Whose year was it according to the eastern calendar? Avocado salad with shrimp

At its core, the Monkey is not used to taking on responsibilities, making decisions and making choices. The others are perfect for this task, and they can also be blamed in case of failure. This animal is quite frivolous, it is used to enjoying life and not thinking about the consequences.

Due to this, building a career and achieving goals will not be an easy task. The monkey is unpredictable, and it is very difficult to predict its actions. The Monkey's spontaneous decisions can lead to unexpected results. But, oddly enough, these results may not be so bad. The main thing is to trust only yourself and not shift duties and responsibilities to anyone, while maintaining the ability to be responsible for what is happening in life.

At the same time, you shouldn’t be upset; in fact, not everything is so bad both in work matters and in other aspects of life. For example, emotionally, 2016 will be a year of fun and pleasure. The monkey is used to living one day at a time, so he knows how to enjoy every moment and rejoice at any event. If you adapt to the energetic rhythm of the Monkey’s life, then many situations can be turned in your favor. Just like this animal, you don't want to sit still. Of course, after the Year of the Goat, which was unhurried and prudent, it will be difficult for someone to enter a faster pace of life, but if you want to achieve your goal, you will have to act.

In the year of the Monkey, any endeavors related to entertainment and interesting pastime will be successful. This also applies to personal relationships. In the coming year, according to astrologers, everything will be easier if you enter a new direction and don’t worry about the little things. This period promises to be rich in events, acquaintances and discoveries. And for those who have long dreamed of going on a trip, this is the best time to realize their dream, especially if it is connected with warm, southern countries. Don’t forget to prepare and calculate all possible developments so that you can be prepared for any turn in advance.

Red is the color of fire, which makes the Monkey even more unpredictable, emotional and denying boring logical thinking. Therefore, when starting a serious business, you should prepare thoroughly and not miss the little things, while being able to experiment and make sudden moves.

It is in 2016 that you can call on the element of Fire as an assistant, which will help you get what you want. At correct use, fiery energy can sweep away all obstacles and pave a new path to achieve the goal.

By giving in to emotions and getting caught up in the whirlpool of events, you can turn this year into an endless holiday. Therefore, astrologers remind you about work and personal life. If you forget about these important areas, the risk of losing everything will be very high. The annual calendar recommends not to fall into euphoria when going through a streak of success, but also not to limit yourself too much in your actions. Enjoy life, appreciate every moment of it and don’t forget to press the buttons and

15.10.2015 00:40

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Tradition to meet New Year According to the Chinese calendar, it came into our lives not so long ago, but has already become so familiar and familiar. Of course, we do not celebrate this holiday the way the Chinese themselves do. Our New Year was and remains a purely Slavic holiday, with a hearty feast, noisy companies and a cheerful festive mood. Just knowing that the next year will be ruled by some animal endowed with a set of individual traits gives the future some certainty. Already now, most people know what animal year 2016 is, what can be expected from it and how this holiday should be celebrated.

Character of the Fire Monkey

Although the year Fire Monkey according to the eastern calendar, it will only be February 9, we will all, out of habit, celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Chinese New Year is celebrated completely differently than ours, but this is understandable - such a difference in cultures. On this holiday, it is customary for them to remember departed friends and relatives; we are more focused on the future and diligently make wishes while the chimes and champagne strike.

In Eastern tradition, the monkey is considered an intelligent and insightful creature, but with an unpredictable, hot temper. She does not tolerate being teased, does not like intrusive attention and is capable of petty mischief. However, the monkey is easy-going, good-natured, very funny and cheerful. This creature has artistic talent and loves to transform.

Thanks to the fiery “coloring” of the hostess next year All its features - positive and negative - will appear even more clearly. We definitely won't be bored in 2016. The year promises to be unpredictable and rich in various events. Although astrologers and eastern predictors do not foresee serious global upheavals, during the year of the Fire Monkey many incidents will take place that will change the fate of not only people, but also states. Not all of them will be with a “plus” sign, but in general the year does not promise misfortunes or serious disasters. Thanks to the active and unpredictable nature of the Monkey, events will flash before our eyes, like in a kaleidoscope.

The fates of individual people

2016 will pass under the sign of Fire. This is a symbol of passion, strength, fiery love. Despite all the unpredictability of the Monkey, or perhaps thanks to it, this year will be exceptionally rich in meetings that will unite people’s destinies for a long time.

