Essay man and war. Essay on the topic of man and war

War... These four years of horror will never become empty words for any of us. People remember pain, agony and suffering. We remember that our great-grandfathers gave their lives for our happy future, for this radiant sun above our heads and for the Great Victory... The war... It ruined the lives of millions of people, crippled their already tormented souls, took away all the hopes that were flickering in the body. She forced, cruelly and mercilessly, everyone to take up arms: women, children, old people. She, like a deadly viper, wrapped herself around everyone's neck, leaving not the slightest

chance of survival, but it seems that when a ray of hope flashes, suddenly her sharp fangs will scream with incredible greed into the body, which the next moment, lifeless, will fall on damp earth. War... Daily incessant bombing, endless machine-gun bursts, grenades exploding at every step - all these are lessons in a merciless life. Love and happiness... These words, so familiar to the heart, became alien, people forgot about them, just as they forgot that justice, freedom, and brotherhood exist on earth. Those whose hands rose to cripple the most dear and beloved that our great-grandfathers had do not deserve mercy,

pity and compassion. Only God's merciless punishment will befall them because they wanted to destroy their innocent lives and greedily appropriate the freedom given to them from above. War... This event turned the world upside down so much that it is impossible to even imagine. We must be proud of the courage, fearlessness and bravery of those who stood in the way of despots and tyrants, shielded their Motherland with their breasts, shielded them from bullets and grenades, shielded them in the name of everything beautiful that exists on earth: freedom, love and mercy.


– man and war essay

- essay man and war

- essay on the topic of war and man

- essay on the topic of war in human life

– war and man essay

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  4. The events in L. Tolstoy's epic novel “War and Peace” begin in 1805 and end in 1820. From the St. Petersburg salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, the writer transfers...
  5. All people living on earth know about wars. They always talk about them, remember them, and of course they are afraid of a repetition of these terrible events in our time. Parents and...
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  8. Well-mannered man A well-mannered person. What does this concept mean? Dictionary defines the word “well-mannered” as follows: “Differented by a good upbringing, able to behave well.” IN different times People,...

War... These four years of horror will never become empty words for any of us. People remember pain, agony and suffering.

We remember that our great-grandfathers gave their lives for our happy future, for this radiant sun above our heads and for the Great Victory... The war... It ruined the lives of millions of people, crippled their already tormented souls, took away all the hopes that were flickering in the body. She forced, cruelly and mercilessly, everyone to take up arms: women, children, old people.

She, like a deadly viper, wrapped herself around everyone’s neck, leaving not the slightest chance of survival, but it seems that when a ray of hope flashes, suddenly her sharp fangs will bite with incredible greed into the body, which the next moment, lifeless, will fall to the damp ground . War... Daily incessant bombing, endless machine-gun fire, grenades exploding at every step - all these are lessons in a merciless life.

Love and happiness... These words, so familiar to the heart, became alien, people forgot about them, just as they forgot that justice, freedom, and brotherhood exist on earth. Those whose hands

They rose up to cripple the most dear and beloved thing that our great-grandfathers had, they are not worthy of mercy, pity and compassion.

Only God's merciless punishment will befall them because they wanted to destroy their innocent lives and greedily appropriate the freedom given to them from above. War... This event turned the world upside down so much that it is impossible to even imagine.

We must be proud of the courage, fearlessness and courage of those who stood in the way of despots and tyrants, shielded their Motherland with their breasts, shielded them from bullets and grenades, shielded them in the name of everything beautiful that exists on earth: freedom, love and mercy.


– man and war essay

- essay man and war

- essay on the topic of war and man

- essay on the topic of war in human life

– war and man essay

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Those who, caring little for glory, Were the first in every battle, We knew... Yu. Drunina A person who survived the war will never forget what he saw, heard, felt during this time. It was the harsh school of war that allowed the talented writer V. Bykov to recreate on the pages of his works such lively and diverse characters that make the heroes of his novels, stories, and short stories unforgettable. “Every artist comes to art, first of all, with the truth of his own experience, with his own understanding of the world,” wrote Vasil Bykov, but the closer this experience and this truth are to the people, the greater the resonance they produce, the more understanding and recognition the writer meets. I think this is precisely what can explain the wide popularity of V. Bykov’s works, which managed not to get lost in the mass of literature on military topics, but to take their rightful place in it. War... Even this word emanates something cold, causing melancholy and horror. War has always been a severe test not only for the entire people, but also for each person individually, because victory or defeat always depended on the sum of the efforts and faith of the people. In the works of V. Bykov we encounter different people who manifest themselves in different ways cruel reality military everyday life. But this time does not forgive weakness, uncertainty, lack of will. Therefore, before our eyes there is a moral evolution of heroes who confidently made their choice (Ales Ivanovich Moroz from the story “Obelisk”, Zosya from the story “To Go and Not Return”, Sotnikov from the story of the same name), ready for self-sacrifice, deprivation and even death for the sake of the approach of the Great Victory, as well as the internal degradation of those who were afraid for their own skin, selfish, weak-willed, ready to betray (Anton from the story “To Go and Not Return”, Fisherman from the story “Sotnikov”, Cain from the story “Obelisk”). Reading Bykov’s works about the war, you understand that what was important for a common victory was, first of all, a person’s victory over himself, the ability to put the instinct of self-preservation at the service of the aspirations of the heart and will, and not at all age and life experience, which, of course, could play an important role in manifestations of human nature. The very young girls from B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” who have just left school, overcoming fear and sacrificing themselves, selflessly try to complete the important task of detecting and eliminating German saboteurs. Zosya Noreiko from the story “To Go and Never Return”, “ little man on this earth”, going through various trials with dignity, believes that it is wartime that places increased demands on people, when you cannot be cowardly, lie to yourself, you cannot compromise your conscience, you cannot go against your own, because all this plays into the hands of the enemies and delays the moment of long-awaited victory. Betrayal during the war requires neither explanation nor justification, because a person who sets foot on this road will follow it to the end, without worrying about the lives of friends, about the fate of the Motherland, caring only about his devalued and meaningless existence. The fisherman from the story “Sotnikov” not only reveals the location of the detachment to the enemies, but also leads his comrade to the gallows - does his behavior need additional explanation?! And Bykov, plunging into the depths of the human soul, argues that people who have committed betrayal in relation to the Motherland and their friends, betray first of all themselves, those moral and moral foundations on which their lives were previously based, and therefore they are doomed to painful remorse conscience and fear of the present and future. So is such a slave life worth a worthy death? V. Bykov does not have works with a “happy” ending, because he was convinced from his own experience that perseverance and uncompromisingness in wartime were too often paid at the cost of human life. And yet, the stories of this writer are life-affirming, because they reveal the heroic characters of Russian people who are capable of self-sacrifice, who endlessly love their Motherland, remain devoted to it until their last breath and who have won victory from their enemies not only for themselves, but also for their children and grandchildren, and therefore for us.

Cool! 54

War is the worst thing that can happen in the life of every person. Sudden attack by Nazi Germany on ordinary people Soviet people. But nothing can break strong-willed people, they only have Victory ahead of them!

War - there is so much in this word. Just one word carries a lot of fear, pain, screams and cries of mothers, children, wives, losses of loved ones and thousands of glorious soldiers who stood for the lives of all generations... How many children did she leave as orphans, and wives as widows with black scarves on their heads. How many terrible memories she left behind her in human memory. War is the pain of human destinies, caused by those who rule at the top and crave power in any way, even bloody.

And if you think carefully, then in our time there is not a single family from whom the war has not taken away or simply maimed a person close to us with bullets, shrapnel, or simply its echoes. After all, we all remember and honor the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. We remember their feat, unity, faith in a great victory and the loud Russian “HURRAY!”

