Pillow made from an old T-shirt. What to make from old T-shirts with your own hands for the home Rugs for the home from old T-shirts

Stylish pillow, isn't it? But it is made from ordinary men's T-shirts with prints and different colors. It turns out that sewing a pillow with your own hands is very easy, and you don’t need any special sewing talents or handicraft skills.

So, we bring to your attention a master class on how to sew original pillow from T-shirts with your own hands.

It is advisable to buy men's T-shirts https://xoxshop.ru/catalog/muzhskie-futbolki-i-majki with drawings and inscriptions. Cotton, jersey, or knit T-shirts are best for making this craft. The work will be done using the patchwork technique, so you will need 10-15 T-shirts depending on the size of the design.

To make it you will need:

Men's T-shirts
padding polyester
thread/needle/sewing machine

Manufacturing process

1. Cut the patterned fabric pieces (along with the back of the t-shirt) into square/rectangular shapes. Figure out how the scraps should be placed on the future pillow.

2. Place padding polyester between all the blanks. It is advisable to use thinner padding polyester.

3. Make several curly seams on top of the workpiece using a sewing machine.

4. Sew the finished squares and rectangles together into one product.

5. Already on finished product Use scissors to make fringe.

Decorative pillow made from T-shirts is ready! You can enjoy the result of your creativity. Agree, the manufacturing process is simple, and in the end the product impresses with its originality. A couple of pillows in the same style are enough to enliven and decorate the interior of a living room or children's room.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Pillows can be made from old T-shirts in several ways. Let's start with the simplest thing.

Beautiful T-shirt bright color, but no longer needed, we will wash and iron it. Next, we cut off its upper part so that we get a square or rectangle depending on its length. If the T-shirt is initially long, the pillow will be rectangular.

Now we need to turn out the resulting square or rectangle and sew one side on a typewriter so that we get a cover. Just the part that was cut off will be sewn. I recommend using a medium or large zigzag stitch. This will give the base of the pillow a marketable appearance. Turn it inside out again.

Now we use the filler. I’ll be banal and offer you padding polyester. This material is cheap, but it is the lightest and most durable. For such a small pillow it is - best option, In my opinion. We fill it quite tightly, straighten it with our hands so that it does not clump, giving the pillow an aesthetic appearance. Now you can open side sew on hands. Next, we can decorate such a pillow.

For example, you can cut strips from the same T-shirt. We stretch the strips, creating soft tubes. And from these tubes you can make beautiful flowers. For example, roses. We sew these roses to the pillow with threads matching the color of the fabric. This way you can cover the entire pillow, or only one of its sides. I also note that you can use a T-shirt of a different color so that there is contrast.

This is one of the options. It's not the easiest, so I'll offer you another option.

We use an old but well-preserved T-shirt. You can take a T-shirt with a print - stripes, for example, are popular. This time we will use the entire T-shirt. So if you need a medium or small size, it’s better to take it from the children’s wardrobe.

It is, of course, better to wash and iron the T-shirt.

Next we sew up the armholes and neckline. We use any filler at your discretion and stuff the pillow well. If you feel that the pillow is too long, then at any time you can shorten the length of the T-shirt by cutting off the product at the bottom. Alternatively, the pillow can be decorative. Then you can put a cartoon face on it, a smiley face, or suspenders with massive buttons in a nautical style.

If you decide to decorate your pillow with a smiley face, you will need to use yellow fabric. It's better to take a T-shirt or cotton fabric. Using a compass, draw a circle and cut it out. Sew to the pillow. Next we sew on the buttons - the eyes. And we draw a mouth or embroider it using red threads. Or you can make an applique from a piece of red fabric.

The process of creating such a pillow is very interesting and exciting. This can be done with children by entrusting them with some of the work. Experiment.

Sewing a pillow with your own hands is easy and even pleasant. And especially if the pillow is made from an old children's T-shirt.

Sooner or later, any clothing goes out of fashion, and if there are children in the house, then a lot of the baby’s clothes remain new. Anyone who has encountered this issue knows firsthand how sorry it is for this wonderful suit that was worn only a few times or a T-shirt that was worn only for the holidays, and now it is too small. This is what needlewoman Maria suggests - make a pillow from small children's things. The girl’s son really liked this idea and started doing needlework together.

Find an old children's T-shirt with a preserved design; it should be washed; perhaps it is a new T-shirt that, for some reason, did not suit you. Turn the item inside out and draw a square on the side where there is a design or the side that you want to use for needlework. The square must be drawn in such a way that the drawing is in the center. Step 2

With the help sewing machine, sew the drawn square with a knitted stitch, immediately working the edges. It turns out that you sew both sides of the T-shirt along the drawn outline. On the bottom side of the square, you need to leave a small gap in order to fill the pillow. Step 3

Continuing to make the pillow with your own hands, cut off all the excess, leaving only the stitched square. At the bottom, where the hole is not sewn, do not cut off much excess fabric, leave a small margin to make it more convenient to sew after filling the pillow. Step 4

