OGE in social studies online with points. OGE Social Studies Test

The main state exam in social studies is one of the elective tests that students can take at the end of 9th grade. This subject is chosen by those students who decided to continue their studies in the 10th grade with a humanitarian bias or decided to enter secondary specialized educational institutions for humanitarian specialties.

Also, the OGE can be the first stage of preparation for passing the unified state exam in this subject upon completion of full schooling.


You have 3 hours to complete all exam points. In order for it to be considered completed, you must score at least 15 points - this corresponds to a “satisfactory” rating. 25 - 33 points - the range for a solid four. Maximum quantity, which can be earned - 39 (from 34 the rating is “excellent”). No allowed visual materials and there are no manuals for this type of OGE; only a form with texts and a pen can be placed on the examinee’s desk.

The structure of the main state exam provides for the completion of two types of tasks - there are 31 in total.

The first part includes 25 tests (numbers 1-25), which require a short answer. Here you will find options in which you need to choose the only correct option from those proposed, correlate the terms and their definitions, indicate correct sequence actions and so on.

The second part consists of 6 tasks to which you need to give a full, detailed answer. These are questions numbered 26 to 31. For example, an informational text is given that you need to read carefully and then answer a series of questions.

Preparation algorithm

  • Repeat all sections school curriculum- you can use textbooks for this, methodological manuals or your own notes;
  • Study various demonstration materials and additional literature - they can be found in specialized stores or on the Internet;
  • Use online tests OGE - they can be found on thematic sites, including ours. They will help you consolidate what you have learned and simulate a work format that is as close as possible to the real exam. This will help you master the sequence of all actions and give you confidence during the test itself.

How are the results assessed?

Numbers 1 to 21 are worth 1 point, the same amount in questions 23-25. For No. 22 they get 2 - if everything is correct, 1 - if there is one error, 0 - if there are two or more. The result of the second part depends on the correctness and completeness of the answers. Questions 26-28, 30 and 31 bring a maximum of 2, with incomplete disclosure of the topic - 1. No. 29 with high-quality implementation will add 3 points.

Tests to prepare for the OGE
on the topic "Law"

Dear high school student!
We invite you to test your knowledge on the topic “Law”.
Read the question carefully and choose one of the proposed answers.

1. A legal norm is:
a) a rule ensuring economic regulation of civil law relations;
b) a rule requiring individuals to perform certain positive actions;
c) a generally binding, established, sanctioned and state-protected rule of human behavior;
d) a criterion for evaluating the deeds and actions of people.

2. Legal norms are contained in:
a) magazine "Law and Order"
b) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Pardon”;
c) Law “On Political Parties”;
d) a passport on the rules of operation of the equipment.

3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 was adopted on:
a) the Constitutional Assembly;
b) at a joint meeting State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation;
c) a national referendum;
d) at a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the adoption of the Constitution;

4. In which of the following cases do labor relations arise:
a) Olga works in her garden plot;
b) Nikolai is making repairs in his apartment;
c) Nina works as a salesperson in a store;
d) Ilya works as a realtor in a real estate agency.

5. Tax is:
a) payment for the use of state property;
b) free state assistance to citizens and enterprises for the purpose of their social protection and support;
c) mandatory payment established by the state for citizens and enterprises;
d) amounts of money issued to enterprises and citizens on a refund basis.

6. The following types of punishment may be applied to a minor who has committed a crime:
a) fine;
b) arrest;
c) deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities;
d) confiscation of property;
e) imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years

7. The working week of an employee aged 16 to 18 years is:
a) no more than 18 hours a week;
b) no more than 24 hours a week;
c) no more than 36 hours per week;
d) no more than 40 hours per week.

8. The totality of voters in a country is called:
a) Electoral body
b) The electoral process
c) Conglomerate
d) The team
d) Electorate.

9. From the moment of birth, Yegor Sapozhkov was not surrounded by care from his parents. As the boy grew up, his father and mother paid less and less attention to him. When Yegor finished 9th grade, his parents explained to him that he was no longer a child, he was quite independent and could take care of himself. Until what age, according to the family legislation of the Russian Federation, will Egor be considered a child?
a) up to 10 years
b) up to 12 years old
c) up to 14 years old
d) up to 16 years old
d) under 18 years of age

10. With the help of what legal document can spouses clearly regulate their property relations for many years?
a) protocol of intent;
b) declarations of rights and obligations;
c) purchase and sale agreement (donation)
d) marriage contract (contract).

11. What types of international legal instruments are binding on states that sign them:
a) declaration;
b) convention;
c) pact;
d) protocol.

12. Which of the following applies to the courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:
a) district courts;
b) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
c) justices of the peace;
d) Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
e) arbitration courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

13. The state must protect the child from economic exploitation. Children should not be involved in work:
a) which interferes with education;
b) which is harmful to health;
c) which does not correspond to the interests and inclinations of the child;
d) which is not paid enough.

14. The rule of law is more consistent with:
a) priority of the legislative branch
b) separation of powers
c) priority of the executive branch
d) priority of the judiciary
e) priority of power of the President of the Russian Federation

15. Supervision over the exact and uniform observance of the law on behalf of the state is carried out by:
a) Ministry of Internal Affairs;
b) prosecutor's office;
c) President of the Russian Federation;
d) advocacy;
d) all judicial bodies.

16. Citizen Fedor Prokhorov believes that his constitutional rights and freedoms have been violated by law. He can appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation:
a) with a request;
b) with a petition;
c) with a claim;
d) with a petition;
d) with a complaint.

17. Dmitry Ershov and Galina Makarova decided to start a family. At what point do they have marital rights and responsibilities?
a) from the date of such decision;
b) from the date of medical examination before marriage;
c) from the date of submission of the application to the civil registry office;
d) from the date of registration of marriage by the civil registry office;
e) from the day of the wedding in the church.

18. Which judicial body decides whether certain actions or documents comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
a) Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
b) Constitutional Court;
c) Supreme Arbitration Court;
d) magistrate

19. There are abstract, casual, consensual and real:
a) conventions;
b) codes;
c) court decisions;
d) transactions;
d) legal entities.

20. 16-year-old Pavel Simonov, without the consent of his legal representatives, has the right:
a) buy an apartment in the city of Omsk;
b) accept the VAZ-2109 car inherited from my grandfather;
c) spend your earnings received during the summer holidays to purchase the encyclopedia “Chronicle of Humanity”;
d) become a member of the garage and construction cooperative "Motor";
e) make a deposit in the commercial bank “Happy Childhood” and manage it in the future;
f) independently exercise copyright in relation to the poetic cycle “School Years” created by him.

21. Who is a legal entity?
a) President of the Russian Federation;
b) a lawyer working in a legal consultation;
c) supermarket "The Seventh Continent";
d) Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin.

22. The highest body of the UN is:
a) Security Council;
b) Economic and Social Council;
c) Guardianship Council;
d) General Assembly;
e) UN Commissariat for Human Rights.

23. The principles of the rule of law include:
a) the rule of law;
b) absolutization state power;
c) mutual responsibility of the state and the individual;
d) compliance with the principles and norms of international law;
e) separation of powers.

24. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to elect to bodies of state power and local self-government:
a) declared incompetent by a court;
b) who has reached 18 years of age;
c) having citizenship of the Russian Federation and another state;
d) the accused who is in a pre-trial detention center.
e) who is in prison by a court verdict.

25. Administrative law provides for responsibility for:
a) crimes;
b) misconduct;
c) legal actions;
d) contractual obligations;
d) socially dangerous acts.

Option 1. Social studies 9th grade

The answer to tasks 1–20 is one number that corresponds

number of the correct answer. Write this number in the answer field

in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of

number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell.

  1. Society in the broad sense of the word means...

1) natural human habitat

2) a group of people united by common interests

3) stage historical development people

4) all humanity in the past, present and future

  1. Political problems of the development of society include...

1) the threat of international terrorism

2) decreased interest among young people in reading books

3) rising inflation

4) distribution of drugs among young people

  1. What feature distinguishes traditional economics?

1) prosperity of factory production

2) centralized pricing

3) regulation of production through customs

4) the predominance of private ownership of the means of production

  1. There are several meanings of the concept “economy”. What illustrates economics as a science?

1) sale of farm products

2) identifying factors of growth in demand for services

3) provision of household services to the population

4) exchange trading in shares of enterprises

  1. Peculiarity scientific knowledge is that it

2) based on artistic images

3) always applies in real life

4) strives for objectivity

  1. Vladimir is in 6th grade secondary school. He enjoys aircraft modeling and horse riding. What level of education is Vladimir at?

1) primary education

2) basic general education

3) complete (secondary) education

4) secondary vocational education

  1. The master sought perfect combination shades of red, gold, brown and other colors, trying to convey beauty autumn forest. This is an example of activity in the field

1) science

2) art

3) religion

4) knowledge

8. Are the following statements about limited resources true?

A. The problem of limited resources can be completely solved

modern science.

B. Limited resources are associated with the growing needs of society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Which social role can be performed by both teenagers and adults?

1) consumer

2) voter

3) high school student

4) driver

10. In medieval Europe there was a proverb: the one who is not the master of his wife is not worthy to be a man. It reflects family relationships

1) patriarchal

2) democratic

3) incomplete

4) affiliate

  1. As a result economic activity human entry into the atmosphere has increased harmful substances. All this negatively affects the state of nature and human health. An illustration of which global problems is this a fact?

1) demographic

2) military

3) economic

4) environmental

  1. An administrative offense is

1) ticketless travel on the bus

2) non-payment of alimony

3) refusal to repay a debt to a neighbor

4) late for school

13. Not preparing for test work in mathematics, two 11th grade students decided to disrupt its implementation. They called the police, reporting that there was a bomb at the school. Student actions are

1) civil offense

2) a crime

3) administrative offense

4) disciplinary violation

14. What branch of law establishes the foundations of the political system?

1) administrative

2) constitutional

3) civil

4) criminal

15. Which of the following characterizes a democratic regime?

1) the supremacy of the executive branch

2) command-administrative management methods

3) the dominance of one universally binding ideology

4) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens

16. Are the following judgments about legal liability true?

A. Legal responsibility is intended to restore the violated rights of citizens affected by the offense.

B. Legal responsibility is expressed in the fact that measures of state coercion are applied to a person whose guilt has been proven.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

17. Are the following judgments about the Constitution true? Russian Federation?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the highest legal force.

B. The Constitution is a set of laws of the Russian Federation.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

18. Are the following statements about civil society true?

A. Civil society includes initiative associations and organizations of the population.

B. In democratic countries, civil society acts as a partner of the state in resolving public affairs.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

19. Are the following judgments about politics true?

A. Politics acts as a regulator of the life of society.

B. Politics is about power relations.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

20. Are the following judgments about political parties true?

A. Political parties bring together people with similar views on social problems.

B. A democratic regime is characterized by a multi-party system.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

The answer to tasks 21–25 is a sequence of numbers.

Write your answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks,

starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and others

additional characters. Write each number in a separate

box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

21. Schoolboy Ivan is preparing for a chemistry exam, and his brother is playing with a model railway. Compare the two forms (types) of activity mentioned in the task conditions: study and play.

Select and write in the first column of the table serial numbers features of similarity, and in the second column - serial numbers of features of difference:

1) compliance with certain norms and rules;

2) creating an imaginary environment;

3) use of various objects;

4) purposeful acquisition of knowledge.

22. Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) Sociological scientists conducted a survey among city residents: “How do you and your family participate in preserving the natural environment?” (B) For many people, preserving the natural environment is associated with landscaping their settlement and cleaning parks of trash. (B) Unfortunately, only a few city residents use economical household electrical appliances and sort household waste.

Determine which provisions of the text:

1) reflect the facts;

2) express opinions.

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.

23. Establish a correspondence between the examples and the functions of the state that they illustrate: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) ensuring law and order

1) external

B) the president signing a treaty of friendship and cooperation with the head of a neighboring state

2) Internal

C) government development of a long-term program economic development countries

D) participation of the army in military exercises jointly with the army of another state

D) government funding for the construction of roads and railways

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

24 . In countries Z and Y, one of the public opinion research foundations conducted a survey among adult citizens: “Do you trust law enforcement agencies?”

The results obtained (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

The survey results, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In country Z, the activities of law enforcement agencies are controlled by civil society institutions.

2) It would be advisable for the government of country Z to organize more detailed media coverage of the activities of law enforcement agencies.

3) In countries Y and Z, reforms of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system are being carried out with varying degrees of success.

4) In country Z, compared to country Y, there are more favorable conditions for the development of the rule of law.

5) The government of country Y should identify and prosecute law enforcement officers who violate the law.

25. Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Among those surveyed in country Z, the proportion of those who do not trust law enforcement agencies is greater than the proportion of those who treat them with concern.

2) Among respondents in country Y, the total share of those who trust law enforcement agencies is less than the share of those who treat them with concern.

3) The share of those who trust law enforcement agencies, because they employ real professionals, is higher in country Y than in country Z.

4) In country Z, only a quarter of respondents trust law enforcement agencies because they protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

5) Equal shares of respondents in country Y do not trust law enforcement agencies and are wary of them.

Read the text and complete tasks 26–31.

A key element of democracy is the full rights of citizens.

The common definition of democracy reduces it to regular elections held on a fair basis with strict vote counting. Although periodic elections are very important for a democratic system, they merely allow citizens to choose one of the policies proposed political parties. In the period between elections, citizens can influence public policy through other institutions: interest associations, social movements, trade unions, etc. All these forms are components democratic practice.

Another generally accepted indicator of democracy is the rule of the majority. Any governing body that makes decisions by a relative majority of votes is democratic - whether we are talking about constituency, about parliament, committee, city council or party meeting.

However, a problem arises here too. What if the legally elected majority regularly discriminates against a minority (for example, a cultural or ethnic group)? In such cases, successful democracies usually combine the principle of majority rule with the protection of minority rights.

Democratic freedoms should also contribute to the development of the collective consciousness of citizens, their understanding of common needs and decision-making - without relying on any rulers. Carriers of various social statuses and interests, remaining independent from the state, and perhaps from parties, not only limit the arbitrariness of power, but also form what in modern political science research is called “civil society”, a new, best type citizens - more informed, more social in mentality, ready to make sacrifices for the common good.

(According to T. Karl, F. Schmitter)

  1. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

27. What elements (indicators) of democracy are named in the text (name any two elements (indicators)?

29. Based on the text and social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept “civil society”. Give two examples of the activities of civil society organizations.



1. In the correct answer, the points of the plan must correspond to the main semantic fragments of the text and reflect the main idea of ​​each of them. The following semantic fragments can be distinguished:

1) ways of influencing citizens on public policy;

2) the power of the majority as a generally recognized indicator of democracy;

3) majority power and protection of minority rights;

4) civil society and new type citizens.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks.

  1. The correct answer may indicate two indicators:

1) periodic elections;

2) participation in interest associations, social movements, trade unions, etc.

The methods may be formulated differently.

  1. The following two methods of influence can be named:

1) during elections, citizens may give preference to one of the strategies proposed by political parties;

2) In the period between elections, citizens can influence public policy through other institutions: interest associations, social movements, trade unions, etc.

