brings special grace. It is believed that strong family can only be based on a single faith and spiritual closeness.

Family icon - Joseph, Mary, Jesus

A family icon is passed down from generation to generation, and represents a spiritual shrine of the family. The tradition of having a family icon dates back to the times Ancient Rus' Such an icon may depict:

  • heavenly patrons of family members.
  • saints, especially revered in the family A family icon can also become an icon with which any favorable events in the family and miraculous incidents are associated, or an ancient shrine preserved by all generations.

To have a family icon that protected more than one generational tribe means to have powerful amulet for your family. Such a shrine is endowed with special, very strong positive energy.

Not all families have such shrines. You can choose an icon yourself that will help you create and maintain a strong, loving family. Traditionally guardians family hearth count icons with images: ·

  • Murom miracle workers Peter and Fevronia - despite all the trials they managed to preserve love. Having died in different monasteries on the same day and hour, after death their bodies ended up together.
Peter and Fevronia
  • Saints Joachim and Anna - parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The icon is considered the patroness of childless couples.
Joachim and Anna
  • Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalya - having been tortured in the name of faith, Adrian died, and Natalya died on his tomb.
Adrian and Natalia
  • The Most Holy Theotokos “Unfading Color” - preserves peace and love in the family, reconciles in moments of quarrels and disagreements.
"Eternal Color"
  • Mother of God “Unbreakable Wall” - takes trials and troubles away from the family. Helps to return an unfaithful spouse to the family.
"The Unbreakable Wall"
  • Saint Matrona the Blessed is a faithful assistant in family affairs and will help find a way out of a difficult situation.
Matrona of Moscow
  • Iveron Mother of God - helps to avoid conflicts and swearing in the family.

Icon of the Iveron Mother of God

Place icons in your home - patrons of family happiness. They will help maintain good relationships, love and respect for each other in your family, soften quarrels, and help on difficult days.

Prayer for family well-being and happiness

For every person, family and loved ones are the most important component of life. Disagreements and quarrels between loved ones cause deep emotional wounds and take away strength.

Sincere prayers addressed to the Heavenly Father or patron Saints will help preserve well-being, love and happiness in the family. You can pronounce it in your own words. The main thing is sincere faith and Divine love in your heart and soul.

Icon bringing good luck and prosperity to the home, family

It’s good when our loved ones are prosperous and our family lives in stable prosperity. Sometimes it happens that luck seems to turn away from us, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot get out of difficulties.

Icons depicting Saints will help you overcome family problems and bring prosperity to your home:

  • Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trimifunts - an assistant in material and housing problems. They pray to this icon for the successful sale or purchase of a house if there is not enough money to purchase important purchases.
icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous
  • The Holy Great Martyr Tryphon - in the old days they prayed to him during famine. This image will serve as a reliable shield against property damage, financial problems· John the Merciful - helps to find stable income and material well-being
icon of the Holy Great Martyr Tryphon

Prayer for prosperity and money and luck

We all know: money is not the most important thing in life. However, no one wants to end up in poverty. And we all want monetary stability and financial well-being.

In order to avoid difficulties with money and attract good luck in life, you can ask God or your guardian angel for this. Use these prayer words:

Orthodox Christians often turn to the Saints with requests for prosperity:

  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
  • To the Wonderworker Nicholas
  • Tikhon Zadonsky
  • Xenia the Blessed
  • John the Merciful

The most powerful icon against diseases that helps in health

We don’t think about health until we or our loved ones suffer from illness. Unfortunately, even the latest advances in medicine cannot overcome some diseases. And believers ask for healing from the Higher Powers.

In Orthodox iconography there are a number of miraculous healing icons that are especially revered by the people. There are many legends about how images of Saints helped to save people from terrible illnesses and even blindness. Which icon should you turn to to ask for health for yourself and your loved ones?

  • The image of Jesus Christ is considered the most important icon that helps with illness and suffering. The Savior himself experienced terrible physical torment, so he understands the pain of the asking person
  • The Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” is one of the most healing icons. Known among the people for its miraculous healing ability.

Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”
  • Image of Saint Panteleimon - he is one of the most powerful patrons of people who experience physical suffering. His image can protect even from the most terrible diseases. They also pray to the Saint when a complex operation is ahead. Healing icons are placed near the sick person’s bed and they are addressed in prayer every day.
St. Panteleimon

Prayer for healing and health

In case of illnesses of yours or your loved ones, use the Divine power of words. Pray to the Lord or the Holy Great Martyrs for protection over you and for health.

Believe that the Heavenly healers will hear every one who asks and suffers. They provide their help by relieving physical pain and giving strength of spirit.

Prayers for the health of a sick person have truly enormous power. He must be baptized in the church. You can say words of prayer in the Temple or at home, turning to the images.

Saint protecting children

The clergy say that children have special guardianship of Heaven, since they are still defenseless and pure before the world. A child baptized in a church has his own Guardian Angel. Take care of him too Savior and Most Holy Theotokos.

Among the Orthodox Saints there are those who especially patronize small children. This is due to the peculiarities of their actions in earthly life. The main patron who protects children is the Saint Stylian of Parthagon.

Stylian of Parthagon

From an early age he was distinguished by his desire for holiness. Having reached adulthood, he distributed property to the poor, took monastic vows and settled in a cave. After Divine grace descended on Stylian, he began to heal the sick. He especially devoted his life to the treatment and spiritual education of children.

In addition, Saint Stylian was considered the patron saint of babies who were yet to be born. Women suffering from infertility call for his help and ask him to give them children. On the icons Saint Stylian is depicted with a baby in his arms. They honor him November 26.

The following Heavenly patrons also protect children from evil forces and misfortunes:

  • Wonderworker Saint Nicholas
  • Holy Martyr Neophytos of Nicaea
  • Holy Child - Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok
Gabriel of Bialystok

The saint after whom the child is named. Icons depicting these helpers of God should be placed in the child’s room. Church ministers point out that these images are not a talisman for a child. Help is sent by the Almighty through the prayers of the Saint, to whom you address through the icon.

Prayer for the health of the child

The most powerful prayer is, of course, mother's prayer about the child's health. Because there are no thoughts or words more sincere than a mother’s prayer for her child.

When a child is sick, loving parents are ready to do anything to make the illness go away. However, do not forget that prayer for your children is not bargaining with Heavenly powers.

Often, in sorrowful moments, we make any vows to God, if only he would help in healing our loved ones. And when recovery happens, we forget about what was promised.

Prayer for the health of the child should be conscious, devoid of thoughtless vows. After all, the Heavenly Healer helps us without asking for anything in return. It is customary for the Orthodox to pray for the health of children to:

  • Jesus the Savior
  • Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Matrona Blessed of Moscow

You need to pray for the recovery of children correctly:

  • Decide which Saint you will pray to.
  • go to church and write a note about the child's health.
  • place candles in front of the icons of the Savior, Mother of God and Saint.
  • in prayer, first ask forgiveness for your sins and weaknesses.
  • ask to heal the servant of God (name) from illness and not torment his soul with suffering.
  • When you pray for a child under seven years old, say “God’s child.”
  • collect holy water.
  • At home, read a prayer by placing your hand on the child’s head.
  • wash him with holy water.
  • It’s better to pray several times a day, even when you’re just thinking about your child.

There are many canonical prayers for the healing of children. They can be found in Prayer Books or on the Internet. But know that when you ask for the healing of a child, you can speak in your own words, it is not necessary to memorize the texts.

God will hear you in any case, because prayer comes from the heart. The clergy say that the Lord is merciful to the words of the mother, so you can pray to Him for an unbaptized child.

Icon of the patroness of women for marriage

Almost every worldly girl wants to start a family by marrying good man. In the Orthodox understanding, the purpose of marriage is not only the birth of children, but also spiritual unity. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to ask the Lord for marriage.

The desire to meet a worthy man in order to live with him in love is natural and natural. Sometimes a believing girl or her parents go to churches and monasteries where the relics of Saints or miraculous icons are kept. There they offer their prayers, asking Heaven to arrange their personal lives.

Often these prayers are prayed before icons:

  • Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa - she has long been considered the main patroness of girls of marriageable age. The martyr is not only a healer of various ailments, but also helps girls marry for love. In the old days, an icon with the image of Paraskeva stood in every home and helped women in marriage.
  • Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God - this miraculous icon is revered as a reliable patroness of young virgins for marriage.

