The most accurate horoscopes for October Leo.

Lviv is expecting a month of changes in his personal life. May have to accept important decision, and it is advisable not to delay this, to resolve the issue before mid-October 2016. During this period, the stars advise you to pay more attention to the internal, emotional problems of relationships, rather than external ones.

The first half of the month does not promise much romance. Most likely, you will be preoccupied with family concerns, and they will become your priority during this period. The planet of love Venus until October 18, 2016 is located in the Leo family sector, focusing on matters related to family, real estate, housing, large purchases. You may need to help your parents or other relatives.

The situation will change in the second half of the month, when Venus moves into Leo's house of love. The stars promise you a lot in love, so don't miss your chances. At this time, it is easy to fall in love and meet your soulmate. If you are still single, look for love - at this time everything is possible. Fate gives you good chances; love can come in the most unexpected and unplanned ways. Maybe you will meet a person whom you consider not ideal for yourself, but take a closer look. Higher powers they know what is needed for your good, and there is a reason they send someone on your path.

For married couples, October 2016 is quite a favorable month. The influence of Saturn helps strengthen communication. Traveling, even short-distance ones, will help bring new bright colors to relationships.

Leo career horoscope for October 2016

The period will be very active for Leo, because dynamic Mars is transiting through your house of work. Pluto is also here, giving you perseverance and the desire to achieve high goals.

Planetary influences add strength to you, so feel free to take on responsible matters. Those tasks that lately moved forward with difficulty will receive a new impetus for development. October 2016 is great for strengthening your career position. If you're not finding satisfaction in your current job, it may be time to consider other prospects.

In Leo's house of communications there is a cluster of planets - here are the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Communication with colleagues and business partners will proceed smoothly, and you can count on recognition of your ideas. If necessary, you can defend your opinion and prove that you are right. There will be many successful opportunities, but it is better not to scatter your energy and focus on what you consider important to you.

Leo finance horoscope for October 2016

As for finances, the period portends to be profitable for representatives of your sign. You attract what you want in life. For women, especially young women, this is a time to achieve financial goals.

Venus in the fourth house of Leo emphasizes interest in real estate and large acquisitions. Financial sense is at a high level, you see the true value of things, so purchases and investments will be profitable. In addition, it is difficult to deceive or mislead you with money, which is also a definite plus.


This month is potentially difficult for health. The influence of Mars and Pluto in the health sector can result in inflammation, infections, and injuries. You need peace and more rest. When executing physical work try not to overwork and be careful.

Be among people and act together with others! Great value has communication with relatives; they can play an important role in your affairs.

Leo's vain nature will manifest itself in full in October 2016. There is nothing surprising in this, because you want to be the King of the situation. This month Leo will receive so many interesting and important information that his head will spin. Don’t worry, everything will fall into place, and your plans will come true at the end of October. News from afar is expected, which will invigorate and direct Leo to great achievements. Money will come in periodically, but will also leave Leo’s pocket at the same speed. The horoscope for October 2016 recommends Leo to soberly assess the situation, and not rely on inner voice. Leo is overly arrogant and proud, which prevents him from establishing contacts with people. This applies to both the work sphere and love relationship. In October 2016, you should be softer and more flexible so as not to alienate your loved one. By the way, business partners will also be unhappy with Leo’s behavior. Try to convince the people around you that inside you are a good-natured and sensitive person. October is not suitable for important decisions, but you can safely start planning things for the next month. Leo will want risk and excitement, which should be avoided in October.

Leo's health in October 2016

Attention and accuracy behind the wheel is what Leo will need in October. Your health is on top level, so you can be energetic and optimistic. The health horoscope for October 2016 advises Leo to do exercises in the morning and walk more often before bed. Follow a diet, relax and, depending on the weather, go outdoors. All this will strengthen Leo’s immunity and improve his mood in October.

Favorable days in October – 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 22 and 30
Not favorable days October – 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 23, 24, 27

Love horoscope for Leo for October 2016
Finance and career horoscope for Leo for October 2016

Horoscope for the month of October for other zodiac signs:

October 2016 will be a little fussy, but quite successful time for Leo. You can achieve good results at work, and your personal life will also be at its best. By showing your originality and imagination, you can completely charm your loved one and ask for forgiveness after a quarrel. If Leos dreamed of a promotion social status, then now fate will give this chance. Do not forget about the fickle nature of luck - you should never rely on chance, but achieve everything on our own. Successful deals that come into their hands should not make Leo people too proud of themselves - this will scare away others. October will bring creative people a chance for self-expression, so you need to show yourself in the best possible way.

