The wedding ring is not removable, which is why you dream. Why do you dream about a ring according to Longo’s dream book?

If a person is not married, but has a loved one, then the loss of a wedding ring promises unpleasant discoveries regarding the other half. It is quite possible that after this dream, the dreamer will be disappointed in his companion or learn about her unseemly act. If a person sees this dream on the eve of his wedding, then the marriage will turn out to be very fleeting.

If the lost ring was made of silver or metal, then separated people will still have a chance to return their relationship to previous level. If the jewelry was gold, then it will be impossible to save the marriage or relationship. If the dreamer’s ring was decorated with precious stones, then a fateful meeting awaits him in the future.

If the dreamer lost a ring in a dream after swimming in water, then you need to pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is clean and transparent, it means gossip. If the water in a pond or container is dirty and cloudy, then you dreamed that you will soon get sick, and the illness will be long and treatment will be expensive.

Why do you dream of an engagement ring with stones? The interpretation of the dream book largely depends on what kind of stone is inserted into the decoration. Small, transparent diamonds promise the dreamer tears, and the large central stone symbolizes meeting an influential person who will provide free help to your family.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, buy wedding rings in a dream - this personifies relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. If the purchased wedding ring is inlaid with stones, decorated with various decorative elements, then you can expect a beautiful courtship with a sea of ​​flowers and compliments.

Even in reality, such an event as the breakdown of the main wedding symbol- Very bad omen. No less sad events await you if you saw a broken ring in a dream. Why do you dream about such a picture? First of all, the films interpret this as a symbol of betrayal. And it doesn’t matter whether the person of the same sex had this dream, his significant other has either already cheated or is on the verge of cheating.

Why do you dream about someone else’s wedding ring that you accidentally found in a dream? A circle, as a symbol of cyclicity and infinity, can indicate the incorrectness of the chosen life path. And if nothing really goes well in life, then after such a harbinger in a dream you should take a closer look at other possibilities; fate can always be changed.

According to the dream book, why do you dream about the Ring - a symbol denoting power, social super-ego (political, religious and even emotional). This image denotes recognition of a role or LOYALTY to position, status, rules. regulations. In some cases, this image may simply be indifferent and simply denote a certain personality. In some cases. although not often, this image can symbolize a rather negative psychology that passes from generation to generation as mental semantics, as the dream book says about this dream.

Why do you dream about the Ring - it is a symbol of marriage and power. Of course, you dream of a ring or the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love ones, it can be friendly or business relations), or rising in one's community, gaining fame or respect. If the ring is put on your finger, it means that soon you will have to bind yourself to some kind of promise, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

If you are married and married man loses a ring in a dream, this can be interpreted as a quick betrayal of the chosen one(s) or a complete departure from the family. For men who have seen this plot, dream books advise paying attention to the behavior of their wife, since it is quite possible that she has someone on her side. For girls, this may be a signal that she will soon hear reproaches addressed to her or her loved one’s desire to leave. It is likely that there has been a crisis in your relationship for a long time, but you stubbornly turned a blind eye to it. Try to listen with understanding to complaints and dissatisfaction addressed to you and then, perhaps, you will return the love and respect of this person.

Some dream books interpret this image as some kind of warning about a threat financial loss. It is possible that after this dream, the sleeper will lose the previous location of those friends and acquaintances who play a big role in his life.

Losing a ring in a dream can mean discord in family relationships, conflict with superiors or colleagues. For family people, this plot may signify a serious scandal with household members. Beware of any disputes and showdowns, as this will not end well. If the decoration was inlaid with small stones, expect tears.

For men, this dream serves as a warning about possible financial difficulties. In addition, some time after what you saw, under no circumstances lend it to anyone, as there is a high probability of losing your money completely. Losing a beautiful ring in a dream is a sign of betrayal by your best friend.

A huge danger comes from a dream in which a woman sees her wedding ring breaking. Most often, changes for the worse occur in her personal life. It also happens that this leads to the death of a man. Miller explained dreams about a ring with a cracked stone as coloring pages and misunderstandings with his family, loved ones and friends.

A dream book in which a gold ring is broken symbolizes illness and illness. Some interpreters associate such a dream with the loss of property or even loved one. However, this does not always mean that he will die or die. This may mean moving one to another city.

It is worth remembering that in the process of interpretation one specific dream book may not be enough. Therefore, it is recommended to turn to several interpreters at once and remember all the most important details. Thus, by comparing them, you can correctly and correctly interpret each dream.

A wedding ring is a sign of divorce, failure to fulfill marriage hopes. Ancient - you and your future partner will have a karmic connection. Anything else (large or some kind of ring-shaped object) - you are moving in a circle and do not want to look forward.

Political, religious, as well as emotional and sensual power of the family environment. It means that a person has accepted his role, or indicates his devotion to rules and regulations. In most cases, this image is neutral and is simply an indication of what kind of personality. Much less often, the image indicates an extremely negative psychology, passed on from generation to generation through the degeneration of psychic unconscious information.

golden ring means an increase in well-being and new useful acquaintances. A gold-colored alloy ring - you will find yourself in a difficult position, not being able to recognize where your real friends are and where your enemies are.

What does a dream mean in which you lost a ring - losing a gold ring in a dream promises poverty and money problems, engagement - divorce or breakup. Losing an ancient ring in a dream means mortal danger threatens one of your parents.

Dreaming of a ring on Sunday is a sign that many of your fears are far-fetched. But if, as a result of a dream, you woke up with a feeling of impending loss or with the feeling that you are not living with the person destined for you, such a dream requires a special magical decoding, since it contains hidden messages that can affect your entire life.

To dream that you put on a ring through which your finger swells - in fact, you are unhappy in love, and only the fear of loneliness forces you not to push away your “beloved” person. The finger turns black - your relationship is still doomed to failure, because Higher Powers We have already found someone or someone with whom you will be truly happy.

Natasha, perhaps the dream reflects reality. In general, gold jewelry is a relationship, more like a romantic relationship. Judging only by the dream, you may have several possible candidates or you may simply be searching. Among them there may be unfree people; you should be careful about this so as not to be disappointed later. The dream is not bad in principle, but it still speaks of the manifestation of emotion and excitement.

Quite a lot of indications in a dream are on the road - a ship and washing your feet. At the same time, contact with water - more often, excitement, manifestation of emotions. Wedding elements usually dream of some changes in life, sometimes just new ideas and thoughts. Ring - here the interpretation agrees that, as a rule, such a dream occurs at the beginning of a romantic relationship, or prospects and options in this area.

Natasha, the dream suggests that in your case the number three will play a very important role. It's difficult to say now what it might mean. However, it definitely hints at relationships and happiness in them. The third may be your choice among men; it is with him that you will find happiness. A woman often dreams of rings as a sign of quickly acquiring her true love.

You buy yourself a gold ring - you feel a feeling of falling in love. But when you accept it as a gift, be careful, you may be deceived. You see a dream in which there is a ring with a precious stone - such a dream indicates future achievements that will be possible thanks to good acquaintances.

Basically, of course, such dreams can occur in young people preparing for an upcoming event in reality. For unmarried women, a ring on the finger means a strong, reliable relationship and engagement in the future. For wealthy ladies, this means an even greater rapprochement with a person, the presence of some kind of situation that will unite people who have already loved each other for a long time.

What does the ring seen in a dream mean? different situations? After all, such an event cannot just happen in a dream. Below you will find out what a ring on a finger means, choosing and buying a ring, broken or blackened wedding rings, as well as other moments seen in a dream.

You should also consider what exactly you do with the black ring in your dream. If you remove it or try to clean it, then things are looking up. If it is put on or given to you by someone else who will help you in your business. If you find one and put it on, most likely you are creating problems for yourself.

In addition to such superficial interpretations, wedding rings guarantee quick success in business, new interesting acquaintances and certain life turns. It all depends on the situation in which the ring is present in your dream.

Since ancient times, the most desired dreams for any unmarried girl have been dreams in which she gets married and a treasured wedding ring is placed on her finger. But what do such dreams really mean? Why do you dream about a wedding ring? unmarried girl dream book?

After all, dreams in which a girl dreams of a ring are quite deceptive, there are different rings, and it is important to look for a dream book that will interpret your dream absolutely accurately. Then you will be ready for all changes.

Any girl would want it, especially if it is an engagement party, but such dreams do not always bring good luck. Many famous dream books They are mistaken in interpreting such dreams as predictions about happiness and success.

They forget that the ring itself is more than a serious symbol; the ring most often indicates that life has turned into a vicious circle from which it is difficult to find a way out.

For a girl who has been in a relationship for quite a long time, it rarely promises good luck.

Such a dream predicts problems in relationships, but not new ones, but ones that have long been boring to both partners. So you should be prepared for stagnation.

The way the ring looks is also very important. The product itself does not always have negative impact for a girl's life. The material, what you do with the ring itself is all very important.

For example, I dreamed. Such a dream is not entirely bad, gold in dreams often promises good luck, and a gold ring can bring good luck in business, so one or more things will be more than successful for you.

But you need to be careful with your personal life, such decoration may mean problems with your finances young man. If you are alone, then a dream in which you see a gold ring means successful deals and luck at work.

What if the ring was on the left hand?

Especially if it's copper, good sign, this means good luck in your career and success in your personal life. It’s too early to talk about engagement or wedding, but know that things will go uphill. This interpretation is valid regardless of marital status and the presence of a young man in it.

The girl dreams in case an unusual meeting or event awaits her. is a metal that is most suitable for calm, balanced people and/or the zodiac signs Pisces, Aquarius, Libra and Aries. If any of this sounds like you, then expect big profits.

Seeing an unusual ring - such a dream is interpreted as something fantasy; perhaps they will try to deceive you or give you hope for something that will not happen under any circumstances.

It is also important how this ring was presented; if it was given, then you should expect an unusual gift that can affect the rest of your life.

It is important to remember which way the ring came to you in a dream. If you dreamed that you were the ring, then this almost always means good profit. And unexpected. Perhaps it will be an inheritance or a lottery win.

You should be very careful in real life. Gifts in a dream almost always lead to losses in reality. If possible, try to remember what the gift looked like and who gave it to you.

If you are a man, then expect fantastic success in your career. If the ring was copper, then expect news in your personal life, something may change radically.

A silver ring given by a man means emptiness and loneliness.

Was the gift given by a woman? Expect serious problems if you accepted a gold ring, there will be problems in material terms, a copper one in your personal life, and a silver one in destruction. peace of mind and mutual understanding with family and friends.

But in dreams almost always good sign. Especially if the find was in the water or you got the ring from the ashes.

Finding such jewelry in water is a sign of great luck and luck.

If you take the ring out - luck will be unexpected, success awaits you without hard work and any problems, if you take it out - expect a struggle for your happiness, but know that the battle is won in advance. Taking a ring out of the fire or finding it in the ashes is a great sign; you will avoid mortal danger.

On - difficulties are possible that will be crowned with success.

Seeing a broken ring in a dream

A good sign, you will break some kind of vicious circle. And here there is a nuance: to see a ring dear to your heart broken, it means in real life you will lose something dear.

Dreamed- to difficulties. The more intricate it is, the worse the situation will be. A dream in which you tried on someone’s jewelry on yourself can be interpreted as your desire to help someone close; perhaps you will “try on” the problems of your loved one.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of a ring?

  • In a dream, a girl is given a ring by a man who is dark or his face is not visible;
  • You accept a gift from, especially if the dead person is familiar to you;
  • I dream that a ring is found on.

These dreams are harbingers of trouble. They cannot be ignored. But you shouldn’t pay supernatural attention either. You just need to be extremely careful and any trouble will pass you by.

Signs surround us everywhere, and especially when it comes to the world of dreams.

The secret, mysterious and unknown world of night dreams takes us into its vastness every night. And sometimes they are so bright and filled with meaning that there is no doubt that it means something. What exactly? It's not so easy to understand.

Symbols are very diverse, and sometimes simple thing, seen in dreams, can mean something completely unexpected and in no way, it would seem, tied to what was seen.

The ring is a particularly ancient, powerful and bright symbol; it cannot be ignored. This item has a lot of associations - and can mean both the cycle of life and eternal union.

The ambiguity of the symbol makes it difficult to interpret dreams with its participation, and it is not always easy to interpret what the ring means in dreams. However, if the details of the dream can be remembered and the dream book can be asked the question correctly, then the answer will be found. Options for dreams with rings can be as follows:

  • Just seeing a ring in a dream.
  • Ring made of gold.
  • Wedding ring in dreams.
  • Seeing a ring in a dream.
  • Silver ring.
  • I dreamed of a copper ring.
  • I dream of a ring with a beautiful diamond.
  • Vintage, antique ring with or without stone.
  • A ring with a ruby ​​in a dream.
  • Signet ring.
  • Dreaming of an iron ring.
  • With a very large stone.
  • With small stones.
  • The ring was seen by an unmarried young girl, engaged, or married woman.
  • Find a ring in a dream.
  • Lose him in your dreams.
  • In a dream you were given a ring.
  • You broke the ring.
  • You gave it to someone in your dreams.
  • They took the ring off their hand in a dream.
  • You try to take the ring off your hand, but it won’t come off.
  • Seeing a ring on your finger in a dream.
  • Put it on your finger.

Such a variety of options is not surprising - after all, in real life a lot can be associated with a ring.

Each dream has its own, sometimes very important, meaning, so in order to reliably determine what the ring is in a dream about, it would be useful to carefully recall all the details and nuances of the dreams, and only then contact an interpreter.

I just had to see

The most common question remains, why do you dream of a ring seen in dreams only from the side? Whatever it is, the important thing is that you only contemplated it.

In such cases, it is extremely important to remember and take into account exactly what the decoration was. The meaning of the symbol will depend on this.

1. According to the dream book, a ring, seen from the outside, like some kind of vision in a dream, symbolizes everything you can dream of! Strong, true love, marriage and harmony, mutual understanding in a couple. This is what such a dream promises to those who are lucky enough to contemplate it.

2. It’s very interesting why you dream of a gold ring - after all, it is a special symbol. Believe me, it always promises great happiness!

And here the interpreter does not set any limits, and promises happiness in all areas of the dreamer’s life. Probably this one lucky sign portends white stripe, free from any sorrows and failures!

3. The ring, according to Miller’s dream book, is, on the contrary, a warning symbol. A dreamer who sees such a sign in a dream walks in a circle in reality, stepping on the same “favorite” rake.

And such a dream comes to point out mistakes and inspire change. Change something in your everyday life, finally break out of this vicious circle - you can do it!

4. It is very interesting why you dream of an engagement ring - here the dream books are discouraging, claiming that it is for a happy wedding. And nothing else!

If such a symbol appears to a married lady, it means her marriage will be the happiest. Misunderstandings will pass, and harmony will come in the couple.

5. Such a dream, in which the ring turns out to be made of copper, foreshadows unexpected joy, pleasant news and the fulfillment of desires - where the dreamer would not expect this. Are you ready to be pleasantly surprised?

6. According to Miller’s dream book, a ring with a diamond is a unique symbol. It is worth understanding the value of diamond jewelry! And this one himself gem symbolizes luxury, dreams and everything that is most valuable and worthwhile.

If in your dreams you were lucky enough to see a ring with a diamond, even not a very large one, you will, without a doubt, expect enormous and complete success in the business sphere.

All things will be so successful that you will be surprised - and you will achieve very large, dizzying heights without putting in extra effort. The only condition is faith in own strength, optimism and positive attitude!

7. Frequently asked question to the interpreter, why you dream silver ring- a symbol of purity, purity and sincerity.

As a rule, one dreams of a ring made of this beautiful metal either to find a true, devoted and sincere friend for life, or to a pure and bright romantic relationship.

In any case, the dreamer who sees a silver ring expects new person. And it will change your life for the better.

8. Seeing in a dream an old, antique ring or ring, with a diamond or other stone, made of any metal - this, according to the interpreter, is a symbol of an inheritance that will soon “fall” on the dreamer’s head.

Or, perhaps, significant material assistance will come from rich relatives, a generous cash gift. One way or another, expect great wealth from your relatives - in what way, only time will tell.

9. If you dream of a ring, not just a simple one, but with a beautiful ruby, this portends wealth and nobility. Your work and talent will soon lead to unprecedented success - all you have to do is reap the benefits and be proud of yourself!

10. And if the ring in the dream was massive, with a signet, this is a symbol of great honor. Your position in society will be different from what it is now - you will be given honor and recognition.

11. Seeing an iron ring or ring made of this metal in your dreams promises a lot of work. A period of tireless work awaits you, but know that this will lead to great success, so gather your strength and do not give up. It will come true!

12. If you saw a ring with a large stone in your dreams, you are about to have a pleasant and extremely unexpected acquaintance. This will be a true gift of fate - a new person will literally burst into your reality, and this will change your life.

13. As the dream book says, a ring with small stones portends sadness and tears. However, there will be no serious reason for this, so don’t expect trouble. There may just be a small, short period of melancholy, but you will get through it!

15. And for a young lady, such a dream foreshadows betrothal and engagement. Moreover, such a dream with a ring indicates making the right choice, and you can be sure that your union will be strong and harmonious, nothing will disturb it.

A ring as a keepsake...

It’s one thing to see such jewelry in a dream, but another thing to find it, lose it, receive it as a gift, or see it on your own hand. Such dreams, where you take the ring in your hands and do something with it, have different meanings. And this is where actions are important.

1. Finding a ring in your dreams is a lucky sign. You will probably find new love, to find a faithful companion and partner in love, in general, a very significant meeting awaits you. Don't miss such a gift from fate!

2. If, on the contrary, you happen to lose a ring in a dream, you will decide in reality to destroy or interrupt past connections (not only love ones, but also, possibly, friendly ones).

This will be followed by a new page in life, new acquaintances, new friends that you are destined to find, new prospects. So if you feel the need to end old connections, don't be afraid to do so.

3. If in your dreams you were given a ring, then Miller’s dream book confidently predicts love for you. Such a gift in dreams is unambiguous - you can expect a bright feeling, you will soon experience it!

4. But breaking a ring that you wore on your finger in a dream means a quarrel or dispute. If the ring was on the dream before ring finger, it is obvious that you will come into conflict with your spouse. Try to avoid a quarrel.

5. If you yourself gave such jewelry to someone in a dream, you will have to establish a strong connection with someone in reality, and this will be on your initiative. Be bolder, build your own happiness!

6. When in a dream the ring on the ring finger of your right hand does not come off, but you try to do so, this is a symbol of the fact that you feel bondage in your own relationship or marriage.

It could be another hand or finger, the symbol will retain its meaning - you subconsciously want to break free and feel captive. It’s worth thinking about what you want, be honest with yourself.

7. Take the ring off own hand- means, in reality, to decisively end a certain relationship or even a marriage. Take your time with this kind of decision, think it over several times - this is a very responsible step.

8. Seeing a cute ring on your finger and admiring it means a wedding!

9. But if you put a ring on your finger, your desires and even bold, old dreams will soon begin to come true, as if by magic.

A ring is a small, inconspicuous object, but what an influence this complex decoration sometimes has, and what a powerful, large and voluminous symbol it is in dreams!

Do not rush to immediately draw conclusions after reading the interpreter’s advice, but believe in the best - after all, happiness requires confidence that it will come, and a willingness to accept the generous gifts of fate. Author: Vasilina Serova

A wedding ring symbolizes such a bright feeling as love. But what such night vision can mean, only a dream book will tell you. To interpret the dream and find out what the wedding ring means in a dream, you need to remember everything, even the smallest details of what you saw. The gender of the dreamer and his marital status in real life are also taken into account.

A wedding ring symbolizes such a bright feeling as love

More than one dream book cannot unambiguously interpret a dream about a wedding ring. To find out the meaning of such dreams, you need to take into account many details:

  • the dreamer is married - renewal of passionate feelings;
  • shines - relationships are protected from betrayal and betrayal;
  • on another person’s finger - loss of authority among close people. Every action should be considered more seriously;
  • silver – the emergence of all kinds of problems, both in personal life and at work;
  • filming - emotional worries about the fact that the family idyll will be destroyed;
  • the size is larger than it should be - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • the size is smaller than it should be - many problems will arise, but the unfavorable period will soon end;
  • broken - possible betrayal from loved ones;
  • break it yourself - the financial situation will deteriorate significantly due to problems in work activity;
  • lose - the dreamer will become a victim of gossip and for this reason his reputation will suffer;
  • flies off the finger - serious conflicts will arise within the family;
  • finding it is a good sign. A fateful acquaintance is expected soon;
  • try it on - you have a difficult choice between several fans;
  • buying rings - a quick wedding;
  • put on your finger - life will soon be happy, filled with many joyful moments.

Wedding ring in the dream book (video)

Seeing a wedding ring on a man's finger in a dream

Such dreams most often occur to those who will be lucky in the future and will experience a favorable period in life. But in in this case You also need to take into account all the details:

  • gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand - new ones are coming love relationship. They will most likely end in marriage;
  • sits harmoniously on her husband’s finger - strong feelings are connected with her husband, he still experiences ardent passion to this day;
  • falls off the spouse's finger - it is possible that he has a mistress who seriously threatens the marriage. A married woman should be on her guard.

Such dreams are most often seen by those who will have good luck in the future and will experience a favorable period in life.

Why do you dream of a wedding ring on your hand?

What does it mean if there was a ring on my finger in a dream? This question is often asked by those who are lucky enough to see such an unusual night vision.

In order to get an accurate answer, you need to remember the material from which it was made:

  • golden - a secret wish will soon come true. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s material goods or the search for a life partner, at the most short terms it will certainly come true;
  • platinum - the dreamer will have access to new, valuable knowledge;
  • silver - the sleeper follows his own feelings;
  • copper - you can soon expect to meet an extraordinary person;
  • tin - you will have to face serious danger. It will change your life beyond recognition. A little known person or even a complete stranger will come to the rescue;
  • wooden - the sleeper needs to work on himself, improve himself;
  • stone - thanks to a strong character, it will still be possible to achieve your goals.

To get an accurate answer, you need to remember the material from which the ring was made

The ring is studded with many stones of different colors - you will have a fun time with close friends.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

Most girls dream of a wedding. A wedding ring is often found in their dreams and means a quick meeting with a young man.

To find out the exact value, you need to remember the following nuances:

  • on right hand– the girl is already ready to choose her life partner;
  • on the left hand - in her actions she is guided by emotions;
  • many rings on her hand - the girl has many fans, but she stubbornly does not notice her real feelings. She should not ignore the feelings of others, otherwise she will not be able to experience them herself;
  • choosing a suitable ring in a store and trying each one on - many possibilities arise. There is every chance to improve your financial situation and gain popularity. It is also worth considering that if a career is a priority, then the girl will be forced to abandon family relationships. Career growth will not give the opportunity to go in search of true love;
  • miniature - to the aid of his chosen one in difficult situation You shouldn’t count on it, as it will soon become clear that he is a cowardly person.

Most girls dream of a wedding

Rings on both hands at once - the girl is strong in spirit and will achieve in life everything she dreams of with her hard work.

Gold wedding ring in a dream

A gold ring seen in night dreams promises a strong, long and happy family life. This noble metal indicates that the dreamer will have good luck in all his endeavors. The married couple will live in wealth and peace.

If there are stones on a gold ring, then it is worth remembering exactly what they were. Tiny, transparent diamonds, like a tear, indicate that in the very near future you can expect to meet a fairly influential person. He will selflessly help you cope married couple with all the pressing problems. But a large diamond promises the dreamer stunning success in the labor sphere. Thanks to hard work you can make unprecedented profits.

A gold ring seen in night dreams promises a strong, long and happy family life.

Someone else's man's ring made of gold, dreamed of by a girl, indicates that soon her chosen one will propose to her and her most cherished dream will come true.

What does a damaged wedding ring mean in a dream?

The meaning of dreams in which the ring is not whole, but broken, is not so good. Basically, such a dream is interpreted as the emergence of problems in family relationships. Despite all efforts, it is still not possible to solve them. Through compromises, separation is only postponed, but the problem is not solved.

If the ring cracks right on your finger, then imminent betrayal is possible. Rusty foreshadows a serious conversation with your companion. I'll have to reveal my hidden secrets. Otherwise, nothing good should be expected from this relationship.

Seeing a tasteless, but whole ring comes to those who in real life will meet an unpleasant, two-faced person. You should not trust him and end this relationship completely.

A ring seen in a dream, broken into several pieces, also has a negative meaning. This vision indicates that soon there will be serious problems. They will lead to the dreamer being in depressed state, will become indifferent to everything that happens around him.

Why do you dream about a ring (video)

Dreams in which wedding rings are present most often have positive value. Family life promises to be long and happy. But if this ring turns out to be the wrong size or is completely broken, then you should seriously think about it and look for problems in the relationship in order to avoid a final break.

Attention, TODAY only!

If in a dream you dreamed of a clean and intact wedding ring, this is a sign of your partner’s fidelity. In addition, prosperity and pleasant changes await you in the near future. Dream books also give other interpretations.

Why do you dream about an engagement ring according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream in which you have several rings on your fingers means good luck in all your endeavors. It will be very easy for you to achieve your plans. If your lover proposes to you in a dream and gives you an engagement ring, this is a very good sign. This person loves, appreciates and respects you very much.

If the ring was lost and broken in a dream, this will lead to multiple sorrows and failures. In this case, adultery or a break in the relationship is possible. A dream in which you see rings on the fingers of strangers symbolizes the implementation of all your plans.

Vanga's dream book - wedding ring

According to Vanga’s interpretation, the ring is the personification of the cycle of events, unresolved problems, constancy, fidelity and affection. A dream in which a ring is placed on the finger of a loved one symbolizes your restraint.

If you dream that stranger puts a wedding ring on your hand - a sign that you will soon receive unexpected help in solving a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time. If in a dream you choose a ring for yourself, but cannot find it in size, it means your heart is free for pure love.

A dream in which a ring falls off your finger means that a difficult life test awaits you ahead. If the ring puts a lot of pressure on your finger, this indicates that you are devoting little time to your other half.

Wedding ring according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a ring in a dream symbolizes harmony and agreement between lovers. If in a dream your loved one gives you a wedding ring, then in reality he intentionally wants to tie family ties with you.

And if a married woman has such a dream, it means that her husband has prepared a welcome surprise for her. If in a dream you gave someone a ring, this means that in reality you are attached to this person.

A large number of rings on a finger symbolizes frequent changes of sexual partners. A broken ring is a sign of upcoming problems with your health. A ring of impressive size means great sexual experience.

Ring according to Nostradamus' dream book

A dream in which you admire your ring is a sign of a hasty marriage or addition to the family. Putting on a ring means your cherished desires will come true. Losing a ring symbolizes the breaking of old ties. Finding an engagement ring means an unexpected acquaintance.

Giving a ring means incurring minor losses. If in a dream you cannot remove the ring from your finger, then in reality you lack personal space and freedom. Deliberately breaking a wedding ring is a sign of separation.

Aesop's Dream Book - wedding ring

If you see a rusty wedding ring in a dream, this promises you long loneliness. If you lose your ring during sleep, it is a sign of what will happen soon unpleasant event, namely separation from a loved one or serious illness. Finding an engagement ring in a dream promises you the appearance of illusory hopes. You should not rely on fortune, but rather act on your own.

Wedding ring according to the Women's Dream Book

Wearing a ring in a dream is a sign of good luck and success. Seeing rings on strangers symbolizes new acquaintances.

If you had a dream in which you put a wedding ring on the finger of your loved one, this is a sign that you will keep your promises and remain faithful to your feelings. If a stranger puts a ring on your finger, then you will quickly find a solution to the old problem.

A dream in which a ring falls from your hand means enough bad sign. In reality, fate has prepared some kind of life test for you. Breaking a ring in a dream means frequent quarrels and accidents in marital affairs, even a break in the relationship between lovers is likely.

Why do you dream about a ring according to Longo’s dream book?

A wedding ring that you dreamed of from Monday to Tuesday means a tender relationship with children, and if the children are far away, it means that they will soon visit you. A broken ring symbolizes a quarrel with your significant other.

Rings on strangers mean gossip and false accusations directed at you. If you lost a ring in a dream, this promises you big waste in the future. In turn this dream may be interpreted a little differently: you will probably lose the trust of someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - wedding ring on a finger, on a hand

If a man dreams that he is putting a wedding ring on his significant other or sees it on his own finger, this is a sign that in reality the man’s decision to get married is considered hasty. For a girl, such a dream means some kind of warning against her trust in her boyfriend.

Why does a man dream about a wedding ring?

The image of a ring in a dream is directly related to marriage. For a man to see a ring in a dream means that in reality he has a great desire to meet his love and marry her.

Dream Interpretation - find, wear, lose, break a wedding ring

  • Wearing a wedding ring means a wedding and a happy marriage.
  • Losing a ring is a shame.
  • Finding it or receiving it as a gift means new connections.
  • If you dream of a cracked or broken ring, this is a sign of betrayal by a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that her wedding ring accidentally breaks, then such a dream is a warning about the imminent serious illness of her husband.