Father of Elena Isinbayeva. Biography of Elena Isinbayeva

Elena Isinbaeva is an outstanding Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. She became an Olympic champion twice. Bronze medalist at the 2012 London Olympics. Three-time world champion, four-time world champion indoors. Elena Isinbaeva holds 28 world records. She has been repeatedly recognized as the best athlete of the year in Russia, Europe and the world.

Childhood and the beginning of a sports career

The famous athlete was born on June 3, 1982 in Volgograd into the family of Gadzhi Gafanovich and Natalya Petrovna Isinbayev. Elena’s father, a Tabasaran by nationality, still works as a plumber in one of the housing departments in Volgograd. Mother (Russian by nationality) previously worked as a boiler room operator, now she is a housewife. Parents with early age instilled in Elena a love of sports. Her father was involved in wrestling and boxing in his youth. Mother preferred cross-country skiing and basketball.

At the age of five, Elena began attending the gymnastics section at a sports school. The future pole vaulter successfully competed at regional and Russian competitions among girls, studied and trained at the Olympic Reserve School. At the age of 15, Elena became a master of sports in artistic gymnastics. However, she soon had to end her gymnast career due to her height for a gymnast.

Transition from the gymnasium to the pole vault sector

In 1997, Elena Isinbayeva’s biography included athletics. Her specialty was pole vaulting. Alexander Lisova, her gymnastics coach, advised the athlete to switch to this athletics discipline. Elena was taken into his group by the famous Volgograd pole vault coach Evgeniy Trofimov. Gymnastic training helped Isinbayeva quickly master technical skills complex look sports

In January 1998, Elena took second place at the Russian winter championship among girls. In the summer of the same year, she was able to win the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow, clearing the bar at a height of 4.0 meters. In 1999, Isinbayeva became the strongest at the World Youth Championships. In 2000, the young athlete won the Junior World Championships.

Isinbayeva's first performances at the Olympic Games

At the event, held in Sydney, medals in women's pole vault were awarded for the first time. Isinbayeva joined the Russian national team and got the opportunity to start at the largest competitions on the planet. The Olympic debut of the 18-year-old athlete was unsuccessful. Elena was unable to overcome the qualification standard and did not make it into final part competitions. However, the very fact of participating in the Olympics was important for the young jumper.

During the inter-Olympic cycle, Isinbayeva performed at major international competitions with some success. In 2002, she managed to become second at the European Championships (4.55 m). A year later, the athlete won a bronze medal at the World Championships (4.65 m). Another representative of Russia became the strongest then. At the event, held in Greece, the homeland of the ancient Olympic Games, fans were treated to a new duel between Isinbayeva and Feofanova.

The fight for gold between two Russian women in the pole vault sector became one of the most exciting events of the athletics tournament in Athens. By that time, since the beginning of the year, Feofanova had improved the world record twice, and Isinbayeva managed to do this 5 times. Elena completed her first two attempts at the Olympics unsuccessfully. She missed the bar at 4.70m and then failed to clear 4.75m.

For the remaining attempt, Isinbayeva ordered 4.80 m, and she managed to take this height. A successful jump brought Elena Olympic gold! Svetlana Feofanova completed her performances by clearing the bar at 4.75 m and winning silver. Isinbayeva, inspired by her success, cleared 4.91 m on her first attempt and set a new world record, which became her sixth in 2004.

Triumph of Elena Isinbaeva at the 2008 Olympics

Elena Isinbaeva and her record jump at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing

Our famous athlete arrived in the rank of Olympic champion and two-time winner of world championships. After her victory in Athens, Isinbayeva became one of the most popular athletes in Russia and throughout the world. Many experts and fans were sure that Olympic Games 2008 she will win with a world record. The outstanding jumper lived up to these expectations, repeating her Athenian success.

In order to win gold in Beijing, Isinbayeva only needed two jumps. On her first attempt, she reached a height of 4.70 m, and then easily cleared the bar at 4.85 m. American Jennifer Stuchinski, who eventually became second, showed a result of 4.80 m. The Russian jumper set a new world record that day. On her third attempt, Elena cleared a height of 5.05 m. For her achievement at the 2008 Olympics, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Is the 2012 Olympics not the last for the athlete?

In 2012, Isinbayeva took part in the Olympic Games for the fourth time. The great pole vaulter was able to win her third medal. The result of 4.70 m brought her bronze. A year later, at the World Championships held in Moscow, Elena performed more successfully. She won a gold medal! After this, Elena told reporters that she was taking a break from competitions to become a mother. Her large army of fans was glad to hear from her about possible participation in the 2016 Olympics.

Isinbayeva’s life outside the jumping sector

At the winter, the two-time Olympic champion was the mayor of the Olympic Village. In June 2014, she gave birth to a daughter, Eva. Elena's husband is track and field athlete Nikita Petinov. Isinbayeva is a major in the Russian Army, and under a contract with the Ministry of Defense she works as an athletics instructor at CSKA. The famous athlete is actively involved in social activities and participates in charity events.

The bright and world-famous athlete Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva conquers the top of sports podiums in high vaulting. A woman often notices that she, in the literal sense of the word, was born with a pole in her hands, since she got into this sport when she was barely five.

Elena is grateful to her parents, because they not only brought her into big-time sports, but also because they helped her survive the bitterness of defeat and the fact that she was expelled from school with the stigma of professional unsuitability. Isinbayeva claims that athletic heights can only be achieved with a reliable support in the form of parents, spouse and children.

For sports and for victories, you should know body parameters such as height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbayeva? This is a question that every fan of this famous athlete has asked himself at least once.

The future champion Elena Isinbaeva was born in 1982, she was already thirty-five. The zodiac celestial circle hastened to give the girl the sign of Gemini, which is characterized by rationality, a high level of intelligence, talent, endurance, and duality of nature. At the same time, the eastern horoscope indicates that the champion received the sign of a devoted, observant, resourceful, fair and friendly Dog.

There is a lot of controversy over what nationality Elena Gadzhievna has, since her patronymic and surname are Eastern. It is worth clarifying that her family included not only Russians, but also Dagestanis, and even Tabasarans. According to her father, she just belongs to this strange nation; their noun has 52 cases.

Elena Isinbaeva: the photos in her youth and now are identical, since sports makes her skin toned, which contributes to natural beauty. He is 174 centimeters tall and weighs only 55 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva

The biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva are not much of a secret, since the girl believes that the abundance of information eliminates the emergence of ridiculous rumors and gossip.

The baby was born in Volgograd, she was flexible and artistic. She admired the gymnasts, so she was taken to this section along with her one year younger sister, to make it easier to take the little ones to the section. When the girl turned sixteen, the coach advised her to try herself in a discipline such as pole vaulting. The parents supported their daughter in everything, although they had nothing to do with sports.

Her father, Gadzhi Isinbaev, is a plumber, and her beloved mother, Natalya Isinbaeva, is a heater in a local boiler room, who soon became an ordinary housewife.

The younger sister, Inessa Goleva, was born in 1983, but changed her commitment to gymnastics, becoming a circus performer, marrying her colleague. Currently, Inna is married, has two children, and works as a fitness trainer.

Lena did not study in the most ordinary high school, but a prestigious Volgograd lyceum, where one could master the profession of an engineer. She graduated from the Olympic Reserve School and the Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The most interesting thing is that Isinbayeva served in national army and even achieved the rank of major, so she is legally an instructor at a military school.

The woman has lived in Monaco since 2008, participating in the Olympic Games and world Grand Prix, and also setting a huge number of records. It is worth clarifying that the main record of five meters and nine centimeters was set at the Pole Stars tournament, held in Donetsk. Currently, the number of records has reached thirty-six.

It was only in 2011 that Lena managed to start winning again after failures in Doha and Berlin. At the same time, Isinbayeva is actively involved in helping orphans and disabled people, involving them in sports, organizing charitable foundation Elena Isinbaeva.

Lena's personal life was not too active and scandalous, and now she is successfully married. Isinbayeva was in love with the Ukrainian DJ Artem Khmelenko, and then a future spouse. The fact is that the athlete trained little and devoted herself love relationships, losing in competitions, and the guy just cheated on her.

Family and children of Elena Isinbaeva

Elena Isinbayeva’s family and children occupy a huge place in the gymnast’s life, as they are her reliable support. At the same time, the gymnast’s family was complete, very friendly and happy, and also international. Everyone there supported and helped each other in difficult times.

In order for the children to develop in the right direction, their mother and father spared neither time nor money from their meager salaries.

The gymnast is a loving mother, she is raising a little daughter. At the same time, information constantly appears that Elena Isinbaeva is pregnant with her second child.

By the way, in the middle of this summer, many noticed that Elena’s tummy was rounder, so they demanded comments, which, however, no one was going to give.

Daughter of Elena Isinbaeva - Eva Petinova

Elena Isinbaeva’s daughter, Eva Petinova, was born in 2014 before her parents got married, so her dad had to prove his paternity. The baby was born in one of the maternity hospitals in French Monaco.

The little daughter is an active lady, a mother, despite being busy and sports career, breastfed for a long time. At the same time, as soon as Evochka turned a couple of years old, she began to stay at home with her grandmother, waiting for her mother from training camps and competitions.

Eva is involved in gymnastics and running, so she recently took part in a race in which there were children of the stars of this industry. This action took place at the Cup named after her famous mother.

Elena Isinbaeva's husband - Nikita Petinov

Elena Isinbaeva’s husband, Nikita Petinov, began an affair with the track and field star around 2010, but the young people did not think of him as something serious. However, soon information appeared on the Internet that Nikita Petinov and Elena Isinbaeva’s wedding took place, but this happened only four years after they went through correspondence in social networks.

By the way, Petinov is a fairly promising athlete who competes in javelin throwing. The guy is about eight years younger than his chosen one, but is incredibly happy with her.

The young people got married in Monaco, France, after their little daughter was born.

Elena Isinbaeva in Maxim magazine

Elena Isinbaeva has never appeared in Maxim magazine, although she herself would not be at all opposed to being placed on the cover or pages of this publication. By the way, the gymnast is one of the most beautiful Russian women.

Naked Elena Isinbaeva often appears in photos and videos on the Internet, however, these are not real materials. The gymnast declares with full responsibility that she has never posed nude for any websites, and such photographs are a talented fake.

By the way, the Russian athletics star often appears in photos on the Internet in a swimsuit. The fact is that training and performances take place only in these “working” clothes closed type. Moreover, recently a woman appeared in a thin white T-shirt without a bra at the airport.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Isinbaeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Isinbayeva are officially confirmed, so you can completely trust the information presented on them. On Wikipedia it is possible to clarify for yourself data about her sports, personal and family life, records, and also about his wife and beloved daughter.

About one hundred and ninety thousand fans were subscribed to the official Instagram profile. At the same time, Elena constantly pampers them with high-quality photographs and videos from her personal and sports archives. She rejoices at every comment from her fans, communicates with them and even wishes good morning and good night.