Pay attention! Bright fiery passion will give many joyful meetings, some of which will end in successful and long-lasting marriages. The changeable nature of the Fire Monkey will create some unions so quickly that others may think such marriages are too hasty. However, for the most part family unions will stand the test.

2016 for those born in the year of the Monkey

In the Year of the Monkey 2016, a twelve-year cycle ends eastern horoscope, it is a kind of result of the past 12 years. This year will give you the opportunity to evaluate the path traveled and take stock. For those born in the year of the Monkey, the year promises to be very successful and successful in all areas.

The monkey is a social animal, and moreover, a family one. Mothers touchingly take care of their own and other people's babies, strictly observing the hierarchy in the herd. These properties of the mistress of the year are transferred to the character of people born under this sign. They strive to start a family, love children and always take care of their relatives.

“Monkeys” are not created for leadership positions and long-term projects. Due to their changeable nature, they often need to change the type of activity or engage in creativity. The “Monkey” loves well-being, a calm, well-fed life, but in the absence of activity in his life he begins to get bored and is capable of doing stupid things. Its irrepressible energy must be directed “for peaceful purposes.”

Pay attention! Those born in the year of the Monkey are successful in life and marriage, but unstable character may show negative traits in them - greed, malice, pugnacity. The Year of the Fire Monkey will help you identify negativity and cope with it.

The monkey has an unpredictable character, but it can also be controlled by giving it a tasty banana and not paying attention to stupid antics. Do not allow yourself to be provoked and perceive everything that happens to you as the path to the truth. In this case, the year of the Fire Monkey will be very successful and fun for you.

The question to which we look for an answer in calendars and the Internet before the onset of any new year sounds like this: "Which animal year is coming according to the Chinese horoscope?" Do you want to know which animal will rule in 2016 according to the eastern calendar? This is a Monkey born under the sign of Fire. She is the patroness of the coming year 2016. People are born in a certain year and know that the animal of their year helps them - every 12 years a particularly successful period begins in their lives. This time, luck awaits those born in the year of the Monkey.

All animals of the eastern horoscope included in the 12-year cycle:

1936, 1948, 1960, 1972,
1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
1937, 1949, 1961, 1973,
1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974,
1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,
1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976,
1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,
1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
. . . . . .
1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,
1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979,
1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
1944, 1956, 1968, 1980,
1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,
1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
1946, 1958, 1970, 1982,
1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
1947, 1959, 1971, 1983,
1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

Having decided which animal will be the year of 2016, you need to take into account the fact that according to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Monkey will not come into force on January 1, 2016. This will happen in February, and only from February 8, 2016 it will be possible to say that the year of the Red Fire Monkey 2016 has come. But in Russia, few people care about such details. And why? Eastern symbolism and traditional Christmas tree balls peacefully coexist with each other.

Not everyone believes in predictions, fortune-telling, and all kinds of horoscopes. However, anyone is happy to see good forecasts in astrological reports. He will brush off the bad ones, saying that it’s all nonsense. But as they say, forewarned is forearmed. It’s always better to know and be prepared than to later sadly complain about life’s ups and downs.

How to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, how to please this animal in order to win over the zodiac patroness of 2016? The mistress of the coming year is a creative person, benevolent to artists, musicians, and poets. Her fiery nature does not allow her to sit in one place, so the year will be especially successful for travel. Go straight to Brazil, the country "where there are many, many wild monkeys." Pay attention to the decoration of the New Year's interior. Since the Monkey is red-fiery this time, lights, candles, Christmas tree garlands, lamps. Creative idea to decorate the Christmas tree - a tree decorated only with lights and rustling tinsel. You can place a basket of fresh fruit under the tree. Over front door You can place a figurine of the animal protector of the coming year. Don't forget about greens! Let there be indoor plants in the room where the celebration will take place. It doesn't matter if the spruce is artificial. A few branches of a real tree are enough to appease the main animal of the year and attract prosperity and prosperity to the house.

Favorite animal colors of 2016 are located in the fiery red spectrum. Decorate your home in this color scheme, and the Monkey will love you!

Animal of 2016 in astrology, what is its character?