The Great Patriotic War can rightfully be called sacred. After all, all people stood up to defend their Motherland, not being afraid of a stray bullet, torture, captivity and much more. Our ancestors rallied so much and went forward to recapture their land from the enemy, on which they were born and raised.

The Soviet people were not broken even by the suddenness of the attack on June 22, 1941; the German fascists attacked in the early morning. Hitler counted on a quick victory, as in many European countries that surrendered and submitted to him with virtually no resistance.

Our people did not have any weapons, but this did not frighten anyone and they walked confidently forward, without giving up their positions, defending their loved ones and their Motherland. The road to victory ran through many obstacles. Militant battles developed both on the ground and in the sky. There was not a single person who did not contribute to this Victory. The young girls who served as medics and carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield, how much strength and courage they had. How much faith they carried with them, giving it to the wounded! The men went boldly into battle, covering with their backs those who were in the rear, their homes and families! Children and women worked in factories at the machines, producing ammunition that brought cherished successes in capable hands!

And no matter what, that moment came, the moment of the long-awaited victory. Army Soviet soldiers later for many years battles was able to drive the Nazis out of their native land. Our hero soldiers reached the borders of Germany and stormed Berlin, the capital of the fascist country. All this happened in 1945. In May, on the 8th, Germany signed a complete surrender. It was at that very time that our ancestors gave us one of the great holidays celebrated on May 9 - Victory Day! A day truly filled with tears in our eyes, great joy in our souls and sincere smile on the face!

Remembering the stories of grandfathers, grandmothers and people who participated in these hostilities, we can conclude that only a strong-willed, courageous and ready-to-death people could achieve victory!

For the younger generation, the Great Patriotic War is just a story from the distant past. But this story excites everything inside and makes you think about what is happening in modern world. Think about the wars we see now. Think about the fact that we must not allow another war and prove to the heroic soldiers that it was not in vain that they fell into the ground, that it was not in vain that the soil was saturated with their blood! I want everyone to remember at what price this difficult Victory and the peace over our heads that we now have were achieved!

And in conclusion, I really want to say: “Thank you, Great Warriors! I remember! I'm proud!

Even more essays on the topic: “War”

How I would like all children on Earth to know about what war is only from the pages of history textbooks. I sincerely hope that someday my wish will come true. But for now, unfortunately, wars on our planet continue.

I will probably never understand how those who start these wars feel. Don’t they really think that the price of any war is human lives. And it doesn’t matter which side won: they are both, in fact, losers, because you can’t bring back those who died in the war.

War means losses. In war, people lose loved ones, war takes away their home, deprives them of everything. Those who were not affected by the war, I think, will never be able to fully understand how terrible it is. It’s hard for me to even imagine how terrible it is to go to bed, realizing that in the morning you can find out that one of your loved ones is no longer there. It seems to me that the fear of losing a loved one is much stronger than the fear for your own life.

How many people are deprived of their health by war forever? How many are disabled? And no one and nothing will return their youth, health, and crippled destinies to them. It’s so scary to lose your health irrevocably, to lose all your hopes at one moment, to realize that your dreams and plans are not destined to come true.

But the worst thing is that war leaves no one a choice: to fight or not - the state decides for its citizens. And it no longer matters whether residents support such a decision or not. War affects everyone. Many are trying to escape the war. But is escape painless? People have to leave their homes, leave their homes, not knowing whether they will ever be able to return to their former lives.

I am convinced that any conflicts should be resolved peacefully, without sacrificing human destinies to war.


For a person it has great value whether there is meaning in his life. Every person strives to express themselves as much as possible. But personality manifests itself most clearly in crisis situations, such as natural disasters or wars.

War is a terrible time. It constantly tests a person’s strength and requires full dedication. If you are a coward, if you are not capable of patient and selfless work, if you are not ready to sacrifice your comfort or even your life for the sake of a common cause, you are worthless.

Our country was often forced to fight. The most terrible wars that befell our ancestors are civil ones. They required the most difficult choice, sometimes completely breaking a person’s existing value system, since it was often unclear with whom and what to fight.

