Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Amalia (Amelia). Amalia Name Meaning: German, Hebrew and Latin Origins

The name Amalia means “hardworking”, “worthy opponent”, “rival”.

Origin of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Amalia.

  1. According to the first version, the name comes from the ancient German word “amal”, which translates as “work”, “labor”. Therefore, the German name Amalia means “hardworking.”
  2. According to the second version, this name comes from Latin word"aemula", which translates as "rival".

Characteristics of the name


The name Amalia is ideal for girls born under the following zodiac signs: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn.

Little Amalia is a disciplined child. Despite her young age, she is very efficient and organized. Usually a girl’s character is all like her mother’s, but in appearance she is a copy of her father. As a child, she loves to help her mother with housework, she especially likes cooking. Amalia is somewhat stubborn, and you can force her to do something only with the help of persuasion. The use of force here is unacceptable, since the girl will stand her ground even more. She loves to play sports, and her fighting nature can help her become a professional athlete. Thanks to the fact that Amalia is a kind, open and sympathetic person who will always support a friend in difficult times, she has many friends. Moreover, there are more boys around her than girls.


Amalia is demanding of herself and those around her. She will never be able to do something “anyhow”; she will always finish the job she starts and do it as well as her abilities allow. Amalia does not like people who lie, are hypocrites, or gossip. Participating in intrigues is beneath her dignity.

Personal life

In Amalia’s personal life, everything is always difficult, as she is constantly looking for true love. Such a woman will never marry for convenience. Therefore, she gets married late. Amalia makes an excellent housewife: she cooks deliciously, she always keeps her house in order, although sometimes she can be too clean. She loves her children and pays a lot of attention to their upbringing. Most often, her first child is a boy. There is an atmosphere of well-being and tranquility in Amalia's house, since she is a non-conflict and kind person.

Name compatibility

Amalia will have successful marriage with men named Eduard, Konstantin, Vladimir, Mikhail, Alexey, Ruslan, Victor.

The best compatibility of the name Amalia with the patronymic: Yaroslavovna, Yanovna, Robertovna, Makarovna, Konstantinovna, Egorovna, Danilovna, Davydovna, Georgievna, Gennadievna, Vyacheslavovna, Vladislavovna, Bogdanovna, Rustamovna.

Name day

Orthodox name days:

  • June 10;
  • November 21st.

Famous people

Famous women with the name Amalia:

  • Maria Amalia of Saxony (Queen of Spain);
  • Amalia of Prussia (Prussian princess);
  • Sartori, Garcia (politicians);
  • Rodrigues (singer);
  • Mordvinova (actress);
  • Earhart (aviator);
  • Rosselli (poetess);
  • Mauresmo (tennis player);
  • Lacoste (skater);
  • Rei Colasu (actress).

When a long-awaited girl is born into a family, parents begin to think: what to name her? What name would suit her best and what does it mean? Will it be combined with the father's name, that is, with the patronymic? Parents may not know this. What does the name Amalia hide?

Where does the name Amalia come from?

There are 3 versions of the origin of the name Amalia (Amelia, Emilia):

Name forms

Shortened versions of the name are:

  • Amalya;
  • Lina;
  • Milli;
  • Emmy;
  • Emma.

If you want to affectionately address a girl, then call her:

  • Amelichka.
  • Amechka.
  • Amochka.
  • Amushka.
  • Maley.
  • Melkoy.
  • Meli.

Related names

Amelia and Emilia are related names. But besides them, related ones also include:

  • Irma.
  • Emily.
  • Emmy.

Adult Amelia is restrained and resilient, and her outward modesty helps to gain the favor of others

Table: variations of the names Amalia in other languages

LanguageHow to spellHow to read
  • Amalia;
  • Amelia.
  • Amalia;
  • Amalja;
  • Amaalia.
  • Amalya;
  • Amaalia.
  • Amalia;
  • Amalija.
  • Amalia;
  • Amalie.
  • Amalia.
Chinese利亞 Leah
Korean아말리에 Amallie
Japaneseアマリ Amari

Name transliteration

According to the latest transliteration rules for government agencies in Russia, the name Amalia is usually written like this: AMALIIA.

What middle name is suitable for Amalia or Amelia?

The following are most successfully combined with this patronymic name:

  • Grigorievna;
  • Olegovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Arsenyevna;
  • Alexandrovna.

Nickname options for social networks

  • Amalia;
  • Amel4ik;
  • Amelina;
  • Emmochka;
  • Amochka.

Name day dates and patron saints of Amalia

Since there is no name Amalia in the Orthodox faith, Catholic name days are celebrated on July 10, September 19 and November 21. Girls with this name have several patrons:

Rhymes for the name Amalia: Antalya, Australia.

The influence of a name on a person and its characteristics

What is Amalia like inside? To understand this, we must turn to the theory of B. Higir. In his opinion, she is shy and tends to withdraw into herself. Has excellent intuition. Submissive and patient, but at the same time indecisive. Sexy. She adores children and therefore strives to get married, but maternal feelings are poorly developed in her. At home she is a skillful and hospitable hostess. For such women, everything goes according to plan. They know how to act in different situations.

Amelia - products, Karelia. Emilia is an idyll.

What does P. Florensky say about this name? Emilia is calm as a child and does not get sick. It is difficult to endure undeserved punishments. Often spends time surrounded by adults. She likes funny stories. And naturally developed fantasy and imagination allow you to invent them. She is successful in her studies, despite the fact that she pays little attention to homework. Her friends are those whom she chooses.

Important years in Amalia's life: 34, 48 and 56.

Influence on the child's character

As a child, little Ammelia observes discipline and obeys her parents. She can be described as a housewife, ready to help adults. The girl is passionate about housework and early learns to cook for the whole family. This is how her independent and independent character manifests itself. Little Amelia has a fighting spirit, but over time it gives way to a shy one.

As a child, little Ammelia observes discipline and obeys her parents

She believes that communicating with loved ones and family is her duty, and that is why it is so important to her. She is in good health, but tends to be overweight. Therefore, she needs to exercise constantly. One more weak point Amelia's health are joints. At a young age, this is not noticeable, but it is better not to neglect precautions.

Influence on the character and fate of an adult

Over time, the name influences a person more and more. Huge potential may be hidden in talents, profession, health or family marriage. He loves to develop intellectually, so he is eager to receive higher education. I devote myself completely to my studies. Usually chooses the fields of radio electronics, medicine, and sports. Her weakness is excessive trust in people.. Attackers can take advantage of this. Relatives and friends must protect her.

Girls named Amelia have a careful approach to planning their day.

Amelia helps people because she has a pure and open character. Despite the setbacks that arise, he tries to remain optimistic. Shares her mood with everyone around her, charging them positive emotions and love of life. I am ready to fight for my views to the end. And she succeeds because she is strong in spirit.

Amelia is very optimistic, her good mood infects others

The poem “Amalia, you are my joy!”

Amalia, you are my joy!
I hasten to hug you
And on your birthday, loving
Just wish you happiness!
Let good luck waterfall
Will burst into your days.
Shining positive look
From happiness and love

folk art


The owner of the name shows talent in different directions:

  • fine arts;
  • theater;
  • sport.

Professions, business and career

Politics is one of Amali's preferences. However, integrity and lack of compliance will prevent her from achieving success in this field. In what areas can she realize her potential:

  • journalism;
  • philology;
  • business;
  • banking;
  • jurisprudence;
  • TV.

With teamwork, hard work and responsibility, the girl’s career will go up.

Politics is one of Amali's preferences, but soft features character will prevent her from achieving success in this field


Women with this name concentrate on work. Therefore, health problems arise: the back begins to hurt, chronic fatigue, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels. To avoid this, you need to determine your life priorities: whether to devote a lot of time to work or not.

Poem “You, my beloved Amalia...”

You, my beloved Amalia,
I fell in love as soon as I saw it
You took my dreams and strength
And I realized that I had met the ideal.
You are beautiful, believe me, incredibly
And flawless with inner beauty,
Come quickly, baby, into my arms,
Calm your heart with your love.

folk art

Love, sexuality, marriage

Amelia likes straightforward and aggressive men. If she does not find reciprocity with her partner, then she tries to go deeper into work. Amelia is a good mother, but she is responsible for everything: for homework, raising children and even providing for a family.

Waits for compliments and praise and tries to gain fans

It is important for her that her children have a good life: a good education, material security and respect from people in society. She maintains a partnership with her husband. Over the years, he is jealous less and less. Does not demand anything, but maintains respect for her spouse. With which male names Will her personal life work out?

Table: compatibility of male names with the name Amalia

Video: Zara - “Amelie”

Table: matches to the name Amalia

Interpretation of each letter of the name

The name has 6 letters, two of which are the letter A. What do they symbolize?

How much does a girl’s character and behavior differ depending on the time of year?

Table: Amalia's horoscope

AriesOptimistic, attractive and charming. She will always be accompanied by resourcefulness and goodwill. Aries-Amalia will not betray a friend, she will come to the aid of a person, giving the necessary advice.
TaurusPossesses complex character. Having an extraordinary sense of humor, she can become the life of the party. Remembering evil is not about her. However, those born under the sign of Taurus have disadvantages. Decide complex tasks they can't do it. Your career may fail, but your personal life will be bright.
TwinsAmalia, born under this sign, is inquisitive and strives for everything incomprehensible. She is sociable and strives for self-development. She has an optimistic attitude, but is frivolous. The last factor is a drawback, but that’s what men like about her.
CancerValues ​​friendship, devotion, love, loyalty and justice. If there is an obstacle ahead, it will pass it. Emotional. Character allows you to achieve your goals by any means, including selfish ones.
LionA clear and natural leader. Character is not a gift; it can be rude and provoke conflict. It will not be possible to impose someone else's opinion on her. Doesn't like competition. Flatterers and hypocrites should stay away from her. Since she is tough and prefers to dominate in relationships, she will choose a weak-willed and compliant man as her husband.
VirgoHas good imagination and excellent imagination. If someone needs her help, she will not refuse. Ready to sacrifice herself in difficult moments. She needs a man who can protect her.
ScalesDiplomatic and friendly. She knows how to present herself to society. Has a craving for attention.
ScorpionLoves to work. She is strong-willed and persistent, thanks to which she defends her point of view to the end. Loves to be a leader. Line up with men difficult relationships, because she manipulates them.
SagittariusClosed, avoids communication, resembles an introvert. Doesn't like conflicts empty space, distinguished by kindness and tenderness. When he encounters an obstacle on the way to his goal, he gives up. Unable to defend my opinion. Constantly in subordination. Such a woman needs a young man stronger than her who will become her husband.
CapricornCreated only for family. Compatible with those whom she can trust and dedicate to her secrets.
AquariusLoves attention to his person. Strives to produce good impression on friends and acquaintances. Does not like to be in the shadows, does not tolerate monotony. She's attracted to positive mood and adventures. Caring and family-oriented.
FishShe chooses quiet home gatherings; noisy celebrations do not suit her. More passionate about housework and family. Prefers to be around those who do not suffer from vanity or excessive pride.

Video: Max Korzh - “Emilia”

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Amalia or Amelia. According to the first, this name is German, derived from the word “amal” and means “hardworking”, “labor”. It is also generally accepted that it has common roots with female name Emily, which translates from Latin language as a “rival”, “a worthy opponent”. According to another version, the name Amalia (Amelia) is considered one of the forms from the masculine Amal and, translated from Hebrew, takes on the meaning “hardworking”, and from Arabic - “hope”, “expectation”, “aspiration”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: purple
  • Color: amethyst, rhinestone
  • Wood: rubber tree, aspen, barberry
  • Plant: alpine rose, saxifrage
  • Animal: electric stingray, electric eel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character Traits

The name Amalia (Amelia) is endowed with strong external energy and such wonderful character traits as optimism, hard work, cheerfulness, sociability, and gullibility. Such a woman never loses heart, she is charming, lives in the present, makes friends easily, and does not hide her feelings. They say about such people that everything is “written all over their face.”

Amalia is very independent, efficient and energetic. She has many ideas and creative projects that have not been fully realized, which she cannot complete due to lack of time and physical strength. Has a sense of harmony and an understanding of moderation in everything except work. Such a girl feels great when she is overloaded with work. Loves challenging, new and responsible work.

Amalia has an excellent knowledge base and perseverance, quickly making a career. Never stops learning. She has a craving for the unknown. To balance his enthusiasm, he takes on routine work. She does it, but only to prove to herself that she can do it too. She lacks observation and self-discipline. It is advisable for such a woman to listen more than to talk.

Interests and hobbies

The name Amalia hides a secret creative personality. She is interested in everything that can bring her aesthetic pleasure. She loves to draw, grow flowers, do fine embroidery, create interiors, and work in the garden. She considers a change of activities a vacation. Her subtle taste is noticeable in her clothing style, makeup, and manner of communication.

Thanks to her hard work, Amalia always looks fashionable. She receives her sewing and clothing design skills from her mother and grandmother. A woman perceives many very serious activities as a hobby, easily mastering the elementary truths of the craft. She can do everything, but she doesn’t want to do everything.

Profession and business

The choice of profession for such an individual depends on many circumstances and the versatility of his creative character. Amalia lacks ambition; most often she underestimates herself. But he makes a career in the team thanks to his hard work and reliability. Her interest is drawn to politics, but such a prospect is very vague due to the girl’s decency and uncompromisingness in vital issues. A woman with this name realizes her potential in journalism, philology, business, banking, law, and television.


Amalia can be called a workaholic. This is a disease of a person who concentrates all his attention on work. This leads to back problems, chronic fatigue, heart and vascular disease. Here, no advice will help until the girl herself determines her life priorities and stops the work “marathon”.

Sex and love

Rationality serves as a restraining factor for Amalia's emotional and romantic nature. She “loves with her ears,” waits for compliments and praise, and tries to impress. Her internal oscillation between the real image of a strong and independent person and the desire to be weak and defenseless gives rise to uncertainty. She likes “macho men,” but such young men do not like strong Amalia. If she does not find mutual feelings, then she looks for an outlet for energy in work.

Family and marriage

At home, as at work, such a mother takes responsibility not only for housework and raising children, but also for providing for the family. Everyone enjoys her flexible and kind character. Amalia is reliable. She does everything possible and impossible so that her children receive a good education, find employment, are financially secure and respected people in society.

Amalia maintains an even partnership with her husband. Over the years, jealousy and high demands go away, but respect remains. Such a family is always mysterious, and therefore arouses the interest of many who like to delve into the fate of others.

Each name leaves a certain imprint on its owner. That is why it is worth considering his choice carefully. We invite you to find out what the meaning of the name Amalia is. You may want to name your daughter this. What character the girl will have and how her fate will turn out lies in the meaning of the name Amalia.


There are several versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, it has ancient Germanic roots. IN German the word amal means “work, labor.” Therefore, the meaning of the name Amalia can be interpreted as “hardworking.”

There is also a Latin version of the origin: the root of the name is the word aemula, which translates as “worthy rival.” However, it is pronounced slightly differently: Amelia, or Emilia.

Also the word "amal" is in Arabic, and it is translated as “aspiration, hope.” Muslims use it in the form Amal. Male children are given this name.

In Russia and the CIS countries this is quite rare, but in Great Britain Amelia is a very common variant of the name Amalia.

Name: meaning and fate

The name of each person is reflected in the character of its owner, which has a huge impact on his future fate. Amalia is distinguished by her hard work, modesty, responsiveness, tolerance, humility and kindness. From early childhood, the girl developed analytical abilities. She enjoys sports and sometimes reaches a professional level.

Amalia does not tolerate being rushed. She does all her work slowly, but systematically. However, such sluggishness and slowness may affect the possibility of getting a promotion. Amalia is a truth-teller, her main trait is honesty.

Combination of name and zodiac sign

Before naming your child, you need to clarify how compatible his zodiac sign is with the meaning of the name Amalia. For girls born under the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Virgo, it is suitable in the best possible way. The influence of these signs increases characteristic features, characteristic of the name Amalia.

Childhood years

The meaning of the name Amalia has a beneficial effect on the character of the little girl. She grows up as a calm, non-problematic child. Does not try to attract attention to himself with bad behavior or other pranks. Parents won't have to worry about her. Amalia has prudence and calmness, so she is often set as an example to other children. She is a model child, but excessive praise can have a negative impact on the girl. Amalia can get used to such treatment, after which she will want to attract attention to herself with any possible ways.

Amalia has many interests. She gets along well with her peers, without trying to take a leadership position or become the ringleader of the company. You need to try not to flatter the girl or over-praise her, otherwise she may develop excessive pride, which will negatively affect her character and destiny. The meaning of the name Amalia will help you find out what kind of character your daughter will have.


Adolescence is a very difficult period for many children, but Amalia's parents should not worry. The girl will grow up obedient and serious. She easily copes with the assigned tasks and does not give in to difficulties, clearly following the intended goal. Since fortune is not always on her side, Amalia has to achieve everything on her own, perseverance and hard work.

There is no need to force her to do her homework, since she approaches any task responsibly. The girl prefers to lead an active lifestyle, so she likes to play sports.

Amalia arouses interest among people of the opposite sex. She charms men with her charm and tranquility. The girl could easily use her charm for selfish purposes, but Amalia’s soul is so pure that she does not dare resort to such tricks.

She is a faithful and reliable friend who will always lend her shoulder to a comrade who is in trouble. difficult situation. Amalia is a very honest girl, she will not deceive or betray.

The influence of the seasons

Did you know that the time of year in which a child is born also affects his character? The meaning of the name Amalia takes on slightly different features:

  • Girl born in winter period, is distinguished by discipline and honesty. Such a character trait as lying is not inherent to her a priori.
  • Spring gives Amalia a generous and energetic character. Trying to implement any idea, she is able to attract other people to her cause.
  • Girls born in summer have impeccable manners. They can be classified as intellectuals. They are easy and pleasant to communicate with and can win over anyone.
  • Autumn owners of the name have an ability for analytical thinking. They are charming and have well-developed intuition. You can contact them for useful advice.

Suitable professions

Amalia leads an active lifestyle and enjoys sports. If she decides to become a professional athlete, she will be able to achieve good results. Also suits her creative work, so she would make an excellent musician, artist, actress, writer or fashion designer. Amalia is very patient and calm, so she can easily cope with the teaching profession.

But she will not be able to realize herself in the commercial sphere or specialization in a technical field.


The owner of the name Amalia has excellent physical shape. Mental health is also characterized positively. However, with age, a woman develops a predisposition to be overweight, and this leads to problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (pain in the knees, joint diseases), dysfunction internal organs(diseases of the lungs, kidneys, heart and spleen).

If Amalia ignores the symptoms of diseases, this could lead to negative consequences in the form of serious complications.

Love and family ties

The meaning of the name Amalia is also reflected in love relationships. A girl will only allow herself to be tied in marriage if she meets her true love. She is not interested in the wealth and big name of her boyfriend. Amalia does not intend to exchange her maiden honor for money and fame.

Her priorities are sincere feelings, not cold calculations. The girl believes in love at first sight and trusts people very much, so she needs to be somewhat careful so as not to be disappointed in marriage.

Amalia is a wonderful housewife: comfort and order reign in her house. She is an excellent cook, so she can pamper her loved ones with various delicacies. Her children are always neat and well-groomed. Amalia is doing well good relationship with my mother-in-law.

Compatibility with male names

A strong union can be with men whose names are Eduard, Alexey, Konstantin, Ruslan, Victor and Mikhail. Amalia is a romantic person, and at the same time she has a strong personality, which scares some men. If she fails to create a strong family, she devotes herself entirely to work.

Astrological characteristics

Patron planet - Uranus.

The most acceptable zodiac sign is Aquarius and Capricorn.

The totem animal is the electric stingray.

Symbol flora- Alpine rose.

Most suitable color- olive-lead, black.

The patron stone is amethyst.

Angel Day

This name is not in Orthodox calendar, so when baptizing a child you will have to choose a middle name. However, in the Catholic name Amalia, June 10 and November 21 are considered.

There are several versions regarding the roots of the name Amalia. The main version is of ancient Germanic origin (amal) and is translated “labor, work.” Hence the interpretation - “hardworking”.

According to another version, the name Amalia has Latin roots (aemula) and is translated as “a worthy opponent, rival.” Many believe that Amalia is of Arabic origin (from Amal) and means “aspiration, expectation, hope.”

There is also an opinion that the origin of the name Amalia has Jewish origins due to its similarity with the name Amal, which has the same translation “hardworking”.

