What nationality is Darina's name? What does the name Darina mean for a girl: full description

The name Darina is one of the most mysterious and unpredictable. Its origin is associated with different cultures; no one knows for sure whether it is independent or is a diminutive form of names similar to it. Parents who choose him for their child should be prepared for a life full of surprises, because the impulsive Darina is a bright and extraordinary person.

History of the name

This name has no nationality and single history. It is found in the east and west, and is equally popular among Muslims and Orthodox Christians. The origin of the name Darina is not precisely established. According to different versions, he may have Slavic and Greek, Persian and Irish roots:

  1. It is not difficult to understand how the name Darina is translated from the Old Church Slavonic language, because it is based on words such as “gift”, “to give”. It means gifted by fate, bestowed by life, which is why long-awaited children “begged from God” were often called this name.
  2. In the Greek version, the meaning of this name is “strong”, “victorious”.
  3. The Persian history of the name begins with the reign of the great king Darayavaush, better known as Darius I. It consists of two parts and is translated as good-natured, possessing good.
  4. In Ireland the name Darren or Darin refers to a low rock. Originally this name was masculine. It was believed that a boy wearing it would be able to withstand difficulties and become a reliable support for his family.

The name Darin has many analogues in different languages– de Durin (France), Darina (England, Italy), Dario (Spain), Darina (Ukraine), Dariusz (Poland).

The pagan name Darina is not Orthodox, it is not in the calendar and at baptism girls are most often given the name Dariya in honor of St. Darius of Rome. This may be why some sources mistakenly believe that Daria is full name, and Darina is only his diminutive form. Briefly, Darina is called: Darena, Rina, Darka, Dara, Daryushka.

Girls with this name can celebrate angel day several times a year. Both Daria and Darina celebrate their name days on March 14, April 4, June 30 and August 18.

The fate of the girl named Darina is influenced by the meaning of the name and its character. On the one hand, Daria is distinguished by her concentration and determination. She is calm, calculating and always confident that she is right. On the other hand, she can be called a “person of mood.” Darina is impulsive and emotional, loves everything new and is capable of committing reckless, meaningless actions in a fit of feelings.

IN childhood Darinka is sociable and energetic. Because of her curiosity and cheerful, active nature, she rarely sits still. The girl likes active games, she usually goes in for sports and achieves quite good results.

Dasha's parents should pay increased attention to her health. Typically, children with this name are prone to allergies and respiratory diseases.

Darina is sweet, cheerful, and feels great among her peers. But at the same time, she will never let herself be offended, and approaches the choice of friends with all seriousness, showing childish rationalism and caution.

Having matured, Darina becomes calmer and more balanced, although she still prefers an active lifestyle. It is very important for Daria to always be the best in everything. She gives great value her appearance and strives to look perfect in any situation.

Despite high self-esteem Darina is charming and kind. She is selfless and sincerely wants to help everyone around her.

The female name Daria or Darina endows its owner with femininity and charm. The girl attracts men to her, but at the same time Darina is in no hurry to get married. Only a determined and self-sufficient person can become her chosen one.

Work should bring Darina moral satisfaction. The girl does not strive to make a career, is not afraid of layoffs, and will easily refuse a highly paid position if it seems boring and uninteresting to her. Darina will feel most comfortable by choosing the following specialties:

  • assistant manager;
  • assistant secretary;
  • tourism manager;
  • restaurateur;
  • cosmetologist;
  • translator;
  • teacher.

Darina's innate sense of duty, accuracy and responsibility evoke respect from her colleagues. Management appreciates her for her conscientiousness and diligence.

When interpreting fate, it is important to take into account the season of birth. People born at the same time of year have similar habits and the same interests. The characteristics of the name Darina largely depend on the time of her birth.

IN winter months people are born with pronounced leadership qualities. They more often than others occupy leadership positions, from where they move forward career ladder.

Despite the similarity of names, winter Daria is completely different from summer or spring. Each girl has her own character and attitude in life.