  • “The unfading color” of the Blessed Virgin Mary - helps the right choice husband
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - people turn to him in many difficult life situations, he also helps to arrange a happy marriage.
  • Andrew the First-Called - it is recommended that the parents of their daughters pray to her that they be chaste and marry safely.

Andrew the First-Called
  • Matrona of Moscow is the comforter of lonely hearts and the guardian of the family, helping young virgins find family happiness.
  • Saint Seraphim of Sarov - helps women get married in adulthood.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov

The words of prayer pronounced on the holiday have special power. Protection of the Virgin Mary. Many girls wait for this day to ask the Heavenly Powers for marriage. They pray about this before the face of the Mother of God.

Before contacting the Intercessor, you should prepare:

  • let go of grievances, forgive those men with whom you did not have a good relationship.
  • take a swim, cleanse yourself not only spiritually, but also physically.
  • tidy up your house, your home should also be harmonious.
  • Ask your parents for blessings · say the words of prayer.

You can also pray to other Saints who are close to you in spirit. None special words no need to know.

Ask about what worries you: about the desire to get married, about the fear of loneliness, about how you see your future husband and marriage with him. At the end of the prayer, do not forget to thank the Saint for his help and for what you already have in your life.

Among believers, the prayer for marriage to Saint Joseph is considered very powerful:

Prayer to Joseph

Remember that we are rewarded according to our faith. Miracles happen more often than we think.

The most powerful icon in the world

In the Orthodox world The icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” is considered the most powerful(Greek Pantanassa). This is a small image dating from the 17th century. This icon is located in Greece, in the Vatopedi monastery on Holy Mount Athos.

Since the beginning of this century, this miraculous shrine began to flow myrrh. It depicts the Most Pure Virgin in crimson robes, seated on the Throne. In the hands of the Mother of God is a baby, the Son of God, holding a scroll. And in the background there are two Angels.

This image of the Mother of God has the most powerful healing power. The miraculous properties of this shrine are known throughout the world.

She helped many people get rid of terrible diseases, including cancer. She is also approached by people who pray for their children if they have become alcoholics and drug addicts.

Mandatory three icons that should be in every home

Exists large number icons with images of saints. This is due to the fact that there are a great many human needs and needs.

Each Saint is endowed with a certain gift for his work or suffering. People turn to them with prayers.

There are no restrictions on the number of icons in the house. You can place as many shrines as you see fit.

However, don't get too carried away. After all, a person’s faith is measured not by the number of icons, but by his thoughts and actions.

Kazan Mother of God
  • Holy Trinity Life-Giving(as a symbol of unity and love).

Holy Trinity

It is believed that they should be present in the home of all Orthodox Christians. But some clergy say that images are mandatory Son of God and Mother of God.

They are taken to the wedding, and then left in the house as guardians of the family hearth. And the person chooses the third icon himself. This could be a face:

  • Saint Panteleimon the Healer.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • The saint in whose honor you or your family members were baptized.
  • Saint, who is your Guardian Angel.

A strong Orthodox prayer-amulet to all saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: text

There are a great many Orthodox prayers: about health, marriage, from the evil eye, etc. IN difficult times we read them, turning to the Heavenly Helpers.

And there are “universal” prayers, amulets for everything life situations. The effectiveness of their words is enhanced by time. Learn these prayers yourself and teach them to your children. Explain that prayer is communication with our Lord.

A very strong prayer-amulet, a real “shield” even in very dangerous situations, is like this:

Also protects humans out of trouble, a dashing person turns to his Guardian Angel:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayer Request 12 apostles for help:

There are six special icons that should be present in any home. Three of them are given during the marriage ceremony. These are the Faces of the Kazan Mother of God with a child, the image of Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This three is a symbol of harmony in the family, peace and fidelity.

These icons are used to bless marriage. Little Jesus is between them, between the Kazan Mother of God and the face of Jesus. If there is no Kazan Mother of God, there is no mistress in the house, if there is no face of Jesus, there is no owner.

Iveron icon.
February 25 is the day of remembrance of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.
She is very strong icon, heals various serious diseases, especially deafness. Many miracles, legends,
healings are associated with this icon. She is considered a family icon. Everyone who dreams of a happy personal life turns to her power, they ask her for mutual love, about marriage “Mother of God of Iveron, ask your son, my God JESUS ​​Christ, to find me your half... God's servant... according to your soul, according to your destiny, according to your heart, according to your own and body.”
Request time is from 4 to 7 am. Read the prayer for 40 days.
No one to communicate with, physical quarantine. Ask, forgive, thank in your own words. It is important to correctly formulate the priorities of your wishes.
For family life, for family happiness.
Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before her Iveron Icon:
“Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy Prayer and save us from slander evil people and from vain death, and grant us before the end repentance, grant us a place for our prayer and mercy, and grant us joy in sorrow. And deliver us, madam, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and the heirs of us being made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life, with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen".
Prayers are programs for restoring the biofield.
Particularly powerful were the icons - “The Holy Trinity” - located above the front door and “Seven Arrows” - opposite the door.

The icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” - Seven Shots - became famous during the cholera epidemic. She is the protector of the naughty.
“Lord, give understanding to your servant, YOU love him.
For the offenders: “Lord, have mercy on them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
For those who insult us: Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on Your servants and turn them to repentance.”
For the evil one: Lord, bless Your servant (name) with Your grace.
From anger: Lord, give me a spirit of meekness, so that I may be meek toward my neighbors and abstain from anger.
The icon heals diseases, heartache, a feeling of anger, resentment, restores the biofield of a person wounded by words, intentions and aggressive influence.
The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God has been in the Pochaev Lavra for about 300 years. But long before this, Mount Pochaevskaya was marked by the grace of the Mother.
It is this icon in front of which miracles of healing were performed for Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Jews. During her celebration, the imprint of the Most Pure One’s right foot remained forever imprinted on her. A church was erected on the slope and a monastery was created. There were even cases of the resurrection of the dead.
Prayer for children.
“Lord Lord Almighty, be merciful to my children, lead them to faith and salvation. Keep them under Your protection, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and suostat, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts, Amen.”
The Holy Trinity is one of the 7 important icons that should be in the house.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God - “The All-Tsarina” or
(Pantanassa) is located in the cathedral church of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece.
According to legend, when a young man approached the icon, the Face of the Mother of God shone with unprecedented power. The young man had to admit that he was engaged in magic and witchcraft. The Queen of heaven and earth set him on the path of repentance. The miraculous power of the icon manifested itself against the passion for magic. She has the grace of healing from cancer. Its copy is located in Moscow.
“O All-merciful, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Tsarina. I am not worthy to bring you under my roof! But like the merciful God, the mother’s womb loves the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened.
For Your power is invincible and every word will not fail You, O All-Tsaritsa. You begged for me. May I glorify your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Mother of God “Passionate” received its name because on the side of the face of the Most Holy Theotokos two Angels are depicted with the instruments of Christ’s suffering. It is located in Moscow, in the Passion Monastery of 1641. It is a very powerful icon, used in troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the treatment of vices, addictions, violations of social norms of behavior.
E. Roerich said: “Prayer is a purifier. This should not be understood, the definition is abstract, spiritual health is the main basis for the health of the body. It is prayer, as a real connection with the Supreme Source, best cleaner from diseases."

Icon of the Mother of God - “Unfading Color”
April 16 is the day of remembrance of this icon. They pray to her for the preservation of married couples, family ties and peace in the family. Especially in moments of quarrels and disagreements. And also for the health of your loved ones. She uses her power to bless those marrying with the Kazan Mother of God. This is very ancient icon, she has many lists, from them many miracles were performed. Worn on the chest, it protects childhood and chastity. This icon helps in choosing a spouse. In her left hand she holds a lily flower. A symbol of purity, innocence and enlightenment when maintained by carnal passions.

