Presentation plan: information processes around us. Presentation on the topic "Informatics around us"

Types of information

Actions with information

Slide 3

What is information?

Information is the knowledge you receive at school; information you get from books, TV shows; news you hear on the radio or from people.

The world around us is a world of information.

Slide 4

Human senses and perceived information

Animation “Classification of information according to the way people perceive it” ( →






Slide 5

Let's think

Task: fill out the table.



Slide 7

What for?

  • Slide 8

    Types of information by presentation form

    Types of information

    Numerical information

    Text information

    Graphic information

    Video information

    Sound information

    Slide 9

    Let's think

    Task: find the odd one out.

    Type of information

    Presentation form





    Video information

    Slide 10

    Actions with information

    A person constantly performs actions related to receiving, transmitting, storing, and processing information.

    Slide 11

    The most important

    Information is information about the world around us.

    A person receives information through the senses: vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

    Types of information according to the form of presentation: numerical, text, graphic, sound, video information.

    A person constantly performs actions related to receiving and transmitting, storing and processing information.

    Slide 12

    Questions and tasks






    Vanya reads a book

    Sasha listens to radio news

    Dasha studies the metro map

    Zhenya watches a cartoon

    Slide 13

    Determine the type of information in the following situations (match):






    Vasya inhales the aroma of a freshly baked bun

    Lisa drinks a bitter mixture

    Vitya dives into the river

    Slide 14

    Questions and tasks

    2. Which sense is the most developed in which animal?






    Slide 15

    Questions and tasks

    3. Life situations, in which information is obtained (remove unnecessary):

    Student listens to teacher's explanations

    A fifth grader fills out a weather calendar

    Dad listens to traffic information on the radio

    A boy takes a photo with a friend

    Grandmother tastes jam prepared according to a new recipe

    Slide 16

    3. Life situations in which information is transmitted (remove unnecessary):

    The son tells his parents how his day at school went

    Grandfather watches news broadcast on TV

    Fifth graders perform test work in mathematics

    The chimes ring out

    you send email

    Slide 17

    3. Life situations in which information is stored (remove unnecessary):

    A fifth-grader learns a poem by heart

    Parents receive an SMS message about their son's academic results

    The student reads the text in paragraphs

    Mom keeps it in her mobile phone class teacher number

    Tourists take pictures against the backdrop of landmarks

    Slide 18

    3. Life situations in which information is processed (remove unnecessary):

    A chess player is considering his next move

    A girl inhales the scent of a flower

    Students translate text from English language into Russian

    The driver stops at a red traffic light

    The boy shares his impressions of the trip

    View all slides

    1 of 13

    Presentation on the topic:

    Slide no. 1

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 2

    Slide description:

    For recent years There have been huge changes in human life. The flows of information surrounding a person change the person himself. A person does not have time to follow these changes. Life is becoming more and more interesting. There are so many new and interesting things around... Modern man uses computer technology at every step - at home, at work and at play. Digital photos, digital video and television, digital music and animation, transmitting information over a distance, processing huge amounts of data, and so on.

    Slide no. 3

    Slide description:

    What is computer science? Informatics is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transmitting, protecting and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages.

    Slide no. 4

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 5

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 6

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 7

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 8

    Slide description:

    How well do you know the Internet? What is INTERNET? The Internet is a global network that operates according to “single rules” and connects millions of computers and thousands computer networks all over the world. What is a protocol? A protocol is pre-agreed rules for transferring data between two devices. The main parameters described by the protocol include the type of error checking used, the method of compression (compression) of information (if any), the method by which the transmitting device determines the end of the transmission, and the method by which the receiving device determines whether the message has been received.

    Slide no. 9

    Slide description:

    What is IP? IP is an acronym that stands for Internet Protocol. One of the main protocols used on the Internet. The operation of the IP protocol can be compared to the operation of regular mail. The purpose of the IP protocol is to deliver packets to their destination, and it is not necessary that all packets take the same path to the destination. The IP protocol defines the packet format and addressing scheme. What is an IP address? An IP address is when sending information via TCP/IP protocols, each computer connected to the Network must have its own unique address (otherwise, how will the IP protocol understand from which machine the packets should be transferred to which). This is called the IP address. Currently, digital IP addresses consist of four integers (0 to 255) separated by dots, such as

    Slide no. 10

    Slide description:

    What is a domain name? A domain name is a name that identifies one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name corresponds to the IP address Domain names are components URLs pointing to specific Web pages. Each domain name has a suffix that identifies the domain top level, to which this name belongs. This suffix comes in the very last place (.com, .net, .edu, .org, etc.). What is HTTP? HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol used in distributed hypermedia information systems. It determines how messages are formatted and transmitted, as well as the actions that Web servers and browsers must “perform” in response to certain commands.