Isinbaeva Elena Gadzhievna is a famous Russian athlete who performs in a rather strange sport for a girl - pole vaulting.

She has been involved in athletics most of her life, and her mother chose gymnastics for her, since the girl was only four years old at that time.

The girl was talented and bright, but she went through the fact that she was expelled from the Olympic Reserve School as unsuitable for the profession. Fans follow personal life beautiful athlete, and she is happily married and combines sports with raising her daughter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbaeva

All fans of gymnasts around the world strive to find out the parameters of their favorite beauty, including height, weight, age. It is possible to find out how old Elena Isinbayeva is by checking the date of her birth.

Elena Gadzhievna was born in June 1982, so she turned thirty-five this year. According to her zodiac sign, she belongs to the intellectual, gifted, hardy, strong, individual, dual natures - Gemini.

Champion Elena Isinbaeva Eastern horoscope endowed with all the character traits of a Dog, namely, loyalty, resourcefulness, devotion, a keen sense of justice, friendliness and perseverance.

Elena's nationality has long been controversial, since her father is Tabasaran and her mother is Russian. Isinbayeva may also be Dagestani, however, she considers herself Russian. It is worth noting that the Tabasarans are a nation that has the most difficult language, since it has fifty-two cases of nouns.

The height of the famous gymnast is one meter seventy-four centimeters, and her weight is set at fifty-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva

The biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva began a long time ago in Volgograd, when a beautiful and talented girl was born. The little girl was delighted with the world of rhythmic gymnastics, however, at the age of five she was sent to the artistic gymnastics section with her four-year-old sister, so that it would be easier to take her to training. From the age of sixteen, the girl took up pole vaulting.

The latest record - 509 centimeters - was set in the pavilion during the Donetsk Pole Stars tournament. She says that she is ready to constantly increase the number of records and strive to set at least thirty-six world records.

Elena studied at a prestigious lyceum, which provides not only secondary education, but also an engineering degree. At the same time, she studied at the Olympic Reserve School, so she was enrolled in the Volgograd Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

Brave girl in 2003 she went to serve in Russian army, where she joined the railway troops and received the ranks of senior lieutenant, captain and major. And already in 2015, the titled athlete became an instructor at a military school.

In 2008, the woman went to live permanently in Monaco, set new records at the World Grand Prix, and then at the Olympic Games.

The gymnast performed poorly at the World Championships in Berlin and Doha, so she returned to the city of her childhood. Already in 2011, Lena was able to confidently win the Russian Winter competition.

The Elena Isinbayeva Charitable Foundation helps special children, including orphans, disabled people, and low-income people, to play sports. He opens sports grounds in cities and villages absolutely free of charge, sponsors young athletes who do not have the means to travel to competitions.

Elena's personal life has always been turbulent and often found itself under the gun of photo and video cameras. The athlete dated a DJ from Donetsk, Artem Khmelenko, for a long time. The young people met at Isinbaeva’s team training camp, the girl publicly confessed her love to the guy and dedicated her victories to him.

The disastrous performances in 2009 were due to the fact that Lena gave all of herself to Artem, they traveled and were busy preparing for the wedding. However, the woman accidentally found out that the young man had cheated on her, and hastily broke up with him.

Family and children of Elena Isinbaeva

The family and children of Elena Isinbaeva are also very special, since the girl’s parents created an international family. They tried to keep their little ones busy with something, so they spared no money or resources for the sport, constantly supporting all endeavors.

Father - Gadzhi Isinbayev- worked as a simple mechanic who repaired plumbing.

Mother - Natalya Isinbaeva– at first she worked as a stoker in a boiler room, and with the birth of girls she began to lead household and raise babies.

Sister – Inessa Goleva– she was a year younger than her sister, she did gymnastics, but gave up this activity. The girl married a circus performer and gave birth to two children. She works as a fitness trainer and has long given up gymnastics.

Isinbayeva’s beloved daughter Eva is growing up, who is restless and talented. Elena is crazy about the girl, she tries to channel her energy into a peaceful direction and even agrees to leave big sport for the sake of the little princess.

Recently there was a rumor that Elena Isinbaeva is pregnant with her second child. This happened in Tulle 2017, when the gymnast appeared in public with a noticeably rounded tummy. Many of Lena’s acquaintances confirmed the journalists’ guesses, but the gymnast herself did not comment on the news.

Isinbayeva claims that she adores children and has nothing against expanding her family.

Daughter of Elena Isinbaeva - Eva Petinova

Elena Isinbaeva’s daughter, Eva Petinova, was born a little earlier than the day her mom and dad got married, namely, in June 2014. At birth, the baby was 52 centimeters tall and weighed 3,700 grams. This happy event took place in the maternity ward of Monaco.

Elena doted on the baby, she breastfed her for a long time and did not leave her for a minute. Eva began to stay with her grandmothers only when she was two years old.

The baby is incredibly similar to her mother as a child, but fans were not able to appreciate her appearance right away, since the photos did not appear on the Internet.

The daughter never ceases to please her parents; Evochka even took part in the track and field race of the children of track and field stars at the Cup named after her famous mother.

Elena Isinbaeva's husband - Nikita Petinov

Elena Isinbaeva’s husband, Nikita Petinov, appeared in her life in 2010, the young people met on social networks, began to correspond and realized that they were made for each other.

A year later they began dating and living together; by the way, Nikita is associated with sports because he is a javelin thrower. He is eight years younger than his chosen one, but says that he does not notice this age difference.

Nikita Petinov and Elena Isinbaeva’s wedding took place in 2014 in hot Monaco, while the couple’s little Evochka was already growing up.

Photo by Elena Isinbaeva in Maxim magazine

Elena Isinbaeva in the Maxim magazine would not hesitate to appear for this publication, since she is in fifth place among the most sexy women Russian Federation. But the editors of this publication did not want to see Lena on the cover of their issue.

At the same time, on the Internet you can find a huge number of photographs under the tag naked Elena Isinbaeva. It is possible to admire fake photographs of a naked gymnast, however, real photos there is no such type on the network and there never will be. This does not prevent Lena from periodically turning on the male population of the world, for example, after the doping scandal at the Olympics, the girl appeared at the airport in a T-shirt without a bra.

But photographs of Elena Isinbayeva in a swimsuit are far from uncommon, since the athlete competes in competitions and trains in it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Isinbaeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Isinbayeva are official, in demand and visited. On the page dedicated to the gymnast on Wikipedia, you can read about her personal and family life, parents and children, sports career and awards received. Special attention All women's sports records were awarded.

The Instagram page is also incredibly popular, with at least 190,000 people already following it. They had the opportunity to admire photos and videos from the family archive and sports competitions. These materials are provided with fun and good wishes, descriptions and stories about how Lena spent the day.

Two-time Olympic champion, Olympic bronze medalist, three-time outdoor world champion, four-time indoor world champion, European outdoor and indoor champion, holder of 30 world records in women's pole vaulting, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, member of the International Olympic committee, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, candidate pedagogical sciences, honorary citizen of the cities of Donetsk and Derbent

Isinbayeva has been the prima of Russian and world athletics for many years. When Isinbayeva performs, there is an expectation of a holiday, a record, something bright and unusual. “Isinbayeva is a genius in any situation, even in a desperately pitiful one for an outsider. But my view is not that of an outsider. And the point here is not only in her magnificent records, which have not been broken by anyone, but in her unique personality, in that Harmony, which is the sister of Fear and Horror,” poetess Yunna Moritz wrote about Elena.

Born on June 3, 1982 in Volgograd. Father - Isinbaev Gadzhi Gasanovich (born 1957). Mother - Isinbaeva Natalya Petrovna (born 1961). Spouse - Nikita Olegovich Petinov (born 1990) - member of the Russian national track and field team in javelin throwing. Daughter - Eva (born 2014).

Elena's parents are representatives of working professions. My father is from the village of Chuvek, near Derbent (Dagestan), and is a plumber. Mother is a hereditary Cossack woman, born on the Koraychesky farm in the Uryupinsk region. She worked in heating networks for 25 years, and after retirement she was a housewife.

The Isinbayev family has always loved sports; in her youth, her mother practiced skiing and basketball, and her father practiced wrestling and boxing. Lena wanted to study since childhood rhythmic gymnastics. She liked this graceful beautiful view sports She also dreamed of tennis. But fate decreed otherwise. When Lena was 5 years old, and her younger sister Inna (born in 1983) was 4, her parents brought their daughters to the gymnastics section, to coaches Alexander Ivanovich and Marina Mikhailovna Lisov. At first they didn’t want to take Lena into the group at all, since she was taller than all the girls, and the coaches said that she had no prospects in this sport. Then her parents asked to allow her to train simply for general physical development.

This is where the sports career of Elena and Inna Isinbayev began. At first, the sisters did not dream of any achievements, but gradually their results began to grow, and they began to treat sports no longer as a hobby, but as a serious activity. At the age of 7–11, the Isinbayev sisters won all children's competitions, regional championships and match meetings in their age group. Evidence of their sporting success was their inclusion in the regional national team.

In artistic gymnastics, Elena especially liked the uneven bars and floor exercises. She had no equal in grace! She wanted to get into the Russian national team and compete at major international competitions.

In 1997 she was awarded the title of Master of Sports. Inna also received a Master of Sports certificate (she later completed her sports career and worked as a fitness trainer). Elena combined her sports activities with her studies at the Engineering and Technical Lyceum No. 5, and after finishing the 8th grade she moved to the Volgograd Olympic Reserve School, where educational process tailored for sports. However, after the 9th grade, she was expelled from the school “for lack of results in gymnastics.” Elena moved to a regular school, but it was extremely difficult to combine training and performances in various tournaments with studying at a non-sports school. Gradually, her results in gymnastics fell, besides, she continued to grow, and she developed a fear of performing certain elements, which, according to the athlete herself, is a signal for the end of her sports career.

15 years is considered a late age for starting a new sport in a professional sports career. Elena could not imagine life outside of sports. But Elena, who knew the word “must” since childhood, decided not to give up. In November 1997, she was invited to try her hand at athletics. Many years of gymnastics training gave her good physical fitness and arm strength, so the choice fell on pole vaulting. On the recommendation of A.I. Lisovoy Elena ended up with Evgeniy Vasilyevich Trofimov. Until that moment, she knew absolutely nothing about the existence of pole vaulting among women (and men too). The first thing that struck her when she found herself in the playpen was the height of the posts and the bar installed on them.

To the new mentor’s question: “Lenochka, do you know Bubka?” - Isinbayeva was surprised: “Who is this?” Thus began a new stage in her sports biography.

Elena fell in love new look sports, training, new team. E.V. Trofimov first took her to two week period to make sure whether the new pupil was promising, since before Elena only boys trained with him. Isinbayeva passed the test with honor and was accepted into the group. Evgeniy Vasilyevich recalls: “Literally at the first training session, I saw that she was talented, and, most importantly, she felt completely unclaimed in the sport, and after each training she had such eyes: well, am I suitable or not? This was our first meeting. Even then I saw that she could jump 5 meters.”

Elena turned out to have amazing performance discipline, she carefully wrote down everything that the coach said in her diary, was a diligent student, quickly picked up new pole exercises, mastered and improved her jumping and running technique. In addition, gymnastics gave her excellent basic training. Starting from the two-meter mark in the first training sessions, Elena rapidly improved her results. Then E.V. Trofimov recommended her to the Olympic Reserve School, where there was a very tough competitive selection. Only winners of the championship and championship of Russia were accepted there. Elena's results at the competition were stunningly brilliant and in 1998 she re-entered the Olympic Reserve School as a promising pole vaulter.

In January 1998, Elena went to the first Russian championship among girls under 15 years of age and won 2nd place with a score of 3.50 m, setting her personal record. In May, she won the Russian Summer Championship in the same age group, and in June she entered the Russian national team and loudly declared herself for the first time, winning the pole vault at the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow with a score of 4.00 m. This victory opened her doors to big sport.

In 1998, Elena Isinbayeva was awarded the certificate of an international master of sports. Since then, the countdown of her brilliant career began.

In the summer of 1999, Elena Isinbaeva won the world championship among girls in Poland with a score of 4.05 m.

In 2000, the women's pole vault discipline was included in the Olympic program, and this opened up new horizons for future victories of female pole vaulters. In the same year, Elena became the “winter” champion of Russia among adults, setting a new “winter” Russian record (4.45 m), and took 8th place at the European Winter Championships in Belgium.

In the summer, at the age of 18, she becomes a participant in the Olympic Games in Sydney, but does not qualify. After Sydney, Elena Isinbaeva won the World Junior Championships in Chile with a score of 4.20 m.

In 2001, she took 7th place at the Winter World Championships in Lisbon among adults (4.35 m), won the European Junior Championships in Grosseto (4.40 m). IN next year Elena Isinbaeva became the silver medalist of the adult European Championship in Munich (4.55 m).

2003 brought the athlete a silver medal at the Winter World Championships in Birmingham (4.65 m), victory at the European Youth Championships in Bydgoszcz (4.72 m), and 3rd place at the adult World Championships in Paris (4.65 m).

A complete surprise for many athletics fans was the world record of Elena Isinbaeva, which she set in the summer of 2003 at the Grand Prix tournament in English city Gateshead. Her flight over the bar, set at a height of 4.82 m, was regarded as sensational. No one doubted that the previous record would be broken, but, according to experts, this should have been done either by the Russian Svetlana Feofanova, the “winter” world record holder, or the former “summer” record holder, the American Stacy Drajila, the duel between whom kept the fans in suspense last 2 years. During training, Elena has already tried on this height several times. Before starting in the UK at international competitions, she had already tried to take it once, but was unsuccessful. And finally her dream came true. Since the summer of 2003, Elena Isinbaeva began to set the tone in pole vaulting among the strongest vaulters on the planet.

2004 was truly a golden year for Elena Isinbayeva. In the winter season, she set three world records in the indoor pole vault: two in Donetsk (4.81 and 4.83 m) and won with a world record (4.86 m) at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest . In the spring, she was awarded the annual national sports award “Glory” in the “Discovery of the Year” category. Having set 3 more world records one after another in the summer (4.87; 4.89; 4.90 m), Elena Isinbaeva won her main thing - Olympic gold - in Athens, setting a new world record (4.91 m) .

Isinbayeva’s enchanting performance in Athens, without exaggeration, captivated the whole world; even those who were previously far from the sport watched with bated breath the unpredictability of the fight in the pole vault sector. Thus, in front of the eyes of 50 thousand fans present at the Athens stadium and millions of television viewers, Elena was born as another Olympic legend.

After the Olympics, at competitions in Brussels, Elena set another - the 8th in a row that year - world record (4.92 m) and was recognized as the best athlete in the world and Europe. In 2004, she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

In November 2004, at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the Kremlin, where the champions and prize-winners of the Athens Olympics were celebrated, Elena Isinbayeva was given the honor of speaking in response to the president’s speech. Elena's success in Athens was received with great joy in her father's homeland - in Dagestan, she was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the city of Derbent.

In 2005, the Atletissima 2005 Super Grand Prix tournament took place in Lausanne. E. Isinbayeva was one of the last to perform, the height of the championship was held at 4.6 m, taken by the American Stacey Drajila. Elena's warm-up height was 4.7 m, and her winning height of 4.93 m was taken flawlessly, becoming another record for Isinbayeva.

On July 22, 2005, in London, at the annual Grand Prix competition, Elena’s real triumph took place: she overcomes the cosmic height of 5 meters, becoming the first athlete in history to do this. A few minutes before taking this milestone, she also set a world record - she conquered a height of 4.96 m. Elena raised the record bar by 5 centimeters in order to reign on the 5-meter jumping Olympus as soon as possible.

“This is very, very important to me,” Elena said. “I dreamed about it and wanted to become the first woman to reach a height of 5 meters.”

After the triumph, in one of her interviews, Isinbayeva stated that 5 meters was the norm for her and the optimal training limit. And that the records she set are systematic. Gradually conquering new heights brings more glory and makes it possible to popularize your sport throughout the world.

In 2005, Elena Isinbaeva graduated from Volgograd state academy physical education, having received a diploma of a physical education teacher.

After 8 years of working together with personal mentor and coach E.V. Trofimov, after brilliant performances at the 2004 Olympic Games, after winning 18 personal world records, Elena Isinbaeva leaves to live and train in Monaco.

She will spend a significant part of her sports career in Monaco, where she felt more comfortable preparing for competitions.

Her coach is Vitaly Afanasyevich Petrov (Honored Coach of the USSR), who was the personal trainer of the Soviet jumper Sergei Bubka in the period 1982–1990.

During joint training, Bubka himself advised Isinbayeva. Two outstanding athletes took part in the Pole Stars tournament in Donetsk. World athletics star Isinbayeva has been coming to this tournament consistently since 2004 and set 5 world indoor records (2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009).

In March 2006, Elena Isinbayeva won gold at the World Indoor Athletics Championships held in Moscow. The Olympic champion of Athens cleared 4.80 m on her first attempt, which ensured her victory at the home championship.

In 2007, Isinbayeva won all the competitions in which she took part. She won the Person of the Year award established by the International Federation of Film and Television Sports (FICTS). The award was presented to the Russian woman at a ceremony in Milan by FICTS President Professor Franco Ascani.

In July 2008, at the stage of the Super Grand Prix series in Monaco, the athlete set a world record of 5.04 m. At that time, she lived and trained in Monaco.

August 2008 was marked by Elena's triumphant victory at the Olympic Games in Beijing. Moreover, the victory was won with a new world record - 5.05 m.

On February 5, 2009, at the XX International Tournament “Zepter - Pole Stars” in Donetsk, she set 2 world records indoors, first jumping 4.97 m and then 5.0 m. The whole world is already accustomed to the fact that in women’s vaulting with sixth there is only one queen - Elena Isinbaeva. In the protocols of the most prestigious competitions, only her name is on the first line, in the list of records - only her name. It’s even somehow indecent to talk about other contenders for the championship title.

Unfortunately, having easily reached the final of the 2009 World Athletics Championships in Berlin, in the final itself she was unable to overcome a single height. Elena herself commented on her defeat with excessive confidence in own strength and the fact that, constantly winning and setting record after record, she apparently lost the necessary concentration.

And yet she pulled herself together, concentrated, and on August 28, 2009, at the 5th stage of the athletics “Golden League” held in Zurich, she improved her world record by 1 centimeter, reaching a height of 5.06 m (“Golden League” is held by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

For 9 years, Isinbayeva won one title after another, raising the record bar by 24 centimeters (!). In April 2010, after an unsuccessful performance at the World Indoor Championships in Doha, Elena announced the suspension of her participation in any competitions.

By that time, she had lived her whole life in sports. More than 20 years - constant training, training camps, moving, responsibility. And the higher she rose in her career, the more responsibility there was, the expectations of fans, and the attention of the press. And so, from year to year, psychological fatigue accumulated, and eventually the moment came when, in her words, she wanted to live in peace. She needed to change something in her destiny in order to regain the necessary concentration and relieve the nervous tension of her victorious years.

She did not give up social activities and in April 2010, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was chosen as the ambassador of the Youth Olympics in Singapore.

“This is a very interesting mission. I look forward to the Games to make a positive impact on the youth. Youth Games are an excellent remedy encourage young people to do amazing things through sports,” Isinbayeva commented on her election.

In October 2010, she successfully defended her dissertation on the topic “A conceptual model of the evolution of modern Olympic Games” and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

A long stay abroad, far from family and friends, the lack of that special psychological support during training that her first coach created, a different training method, a feeling of guilt before the coach for a rash departure - all this concentrated on making the decision to return to her homeland, to Volgograd, to his first coach-mentor Trofimov.

“Before making such a decision, I talked with Vitaly Petrov, with whom I trained recent years, - recalls Elena Isinbaeva. - We had a good conversation, understood each other and parted mutual consent. I am grateful to Vitaly Afanasyevich for everything he did for me, for his care, patience and professionalism. On March 6, 2011, I met with my first mentor, Evgeniy Trofimov, and said that I wanted to return to him. We talked about this for a very long time and in detail and decided to continue working together. I’m happy that Evgeniy Vasilyevich agreed to work with me again.”

After a year-long pause, her first tournament was the “Russian Winter 2011” tournament. The height she achieved, 4.81 m, was the best result of the season worldwide.

For the next six months, the famous pole vaulter, apart from two indistinct July starts, only trained. For the World Championships, which took place in South Korea, in Daegu, Isinbayeva was not ready. He did not bring medals or great results. Having made a promising attempt at a height of 4.65 m, the two-time Olympic champion did not clear 4.75 m the first time, got nervous and twice without options knocked down the bar at 4.80 m.

This is how E.V. commented on this point. Trofimov: “We had to go anyway, because she had a huge loss of competitive practice: she didn’t jump for a year, she missed starts. She arrived and said that she felt like a newbie and could not understand anything. Therefore, we took this loss very calmly, without panic. We even told her: “Lena, this is the first moment where you must understand that from this moment we must forget about everything and start all over again. Shock therapy was for her so that she would not live with memories of her regalia, victories, and I think this moment was the starting point. We realized that we had to go all the way from beginning to end, enter the water a second time, but they said we couldn’t do this. But, as recent practice shows, it is possible.”

Further, Evgeniy Vasilyevich continued: “For eight years I taught her one jump, and abroad she was taught a completely different one: male, power, which is completely unsuitable for her. The coach who worked with her stubbornly insisted on his own. It turned out that when she jumps, she tries to remember that jump, but sits on the old one. She lost the ease of her jumps, they became heavy, forced, and she felt uncomfortable. When she returned, my first task was to break the stereotype and return her to the old jump.”

The results were not long in coming: on February 23, 2012, at the Stockholm Grand Prix, Isinbayeva began the season with another victorious, 30th world record for indoor competitions. The jumper surpassed the mark of 5 m 1 cm, which is 1 cm higher than her own achievement.

On August 6, 2012, at the London Olympics, she won a bronze medal with a height of 4.70 m.

On August 13, 2013, at the World Athletics Championships in Moscow, she won a gold medal in the pole vault, jumping 4.89 m. After the completion of this tournament, Isinbayeva took a break from her professional career.

In October 2013, Isinbayeva began working as mayor of the Coastal Olympic Village in Sochi. During the Olympics winter games She proved herself to be an excellent leader and organizer. In an interview with one of the Russian agencies, she stated that she was also ready to “protect the interests of athletes if necessary.”

Before the 2013 World Championships, Elena Isinbaeva repeatedly stated that after this performance she was going to temporarily interrupt or even end her sports career. The reason was Elena’s desire to start a family. In June 2014, her daughter Eva was born.

In 2015, Elena Isinbayeva signed a five-year contract with the Russian Armed Forces. Interestingly, the order to conclude a contract with the athlete was signed personally by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The famous jumper received the position of athletics instructor at the Central Army Sports Club. “I am incredibly glad to return to the ranks of CSKA, whose possibilities are limitless, and besides, our goals and ambitions coincide. CSKA is one big family and an example of what every athlete should strive for,” notes Isinbayeva.

Two-time Olympic champion (2004, 2008), Olympic bronze medalist (2012), three-time world outdoor champion (2005, 2007, 2013) and four-time world indoor champion (2004, 2006, 2008, 2012), European outdoor champion air (2006) and indoor (2005), winner of the World Cup (2006). Holder of 30 world records in women's pole vaulting, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Honor, and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Elena Isinbayeva was recognized as the best athlete of the decade by News magazine (2010). She is the best athlete in the world according to Track & Field News magazine (2004, 2005), the best athlete in the world according to the IAAF (2004, 2005, 2008), the best athlete in Europe (2005, 2008).

Based on the results of 2013, she was recognized as the “absolutely strongest” athlete of 2013 in the country, who became the winner of the annual Silver Doe award, athlete of the year in Europe (2013) according to the results of voting by the International Federation sports journalists, at an awards ceremony in Monaco she was awarded the “For Special Achievement in Sports” award (2013).

Among her many public awards there is a special one - the Prince of Asturias Award (Spain). This award was given to Elena as a person “whose life is not only an example for others, but also who has reached new heights in the desire to surpass herself, and whose efforts have contributed to the development and promotion of sports.” Elena Isinbaeva was named the best athlete of all time in her discipline. At the presentation, Elena could not hold back her tears.

Sport is the most important interest in Elena’s life. The plans of the outstanding jumper were to participate in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Deployed in the sports world doping scandal had a serious impact on the fate of Russian track and field athletes: almost all competing athletes, including Elena Isinbayeva, were suspended from participation in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro due to the disqualification of the All-Russian Athletics Federation from the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Only one Russian athlete, Daria Klishina, was allowed to participate in the Olympics. The remaining 67 athletes who applied for participation in the competition who were not involved in the use of meldonium were rejected. Moreover, an indispensable condition for the admission of Russian track and field athletes to participation was both residence and training abroad for the last three years.

On her Instagram page, the extraordinary athlete wrote: “20 minutes ago I received a negative response from the IAAF secretary. Unfortunately, I was not given an exception. I was not allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in Rio. No miracle happened. It’s not my destiny to perform in Rio!” “We were dismissed without evidence, brazenly, rudely and were not given any chance to justify ourselves. We didn’t feel sorry for ourselves, we worked with dedication and almost reached the finish line, and this dream was taken away from us,” the eminent athlete noted with bitterness in her voice at a meeting in the Kremlin. She called on those athletes who were admitted to the Olympics not to allow themselves to be pressured and to show best results: “Perform in such a way that the whole world will tremble!”

On August 21, 2016, two-time Olympic champion and world record holder Elena Isinbaeva was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), receiving 45 out of 70 votes with two abstentions, becoming one of four new members of the IOC Athletes' Commission. Voting was carried out among 11 thousand athletes competing at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Isinbayeva received 1,365 votes. The term of the commission's mandate will be 8 years. Elena promised to make the most of her new opportunities to protect Russian athletes from injustice.

Elena is an active charity worker. In 2013, she created the Elena Isinbaeva Charitable Foundation, the main goal of which is to create conditions for sports and an active lifestyle for orphans and children in difficult situations. life situation, low-income families and mass sports in general. “It is very important to give children a chance for self-realization, because every child is talented, our task is to reveal their talent,” notes E.G. Isinbaeva.

The bright and world-famous athlete Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva conquers the top of sports podiums in high vaulting. A woman often notices that she, in the literal sense of the word, was born with a pole in her hands, since she got into this sport when she was barely five.

Elena is grateful to her parents, because they not only brought her into big-time sports, but also because they helped her survive the bitterness of defeat and the fact that she was expelled from school with the stigma of professional unsuitability. Isinbayeva claims that athletic heights can only be achieved with a reliable support in the form of parents, spouse and children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbaeva

For sports and for victories, you should know body parameters such as height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbayeva? This is a question that every fan of this famous athlete has asked himself at least once.

The future champion Elena Isinbaeva was born in 1982, she was already thirty-five. The zodiac celestial circle hastened to give the girl the sign of Gemini, which is characterized by rationality, a high level of intelligence, talent, endurance, and duality of nature. At the same time, the eastern horoscope indicates that the champion received the sign of a devoted, observant, resourceful, fair and friendly Dog.

There is a lot of controversy over what nationality Elena Gadzhievna has, since her patronymic and surname are Eastern. It is worth clarifying that her family included not only Russians, but also Dagestanis, and even Tabasarans. According to her father, she just belongs to this strange nation; their noun has 52 cases.

Elena Isinbaeva: the photos in her youth and now are identical, since sports makes her skin toned, which contributes to natural beauty. He is 174 centimeters tall and weighs only 55 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva

The biography and personal life of Elena Isinbaeva are not much of a secret, since the girl believes that the abundance of information eliminates the emergence of ridiculous rumors and gossip.

The baby was born in Volgograd, she was flexible and artistic. She admired the gymnasts, so she was taken to this section along with her one year younger sister, to make it easier to take the little ones to the section. When the girl turned sixteen, the coach advised her to try herself in a discipline such as pole vaulting. The parents supported their daughter in everything, although they had nothing to do with sports.

Her father, Gadzhi Isinbaev, is a plumber, and her beloved mother, Natalya Isinbaeva, is a heater in a local boiler room, who soon became an ordinary housewife.

The younger sister, Inessa Goleva, was born in 1983, but changed her commitment to gymnastics, becoming a circus performer, marrying her colleague. Currently, Inna is married, has two children, and works as a fitness trainer.

Lena did not study at the most ordinary high school, but at the prestigious Volgograd Lyceum, where she could master the profession of an engineer. She graduated from the Olympic Reserve School and the Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The most interesting thing is that Isinbayeva served in the Russian army and even achieved the rank of major, therefore she is legally an instructor at a military school.

The woman has lived in Monaco since 2008, participating in the Olympic Games and world Grand Prix, and also setting a huge number of records. It is worth clarifying that the main record of five meters and nine centimeters was set at the Pole Stars tournament, held in Donetsk. Currently, the number of records has reached thirty-six.

It was only in 2011 that Lena managed to start winning again after failures in Doha and Berlin. At the same time, Isinbayeva is actively involved in helping orphans and disabled people, involving them in sports, having organized the Elena Isinbayeva Charitable Foundation.

Lena's personal life was not too active and scandalous, and now she is successfully married. Isinbayeva was in love with Ukrainian DJ Artem Khmelenko, and then her future husband appeared in her life. The fact is that the athlete trained little, devoted herself to love relationships, losing in competitions, and the guy simply cheated on her.

Family and children of Elena Isinbaeva

Elena Isinbayeva’s family and children occupy a huge place in the gymnast’s life, as they are her reliable support. At the same time, the gymnast’s family was complete, very friendly and happy, and also international. Everyone there supported and helped each other in difficult times.

In order for the children to develop in the right direction, their mother and father spared neither time nor money from their meager salaries.

The gymnast is a loving mother, she is raising a little daughter. At the same time, information constantly appears that Elena Isinbaeva is pregnant with her second child.

By the way, in the middle of this summer, many noticed that Elena’s tummy was rounder, so they demanded comments, which, however, no one was going to give.

Daughter of Elena Isinbaeva - Eva Petinova

Elena Isinbaeva’s daughter, Eva Petinova, was born in 2014 before her parents got married, so her dad had to prove his paternity. The baby was born in one of the maternity hospitals in French Monaco.

The little daughter is an active lady; her mother, despite her busy schedule and sports career, breastfed for a long time. At the same time, as soon as Evochka turned a couple of years old, she began to stay at home with her grandmother, waiting for her mother from training camps and competitions.

Eva is involved in gymnastics and running, so she recently took part in a race in which there were children of the stars of this industry. This action took place at the Cup named after her famous mother.

Elena Isinbaeva's husband - Nikita Petinov

Elena Isinbaeva’s husband, Nikita Petinov, began an affair with the track and field star around 2010, but the young people did not think of him as something serious. However, soon information appeared on the Internet that Nikita Petinov and Elena Isinbaeva’s wedding took place, but this happened only four years after they went through correspondence on social networks.

By the way, Petinov is a fairly promising athlete who competes in javelin throwing. The guy is about eight years younger than his chosen one, but is incredibly happy with her.

The young people got married in Monaco, France, after their little daughter was born.

Elena Isinbaeva in Maxim magazine

Elena Isinbaeva has never appeared in Maxim magazine, although she herself would not be at all opposed to being placed on the cover or pages of this publication. By the way, the gymnast is one of the most beautiful Russian women.

Naked Elena Isinbaeva often appears in photos and videos on the Internet, however, these are not real materials. The gymnast declares with full responsibility that she has never posed nude for any websites, and such photographs are a talented fake.

By the way, the Russian athletics star often appears in photos on the Internet in a swimsuit. The fact is that training and performances take place only in these closed “work” clothes. Moreover, recently a woman appeared in a thin white T-shirt without a bra at the airport.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Isinbaeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Isinbayeva are officially confirmed, so you can completely trust the information presented on them. On Wikipedia you can find out for yourself information about her sports, personal and family life, records, as well as about her husband and beloved daughter.

About one hundred and ninety thousand fans were subscribed to the official Instagram profile. At the same time, Elena constantly pampers them with high-quality photographs and videos from her personal and sports archives. She rejoices at every comment from her fans, communicates with them and even wishes them good morning and good night. Article found by alabanza.ru