Icon of the Mother of God “Healer”
October 1st is Memorial Day. Has strong prayer healing the seriously ill. Bedridden. The Holy Martyrs help in these processes - FAITH, HOPE, LOVE and their mother SOPHIA. in Russia the number of icons, revered and useful, facing the image of the Mother of God is about a hundred. And everyone has their own life story, their own form of help and their own list of healings of the people.
A very interesting icon for completing good deeds, for successful business, the icon brings happy gifts of fate, heals mental suffering. They pray in front of this icon and thank it for the happy ending of the undertaking.
Here is its text:
“It is worthy to eat as truly to bless Thee, Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Mother of our God. We magnify you, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God. Amen".
In Rus', the image of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”, a healer icon, has always been revered; her help is used to get out of the period of grief, melancholy and sadness. He heals sick limbs, the patroness of all craftsmen and folk craftsmen.
The icon “Adding the Mind” and “Murom” patronizes the help in teaching and giving the mind, the spirit of reason and consciousness. When children are sick it goes loving help Tikhvin icons.

Now you can buy different ones. You won't see anything in a church shop. There are hundreds of icons in some, try to figure out which one
needed. This is where questions arise: which icons should we pray to? Who should I pray to? Which saint? Let's try to figure out which icon is for what.

“THE HOLY TRINITY” - written by Andrei Rublev. The symbol of the “Trinity” is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, reason, love. One of three main icons that should be in every home. In front of the icon they pray for forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.

“Iverskaya MOTHER OF GOD” is the keeper of the hearth. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. An icon used to remove the “crown of celibacy” from both men and women. In front of the icon they also pray for the healing of ailments physical and mental, about consolation in troubles.

“MOTHER OF GOD OF KAZAN” is the main icon of Russia, the intercessor of the entire Russian people, especially in difficult times. troubled times. All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, and it is also an assistant in work. An icon that stops fire and helps those with vision problems. Before the icon they pray for help in various everyday needs.

“THE MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR” - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered one of the most revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'. Tsars were crowned and high priests were elected in front of this icon. Before her they pray for the humility of those at war, for the softening of evil hearts, for the healing of physical and mental weakness, as well as for the healing of the possessed.

“TIKHVIN MOTHER OF GOD” - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered a child’s icon; it is also called a “guidebook”. She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy. Those who have problems also turn to her.

“SEVEN ARCH” is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home, she should be opposite the front door so that she can see the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the icon, you need to read a prayer, and then observe who stops coming to your house.

“QUICK TO HEAR” - the image was painted in the 10th century. They pray in front of the icon when quick and urgent help is needed, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer diseases, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.

“HEALER” - the icon is one of the most ancient and revered. In front of the icon they pray for healing of the soul and body; it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.

“INEXHAIBLE CHALICE” - The Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that the inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

“UNBREAKABLE WALL” - located in the main altar of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. For more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact, which is probably why it was named so. In front of the icon for every need: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, admonition for the lost, protect babies, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver from all misfortunes.

“THREE-HANDED” - the miraculous image of the Mother of God was painted in the eighth century in honor of St. John of Damascus, a church hymn writer who was innocently slandered. In front of the icon they pray for healing from hand pain or injury, from fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness.

“UNEXPECTED JOY” is an icon about forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before the icon they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.

“BLESSED MATRONA” is a very powerful saint of our time. People turn to her for any difficult issue. She is our “fastest helper” and intercessor, intercessor for us before the Lord. The relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka, where every day countless people come and turn to her for help.

“NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER” is the favorite saint of the Russian people. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, and protects from the need for anything. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and worship St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

“THE HOLY GREAT MARTYR PANTELEMON” is a great healer, patron of doctors. During his lifetime he brought healing to many people from serious illnesses. And now people receive a charge for miraculous healing from the icon with the face of St. Panteleimon.

“GEORGE THE VICTORIOUS” is the patron saint of Moscow, as well as an assistant to those people whose work involves weapons, risking their lives - military, police, firefighters, rescuers. In addition, these include athletes and people starting a new business.

"SERGY OF RADONEZH" - founder of the Sergius - Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when taking exams and tests. It is very good for the icon to always be in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when the child goes to school.

“SERAPHIM OF SAROV” is one of the beloved and revered saints of Russia. He devoted his entire life to serving our Lord and founded the Diveyevo convent in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov helps very well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and joints.

“GUARDIAN ANGEL” - they pray to him: for help with headaches; about your protection, from insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about expelling evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the expulsion of demons. Those going to bed pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams.