Fortune telling for the old new year. Walnut signs and fortune telling

A lot of people love nuts. This unusually healthy and nutritious fruit has long been famous as a powerful magical tool. Even in ancient times, they firmly believed that it was capable of healing many different diseases, making a person smarter and wiser, and in some cases causing mental disorders.
According to ancient Roman beliefs, the nut represented the human brain, because it is very similar in structure. It was grown in watery areas, such as swamps or ponds. They fed nuts to salmon, which also lived in these reservoirs. It was believed that whoever consumed the liquid remaining after cooking such fish would become a genius.

The British were confident that if a lot of nuts were produced in any year, the birth rate would increase significantly. At French weddings, nuts were sprinkled on the newlyweds, thus wishing them happiness. And sorcerers and mediums, putting their ears to the nut, began to hear the voices of dead people.

Magic properties

The wood of walnut trees was also considered sacred and possessing magical properties. The Slavs firmly believed that lightning could not strike a walnut tree under any circumstances, so lightning rods were made from its branches and trunks. The Slovak peoples used walnut twigs to look for treasures, and the Russians looked for mushrooms. The Bulgarians, waving hazel branches, drove away evil spirits that could harm newborn children, whose aura at the beginning of life is not particularly strong and therefore needs protection.

The nut also symbolized a special world from which children come to earth. Therefore, if small child For a long time he did not begin to walk on his own, his parents fanned him with a walnut tree branch, casting special spells. The Scandinavians drove cows with such twigs so that they would produce more milk.

We're guessing

Many peoples have come up with their own methods of fortune telling with nuts, which remain popular to this day. Asians used chestnuts for their rituals, European peoples used walnuts, Indians used pecans, Africans used coconuts.

  1. The simplest and most common way is: make a wish and scatter a handful of various nuts on the table. If the number of nuts is even, then the wish will come true in the near future, if it is odd, the plan will never come true.
  2. Epiphany fortune telling. Take a handful of walnuts in the shell, select one of them and crack it. If it is empty - next year does not bode well in material terms; possible illness loved one, if full, it promises good health and the successful completion of all matters.
  3. In Rus' they loved to tell fortunes about their betrothed using nuts. To do this, the girls took half a walnut shell, inserted a small candle into them, then lowered them into a bowl filled with water. Whose candle burns out faster will get married ahead of the rest. If the candle is very melted, then this girl will soon become pregnant.
  4. English girls when they wanted to find out whether her marriage would be happy, they did the following: they took two nuts in their hands, called them by their proper names and the one they were going to marry and threw them into the fire. If the flame engulfs two nuts at once, then the young people are destined to be together, their union will be successful. If first one nut caught fire, then another, or none of them caught fire, then this means a quick separation.

It is considered a very good omen to find a nut with two kernels. If you eat it with your loved one, it promises prosperity and happiness. If your lover is not nearby at this moment, then you should throw the second cannonball, without saying a word, over your left shoulder. You need to remain silent until someone asks a question that can only be answered positively.

Fortune telling with different varieties of nuts

If you have several types of nuts, you can put them in one bag, mix them and pull out one at random. The interpretation will explain to you what it will mean:

  • walnut symbolizes happiness, material well-being and good health
  • Brazil nut is a messenger of love
  • pecan – good job and monetary reward
  • almonds represent intelligence and kindness
  • cashews - new acquaintances and fruitful meetings
  • Hazelnuts symbolize protection from troubles and misfortunes.

For the betrothed

There is another very popular and interesting fortune-telling for the betrothed. This is how they cast a spell when they want to make sure of the sincerity of the feelings of a loved one.

You need to take a coconut fruit and split it into halves. At the same time, you need to pronounce the spell: “A heart will come to you, and your heart is waiting for it.” At this moment, all thoughts should be occupied by the beloved. It is necessary to fully concentrate on fortune telling, only then can you get an objective result.

  • If the nut does not break the first time, this means that your feeling is somewhat stronger than that of your other half, but do not be upset. Your relationship is very strong and will easily stand the test of time.
  • If the nut is broken into equal parts, this may mean that you have a rival who also claims the love of your young man. But your feelings are so strong that outsiders will not interfere with your union and will not disrupt the idyll.
  • If the nut is split into several parts, then there is very little good in your relationship. Your relationship is casual and short-lived. Neither of you have strong feelings
  • It is much worse if you break the nut into several parts. In this case, there is little comforting to be said. Your meeting happened by chance and just as by chance it will be interrupted, because you do not experience any genuine feelings for each other. Moreover, your union has become a habit and is beginning to weigh on both of you. Wouldn't it be better to end your relationship?

Online relationship fortune telling using nuts is also very popular. There are many funny and quite serious fortune-telling stories on the Internet. Regardless of the result, interactive fortune telling is very interesting and quite informative.

The nut, a fruit beloved by many with a hard shell, containing a delicious kernel inside, has long served as sacred magical symbol. Manipulation with it, according to legend, could cause rain, heal infertility, give a person wisdom, or, on the contrary, deprive him of his sanity. IN Ancient Rome the walnut symbolized the human head - probably due to the similarity of its contents with the structure of the brain... The Celts bred salmon in sacred ponds, supposedly feeding on wisdom nuts from nine sacred trees. They had spots on their backs, corresponding to the number of nuts they had eaten. Anyone who, having caught and cooked such salmon, did not eat it, but was burned by the hot juice, became a sage... The English have a saying: “ Nut year- a litter of boys!” During weddings, the French threw nuts at the feet of the newlyweds for good luck... Many peoples had a belief that magicians and sorcerers, by pressing their ears to a nut, were able to hear voices from world of the dead.

Special properties also attributed to walnut wood. The ancient Slavs believed that a walnut tree could not be struck by lightning, and therefore used crosses made from hazel as lightning rods. The Slovaks, using a walnut twig - a vine - tried to find treasures, and our compatriots - edible mushrooms.

Bulgarians have many superstitions related to nuts. For example, they waved a burning hazel branch over the cradle of a newborn - this supposedly drove away mermaids who could harm the baby. The nut was a symbol of the mysterious world from where children come to us. Residents of Scandinavian countries used walnut branches as prods for cows so that they would produce more milk.

It was customary to tell fortunes using nuts, and this tradition still exists. Europeans used walnuts for this purpose, Asians - chestnuts, Indians - pecans, Africans - coconuts. The simplest way- take a handful of nuts and scatter them on the table, making a wish. An even number will appear - the wish will come true, an odd number - it will not come true.

This is how they tell fortunes at Epiphany. Take a handful of nuts and crack one. If it turns out to be empty, the coming year will bring crop failure and illness; if it is full, it will bring health and prosperity.

In the old days in Rus' they used to tell fortunes about their betrothed. Two girls each took half a walnut, inserted a small candle into them, lowered them into a bowl of water and lit them. The one whose candle burns out faster will go ahead and get married.

In England, if a girl wants to know whether she will be happy in love, she takes two nuts, names them with her name and the name of the person she wishes for, and throws them into the flame. If both nuts light up at the same time, they are destined to be together. Otherwise they will separate.

A good omen is a nut with two kernels. They should be eaten with your lover without saying a word. If your loved one is not nearby, you must silently throw the second kernel over your left shoulder and not utter a word until they ask a question that can be answered “ Yes».

If you have on hand different varieties nuts, put them in equal quantities in a bag and pull one out at random. Then look at the interpretation: Brazil nut and chestnut portend love, walnut - health, prosperity, pecan - work, almonds - wealth, wisdom, hazelnuts - protection from adversity, cashews - communication with new people.

As you can see, nuts are good for more than just eating...

The nut season has begun. That is why we offer you this article, where you can read not only good omens, but also several fortune telling on nuts.

Nut... This hard-shelled fruit, beloved by many, concealing a delicious kernel inside, has long served as a sacred magical symbol. Manipulation with it, according to legend, could cause rain, heal infertility, give a person wisdom, or, on the contrary, deprive him of his sanity.

In ancient Rome, the walnut symbolized the human head - probably due to the similarity of its contents with the structure of the brain... The Celts bred salmon in sacred ponds, supposedly feeding on wisdom nuts from nine sacred trees. They had spots on their backs, corresponding to the number of nuts they had eaten. Anyone who, having caught and cooked such salmon, did not eat it, but was burned by the hot juice, became a sage...

The British have a saying: “A year of nuts produces more boys!” During weddings, the French threw nuts at the feet of the newlyweds for good luck... Many peoples had a belief that magicians and sorcerers, by pressing their ears to a nut, were able to hear voices from the world of the dead.

Special properties were also attributed to walnut wood. The ancient Slavs believed that a walnut tree could not be struck by lightning, and therefore used crosses made from hazel as lightning rods. The Slovaks tried to find treasures with the help of a walnut twig - a vine, and our compatriots tried to find edible mushrooms.

Bulgarians have many superstitions related to nuts. For example, they waved a burning hazel branch over the cradle of a newborn - this supposedly drove away mermaids who could harm the baby...

