Magicians are clairvoyant witches and sorceresses. Wizards and witches

Magi Highest degree, Order of Magicians, School of Opening the Third Eye, courses for Tarologists and Magicians of all colors of the rainbow, courses for accessing the Astral.
And other others with orders and papers proving that they are the Magicians of initiation of the Highest category.

There was a feeling that for most people, not having a single sorcerer in their family or at least someone who dealt with Magic or cards is somehow even humiliating.
Reminds me of the return of the wheel, during the revolution of 1917, everyone shouted that they were descendants of workers and peasants, even if this was not even close, years passed, the wheel of time turned, everyone began to look for nobles and other titled ancestors in their family, now everyone is tirelessly searching in your family there are sorcerers, magicians, or at least healers.
Television, newspapers, magazines, almost everyone began to talk about Magic, not as something special, about something that is not given to everyone,
But as for something simple that anyone can do, in some programs, venerable scientists assure that this is inherent in nature, it just somehow got lost in the path of human evolution.
Anyone can go to any store and buy a book of 1000 conspiracies for wealth, happiness and success, firmly believing that when they come home from work, they can spend 20 minutes and get this very happiness after midnight, without paying that much money for a paperback book.
Or even buy a magazine where it says how to gain wealth in 5 minutes, but all you need is a couple of candles, a couple of coins and other little things, but it will bring wealth and the business will go uphill.
An amazing belief in getting everything you want by buying a book in a store.
And about how to declare yourself a Tarot reader by taking courses and buying a deck of Tarot cards with very detailed instructions there's no question. Almost everyone now has a deck of cards in the house and, armed with instructions or a book on Tarot layouts, smartly makes layouts in the evenings for themselves or their girlfriends.
What's so complicated about that?
Everyone now thinks that there is nothing complicated in Magic; looking at your own or someone else’s future by laying out the cards is not difficult and not scary.
Is this so?
The depreciation of the very concept of Magic, Tarology by popularizing everything connected with the other world has led to the fact that it all seems to everyone that it all resembles a cute, safe game that you can play whenever you want.
But that's not true.
Most of the ceremonies, rituals, conspiracies posted on the Internet, books, magazines are not valid because they have removed the main keys (words) that would make them strong and powerful conspiracies with the help of which you can do both good and evil.
It is surprising the naivety of people who believe that by buying an inexpensive book on Magic they will get everything they want, if this were really so, then there would be no diseases in the world, infertile women and men, divorced couples, in short, if conspiracies and rituals were written in the books and magazines that are sold in stores there were workers, a complete Utopia would have come.
It’s touching when a 16-18 year old person declares that he is a Magician of the Highest Category and will get rid of damage and other things in one session with a 100% guarantee.
It’s funny and scary what such a magician, if I may say so, can do, whose only thought is to make money.

When a person performs a ritual in which there are no keys, he not only does not get the result, he gets the exact opposite result. Let’s say a woman wanted to bewitch her husband, a cooling of the relationship or betrayal, the most bought books and magazines are all about love spells, I bought a book and did everything right , but there is no result, moreover, the husband with whom she at least somehow communicated is now showing aggression and almost hatred.
And why? Because the ritual was done incorrectly, with errors.
And this is only the safest consequence.

Why do people believe that, let’s say, a family of magicians or healers wrote down and collected bits of knowledge over generations, in the form of notes, books, and other lessons, which someone will give for public use?

What is in the family will remain in the family. Not a single magician, sorcerer or healer will give up his treasured books and records, let alone print them, or even see them to a stranger.

Tarot cards... Nobody writes anywhere that Tarot cards are not just a guide between the past and the future, but also a rather dangerous tool that can be used in necromancy and spiritualism.
Let’s say a person bought a deck, looked through a book, naturally the deck was not prepared, the person did nothing to protect himself, he made a layout that seemed to be all right, but it turned out exactly the opposite, and it gets worse and worse, the person feels bad for no reason at all for this reason, at night a person sleeps poorly, eats little or, on the contrary, eats a lot.
Have you played Tarot reader? So I finished the game.

Exits to the astral plane. Also courses, audio courses, books, they will even give you a piece of paper that you know the technique of entering the astral plane to some degree.
And no one said that you need to be able to do this from birth?

And here’s the question: no one will think of removing appendicitis at home because they bought a scalpel, a book on removing appendicitis with pictures and clear instructions. Or ask a friend or friend to remove appendicitis because she has a book and a scalpel and surgical gloves.
No, everyone understands that you need to go to the hospital to see a surgeon, but here is roulette, there is a surgeon, as they say, from God, and there is someone who received a piece of paper that he is a surgeon. And the price in roulette is life.

So it is with Magic, Astral, Tarot readers, there is a piece of paper on which it is written that the Magician, Tarot reader, fifth degree, Order of Rainbow Magicians, and Egyptian initiation with the Tarot reader ribbon.

Is there
MAGICIANS, TAROLOGISTS, SPIRITISTS, MEDIUMS, HEALERS, who will never go on television, will not publish books, shouting what it is personal book great-great-great aunt of the magician's great-aunt.
Who were born with the understanding that they are connected with another World, which a simple person will not understand and will not see, no matter how many books and magazines he buys and reads.
Those who understand that you cannot become a Magician or Tarot reader, Necromancer or Spiritist, simply by receiving a piece of paper with a diploma and a ribbon that you can hang on the wall.

And who understand that the World that seems simple and safe to everyone is not so.

Be careful when you try to open the door to another World yourself, whether it is the Astral, Magic, Tarot, Spiritualism, you don’t know what’s there. You don’t know the rules, nor the price that needs to be paid when opening this door, and it’s not about money at all.. ...

In other words, until a different approach to the world of phenomena arose, and until we began to look for physical laws and developed a system of correspondences with constants and axioms. And as long as we live in the world of these constants and axioms, for most people magic is unreal, because in the magical world our laws are absolutely false. “That” world does not obey them.

Magicians violate scientific axioms

If you think that fairy tales are lies, then you are mistaken; fairy tales are the testimony of our distant ancestors, who generalized the magical experience known to them. Don't believe fairy tales? Then read a book about the historicity of which no one even argues - the Bible. In it you will also find magicians and sorcerers and descriptions of their deeds.

Take, for example, the well-known Moses. He is revered by Christians as the founding father of Israel. Meanwhile, Moses, if you carefully ancient history study, was not only the creator of Jewish monotheism, but also a magician. Who else but he turned the staff into a copper snake, and then the snake into an ordinary staff? Who discovered a source of water in the desert with drying heat? Who talked with God or (as it would be more correct) the gods? - Moses.

When he was in Egypt, he was the court magician. And there are many such wonderful stories in this book. But it is the basis of Christian teaching, that is, the platform of faith. No wonder the Christian Church once prohibited ordinary people read this book and even sent them to the fire for their curiosity. People, of course, forgot about this incident a long time ago.

But even Jesus Christ, who is considered the son of God, even he, according to all the evidence of the New Testament, was a magician and magician. He was able to turn water into wine, fed a few loaves and fishes to a huge crowd of people, rose into the air and raised the dead. Of course, he did this in the name of God and he himself was one of the emanations of the deity, as it is said in the Gospels.

But who would Jesus be if we refused to recognize his divine nature? - a magician and sorcerer, naturally. And all because a magician and sorcerer is a person who violates our scientific axioms and constants.

Magic in ancient times

The most ancient centers of magic were the lands of Mesopotamia, where in a relatively small area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers several large states were formed, succeeding each other. It is interesting that the first Middle Eastern people, to whom we owe civilization, came from nowhere with ready-made knowledge. This people were called the Hittites, and scientists are still arguing about their origins and their history.

Cities grew in Mesopotamia in a short time:

  • Elama
  • Sumera
  • Assyria
  • Babylon

These names are also mentioned in the Bible. And in those days when the peoples of Israel were separate nomadic tribes, the Babylonians and Assyrians lived in huge cities, possessed incredible, simply implausible knowledge for that time and a well-developed system of magic with a priestly corps, complex rituals and developed literature. These Babylonian priests brought their magic to Egypt and Greece.

In Egypt, knowledge took root, and an equally strong layer of Egyptian priests formed, but with Greece it turned out to be more complicated: the Greeks turned out to be much more rationalistic than the Egyptians. They gave birth to the phenomenon that we know today as science. They began to analyze and question magical knowledge.

And although magic also existed in Greece, science was in the foreground there. However, exactly the same as today among all European peoples. So we can say that our civilization comes from rational antiquity.

And if the Egyptian asked the Babylonian: “Teach me magic,” then the Greek was more interested in him: “Why does your magic work?” - and with the same tenacity as modern scientists, he searched for answers to the questions: “How does he do it?” and “What is the sequence of actions in this trick?”

We know about the magic of the peoples of Mesopotamia from archaeological finds. It was there that seven thousand years ago, on soft clay tablets, scribes inscribed not only economic records necessary for correct management economy, but also magical texts. And since the sands of the Middle East have preserved for us entire libraries of ancient kings, we can learn a lot about the magic of these peoples.