    Slide no. 11

    Slide description:

    Slide no. 12

    Slide description:

    Internet 2011 in numbers: 2 billion online users More than two billion people on the planet use the World Wide Web. It is noteworthy that almost half of active Internet users live in Asian countries. According to a global analytical study by The Royal Pingdom, almost 1 billion Internet users (922.2 million) live in Asia. It is interesting that Internet penetration among the population of Asian countries is only 23.8%. Residents of European countries are dependent on the World Wide Web. 476.213 million Europeans know what the Internet is (58% of the total population of European countries). The most Internet-addicted users live in North America. 272.066 million use the Internet, with network penetration at 78%. Residents of the countries are slightly behind their “northern colleagues” Latin America and the Caribbean - 215.939 million network users. Internet penetration for this part of the world is 36.2%. The fewest Internet users are in Australia and Oceania - only 21 million. It is interesting that 11 years ago, the countries of the Middle East were the most “lagging” region (only 3 million Internet users), and now in this region 68.553 million citizens know and actively use the international network

    Slide no. 13

    Slide description:

    Proverbs that are paraphrased in computer terms: A Corvette on the table is better than a Pentium in a dream. Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky. Every new program is a well-forgotten old one. Everything new is a well-forgotten old one. They are greeted by computers and escorted by programs. They greet you based on their clothes and see them off. They don’t look into the system unit of a gifted computer. They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Not everything is WINDOWS that hangs. All that glitters is not gold. What is removed from the basket is lost. What falls from the cart is lost.

    Library lesson

    for 5th grade

    "Information around us"

    Compiled by: Ivanova Natalya Anatolyevna,

    Head of the library of MAOU Secondary School No. 22

    Serov, Sverdlovsk region


    "Information around us"

    (educational and entertaining information library

    cool lesson)

    Goal: to form an idea about various properties information;

    develop students’ ability to express their thoughts and argue


    formation cognitive interest students.

    Host: Dear guys! Today our guests are librarians from schools in our city.

    We will show them our event. And before we start, let's

    Let's solve the puzzle.

    Host: Correct. This word is information. And today at our educational and entertainment library lesson we will talk about information.

    Now read the text carefully and choose those statements that are information for you.

    For me information is:

    * New facts previously unknown to me;

    * any facts: both new and already known;

    * what is stored in computer memory;

    * data about the environment (weather outside, who is wearing what, etc.;

    * everything that I hear I hear, see, touch, feel;

    * everything that is broadcast on radio, television, written in newspapers, etc.;

    * everything that people save in records, books,

    movies, photographs, paintings, etc.;

    * any change around me that I am able to notice;

    * what is present in the objects around me;

    * everything that I could communicate to another person verbally, in writing, by gestures or in any other way.

    Leading: All these definitions relate to the concept of “information”. We would be wrong if we remove any definition from this list. Because information is present in everything that surrounds us.

    So what is information?

    Leading: Now tell me, from what sources do we get information?

    Host: And with the help of what do we receive information that gives us the opportunity to navigate environment?

    Right. Using the senses.

    And with the help of what sense organ do we receive information that it may rain?

    That's right, with the help of vision.

    And with the help of what sense organs we receive information.

    Yes, to perceive information a person uses not only vision, but also other senses. According to the method of perception, information can be:

    Visual (visual) – what we see;

    Auditory – what we hear;

    Tactile – something that can be touched;

    Gustatory - something that can be tasted;

    Olfactory – what is felt by the nose.

    Host: Which sense organ do you think is dominant?

    Host: In addition to his senses, people have long used various measuring devices and instruments. Name some of them.

    When speaking, we convey signs with sounds, and when writing, with letters. That is, to designate letters and sounds we use specific language

    (for example: in Russia - Russian, in Great Britain - English, etc.)

    The Russian language serves as the CODE with which we communicate with you.

    The same word in different languages will sound different:

    In Russian – dog;

    In English -dog.

    Information can be encoded not only using language (Russian, English, etc.), but also using pictures and signs, using numbers, using symbols.

    Video information is a sequence of images - films, cartoons, etc.

    Text information is something that is printed or written in any existing language.

    Graphic information - these are drawings, paintings, drawings, diagrams, maps,

    photographs, etc.

    Audio information - this is everything that we hear - human speech, music, birdsong, rustling leaves, car signals, etc.

    Numerical information – these are quantitative characteristics of objects

    the surrounding world - age, height, weight, population, forest area, etc.


    The very first tool for storing information is memory. But people have always understood the unreliability of human memory and have tried since ancient times to record the most important information on external media.

    Remember how information was stored in ancient times?

    (on stone, papyrus scrolls, on bamboo, paper - these are all carriers of information).

    Host: What more modern storage media, besides paper, can you name?

    (magnetic tape, laser disk, photographic film, flash card, etc.)

    Host: What actions can be performed with the information?











    divide into parts










    All these processes associated with certain operations on information are calledinformation processes

    Presenter: Now let's watch a fairy tale that the activists of our school's library council have prepared for you.


    Leading : Once upon a time there was a mansion in the world - a mansion. And his name was SYSTEM BLOCK. There lived in it a smart, extremely smart and such a serious PROCESSOR, who was an excellent computer and MEMORY, which stored and remembered all kinds of information.

    They lived in solitude, knowing nothing about the world around them.

    One day a MOUSE ran past. She saw the SYSTEM UNIT and asked:

    Mouse : What kind of tower is this tower?

    System Unit : I AM A SYSTEM BLOCK.

    Mouse : Who-who lives in the little house?


    Memory : I am memory – the keeper of information.

    Together : Who are you?

    Mouse : I am Mouse.

    Smart, obedient,

    Indifferent to cheese

    I don't annoy the cat

    I respect the owners.

    I'm walking on the rug,

    I'm wagging my tail,

    I control the cursor.

    Can I connect with you?

    CPU : Can.

    Leading : They began to live together.

    One day a keyboard passed by, fiddling with the keys. She saw the System Unit and asked:

    Keyboard : Who-who lives in the little house?

    CPU : I am the Processor – the Main Computer.

    Memory : I am Memory – the keeper of information


    Together : Who are you?

    Keyboard ; My name is KLAVA. I help you enter any text. Can I connect with you?

    CPU : Can.

    Leading : The four of them lived together together.

    One day the Monitor walked past, its screen sparkling, letting out sunbeams. He saw the System Unit and asked:

    Monitor : Who-who lives in the little house?

    CPU : I am the Processor – the Main Computer.

    Memory : I am Memory – the keeper of information.

    Mouse : I am a Mouse, I walk on the rug, I control the cursor.

    Keyboard : I am a Klava keyboard, I can enter different text.

    Together: Who are you?

    Monitor : You have a lot of questions

    I'll tell you: with whom

    You are in dialogue mode

    You can solve a hundred problems.

    I answer without whims,

    Ask quick question,

    I'm a smart TV

    And my name is...DISPLAY!

    Can I connect with you?

    CPU : Can.

    Leading : The inhabitants of Teremok gathered and gasped. A miracle happened. Previously, they all lived apart and were able to do something. Nobody knew about this. And so they united and became friends. And their friendship performed a MIRACLE - there appeared...

    Host: Guys, guess the riddle:

    He draws, he counts

    Designs factories

    Even in flies in space,

    And gives a weather forecast

    Millions of calculations

    Can do it in a minute

    Guess what kind of genius he is?

    Well, of course - ... COMPUTER!

    Characters fairy tales read poems about each device

    Memory : It’s cozy here, like a cabin,

    Information lives

    Miracle - impulses computer

    He sends it here himself.

    And they are a cheerful crowd

    They appear here and there

    IN MEMORY impulses like bees

    The information is carried

    Will be saved in these honeycombs

    All for many years.

    A person will forget something

    But never a computer!

    CPU : The mind of a computer is the processor.

    Like a real erudite

    Computational process

    He is easy to lead.

    Monitor : And drives easily and quickly

    My computer is complicated

    He is the solution to the programmer

    Transmits to the display

    Programmer: But there is one secret that I will tell you

    Like a baby without a mother

    He cannot eat or drink on his own,

    So a computer without a PROGRAM
    I couldn't take a step!

    I don't waste my time

    Like a teacher on the blackboard

    I write him a task

    In program language

    Host: And now ditties will be played.

    Even the mother of this mouse

    Can safely pick it up.

    She has buttons on the back

    To choose programs.

    Previously a bookcase for thick books

    It crumbled and cracked,

    And now all these books

    I squeezed one onto the disk.

    From my sister Olya

    I have “password protected” all the secrets.

    Let him try now

    Open the door to my X-files!

    At the blackboard I keep getting lost,

    I can't find the answer.

    Maybe I should leave the class

    And enter the class again?!

    Petka, greedy, didn’t give

    Take a bite of the candy!

    I'll give him for this...

    A floppy disk with a virus!

    Oh, why do you, Mary Ivanna,

    Run to class?!

    Throw your course onto your computer -

    Less hassle for everyone!

