A device for sawing logs with your own hands. Methods for cutting logs on a band sawmill

Whatever construction you plan, you will definitely need wood materials. And all the work will cost much less if you prepare the lumber yourself. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to cut a log into boards yourself.

Sawing methods

To cut a log into boards, you can use one of three existing methods:

  • Along;
  • Across;
  • Diagonally - since this method is used extremely rarely (in specialized developments and projects), we will further focus on the first two methods.

Cross cut

It is carried out to obtain parts in the form of cylinders and disks.

Longitudinal cut

This type of dissolving of logs into boards, slats, beams is used. At the sawmills, furniture factories, procurement enterprises use many various devices. We will look at how to cut logs into boards at home.

For cutting at home, you can use a saw, an angle grinder with special attachments, or a circular saw.

Preparing for cutting

Before , you need to remove the peel from it. This can be done with a sharpened shovel, scraper, or electric plane.

When using a shovel, the movements are done on your own.

It is believed that the most best result obtained when the bark is removed with a scraper - it does not affect the tree.

How to cut a log into boards

Options how to properly cut a log into boards, there are different ones. It all depends on your needs. The sawing technology itself is as follows:

  1. The bark is removed (but this can be done at home later);
  2. The log is fixed on the frame or guides;
  3. One is sawed off to get a smooth surface;
  4. Next flat surface put on the bed (table), fix and saw off the second slab;
  5. They spread the entire log onto boards.

Cross cutting of logs

This is not difficult even for working at home. Place the log on the sawhorses or secure it to the guides. And you can saw off pieces of the desired size.

Longitudinal sawing of logs

The difficulty of such a cut is that the entire length of the log must be maintained at the same thickness. It is best to use special equipment for these purposes, which is attached to a log.

Sawing logs into boards at home

Many people make their own sawmill for sawing logs. Let's consider two main options for their manufacture.

  1. From metal plates and angles, weld the frame, attach the engine to its lower part. Place a shaft with pulleys at the top. Then attach one or more circular saws on the shaft. Attach a guide made of a metal square or timber to the table. While pressing against the guides, feed the log and move it forward. If you use one saw, then you need to attach a ruler or apply markings to the surface of the table.
  2. From profile pipe and channels, weld the frame. or electrically attach it to a vertical feed carriage. To ensure that the cutting of logs into boards is as accurate as possible, attach a ruler to the vertical stand. Use a rod or sanded pipe to guide the carriage. They are necessary for the carriage to move vertically. Install a screw in the bearing that will move the carriage as it moves. Also, don't forget to prepare the log clamps.

When using the second option for work, it is the saw that is driven, on a specially attached frame. The log itself remains in place. If you use a reciprocating saw rather than a chain saw, the process will be a little longer because it only works in one direction.

How to saw a log into boards with a circular saw?

To cut a log lengthwise into boards, you can also use a circular saw. But you need to take into account the fact that the log can spin from side to side or jump.

To avoid the inconvenience associated with this, we advise you to attach a fin that will separate the future board from the log and prevent the log from swinging while sawing.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

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Boards are actively used for various construction and repair activities. This material can be made independently from any suitable log using a regular chainsaw.

Chainsaw - a universal summer resident tool

A chainsaw, often also called a chainsaw, is a chain saw hand tool, equipped with a two-stroke (in most cases) internal combustion engine. This popular mechanism is indispensable in any homestead. The chainsaw is compact and yet powerful. It works without breakdowns for a long time in autonomous mode, due to which it can be used in any location and in a position convenient for the user. The chainsaw has other advantages:

  • Equipped with mechanisms for selecting operating speed and smooth starting. This reduces the risk of chain breakage to a minimum.
  • Can be used in high humidity conditions.
  • Does not require electrical energy.
  • It is characterized by high power indicators (noticeably greater than those of a power tool).
  • Has a quick-acting inertia brake.

The main advantage of a gasoline saw is the ability to equip it with various attachments. It is they who make it universal, indispensable for home handyman, tool. Using a chainsaw, you can saw logs, cut stone, metal, brick, tiles building materials, removing bark from wood, cutting out mounting grooves and various recesses in the bars.

The functionality of the tool can be expanded even further, the main thing is to choose the right attachment or equip it with a special device.

We will not describe all the capabilities of the chainsaw. In this article, we are only interested in the issue of sawing logs using a chainsaw. More on the features of doing such work with your own hands.

Attachments and accessories for sawing – the home craftsman will appreciate them!

Cutting a log with a gasoline saw can be done after it has been completed different types devices and special attachments. Get relatively smooth boards from the trunk of an old dried tree on your summer cottage It’s not difficult if you install a standard attachment for longitudinal cutting of wood on your chainsaw. Important point. You won't get perfect boards when using this attachment. But the cut products can be used to build a fence around the site or a simple shed.

It will be easier to cut a log more efficiently if you add a holding device to the nozzle wooden blank and guide. You need to mount a metal frame on the saw bar. It is sold in construction stores. If you wish, you can actually make it yourself, using legs from an old school desk or ordinary metal corners. The distance between the tire and the frame is adjustable. Due to this, it becomes possible to saw logs into boards of different thicknesses.

If the tool will be used stationary, the chainsaw guide is made of smooth wooden block or from a metal profile. It should be as tough as possible. The ends of the homemade guide are mounted on trestles. And then a log is placed under this structure for sawing. The processing process will occur quickly and without unnecessary labor costs.

It is worth noting that the described technique is used exclusively for cutting trunks of small length. If you take a longer log, the guide will begin to bend. As a result, the trunk cannot be cut efficiently and evenly.

We take a log and get boards from it!

Impeccably even cutting is obtained by using a leading ruler (a special guide is often used instead), which is usually called a straight template. It essentially represents small machine, recommended for cases where work with wood is carried out more or less regularly. Such a miniature sawmill for longitudinal sawing costs from 10 thousand rubles. If you use it “once every hundred years”, it is better to do as described above.

Both the factory device and the DIY design cut logs according to the same pattern. Longitudinal cutting is carried out using a special chain. Finding her can be difficult. But there is a way out. Sawing trunks lengthwise can be done with a regular chain. You just need to carefully sharpen it at a 10-degree angle. Important point! The tool quickly loses its original sharpness during use. Therefore, it must be constantly sharpened so that cutting logs into boards does not cause difficulties, and the geometry of the resulting products meets the stated requirements.

Sawing logs into flat boards with a chainsaw equipped with a device is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Take two straight and strong boards. Connect them at right angles to each other. The result is a reliable straight template.
  2. 2. Make simple supports from wooden blocks. Use them to support the template you made.
  3. 3. Place the barrel on the device.
  4. 4. Fasten the frame to the tire, attach the supporting elements supporting the leading ruler to the ends of the log. Last operation Requires horizontal installation. Use building level for control.
  5. 5. Secure all existing elements with self-tapping screws. Some craftsmen use nails for these purposes, which is undesirable. After cutting the logs into boards, you will have to remove the used fasteners. It will be difficult to do this without significant damage to the structure.
  6. 6. Fix the template to the supports and adjust its height. Nuance. The cut will go somewhere 10 mm above the level of the ruler, and not strictly along it. Take this into account when adjusting the height.
  7. 7. Rotate the log. Turn on the chainsaw. You make the first cut.

Then you need to free the log from the stops and boards, fix the template on the cut surface so that it faces in the direction of the second cut. The ruler can be attached with supports to the ends or directly to the surface of the barrel. Make a second cut. In relation to the first, it will be perpendicular.

Next, turn the log and fix it. The ruler can be removed. We will carry out further sawing without it - one of the cut sides of the trunk will serve as a guide. You need to adjust the thickness of the cut on the frame, saw off the log to get a beam with bark on only one side. Now turn the barrel again. Set up the frame. You carry out the final cutting and get the boards at your disposal. If their width is not important to you, there is no need to cut the trunk to fit the timber. Simply saw the workpiece to the middle, turn it 180°, then continue the operation you started.

We cut the trunk across - there will be no difficulties!

As you can see, longitudinal sawing with a chainsaw is a rather labor-intensive process. If you want to get logs by sawing the trunk crosswise and then make boards from them, the operation will be impractical due to the large expenditure of effort. Most often, cross-cutting is used when it is necessary to make country street furniture from wood - tables, benches, small benches. It is also recommended for preparing firewood and for decorative design using sawn logs. In such situations, logs are cut into disks of small thickness (up to 15 cm).

The cross cutting process is as follows:

  1. 1. Place the trunk on trestles 70–80 cm high (they should be as stable as possible).
  2. 2. Remove the bark from the wood, if any.
  3. 3. Make a small cut. It will play the role of a guide groove.
  4. 4. Rotate the barrel being processed 90°. The tire of a power tool must run strictly along the intended groove.
  5. 5. If you need logs, make notches on the tree with an ax.
  6. 6. Sawing the trunk.

Transverse and longitudinal cutting of logs must be carried out in compliance with safety standards. It is advisable to carry out work in thick clothing, gloves, glasses, and headphones. Prepare a first aid kit in advance - a chainsaw is a potentially unsafe tool that can cause serious injury to a person. Always move the saw forward along the guide and do not try to push it harder. The tool should move freely.

The chainsaw must not be raised above the shoulders. The tool must only be run on the ground. In this case, the chain brake must be in the engaged state. Its release is carried out just before the start of cutting logs. Do not fill the gasoline container if the saw has recently been used. You should wait until the tool and fuel tank cool down. Take care to carry out work safely. And then sawing up tree trunks on your own will not lead to dire consequences. Good luck.

There is always a use for lumber on the farm: wooden boards, slats and bars. Usually all this wealth is bought in hardware store or specialized market. But if you have a log, then you can save a lot on lumber by sawing it yourself. Logs can be sawed crosswise, lengthwise or even obliquely. Last method used very rarely - only for complex wooden structures. Since it is very difficult to perform independently at home, we will consider the other two.

Cross-cutting a log is an absolutely simple sawing method. It requires a special bed, popularly called “goats,” and a saw (manual, electric or gasoline). The log is laid horizontally on the bed and sawed in the place where it is required. If there are no sawhorses, then the log can be sawed transversely by resting one of its edges on another log. To cut logs longitudinally, you will need a special sawmill, which can be purchased at a hardware store. In such a unit, logs can be cut into boards or bars of any thickness.

A finished sawmill is expensive, so you can make it yourself. The figure below shows detailed drawing homemade sawmill. If you do not plan to frequently cut logs into boards, then you should not purchase or make a stationary sawmill. You can do it simple imitation, attaching a guide made of boards to the log, along which a conventional electric saw will move from the side.

We can also recommend this method. Two rigid supports are placed at the edges, a guide is fixed on top of them, and a carriage with a saw is installed on it. In this case, the log will be under the guide - unlike the previous method, where the log is on the side.

We told you about the most simple ways sawing logs. Do not forget that when working with any tool, especially a saw, you must follow safety precautions.

Logs are a kind of raw material for lumber production. general purpose And special types products. More precisely, it is the raw material for obtaining such a necessary material in construction and farming as boards.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the logs for flaws and clean them of bark. This is usually done manually without power tools. It is best to work with fresh material immediately after it has been cut down. It is very difficult to work with low-quality material or curved logs. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately assess the quality and sort the logs. It is also worth considering that it will simply be impossible to obtain perfect boards at home. So you need to calculate your strengths and possible losses.

Take electric plane and remove the subcortex. Subbark is a soft young layer of wood located directly under the bark. There's no need to shoot a lot. It will be enough to remove a layer one centimeter thick. Try to remove the desired layer immediately, otherwise the wood will not have an aesthetically pleasing appearance over time.

Dry the logs fresh air for five to seven days under cover. This is very important process, since under-dried wood will simply crack over time.

Treat the logs with a chemical protective agent. Use only high-quality modern antiseptics, insect repellents and various fungi.

Secure the log to the guides or bed. And also do not forget to check the sharpness of the knives and chain.

By applying marks on the log, a cutting line is outlined. It is necessary to try to ensure that the boards have approximately equal density. It’s good if the log has ideal evenness and density. But it often happens that the logs have flaws, so you have to tinker with cutting to save money and maximize the yield of quality material.

Remove the hump from both sides of the log. In the end you will get comfortable beam, which will not ride.

Start removing the boards. What you'll end up with is a set of boards with raw edges that will need to be cut down with a handsaw.

Now you can admire your work and consider cutting the logs successful and complete!

Timber and boards are common materials used in home construction. If you don’t have the funds for ready-made materials, you can make them yourself using a chainsaw. Before sawing a log into boards with your own hands, it is worth learning more about the features of this process.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

Cutting into boards can be done using tools such as an electric chainsaw and additional accessories, designed to make your work easier. When choosing certain products, you need to focus on the amount of work expected. Stationary sawmills They are highly expensive and are purchased only if you plan to organize a business to create boards.

The most accessible tool for the job is a chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electric ones:

  • the chainsaw can be used anywhere, regardless of the availability of an electrical outlet;
  • the tool is suitable for working in conditions of high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws are significantly more powerful than electric ones;
  • You can use the chainsaw continuously for an hour.

To cut logs into boards, a special frame is used together with a chainsaw, which is attached to the device and allows you to create boards of the same thickness. A device is also needed to secure the log in one position. In addition, you will also need a guide.

Since household gasoline saws are not designed for heavy loads; professional tools should be used for sawing logs. When choosing, you should pay attention to devices with a power of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use legs from a school desk or metal corners.

Types of working attachments

The choice of nozzles for work depends on the volume and type of work performed. The following devices are used with a chainsaw:

  • drum debarker, which is necessary for removing bark from logs;
  • lightweight attachment for sawing logs;
  • standard attachment used to create boards.

Attachment for longitudinal sawing

When using this attachment, sawing occurs in a horizontal direction. It is fixed to the rail using special clamps and allows you to create boards of equal thickness. After the work is completed, the boards are dried and can then be used in construction.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are often used, but they should only be used when creating boards for fences or sheds. This is due to the fact that the attachment is secured to the tire only on one side.


The attachment for removing bark from logs is used using a clinometer transmission. Attachment occurs with belts - special pulleys are used for this. It is worth noting that the performance of the nozzle can be changed, since the speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys.

Features of sawing logs using a chainsaw

Create additional equipment for sawing logs it is quite simple:

  1. To create a support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of a school desk. The most suitable are pipes with a square cross-section of 20x20 mm.
  2. When constructing the frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps and secure a cross member at one end. This element must have holes for tightening bolts. A protrusion for the tire is created in the middle.
  3. In order to saw a log lengthwise, it is necessary to construct a support frame, the width of which must be at least 8 cm less than the length.
  4. For ease of operation, a handle should be welded to the frame.
  5. Before carrying out work, you must carefully check whether the frame is securely fastened to the tire.

Use homemade instrument simple enough. Before sawing, you need to install 2 sawhorses - they will be used as a support for the log. In addition, a metal strip or flat board is prepared, which will serve as a guiding element.

Longitudinal sawing technique

The most difficult stage of the process is making the first cut. To do this you need:

  • install a leading ruler, which consists of two boards that are fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after this, it is necessary to place the sawn log on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check whether the log is level;
  • at the next stage it is necessary to secure the leading ruler to the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • After this, you can start creating the first cut.

Features of cross cuts

Cross cutting is used only to create firewood or interior elements. The work is carried out according to several principles:

  1. Before carrying out work, the log is placed in a horizontal position on supports. The height of its location should be 0.5 m.
  2. After this, it is necessary to completely clear the log of bark.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to make marks on the entire log, located at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Then, cutting can be done using the created marks.

Cross cutting does not require specialized tools.

Safety rules during work

To avoid injury, you must follow these basic guidelines:

  1. Before using a gas powered tool, you must carefully read the instructions included in the kit.
  2. Since a chainsaw is a dangerous tool, work should not be carried out while intoxicated or sick.
  3. You need to hold the saw with both hands. A secure grip will allow you to control the movement of the tool and maintain its position during unexpected jerks and in the event of kickback.
  4. There should be no fuel mixture or oil on your hands while working, as this reduces the reliability of your grip.
  5. Do not use the saw if it is damaged, not fully assembled or not adjusted.
  6. There should be no children or animals on the site during work.
  7. In the absence special skills, do not use a chainsaw on stairs or other unstable surfaces.
  8. Do not cut with your arms outstretched or above shoulder level.

By following the described rules, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.