And the first thing we know is that magic was important in the Middle Eastern countries special place, it was firmly connected with what we now call science. Astronomy was part of astrology: by the position of planets and stars, future events that affected people's lives were predicted. In order to more accurately calculate the paths of the luminaries, mathematics was necessary. In Mesopotamia they learned about the structure of the world with the help of magic. And with the help of magic they warded off misfortune and misfortune.

Requirements for a mage-priest

Ancient texts have survived that told scientists about what high demands were presented to those who wanted to become a magician-priest.

  • Firstly, he should not have any physical or mental defects, that is, he should not be lame, hunchbacked, oblique, sick or weak.
  • This had to be a physically perfect person and come from a noble family: tall, strong, inquisitive, endowed with aptitude for science. Oh, he had a lot to master and study! He must have had a natural inclination to learn, otherwise even our civilized contemporary would not have been able to cope with such a volume of information.
  • With keen eyes, he had to keep an eye on the night sky; possessed of a tenacious mind, he had to solve riddles; possessing thin device psyche, he was obliged to understand the slightest movements of the soul in order to be able to interpret dreams or see the initial traces of a future illness.

Perhaps even today you can find good candidate enlistment into the priestly corps would prove to be a difficult task.

It was from Babylon that the main magical rituals came to us:

  • Medicinal
  • Love
  • For good luck and success
  • For wealth
  • To achieve a good position
  • For peace at home
  • For the success of children and their health
  • As well as rituals that destroy those who wish to harm us.

Strictly speaking, nothing new, all subsequent magicians did not invent it, they apply their knowledge for the same purposes.

Magical help

In order to magical help solve Chaldean problems - they could go into a trance. In this state, they were able not only to look into the future or past, but also to move in space. At least that's what the cuneiform tablets say.

And how much we still don’t know about Chaldean magic! After all, the number of deciphered tablets is very small, and not all of them have been found. Real treasures of the past are hidden under the sands of Mesopotamia, if only you knew where to dig!

Miracles were told about the Babylonian magicians:

  • They could move huge blocks of stone and soar into the air like birds.
  • According to their word, the dying person could get out of bed, and healthy person caught in an unseemly act - fall and die.
  • Not a single house was built without a priest supervising the work, and the priest was also the first to enter the new dwelling.
  • It was he who placed the figurines of the gods in a certain order: in front of the house, at the door, under the bed.

Protective magic

From Mesopotamia came to us both what are called talismans and amulets, and what is called black magic. The Babylonians themselves did not consider it such. This was also a form of protective magic, and not black at all.

The Babylonians were the first to use envoltation to destroy the enemy. To do this, the magician created a figurine of the enemy, entering a trance in order to see in the smallest detail the one he was acting against. Then he imagined how the enemy died, and experienced this event in every detail. Then he destroyed the figurine, turning it face down and throwing it into the fire. Surprisingly, he also died real person, whose figurine was burned.

This ritual was especially popular among military leaders and was often practiced before military operations. IN ordinary life it was used with caution: after all, if the high priest found out about it, then punishment was inevitable.

Of course, the most common in this region was healing magic- either to expel an evil spirit, or to increase the patient’s strength and resistance. The priests believed that all human troubles and illnesses were caused by evil spirits, which had a completely visible form. All this evil woke up after sunset and dreamed of inhabiting a person:

  • Lemurs
  • Lamia
  • Utagi (desert spirits)
  • Restless Dead
  • Vampires
  • Demons
  • Succubi
  • Incubi
  • Ghosts

Man always becomes a playground for the forces of light and the forces of darkness:

  • Darkness sends misfortunes and illnesses
  • Light heals and makes a person happy.

The struggle between good and evil occurs constantly, and the one with the best defense wins.

You understand that with such faith in the persecutors of the human race, the priests were never left without work. They performed rituals to drive away evil spirits. They treated illnesses by driving out the demons of disease from the body, and outwardly these rituals are very similar to modern church exorcism. Only they cast out spirits not in the name of Jesus Christ, but in the name of their gods.

There were many spirits, which are the fiends of darkness. And everyone had to fight. Since the number of demonic entities was huge, and for the success of the enterprise it was necessary to study the habits of each spirit and not have the right to make mistakes, all magicians formed groups according to their specialization:

  • Spellcasters mainly worked with natural phenomena.
  • Healers drove out the spirits of illness.
  • Sorcerers helped when it was necessary to prevent harm caused to a person or take revenge on an offender
  • Astrologers and fortune tellers practiced divination or reading fate by the stars.

Secret Egyptian knowledge

It’s interesting, but this division of magical specialties later spread to other countries. And, the dream for all rulers of the future is a high priest, and was the supreme ruler, that is, the countries of Mesopotamia were theocratic states. Do we have such states today? Yes, there is, or rather, there were - this is Tibet before its inclusion in the PRC.

Egypt was also served by a caste of priests, and the pharaoh was the high priest. The gods ruled the pharaoh and the priests, and the priests and the pharaoh ruled their people, achieving prosperity for the country. The Egyptians adopted their magic from the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, but with one difference - the main thing in their magic was serving the cult of the dead. In any case, what archaeologists saw speaks precisely of such an overwhelming cult.

The Egyptians wanted to live their lives happily and be resurrected after death in their own bodies. Archaeologists find a huge number of funerary texts in the graves of Egyptians. And not only among high-ranking residents of the Nile Valley, but also among ordinary artisans. Everyone was preoccupied with the problem of the future life. So the priests of Egypt also had a lot of work.

As in Mesopotamia, all the priests were well-educated people. Astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology were not just words for them - Egyptian knowledge amazes with its depth and breadth!

But this is only a small part of what they actually knew, since Egyptian knowledge was secret and guarded from the uninitiated. The Egyptians knew how to perform craniotomy and surgical operations, they were skilled dentists, they knew geometry, and they achieved incredible success in construction.

Egyptian magic, the court of Osiris

The famous pyramids, which many modern scientists consider to be the tombs of the pharaohs, were never tombs. We do not know their purpose, closer to the truth is that they served as some kind of buildings for magical operations. They can be anything:

  • Meeting rooms
  • Energy repeaters
  • Something like ancient power plants
  • Even water storage tanks, but not tombs

And the time of construction of the pyramids, which are usually believed to have been built by the pharaohs of Egypt, most likely is not connected with Egyptian civilization. Some of these wonderful structures were built, no doubt, by the Egyptians, but the large pyramids were built by someone else. The main thing is that this “someone else”, apparently, taught both the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and the inhabitants of the Nile the same knowledge.

Which of these peoples was the first? We don't know. But traditionally it is believed that the Egyptians expanded the already existing magic of Mesopotamia. According to their faith, the Egyptians treated the deceased in a special way: everything was removed from the body internal organs, and the brain stretched special device with a hook through the nose. Then the body was embalmed, that is, a layer of special oils was applied to it, which prevented rotting.

The body had to dry out, but not decompose. In the withering heat of Egypt, a properly processed body - a mummy - could not help but dry out. In order for the mummy to be protected, it was wrapped in layers of special bandages. And the organs removed from the body were placed in special solutions and placed next to the mummy.

It was believed that in due time the soul of the deceased would come to the court of Osiris, and it would have to answer questions correctly in order to get into good place and don't fall into other world. Into the sarcophagus dead man, dressed in the right way, magical texts were placed, which were well known in Egypt. It was with the words written on papyrus that he had to answer when appearing before the court of the gods. The priest conducting the burial carefully wrote down these words for the dead man.


Envoltation – actions on wax figurines – was extremely popular in Egyptian magic. Magicians knew how to revive figures and make them move. But that was not the most important thing. Each figurine was so skillfully made that it symbolized a person. Sometimes sea battles were played out in a basin of water, which after some time, exactly according to the magician’s script, took place in real life.

By destroying a wax figurine and throwing it into the fire, the magician could cause the death of the enemy, and by sticking sharp needles into the figurine, he could cause excruciating pain in a real living person. During the witchcraft session, he always spoke words of power, which immediately had the desired effect.

For help wax magic Everyone came running - from senior officials to ordinary Egyptians. True, it was difficult for the latter to hire an expensive priest, so they carried out the ritual on their own, and therefore not always successfully. Everything depended on the preparation of the envolving person.

Animals for witchcraft

This is the world with which the magicians were connected. Moreover witches They mainly worked with small evil spirits, or turned to their high-born master Satan. And the magicians sorcerers they sought to immediately get into contact with higher persons, that is, with demons and often with angels.

For this purpose, demons and lower spirits first had to be cursed, and before this operation was carried out to neutralize the evil force, which was dangerous for the magician himself, it was necessary to establish contact with it.

But how to establish contact with what lies beyond human vision? This is where the companions of witchcraft came to the rescue, as they can easily communicate with two worlds at once:

  • The world of people
  • The world of entities

These companions for witches and sorcerers were very real forces - animals.