4. The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: an association of people independent of the state, formed on the initiative of the citizens themselves to jointly resolve certain issues caused by common needs

(the meaning of the concept may be formulated differently);

2) two examples, let's say:

a) residents of the microdistrict created public organization, which achieved the cancellation decision taken about the construction of a new shopping center on the site of the park;

b) the consumer rights protection society represents in court the interests of consumers who have suffered from unscrupulous producers of goods and services.

Other examples of the activities of civil society organizations may be given.

5. The correct answer may indicate the following requirements for democratic elections:

1) the possibility of choosing from several candidates (parties) representing different political forces (elections on an alternative basis);

2) the opportunity to obtain truthful and honest information about candidates (political parties);

3) the universal, equal right of every citizen to participate in elections;

5) free and voluntary participation of citizens.

The requirements may be given in other, similar formulations.

6. The following explanations may be given:

1) participation in elections teaches one to correlate the statements and promises of candidates with the interests, for example, of city residents;

2) when turning to authorities, citizens often defend the common interests of a group.

Other explanations for this relationship may be given.

Very soon, ninth grade students will have to take exams that will significantly affect not only their certificates, but also the possibility of admission to both the tenth grade and college. Among the OGE, which are chosen at will, you can take an exam in social studies. Many students consider it simple and choose it so as not to completely ruin their grades in the matriculation certificate.

Features of the social studies exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which include thirty-one tasks. The first part contains 25 questions that require only one short letter, while all the rest require a detailed answer.

Social studies assignments

Initially, the works will be presented exclusively test tasks, in which among four answer options only one of them will be correct. In order to receive your score for the right decision tasks, you need to put a cross in OGE tests in social studies only in one box. The answer may not be counted in certain cases:

  • number not specified;
  • Wrong number selected.

It is worth remembering that in the second part of the exam you do not need to answer tests, but give the answer in a detailed form. To check the correctness of completing the task with the OGE in social studies, a special system of criteria has been developed, which is used by experts.

Exam evaluation criteria

Mark conversion scale

After calculating the number of points received, they are transferred to the school-wide assessment. A special scale is used for this:

  • up to 14 points are transferred to “2”;
  • from 15 to 24 – “3”;
  • up to 33 – “4”;
  • above 33 – “5”.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained from the OGE if a student passes it in social studies is 39. In the first part, all tasks except number “22” are scored one point for the correct answer. When a detailed answer is given, the score is from 0 to 3 points.

What's the best way to prepare?

You can find many excellent tasks for preparing for social studies using the website “I will solve the OGE”. The portal has the ability to give access to statistics to the teacher for verification.

Website I will solve the OGE in social studies

The Dunno portal allows you to download assignments. After which you can print them out and work with a pen, which will help you feel as if the person is taking the exam itself.

Dunno website

"EXAMEN RU" is a popular site with a significant database of preparatory tests.

Website Exam ru

If you try to pass at least half of them, your chances of passing this exam will increase.

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 short-answer tasks, part 2 contains 6 long-answer tasks.

For each task 1–20 of the work, four answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the exam participant writes down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered uncompleted in following cases: a) the number of the incorrect answer is written down; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the answer number is not recorded. In tasks 21–25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces or separating characters. Answers to the tasks of Part 2 are independently formulated and written down by the examinee in detailed form. Their implementation is verified by experts based on a specially developed system of criteria

Scale for converting points to grades:

"2"– from 0 to 14

"3"– from 15 to 24

"4"– from 25 to 33

"5"– from 34 to 39

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

Correctly completed work is scored 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is scored 1 point. Task 22 is scored according to the following principle: 2 points – no errors; 1 point – one mistake was made; 0 points – two or more mistakes were made. Part 2 tasks are graded depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For complete and correct execution tasks 26–28, 30 and 31 are awarded 2 points. If the answer is incomplete – 1 point. For complete and correct completion of task 29, 3 points are awarded. In case of incomplete completion, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point. Thus, for completing the tasks of Part 2 (correct and complete formulation of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work.