In the first ten days of October 2016, the movement of Mercury in Libra will affect the professional activities of Leo. They will require a lot of attention and effort; there will be no time to relax or be lazy at all. It's time to get a high-paying position or change jobs. Representatives of your zodiac sign seeking promotion will need to take every opportunity to demonstrate their professional skills. At the same time, you need to take care of yourself and maintain the image of a respectable and competent person. If Leos are not interested in promotion, then it’s time to find time to put their affairs and relationships in the team in order. The financial situation will remain stable - no unexpected expenses or receipts of funds.

In the second ten days of October 2016, Venus in Sagittarius will make Leo think carefully about their attitude towards their loved one. This is a time of disappointments and victories, when difficulties will arise in the love sphere that you will have to fight with. Leos should be positive and not criticize their significant other too much. Things will get better soon, you just need to be a little patient. Representatives of your zodiac sign should think about home improvement - perhaps it’s high time to change the furniture and make repairs. Lonely Leos will be able to meet a nice person with whom it will be interesting to communicate. There is no point in rushing things, as you may bitterly regret it later. Dating, romance is what is needed now, no serious decisions about moving or traveling together.

In the third ten days of October 2016, with an unfavorable aspect of Venus and Neptune in Pisces, Leos should pay more attention to their health. It is especially worthwhile to be careful for people whose professional activity associated with risk. Every detail must be checked with vigilance and caution. In general, the month should pass calmly and not cause any health problems. This period will require light walks and sports activities from Leo - even light gymnastics or morning exercises will do. If representatives of your zodiac sign have long wanted to go on a diet, now is the best time for this. Anyway, 1-2 fasting days won't hurt anyone.

Leo horoscope for October 2016. October 2016 near Lviv and Lionesses will be reminiscent of the movie "Adrenaline", and all because if you are in next month stop - then you are 3.14zdets. That is why Leos and Lionesses need to be as focused as possible in October 2016 and run, run, run. But, not for adrenaline, but for October. The horoscope for October 2016 Leo suggests that success next month will come to those Leos and Lionesses who will be in dynamics all the time. But being dynamic does not mean rocking the boat on which you are sailing, or the swing of life on which you are trying to fly higher. You are not the little girl Dasha, who swung so hard on the swing that she saw why her parents sent her for a walk. So, to be more precise, October 2016 for Leos and Lionesses will be more like not running, but like riding a bicycle, when you definitely need to pedal for greater stability and balance. So Leos and Lionesses twist and spin. After all, you yourself know that the bicycle will not move until you start pedaling.

Horoscope for October 2016 Leo suggests that for complete success next month you need to have some kind of compelling argument. As anyone who has a pet knows, it is incredibly easy to prove your strength and a cat or a dog....when you have a vacuum cleaner in your hands!!! Likewise, in October 2016, it is advisable for Leos and Lionesses to have some kind of weighty argument to prove their strength and power! Of course, it will be better if it is not a vacuum cleaner, but some more familiar argument. Leos, for example, will need money in their wallets; Lionesses will need a deep neckline and red panties. As a last resort, don’t forget about the vacuum cleaner. Few people will have anything against a person who walks with a vacuum cleaner down the street or through the office - after all, who knows what is on such a person’s mind.

Therefore, Leos and Lionesses in October 2016, forget about laziness and sleep. But, do not forget about attentiveness and your ambitions. A proud posture and a charming predatory smile have the same effect on people as a vacuum cleaner on cats.

Well, if we are already talking about cats, then you are familiar with this situation - you are playing with a cat, and suddenly he starts looking intently at one point. And you understand - GHOSTS. So in October 2016, watch the reactions of others, this will help you see what others see, but is hidden from your sight.

Horoscope for October 2016 LEO favorable days are 3, 5, 6, 8, 11,12,13,14,19,21, 24, 25 and 28.

Horoscope for October 2016 LEO unfavorable days - You don’t think that all the wisdom of life takes a break on unfavorable days? Therefore, the stronger your desire to avoid something, the higher the likelihood of getting it, so there is no need to plan unfavorable days.

Horoscope for October 2016 LEO career, work and business. In October 2016, the most key point in the professional sphere for Leos and Lionesses will be their area of ​​responsibility. Therefore, be very careful when working with any documents and contracts. Especially in the legal field. But, and not only. So if you just returned your mobile phone for repair, read carefully what you sign on the receipt.

Also, Leos and Lionesses need to carefully monitor the area of ​​responsibility between you, management and colleagues. In October 2016, do not take on unnecessary responsibility, even if it satisfies your ambitions. Although your ambitions are in October, this is your most faithful assistant. But, difficult task October 2016 is precisely about satisfying career ambitions, but without increasing responsibility. So it’s better to think in advance who will play the role of the switchman, or the “scapegoat”. After all, there will always be people who sit and wait for their ship, not realizing that they are at the airport. Drop the responsibility on such people, let them wait for their ship while you board the plane to success.

So Leos and Lionesses, even if you are engaged scientific research in order to prove that a person's nostrils acquire a diameter over time index finger, try to find someone who will be responsible for the results of the study, even if you are listed as its leader.

Horoscope for October 2016 Leo Finance. As we have already said, October 2016 is the month when you need to work productively for yourself and your wallet. So in October, Leos and Lionesses (and not only) need to treat finances like dumplings - if it boils, throw it in, if it floats, take it out.

Love horoscope as of October 2016 Lev. Horoscope for October 2016 Leo Love. But in their personal lives in October 2016, Leos and Lionesses need to open the doors wider. Moreover, this even applies to family Leos and Leos in relationships. In October 2016, wide communication will allow you not only to avoid autumn depression, but also to harmonize your relationships. But in your personal life, do not forget about your ambitions and your well-deserved crown. Be the leader of your relationships, the leader of your pride and your family, everywhere and in everything and throughout the month. So even in a situation where your loved ones walk around the apartment looking for you shouting “Where is my queen?” And you are in the toilet. Proudly answer - “On the throne!” Adult Leos and Lionesses should pay attention to children in October 2016. You don’t want your neighbors asking you: “Why is your child yelling? What does he want? And you answered: “Yes, what does he want to YELL He wants!” Moreover, this even applies to adult children who scream, demanding not only attention, but also money.

Lonely and active Leos and Lionesses should pay attention in October 2016 special attention. In October and until November 12, 2016, you will have great period for new promising acquaintances and even for new serious relationship. Therefore, try not to miss these chances, and make sure that you are not distracted by business, work, worries or just hobbies.

So, Leos and Lionesses, we once again remind you about the film “Adrenaline”, and that in October 2016 you not only need to lie on the couch less, but also try to show all your super abilities. And in order to develop super abilities, you don’t have to study at Hogwarts. Most often, it’s enough just to spend less time on the Internet.

And have a nice October 2016!

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Leo, the zodiac sign representing the fire trine, will be subject to astral influences to a minimal extent in October 2016. This situation will arise because the Sun, the traditional ruler of Leo, will be weakened due to some features of the current energy background. Pluto, the exaltant of this sign, and Mercury, responsible for its “fall,” will also weaken. But Uranus, responsible for the “expulsion” of Leo, will not only maintain, but even strengthen its position, which, as you can guess, does not bode well for your sign. Therefore, you will have to mobilize all your resources and completely abandon any attempts towards peace and quiet. Now, under no circumstances should you retreat into your “hole,” although such a desire will be especially strong. Focus on your current needs and don’t forget the good old adage: measure twice, cut once. Now haste in action will be disastrous, but the actions themselves must take place, and the most significant ones. Under no circumstances let anyone push you around, you are the King of Beasts, after all! In reality, now it will be easy to fall under someone’s influence, but “working your head” even at minimum power will allow you to avoid most problematic situations.

Regarding financial sector, then Leo entrepreneurs should take special care in October 2016. In the sense that there is no need to rush into signing any official papers, even if they have been read and re-read ten times. First, we should not forget that we are all imperfect, and even the most experienced lawyer can miss something. And secondly, you need to look at things objectively, in particular at the current situation. Don't allow yourself the luxury of shirking work. Make your subordinates, as they say, work hard, but don’t go too far! After all, diligence can easily turn into fanaticism, which usually leads to rapid and unproductive depletion of resources (there are, of course, nuances, but in in this case there is no point in remembering them). If you don't work for yourself, you can breathe a little easier. In the sense that you will not have to bear responsibility for truly fundamental decisions, although in your area, in the area of ​​your own competence, you will also have to try hard to avoid misunderstandings and equivocations.

The “love front” and the sensual-emotional direction in general will not require the greatest effort from Leo in October 2016. Now it is important not to “slide” into the abyss of the blues. The overwhelming desire to isolate yourself from the world in your own little nook will actually be counterproductive. Yes, you yourself will understand all this perfectly. However, you will have to make a strong-willed decision, and it is advisable not to delay “this”, because from the middle of the second ten days of the month you will need maximum concentration of attention, and it is better to complete third-party matters by this time. This applies mostly to single Leos, to whom fate will give them a chance to meet something like a “soul mate.” The words “something like” are used deliberately, because in this case, there are no and there can be no guarantees. Because even if the stars do everything for you, there is still a chance (and a considerable one!) that you will ruin their plan with one or even ten wrong moves. Therefore, try to be attentive, and in the pursuit of happiness, do not forget about those who are next to you. After all, your family is practically all that you have, it is the basis from which we all build upon in our development. And no matter what American action movies tell you, loners are always unhappy, and they certainly never become real heroes.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2016 for the zodiac sign Leo, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a general nature and makes sense only when defining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Leo. A more accurate horoscope can be found by drawing up one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Leo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Leo sign: