Puppet show for the middle group “Gift for Mom”, for the script for Mother’s Day “How to please mommy?! Project (middle group) on the topic: Project “Staging a play for Mother’s Day.

Regional competition for the best script extracurricular activity,

dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day in Russia.

Extracurricular activity scenario

“Take care mom!”

Genre: puppet show

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

School: Municipal Educational Institution No. 99

Locality: Sochi, Lazarevskoye village

Name of municipality:


I class teacher in 8 "A" grade. Since the 6th grade we have been the bosses of 1, and now 3 “B”. The children and I thought for a long time about the form in which to conduct serious conversations for the kids that would be understandable, accessible, and would be remembered for a long time by our mentees. How to tell kids, for example, about what is happening in Krasnodar region Law No. 1539?

We thought and thought until one of the children suggested organizing puppet theater. I liked the idea. Some dolls were sewn by ourselves (many websites on the Internet describe in detail how to do this), some I bought, and some, for example, the Baba Yaga doll, were made to order. We invented and created scenery. I usually wrote the scripts myself, but I always discussed them with the children and sought advice. If the topic was not too complex, I trusted the students to write the script.

It turned out that the form puppet show has a number of advantages: 1) accessibility;

2) easy memorization of some complex things;

3) development of creative, acting, speech abilities of students;

4) interesting for both eighth-graders and elementary school students.

If it seems that all this is very difficult, then believe me, it is not at all. The main thing is to start.

For Mother's Day, my children and I prepared a fairy tale performance: “Take care of your mothers!”

Puppet show-fairy tale: “Take care of your mothers!”




Baba Yaga

Grandfather Omniscient


Dog Sharik

Cat Purr


Scene 1.

Storyteller (singing): In some kingdom, in some state, close, far, where exactly, I don’t know myself, maybe far away, or maybe in your kingdom-state, there lived a woman (mother appears from behind the screen, bows) and she had a son, Vanechka, such a mischief-maker, so unhearing, oh-oh-oh (the storyteller disappears, Vanechka appears).

Mother : Vanechka, son, help me a little with the housework: sweep the floor, wash the dishes.

Ivan: I won't! What am I a girl?!

Mother: Then come with me to the forest, bring brushwood, light the stove. It's very cold in the hut.

Ivan: I'm lazy. Well, mom, leave me alone! Go yourself.

Mother : Oh, Vanya, Vanya. (Sighs sadly and leaves).

Ivan ( joyfully): Gone! How good! You can lie on the stove, spit on the ceiling, or count flies. And then the mother pesters (mocking): “Vanya, do this. Vanya, do it. Learn, Vanya." But I don't want to! I'm lazy!

Scene 2.

Storyteller: In the dense forest, in the thicket, in a hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga lived. She loved to fly around the world and spoil everyone. And she especially did not like capricious and ungrateful children.

Baba Yaga (angrily): Why love these idiots? They yell, squeak, and always demand something. Give them this and buy this... Ugh. The only thing they're good for is for lunch. And mommies love them. (Feigningly affectionately) Oh, son. Oh, daughter. (Angrily) Evil is not enough!

Mother (sings quietly from behind the screen): There was a birch tree in the field,

There was a curly girl standing in the field.

Lyuli, Lyuli stood,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood there.

Baba Yaga : Who else is this? Who dared to rule in my forest?

Mother (with a bundle of brushwood behind his back): Hello, grandma.

Baba Yaga : Hello, killer whale. Who is she? Why did you come?

Mother : For brushwood. It’s cold in the hut, my son Vanyusha might get sick.

Baba Yaga: Oh, son?! Why are you collecting brushwood yourself, or wasn’t your Vanyashka able to help?

Mother: It’s okay, I’ll do it myself somehow.

Baba Yaga: Do you feel sorry for your son?

Mother: Who, besides the mother, will regret?

Baba Yaga: Love him! And for what?

Mother : Is there something they love children for? You're a strange grandma. He is my son!

Baba Yaga: He doesn't take care of you! For what kind of merit does such a mother give him? But he won’t have a mother! (Ominous music from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” sounds). Well, quickly turn around, the woman turns into a birch tree. Crigley-cragli-tarababri. (Mother disappears, and in her place appears a birch tree with a blue ribbon. Baba Yaga laughs ominously).

Scene 3.

Storyteller: But Ivan doesn’t sense trouble yet. I lay and lay on the stove, fell asleep, and when I woke up...

Ivan: Mom, mom. I'm hungry! (Pause). Mom, it’s very cold in the hut! Mom, why are you silent?!

Cat: Meow, but the mistress has not yet returned from the forest.

Dog: Oh, I smell something bad has happened.

Ivan: How come you didn't come back? I'm completely hungry! And it's cold.

Cat: What's bad without mom?

Dog: Scary?

Cat: And who offended mom?!

Dog : Who didn't help at all?

Cat: Did you let one go into the forest?

Ivan: I won't do it anymore.

Cat: I realized it too late.

Dog: I need to help my mom out.

Ivan: Hurry to the forest!

Scene 4.

Storyteller: Our Vanya wandered through the forest for a long time. Aukal called for mother. And in response there was only ominous silence. But then he came out into a clearing, and there an oak tree stood three times tall, and under the oak tree sat an old man in strange clothes, as if from abroad. Ivan was shy at first, but then he still came up.

Ivan : Hello, grandfather.

Grandfather Omniscient : Hello, good fellow. What should I call you?

Ivan : Ivanushka. How about you?

Grandfather Omniscient : And I am grandfather Omniscient, I know everything, I know everything.

Ivan: Oh, maybe you know where my mom is?

Grandfather Omniscient : Of course I know. She is with Baba Yaga.

Ivan ( scared): Oh, mommy!

Grandfather Omniscient : That’s when I remembered my mother! Baba Yaga turned your mother into a birch tree. Spells can be removed, but it is difficult, oh so difficult.

Ivan (decisively): What should be done?

Grandfather Omniscient : First you need to go through the swamp. Then guess the riddles of the old raven. If you guess right, the raven will write a spell, read it in front of the mother birch tree, and the spell will fall.

Ivan: Thank you, grandpa. (Grandfather Omniscient disappears behind the screen). There's no way I can do it on my own. Guys, can you help me? Yes? Thank you.

Oh, here comes the swamp.

Scene 5

Game "Swamp".

On the floor, assistants quickly lay out cutouts from green cardboard at different distances. different shapes figures. These are bumps. The assistant selects 6 people from the audience. Their task: to ride over the bumps one after another without stepping into a swamp even once. On command, fast Russian folk music is turned on. The game begins.

The students did an excellent job.

Ivan: Thank you guys for helping me get across the swamp. Without you, I would have drowned in the mire.

Crow: Kar-kar. What do you need in the forest?

Ivan : I came to solve your riddles.

Crow: Did you know that if you don’t guess at least one riddle, Baba Yaga will immediately appear and eat you.

Ivan: Seven troubles - one answer.

Crow: OK. Listen carefully and guess.

Here - wherever we look - I explain to the baby,

Water blue expanse. To avoid errors:

In it the wave rises like a wall, Animals, I breathe the air,

White crest above the wave. But it looks like large fish.

And sometimes it’s quiet and quiet here. I'm a dodger in water polo

Was everyone able to recognize him? And I play ball with the children.

(Sea). (Dolphin)

This house I can walk in the ocean,

Find it on the shore. Like blue hills.

It is the shelter of a mollusk, The ocean is our home,

And the owner is proud: It has a lot of miles.
“The house will withstand the load, We go into a storm like a big wall,

Calcareous, hard." We calm down into calm.

(Shell). (Waves).

Oh, the river has fallen down. My source is not at the stream -

From a sheer cliff! I'm running off the glacier.

There is no hiding from the splashes here. Very, very fast

What kind of place is this? Fresh and clean.

(Waterfall) (Mountain river).

This area is all in the peaks, We walked through the mountains

For people who are not timid. And they heard clamor.

Here tourists are interested Kolya shouted: “Stream!”

Go up the path. And in response I heard: “Whose!”

(Mountains) Dima shouted: “Water!”

And in response I heard: “Yes!”

There are no people here, just rocks.

What did they shout back at us?


(The riddles are guessed from N.V. Ivanova’s book “Riddles for 8-year-old children”; the students-spectators guess them; if they can’t, then Ivanushka comes up with it).

Crow: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. These are the kind of friends and helpers you have, Ivanushka. Keep the spell. (Hands out a piece of paper rolled into a tube)

Ivan (horrified): I went to school, but I didn’t want to study. I'm afraid I won't be able to read it. Guys, help. And I will definitely make up for everything at school. I promise!

One of the children reads: Turn around quickly, turn the birch tree into your mother. Crigley-cragli-tarababri. (The birch tree disappears behind the screen, mother appears).

Scene 6

Ivan: Mother, dear!

Mother: Vanechka, son.


Ivan : Mother, forgive me. I will never, ever hurt you again.

Mother : Well, son, I forgave you a long time ago. (Baba Yaga appears).

Baba Yaga: How touching! For how long? I'll take a look. If you offend your mother, I will eat you.

Ivan ( swearing to Baba Yaga on the belt): Thank you, grandmother, for science.

(Mother and Ivan are hiding)

Baba Yaga: Guys, have we told you a good story? The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for you, kids. If you offend your mothers, I’ll eat you all too, I won’t disdain.

Storyteller: Stop scaring me.

Baba Yaga: Just a joke, of course. But who knows what verse will strike me. Take care of your moms!!!

Storyteller: We thank you for your attention and hope for your understanding. Artists take a bow.

(8th grade students come out from behind the screen, holding dolls in their hands, bow.)


Epigraphs for the event (on the board):

  1. What you do for your parents, expect from your children. ( Proverb)

  2. A respectful son is one who upsets his mother only with his illness. ( Confucius)

  3. Mother is the only deity whom everyone worships. ( E. Legouwe)

  4. Mom is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children. ( W. Thackeray)

  5. Honor your mother as your own land. ( Proverb)

  6. A bad bird is one that is not happy with its nest. ( Proverb)
Reader: R. Gamzatov Excerpt from the poem “Take care of mothers!”

I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in the soul

Finds its own music.

This word is a call and a spell,

This word contains the soul of existence.

This is the spark of the first consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it.

It is the summation of everything. There is no end to it.

Get up! I pronounce it:

MOTHER. (all children in chorus: “MOM”)

Presenter: " The most beautiful word on Earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it will not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. and the greater your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter your life.” Zoya Voskresenskaya

Montage: any poems about mom (5-6 readers)

Host: We give the song “Mom”

Leading: We have compiled a Dictionary magic words", which was dedicated to our mothers.

My mother is the most selfless, cheerful, generous, polite, attentive, kind, benevolent, dear, only, caring, wonderful, cool, beautiful, beloved, affectionate, sweet, fashionable, unique, gentle, charming, neat, charming, sympathetic, beautiful, pleasant, dear, funny, compassionate, brave, modest, stylish, strict, pretty, modern, hardworking, reverent, skillful, wonderful, generous, erudite, humorous, in a word - super - Moms!

Presenter: And now we are pleased to present to you the play “Mother for a Baby Mammoth” (presentation)

Song "Baby Mammoth".

Across the blue sea to the green land
I'm sailing on my white ship,
On your white ship, on your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,
I'm sailing through the waves and the wind
To the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible.
I'm here, I've arrived. I'll shout to her.
I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me.
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
So that children are lost.
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
So that children are lost.

Part 2 of the evening

Exit with an improvised dance to the song of Baba Yaga.

In the verse the music is slow and melodic, in the chorus it is dynamic and danceable.
The words there are something like this:

Yaga scares children
Like, he will eat it and leave no bones.
Fantasies, apparently, are too much
They are very smart people.

And I used to heat up the bathhouse,
And I used to drink tea.
And I’ll give you a ball of thread for the path.
Why don't they like Grandma Ezhka?
Eh, why don’t you love Grandma Ezhka?

BABA YAGA:Well, well, well, well!
They weren't expecting me!
And they didn’t invite me over.
"Let the old lady sit on the stove,
Let him eat the rolls.
We'll have a good time without her,
And we’ll laugh at her too!”
What kind of injustice is this?
Now I’ll give you all a crack!
Where has this been seen, where has this been heard?
So that elders should be treated this way.
And they weren’t invited to the holidays?

Leading:You, dear Yaga,
We all apologize!
Please accept our apologies.
As a sign of deepest respect for you.
After all, a magpie brought us on its tail,
It's like you were on a business trip...

BABA YAGA(interrupting): Some of your excuses are weak,
The excuses are like something out of a fairy tale!
I'll catch that magpie
Yes, I’ll fry it, but what’s the use of it!?
Don't offend grandma
And I’ll be good for you too!
I can sing and dance
Telling fairy tales, cross-stitching,
I can do catch-up, jumping rope, tag...
I can entertain all honest people,
Let everyone form a round dance.
In general, who is with me,
He's just a superhero!
(noticing the mommies)
What a miracle ladies
Super mommies
Beauties of Sosnovoborsk,
They look just right!
But we won't talk
I will entertain you!
Oh, how inspiration will come to me,
I write everything in verses and poems....
And I couldn’t sleep just now, so I didn’t write anything,
All sorts of tasks and tests for you!
Why aren't there enough mommies? Did Koschey eat them for breakfast?
(children's answers)

It's a pity that everyone couldn't come. Let's draw a collective, well, common portrait of our mothers!

Host: Let's have fun too. We divide into two teams: “ Mother’s daughters”, “Mamuli-lapuli” (mothers of boys).

Competition "Collective Portrait" .
For the competition you will need: 2 sheets of whatman paper, 2 markers, a cheat sheet for what to draw.
We had this sequence:
1st runs and draws the head, eye, nose,
2nd - hair, second eye - mouth,
3rd - torso,
4th - hands,
5th - legs without feet,
6th - shoes,
7th - beads,
8th - handbag.
Whichever team is faster wins.

BABA YAGA: Well, this is not the first time I’ve seen that your mothers are simply awesome!
I heard from Forest Kikimora that a mother can recognize her child from a thousand. So?So we'll check it out. Go to court (I invite mom), don’t forget to grab your child.I'll do some magic now. I will make the mother blind and the child speechless.

Competition "Find the Child" . Find your own child. By touch, determine your child from 5 options for a time, who is faster. A blindfolded mother looks for her child among others. You can play pranks - change the child's clothes. That’s what I did with my second mother, which caused amusement from the audience. Tender mother's hands 5 mothers identify theirs blindfolded

BABA YAGA:Oh, they really found it, that’s what a mother’s heart does! I wonder, is it difficult to be a mother? What's the hardest thing? (response from mothers and children) How do we deal with this? And the sketch “Three Mothers” that the guys prepared will help you understand everything.

Sketch “Three Mothers”


Often, children, you are stubborn,
Everyone knows this themselves.
Mothers often tell you,
But you don't hear moms.
Tanyusha came back from a walk in the evening
And the doll asked:

Tanya:(addressing the doll)

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are simply a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecakes for lunch today.

Presenter: Tanya’s mother came home from work and asked Tanya:

Mom doctor:

How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
"Dinner!" - Grandma shouted more than once,
And you answered: “Now, yes now.”
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.


Here grandmother - mother's mother came.
She came and asked:


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital, for a whole day
Again, you didn’t have a minute to eat?
Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?
You can't sit all day without lunch,
I’ve already become a doctor, but I’m still restless,
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match,
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

Tanya, mother, grandmother - in unison:– Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

BABA YAGA: Yes, raising children means not picking mushrooms, not ruining good young people. (addressing, in a low voice, to the children) I suspect, children, dear girls and boys, that your mothers are not always so white and fluffy. Probably, both picky and annoying and stupid, it’s awful how harmful they can be. Just admit it, you hear in the morning: “Hurry up, quickly!..” And they call you boobies? Wow! Your words are like balm for my soul. Well, my sweet children, I will take revenge on your mothers for you. I’ll give them a task, let them try to cope!

Competition "Build a Briefcase" . If you go to school tomorrow, remember the schedule for... (pull out the day of the week) For moms to quickly write a schedule for the day of the week that they can handle. (As an option You need to know them by sight Photos of subject teachers)

BABA YAGA: Are there any good fairy tale tellers among mothers? I like to listen to a story at night. Can your mothers do this? Oh, I’ll like storytellers, I’ll drag them with me into the thicket. Now, now, let's see if they are as good as you say about them. Moms will have to read, and with expression, and you kids will have to guess the fairy tales. Only the fairy tales are not simple, but mixed up! So the mothers read, and the audience gets into it.
Competition "Learn fairy tales".
3 crossover tales have been prepared. The grandmother pulls out a sheet of text at random and reads it with expression. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and mothers help write down the names. Grandmothers perform one by one. All 3 teams participate in guessing.

Once upon a time there lived with a woman and her grandfather Kolobok. One day he was lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”
(7 fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Swan Geese”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.
(7 fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “At the Command of the Pike”)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.
(7 fairy tales: “The Frog Princess”, “Finist” Clear Falcon", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushina's Hut", "Cinderella", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")
Presenter: The children prepared ditties for our mothers

Chatushki (performed by children).

The soup and porridge were burnt,

Salt is poured into the compote.
When mom came home from work,
She had a lot of trouble.
Clean it once a year

I decided to frying pan.
And then four days
They couldn't wash me off.
I found a broom in the kitchen

I swept the whole apartment.
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.
My dad bought a car
I decided to help him.
I took a rag and soap
I wiped my dad's nose.
Don't be afraid for me, mom
I won't fall off my chair.
So what if I'm swinging
I'm holding on to the cup!
Mom laments loudly:
– How the program is changing!
According to the notebooks of Vasya’s son
I don't understand what class he is in.
- The diary, son, is not visible,
Lost him again?
- No, I gave it to Seryoga,
To scare your ancestors.
– Why are your tasks
Decided again by the father?
- Well, mom didn’t have time,
I was doing aspic.
We stop singing ditties
And today we promise
Listen to you always, in everything,
Morning, evening and afternoon.
We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that we can be applauded.
BABA YAGA: Children and parents sometimes achieve such mutual understanding that they can read thoughts at a distance. Let's see if our participants succeed. I’ll ask mom to leave the room a little later for 3 minutes. During this time, their children will have to draw one proverb without using a single letter. They can draw animals, people, arrows, any objects. Looking at her child’s drawing, every mother should read the proverb. For a correctly guessed proverb the team will receive 5 points, for an incorrect answer - 0 points.

Host: For now, we are summing up the results of the competitions. Watch the sketch “What about you?”

D1 And we had an intern! This time!
We wrote a dictation! That's two!
Thirdly, we read a book
It's about one boy,
He invented the helicopter -
Flying backwards! What about you?
D2 And our Natasha is a crybaby,
There is a blot in her notebook.
Natka roars all day long,
Natka will not erase the blot! What about you?
M1 And we have Petya Vasiliev,
He is the strongest in the world:
Two boys' noses were broken -
Dad came to school!
M2 And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium.
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!
D1 Although men are strong,
They don't know how to bake pancakes...
You men are klutzes,
educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell the difference!

D2 You don’t want to cook borscht!
Don't fry the cutlets...
You should run off to work,
Well, there's no point anymore

M3 The man is of no use?
Is this talent not given to us?
Who nailed the bookshelf?
Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?
D3 By the way, who does the laundry at home?
God didn't give you talent...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa.

You, thorny thorn,
You don't know men well.
Every now and then you shed tears
M1 And also for no reason.
You say barbed words, timid...
Daddy's the head of the house
Mom is the neck of the house!
The presenter announces the results, congratulates the winners, invites everyone in mom’s cafe with family specialties. Everyone sings a song together “We will survive this trouble.”

Song “We will survive this trouble.”

The sun is shining brightly in the sky
How good it is to live in this world!
If suddenly thunder strikes in the middle of summer,

Light rain hits the window, nature frowns,
But it has long been known that there is no bad weather
Everything turns yellow all around and summer goes away,
We will survive this trouble.
I go and sing about all the good things.
And I give my smile to passers-by.
If I don’t find the answer in someone else’s heart
We will survive this trouble.

F. Aliyeva:
Maternal order.
A lot, my son, will be difficult in life
Various attacks, gossip and intrigue;
Don't stoop to lowly people
Don't pay any attention to them.
Control yourself. A bug bite is not terrible.
Carry your dignity in everything
The peas are dancing in the frying pan,
But he still won’t be able to split it!
Also remember, son, this order:
Get down to business wisely and efficiently
When you hear a song, don't rush into excitement
Immediately start dancing and re-dancing.
Beware of judging people
You can't laugh at the unfortunate
If you can help, help
Take care of your faith
Dear son.
Blood boy
Do you love life
How I love it.

"Portrait Competition" (on the board there are pre-drawn portraits of their mothers, and mothers must recognize themselves).
The game is being played "Guess the cereal"

(different cereals are poured into bags, the guys determine the name of the cereal by touch).

The game “Collect cereals from plates” is being played.

(the class is divided into two groups; two cereals are mixed in two plates; each group is given a plate of cereals and asked to sort them

Playing with the audience. Name the songs where the word “mother” appears.

Fifth competition “Musical”. You need to sing the children's song “Let them run clumsily” as it would be sung:

 cat camp;

 a group of small piglets;

 ensemble of stray dogs;

 chapel of cows;

 chicken vocal group;

 goose choir.

Competition sixth “Braids”. You need to attach as many rubber bands as possible to the girl's hair in just one minute.
Blitz competition “What do I know about my mother.”

1 person from each class. Questions are asked in order:

1-what is the mother’s name (full full name);
2 – when it’s mom’s birthday;
3 – what color are mom’s eyes;
4 – how old is mother;
5 – what is the name of my mother’s mother;
6 – mother’s favorite flowers;
7 – mother’s favorite perfume;
8 – mom’s hobby. Guess the event photo from the archive

The script of the play for Mother's Day based on the story by V. Rasputin “The Deadline”.

Bronnikova Irina Anatolyevna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16

Bigun Tatyana Pavlovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16

Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region

I conjure: take care of your mother!

Children of the world, take care of your mother!


Varvara- eldest daughter

Ilya– eldest son characters from the story “The Deadline”

Lucy– middle daughter

Michael- youngest son

Nadya- Mikhail's wife

Action 1

Room. A table, household utensils on the table, a Russian stove, a bed behind a curtain. Mikhail is sitting at the table.

Old woman Anna lay on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, for which the time had already come. The old woman was nearly eighty. Anna dies long and hard. Her strength either leaves her completely, then suddenly returns again, deceiving, at least for a short time, the death standing at her bedside.

The old woman had five surviving children: three daughters and two sons. One daughter, Varvara, lived in the area, another, Lyusya, in the city, and the third, Tatyana, or as the old woman called her, Tanchora, her most beloved, was very far away, in Kyiv.

The eldest son Ilya from the north, where he remained after the army, also moved to the city, and the youngest Mikhail, who was the only one of all who did not leave the village, had an old woman and lived out his life, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

Michael (gets up from the table, goes to the curtain, opens it):

Wait, mother, our people will arrive soon. Need to see you ( sit down at the table). The mother has become completely bad and is dying. I sent telegrams to my brother and sisters. We must come to say goodbye, I don’t even remember when was the last time...

(The noise of an engine is heard, the car door slams, and soon Varvara enters)

Varvara (goes behind the curtain and screams):

Mother, you are my... It’s me, Varvara, your eldest. I came to see you. And you don't even look at me.

Michael: Wait, Varvara, she’s alive. Sleeping. Don't shout. Sit down. ( They sit down at the table. Ilya and Lyusya enter)

Ilya: Hello.

Lucy: How's your mother?

Varvara (screams): Mother, you are our mother!

Michael: Wait, you'll have time. She’s sleeping... Our Tatyana won’t come today, we won’t wait...

Ilya: Today there is nothing more. If you received a telegram yesterday, then today it will fly out of Kyiv, there is a transfer in the city, maybe now it is sitting in the area, but the cars are not leaving for the night.

Michael: It will be tomorrow, for sure.

Lucy (with sadness): We haven’t gotten together like this for a long time. Tatiana is just not there. She will arrive as if no one had ever left.

Michael (offended): Where are they - they didn’t leave... They left completely. Only Varvara will stop by when she needs some potatoes or something else. And it’s as if you don’t even exist in the world.

Ilya: Varvara is nearby...