If the child could not learn to walk, they whipped him with a nut rod, saying: “Leave the nut one, take the dogwood one!” - the nut was a symbol of the mysterious world from where children come to us... Residents of Scandinavian countries used walnut branches as drives for cows so that they would give more milk...

It was customary to tell fortunes using nuts, and this tradition still exists. Europeans used walnuts for this purpose, Asians - chestnuts, Indians - pecans, Africans - coconuts.

The simplest way is to take a handful of nuts and scatter them on the table, making a wish. An even number will appear - the wish will come true, an odd number - it will not come true.

This is how they tell fortunes at Epiphany. Take a handful of nuts and crack one. If it turns out to be empty, the coming year will bring crop failure and illness; if it is full, it will bring health and prosperity.

In the old days in Rus' they used to tell fortunes about their betrothed. Two girls each took half a walnut, inserted a small candle into them, lowered them into a bowl of water and lit them. The one whose candle burns out faster will go ahead and get married.

In England, if a girl wants to know whether she will be happy in love, she takes two nuts, names them with her name and the name of the person she wishes for, and throws them into the flame. If both nuts light up at the same time, they are destined to be together. Otherwise they will separate.

A good omen is a nut with two kernels. They must be eaten with your lover without saying a word. If your loved one is not nearby, you must silently throw the second kernel over your left shoulder and not utter a word until they ask a question that can be answered “yes.”

If you have different types of nuts on hand, put them in equal quantities in a bag and pull one out at random. Then look at the interpretation.

Brazil nut and chestnut foretell love.
Walnut - health, well-being.
Pecan - work.
Almonds - wealth, wisdom.
Hazelnuts - protection from misfortunes.
Cashew - communication with new people.

As you can see, nuts are good for more than just eating...

Diana Merlin

Everyone knows about the benefits of nuts as a food product. However, our ancestors believed that both the walnut tree itself and its fruits also had magical properties. This explains the huge number of signs associated with nuts.

Since ancient times, walnuts have been considered a symbol of fertility.. A woman who regularly eats this and other foods symbolizing the origin of life (caviar, bird eggs, any unrefined grains and seeds) will soon carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

It’s really hard to argue with the validity of this sign. Scientists have long proven that walnuts help not only with baldness and sore throat, but also with diseases of the genitourinary system. In other words, by including this product in your diet, you will in any case increase your “fertility.”

It is curious that in many countries the above-mentioned sign gave rise to the most beautiful wedding traditions. So, in Europe, after a wedding, the mother of the bride can give her daughter a bag of walnuts (or any forest nuts) as a gift, hinting that she can’t wait to babysit her grandchildren.

However, in some places the sign has already lost its original meaning, and the above-mentioned gift is simply regarded as a wish for good luck and the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires.

Carrying a walnut with you is a sign of money.

The nut harvest is full of newborns this year.

Finding two kernels in one shell is fortunate: one kernel should be eaten immediately, the other should be thrown over the left shoulder, making a wish.

An interesting detail: although the walnut itself is considered a symbol of life, many believe that planting a walnut tree is inviting a quick death.

Signs about other nuts.

The Slavs also believed that by observing animals and plants, one could draw conclusions about the coming weather. So, if in the fall the forest is full of nuts, but there are almost no mushrooms and berries to be seen, it will be an unusually cold winter.

If you manage to find a “cache” with squirrel supplies, it’s worth examining its contents. If a furry animal, while collecting food, gave preference to nuts, you should know that it anticipated a long, harsh winter.

What they say about different varieties nuts?

Almonds symbolize sobriety of thought. It is believed that these nuts help cope with diseases such as drunkenness.

Pistachios are a sure cure for any evil (especially love) spells.

Coconuts, according to signs, will help protect your home from evil spirits and evil spirits.

Pecans symbolize wealth and therefore can be used in most magical rites aimed at increasing wealth.

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Fortune telling using autumn fruits was once very popular in almost all countries of the world. People endlessly trusted the wisdom of nature and knew how to read its signs. After many decades of oblivion, this art is being revived again, and now everyone can use it. You should start with the most simple techniques predictions. To do this, stock up on a handful of acorns and nuts, rowan and blueberries, a few apples - in general, everything that autumn gives us in abundance.

Lucky or unlucky

If you are planning to accomplish something grandiose, this fortune telling will tell you whether fortune will be on your side.

You will need: an acorn and two pieces of paper.