The answer to the question of what the name Darina or Dasha means for a girl depends on the constellation that patronizes her and its natural element:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • air;
  • water.

People belonging to fire signs, emotional and temperamental.

Aries are determined and assertive. They persistently move towards their goals and almost always carry out their plans. Thanks to these qualities, Darina-Aries is successful in almost all endeavors - both in business and in her personal life.

Born under the sign of Leo, Darina has active and energetic natures. They will easily step over moral principles if they understand that it is beneficial for them.

Dasha the Sagittarius is a passionate girl, with strong energy and an insatiable thirst for life. She loves to travel, she is attracted to everything new and unknown. Darina is flighty and fickle, but despite this she maintains warm, friendly relations with everyone.

For earthly zodiac constellations The well-being and tranquility of the family comes first.

Darins, born under the sign of Taurus, are cautious and suspicious. The only people the people they trust are family members. Such girls rarely achieve great heights in the service, but they perfectly realize themselves in the role of mother and wife.

Refined, educated, with an analytical mind, Darina the Virgo does not like noisy society, preferring peace, comfort and silence.

Darina Capricorn is suspicious and vulnerable. She reacts painfully to criticism, experiences failures acutely, but, not wanting to seem weak, tries to restrain her emotions. Therefore, from the outside the girl looks calm and balanced.

Air signs of the zodiac are characterized by a cheerful and carefree character.

Darina Gemini is a sociable girl with an open soul, slightly naive and frivolous. She cannot stand loneliness, loves noisy companies and always tries to be the center of attention.

Libras are friendly and peaceful, have a subtle sense of humor and infect everyone with their optimism. Darina-Libra is always ready to help, listen and support with advice to everyone who needs it.

Sweet and courteous Darina-Aquarius easily makes new acquaintances, but at the same time does not forget about old friends. She does not remember evil and quickly forgets about the insults caused, attracts people with her sincerity and selflessness.

The element of water is composure, slowness and stubbornness.

The Cancer girl is serious, thoughtful, sometimes overly demanding of herself and others. She is a reliable friend and great partner, after all distinctive feature Darin, born during this period, is honesty and commitment.

Scorpio girls are stubborn and distrustful. This strong personalities with complex character. They make good leaders, but Darins, born under the constellation Scorpio, are rarely happy in family life.

Pisces are shy, dreamy and a little phlegmatic. They are much more comfortable in their illusory world; reality frightens and worries Darin-pisces. They surround their family with care and attention, and try to avoid communication with strangers.

Interaction of first name with patronymic

A correctly selected patronymic not only enhances the energy of the name, but also protects and protects the person throughout life. It smooths out negative traits character and enhances positive qualities, influences fate and plays the role of a talisman. When choosing a name for a child, it is worth finding out the characteristics of his future middle name. They must interact harmoniously and complement each other.

In the name of Darina good compatibility with the following middle names:

  1. Andreevna.
  2. Sergeevna.
  3. Olegovna.
  4. Dmitrievna.
  5. Antonovna.

In this combination, the name Darina is revealed most fully. Although there are some nuances here too. The patronymic “Antonovna” or “Andreevna” is more suitable for girls whose zodiac signs belong to the elements of fire or air. Darina Olegovna and Sergeevna - best options for those born under the water constellation. Dmitrievna is closest to the element of earth, because people bearing the name Dmitry are under the protection of the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Dimetra.

The same name and patronymic are not able to enhance each other’s characteristics. The connection between the first name and patronymic in such combinations is fragile, and the person’s energy field is weakened.

The middle name Alexandrovna has an ambiguous influence on Darina’s fate. On the one hand, she is a romantic, charming girl with a fine spiritual organization. On the other hand, she is unbalanced and inconsistent, unnecessary and careless.

Darina is a strong, euphonious name with positive energy. It belongs to enthusiasts and fighters for justice. These are optimists with an open soul, striving to give everyone their warmth and love, to make the world a better and kinder place.

Darina- a beautiful female name that gives its owner strong character and bright appearance. This girl is determined, active and friendly. She will not tolerate pressure on personal freedom and will always defend her honor and dignity. However, such leadership qualities they don’t always talk about well-being in life. Let's try to figure out what the secret of this name is, what its origin is, and what Darina means in the full sense of the word.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Darina has several nationalities and versions of origin:

  • Slavic (derived from the word “gift”, translated as “gifted”, “gifted”);
  • Ancient Greek (means “strong”, “conquering”);
  • Irish (derived from the name Darren, translated into Russian as “rocky mountain”);
  • ancient Persian (refers to the two-basic name Darayavaush, which, when divided into two parts, has the following designation: “dara” - “owning”, “possessing”, and “vaush” - “good”, “kind”).

Also, the appearance of the church phrase “Gift of God” can be considered a version of the origin of this name.. However, in Orthodox calendar there is no such name. Therefore, at baptism, the girl is given another name that is similar in sound, for example, Marina or Daria. Angel Darina's Day, unfortunately, is also absent in Orthodoxy, and many celebrate name days on the day of Daria (August 17 and April 1 or 4) and Marina (July 30 or March 13).

In Russia given name often used as Daria or Daryana. But when fashion returned to old names Darina is the most popular.

Synonyms of this name include the following names:

  • Darena, Daren, Daryana;
  • Darin, Derry, Darrin;
  • Theodora, Daria, Darinka.

The big advantage of this name is that it goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics. Among the famous owners of the name Darina are the famous artist and screenwriter Darina Shmidt, swimmer Darina Zevina, model Darina Saidazimova and actress Darina Yushkevich.

Darina is a confident, calculating and quick-reacting person who is endowed with excellent intuition and a lively mind. She looks at things soberly and can easily identify an ill-wisher.

The owner of this name does not want to lead, everything turns out, one might say, by itself, and she, in turn, lazily perceives the need for responsibility for increased attention to her.

This girl is a mood person who does not like to sit in one place and constantly changes her environment. She is an active traveler and the most talkative interlocutor, she is always open to communication, looks great, loves compliments, spends a lot of time and money on her own whims and rarely listens to other people’s opinions, because she always has her own. At the same time, she is a highly moral person and is incapable of intrigue and hypocrisy.

Like any woman, she needs understanding and love and dreams of family happiness and well-being, therefore she does not tolerate rude treatment from the opposite sex, she is often offended and has a hard time with disappointments and separation from the person she cares about. However, this does not prevent her from being persistent in her own beliefs, fighting her weaknesses and moving forward with her head held high.

Childhood of the girl Darina

The girl Darina is a leader from an early age. She constantly comes up with her own rules, engages other children in games that only she likes, and graciously gives out praise. For her peers she is the most best friend, because he is kind in everything, shares with toys and helps in play or study.

The girl is very smart, she is an excellent student at school and always knows what she needs. She is ready to adhere to her rules all her life and will never allow herself to be offended; knows how to distinguish between concepts such as good and evil, is always modest, well-mannered and is in no hurry to express her opinion out loud.

She is the owner of a bright, charismatic nature, who has many friends, because the girl makes easy contact and knows how to communicate. Since childhood, she has seen a goal in front of her that she wants to achieve and under no circumstances does she deviate from her chosen path.

The girl is overly active, so in order to calm her violent energy, parents are advised to enroll their daughter in a sports section or dancing, otherwise there may be a lot of trouble. This is a hardworking child, especially in activities that he enjoys. She succeeds in studies, sports, and friendships.

This is a woman who gives herself to the whole world, she is generous with kind words and gentle smiles, has the charming energy of a true lady, has high self-esteem and allows only smart and outwardly impressive people into her social circle.

She is a great pragmatist and sees right through a person; it is almost impossible to deceive her. For relatives and friends it is the most true friend, because he will come to the rescue and will not leave you without support, no matter how difficult the trouble may seem. She is open, sociable and knows how to show herself only with the best side, which has a beneficial effect on communication with strangers and leads to useful connections in the community.


Darina’s health cannot be called strong. There is a predisposition to allergies, respiratory diseases, as well as neurological problems. Therefore, the owner of this name is recommended to take care of her health and lead a healthy lifestyle.


She has high demands on men. This is due to the bright and sexy female appearance.

Darina knows how to present herself, she always looks beautiful and will never be next to a person who could violate the model of her future that she has built. However, the separation of concepts such as sex and love does not exclude the possibility of experiencing sexual attraction to a man who is unloved and unsuitable according to her standards. At the same time, she knows how not to become attached to a passionate partner and simply enjoy physical intimacy.

This behavior to some extent creates the image of an immoral person, but this is not entirely true. Darina clearly dots the “i”s and always adheres to generally accepted norms It’s just that among her characteristic qualities, coquetry and flirting occupy a large place. At the same time, she cannot be called a hot and passionate woman; on the contrary, she is too reserved in sex, which constantly disappoints her partner, who was hoping for an unforgettable night with a bright and playful woman. She likes to “fool” her fans, and the moment of intimacy is a secondary matter for her.

Darina's fate gives her unique opportunity fully realize herself in the family, because she is an excellent housewife, the most responsible mother and a sensitive and caring wife. She is attentive to her husband’s friends, knows all their tastes and is ready to pleasantly surprise both her husband and everyone who communicates with him. In her relationship with her husband, she values ​​friendship and devotion most of all. Sometimes he is capricious and can cause a scandal over some little thing, the reason for which is boring monotony.

She's getting late married woman, early marriage is not for her. In the family she is the leader, sometimes unspoken. Family life this woman will not be calm if there is a person next to her who cannot give her sincere and reliable love.

Most successful marriage Darina with Nikolai, Ivan, Stepan, Evgeniy, Sergei, Alexander, Anton and Yuri. It is undesirable to connect your life with Alexey, Eduard, Gennady, Pavel and Dmitry.

Business and career

Darina is quite interested in the structure of her personal life, but her career is secondary for her. She is more creative personality, so work that brings her pleasure can help not only career growth, but also great achievements.

Dubious adventures are not for this woman; she does not expect mercy from her fate and does everything possible to realize her plans.

She is not a careerist, sometimes lazy and inactive, but she will always fulfill her duties, no matter what the cost; She is careful and responsible in her work. She will make a good teacher, translator, manager, secretary or medical worker.

In addition, Darina can prove herself well in sciences related to nature. She is also well versed in the world of music and art, moreover, she is capable of writing her own works.

She is not entirely successful in business, because she does not know how to take risks and always relies only on her own strength.

The secret of the name and talismans

The mystery of this name is that Darina, despite all her pronounced individuality and hard work, has difficulty bringing any task to the end, which is why the inclinations of a leader inherent in her character are often unclaimed. She sets a goal for herself and follows it, copes with any difficulties and is not afraid to overcome them, but at a certain moment her impulsiveness and immaturity take a sharp turn back. She gives up an almost completed activity and gets carried away with a new one. interesting project; the old activity becomes routine and long work, and boredom slows down the achievement of the goal.

Darina maintains a strong will, a clear mind and excellent physical shape into old age.


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In the article we will look at the name Darina, the meaning of the name, character and fate. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name? Today in our article we are talking about exactly this!

Darina - exact specification person with this name.

Origin and meaning of the name Darina

Name Darina. Origin and meaning of the name

Do you want to know where the name Darina came from, origin and meaning? Below you will get the answer.

There are several interpretations of the name Darina.

  • First option, the name Darina is common Slavic name, which is formed from the word “gift”, therefore, it is not difficult to guess what it means “gifted”, “donated”. There is also a name with a similar meaning, but a different spelling - Darena.
  • The second variant of this name is a variety female name Darren. The meaning is translated from Irish as "rocky mountain" and "low".

What kind of character can the girl Darina have?

The main characteristic of this name is its speed of action and airiness. She can quickly make a decision in a difficult situation while others are still thinking. You can say that she is too hasty, but this will not make her doubt her actions.

She is a good employee, but does not have much love for her work. However, this does not stop her from carrying out assignments. She is an irreplaceable performer, but it is better for her to refrain from leadership positions. Darina has a hard time withstanding criticism, because she does not want negative feedback about her actions. Positive feedback has a very positive effect on her.

Darina likes to receive ease of communication from others. She makes friends in order to have fun with loved ones. Scientific and difficult conversations exhaust her. But if you want fun company, then this is the person who is simply necessary.

Her ease in relationships is also noticeable in her family. Darina is a supporter of flirting and relationships without any obligations. Usually, they begin to build a family at a fairly late age. This fact will upset the parents, but not Darina. Conversations on this topic can lead to a quarrel.

The girl takes on new tasks with pleasure, but rarely completes what she starts; she will achieve success only when the circumstances are favorable for this, and then she will use her charm for further development.

What is the character of a child named Darina?

Darina, who has a restless character, often causes inconvenience to her parents. Homework quickly tires her, but she is always full of energy for fun. She rarely gets sick, as she loves to play sports, such as tennis, volleyball, sports dancing, etc.

She does not like to listen to other people's advice; she is attracted to travel. She might even organize the trip herself. Due to internal anxiety, Darina will try to often change her environment and place of residence. She is often overwhelmed with enthusiasm. If she directs her unbridled energy to development, then she will be able to achieve high goals. Darina's mindset is rather analytical and philosophical. And such qualities as: cheerfulness, resourcefulness, humor, will be with her all her life. Since she strives to change her environment and situation, it is very difficult for her to plan her future.

What fate awaits Darina?

Characteristics of the name Darina, character traits and fate of a girl named Darina

After the birth of her daughter, the mother should not forget that the name Darina, the meaning of the name and fate are closely connected. With age, she will learn to control her emotions. Her dream is fame and popularity, but to achieve this, she needs seriousness, which the girl does not possess. However, she will find herself in creativity, where she needs to express her “I”. She can become a wonderful actress and model. She will not strive for a successful career; she considers it unnecessary. Darina will succeed only when she is very lucky. Her circle of acquaintances is usually large and includes rich, influential people. If she wants to start her own business, then such friends will certainly help her.

In sex, a woman named Darina is usually very mediocre. They value spontaneity. If she trusts her lover, then intimate life it will be much brighter. Don’t even think about cheating on her, she will never forgive the betrayal. Under what circumstances it was does not matter to her.

It requires a complete commitment of soul and body from the partner. Sometimes, Darina’s chosen one becomes a person who is not a strong and powerful man, usually this is the one whom she took pity on.

Rarely does a man leave such a woman on his own. Darina will fully reveal her soul to a sensitive and caring partner. His authority is not so important as his ability to show affection and care.

Darina is charming, has beautiful body, femininity comes first for her, so men cannot pass by. She seems to attract the opposite sex like a magnet. She appreciates compliments and appearance person. Whichever ideal man was not next to her, she will not be in a hurry to get married, since freedom is very important to her. The one who will not retreat and will achieve it to the last will conquer it. Perhaps this person should be much older, she will avoid household responsibilities in every possible way. Such a woman will be an ideal companion for a man who is often in public. She will surprise and shock everyone around her.

3 version of the meaning of the name Darina

Variant of the name Daria

A sweet but restless girl who causes her parents a lot of trouble and worry with her endless colds and poor appetite. He doesn't do well at school, he doesn't stay long at lessons - he gets tired quickly. However, when it comes to entertainment, Darina does not hold back. Having matured, she begins to play sports - tennis, swimming, and she has no health problems.
By the age of eighteen, she turns into a charming girl with an excellent figure, which is a source of her own pride, smart and cunning. She knows her worth, is demanding and capricious. Darina is jealous, capable of getting angry over trifles, and when this woman Bad mood, it's better not to touch her. Being her close friend is quite difficult; in a relationship with her it is better to always maintain some distance. With age, the stubbornness characteristic of Darina even before begins to manifest itself: leading her astray is a hopeless matter.
Darina knows how to start a business brilliantly, but her abilities are not always enough to bring it to the end. However, under favorable circumstances, this woman can be very successful in life - thanks to her charm and ability to use people, especially men, for her own purposes.
Darinas are extroverts, eagerly respond to all events and love to share news with colleagues. They sincerely want to help others, and are especially caring towards older people. They are sociable, friendly and simple in society, but to deprive them peace of mind costs nothing.