Varvara (with undershirt): And for you, Ilya, to travel from Moscow with Lyusya - a day on the ship - and here. At least they shouldn’t talk, since you don’t recognize us as family. They became urban. You wanted to get to know the villagers!

Lucy (offended): I couldn’t, so I didn’t come.

Varvara: If I wanted to, Lucy, I could.

Lucy: What do you mean, I could?! With my health, if you don’t get treatment at a sanatorium while on vacation, then you’ll be running around hospitals all year!

Michael: Okay, mother is dying, and here you are sorting things out.

(Nadya enters)

Nadya: Why are you not family? We met together after so many years - even though trouble brought us together. Sit down at the table, let's drink tea

(everyone sits down at the table)

Lucy (addresses Nadya): - Nadya, do you have a sewing machine?

Nadya: Yes, but I don’t know, does she sew? I haven't opened it for a long time.

Lucy: Today I started looking, and, as luck would have it, I don’t have a single black dress. Ran to store-material I bought it, but, of course, I had no time to sew. I just tailored it.

(goes to the machine and sits down to sew)

Varvara (sobbed): At least she could live to see broad daylight.

Nadya: It’s already late, I need to go to bed.

(the men and Nadya leave, Varvara approaches Lyusa)

Varvara: Lucy, are you preparing something black for the funeral?

Lucy: I don’t understand, Varvara, is it really necessary to ask about this?

Varvara: What did I say? I'll go! How long will you be here?

Lucy: Until I sew it...

Varvara: We shouldn’t have gone to bed today. Oh there was no need ( shakes his head). We would sit and talk, be with our mother... Well, okay, I’ll go to bed too...

Act 2

Same room. The curtain is open, the bed is made.

Michael: It’s so good that you came and your mother is on the mend. I went out into the yard.

It was a miracle or not a miracle. Nobody will tell. But only when she saw her boys did the old woman begin to come to life. Two or three more times she lost her memory, as if she had imperceptibly fallen somewhere into the dark depths beneath her, and yet each time she came to her senses and opened her eyes with a fearful groan: was she dreaming about them or them?

Little by little, the old woman straightened out, and everything that was in her and that should have risen in her, one after another, was found and seemed even suitable for life.

Ilya: Mikhail, I think there is no need for us to be near our mother anymore. You can see for yourself that she has already sat down. Just a moment he’ll run...

Michael (shaking his head): She can...

Ilya: Tell me anyway, huh!!! I would never have thought of it... It was lying there all ready, as if there was nothing left, but something had an effect. Well, mother! Well, mother!

Michael: Our mother is also a magician!

Ilya: - True, she outwitted her death too...

Michael: And I’ll tell you this, Ilya, she shouldn’t have done this. It would be better if she died now. We feel better, and so does she. ( A little quieter, in your ear) I’m just telling you this - why should we hide in front of each other? He'll die anyway. And now is the time: everyone has gathered and prepared. Since we’ve already gathered, it would be necessary to bring this matter to the end. And don't mislead us. Otherwise I believed her, you believed me - and so it went...

Ilya (objecting): Why are you doing this? Let him die when he dies. It's not up to her.

Michael: -I’m saying how it would be better, I’m talking about the moment. This is the case. But when you leave, she’ll stay a little longer and still get away with it. Mark my words. It’s not for nothing that she had this; it’s not for nothing that cholera doesn’t happen. I have to send you telegrams again, but you’re not in the same mood. Who, maybe, will come, who will manage like this. And everything will turn out ten times worse. Before you die, you won’t be able to breathe anyway.

Ilya: Why not come?

Michael: Anything can happen...Tatyana is not going now.

Ilya: Tatyana... As she knew, she was in no hurry.

Michael: That’s the point, I didn’t know and I’m in no hurry. If she doesn’t come today, her mother will go crazy. She’s already tired of us with her Tanchora: she’ll see her in a dream, or something else. You don’t live here, Ilya, you don’t know.

Ilya: He will come. To receive such a telegram and not come... I don’t know what it’s called.

Michael: Well, if he comes, we’ll meet him as expected - sister.

Ilya: Yes, we'll meet...

(Lucy comes in, looking determined and excited.)

Lucy: Ilya, do you know that there is a ship today? Soon. And the next one will be only in three days.

Ilya (stood up confused): So what should we do now?

Lucy: See for yourself. And I need to go. There is no way I can stay here anymore.

Ilya: We must go (nods his head and looks at Mikhail). The mother seems to have recovered.

Michael: Let's wait...

Lucy: I'm already tired of this talk about death. Honestly! Same thing, same thing. Do you think it's nice? There must be a measure for everything. The mother can't talk about anything anymore. She still has time to live, but she’s still making things up. It’s also not possible!

Varvara (screamed): What are you saying?

Lucy: You yourself, Varvara, understand that your mother has almost fully recovered. Well, live, enjoy life. Be like everyone else and don’t bury yourself without death. You are a living, normal person - so be it...

(took a short pause, then said in a gentle voice): And we have to go today.

Varvara (worried): You can’t leave your mother’s side, you can’t. You are just like step-brothers. Think for yourself, it’s impossible.

Michael: We should have waited at least another day...

Lucy: We are not free people: we do what we want. We're at work. I would love to live here for at least a week, but then they might ask me to leave work. We're not on vacation. Please understand. And don't be offended by us. That's how it should be. And in the summer we will come again. We'll definitely come, we promise. And then not hastily, as now, but for a long time.

Ilya (intervened): What's in the summer! Not in the summer, but see you sooner. Mother will get back on her feet properly, and she can come and visit us. We're taking my mother to the circus. I live next to the circus. The clowns are there. You'll want to laugh.

Michael: One day earlier, one day later. Who cares?

Lucy (flared up): I am not going to discuss this issue with you, Mikhail. I probably know better whether there is a difference or not. Or do you still think that we should take our mother with us and for this we must wait for her?

Michael: No, I don’t think so.

Lucy: And thanks for that.

They began to gather. Getting ready was hasty and awkward. The old woman was no longer crying, she seemed numb, her face was lifeless and submissive. They said something to her, she did not answer. Only the eyes, forgotten and lost, followed the turmoil.

Varvara: And what about the dress?

Lucy: What?

Varvara: The dress you made here. You said you would give it back.

(Lucy took the already packed dress out of her bag and disdainfully threw it into Varvara’s hands)

Varvara: However, I will also go. If that's it, then so am I. It's more fun together.

Michael (waving his hand): - Go. Go, everyone. ( Everyone leaves. Mikhail is silent for a long time)

Nothing, mother. Nothing. We'll survive. As we lived, so we will live. Don't be angry with me. I'm a fool, of course. Oh, what a fool I am.( moaned. got up and went to the curtain)

Lie down, mother, lie down and don’t think about anything. Don't be too angry with me. I'm a fool...

The old woman listened without answering, and no longer knew whether she could answer or not. She wanted to sleep. Her eyes closed. Until the evening, before darkness, she opened them several more times, but not for long, only to remember where she was.

That night the old woman died.

Used literature:

Valentin Rasputin. Stories. Moscow. "Enlightenment". 1990 pp. 7-136

(The script was written only based on the text of the story “The Deadline”).

The music "Talk to me, Mom" ​​plays.

First girl(she looks in the mirror and says) :

My light, mirror, tell me
Tell me the whole truth:
Who in the world is smarter, more loved and kinder than everyone else?

First boy:

And the mirror answered her:
All the girls are so beautiful
There is no doubt about that, of course!
There is only such a word
What is more expensive than dear!
This word contains the first cry,
The joy of a sunny smile,
This word contains a moment of happiness
Dear and very close! This word is

Together: MOTHER!

Today is a holiday, holiday, holiday,
Celebration of our dear mothers!

This holiday, the most tender,
Comes to us in November.
On a nice and bright day in November
Our mothers and friends gathered in the hall.
This is your holiday, this is your hour!
And we sincerely congratulate you all!
Words of recognition we speak
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
With this song we congratulate you
We value and praise our mothers!

(Children sing to the tune of the song "Yellow Leaves")

(Appendix 1)

Teacher: Mom, mommy! This is what we call our dearest and most beloved person. The first word every baby says is the word “mom”. In all languages ​​of the world it sounds affectionate, warm and gentle. Mom is our first teacher, a wise mentor, she takes care of us. It is from the mother’s lips that the child hears the first words, fairy tales, and songs in his life. All today's performances - songs, poems - sound only for you, our dear Mothers!