It is unlikely that anyone doubts the intelligence and intelligence of these animals. As a species, all monkeys are highly adaptable, resourceful, social, and quite cunning. Undoubtedly, the ancient Chinese astrologers were familiar with these creatures, their habits and life in general, and therefore they showed special insight in assigning the name of the Year of the Monkey to one of the years in the cycle.
Like these animals, people born in the year of the Monkey have a lot in common with them - however, this applies to all other signs. The Monkey never tries to overdo it. It is true that she can not only be quite active, but also sit idle for a long time - especially in the heat or when life becomes too boring. What is striking about the character of this sign is its flexibility, for Monkeys are capable of performing almost any task, and, apparently, with equal ease. This quality of Monkeys can irritate less capable people, who often consider Monkeys to be imaginative and know-it-alls. This accusation is not entirely fair, since Monkeys are truly jacks of all trades, despite some tendency to treat others with superiority.
Monkeys pay close attention to fashion, they like to look impeccable in any circumstances and attend almost any gathering. It is not difficult for this primate to climb to the top of a tree, because hardly anyone can compare with them in intelligence and vanity.
Both men and women born in the year of the Monkey have increased sex appeal, and this is one of the reasons why representatives of other signs strive to become their life partners. Life with this “animal” is usually very interesting and suits the tastes of representatives of most other signs.
But be careful, because here you are not dealing with a malleable creature. Almost all Monkeys are very vulnerable and absolutely cannot stand criticism, which they always take personally. Monkeys have a good memory, they can be dangerous enemies and sometimes act in revenge on someone. Most importantly, Monkeys have a painful sense of self-esteem and do not consider this a flaw. Most Monkeys like to hear praise addressed to them.
May the year of this animal bring to your home only what you dream of. Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and love! Copyright ©

New Year 2016 | 2016 is the year of which animal?
This animal is the Red Fire Monkey
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People born between the dates of February 8, 2016 and January 27, 2017 belong to the Fire Monkey sign according to the Eastern Calendar. Among people born in the year of the Monkey, there are a lot creative personalities, many of whom achieved great heights and became famous.

Year of the Fire Monkey

Two thousand sixteen according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the monkey. In the Chinese horoscope, the year of the monkey brings a strong positive, cheerful charge of energy. This year you can gain new intellectual knowledge and a lot of emotions, although not always positive. Those born in the year of the monkey would do well to become a financier, journalist or doctor. In this case, they would most likely become excellent specialists in their field.

People born in the year of the Monkey have every chance of becoming famous and famous person. Regardless of what exactly such a person does, sooner or later, their inherent charm and luck will make them successful people in life.

This energetic people, and this quality makes them suitable for a wide variety of professions. Those born in the year of the Monkey, especially when they need something, are capable of brilliant and imaginative planning; they are real virtuosos when it comes to cunning or bypassing competitors and enemies. They are intellectual, often deeply insightful people into any situation, and once they set a goal, a rare set of circumstances can prevent them from achieving it; in general, it is difficult to imagine that they will fail.

It is important to remember that there are some specific skills and areas of activity that these people should focus on first. Also, you need to understand that they also have a limit to their luck; you should avoid playing for money and philosophical reflections on the vicissitudes of fate. It is no secret that most of them have the ability to assess risk and have a keen sense of financial situations. They have a trait that helps them take on new challenges, understand the problem accurately, and delve into the details until they find it. the right decision. They are usually endowed with good organizational skills and are quite satisfied with work that involves research and obtaining quick results.

The monkey is very independent and creative, so this year you can implement different ideas. The Year of the Monkey is good for change and new beginnings. Monkeys are excellent architects, doctors, consultants, brokers, and literary figures. These are the professions that are most suitable for people born in the year of the Monkey.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 2016 will give us a meeting with the fiery (or red) Monkey. It promises us an interesting pastime filled with bright events. The Little Monkey is vain and loves the attention shown to her (and only to her!).

In order to earn her favor, you will have to take care of the reception dear guest in advance.

Monkey Character

The unpredictability of the Monkey can keep us on our toes. Her quick mood swings can surround her with tenderness and affection, or they can surround her with a ring of rage. But it is precisely this circumstance that gives a person a chance to radically change his life, fulfill his dream and achieve unprecedented success.