Turn your pillowcase inside out front side and fill with padding polyester. Maria writes that she completely entrusted this work to her son and he liked this kind of needlework. By the way, the help of a child is wonderful, it makes him feel needed and enjoys the process. Sintepon is sold separately in sewing stores, but if you were unable to purchase it and you happen to have an extra pillow somewhere, don’t worry. Such a pillow can be filled with herbs (for example, mint, juniper or lemon balm) or sprinkled with cereals, any that are cheaper. Step 5

Carefully, with your own hands, you need to sew up the hole with which you filled the pillow. If there is a desire and a few more things, then we continue in the same spirit, involve our children in needlework and enjoy both the joint work and the sewing process, and then together we enjoy the finished result. The advantages are:

Environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic filler;

Confidence that the pillows will not fade during washing;

The required number of pillows with which you can “throw” a child’s bed;

New life for your favorite pictures;

Joint and useful time accompanying with your child.

As you can see, in this handicrafts, there is nothing complicated, but how much pleasure you can get yourself and give to your baby.

Today we will tell you creative and interesting method recycling old or unnecessary clothing, and more specifically knitted T-shirts. Just imagine that you can make very beautiful, soft and warm rugs from unnecessary clothes, decorative pillows, cozy poufs and even bags. Fluffy rugs are ideal for the bathroom or rooms; the rugs are easy to wash and dry quickly. And if you decide to make a cover for a pillow or pouf from old T-shirts, then it is better to make it removable. So, let's stock up on old T-shirts and get to work!

How to make a fluffy rug from old T-shirts

We will need:

  • old knitted T-shirts,
  • scissors,
  • base - a pillowcase for a pillow, an ordinary pouf bag or a piece of fabric for a rug,
  • sewing machine

Children's T-shirts that the child has already outgrown are perfect for remaking. First, cut the knitted T-shirt into strips about 1-3 cm wide, about 10-20 cm long, depending on how long you want to make the pile of the rug.

When the strips are cut, pull them into different sides so that their edges are rounded

Then sew these strips onto the base fabric as tightly as possible. Make the seam exactly in the middle of the knitted strips

In this simple way you can make a fluffy rug from old T-shirts

If you don’t pull the stripes in different directions, you’ll get this rug texture

A rug made from old T-shirts will please your pets

If you don't want to sew, knit T-shirts can be tied to plastic mesh, which you can buy at a hardware store.

From old T-shirts you can make not only fluffy rugs, but also cozy poufs

Stylish decorative pillows of various shapes and colors

Old knitted T-shirts can be turned into unusual bags

And even the skin of a bear

As you can see, making a fluffy rug from old T-shirts is not at all difficult, so call your little helpers and entrust them, for example, with cutting strips - let them also feel like masters and enjoy the result with you! Good luck in your crafting and creative inspiration!

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What interests us pillow from old t-shirt ? The fact that it will not take you anything to create it except time and the desire to do something with your own hands. It's as simple as making a pillow out of old jeans. But we’ve gotten a bit ahead of ourselves, let’s look at the creation process from the very beginning, namely from finding an old T-shirt.


Old T-shirt

It doesn’t matter how many years it has been in your closet, whether you wore it before, or put it on once and forgot - the main thing is the quality of the material, as well as the size. It is best to choose a T-shirt with long sleeves, so you will be sure that there will be enough fabric for everything you plan.

Cutting a T-shirt

We take scissors and, without an iota of unnecessary doubt, cut our T-shirt into four parts. The front and back will be used as the main fabric for sewing the pillowcase together, and the sleeves will later become decorative elements, from which we will form original drawings.

We cut out 2 rectangles - 38 x 55 cm and many strips 2-3 cm wide. Of course, if you have a smaller T-shirt, then you can make smaller rectangles and, accordingly, cut fewer strips.

Drawing on the pillow

After the strips are cut into the fabric, you can apply a custom design similar to the one shown in the photo below. We take a strip cut from the sleeve and stretch it, while the edges of the strip curl inward, it will turn out very interesting effect. We pin this strip to the rectangular fabric, fix it with needles and begin sewing.


When the stripes were already sewn in certain places, it became clear that to complete the overall picture, some unusual diluting element would have to appear, such an element would be frills. There will not be many of them, but they will allow you to complete the process and add unusualness to the overall picture. How to make them becomes clear from the picture below.

Sew it together

Now all we have left to do is sew the two halves of the rectangles together and fill the middle of the pillow with a material that is convenient for you, which is in the house.

Ready pillow

Well, that's all. The pillow is ready, it attracts the attention of both children and adults. And the process of its manufacture is simple and quite fast. You no longer need to throw away T-shirts or fill your closet with them; now they can bring usefulness and comfort to your home.

Even bedrooms from Italy Trend, Magic, La Star from Camelgroup can be additionally equipped with such pillows. The main thing is to find a suitable design, a T-shirt of suitable quality, and you can get creative at any moment, spending time profitably and really saving your household budget.

Interesting video.

You can also make rugs from T-shirts. See how.