First student:

There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I'll answer :
This is my mom.

Second student:

My mother brings me toys, sweets,
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored together.

Third student:

I'll tell my mom all my secrets,
But that’s not why I love my mother.
I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight,
Well, simply because she is my mother!

Fourth student:

Mom's smile
Brings happiness into the home.
Mom's smile
Needed everywhere, in everything!

(The teacher holds an exhibition of children’s drawings “Mom’s Smile.”)

Teacher: From generation to generation, people convey kind, affectionate words about their mother in proverbs and sayings. Guys, let's remember and name some of them. (Appendix 2) (Appendix 3)

First student:

How it happens
I don’t understand it myself.
Like the sun in the sky -
That's mom at home.
Behind the cloud is the sun
Will suddenly disappear
Everything will become empty
And sad all around.
He'll be gone for a little while
My mom -
So sad
I will do it.
Will return home
My dear -
And cheerful again
I will do it.
I play, I laugh,
I tumble and sing.
I love my dear
My dove!

Fifth student:

Our dear mother
Congratulations on her day!
And a song about mom
Today we will sing.

Second student: Oh mine!

Fifth student: About mine!

Second student:

And about mine, and about yours:
About loved ones and relatives
Our dear mothers!

"Song about Mom" ​​(to the tune of the song "Nadezhda", music by N. Dobronravov)

(Appendix 4)

Teacher: All girls really want to be like their mother: to act like her, to grow up to be the same skillful and dexterous housewife. However, this will require a lot of learning. In the meantime... Not everything always works out well.

First student:

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.
She was busy with housework:
The house is big, and I'm alone,
Oh, my back hurts.
I spent an hour fiddling with the laundry -
It turned out to be a dress with a hole,
I sat down to mend in the corner
Stuck on a needle.

Second student:

I washed the dishes, washed them,
I broke my mother's cup.
The floor was scraped white -
Bang! - I spilled ink.
Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,
She was busy with housework.
If you need help with anything, call me, I won’t mind!

(Figure 1)

Teacher: Dear mothers, the guys have prepared a little surprise for you. Each of them wrote a letter to their mother in advance, in which they tried to express their deepest feelings.

(Calm melodic music sounds. Children hand letters to their mothers and sit quietly next to them.)

Sixth student:

(Poem by M. Koryakin “Give women flowers”).

Give flowers for women
For their warmth and charm.
Give women flowers
For their love and understanding.
Give women flowers
And kiss their hands more often.
Give women flowers
When meeting, even when parting.
Give women flowers
Take care of their feelings.
Give women flowers
Give with love and tenderness. (Children hand flowers to mothers.)

Seventh student:

It's great that there are mothers
For this they are praised and honored
Because they are kind
Caring and so gentle.

Eighth student:

For us they are our support,
Hope, strength and stronghold.
And we praise today
Beloved, glorious feminine.

First student:

They are so different
But still all are wonderful!
Soulful, simple,
A little naughty.

Second student:

And mothers’ hands - they’re just a miracle.
Everywhere and everything will be done on time:
Clean up, bake a cake, pie,
And learn a lesson with us.

In chorus:

Glory to dear mothers! -
We always tell them.

(Sounds like “Song about Mom”). (Appendix 5)

(Figure 2)

Without mom, none of us would ever be in this world.

Mom does everything so that you can calmly learn to play, relax... Some children are sure that this is how it should be. But every mother needs her child’s help, she just never talks about it. If you love your mothers, help them - it will be such a joy for them.

The greatest happiness for a mother is when she proudly says: “You know what a good child I have!”

(Appendix 6) SKETCH “Because of you:”

(Figure 3)

(Appendix 7) SKETCH “Teacher and poor student”:

(Appendix 8) Dramatization of the song "TWO"

(Figure 4)

(Appendix 9) SKETCH "Bad item:"

(Figure 5)

(Appendix 10) SKETCH “If it weren’t for you:”

Students take the stage:


I heard that all the girls want to grow up quickly so that they can get married.


Well, of course. And who among us does not want to receive gifts, flowers, sweets:


So do you think that when you become a wife and mother, you will only dress up, eat candy and receive gifts?

Girl (surprised):

How could it be any other way?


Here are statistics from one magazine that gives the following figures:

On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of their sick children.

Mothers who are not qualified cooks cook more than 500 (five hundred) types of a wide variety of dishes during their lives.

They also wash mountains of laundry. If you add up all the laundry they have washed during their lives, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus.

If you fold all the towels they ironed, you will get a belt for the entire globe.

Mothers sing songs and read poems, knit and sew.

They are happy and sad.

Most often because of us children.

And mothers cry. Mom's tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called the Ocean of Sadness.

And being a mother means seeing the happy eyes of your children!

Thank you for being so patient.
As for us fidgets, you are always kind.
For the fact that without us
You wouldn't be able to live -
Thank you, dear ones, thank you very much!


I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that things are good,
So that trouble does not knock on the house,
So that you never have to be sad!

(Appendix 11) DITTS

Ninth student:

How to find words worthy
How to say it without unnecessary phrases.
That we are very (All students) thank you,
That we are very (All students) love you.

First student:

Our holiday is already over
And we want to say one more thing.
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!

Second student:

Don't get sick, don't get old,
Never get angry.
And so young
Stay forever!

Teacher and dads:

As we wish, dear ones,
May you always smile.
To avoid you
Every kind of trouble!
Let your eyes shine
Only good light!
And the love of your children
Life will be warmed up!

(Appendix 12) “We wish you happiness!”

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, introducing him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created, simply communicated and assimilated.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
Theatrical activities allow us to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each work always has a moral orientation. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.
Theatrical activities allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character; this helps to overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.



MADO "CRR-Kindergarten No. 19 of Syktyvkar"

Project “Staging a play for Mother’s Day”

Developed by teacher Olga Linovna Trosheva.


December 2015.

Project plan.

  1. Brief summary of the project.
  2. Justification of the need for the project.
  3. Goals and objectives of the project.
  4. Resources.
  5. Main content of the project.
  6. Planning and organizing activities to develop creative abilities in preschoolers in a performance.
  7. Literature.


Brief summary of the project.

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, introducing him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created, simply communicated and assimilated.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Theatrical activities allow us to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each work always has a moral orientation. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.

Theatrical activities allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character; this helps to overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Thus, theatrical activities help to develop the child comprehensively.

Modern pedagogy is gradually becoming developmental from didactic. Teachers begin to see the results of their activities in the development of each child’s personality, his creative abilities, and interests. In this regard, it is impossible to overestimate the role of theatrical productions, where the child’s creative abilities are fully developed.

However, in practice, we are faced with the fact that due to the lack of a purposeful system of work in theatrical activities, in particular theatrical productions, the children are enslaved, insecure, have poor command of the means of expression, and are afraid of participating in group creative activity, V public speaking, which in one way or another may affect subsequent studies at school.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and necessity of theatrical performances for the development of children’s creative abilities and, on the other hand, the lack of a purposeful system of work, led to the choice of the project topic.


Every year in kindergarten Events are being held in honor of Mother's Day. This is how the idea arose to show the play as a gift to my mother through the children of the theater group. To do this, you need to choose a fairy tale and stage a performance based on it.


Formation of creative abilities in children through the creation of a performance


1. Arouse interest and desire to take an active part in the theatrical production.

2. Learn to use non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements) and intonation expressiveness to convey the character’s image.

3 .Instill communication skills and interaction with a partner in the performance, promote the emancipation of children and increase self-esteem.

4 .To educate moral principles, teach to empathize with the character, the events of the fairy tale, and take care of their mothers.

Project type -creative, group, medium-term.

Implementation period -three months (September, October, November).

Project participants-children of the middle group (4-5 years old) attending the theater group “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, numbering 22 people, teachers, parents, schoolchildren.

Project audience-children of junior and middle groups, parents, teachers, kindergarten staff.

Material and technical resources:

Music hall, scenery, theatrical attributes, music center, “Theater Corner”, different types theater, screen, theatrical costumes.

Main content of the project.

Project activities involve step-by-step activities of children and teachers.

1st step. Children independently determine the goal of the project, the motive for the upcoming activity, and predict the result. It was decided to show the staged performance based on the fairy tale to mothers for Mother's Day. This became the motive for starting project activities.

The situation was modulated: the children were offered three children's illustrations for the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”. Then a problem arose: which of these fairy tales could be used as a play for my mother? The children chose “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” Next, three different endings to this tale were proposed. While searching for a solution, it turned out that good always wins in fairy tales, this helped plan the ending new fairy tale, which we had to compose ourselves.

2nd step . Planning activities with the possible participation of an adult as a partner; determination of means of project implementation.

It was necessary to: compose a fairy tale; choose heroes; prepare sketches of scenery and costumes for the characters; select and make various types theater; choose roles, songs, dances; choose games and exercises for performing arts.

3rd step. The preparation and staging of the performance went through many activities: we got acquainted with the fairy tale in various adaptations; fairy-tale characters were drawn; theatrical sketches, games and exercises were selected and learned to develop the expressiveness of movements and speech. Creative numbers have been learned.

The parents of the group were involved in the implementation of the project, who learned the roles with the children, helped in making costumes, and took the children to the theater.

4th step. The result will be a performance.

5th step. Determining the prospects for the development of the project “staging a play for Mother’s Day.”

Project implementation plan.

Preparatory stage.

Main stage.

The final stage.

  • Drawing up a plan diagram.
  • Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
  • Selection of methodological literature.
  • Developing conversations.
  • Selection of songs, dances, etudes.
  • Selection of visual and didactic material, fiction.
  • Development of information for parents on the topic.
  • Organization of a developmental environment in a group.
  • Introducing children to fiction
  • Conducting conversations.
  • Examination of paintings, conversations about their content.
  • Creative tasks for writing a fairy tale.
  • Presentation of recommendations to parents on the topic.
  • S/r game.
  • Watching films and cartoons.
  • Examination and production of props, masks, costumes, scenery.
  • Drawing your favorite characters.
  • Learning songs, movements, poems.
  • Distribution of roles.
  • Exercise, sketches in performing arts.
  • The use of traditional and non- traditional types theater
  • Rehearsal of episodes of the play.
  • Viewing outdoor performances.
  • Premiere of the play.
  • Show for kids.
  • Analysis of project work.
  • Photo report about the project in the parents' corner and on the group's website.
  • Feedback from parents about the project.

Project implementation.
Preparatory stage.


Familiarization with modern methodological literature on theatrical activities and pedagogical technologies.

Studying the needs and desires of children in choosing a work for theatrical production.

Choose creative numbers of songs and dances.

Explore design options and ways to create decorations.





1 week.

Week 2.

Week 3.

Week 4.

  • Drawing up a project plan.

Setting goals, determining relevance.

Selection of methodological literature.

Study of regulatory documents.

  • Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, development of conversations, selection of songs and dances.
  • Conversation with children about Mother's Day

Information for parents “idea and name of the project”

  • Selection of reproductions of art paintings on a fairy-tale theme, organization of a developmental environment in the group.

Teachers of middle groups, children of middle groups.

Children of middle group No. 12

Makarova N.I.

Teacher of secondary group No. 12 Trosheva O.L.

Head of activities.

The main stage of the project implementation.


Conduct a series of classes and events on the theme of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Determine the activities of each project participant in accordance with their capabilities.

Select different types of theaters based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Write a fairy tale with a new ending.

Prepare a fairy tale through the joint efforts of children, teachers, and parents.

Prepare costumes and scenery.





1 week.



1 half day.

Reading the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” to children. Discussion.

Examination of paintings and posters on this topic.

2 half day.

Lesson “Writing a continuation of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” new way" Choosing the ending by voting.

1 half day.

Conversation is my favorite fairy tale hero in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

S/r game "Theater"

2 half day.

Watching the film “Mom”, cartoons “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Conversation on content.

Teachers, middle group children.

Middle group children, teachers.

Trosheva O.L.

Trosheva O.L.





Week 2.



Week 3.



4 week




1 week.



Week 2.



Week 3.


Week 4.



1 half day.

Conversation “What theater props say”

Examination of masks and costumes, production.

2 half day.

Drawing fairy tale characters (transferring the characteristic features of the heroes in the drawing)

1 sub days.

Conversation “How does a performance appear?”

Production of posters and tickets with the involvement of parents.

2 half day.

A lesson on the distribution of roles in the play.

An exercise to teach children stage impersonation.

1 half day. Learning songs, poems, movements, dances.

2 half day. Rehearsal of the first episodes of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

1 half day. Lesson: sketches on teaching children stage impersonation (facial expressions, gestures, movements)

2 half day. Rehearsal of fairy tale episodes (middle)

1 half day. Use of traditional types of theater.

2 sub days. Using non-traditional types of theater.

1 half day. Costumes and attributes for the performance.

2 sub days. Sketches, exercises for the expressiveness of movements, emotions, development of facial expressions, gestures.

2 half day. Rehearsal of episodes of the ending of a fairy tale.

1 half day. Exercises, studies on the expressiveness of speech and movements.

2 half day. Complete fairy tale rehearsal.

1 half day. Visiting a visiting performance at a preschool educational institution

2 half day. Scheme "Rules of conduct in the theater"

2 half day. Premiere of the play for mothers.

2 half day. Showing the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” for kindergarten children.

Design of a photo exhibition.

Children attending the club, parents.

Children, parents.

Music director, children, parents


Children of junior secondary groups, parents.

Trosheva O.L.

Head of activities

Trosheva O.L.

Expected results and social effect.

The product of the activity is the play “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way”


  • Performance-congratulations for mothers.
  • Design of a photo exhibition.
  • Guidelines for parents “Theater and Children”


  • Work on the project will contribute to the development creative beginnings: guys will learn to create character images using various means expressiveness (word, gesture, facial expressions, movement)
  • The level of social competence will increase.

Children will become more relaxed, learn to communicate freely with peers, and will no longer be afraid of public speaking.

  • The competence of parents in this matter will increase.

Project results:

A performance of congratulations was staged for mothers; a photo exhibition “Project “Staging the Performance”” was created; developed methodological recommendations for parents “How to develop theatrical activities in the family.”

Work on the project contributed to the development of creativity, and the children developed an interest in theatrical activities. Thanks to joint activities, during the implementation of the project, relationships between children, parents and teachers were strengthened. Children have become more sociable, relaxed, self-confident, and are not afraid of performing in front of audiences. We learned to solve problems together, an atmosphere of creativity was created during which children's talents were revealed and the result was an interesting performance.

Prospects further development project.

With the prospect of developing this project, after a joint discussion, it was decided to show the fairy tale not only to the parents and children of our kindergarten, but also to participate in the city competition “Theater Spring”


A.V. Shchetkin “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”; M.2009

E.A. Antipina “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”; M;T.C. "Sphere", 2009

MM. Makhanev “Classes on theater activities in kindergarten”; M;T.C. "Sphere", 2008

N.D. Sorokina “Scenarios for theatrical puppet classes”

N.F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater”

T.S. Grigorieva Program “Little Actor” for children 5-7 years old. M;T.C. "Sphere", 2012


Questionnaires for parents.

Lesson notes.

Questionnaire for parents “Theater and children”

Do you and your child visit the theater or cinema? (Not really)

Why do you visit the theater or cinema?

  • broaden your child's horizons
  • have fun, relax
  • random visit

What, in your opinion, are educational, developmental and training
opportunities for theater-related events?________________

When was the last time you were in the theater:

  • this year
  • a year ago
  • I don't remember when

When a children's film, play, or cartoon is shown on television, you:

  • allow your child to watch
  • switch to another channel
  • watch with your kids

How do you feel about the fact that circus and theater artists come to perform in kindergarten?

  • positively
  • negative

Do you and your child organize theatrical performances at home parties?

Are you ready to take part in a theatrical performance with your child in our kindergarten?