Fortune telling technique: On one sheet of paper write the word “luck”, and on the other - “it’s better to put it aside for now.” Place the pieces of paper on the table in front of you at a distance of approximately 20-25 cm. Focus on the matter whose outcome you want to predict. Then take the acorn and push it towards the leaves.

If the acorn comes close to the piece of paper with the inscription “luck”, feel free to take on what you have in mind. You will succeed. If the acorn rolls up to another leaf, postpone your idea. The time for active action has not yet come. If the acorn stops approximately in the middle, rest assured: the success of your endeavor depends entirely on your efforts.

Should there be a wedding?

This old English fortune telling will allow you to understand whether lovers (you or your friends) will be able to get married in the near future.

You will need: two acorns, plate or bowl.

Fortune telling technique: Mark which acorn will represent the bride and which will represent the groom. Pour water into a bowl and let the acorns float freely.

If the fruits come together immediately, the wedding will take place in the near future. If the connection occurs after some time, expect difficulties and obstacles, but all of them can be overcome. When the acorns blur into different sides, this indicates the likelihood of a break in the relationship.

Forecast for the future

The following technique allows you to lift the veil of the future. Fortune telling will help you find out what events await you in the near future.

For fortune telling you will need: three nuts each different types– cedar, walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, chestnuts.

Fortune telling technique: Place the fruits in a bag. Shake and pull out any at random.

Pine nuts guarantee health and well-being. Chestnut foretells happy love. Walnut promises success in work and study. Almonds promise an improvement in your financial situation. Cashew symbolizes making new friends. Hazelnuts guarantee protection from troubles, diseases and accidents.

Will your dreams come true?

Try traditional wish fortune telling. It is best to cast a spell in this way on the street - in a park or in the yard.

You will need: 13 hazelnuts, small stick.

Fortune telling technique: Draw a circle on the ground about 40 cm in diameter. Stand on the east side. Take the nuts in your hands and shake them in your palms. Think about what you wished for and throw the fruits up.

If most of the nuts fall into the circle, your wish will come true. If the nuts roll around - alas, your dream is not destined to come true. Take a close look at the fallen nuts. Perhaps you will see some kind of figure that will help you understand what is preventing the implementation of your plan. Turn on your intuition and imagination, and you will learn how to act to get what you want.

Is it worth the risk?

If you face it in the future! It’s a risky business and you fear for its outcome, fortune telling on a rowan tree will help dispel all doubts.

You will need: several bunches of ripe rowan berries.

Technique: Remove the branches and place the berries in some container (for example, a large bowl). Mentally or out loud ask a question that interests you. And then, without looking, take a handful of berries. Count them.

An even number of fruits means that you are not in any danger in the near future. If the matter is truly worthwhile and does not infringe on the interests of other people, feel free to take on its implementation. An odd number of berries warns: be careful! It's not worth taking risks now. Don't trust your partners - they may deceive you or even set you up.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling with apples will help you determine the name of your future husband.

For fortune telling you will need: apple, knife

How to guess: Begin to carefully peel the apple, cutting away the peel in one long strip. Count the turns by calling out the letters of the alphabet.

The last letter named will become the initial letter in the name of your future spouse. Throw the peel ribbon over your left shoulder. When it falls, take a closer look: what letter does the resulting shape remind you of? She is the second in the cherished name.
With the help of an apple, you can find out the name of your betrothed in another way. Take the fruit by the stem and, rotating it, call male (or female) names - for each circle by name. Whatever name the stem breaks on is what your future chosen one will wear.

Fortune telling for the year

A simple blueberry can predict the main milestones of your destiny for the whole year. But you must tell fortunes at night, so that no one bothers you.

You will need: two handfuls of blueberries.

How to guess: Place a large circle of berries on the floor from one handful, and two more circles from the other: a medium one and a smaller one. At the same time, you should say (you can silently): “Blueberry, tell me about your health, look where happiness is, look for my betrothed...” Count the berries in each circle.

A large circle means health, a medium circle means success and happiness, a small circle means your future spouse. An even number in the first circle means good health, an odd number means a recommendation to strengthen it: spend more time in nature, give preference to natural products and physical exercise. An even number in the middle circle promises complete happiness and with prosperity an odd number warns that you will have to fight for all this, showing best qualities– Honesty, hard work and creative imagination. But in a small circle, an even - female - number carries uncertainty, that is, the conditions for meeting your soul mate have not yet developed; an odd number - expect happy love over the next 12 months. By the way, in fortune telling with blueberries there is one very useful nuance; If you don’t like the prediction of any circle, just eat these berries and it will be erased from the information field of the Universe.