Numerology of the name Darina

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Darina

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Darina in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Darina in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Darina - beautiful name with a noble sound, endowing its owner with determination, responsiveness and charm. IN modern world it was not widely used. Parents rarely call their daughters this name. More often there are derivatives from the name - Daryana or Daria. Muslims have their own version - Daria.

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Among the representatives of the name there are famous and successful women who have achieved great heights in life thanks to their talent and determination. Darina Shmidt is a famous screenwriter, artist and animator, director of the cartoon “Luntik and His Friends”. Darina Kochankhi is a composer and performer of Christian songs, whose amazing vocal abilities fascinate fans of her work.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    Versions of the origin of the name Darina:

    1. 1. Derived from the Iranian name Darren. The meaning of the name is "rocky mountain".
    2. 2. Has Slavic roots, derived from the word “gift” or “to give.”
    3. 3. The history of the name goes back to the Persian name Darayavaush. Its decoding from the ancient Persian language: “dara” - possessing, and “vaush” - good, kind.

    Name day

    At baptism the girl receives the name Daria. The patron saint of the name is Daria of Rome.

    According to Orthodox church calendar, name day (angel day) is celebrated on one of the following dates: March 14, April 1 and 4, June 30, August 17 and 18.

    Darina's character

    The fate of a girl and her character are influenced by the time of year in which she was born.

    Time of year Characteristic
    Winter“Winter” Darina is a vulnerable girl, whose equanimity and calmness hide a cheerful disposition. In the family, she acts as a peacemaker, so loved ones often turn to her for help in case of emergency. conflict situation. In people, Darina values ​​sincerity and good manners above all else.
    SpringA girl born in spring is hardworking, determined and charming, which arouses sympathy among others, especially men. She is naturally distrustful, so she only allows into her circle those people who have proven their loyalty to her. Thanks to the gift of eloquence, he easily finds common language with others and wins them over
    Summer“Summer” Darina is an energetic, pragmatic and versatile personality. She loves peace and tranquility, so she often retires to be alone. The girl devotes a lot of time to self-development and finds pleasure in self-contemplation
    AutumnA girl born in autumn is sociable and friendly. She is often restrained in expressing her emotions, so when they first meet her, people mistake her for a secretive person. Darina loves to travel and take part in various kinds adventures for the sake of new experiences. In relationships with the opposite sex, romance and sensuality are important to her.

    Since childhood, the girl has shown character traits such as sociability and curiosity. She is strongly attached to her parents and demonstrates her love to them at every opportunity. Thanks to the diligence and discipline of the child, teachers at school highly value him. But her restless character makes it difficult for Darina to concentrate on any one thing. Parents should help their daughter find an activity that will truly captivate her for a long time.

    Darina is stubborn, and it is important to properly develop this character trait and direct it in a positive direction. In adulthood, it is thanks to stubbornness that a woman will achieve great success and make her wildest dreams come true.

    At the first meeting, Darina gives the impression of a reserved, slow and calm person, but at heart she is very emotional - nothing can leave her indifferent. It is sometimes difficult for a girl to build harmonious relationships with others, since they are repulsed by her imperious manner of behavior. But difficulties in relationships do not upset Darina, since she values ​​her family above all else in life. Only the love and respect of family and friends are truly valuable to her.

    Positive character traits of representatives of the name: sociability, discipline, charm, good developed intuition, responsiveness and kindness.

    Negative character traits: inability to accept criticism from others and take responsibility for one’s actions, distrust, demandingness, touchiness.