Recommendation for parents “How to develop theatrical activities in the family”

Target: contribute to improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their knowledge of the child’s theatrical activities in the family and kindergarten.
Tasks: – to involve parents in the theatrical and cultural life of preschool educational institutions;
– promote the unity of the parent team, involvement in the life of the group;
– create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing them closer together;
– implement a comprehensive approach to speech development children through theatrical activities;
– increase the speech competence of parents.
The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin called the theater a “magical land”
It is appropriate to add that this is a magical land in which a child lives while playing, and in play he gets to know the world as it is, with all its features.
Theater art is understandable to children, because the basis of theater is play. Theater has a huge beneficial effect on the emotional world of a child.
At first main role In theatrical activities, parents should take charge, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes, so that by the age of 3-4, children, imitating adults, can independently act out fragments of literary works.
Home theater is a collection of theatrical games and various types of theater.
This may include puppet, tabletop, and shadow theaters.
Parents can organize a puppet theater using toys available in the house or made with their own hands from different materials.
Children love to transform into their favorite characters and act on their behalf in accordance with the plots of fairy tales, cartoons, and children's plays.
Home productions help satisfy the physical and emotional potential. Children learn to notice good and bad deeds, show curiosity, they become more relaxed and sociable, learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, feel and understand the world around them more subtly.
The importance of theatrical activities in comprehensive development cannot be overestimated: speech, memory, determination, perseverance are developed, physical skills are practiced (imitation of the movements of various animals and people). In addition, theatrical activities require determination, hard work, and ingenuity. And how a child’s eyes light up when an adult reads aloud, intonation highlighting the character of each character in the work!
Imitating the intonation expressiveness of an adult’s speech, the child himself expressively conveys the content of the work, maintains dialogue, and tries to accurately depict events. In this way, the child develops dialogical speech, his intonation expressiveness, and is subsequently absorbed literary language, which is so necessary in school.
Theatrical games always delight children, enjoying their constant love. Children see the world around them through images, colors, and sounds. They laugh when the characters laugh, they are sad and upset with them. With pleasure, transforming into their favorite image, kids voluntarily accept and appropriate its characteristic features.
The variety of themes, means of representation, and the emotionality of theatrical games make it possible to use them for the purpose of comprehensive education of the individual.
Parents can also become the initiators of organizing a variety of theatrical games at home. These can be fun games, dramatization games with reading, for example, poems by A. Barto “I love my horse..”, “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”, etc., listening to fairy tales recorded on disks, followed by acting them out and other. Such joint entertainment can play a big role in creating friendly, trusting, creative atmosphere in the family, which is important for strengthening family relationships.
To organize such activities in the family, an appropriate artistic and aesthetic environment must be created, which requires the presence of hand-made toys or dolls, a phonetic library and a library of fairy tales, children's musical instruments, homemade instruments, educational games.
The value of theatrical activity is that it helps children visually see the content literary work, develops imagination, without which a full perception of fiction is impossible. After all, the ability to vividly imagine what you read or hear about is developed on the basis of external vision, from the experience of real ideas. Dramatization serves as a means for a child to demonstrate artistic abilities, develop speech, and moral experience. Playing theater is very close to a child who strives to express all his experiences and impressions in action.
I would especially like to note that in the process of theatrical activities, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and memory are improved, and an attitude towards the world around them is formed.
It is necessary for parents to participate in the theatrical activities of children and in kindergarten. This evokes a lot of emotions in children and heightens feelings of pride for their parents who participate in joint theatrical productions.

Scenario “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way”

Roles performed by:



1 kid

2 kids

3 kids

4 kids

5 kids

6 kids

7 kid


Fox cubs

Bear cubs


Storyteller: Tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Storyteller: Yes, in a new way!

To the music, the kids come out from behind the screen and sit in front of the house.

1 presenter:

Once upon a time I lived in a dense forest,

Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.

(Music on and a wolf comes out and dances)

2 ved: He lived alone without his mother,

At night he howled loudly,

And he missed...in the forest

I was sad alone.


Oooh, oh, how sad it is to be alone

Oooh, oh, how sad it is to be alone (sits on a chair under a tree)

1 Presenter: quiet music sounds (Mom songs)

Like a river on the edge

There lived a goat in a hut.

Both beautiful and sweet

Mom was a goat.

She had kids growing up

Very cute little goats (the goat sits and rewinds a ball of thread)


I have seven kids

This is my family:

Here is Bodayka - “I’m stubborn” (butts)

Here is Reader - “The Smartest”

But Sonya - “I love to sleep”

Capricious - "U-oo-oo-oo"

Here is Kripysh - “I love sports”

Laughter - “I want to laugh”

And another kid

Fidget, shooter,

When I’m a kid I call him “Mom, I love you”

Presenter: mother's music (quietly)

In the morning, when the kids were still sleeping (the kids are sleeping), the goat got up

And raised the kids (pats the head)

She watered and fed them, taking a basket

She spoke.


Oh, goats, you guys,

You are left without a mother

I'll go to the market for cabbage,

Maybe a wolf will come, I feel it in my heart.

You have to sit, you hear,

Quieter than water, lower than the grass.

Ved: And the bodayka answers


Don't worry mommy

Everything will be alright

We know from a fairy tale

The wolf is terribly ugly!

Goat music (dances, waves hand, leaves)


Music kids (quietly) stand near the chairs, shake their heads

No, the little goats are not bored

Only mom is at the door

They pounded in the rhythm of the dance

Exactly 28 legs

My home was cracked

The whole earth trembled -

These are the young goats who have forgotten la-la-la

Dance of the kids (music loud)

Vedas: oh, the little goats were tired and sat down to rest, and the smartest little goat, a reader, began to recite poetry loudly.


We are funny guys

We play hide and seek all day

And we dance and we sing,

And the house dances with us.

Ved: here the sleepyhead woke up, and also began to read loudly to the whole forest.


Mommy will come soon

He will bring us gifts.

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun.


The wolf sat behind the tree

And he looked with all his eyes.

The wolf couldn't contain himself

He started laughing loudly:


I wish I had kids like these,

I would be terribly glad!

Ved: heard these words ladybug with the bees and decided to warn the kids about the danger.

(Bee music, dance)

Alena: We are flying through the clearing, we hear a loud noise somewhere.

Ilona: They say there is an evil wolf, wandering somewhere under a pine tree.

Peterim: You guys don’t make noise, sit quietly in the house!

Music of the bees, they fly away

Vedas: and the bees flew away about their business. But the little goats did not listen and began to tease the wolf.

Kids: We are not afraid of the gray wolf, we will give him a click.

Ved: The butterfly decided to warn the kids about the danger, because it flies everywhere and knows everything about everyone. (butterfly music)

Nastya: Hello guys,

Dear little goats,

You don’t anger the wolf, stop your laughter.

So that the wolf can't eat you,

You need to listen to mom.

Ved: and the butterfly flew away about its business.

And the little goats are teasing again: little goats: we are not afraid of the gray wolf,

We'll give him a click.

Vedas: the music of the wolf sounds (quietly)

The wolf heard these words,

Got angry. I took the rope.

The wolf quickly ran into the yard,

He attacked the kids.

I tied everyone with a rope,

And the kids in droves

He took me to his home.






Music fox dance.

Vedas: the fox cubs began to loudly scold the wolf.




Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you.

You will be shameless, you know,

How to steal children!

The little foxes leave, the music goes on.

Ved: and the wolf just waved his paw.

Bunnies galloped here

Hares are not cowards at all,

Bunny dance, music.


A flock of several rabbits stopped,

How they'll scream!




Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you.

You will be shameless, you know,

How to steal children!

Vedas: the bunnies galloped to their place, (Music of the hares)

But the wolf didn’t even bat an eye.


Then the bears came out of the forest,

Stompers, naughty girls,

(Bear Dance)

VED: the bears are in place here

They growled loudly and terribly.




Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you.

You will be shameless, you know,

How to steal children!

Ved: And the bears went to their forest. (Wolf music quietly)

The wolf was terribly scared

Blushed and confused

The old man trotted into his house

He released all the little goats,

I planted it near the house.

And he apologized to everyone.


I didn't want to offend them

I wanted to see them more often

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me,

I'm ashamed, sorry.


Okay, gray, we forgive,

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner.


How do we understand you?

We know very well

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house.


If we are friends -

Will you come to us often?

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night.


At this time I was walking from the market

Mom with her basket.

(music and goat dance)

Vedas: the goat came to the hut and said

Goat: Hello my guys,

Naughty kids.

Ved: and the smallest kid answers


Mom, mom, look

They brought a guest to our house,

He is alone in the whole world -

He doesn't have a mother!


So be it

What to do with you?

