What is the difference between a JSC and an OJSC? Differences between open joint stock companies and closed ones.

Both for the state and for society as a whole, the division of persons into individuals and legal entities has special importance. Moreover, it is a fundamental factor for many articles of the Civil, Administrative, Labor and other codes Russian Federation.

Comparison of a legal entity and an individual

In order to take into account the interests of individuals as much as possible, you need to know whether this person is an individual or a legal entity. Legal capacity, risks, properties - for individuals and legal entities many differences. So, first let's look at these two concepts.

Individual is a person, with or without citizenship, who has responsibilities and rights simply because he exists. By virtue of his birth, he has legal capacity, and legal capacity is determined by his age. Legal capacity and legal capacity can only be limited by a court decision, or in accordance with the law.

Legal entity is an organization that has been registered in accordance with all rules, defined by law. This organization may have as its main goal both making a profit and simply working for a society or idea.

Legal entities, as a rule, have an organizational form. So, the most common form is LLC, but also legal entity may be a joint-stock company, etc.

Let's consider the main differences between an individual and a legal entity.

  1. Emergence. So, individual arises at the moment of his birth, the organization at the moment of its registration.
  2. Capacity. The organization is valid from the moment of its registration until the moment of liquidation. An individual can be either partially or fully capable depending on age and medical indications.
  3. Responsibility. A company can only be brought to civil and administrative liability; in addition to the above, a person can also be held criminally liable.
  4. Termination of activities. An individual ceases to exist only at the time of death, a company - after the completion of its liquidation process.

Advantages of opening an LLC

A limited liability company is considered the most optimal organizational form when creating a company among entrepreneurs. Let's look at the main positive aspects of creating an LLC.

OOO - the simplest organizational form of all possible for opening an organization. However, even it has some disadvantages, which, compared to the advantages, do not seem so significant.

Thus, the number of company members cannot exceed 50 people. If the number of participants goes beyond this limit, then the entrepreneur must reorganize the company. Moreover, if the management structure of an LLC changes, then each change must be accompanied by amendments to constituent documents.

Closed list of non-profit organizations

On September 1, 2014, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation entered amendments regarding non-profit organizations. In particular, a special closed liver for non-profit organizations was created.

Thus, non-profit organizations that were founded before September 1, 2014 were required to bring their name into compliance with this list at the first opportunity to make changes to the constituent documents.

This list includes the following types of non-profit organizations:

  • , including charitable ones;
  • cooperatives (for example, gardening or garage cooperatives);
  • public organizations ( political parties, territorial self-governments, etc.);
  • unions (for example, commercial and industrial);
  • homeowners associations;
  • Cossack societies;
  • communities;
  • autonomous non-profit organizations;
  • religious companies;
  • public legal organizations.

The changes that were made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are primarily related to the fact that before them there was confusion in the forms of non-profit companies. Thus, the list of non-profit companies allowed for registration was expanded, and each form had its own rules.

The changes also affected the provision of profit-making by non-profit organizations. They were allowed to receive income, but for this the organization must have property worth at least 10 thousand rubles.

Similarities and differences

In other forms, the organization’s activities seem more complex process. OJSC, PJSC, CJSC have both disadvantages and advantages in relation to LLC. Let's look at the main ones.

Like LLCs, CJSCs, OJSCs and PJSCs, they accept as the main constituent document charter. In the case of a closed joint stock company, the registration process is more complex and involves not only making an entry in the Unified state register legal entities, but also registration with the FFMS (Federal Service for financial markets) for the purpose of issuing shares. The authorized capital of a closed joint stock company, unlike an LLC, does not consist of shares, but of the number of shares of participants.

The number of participants in a CJSC can be any, as in OJSC and PJSC. LLC implies a number of participants of no more than 50 people. You can sell a share in an LLC based on the minutes of the general meeting of participants, while in a closed joint-stock company a participant must sell shares to other community members.

In the case of an OJSC, everything is a little simpler: when leaving the company, a participant can sell shares both to its other participants and to complete strangers.

As a rule, when publishing about constituent documents there is no need to commit, while when creating a closed joint-stock company, publication of open reporting is required. OJSC, like LLC, does not imply publications.

PAO is the least common form non-profit organization only because the authorized capital of the company must be 1000 times the minimum wage or more. There are no restrictions on the number of participants in PJSC. It is not obliged to publish reports publicly.

Thus, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced specialist to understand all aspects of the activities of the above-mentioned organizational forms of enterprises. To summarize, we can conclude that an LLC is suitable for small organizations that do not intend to issue shares and also scale their activities. If an entrepreneur has a really big business in mind, then a joint stock company is more suitable for him.

Registration procedure and subsequent procedures

In order to start activities, regardless of the form of organization, the enterprise must be registered. Registration is a complex procedure and requires the entrepreneur to go through mandatory stages, regardless of the chosen form of ownership.

Thus, a package of documents for registration must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service. Documents are provided either personally by the entrepreneur or sent by mail. Also, one of the most common methods of submitting documents is electronic document management.

The applicant for registration of any of the above-mentioned legal entities can be either the founder or the head of the future organization. Each document submitted to the tax office for registration, if it contains more than one sheet, must be bound and numbered, and also certified either by the founder himself or by a notary.

In order to register a legal entity, it is necessary to pay a fee in the amount of 4 thousand rubles. The date of submission of documents is the date when the Federal Tax Service received the package of papers for registration. As soon as the documents are accepted, information about them is entered into the registration book.

The applicant in mandatory A receipt for receipt of documents is issued. If he submitted the documents not in person, but by mail, then a receipt is sent to his address on the business day following receipt of the documents.

Registration is carried out within 5 working days, during which the tax office verifies the accuracy of the data provided for registration. After registration of the newly formed organization, a certificate is issued confirming the fact of its registration.

After registration with the Federal Tax Service, the tax office transfers documents for registration to extra-budgetary funds, which as soon as possible are registered new organization at home. The moment of registration is the date the enterprise is registered with the tax authority.

Sometimes registration is refused, and there is a several reasons:

  • provision of an incomplete package of documents;
  • making errors during registration;
  • the rules for the name of the organization were violated (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains certain requirements for company names);
  • lack of date on documents (in particular on the charter);
  • failure to pay state registration fees;
  • indication of false data or falsification.

After completing the registration process, the company, regardless of its form of ownership, is required to open a bank account and get a stamp.

Speech by Anton Sitnikov about LLC, OJSC and CJSC in the program “Stroeva.delo”.

Why were OJSC and CJSC abolished?

Discussion of amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the abolition of OJSC and CJSC began back in 2012. Thus, from September 1, 2014, such forms of organizations ceased to exist.

In addition, the change also affected ALC (additional liability company). Now, instead of OJSC and CJSC, there are public and non-public companies. Let's figure out what the difference is between them.

Public joint stock company is an organization whose shares must be placed on the securities market. Thus, anyone can purchase shares. Moreover, the organization must necessarily indicate in the charter and other constituent documents that it is public.

Organizations registered as a CJSC or OJSC before September 1, 2014 were required to make changes regarding their publicity or non-publicity as soon as possible after the adoption of the amendments.

Non-public joint stock company is an organization that does not place its shares on the securities market. Thus, only a limited number of persons can purchase shares.

On September 1, 2014, the ALC was also abolished; now it is a priori considered a non-public joint-stock company without the right to place shares on the securities market.

Changes applicable to such organizations increase the powers of the state to control them. Thus, each joint-stock company, regardless of its publicity, must undergo an annual audit of its activities, which was previously carried out only for open joint-stock companies.

If entrepreneurs do not care about placing their shares on the market, then a non-public joint stock company is more attractive to them in order to reduce reorganization costs and avoid new obligations regarding shares.

This video explains more about the conversion.

In the Russian economy there is such a concept of an economic entity as a joint-stock company, which is divided into two types - closed and open. What are the differences between these types of societies? Or maybe there are no differences between them at all? This question is quite interesting, so let’s try to understand it in more detail.

JSC definition

CJSC (Closed Joint Stock Company) is a commercial organization with authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares (securities). Characteristic feature CJSC is the fact that shares can only be owned by individuals who created this organization, that is, the founders. Outsiders cannot purchase securities of a closed joint stock company. In addition, if any shareholder decides to leave the founders, he can sell his shares, but only to those persons who are among the company’s shareholders. In addition, a closed joint stock company has a certain advantage - it has the right not to publish its reports in the media.

JSC definition

OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company) is a commercial organization whose authorized capital also consists of shares. The founders of this company may be a limited number of persons, but the owners may be persons not included in this composition. This nature of the relationship allows almost any person or legal entity to purchase shares of any JSC and become its shareholder, and, consequently, receive a certain income in the form of dividends. It should be said that each shareholder can at any time decide to alienate his securities in favor of third parties, and he is not obliged to ask permission from other shareholders. In addition, the JSC is obliged to publicly present its reports for the past period to potential investors for review.

Comparison of JSC and JSC

In conclusion, we must conclude that CJSC and OJSC are types of joint stock companies that have their own characteristic features that are unique to them. Thus, only the founders of a closed joint-stock company can own securities, and alienate them only in favor of other shareholders, while the shareholders of an open joint-stock company can become both individuals and legal entities who are not part of the founders of the company, while shares of an open joint-stock company can be sold without consent then existing shareholders. In addition, the reporting of an OJSC must be published in public media, and a CJSC has the right not to publish its documentation.

The number of participants in an open joint stock company is not limited. But a closed joint stock company can include no more than 50 people at a time, which can significantly complicate doing business. But to start operations, a closed joint-stock company will need an authorized capital of 100 minimum wages, while an open joint-stock company needs 1000 minimum wages. There are also nuances in terms of the company's development. So, if the number of participants in a closed joint-stock company exceeds 50, within a year it must be re-registered as an open joint-stock company.

TheDifference.Ru determined that the difference between CJSC and OJSC is as follows:

    Shareholders of a CJSC can only be the founders of the company, and shareholders of an OJSC can be both individuals and legal entities who have expressed their desire and purchased the securities of this organization;

    Authorized fund. For CJSC it is 100 minimum wage (10 thousand rubles), for OJSC – 1000 minimum wage (100 thousand rubles).

    A closed joint-stock company cannot include more than 50 people at the same time. The number of shareholders of an OJSC is not limited by law.

    The shares of the JSC are redistributed only between the founders and with their consent, the securities of the JSC can be sold to third parties without the consent of existing shareholders;

    An open joint-stock company is obliged to publish its reports, but a closed joint-stock company is not.

    Business status. Due to its closed nature, the closed joint-stock company is perceived worse by investors and business partners. In the eyes of the business world, JSC has the highest business status, which allows us to count on special treatment of its business. More details: http://thedifference.ru/otlichie-zao-ot-oao/

8. . The subject must, first of all, be able to independently carry out transactions. Individuals (citizens), as a general rule, can become entrepreneurs upon reaching the age of full legal capacity (18 years), but possibly earlier - from the age of 16 (see paragraph 1 of Article 27 and paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Legal entities have the right to enter into business transactions from the moment of state registration (see topic 2).

When thinking about starting a business, a future entrepreneur must decide on the form of ownership of his company.

In the modern economy, there are quite a few organizational forms for conducting commercial activities. One of them is OJSC, or Open Joint Stock Company.

OJSC, or Open Joint Stock Company, is a form of organization of an enterprise whose capital is formed by, and shareholders have the right to freely dispose of their shares - sell, buy, donate, etc.

The legislation defines such an enterprise as public, that is, information on its activities should be available to the general public, who may become shareholders in the future. The number of shareholders of an OJSC is limited only by the number of shares issued and present on the market.

An important feature of an OJSC is that there is no requirement to deposit the entire amount of the authorized capital into the account of the enterprise before its registration - funds will be received as the issued shares are sold.

Open joint stock companies can operate in all areas of activity permitted by law. They have the right to engage in trade, industrial production, organizing music shows or teaching cutting and sewing. It is important that the activities of the JSC do not conflict with the law.

In fact, an OJSC is the same company as any other, the only difference is that it has many owners. Therefore, to manage current activities, the company hires a director or several directors who form a collegial body - the board of directors.

However, the highest authority in an OJSC is the meeting of shareholders, which is held at least once a year.

The main difference between an OJSC and an LLC is the scale of activity. To open an LLC (limited liability company), you need to contribute an authorized capital of only 10 thousand rubles, and in total no more than 50 people can become founders of the LLC. The number of co-owners of an OJSC is not limited, and its authorized capital must be no less than 1,000 minimum wages.

Another difference is the possibility of alienating shares. The co-owner of an OJSC can get rid of them at any moment without informing other shareholders.

An LLC participant must first offer his share in the enterprise to the co-owners, and only if they refuse to buy it can he offer the acquisition to third parties.

Closed joint stock company (CJSC) is a fairly common type of enterprise organization, characteristic of family companies. Its main difference from an OJSC is that it is closed: the shares of the enterprise belong only to the founders, and none of them has the right to transfer them to third parties.

