Who are you by temperament test online. Test on the topic: Determination of temperament

It is very good that the world is inhabited by people of different temperaments - that is the only reason we have not yet quarreled, like choleric people, have not let everything take its course, like sanguine people, have not become isolated in our own experiences, like phlegmatic people, and have not drowned in tears, like melancholic people.

True, people with pronounced signs of one or another temperament are rare. Most of them have a mixed temperament with a predominance of traits of one type, which makes it possible to define a person as sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic.


Cholerics have many wonderful character traits. They are proactive, energetic, decisive and efficient. Choleric people are excellent inspirers and organizers who have a sharp mind, know what they want, and persistently move towards their goal. To achieve it, they are ready to do anything - even go over their heads.

They are confident that they know everything and will answer any question. Others also get this impression, which is why choleric people often turn to people for advice and help.

It is not surprising that choleric people are natural born. They strive to take this position even when they find themselves in an unfamiliar company or in a new team. They are not afraid to be in opposition - they like to enter into discussions and defend their point of view, even if deep down they understand that they are wrong. They will try to suppress their opponent or opponent at any cost.

Cholerics are optimists who do not despair of difficult situation, and enthusiastically begin to resolve it. They have great things.

This strengths individuals with a choleric temperament. But choleric people also have disadvantages, which makes communicating with them not so easy. They are also authoritarian. For them, their own opinion is above all, and they are always ready to ridicule someone else’s. They strive to make all decisions alone.

Cholerics can be rude, arrogant, sarcastic and even cruel. Compassion and empathy are not characteristic of them; other people's tears only irritate them. They are independent and easily break off relations with those who do not recognize their leadership.

Many choleric people are characterized by selfishness, cunning and resourcefulness.

Famous dictators and tyrants possessed precisely this type of temperament.


Sanguine people are energetic and friendly, welcoming and with any person they will always have a topic to talk about. They say about such people: “They don’t mince words.”

Any event that attracts the attention of a sanguine person evokes a lively response from him: he either laughs at the slightest reason or just as sincerely gets angry for some insignificant reason. sanguine people are bright and expressive - you can easily identify him by them. But if he wants, he can completely control his feelings and not show them.

Sanguine people are optimists, they are carefree and joyful, they live in the present, do not remember past failures and do not think about the future. They are active and efficient, they are alien to routine and monotony, they crave new bright impressions.

But sanguine people are often fickle, disorganized and have a tendency to use other people, make promises and not keep them. They easily admit their guilt and just as easily find excuses for themselves and ask for forgiveness, but they continue to behave as before. They can be on their own and impose their point of view; they like to dominate.

Phlegmatic people

Perhaps this is the most attractive type of all temperament types. Phlegmatic people are friendly and smiling, they are... true friends, husbands and wives, good parents. They are difficult to unbalance, they are diplomatic, they are called peacemakers because they avoid conflicts themselves and help other people find a common language.

Phlegmatic people are good people, they easily open their souls strangers, talking about their experiences, and they will find for everyone kind word. At the same time, phlegmatic people themselves are secretive and are in no hurry to open their souls.

They express their own opinion only when asked, and do not impose it on others, like choleric people.

Among the disadvantages are isolation, anxiety, pessimism. Phlegmatic people are often conservative, do not like innovation and change, are stubborn, stingy and somewhat selfish.

Melancholic people

Many philosophers, musicians, writers, art critics, designers, and people of other creative professions have a melancholic temperament. These are integral individuals with formed moral values. They are faithful, devoted, sacrificial, respond to other people's requests and are ready to help even at the expense of themselves.

Melancholic people are vulnerable and emotional, prone to philosophizing, analysis and introspection, they are thinkers. Often they are too zealous in introspection and soul-searching, as a result of which they fall, because they are rarely satisfied with themselves.

Among melancholic people there are many hypochondriacs who are overly concerned about their health and are constantly looking for some new “serious” disease. The majority of melancholic people are introverts.

Some character traits of melancholic people prevent them from building harmonious relationships with other people. They like to talk about someone in order to criticize, but they themselves are very much: for them it is extremely important what other people say about them. And in order to gain their approval, they may act contrary to their wishes. But they remember the insults inflicted for a long time.

Like phlegmatic people, melancholic people are pessimistic.

The German philosopher wrote about them: “A melancholic person will take for tragedy what a sanguine person will see only as an interesting incident, and a phlegmatic person will see as something not worthy of attention.”

“Every person is a victim of his temperament, unless temperament is sacrificed by a person, which is observed no less often,” - Alexander Rafailovich Kugel.