Let him play with us too

The door is open here for everyone,

Unless you're a scary beast!


The gray wolf smiled,

The gray wolf laughed

He found himself friends

It will be more fun with them.


It's great now, friends,

I have a mom too!

Vedas: this is the unusual ending of our fairy tale, in which the wolf found his mother and made friends.

We're finishing our fairy tale

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old, get younger, and become prettier.

And we invite all the animals to sing a song for mom!

Class. Let's try to change


1. Create an emotionally favorable atmosphere for friendly relationships.

2. Develop the ability to understand the interlocutor.

3. Introduce children to the concepts of “facial expressions” and “gesture”.

4. Exercise children in portraying heroes using facial expressions and gestures.

1. Game “Name your neighbor affectionately.”

2. Questions for children.

3. Creative task.

4. Pantomime riddles and exercises.

The teacher meets the children with calm music, seats them in a semicircle and invites them to play the game “Say your neighbor’s name affectionately” (children, pronouncing the name of the person sitting next to them affectionately, pass a ball or ball around the circle).

Questions for children:

How do you get to know each other? (By face, voice, clothes, hairstyle, etc.)

How does an actor change his appearance to play a role? (Applies makeup, dresses up in costumes, etc.)

Next, the teacher invites the children to imagine how they would like to see themselves if in a fairy tale they had to play a princess, Puss in Boots, a hunter, Cinderella, Karabas-Barabas, etc. The children, together with the teacher, celebrate the most fantastic costume. The teacher praises the children for their efforts.

The teacher tells the children how they can change themselves with the help of facial expressions and gestures. It is explained to children that facial expressions are movements of facial muscles that express a person’s mood and internal state; gesture - movements of the hands, body, head. Then the children are asked to use facial expressions to depict different moods, and to communicate something using gestures - for example, “come here”, “you can’t”, “goodbye”, “hello”, etc.

The game “Guess who I am” is played. The leading child depicts someone or something (grandfather, grandmother, animals, some object, plant, etc.) using facial expressions, gestures, and the other children guess what he is up to.

After this, the teacher reads two poems to the children:

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest

He shook his fist

He clicked his heel.

King Borovik was not in a good mood -

The king was bitten by flies.

* * *

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One, two, three, four -

the mice pulled the weights!

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

The mice ran away.

Children are invited to depict the poems they heard using facial expressions and gestures.

After this, the teacher reads each poem again, and the children, using facial expressions (the dissatisfied face of the king: frowned eyebrows, an angry look, etc.) and gestures (waving their arms, shaking their heads, stomping their feet, etc.) depict the heroes.

In conclusion, the teacher praises the children for the most expressive findings. Music sounds and the children leave the hall.

Class. We are artists.

1. Develop imagination and creativity in the process of inventing dialogue for a fairy tale.

2. Learn to show your individuality and uniqueness.

3. Intensify the use of the concepts “facial expressions” and “gesture” in children’s speech.

1. Game “Theater warm-up”.

2. Competition for the best dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

The teacher welcomes the children and invites them to play the game “Theater Warm-up”:

One, two, three, four, five -

Do you want to play?

The game is called

"Theatrical warm-up."

Do you want to become an artist?

Then tell me, friends,

How can you change yourself?

To look like a fox?

Or a wolf, or a goat,

Or the prince, Yaga,

Or the frog in the pond?

(Sample answers from children: you can change your appearance with the help of a costume, makeup, hairstyle, headdress, etc.)

And without a suit, children,

Turn into, say, the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or into a butterfly or wasp?

What will help here, friends?

(Gestures and, of course, facial expressions.) What is facial expressions, friends? (The expression on our face.) Right, but what about gestures? (These are movements.)

It happens, no doubt

different mood

I will call him

Try to show it.

The teacher names, and the children show their mood in facial expressions: sadness, joy, calm, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror...

And now the time has come

Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!

I tell you my word

In response, I expect gestures from you.

The teacher calls, and the children show with gestures: “come here”, “go away”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “quiet”, “don’t spoil”, “wait with me”, “you can’t”, “leave me alone”, “ I think”, “understood”, “no”, “yes”.

The warm-up has come to an end...

We tried everything now.

And now for a surprise, guys!

I invite you to a fairy tale.

The teacher invites the children to unite in groups of four and act out the well-known fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” filling it with new content.” Encourages children to come up with what a goat and a wolf can talk about, to find expressive gestures on their own, to change their facial expressions and voice in accordance with each image.”

Children, wearing elements of costumes (scarf, hat, cap of kids, tail or ears of a wolf), act out their fairy tale, then they, together with the teacher, choose the most interesting option.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher rewards the children for their artistry, and the children leave to the accompaniment of calm music.

Lesson, “Game activity.”

1. Develop expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, and voice in children.

2. Activate children’s vocabulary, reinforcing the ability to use the concepts of “gesture” and “facial expressions”.

1. Surprise moment.

2. Games for the expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voices.

The teacher meets the children to the accompaniment of calm music and says that he is expecting an unusual guest. This is Grandpa Molchok. When he appears, it immediately becomes quiet. Grandfather is very kind, loves children and knows many interesting games.


Hello, grandfather Molchok!

Where are you? We want to play

Learn a lot of new things

Where are you, good old man?

Silence... Silence has arrived.

Don't scare him away, look

Shhh, don't say anything.

The teacher encourages the children to look for grandfather very quietly, on tiptoe, with a gesture calling for silence (thereby training the children in the expressiveness of gestures and movements). Next, the teacher “finds” the grandfather and acts on his behalf: he greets him and says that he was in a hurry to see the children because he loves to play. Offers the children the game “Find out who speaks under a different name.” The teacher reads the text on behalf of Grandfather Molchka. Children are given instructions that they need to change their voice, and in accordance with the image of the person Grandfather Silent points to. The selected driver must guess which of the children speaks on a different behalf.

Class. We make up fairy tales ourselves, and then we play them.

1. Develop children's creative imagination.

2. Learn to convey expressively characteristic features heroes of the fairy tale heroes of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

3. Develop independence and the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team (social skills).

1. Immersion in a fairy tale invented by children.

2. Pantomime game “Recognize the hero of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

The teacher meets the children and reminds them that they will meet with the fairy tale that they composed in the last lesson and where the heroes were a wolf and seven kids. Asks the children to remember and retell this fairy tale again. (Children retell a fairy tale they composed.)

After this, the teacher offers to come up with a title for the fairy tale.

Next he plays the game “Get to know the hero”. Children, if desired, imagine a hero from a fairy tale and show him using facial expressions and gestures. The others must guess who it is. In parallel with this, there is a discussion on what characteristic features children recognized the hero and what means of expression helped them with this.

Then the teacher invites the children to play the fairy tale they created. To do this, they independently distribute roles and determine the playing space (the teacher, as necessary, helps children if conflicts or problems arise with the distribution of roles).

At the end of the fairy tale, children, at the request of an adult, evaluate each other. The teacher encourages them for their efforts and performance skills and says goodbye to them.

Class. Our emotions

1. Learn to recognize emotional states by facial expressions: “joy”, “sadness”, “fear”, “anger”.

2. Teach children to select the right graphic card with emotions in a specific situation and depict the appropriate facial expressions on their faces.

3. Improve children’s ability to express their thoughts coherently and logically.

1. Examination of plot pictures.

2. Conversation.

3. Exercise “Depict an emotion.”

4. Practical task.

5. Discussion.

The teacher meets the children and looks at the story pictures with them. First, the picture “Joy” is considered (this can be any smiling face).

Questions for children:

What is the character's mood in this picture? Why do you think so?

In what situations do we feel joyful?

Children, together with the teacher, note the shape of the lips, the position of the eyebrows, characteristic of a joyful mood.

Then, at the request of the teacher, the children depict the corresponding emotions on their faces in front of the mirror. Everyone chooses together: “The most joyful face”, “The most angry”, “The most fearful”, “The saddest”, etc.

At the end of the exercises, children are given story pictures that depict situations (for example, a girl broke a cup). Children must evaluate the situation depicted in the picture and complete the face on the proposed card in accordance with this situation.

After completing the task, each child explains what feeling his hero is experiencing and why.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher encourages the children for their efforts and asks them to say goodbye to him, depicting on their face the emotion corresponding to the given situation.