Infringement of children's rights at school. What is mental violence? Protecting children's rights at school: from theory to practice

When a child is enrolled in the first grade of an educational institution, he is automatically granted a number of new rights and responsibilities. Usually, ignorance of these or their violation on the part of the school administration leads to conflict situations"school - student - parent". In this regard, the question arises: how can parents, and even students themselves, uphold and protect their rights in educational institutions? So let's look at a few examples.

A possible violation of the rights of minor schoolchildren could be forcing students to clean the territory of an educational institution or school site . In such a situation, Article 37 of the Constitution is violated Russian Federation, establishing that forced labor is prohibited. In addition, in this case, Part 4 of Article 34 is not observed. Federal Law“On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 273-FZ), which determines that the involvement of students without their consent and minor students without the consent of their parents in work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited . These standards indicate that the school does not have the right to force schoolchildren to take mops and wash school premises or clean the school grounds. And even if the students expressed a desire to participate in the labor landing themselves, the director would still not be able to allow them to do so without the written consent of their parents.

If the school still violates the rights of schoolchildren in this matter, then parents can appeal the actions of the educational institution. So, you can contact the director with a written complaint about the actions of a teacher who forces children to do this or that cleaning. If the director refuses to release the child from this work, a complaint can be written to the educational authorities and authorities for the protection of the rights of the child, or go to court.

It is necessary to note that “self-service” at school, of course, should exist, but the school management needs to look for a solution to this problem together with students and their parents, guided by the current legislation, and not arbitrarily force schoolchildren to work.

Compulsory for all students visiting an Orthodox monastery, like extracurricular activity – This is another example of violation of students’ rights. Among the students there may be not only Christians, but also adherents of other religions. This moment in mandatory must be taken into account, because visiting a monastery may contradict the religious views and beliefs of such children.

Regulating this situation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that every person has the right to freedom of conscience and religion, that is, everyone has the right to choose their religion. In accordance with this, students have every right to refuse to visit an Orthodox or other monastery offered for visiting by the school.

If the school administration or class teacher schoolchildren are forced to participate in events related to religion, then parents in this case should submit a written complaint to the school director, contact the education authorities, the Ombudsman for Children's Rights and other bodies. If a violation of religious principles causes moral suffering to a child, compensation for such harm can be demanded.

Another example of violation of students’ rights is coercion by school management to attend additional classes. In this case, it is worth remembering that in each educational institution have your own syllabus, which strictly defines the subjects studied in a particular class and the number of hours devoted to these subjects. No one can force a student to attend extra classes. All clubs, electives, sections can only be voluntary, and the student has every right not to attend them.

Violated rights can be restored in the same ways - by contacting the school management, education authorities, the prosecutor's office, and the court. In an effective way The solution to the problem in this case may be to bring the issue to the school parent council, since when some teachers are forced into extracurricular activities, it is appropriate to put this issue under special parental control in order to prevent similar abuses by other teachers.

U a teacher humiliating a child in front of classmates or exposing a student’s opinions or beliefs to a general class discussion without his or her consent - V in this example there is a clear violation of the law, since according to Part 1 of Article 34 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, a student has the right to respect for human dignity, protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, personal insult, protection of life and health.

If such a situation occurs, the student’s parents first need to find out the whole essence of the conflict. It is possible that the child, being in a tense emotional state, could perceive the teacher’s words distortedly. But if the teacher really acted unprofessionally, you can demand that sanctions be applied to him and even compensation for moral damage caused to the child.

U removing a student from class or not allowing them to attend classes - This is also a violation of the rights of the child. In such a situation, the student should know that the teacher does not have the right to exclude the student from class or kick him out of class. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if a student came in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication or began to destroy school furniture– the teacher is obliged to respond: call the school administration, the police and other specialists who will “hand-to-hand” accept the student from the teacher and continue to work with him according to their competence. If the student’s behavior does not pose any danger and does not require the intervention of specialists, the teacher does not have the right to restrict the child from attending class.

Thus, any of the schoolchildren or their parents may face the above or other situations when their rights are violated. Most of the issues can be resolved already at the stage of contacting the school management. Moreover, it is better if the appeal is not oral, but written. In this case, one copy of the document (with an acceptance mark) must be kept with you. It may be useful for further requests if the school management does not respond at all or refuses the demands.

Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Tambov regional branch of the All-Russian public organization"Association of Lawyers of Russia" Yuliya ISTOMINA

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every child the right to receive basic general education for free.

Upon admission to school, a child has the right to familiarize himself with the Charter and internal rules of the school, which must be posted by the school administration for public viewing.

The student has the right to an accelerated course of study in a subject that can be learned ahead of schedule. The ways in which the school can support such a student’s desire must be contained in the school’s Charter.

The child has the right to participate in the management of the internal life of the school. If a student does not agree with the administration’s decision educational institution, he has the right to seek assistance from authorized government bodies through his representative (parent, teacher). This possibility is provided for in Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

A child over eight years of age has the right to participate in the creation of public associations and organizations at school, if they are not of a political or religious nature. Students can hold meetings and rallies to defend their rights, if such meetings do not violate the school Charter.

The child has the right to use the school library free of charge.

Federal laws dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”, dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” secure the rights of the child to respect for his human dignity, freedom of conscience, information, to free expression of their opinions and beliefs, as well as freedom from forced labor.

When studying at school, each student is obliged to: comply with the Charter and rules of the educational institution; study conscientiously; attend classes included in the main educational program in accordance with the schedule; treat school property with care; respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees; comply with the requirements of school employees to comply with internal regulations.

There are often cases when parents of schoolchildren are charged funds for the needs of the school. You should know that the decision to transfer money to the school can only be voluntary.
The same applies to extracurricular activities. Each school has a curriculum that outlines the basic general education program by grade, as well as additional tasks, clubs and electives. The main program is free and compulsory for the student; attendance at additional classes can only be voluntary. The teacher cannot force the student to take additional classes that are not included in the main program.

No religion or belief should be imposed at school. The child has the right to freedom of conscience and religion. The school does not have the right to hold any events of a religious nature or collect donations for religious organizations. Students have every right to refuse to participate in such events.

In addition, the teacher has no right to force students to declare their belonging to any religion.

In case of violation of a child's rights, parents and other legal representatives may submit a written complaint to the school director. If measures are not taken, contact the territorial body of the Department of Education at the location of the school or the prosecutor’s office. In addition, parents have the right to appeal the actions of the school administration in court.

The use of physical and mental violence against students is also prohibited at school. The use of such methods is grounds for bringing an employee of an educational institution to criminal liability.

Education is a necessary part of life in society, which is the basis for harmonious personal growth and development. Every child is required to attend school, so parents have a number of experiences and questions throughout all years of schooling. First of all, you need to know what the child’s rights are at school. They need to be explained in an accessible form even to a first grader.

Children's rights in schools in Russia and Ukraine

Children, and infringement of a child’s rights at school is punishable. Both Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren have the same rights:

  • independently choose the educational institution in which he wants to study, that is, no one can prohibit a child from studying in a school that is located far from the student’s area of ​​residence;
  • respect from all school employees, including not only the teaching staff, but also cleaners, janitors, administration, and cooks;
  • that the training will be organized in compliance with all safety regulations. For example, a student may refuse to comply with standards if the equipment in the gym is not reliable;
  • obtain any necessary book from the institution’s library;
  • participate in the improvement of the territory, but solely on their own initiative, that is, the child is not obliged to remove leaves in the yard or hand over cash;
  • study for free, without additional financial contributions;
  • attend clubs and sections at the institution, regardless of ability;
  • with the consent of the parents, the student can transfer to another school at any time, even in the middle or end academic year;
  • count on the help of a school psychologist;
  • attend additional events and classes that are not included in curriculum only voluntarily;
  • to express views, but only in a correct form;
  • spend vacation time on age-appropriate recreation and entertainment;
  • be warned about all activities aimed at monitoring and testing knowledge in advance;
  • receive clear answers to questions regarding the assigned grade;
  • receive education in their native language.

Some mothers are interested in the issue of the rights of a disabled child at school. By law and in accordance with the UN Convention, children with disabilities can attend educational institutions on an equal basis with other students. Subject to availability medical indications and parental consent, a disabled child has the right to study in specialized institutions (correctional schools). In such institutions, work is aimed at teaching children with certain disabilities, and teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Protecting children's rights at school

The younger the student, the more difficult it is for him to independently defend his interests. Therefore, parents are called upon, first of all, to protect the rights of children at school, both in Russia and Ukraine. Of course, some conflicts can be resolved directly with the class teacher, but sometimes you have to contact the director or other authorities.

You should know that both physical and psychological violence is considered at school.

Physical violence refers to situations where physical force was used against a student. Unfortunately, precise definition there is no mental violence. But the following facts are usually considered to be its forms:

If the situation is really serious and its resolution is impossible at the level of the class teacher, then the solution may be transfer to another educational institution. But parents have the right to defend the interests of their child and contact the director with a demand to understand the situation. If the result does not satisfy them, then they can write a statement to the police or prosecutor's office.

If every student adheres to the school Charter, there will always be a friendly and cozy atmosphere in the educational institution.

Before enrolling a child in first grade, parents and teachers must explain to him not only the rules of behavior. The child must know his rights and responsibilities. You can read about this in our article.

Who is eligible for training?

Obtaining education is carried out in the interests of the individual, society and the state. If education is paid, not every adult will be able to give their child not only a secondary education, but also primary education. It is precisely because education is free that all children can safely study in a public institution.

What's happened primary school? Children go to first grade to gain knowledge. Before teaching a child various sciences, teachers are obliged to explain to schoolchildren all the rights, responsibilities and rules of conduct in an educational institution. First, let's figure out who has the right to receive secondary education. Only Russian citizens or not?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 43 states: every person has the right to education. Regardless of age, nation, religious upbringing or gender, any individual living in Russia is obliged to study and receive a secondary education. If a person does not speak Russian, he will not be able to participate in the educational process.

According to Part 4 of Art. 43, every person is obliged to master the general school curriculum. After a child has completed secondary education, he has the right to enter a higher educational institution on a competitive basis in order to obtain a profession. Education is aimed at developing the personality of each person. At the end of their studies, each student must have knowledge to a certain extent. Every child is required to pass exams that assess his knowledge before leaving school. Only then is a certificate issued, which serves as the basis for admission to a university.

Important! Only citizens of our country have the right to education in Russia.

What are the rights of a student at school?

Not all children want to study properly, and not because they are stupid. The fact is that students do not always experience a friendly and calm atmosphere at school. Because of this, the desire to learn and gain relevant knowledge very often disappears. It is necessary that children know the rights of the child at school and in the classroom.

And adults themselves do not always know the laws in order to talk about them with their children, and then teach them to defend their interests.

Student rights at school:

  1. The child has the right to a full school program.
  2. To respect his personality, the teacher should not be rude or rude to the child.
  3. The child has the right to a friendly and calm atmosphere while studying.
  4. The student has the right to an objective assessment of his knowledge: the teacher should not underestimate or overestimate the child’s scores.
  5. The student can express his opinion, and the teacher is obliged to listen to the student’s thoughts and explain to him whether he is right or wrong.
  6. A child has the right to his own point of view and must be able to prove that he is right if he is confident in his thoughts and judgments.
  7. For the inviolability of their personal belongings - the teacher or peers should not take items such as a phone, tablet, textbook, etc. without the student’s permission.
  8. For rest - the teacher should not take up part of the break, continuing his lesson.
  9. The student has the right to consult with a lawyer or psychologist.
  10. Every child has the right to freedom of movement around school during breaks.
  11. Every student should know their rights.

For every student, primary education should begin with learning the rights and responsibilities of the child and the teacher.

Student rights in the classroom

Every child wants a friendly attitude not only from peers, but also from teachers. The teacher will not always tell the student what point he gave for the answer or for the written work. test work. This is wrong. Every child has rights not only at school, but also in the classroom.

Very often, teachers do not understand the discomfort children experience when they are deprived of the opportunity to know about their successes and failures.

Student rights in the lesson:

  1. The child must know what score he was given for knowledge.
  2. The student has the right to know all his grades for the subject.
  3. The child can express his opinion on the topic of the lesson.
  4. A student has the right to go to the toilet during class without asking, but by informing the teacher.
  5. In class, a student can correct the teacher if he makes a mistake.
  6. The student has the right to raise his hand and answer if it relates to the topic of the lesson.
  7. The student may leave the classroom at the end of the lesson (when the bell rings).

The rights of the student at school and in the classroom are not limited to this. The child also has the right to full-fledged care, which consists of the presence of a qualified health worker, security, etc. Read more...

Schoolchildren’s rights to healthy and quality services

Every student has the right to a complete, high-quality and healthy education. How to do this? It all depends on the school administration and the state. A healthy school atmosphere will be maintained if the following conditions are met:

1. The child has the right to receive high-quality and free medical care during the working day.

2. For the student, the administration must create cleanliness throughout the entire territory of the educational institution.

3. Each classroom should be well lit.

4. The noise level should not exceed the norm.

5. The temperature in the school should be comfortable for classes.

6. Food should be healthy and of high quality. At least 20 minutes are allotted for its reception.

7. For hygiene, the toilet should have everything necessary: ​​soap, paper, towel.

Adults must protect the rights of children at school. After all, the mental and physical education of the student depends only on them.

Children's rights in a homeroom lesson

At each school, the class teacher spends time with the children educational work. This lesson is called homeroom.

The rights of a schoolchild in Russia in this lesson:

1. Children have the right to choose the topic of discussion. They must come to a common denominator. The student has the right to prepare an interesting presentation on the topic of the lesson or tell an entertaining story.

2. Every student can discuss a story or presentation in a calm atmosphere and express their thoughts. The teacher should not interrupt the child. If the student is wrong, the teacher is obliged to correct him and explain what was said incorrectly.

Student responsibilities at school

Each student not only has rights, but also certain responsibilities both in the classroom and at school. We'll talk about this further.

Responsibilities of a student in a public educational institution:

  1. Every student must respect all school employees.
  2. Every student is required to greet their elders.
  3. A child must respect the work of adults. This applies not only to teachers, but also to the watchman, cleaning lady, etc.
  4. The student must comply with the school schedule.
  5. The student is obliged to study conscientiously, mastering knowledge and skills.
  6. If the child was absent from school, he must present the class teacher with a medical certificate or a note from his parents (guardians).
  7. Each student is obliged to comply with all requirements of the director, teacher or other adults, if this concerns the school Charter.
  8. The student must adhere to all hygiene standards: be clean, tidy and dressed in accordance with the school rules.
  9. Every child must follow safety rules.
  10. If a student finds a suspicious person or an abandoned bag on school grounds, he must immediately notify the school administration.
  11. The child must maintain order and cleanliness both in the school building and on its territory.
  12. If a student urgently needs to leave classes, he must bring a note from his parents to the class teacher in advance.

Responsibilities of schoolchildren in the classroom

Each student needs to adhere to all norms and rules not only at school, but also in the classroom. After all, the teacher imparts knowledge, and in order to assimilate it, you must adhere to certain rules.

Each school has a charter on this matter for the student, which he can familiarize himself with in his free time.

Student responsibilities in class:

  1. Every student is obliged to conscientiously fulfill homework for each subject.
  2. The child must present the diary to the teacher upon request.
  3. The student must listen carefully to everything the teacher says in class.
  4. The student is required to bring all necessary supplies to class: pen, ruler, pencil, books and notebooks.
  5. The child should not have unnecessary items and toys in his backpack.
  6. The student is obliged, at the direction of the teacher, to approach the board or answer from his seat, without arguing.
  7. Each student must learn the completed topic and submit it to the teacher when he asks.
  8. The student is obliged to come to class on time, without being late.
  9. During classes, the student must behave quietly. If he wants to answer in class, he must raise his hand.
  10. The student must obey the teacher.

All rights and obligations of a schoolchild must not only be known to students and school staff, but also be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Rules for student behavior in class

Every student must adhere to certain behavior both in class and during recess.

Rules of behavior in lessons:

  1. Each child must arrive to class 15 minutes before the bell rings in order to have time to change clothes and prepare for the lesson.
  2. The student should not be in the room during outerwear or a hat.
  3. The student must be in class at the moment the bell rings.
  4. The child should not enter class with or after the teacher.
  5. When the teacher enters, the children must rise to greet him.
  6. The child must be quiet during class and not distract other children.
  7. When a lesson is in progress, the student should not chew gum or eat food.
  8. During classes it is prohibited to use mobile communications.

Rules for student behavior during breaks

The child is obliged to behave properly not only in class, but also during recess. This means that there are certain rules prescribed in the school Charter. Let's look at what rules a student should follow at school.

Student behavior during breaks:

  1. When the bell rings from the lesson, the child must put his workplace and get ready for the next lesson.
  2. During recess, the student should calmly walk around the school and not run.
  3. The student is obliged to communicate friendly with peers (not to fight or quarrel).
  4. Say hello to all school employees.
  5. If a child enters the room and there is a teacher behind him, the student must let the older one pass.

What is prohibited for a student at school?

There are some things that a student is strictly prohibited from doing:

  1. The child must not jump on the steps or ride on the railings.
  2. You cannot carry life-threatening objects with you to school.
  3. It is prohibited to play cards on school grounds.
  4. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. You can't open doors suddenly, as you might hit someone.
  6. It is forbidden to be rude and rude to elders.
  7. A student must not use obscene language not only in front of adults, but also in front of other students.
  8. It is forbidden to take other people's things, much less spoil them. If the child does damage someone else’s property, the parents are obliged to reimburse its full cost.
  9. A student is prohibited from coming to class without completing his homework.

Student problems at school

The child may have some problems with peers and teachers. Why is this happening? Children's problems at school are due to behavior. He cannot sit quietly in a chair, he spins around and interferes with his desk neighbor, the teacher and all the children. The teacher, accordingly, is angry with him, and educational process is violated.

There are also slow children who do not have time to learn educational material on a par with peers.

Here are just two examples of schoolchildren who may have problems with their studies.

Therefore, children should still primary school know the responsibilities and rights of a student at school.

What are the consequences of failure to comply with the school charter?

If the rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild are not explained to a child, he can easily become a violator. What can happen if you don't follow the rules? First, the student is reprimanded by the teacher. If the student does not obey and continues to damage property, fight, etc., then the parents are called to the school and invited with their child to the director. It all depends on the specific behavior. If a student endlessly beats children, steals, or causes moral pain, then he may be expelled from school.

To prevent this from happening, the administration, class teacher or other adults can arrange lessons class hour to familiarize children with behavioral norms. The rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild are the law for both teachers and students. And it must be adhered to in a government institution.


In order for a child to have a positive reputation at school, he must be taught from the first grade how to behave at school. Every student should know what not only the responsibilities, but also the rights of a child at school are. Often teachers are unfair to students. Children do not always know what grade the teacher gave them for their knowledge. Also, teachers very often underestimate or overestimate scores. In this case, parents are obliged to go to school and protect the rights of their child in a controversial situation. The rights of students at school must be strictly observed by teachers. This is extremely important in the development of the younger generation. Today, the topic “Protecting the rights of schoolchildren” is relevant. Not only parents, but also social services can help them. Children have the right to call and report their problems through the helplines of these organizations.

Every person has the right to education in accordance with the Constitution. It is education that is an integral part of the harmonious and full development of the individual. Every child in modern world must attend to gain new knowledge and skills and improve those already known.

Meanwhile, children’s education in an educational institution does not always go smoothly and calmly. Some parents are faced with a situation where their child’s rights are violated at school. To prevent this from happening, starting from the first grade, you must convey to your son or daughter in an accessible form what exactly he has the right to.

In this article we will tell you what children’s rights exist at school in Russia and Ukraine, and what you need to do to protect your child from arbitrariness.

What rights does a child have in schools in Russia and Ukraine?

The rights of schoolchildren, both in Russia and in Ukraine, are no different. Every child is protected by law, and his rights at school must be suppressed and punished. Ukrainian and Russian schoolchildren have the following rights:

  • independently choose an educational program, as well as the school in which the child will study;
  • study in a safe environment;
  • to have your personality respected by all staff of the educational institution;
  • to provide the necessary training base, that is, textbooks, workbooks, and so on;
  • get secondary education and a certificate absolutely free of charge;
  • obtain the necessary fiction and educational literature from the school library;
  • voluntarily participate in work to improve the school and school grounds;
  • if you wish to receive additional services, including on a commercial basis;
  • if necessary, receive qualified assistance from a professional psychologist;
  • at any time of the year, the student, with the consent of his own parents, has the right to transfer to another educational institution of a similar type;
  • receive education in your native language, as well as choose an additional language to study;
  • after 15 years, with the consent of parents or guardians, the student has the right to stop studying;
  • attend any school events;
  • Express your opinions openly and listen to the opinions of others.

What to do if a child’s rights are violated at school?

Since any schoolchild is a citizen of his state, like everyone else, infringement of his rights while studying at an educational institution is not allowed and must be punished. This also applies to the rights of a disabled child. If there are certain medical indications and the consent of parents or guardians, such children can be educated in specialized institutions. Meanwhile, if the child, for health reasons, can study in secondary school, the rights of a disabled child should absolutely not differ in any way from the rights of healthy children.

The rights of schoolchildren may be violated in the event of manifestations in their direction, both physical and psychological violence. At the same time, if all children and parents understand perfectly well that the use of physical force against a child is unacceptable, then some forms of psychological violence may remain without due attention.

Thus, a violation of a child’s rights at school from a psychological point of view can be expressed in the following:

In the event of any manifestation of violence on the part of a teacher, parents can contact the director with a demand to protect the rights of their child at school. If senior management the educational institution refuses to understand the situation, mothers and fathers, as well as guardians, have the right to submit an application to the prosecutor's office.