If one of the co-owners decides to leave the business, he can only sell his share to the remaining owners. CJSCs have the right not to publish their reports and operate in a regime closed to the general public, while JSCs are required to annually announce the results of their activities in the press.

PJSC (Public Joint Stock Company) is a company whose shares are publicly listed on the stock market, and the results of its activities become known to the general public. Since the beginning of September 2014, the law of the Russian Federation came into force, introducing changes to some names and legal relations of legal forms of enterprise registration.

In fact, a PJSC is the same form of enterprise organization as an OJSC, but instead of “open,” the company should be called “public.” Within a certain time, all existing JSCs must undergo re-registration as PJSC.

After this, the conduct of business should become even more open: maintaining the register of shares and their owners is transferred from the legal department of the OJSC to special registrars, and every decision of the shareholders’ meeting must be certified by either a registrar or a notary.

This decision should promote greater transparency in business operations and discourage attempts raider attacks enterprises.

    JSC - can consist of several participants and simply divide shares, the cost and income of which is hidden from the public.

    OJSC - consists of participants whose shares are open to the public and can be published.

    The main difference between a JSC and an OJSC is the method of distributing the authorized capital between the participants of the entities. Both structures pursue the same goals - accumulation and distribution of capital between shareholders.

    In 2014, changes occurred in the legislation, as a result of which closed joint-stock companies are re-registered as joint-stock companies, and open joint-stock companies are changed into public joint-stock companies.

    A joint stock company is a form of ownership in which the authorized capital of an enterprise is divided into shares. It may be open type And closed type. In a closed joint stock company, shares are distributed among a limited number of persons who will have pre-emptive right when selling shares to another shareholder. In an open joint stock company, shares are distributed among an unlimited number of persons.

    The main differences between

    • JSC(joint stock companies, which until 2014 were called JSC- closed joint stock companies) and
    • OJSC(open joint stock companies, which since 2014 are called PJSC- public joint stock companies)

    is the number of shareholders and the method of distribution of shares.

    In a joint-stock company (formerly a closed joint-stock company), the authorized capital is divided into parts and distributed among a limited number of shareholders (no more than 50 people) who have rights to the property of the closed joint-stock company. Only founders can be shareholders.

    OJSC (today they are called PJSC) authorized capital is also divided into parts, but is distributed freely among shareholders (their number is not limited). The founders can be any person or organization.

    Good day.

    Not so long ago, JSC was called CJSC and, in fact, this is one and the same thing, these are still the same closed joint-stock companies, where only its founders can be shareholders.

    But in open joint-stock companies (OJSC), shareholders can be not only the founders, but also other persons or organizations.

    In addition, the number of shareholders in an OJSC is not limited, as in a JSC (CJSC) - no more than 50.

    CJSC (JSC), unlike OJSC, are not required to publish their reports,

    As far as I know, now instead of OJSC we have PJSC (public joint-stock company), and instead of CJSC we have JSC (on the contrary, non-public). So your question could look like this: What is the difference between a PJSC and a JSC?

    Previously, a closed joint stock company differed from an open joint stock company in that shares were alienated to persons within a certain circle, and not to anyone, regardless of the opinions of all shareholders.

    Now the difference between PJSC and JSC lies in something else: not in alienation, but in the placement and circulation of shares.

    Thus, in a PJSC, shares (along with securities) are public, that is, they can be placed through open subscription and also publicly traded.

    In a joint stock company, shares (as well as securities) can be placed only by private subscription; they cannot be publicly traded.

    Joint Stock Company(JSC), this is the same as the former CJSC - a company whose capital is divided into certain parts and distributed among a limited number of shareholders. These shareholders have certain rights to the property of this company, and also have certain responsibilities in connection with this.

    Public Joint Stock Company(PJSC), the former OJSC, is a company whose authorized capital is freely distributed among shareholders who have the right to alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders.

    Two years ago, the organizational forms of enterprises underwent some changes.

    Since then, JSC means the familiar CJSC to all of us, and PJSC means OJSC.

    If we compare JSC and OJSC, the difference is significant, starting from the number of founders, ending with the form and the need to disclose information about oneself.

    All differences are presented in more detail in the table below.

    JSC is a joint stock company. OJSC is an open joint stock company. Thus, we understand that a joint stock company is not open to everyone, but in an open joint stock company, income can usually be open and almost anyone can buy them if they have free shares.