    I don't meet people in the yard

    I follow the advice

    I get all the suitors

    Only on the Internet.

    Help our Light

    Lost on the Internet!

    He's been wandering there all day,

    After all, he only knows two letters.

    Make Kolya wall newspaper

    I sat down at the computer in the morning.

    But I immediately forgot about it:

    He was fascinated by the game.

    Kravtsov has a computer,

    He sits behind it all day.

    And our Anton will come to school

    And it won't solve the problem.

    Host: Now let's watch the video “The History of the Computer.”

    Presenter: Let's check how attentive you were in our lesson.


      A device used to display text and graphic information (MONITOR)

      A special program that performs unwanted actions on the computer (VIRUS)

      On-screen location indicator (CURSOR)

      "Brain" of the computer (PROCESSOR)

      Burglar computer programs(HACKER)

      World Wide Web (INTERNET)

      The smallest unit of information. (BIT)

      A device for reading graphic and text information into a computer. (SCANNER)

    Host: Now, guys, solve the puzzles.

    Answers: monitor, computer, keyboard, display

    Presenter: Now, if you wish, fill out the tables.

    Presenter: While the guys are filling out the tables, let's solve the riddles.

    The fingers ran quickly
    They quickly typed the text.
    Happy Masha, Petya, Shura,
    Helped: (keyboard).

    They shine on the shelf,
    They all want a computer.
    Just reach out your hand, close
    My computers: (disks).

    Who ran so fast
    Who knew everything and pointed it out?
    Who's as agile as a monkey?
    Well of course it is:(mouse).

    On computer desk

    She helps me.

    Wheel and button

    I manage smartly. (Mouse)

    Who often distracts us
    Is it taking time away from rest?
    It's high time to go to bed,
    But it torments us: (game)

    He is a computer. This is one name.

    What else do we call him?(Computer)

    This is a record. It's small.

    Any picture will be saved on it,

    And different information too

    You can record on this record.

    A small volume will remain on it.

    One color in winter and one in summer.

    Of course it's...(diskette)

    Sometimes inkjet, sometimes laser.

    They always force him to print

    He will print out what you need on paper.

    We all really need this printer.(Printer)

    If I'm playing a game

    Then I press the buttons.

    Buttons, levers and tail...

    Did you guess it? This...(joystick)

    The computer will be silent

    If there are no such virgins next to him.

    And if there is, he says

    Sings, plays and squeaks.

    Standing above him on the sidelines

    Twins two -...(columns)

    You insert the disc into it, and voila -


    Computer case.

    It is stored in it,

    What will the computer need?

    Housing made of plastic, steel, glass,

    In it motherboard lived,

    And also the processor, RAM, disk drive...

    What kind of building is this, tell me, people?(System unit)

    This is a plate with microcircuits on it,

    Computer system components.

    She is very important! Very much, guys!

    She's called...(motherboard)

    I'm studying the keyboard

    Where are the letters, I remember

    I'm insecure and timid

    I typed the text and pressed...(buttons)

    Not everyone can do it themselves

    The process of creating computer programs.

    We carefully plan this art,

    And the process itself is called...(programming)

    Using such a device

    You can copy the book

    Any texts, pictures

    They will become digital with it.(Scanner)

    Watch pictures and play games.(Monitor)

    In computer memory

    She lives.


    The image helps.

    To video signal

    For the monitor it turns.

    Did you recognize her?

    Well, what is it called?(Video card)

    World Wide Web, or, also, web,

    You will find in it about everything - about people, about cars.

    There is so much different information in it!

    She's called, you know,... (Internet)

    This is a program you are all familiar with.

    You will find discs in every home.

    With her we enter into game process,

    It's simply called -... (game)

    on it computer mouse

    Lives and crawls, silly thing.

    Rolling is not an easy task,

    If it's not on the table...(rug)

    Hard drive that's what they call it.

    Who can guess the name?

    Data is accumulating in this device

    Memorizing is its main property. (Winchester)

    If my computer gets sick,

    I can cure him myself.

    I'm not afraid of malware

    I won't let them harm anything.

    What are those pests called?

    What are contagious and multiply instantly?(Viruses)

    Pointer on screen

    The letters will indicate the place for everyone.

    It will be easier to work with him,

    He is a screen mark.

    The gaze sees on the screen,

    How it flashes to me...(cursor)

    Host: Guys! Guess the words containing a famous abbreviationPC (PpersonalTOcomputer) .

    _ _ PC _(Part of the oven.)

    _ _ PC _(Hill, mound, volcano.)

    _ _ PC _(A gardener's tool.)