The most common helpers:

  • Black Maria
  • Black cat
  • Sometimes also a lizard and a frog

But these animals had to have a special approach.

I order you! I conjure you! Tremble and obey! This is how most people thought of achieving power. But nothing can be achieved by force. This was the mistake of many who wanted to acquire secret knowledge.

Free help from sorcerers and magicians is not quite common, but, nevertheless, not so uncommon. It would seem that the business is unprofitable for the magician, but this is only at first glance. A magician who opens his own practice needs both a clientele and, as you understand, experience in performing love spells.

How to get the services of a black sorcerer in a love spell for free

How is experience gained in conducting witchcraft rituals? Through hard work, analysis of the work done and correction of mistakes. Therefore, a novice black magician can provide free help. The client will only have to pay consumables. Thus, the client receives the result of the work done by the magician, and the specialist, in turn, gains experience in performing powerful love spells.

On magic forums about love spells, you can always read topics that interest you and find out what may be useful to you. There is an open discussion on the Internet about many working rituals for casting a love spell on a guy. Having familiarized yourself with them, you will be able to roughly imagine how magicians work, and how difficult it is to carry out witchcraft work love spell according to photo. In addition, you will understand which methods of influencing the person you need are desirable in your situation and which are not.

If you receive the services of magicians for free, this does not mean that you become a toy in the hands of practicing sorcerers. Not at all. Specialists always listen to the wishes of their customers. On the best magic forums for long-distance love spells, you will receive only the most truthful and most reliable information, since lies and all kinds of fabrications are mercilessly punished by moderators.

Strong black magician - free help in performing a love spell

You will not see advertising on esoteric forums, because it is prohibited. You will also not see annoying self-promotion and offers to provide magical services in carrying out strong love spell using photography. On forums - only practical advice and the opportunity to independently choose a black sorcerer who provides magical services for free.

For a person who comprehends the art of magic, neither gender, nor age, nor orientation matters. Race, nation, citizenship, social position and status also do not play a role. Only one thing is important - the desire to change yourself, the desire to work and become stronger.

If you decide to provide free help to yourself, as novice sorcerers and magicians do, know that it is not enough to exactly reproduce the entire ritual procedure of a home love spell for a man’s love. The ability to concentrate and

It was in the Middle Ages that people who were credited with magical abilities were burned alive at the stake. Now, on the contrary, they are given the best airtime in popular programs and are paid huge amounts of money to get an appointment. Just what are these guardians for? secret knowledge are they really different from each other?


In esotericism they are called people high level development. Those who have achieved complete perfection in their skills, abilities and practices. In theory, such people should not be interested in anything material (and money in the first place), but magicians willingly go on TV and, according to rumors, do not refuse remuneration. And magicians are divided into “white” and “black”. The first say that all rituals and ceremonies are used only for good purposes: they heal, relieve, clean. The latter, on the contrary, induce all this, plant and “infect” it. This is the balance of magicians in nature.


Everything is complicated here. In fact, sorcerers are the same “black magicians”: they don’t do good, they cause damage. Only at the same time they are also “friends” with otherworldly forces. Moreover, these forces are also used for their own purposes. Our ancestors believed that each village used to have its own sorcerer. From this we conclude that the more cities are built on the planet, the fewer sorcerers remain. At this rate, they will soon have to be included in the Red Book.


It couldn't be easier here. They are talked about every week in a program on TNT. True, they immediately warn that “the editors are not completely confident in the magical abilities of the show’s participants, and therefore recommend (just in case) not to trust them too much.” More precisely, psychics are people who can see and feel what others can only guess about. By the way, the literal translation of the word “psychic” into Russian from Latin means “over” and “sensitive”.


Harry Potter immediately comes to mind. And who else do you order to remember, if the attributes of a real wizard (as it is written everywhere) should be wand, a magical invisibility cloak, magical conspiracies and a magical destiny that a normal person in their right mind would never want to repeat. We conclude that wizards are more a figment of the writers’ imagination than a really existing image.


In a literal interpretation - those who know (how to heal, how to speak, how to help). In theory, healers are the same as doctors, only they treat using their own methods. And according to the same idea, there cannot be bad healers. But we also unconditionally believe in the competence of doctors...


This ordinary people. True, with one difference: they talk to the dead. How long have you called your friends? No time again? And the medium “calls” the dead almost every day and calmly communicates with them. By at least, tells everyone that he is communicating. So you say that you call regularly. No one will check anyway.