Basic character traits

Defining qualities of the owners of the name Amalia:

  • modesty,
  • humility,
  • tolerance,
  • responsiveness,
  • kindness.

According to numerology the meaning of the name Amalia corresponds to the number “9”, denoting devotion to the calling and goal, maximum realization of the gifted talent, dedication.

Actually, the name Amalia gives its owner a chance to grow up ideal a real woman. The favorite of her parents inherited internal qualities from her mother’s side, and her appearance from her father.

  • She grows up to be an open, honest child.
  • From a tender age, Amalia is distinguished by her meekness, goodwill, and her peers are attracted to her.
  • Shows interest in science fiction literature.
  • She always has a lot of friends, but she prefers friendships with boys. This has an impact on inner world Amalia.
  • Gradually, behind the external complaisance, strong strong-willed qualities and the ability to restrain one’s emotions begin to form.

Growing up Amalia is characterized by optimism, cheerfulness, practicality, pedantry, and non-acceptance of slander, lies, and hypocrisy.

Being demanding of herself, she expects the same from her family and friends. Her excessive gullibility often turns into disappointment.

Born in different times Amalia has some features:

  • “autumn” Amalia shows entrepreneurial spirit,
  • “spring” – swiftness and energy,
  • "summer" - leadership qualities and impeccable manners.

The meaning of the name Amalia is fully manifested in the early beginning of independent life.

Business sphere

  • A soft, flexible character is appreciated by colleagues, which contributes to the realization of opportunities.
  • Optimism, innate perseverance, diligence, and responsibility help her achieve her goals.
  • However, Amalia always does only what she sees as necessary.
  • It is almost impossible to force Amalia to do something against her will, and her colleagues will have to come to terms with this.

Amalia's talents allow her to succeed in the creative field. She is able to achieve success as:

Amalia Ruslanovna Belyaeva (actress and radio presenter)

  • artist,
  • writer,
  • musician,
  • actress,
  • fashion designer,
  • teacher,
  • athlete.

But it is unlikely that she will be able to realize her potential in commerce, specialties technical profile, with the exception of radio electronics.

The main problem for women named Amalia is the ability to choose the right profession that would suit her talents. An experienced person can help her with this, wise man, whom she trusts.


In general, the owners of this positive name are characterized by excellent physical and mental health. However, a predisposition to obesity can cause problems:

  • with the musculoskeletal system (knees, joints),
  • the functioning of internal organs (heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, etc.).

Ignoring these threats can lead to serious complications. And this, in turn, will lead to the appearance of qualities unusual for Amalia:

  • isolation,
  • irritability,
  • indecision.

Understanding the potential health hazards will help you organize a nutritious, balanced diet and frequent exposure to air. The understanding and support of family and loved ones is especially important here.

Love, sex, family

The sexually active name Amalia is determined by the strong and complex behavior of a woman with members of the stronger sex.

  • In relation to its partners, it has a contradictory character. It combines prudence with sensuality on the verge of masochism, spontaneity and inner fear.
  • She perceives sex as pleasure, and not a path to future motherhood.
  • At the same time, Amalia does not exchange herself for casual relationships, but is looking for the only chosen one to whom she is ready to be a faithful, devoted wife. This is the reason for her marriage, often already in adulthood.
  • But in family life she is usually always happy. Late marriage allows her to feel all the charm of family life and, especially, motherhood.
  • Having chosen her only life partner, Amalia remains faithful to him and will not tolerate betrayal or betrayal on the part of her beloved.

The peaceful meaning of Amalia’s character eliminates conflicts and creates comfortable atmosphere in the house. She is a good, hospitable housewife, loving wife, caring mother and beloved daughter-in-law.

The most successful marriage is with:

  • Eduard,
  • Vladimir,
  • Mikhail,
  • Alexey,
  • Ruslan,

Astrological characteristics

It is best to give the name Amalia to girls who are born under such zodiac signs as:

  • Aquarius,
  • Virgo,
  • Twins,
  • Aries,
  • Capricorn,
  • Fish,

She is patronized planet Uranus.

Talisman stones Amalia - rock crystal, sapphire, amethyst.

Her spirit animal– exotic electric stingray. Among the rich color palette talismans are best suited purple, products made from aspen wood.

Barberry brings good luck.