Online calculator for calculating the weight of reinforcement. Specific gravity of reinforcement of all diameters

Reinforcement refers to metal rods, rods or ropes of various shapes and cross-sections intended for construction work to fasten specialized structures. Reinforcement is indispensable in the manufacture of any types of devices made of reinforced concrete in order to enhance its strength. According to its characteristics, it is divided into strength classes and can be various diameters, which affects the effectiveness of its use in reinforced concrete building structures. This article will help answer the questions “How many meters are there in a ton of reinforcement?” and “How much does a meter of reinforcement weigh?”

In terms of labor costs in production, the presented rolled metal can be:

  • light (with a diameter of up to 12 mm);
  • heavy (with a diameter of 12 - 40 mm).

With a steel rod diameter of 12 mm, it is usually called reinforcement 12 ( A12) is the most popular rolled metal product in domestic construction.

During the manufacturing process of A12, GOST 5781–82 is strictly observed, and according to its purpose it is classified into tense and non-tensioned. Based on the choice of production technology, the following types of fittings 12 are distinguished:

  • cold drawn;
  • hot rolled

Cold drawn A12 reinforcement is necessary for the production of reinforced mesh, it is supplied in coils (bundles) of 6-12 meters and is a reinforcing wire.

Hot rolled A12, being a high-quality type of rolled metal, is produced from steel with a round cross-section, and is used in the reinforcement of stressed and ordinary structures, imparts sufficient strength to reinforced concrete structures and prevents damage due to mechanical deformations.

Distinctive features of A12 fittings

These rolled metal products can be made of steel different brands, which depends on its application and the requirements for its characteristics. Most often, products made from low-alloy structural steel are required. This is due to the fact that such products are easily subjected to arc welding.

The main purpose of the A12 is hardening reinforced concrete structures as well as education frame devices to resist increased load. Diameter 12 mm is the minimum for construction strip foundation and its grillages, if you knit a reinforcement frame of four rods. Rentals by class are:

  • smooth profile (without corrugation) - class A1;
  • periodic profile (with transverse corrugation at an angle to the axis of the rod) - class A3.

This construction metal product is presented from the manufacturer in rods or coils. The scope of its application is very wide. For the construction of the foundation, it is recommended to use hot-rolled reinforcement in the form of rods with oblique corrugation, the presence of which ensures optimal adhesion to concrete. This interaction of materials ensures the strength and durability of reinforced concrete building structure. Transverse arrangement reinforced rods in the foundation prevent concrete cracking and reduce the force load on the resulting structure, and also protect it from deformation.

Advantages A12 fittings, which manifest themselves in construction:

  • high degree of strength;
  • relatively high ductility;
  • minimal susceptibility to corrosion;
  • high resistance to thermal, chemical and mechanical influences;
  • possibility of creating various configurations structures by welding and mechanical connections;
  • Possibility of use in stressed structures made of reinforced concrete.

On the market construction raw materials enough for now large selection grade steel. IN lately There is a gradual transition, using the example of Europe, to products from steel A500S to replace the previously popular A400. This fact, quite logically, is explained by the fact that with complete preservation quality characteristics rolled steel, its production cost is reduced by up to 10% due to savings in raw materials during construction operations. For construction calculations, this amount of expenses is simply colossal.

A special feature of the production of rolled products from this steel grade is the absence of oxidation and, as a consequence, the absence of rust. At the same time, mechanical, chemical and thermal qualities remain at very high high level. Replacement of steel grade A400 by grade A500C in rolled products makes it possible to reduce its concentration during concreting and, as a consequence, the consumption of A12 reinforcement. Specifications The steel used does not allow the welds of the finished structure to collapse. All this leads to increased strength of floors, columns and walls of buildings.

Weight per linear meter of reinforcement 12

For construction work, it is customary to calculate the amount of reinforcement in linear meters, but it is sold mainly by weight. It turns out that in order to buy the required amount of rolled metal and know exactly its cost, it is necessary to convert the calculated need in meters into weight units, that is, kilograms, tons, etc. To do this, you can use presented by the table. An alternative to the tabular data presented is to independently calculate the data based on the diameter size.

Diameter, mm Diameter, m Weight of 1 meter, kg Quantity m in 1t
6 0.06 222 4504.5
8 0.08 395 2531.65
10 0.1 617 1620.75
12 0.12 888 1126.13
14 0.14 1210 826.45
16 0.16 1580 632.91
18 0.18 2000 500
20 0.2 2470 404.86
22 0.22 2980 335.57
25 0.25 3850 259.74
28 0.28 4830 207.04
32 0.32 6310 158.48
36 0.36 7990 125.16
40 0.4 9870 101.32

The weight of one meter of reinforced steel is shown in the table as ratio of diameter to weight. Having information about the weight of reinforcing steel, it is possible to determine the coefficient of reinforcement of the structure (the ratio of the weight of rolled metal to the volume of concrete).

In order to calculate the need for reinforcement, you will need data on how many linear meters one ton of rolled metal contains. The number of meters in a ton is a value that depends on several factors. From the presented table it is clearly seen that the footage largely depends on the class of reinforcement.

How many meters are there in a ton of reinforcement 12?

In accordance with building regulations, the amount of reinforcement in a strip foundation as a percentage of the reinforced concrete element in the cross-section must be at least 0.1%. In an example it looks like this. If cross-sectional area of ​​strip foundation is 100*240=2400 cm square, then the estimated number of rolled rods for longitudinal reinforcement is found by multiplying the resulting volume of the foundation by 0.001, that is, 2400*0.001=2.4 cm square.

Next, you should resort to the reference data in the table from the manual on the reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements of monolithic buildings. Since we are interested in reinforcement with a diameter of 12, it is obvious that only 2 reinforced rods are needed for the calculated volume of the foundation. Calculation of consumption of reinforced steel for slab foundation similar.

Reinforced concrete today is the most common material used in the construction of multi-story buildings, roads, tunnels, bridges and any other objects. Reinforcement is an important component of such structures - non-reinforced concrete, although it can withstand significant compressive loads, practically does not work in bending and tension, collapsing under relatively small loads. But use metal rods– conventional or prestressed – eliminates this drawback. Often, builders find themselves in situations where they need to know the weight of reinforcement in order to calculate the required amount of material for construction. A table of reinforcement weights will help them with this. You will find it below in the article, in the reinforcement table, the value of the mass of metal rods of all diameters is presented.

Of course, first of all, the mass of the rod depends on the thickness. How larger diameter, the greater the weight will be. Today, in construction, metal rods with a diameter of 6 to 80 millimeters are most often used. The weight of 1 m of reinforcement, the thinnest, weighs only 222 grams, while for the thickest this figure is 39.46 kilograms. As you can see, the difference is huge. Therefore, knowing the weight of the reinforcement will also not be superfluous when calculating the pressure of the structure on the foundation - several unaccounted tons of load can have a detrimental effect on the reliability and durability of any building.

How much does the fittings weigh?

In order to find out the reinforcement weight, the easiest and most convenient way is to use the special table presented below.

Rebar weight table

Diameter, mmWeight of 1 meter of reinforcement, kgLinear meters per ton
6 0,222 4504,5
8 0,395 2531,65
10 0,617 1620,75
12 0,888 1126,13
14 1,21 826,45
16 1,58 632,91
18 2 500
20 2,47 404,86
22 2,98 335,57
25 3,85 259,74
28 4,83 207,04
32 6,31 158,48
36 7,99 125,16
40 9,87 101,32
45 12,48 80,13
50 15,41 64,89
55 18,65 53,62
60 22,19 45,07
70 30,21 33,1
80 39,46 25,34

All data indicated in this table fully comply with the current GOST. The error can be a maximum of a few percent - such errors will not cause significant trouble and will certainly not cause damage to the structure.

Having a table at hand, you can quickly calculate the weight of reinforcement, for example, with a diameter of 32 mm. Find the corresponding diameter in the first column and immediately find out that its mass is 6.32 kg per 1 m, and a ton includes 158.48 meters.

Why do you need to know the weight?

Professional builders often have a question: what is the weight? linear meter fittings. Why do they need this? The fact is that when purchasing rods for the construction of large structures, it is not purchased individually, as when individual construction, but in tons. But it’s difficult to calculate how long a certain mass of material will last if you don’t know how much a meter of reinforcement weighs. Knowing the total mass and specific gravity of the reinforcement, 1 meter, you can make simple calculations in a matter of seconds, obtaining the total length of the metal rods. To do this, we take the entire mass of the necessary rods and divide them by the weight of 1 linear meter.

Calculation example

To reinforce the beams, 2.5 tons of 25-diameter rods are required. We take the value of the mass of 1 meter from the table, equal to 3.85 kg. Next, we convert tons to kilograms, multiply by 1000, it will be 2500 kg, and divide by 3.85, we get 649 meters of material. The standard length of a metal rod is 11.7 m, to find out the required number of rods, divide 649 by 11.7, we get 55.5 pieces. In this way, you can count the number of rods with any cross-section. This will help, especially in private construction, to check that the correct amount of material has been delivered to you.

The opposite situation may also occur. The specialist knows how much material he needs, and also knows optimal diameter. Having found out the theoretical weight of a meter of reinforcement, he just needs to multiply this number by total length necessary metal rods to determine how much material is needed for construction.

When knitting frames, meshes, as well as when constructing a foundation, the main element is reinforcement. As for private construction, one of the most in demand here is rolled metal with a diameter of 12 millimeters. Favorable ratio of strength and affordable price allows the use of 12 mm reinforcement in the construction of a private house.

Why do you need to know the weight of rolled metal? This value will be needed to estimate the cost of construction work on different stages. Usually the weight is already calculated in the project for each structure where rolled metal A12, A3 or any other grade is used. If you plan to do the construction calculations yourself or just want to understand this point in detail, then this material will answer all your questions. After studying the article, the reader will be able to independently carry out calculations and find out the weight of reinforcement 12 mm, A3 or another brand.

The calculation is performed in linear meters - special quantities usually used in construction work. The table also shows the weight of one linear meter. At the same time, reinforcement is sold by weight, and not by length. The builder's task is quite simple: find out how many meters are required for all structures, and then convert them into units of mass. Below is detailed and simple table, which will help you find out the weight of one linear meter.

In this table you need to find required diameter(D), in in this case this is 12 mm. The second column shows D - this data is not particularly needed, and converting 12 mm is quite simple (you need to divide 12 mm by 100, the result is 0.12 m). The third column of the table is the most important - the mass m per kg is indicated here. A meter of rolled metal equals 12 millimeters to 0.888 kilograms. Also, as an example, you can take 10 mm rods, the weight of which is 0.617 kg. The last column shows how many meters there are in one ton.



Now the reader knows how much one meter weighs. But in order to better understand the work, you need to understand the scheme by which the calculation is carried out. Having understood the essence, the builder will be able to calculate the weight of one linear meter of rods with a diameter of 12 or 10 mm. To perform the calculation, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

The volume of one linear meter can be obtained using the following formula: 1m x (0.785 xD xD). Here the letter "D" denotes the diameter of the circle. The total mass is multiplied with the specific gravity of the rods; in all cases it will be 7850 kg/m3. To find out how much a meter weighs, you need to know the volume.

For example, you can independently calculate the mass of one meter of 10 mm reinforcement. The first step is to obtain the volume - 1m x (0.785 x 0.010 x 0.010) = 0.00010124 m3. The mass of rods is 10 mm – 00010124 m3 x 7850 = 0.616 kg. If you look at the table, one meter of reinforcement 10 weighs 0.617 kg. How much a meter of rods 14 or 16 weighs can be found using the same scheme.

Number of meters in one ton

Above is the calculation for 10 mm. The number of meters per ton can also be calculated without using specialized tables. Here it is worth referring to the building regulations, which state that the strip base must contain at least 0.1% of rods in relation to the reinforced concrete structure. This formulation looks quite complicated. To understand how this works, it’s worth looking at an example:

  1. Taken strip base, the area of ​​which is 2400 square cm.
  2. Next you will need a coefficient, for this formula it is 0.001.
  3. The resulting volume is multiplied with a coefficient - 2400 x 0.001 = 2.4 cm2.
  4. In the following stages, without reference information it won't be possible to get by. Here you will need a manual that indicates the required number of rods. For reinforcement with a diameter of 10 and 12 mm, two rods are sufficient.

What you need to know about A12 fittings

Rods are made from steel, the grade of which depends on the requirements for strength, wear and other parameters. Typically, builders choose rods made of low-alloy metal. It cannot be said that this is the most reliable and durable steel, but it does have an important advantage - low-alloy metal can be processed using arc welding.

Grade A12, like reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, is usually used to add strength to a structure made of reinforced concrete. Also, these rods are the main element in construction frame structures. In addition to this parameter, you also need to pay attention to rental, it differs by class:

  • Periodic profile – A3. Class A3 fittings have transverse corrugation.
  • Smooth profile – A1. Unlike A3, class A1 fittings come without corrugation.

You can purchase reinforcement, regardless of diameter or class A3, in coils or rods.

The answer to the question, how many meters of reinforcement are in 1 ton, is of interest to both designers and builders. This information needed to determine the mass and cost of the structure, as well as proper organization works during procurement and delivery to the construction site. This problem arises because the results of strength calculations for rods are presented in meters, but to buy them, data in tons is needed.


For foundations, reinforced concrete structures, and gas-block houses, round and periodic steel is used. The latter has the form of cylindrical rods with transverse protrusions formed along a helical line and two longitudinal ribs. There is an option in which right and left approaches to opposite sides rods to improve adhesion to concrete (used for high strength steels).

The main value by which the amount of reinforcement is determined is its nominal diameter (d), regardless of whether the surface is smooth or with various types corrugation. According to the standards, the cross-sectional areas of a periodic profile (non-circular) and those shaped like a circle of the same diameter are identical. Consequently, their masses per 1 meter are also equal.

According to GOST 5781-82, hot-rolled A1000 is produced (the letter A denotes the production method, and the number denotes the yield strength in MPa):

According to standard 10884-94, thermomechanically strengthened rods are manufactured:

Calculation technology

There are several ways to determine the number of linear meters of rods per ton (L):

  • Using the formula for calculating body mass from a known volume and density (ρ): L = (4∙1000)/(ρ∙π∙d 2) (1), where: ρ = 7850 kg/m3 – density of rolled steel for theoretical calculations , d – taken in meters, 1 ton = 1000 kg.
  • Using data from the relevant manufacturing standards.

The number of linear meters in one ton is quite simple to find out: L = 1000/q, where q is the mass of 1 meter (kg/m).

Below is the number of meters of reinforcement per ton using this method and expression (1).

D, mm L, m
GOST 5781-82; 10884-94 R 52544-2006 By (1)
4 10101,010 10137,250
5 6493,507 6487,840
6 4504,505 4504,505 4505,444
8 2531,646 2531,646 2534,312
10 1620,746 1623,377 1621,960
12 1126,126 1126,126 1126,361
14 826,446 827,815 827,530
16 632,911 633,714 633,578
18 500,000 500,500 500,604
20 404,858 405,515 405,490
22 335,571 335,120 335,115
25 259,740 259,538 259,513
28 207,039 206,868 206,882
32 158,479 158,403 158,394
36 125,156 125,156 125,151
40 101,317 101,368 101,372
45 80,128 80,096
50 64,893 64,878
55 53,619 53,618
60 45,065 45,054
70 33,102 33,101
80 25,342 25,343

According to the P52544-2006 standard, it is possible to produce profile numbers for reinforcing bars, the specific gravity of which is not indicated in regulatory document(4.5; 5.5; 6.5; 7; 7.5; 8.5; 9; 9.5; 45; 50 mm). As can be seen from a comparison of calculations using formula (1) and data obtained based on specific gravity, the results are somewhat different (the discrepancies are 0.36-1.0%). To purchase the required number of rods, in relation to sizes not included in the standard, the estimate using formula (1) is quite acceptable, especially taking into account the tolerances for producing a ton of rolled products.

In addition to the theoretical ones, there is an empirical method for determining the number of meters of reinforcing products per ton by directly weighing them. This method is the most reliable, and its accuracy depends on the error of the scales used, for example, suspended crane scales.

The number of meters and pieces of reinforcement in 1 ton depends on the diameter of the rod used. It is necessary to know this when purchasing material, so that you can independently check the quantity of goods supplied, as well as calculate the volume of reinforcement for reinforcing monolithic structures.

Footage of reinforcement in ton: calculation example, table

Let's look at an example of how the calculation is made and find out how many meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm are in 1 ton.

To calculate, we need to know the mass of 1 meter, look, it is equal to 0.888 kg. Now we divide 1000 kg by 0.888 kg, we get 1126.13 m. For convenience, below is a table that immediately indicates the footage of the most popular steel rods in construction.

Rod diameter, mm. Number of meters in 1 ton
6 4504,5
8 2531,65
10 1620,75
12 1126,13
14 826,45
16 632,91
18 500
20 404,86
22 335,57
25 259,74
28 207,04
32 158,48
36 125,16
40 101,32
45 80,13

Knowing how many meters are in 1 ton, you can easily convert the reinforcement from meters to tons. For example: we will convert 8956 m of rods with a diameter of 12 mm into tons. For this, 8956/1126.13=7.953 (t). In this way, any size of whip can be converted by simply dividing the total length by the length of 1000 kg.

Number of reinforcement pieces per ton: calculation example, table

Knowing the footage of the rods in 1000 kg, you can make calculations by the piece. We’ll also look at how to do this using an example, let’s calculate how many pieces of 12 mm reinforcement are in 1 ton, 12 m long and 11.7 m long (the most common lengths produced by factories).
To calculate the number of pieces, we take the total footage in one ton, for rods 12 mm long, it is equal to 1126.13 m, and divide by the length of the rod 12 m, we get 93.84 pieces, for a rod 11.7 m long, the result is 96.25 pieces . The table below shows the number of whips of the most common sizes ( calculated values rounded to the nearest tenth).

Diameter of fittings, mm. Number of pieces per ton of rods 11.7 m long. Quantity for rod length 12 m.
6 385 375,4
8 216,4 211
10 138,5 135
12 96,2 93,8
14 70,6 68,9
16 54,1 52,7
18 42,7 41,7
20 34,6 33,7
22 28,7 28
25 22,2 21,6
28 17,7 17,2
32 13,5 13,2
36 10,7 10,4
40 8,6 8,4
45 6,8 6,7

An example of calculation using a table: let’s say for an armored belt you need 600 kg of 10 mm reinforcement. In order to make it convenient to transport, 12 meter rods were cut into 6 m lengths. To find out their number, take the table value of 135 (pieces per ton) and multiply by 0.6, equal to 81 pieces. Since they were divided in half, we multiply 81 by 2, we get 162 rods of 6 meters each.

Do not forget that when cutting reinforcement into short rods, its consumption for reinforcing the structure increases, since more overlaps will have to be made. It is worth taking this into account when calculating and purchasing materials for construction.

According to these tables, you can calculate the required tonnage of rods for a monolithic belt and other reinforcing structures, based on the footage of the building. And also, you can calculate for yourself whether the material was brought to you correctly by recalculating its quantity.