The monkey is very charming and can win over any interlocutor (especially the opposite sex). This helps her live easily and carefree. In addition, she has a very flexible mind and ingenuity.

But if she already has an enemy, then she will not fight alone, but will call on all her relatives for help. A flexible, resourceful mind helps the Monkey to always get away with it. A thirst for adventure makes her life rich in unexpected events and encounters.

The Monkey is very fond of the world of art and science. It is likely that world masterpieces of literature, cinema, and theater will be created this year. Scientists will make sensational discoveries in the fields of chemistry, physics, and medicine. The Monkey is no stranger to entrepreneurial spirit. The ability to make money is in her blood. But while she earns money easily, she also easily partes with considerable sums, because she loves luxury and prosperity.

The 2016 mascot gets along well with other animals Chinese horoscope. The animal is friendly and helpful to everyone. In fact, he has a very high opinion of himself, and even despises other signs.

The periods under the patronage of the monkey are significant important events in Economics and Politics. Moreover, these can be both crises and prosperity. The main thing is not to lose your head in such a situation. The emotional Monkey can only be tamed by a cold mind and sober calculation.

Gather together all your experience and skills, strength of spirit, do not enter into disputes and conflicts. Clearly define the goal you want to achieve so that the Monkey cannot interfere with the implementation of your plans. It should be recognized that 2016 is not suitable for everyone for marriage.

A fickle and frivolous animal is not at all conducive to long and constant relationships. Perhaps lovers should hurry up and formalize their relationship next year. Married couples should be careful. A playful Monkey can present the forbidden fruit in a bright package. But upon closer inspection, it turns out to be wormy.

People who have not had time to tie the knot should throw themselves into work. The year is good for business development and new ideas. Therefore, reasonable workaholism will inevitably lead to success. Take full care of your health. Astrologers warn that the number of injuries and complications after infections will increase. Therefore, start strengthening your immune system. Running and swimming, yoga, and fitness will help very well. Don't forget to take vitamin complexes.

What the naughty Monkey truly loves is little children. She generously gifts them with all kinds of talents. A number of brilliant people were born under the auspices of the Monkey. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Jack London, Mick Jaeger, Pope John Paul II and many, many others. So, if you decide to give birth to a baby, then be prepared to meet a genius.

Restlessness and curiosity prevent baby Monkeys from achieving great success in early age. But over the years, thanks to their exceptional intelligence and amazing ability to work, they will take revenge and achieve their goal. Their Monkey mascot will help create profitable business or become a successful leader.

Parents of the baby should always be on guard. Otherwise inventive child, completely unnoticed, will turn them into an obedient instrument in his hands. But you will never have to blush for the Monkey child. Generously gifted by nature, sociable, savvy, they overcome any situation with brilliance.

Danger may await people born in the year of the Monkey if they are addicted to gambling. The patroness will not allow them to stop in time and cool their ardor. There is a high probability that they will be drawn into dubious projects.

How to celebrate the Year of the Fire Monkey

The main attribute New Year's holiday there must be good mood. In any company you can think of fun competitions, quizzes, original surprises. Once at your home, the Monkey should feel that he was eagerly awaited. Therefore, the room should have as many bright and shiny elements as possible.

Garlands and colorful tinsel hung around the room will remind the animal of tropical forests, lanterns, sparklers and candles about the native element - fire.

To make the coming year financially prosperous, hang it on your Christmas tree banknotes tied with red fiery ribbons.

IN New Year's Eve dress up in bright clothes. Fiery shades with added sparkles will definitely delight the guest. Better yet, have a costume party with fireworks and firecrackers.

Of course, every housewife is busy working on the New Year's menu. The exotic guest will be pleased with the abundance of vegetables, nuts, and sweets. Place a basket filled with tropical fruits. Don't forget about dishes with added chicken eggs- the animal's favorite treat.

Separately, it is worth focusing on children's gifts. The Chinese consider the Monkey to be a symbol of life experience and wisdom. Therefore, games that develop intelligence will be the best choice.

The Year of the Monkey promises us richness and diversity. The animal is quite unpredictable and incredibly inventive. Make friends with the little naughty girl. This is not difficult, because she is childishly trusting and loves very much home comfort. And then the animal will present you with a brilliant chance to make your life bright and rich. And also make your most cherished desires come true.