    Marriage and family

    Darina gets married late. Since by nature she is distrustful and secretive, it is important for her to get to know her chosen one well before she ties the knot with him. If a man manages to win the trust of his beloved, their marriage will be strong and happy, but spouses should not have secrets from each other.

    In the family, Darina is the unspoken leader. Not a single decision is made without her participation. The husband does not feel pressure from his other half, so he is completely satisfied with this distribution of roles.

    The cause of conflicts between spouses will be Darina’s whims, her groundless jealousy and touchiness. Only a loving and patient man can smooth out the girl’s changeable character. As a reward for his wisdom, he will receive a devoted friend, a passionate temperamental lover and a caring mother for his children as his wife. Family will forever remain the only meaning and main priority in a girl’s life.

    Darina will find happiness in marriage with:

    • Anton;
    • Ivan;
    • Evgeniy;
    • Yuri;
    • Sergei;
    • Stepan;
    • Nikolai.
    • Alexey;
    • Gennady;
    • Pavel;
    • Dmitry;
    • Edward.


    Darina is susceptible to infectious and viral diseases, so she needs to strengthen her immunity and spend more time on fresh air. IN adolescence the girl may be bothered by respiratory diseases, and an allergic reaction may also occur.

    From childhood, parents should instill in their daughter a love of sports and an active lifestyle. This will help her strengthen her body and avoid serious problems with health in adulthood.

    Profession and career

    Career is not a priority in Darina’s life. The girl prefers to carry out her duties responsibly under the guidance of an experienced mentor, without pinning hopes on receiving a high position. Darina is disciplined and smart, which is why she is highly valued by her superiors. She will be able to realize herself in the profession of translator, teacher, marketer, medical worker. She is also attracted to creative professions in which she can unleash her potential and find the use of her rich imagination.

    Organize successfully own business Darina is unlikely to succeed, since she does not like to be in the spotlight and take on great responsibility. However, it should be noted that the woman has excellent intuition. Therefore, together with experienced business partners, she will be able to achieve positive results in this area.

    Interests and hobbies

    Darina loves to read and spent a lot of time doing this activity as a child. As I grew older, in pursuit of beautiful figure and being in good physical shape, she begins to show interest in sports. She enjoys fitness, swimming, cycling and dancing. If a girl puts in enough effort, she can achieve success in sports.

    The best vacation for Darina is an exciting trip with the whole family. She gets inspired and recharges on trips positive emotions. Also, traveling for a girl is a great opportunity to put her knowledge into practice. foreign language.

    Signs and symbols

    The signs and symbols of the name Darina, as well as their influence on life, are given in the table.

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation
    Patronizing planet - MarsPeople ruled by Mars are determined and persistent in achieving their goals. This planet symbolizes optimism and nobility, which coexist in a person’s character along with rudeness and harshness. People under the protection of Mars must learn to restrain their bright temperament, since excessive emotionality can unwittingly offend their loved ones
    Talisman stone - hematiteThe mineral protects its owner from illnesses and troubles in life. Jewelry, talismans and amulets with this stone increase the strength of a person’s spirit, help to gain inner harmony and balance his emotional state
    Colors - red and brownRed is the color of active, active people, naturally endowed with an independent character. Thanks to their hard work, they achieve a lot, but it can be difficult for them to fit into society organically because of their rebellion. The self-confidence of people with “brown names” does not allow them to listen to the valuable advice of others, which is why they often make mistakes in life. But despite their inherent stubbornness and temper, their loved ones value them for their kind-heartedness and responsiveness.
    Name number - sixInterpretation of the number 6 - support and support for your family and friends. These people are always ready to offer their help and will never refuse a person who is in trouble. People with the number 6 love life and know how to find positive aspects in any situation
    Animal - giraffeThe animal symbolizes kindness and loyalty - people who are patronized by the giraffe are devoted to their loved ones. An animal gives a person a bright character and personality, thanks to which he attracts glances and stands out from the crowd.