The so-called patriotic wars are the defense of the country from external attack. Everything is clear here - there is an enemy who threatens everyone, ready to become the master in the land of your ancestors, dictate his own rules on it, and make you a slave. At such moments, our people have always demonstrated rare unanimity and ordinary, everyday heroism, manifested in every little thing, be it a fierce battle or duty in the medical battalion, exhausting foot crossings or digging trenches.

Every time the enemy wanted to defeat Russia, he harbored the illusion that the people were dissatisfied with their government, that the enemy troops would be greeted with joy (both Napoleon and Hitler were most likely convinced of this and counted on an easy victory). The stubborn resistance that the people showed them must have surprised them at first, and then terribly enraged them. They didn't count on him. But our people have never been entirely slaves. They felt themselves part of their native land and could not give it up to strangers for desecration. Everyone became heroes - men, fighters, women, and children. Everyone contributed to the common cause, everyone took part in the war, everyone defended their homeland together.


72 years have passed since the day when the whole world heard the long-awaited word “Victory!”

May 9th. Good ninth day of May. At this time, when all nature comes to life, we feel how beautiful life is. How dear she is to us! And along with this feeling comes the understanding that we owe our lives to all those who fought, died and survived in those hellish conditions. To those who, without sparing themselves, worked in the rear, to those who died during the bombing of cities and villages, to those whose lives were painfully cut short in fascist concentration camps.

On Victory Day we will gather at the eternal flame, lay flowers, and remember thanks to whom we live. Let’s keep quiet and once again tell them “Thank you!” Thank you for our peaceful life! And in the eyes of those whose wrinkles preserve the horrors of war, remember fragments and wounds, the question is read: “Will you preserve what we shed blood for in those terrible years, will you remember the real price of Victory?”

Our generation has less opportunity to see living combatants and hear their stories about that difficult time. That’s why meetings with veterans are so dear to me. When you, war heroes, remember how you defended your Motherland, your every word is imprinted on my heart. In order to convey to the future generation what they heard, to preserve the grateful memory of the great feat of the victorious people, so that no matter how many years have passed since the end of the war, those who conquered the world for us will be remembered and honored.

We have no right to forget the horrors of this war so that they do not happen again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we could live now. We must remember everything... I see my duty to the eternally living soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, to you, veterans, to the blessed memory of the fallen, in living your life honestly and with dignity, in order to strengthen the power of the Motherland through your deeds.

War. These four years of horror will never be empty words for any of us. People remember pain, agony and suffering. We remember that our great-grandfathers gave their lives for our happy future, for this radiant sun above our heads and for the Great Victory. War. It ruined the lives of millions of people, crippled their already tormented souls, and took away all the hopes that were flickering in the body.

She forced, cruelly and mercilessly, everyone to take up arms: women, children, old people. She, like a deadly viper, wrapped herself around everyone's neck, leaving not the slightest

A chance for survival, but it seems that when a ray of hope flashes, suddenly her sharp fangs will scream with incredible greed into the body, which the next moment, lifeless, will fall to the damp ground. War. Daily incessant bombing, endless machine-gun fire, grenades exploding at every step - all these are lessons in a merciless life.

Love and happiness.. These words, so familiar to the heart, became alien, people forgot about them, just as they forgot that justice, freedom, and brotherhood exist on earth. Those whose hands rose to cripple the most dear and beloved that our great-grandfathers had do not deserve mercy,

Pity and compassion. Only God's merciless punishment will befall them because they wanted to destroy their innocent lives and greedily appropriate the freedom given to them from above. War. This event turned the world upside down so much that it is impossible to even imagine.

We must be proud of the courage, fearlessness and courage of those who stood in the way of despots and tyrants, shielded their Motherland with their breasts, shielded them from bullets and grenades, shielded them in the name of everything beautiful that exists on earth: freedom, love and mercy.

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