The next topic is adamant. Installation instructions for Ruukki adamant and Monterrey metal tiles

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Messengers today are one of the most convenient means of communication, and therefore the number of their users is growing every day. However, not everyone trusts the messengers they use, and quite rightly so, because the security of data transmission is now becoming a priority for most users of electronic devices.

Basically, the program code of most instant messengers is closed, making it impossible to be sure that the programs do not contain “bookmarks” and do not transfer user information to third parties.

In addition, almost all instant messengers request access to the device’s address book, camera, microphone, location, adding to this the need to pre-identify the messenger using a phone number, email, and also linking the messenger account with accounts on social networks.

Thus, corporations receive complete information about users, including the content of messages, and transmit it to their servers. They motivate their behavior by increasing the convenience of the software product, not taking into account the fact that this approach creates the threat of leakage and unwanted use of personal data at all stages of their processing.

The founders of the ADAMANT project, guided by the problem of protecting transmitted user data in existing messengers, created the most secure and anonymous messenger, encrypted in an independent blockchain, with an integrated payment system.

Introduction to ADAMANT and its main functions

The ADAMANT messenger is based on the concept of a secure blockchain, and its program code is open, so anyone can conduct an independent audit of it and make sure that user information is not transferred to third parties and is protected.

All messages in ADAMANT are stored decentralized in the blockchain and are encrypted on the sender’s device, and are decrypted only by the recipient, which is ensured modern means cryptography, therefore, even developers do not have access to messages. The entire message history is also downloaded directly from the blockchain and is not stored on the device.

The ADAMANT messenger does not have: access to the address book and location, user identifiers (phone numbers, email addresses, social network accounts, payment information). All this indicates that the user’s personal data within this messenger is maximally protected and is not transferred anywhere.

The ADAMANT platform is not limited only to the possibilities for individuals, and will also become a convenient and effective business tool. In addition to the standard messaging and file transfer functions for messengers, ADAMANT Business will include the ability to digitally sign transferred documents for organizing contractual agreements, transferring tokens directly within the chat for concluding agreements and paying for them, making payments within the company in tokens with their subsequent conversion to fiat.

Differences between the ADAMANT messenger and alternative solutions

Due to the fact that the main features of ADAMANT are security and anonymity, the comparison takes into account the messenger’s compliance with these criteria as an advantage. In addition, due to the fact that ADAMANT already has a working web version, and is planned by the creators on mobile devices (on at the moment applications for Android and iOS are being developed), messengers that meet these conditions were taken for comparison.

Comparison table between ADAMANT and alternative messengers

Thus, it is worth noting that ADAMANT is the most secure and anonymous messenger! ADAMANT already exists in the format of a progressive web application that works in most browsers and does not require installation, the benefits of which can be familiarized to anyone for free, since when creating a wallet, users are awarded “welcome” tokens.

At the moment, the web version of ADAMANT allows you to transmit encrypted messages, receive notifications about their receipt, store and transfer tokens, receive information about the state of the blockchain, etc.

ADAMANT project token and its profitability

ADAMANT's own payment unit is presented in the ADM token format, the main purpose of which is to provide the infrastructure of the messenger in the form of commissions for sending messages, direct transfers and additional functions systems.

It is worth noting that the project token does not depend on third-party services and blockchains, since ADAMANT is built on an independent blockchain. Also the ADM token is different high speed transactions (block time - 5 seconds) and convenience (due to direct transfers to the interlocutor directly in the chat window).

In terms of the yield of the ADM token, it is worth noting that the yield is assigned to ADM holders for holding them. Thus, tokens that are not sold at the ICO will be gradually distributed proportionally among the current token owners. Users who store ADM tokens in their wallet will receive rewards every month in proportion to their quantity.

Until the reserve of unsold tokens is exhausted, the wallets of token owners will grow by 5% monthly. Thus, the creators of ADAMANT stimulate not the speculative sale of tokens on exchanges (which will be available after the end of the ICO), but their accumulation.

About the conditions for the preliminary sale of ADM tokens

The preliminary stage of the sale of ADAMANT tokens (Pre-ICO), which is currently taking place (from December 14, 2017 to January 25, 2018), differs most favorable conditions. Thus, participants are offered ADM tokens for purchase at an attractive price - 1 ADM = 0.001 ETH.

Further, as part of the ICO, tokens will be sold at a price from 0.002 ETH to 0.005 ETH (depending on the ICO stage). At the same time, to participate in the presale there is a minimum investment amount of 2 ETH, while during the ICO this restriction will not be present.

Crowdsale participants are also offered bonuses for the number of tokens purchased and for supporting the project on various social networks.

A total of 73,500,000 ADM (75% of the initial issue) were offered for sale at Pre-ICO and ICO. It is worth noting that a huge number of tokens (102 million ADM, in addition to the initial issue) will be allocated to pay miners for supporting the network.

So, it is obvious that the creators of the project, due to the conditions of the Pre-ICO and thanks to the accrual of unsold tokens to the wallets of ADM owners, encourage them to purchase the ADAMANT cryptocurrency as early as possible. By purchasing the ADAMANT token now, the buyer receives the most low price and maximum profitability due to longer storage of the ADM token in the wallet.

More information about the messenger and its features, about the conditions of the ongoing pre-sale of tokens, can be found on the official ADAMANT website, where you can also read the Whitepaper and take part in the Pre-ICO.

The material is published on a commercial basis and does not constitute a recommendation for investment. The editors have no relation to the project, do not participate in the initial sale of tokens and are not responsible for your trading or investment decisions. Any trading operations with crypto assets are increased risks due to the characteristics of the market.

Most beautiful view RUUKKI – Adamante roof tiles. It is also the most durable and wind-resistant due to its high profile (2.5 cm).

Installation of RUUKKI Adamante in general outline is similar to laying other types of metal tiles, but has its own characteristics - wave pitch, location of screws, etc.

I suggest you read the installation instructions for Ruukki Adamant.

Material handling rules

1. You can cut sheets with a hacksaw or metal scissors. It is unacceptable to cut with a grinder: thermal exposure will damage the polymer layer.

2. You cannot walk on the profile ridges or stand on them. You can only place your foot in a low position, parallel to the ridge.

3. To avoid damaging the sheets, you need to wear soft shoes when working on the roof.

Preliminary work

Before starting installation, we lay a waterproofing layer and make lathing.

1. We begin laying waterproofing from the cornices, moving from one end to the other. At the ends and cornices, the strip should protrude 20 cm beyond the edge. The material should not be pulled too tightly.

2. Fastening is carried out first with a stapler, then wooden slats 3.2 by 5 cm. We place the slats along the rafters. The counter grille is designed to secure the waterproofing layer and provide between the waterproofing and the roof free space for ventilation.

3. Place the next strip of insulating material on the bottom one with an overlap of 15 cm. If you need to join the pieces horizontally, make an overlap of 10 cm. The joint should be on the rafter leg.

4. For the sheathing, we take wooden slats 10 cm wide and 3.2 thick. The bottom (eaves) rail should be a centimeter thicker.

5. We start installing the slats from the cornice, parallel to the ridge.

6. Leave a distance of 30 centimeters between the bottom and second slats, install the next ones in increments of 35 cm.

7. At the end of the slats we place them at the level of the profile, above the sheathing.

Installation of RUUKKI Adamante

1. Install curtain rods. They are placed on the bottom batten of the sheathing and secured with self-tapping screws. The joint between adjacent planks is with an overlap of 10 cm.

2. We install wooden guides for lifting sheets. We pass the sheets upstairs one at a time.

3. Installation of sheets can be done in any direction, from left to right or vice versa.

4. Laying of adjacent sheets is carried out with an overlap. The next sheet must be placed under the cut of the previous one: the fixed sheet will keep the next one from falling during the fastening process.

5. Laying begins from one of the ends. The sheets should be aligned along the cornice: lay two or three sheets from the cornice to the ridge, and temporarily fix them near the ridge with one self-tapping screw. Align the sheets and secure.

6. On the cornice we make an overhang of 4-4.5 cm.

7. We perform fastening with self-tapping screws 4.8 mm by 2.8 cm in the lowering of the wave to the sheathing through and through. Place the self-tapping screws vertically above longitudinal waves(above the profile picture) through one. You can also attach it through the edge of the pattern at an angle to disguise the screw heads.

8. At the joints, fastening is also done in a lower profile to the sheathing, but more often: above each wave of the pattern.

9. To the cornice rail - at every second dip in the wave.

10. In adjacent rows we place the screws in a checkerboard pattern.

11. If the length of the sheets is not enough from the eaves to the ridge, they are extended with an overlap of 15 cm (top to bottom). You need to make sure that the drawing matches.

12. Fastening is carried out in the same way as at a horizontal joint.

Installation of auxiliary elements

1. We place the boards for the valley at the same level as the main sheathing. Ventilation gap between adjacent ones - 2 cm.

2. We fix the cornice strip at the corner of the valley.

3. We install the valley corner and secure it with galvanized self-tapping screws.

4. At the joints we make overlaps of 20 cm, put sealant in the joints.

5. Align the valleys with the cornices. To do this, you need to draw valley guides on the sheets, the distance is 20 cm. The corners should protrude from under the roof sheets by 25 cm.

6. Place a seal along the guides with an indent of 3 cm.

7. After we have laid all the full-size sheets, mark the dimensions of the cuts directly on the sheathing: Y is the width along the bottom edge of the sheet and X is the distance from the cornice to the landmark where the sheet overlaps.

8. We mount the cut sheets.

9. End strips install from top to bottom with an overlap of 10 cm, cut off the excess near the ridge.

10. The bar is installed on end board on top of the roofing sheet and fixed through the sheet to the sheathing through screws every 30-80 cm.

11. We place a seal along the entire length of the ridge element, with an indentation of 2.5 cm from the edge.

12. Install the ridge. We attach it to the sheets through two waves. The overlap at the joints is 10 cm.

13. When processing the area around a pipe or roof window, place the upper cut of the apron under the roofing sheet (or under the ridge element if the pipe is located high).

14. We fix the lower and side sections of the aprons on top of the sheets. Now water falling on the roof will flow over the surface of the covering and will not seep under it through the joints.

15. We close the joint of the apron with the pipe with a strip and seal the connection.

16. Clean the roof surface from shavings and tint.

Waterproofing layer

Waterproofing material laid on top of the rafters parallel to the eaves. Begin laying from the eaves and gradually move towards the ridge. At the ends and in the area of ​​the eaves, it should protrude at least 20 cm beyond the edge of the wall.

The waterproofing membrane is pre-fixed to roof trusses using staples. It should hang freely between the rafters. The final fastening of the material is carried out with wooden slats (32 × 50 mm), which are laid along the rafters on top of the waterproofing layer.

In the area of ​​the ridge, waterproofing material is laid as indicated on the detailed drawings in the installation instructions. If difficulties arise, you should contact Westmet specialists. They will offer the optimal solution for a specific type of skate.

Waterproofing material should be laid with a horizontal overlap of about 15 cm. If it is necessary to increase the material in length, the overlaps should be located in the area of ​​the rafters and be at least 10 cm wide.