    _ _ PC _(Headdress.)

    _ _ _ PC _(clasp and sharp stationery.)

    _ _ _ PC _(A scrap of fabric for household needs.)

    _ _ _ PC _(A boat with a strong, wide hull.)

    _ _ _ _ PC _(Paper clip.)

    _ _ _ _ PC _(Positive result of a trip to the store.)

    ( Answers : That PC a, with PC ah, you PC ah, sha PC ah, but PC ah, shaking PC oh, I'm sending PC ah, skre PC ah, bye PC A.)

    Presenter: Now, guys, guess the words containing the abbreviation DOS ( D claim ABOUT operating room WITH system).

    DOS _ _ (Documents on any case or issue.)

    DOS _ _ (Lumber.)

    DOS _ _ (Free time.)

    DOS _ _ _ _ (Heavy equipment.)

    DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Success)

    DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (A place, an object that deserves special attention.)

    _ _ DOS _ _ (Happy, cheerful event.)

    _ _ _ DOS _ _ (Self-esteem.)

    _ _ _ DOS _ _ (Goodies that spoil your teeth and figure.)

    _ _ _ _ DOS _ _ (Period of life.)

    ( Answers: dos yeah, dos ka, dos uh, dos infantry, dos pressing, dos landmark, ra dos yeah, mountains dos sla dos you, molo dos t.)

    Host: You and I live in information space, and we ourselves are part of it. And a computer, which is found in virtually every home, is indispensable assistant our when working with information various types. Currently, many libraries, including school ones, are becoming information centers. And yet the book is the most important source of information.

    The century goes on

    And another century is approaching,

    Along the flint steps

    Climbing to dangerous heights.

    Never, never, never

    The person won't give it back

    Of your superiority

    The smartest machines.

    Host: We hope you enjoyed our information hour and learned something new and interesting. The library doors are always open for you.


    Please express your opinion about the lesson.

    Information around us

    How does a person receive information?

    Types of information by presentation form

    Actions with information

    This is interesting

    • Information
    • Types of information
    • Actions with information

    What is information?

    Information– this is the knowledge you receive at school; information you get from books, TV shows; news you hear on the radio or from people.

    The world around us is a world of information.

    Human sense organs and perceived information






    Animation "Classification of information according to the way people perceive it" (

    Let's think

    Exercise : fill out the table.

    Type of information


















    Don't believe your eyes

    This is interesting

    Types of information according to presentation form

    Graphic information

    Numeric information

    Sound information

    Text information

    Video information

    Species information

    Let's think

    Exercise : find the odd one out .

    Type of information

    Presentation form







    26 + 78 = 100

    Video information

    Actions with information

    A person constantly performs actions related to receiving, transfer , storage, processing information.

    • Information is information about the world around us.
    • A person receives information through the senses: vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
    • Types of information according to the form of presentation: numerical, text, graphic, sound, video information.
    • A person constantly performs actions related to receiving and transmitting, storing and processing information.

    Questions and tasks

    Vanya reads a book



    Sasha listens to radio news


    Dasha studies the metro map


    Zhenya watches a cartoon


    Questions and tasks

    • Determine the type of information in the following situations (match):


    Vitya dives into the river


    Lisa drinks a bitter mixture


    Vasya inhales the aroma of a freshly baked bun



    Questions and tasks

    2. Which sense is the most developed in which animal?












    Questions and tasks

    receiving information (remove unnecessary):

    Student listens to teacher's explanations

    A fifth grader fills out a weather calendar

    Dad listens to information on the radio about traffic jams

    A boy takes a photo with a friend

    Grandmother tastes jam prepared according to a new recipe

    Questions and tasks

    3. Life situations in which it is carried out broadcast information (remove unnecessary):

    The son tells his parents how his day at school went

    Grandpa watches the news broadcast on TV

    Fifth graders take a math test

    The chimes ring out

    You are sending an email

    Questions and tasks

    3. Life situations in which it is carried out storage information (remove unnecessary):

    A fifth-grader learns a poem by heart

    Parents receive an SMS message about their son's academic results

    The student reads the text in paragraphs

    Mom saves the class teacher's number in her mobile phone

    Tourists take pictures against the backdrop of landmarks

    Questions and tasks

    3. Life situations in which it is carried out processing information (remove unnecessary):

    A chess player is considering his next move

    A girl inhales the scent of a flower

    Students translate the text from English into Russian

    The driver stops at a red traffic light

    The boy shares his impressions of the trip

    This is interesting

    Find in electronic application to the textbook these resources and get acquainted with them

    • Presentation "Visual illusions"

    2. Virtual laboratory"Optical Illusions" (