    Indeed, JSC and OJSC are two big differences.

    Until 2014, all companies were divided into OJSC, CJSC and LLC.

    According to the Federal Law No. 99 dated May 5, 2014, the open joint-stock company (OJSC) was renamed PJSC (Public Joint-Stock Company), and CJSC (closed joint-stock companies) were named JSC (joint-stock companies). However, this is only a renaming, the essence of the functioning has not changed.

    That is, PJSC shareholders have the right to operate their shares without restrictions: sell, buy, donate.

    Shares of a joint-stock company may belong exclusively to the founders of this company without the right to transfer them to third parties. That is, this organization can be called a family type of capital formation.

Persons who have the right to purchase ownership of these securities thereby form the authorized capital owned by the joint-stock company and are called participants of the joint-stock company or shareholders.

A joint stock company has the right to create both a legal entity and an individual; the number of people is not limited. There are two types of JSC – closed joint-stock company (CJSC) and open joint-stock company (OJSC).

What form of ownership should I choose: LLC, IP, CJSC, OJSC? How are they different?

From the point of view of the law, an individual entrepreneur is a capable adult citizen who carries out entrepreneurial activity and receives income in the manner prescribed by law.

Individual entrepreneurs are exempt from the need to submit authorized capital and constituent documents. An entrepreneur is both his own founder and manager. He does not need to provide public reporting, and he can conduct activities solely for the purpose of making a profit, after which he himself disposes of this profit - at his own discretion.

Lex Corpus

The choice of organizational forms is quite wide - such forms can be OJSC, CJSC, LLC and individual entrepreneur. In this article we will highlight the differences between LLC and OJSC.

So, what does the concept of Limited Liability Company (LLC) mean? This is a legal entity that can have up to 50 participants. Moreover, not only individuals, but also legal entities have the right to be founders.

Basically, when choosing a legal form, preference is given to LLC, since this form is more suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

LLC or JSC - comparison of CJSC and OJSC with LLC

A joint stock company is one whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; Participants in a joint stock company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the limits of the value of the shares they own. Joint stock companies and limited liability companies have much in common.

However, an LLC is a simpler legal form than a CJSC.


LLC means a commercial company whose activities are carried out in accordance with the charter. It has its own capital. distributed among the founders. Each participant has the right to dispose of his part of the capital as he sees fit.

This legal form is very popular today, since registering a company with its help is quite easy and convenient.

Main differences between CJSC and OJSC

What is the difference between an OJSC and a CJSC? This is human nature. You always want to get to the bottom of the truth and get explanatory answers to pressing questions. Let's try to help.

Such questions are asked not only by ordinary people; first of all, this question is of interest to people who are in one way or another connected with business or aspiring entrepreneurs. This is understandable. When starting your own business, you always want to find the most favorable option for yourself.

Differences between an LLC and a non-public JSC (CJSC)

Also, in an LLC, the nature of the relationship between the participants is more closed. When establishing an LLC, it is possible to completely prohibit or significantly limit the possibility of admitting new participants to the Company. This is achieved by including in the charter of the LLC a direct prohibition on the alienation by a participant of his share to third parties or by establishing in the charter a requirement to obtain the consent of the remaining participants and the LLC itself to make such an assignment.


10 tbsp. 3 Federal Law N 99-FZ).

The legal status of joint stock companies, the rights and obligations of its shareholders, the procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of the company are determined by Federal Law No. 208-FZ of December 26, 1995 Federal Law “On JSC”

Let us recall that open and closed subscription are methods of placing shares, that is, methods of selling them. Closed subscription allows the sale of shares only among the founders or another predetermined circle of persons.

What is the difference between a closed joint stock company and an LLC?

The presence of such securities is a fundamental feature of joint stock companies, since only joint stock companies are allowed to issue shares. An LLC member is the owner of the share, and the shareholder is the owner of the share(s). Registration of the rights of participants of a joint-stock company with a security also determines the need to register the issue of shares, as well as the need to maintain a register of shareholders of the joint-stock company.

Which is better - a limited liability company (LLC) or a closed joint stock company (CJSC)?

Therefore, LLC and CJSC have many common, similar characteristics. Let's highlight the most important of them:

- property created at the expense of contributions of founders (participants), as well as produced and acquired by a business company in the course of its activities, belongs to it by right of ownership;