If we take into account the type of temperament of our colleagues, friends and acquaintances, it will be easier for us to predict their behavior and find our own approach to each. We will understand the motives of the choleric person when he tries to impose his opinion on us, we will be able to trust the phlegmatic person, knowing that he will not give us away, we will not sneer at the melancholic person so as not to hurt him, and we will not get bored with the sanguine person.

True, when determining someone else’s temperament, it’s easy to make a mistake, because it’s not for nothing that Hans Eysenck developed an entire technique with many questions, which is used by many psychologists and psychotherapists. It has two options, so that with the help of repeated research, the psychologist gets a more accurate result. The text of the questionnaire, the keys to two options A and B and instructions on how to use it can be found on the Internet by typing in the search “Eysenck EPI Method”.

Based on the immediate answers that must be given to the 57 questions proposed in the test, it is revealed usual way human behavior. his temperament is determined emotional stability, deceit or sincerity.

It is interesting that the German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt identified best signs each temperament and advised people to take a little from each: perceive everyday joys and sorrows like a sanguine person; during important events behave like a melancholic when making decisions - like a phlegmatic; and in his aspirations, which deeply affect personal interests, to be like a choleric person.

Take this temperament type test to evaluate your reactions to current events!

Briefly about the main thing:

1. Is temperament a genetic problem or an acquired gift?
2. How to learn to recognize people by their personality temperament?
3. What are the types of temperament?
4. Evaluate yourself! Temperament type test!

Is temperament a genetic problem or an acquired gift?

The concept of “personal temperament” was introduced by the founder of medicine, Hippocrates. Even then, he divided people into four main categories that are still relevant today.

Sometimes personality temperament is confused with character, but this is not true!

Temperament is the innate characteristics of a person that affect his behavior, speed of reaction to events and stimuli, balance, self-development, etc. And character is a set of acquired qualities, for example, determination, courage, fearlessness, etc.

How to learn to recognize people by personality temperament?

Knowing a person's temperament, you can:

  • predict his reaction;
  • find out his lifestyle;
  • understand what he needs;
  • easy to find an approach;
  • understand in which areas of activity he will be successful!

In fact, this is the key to anyone! How to choose it? Read below!

What are the different types of temperament?

Sanguine– this is a sea of ​​positivity. The person is cheerful, active, optimistic, quickly and clearly reacts to changes. If he is angry, he does not hide his emotions, studies everything new with interest, and is prone to frequent changes of hobbies.

Choleric, as a rule, is quick-tempered and unbalanced, and can be reckless and unpredictable. He is very emotional, often aggressive, jealous, prone to inflated self-esteem and suppression of others. Choleric people usually have a gloomy appearance, have a negative attitude towards others, and suffer from overwork and mood swings.

Melancholic– a calm and thoughtful person, as a rule, is vulnerable, trusting and slow. Prone to low self-esteem, sudden mood swings for the worse, and prone to depression. He always tries to follow instructions strictly. Any innovation can upset him to tears. Sometimes such people are called homebodies and bores, but they perform best in the household.

Phlegmatic person- balanced and unperturbed, it is almost impossible to anger him. Even if he gets angry, he instantly cools down. He very rarely shows emotions, has difficulty adapting to new circumstances, and is not particularly smart or resourceful. Tries to stick to a strict plan. A phlegmatic person cannot perform several tasks at once, but he is always attentive, persistent and consistent.

How to determine your personality temperament?

Rate yourself! Temperament type test!

A “pure” type of temperament can be found extremely rarely. The vast majority of people have a mixed temperament, which is characterized by features of different personality temperaments, but still one necessarily predominates.

There are four groups of statements in this test that describe various types temperaments. You can either agree with them or not. Record your answers on paper.

So, let's begin self-discovery!

What does a choleric person think to himself?

  • I am extremely fussy and restless.
  • I often rage and flare up over trifles.
  • Patience is not about me.
  • I can be harsh and rude when dealing with people.
  • I initiate various meetings and events.
  • I tend to be stubborn.
  • I am resourceful and creative in argument.
  • I can't work at a certain pace.
  • I'm a risk taker.
  • I'm not vindictive at all.
  • I have fast and temperamental speech.
  • I can be very unbalanced.
  • I am unable to put up with other people's shortcomings.
  • I like to make cutting remarks.
  • I don't hide my emotions.
  • I tend to make quick decisions.
  • I'm interested in everything new.
  • My movements can be abrupt.
  • If the goal is set, I am not distracted by anything else.
  • My mood can change very dramatically.

What does a sanguine person think to himself?

  • I can well call myself a positive person.
  • As a rule, I am full of energy and know how to use it.
  • I don't often manage to bring things to their logical conclusion.
  • I may overestimate my capabilities.
  • I can quickly learn new information.
  • I don’t get hung up on one thing and am prone to changing hobbies.
  • I don't worry about failures, everyone has them.
  • I can easily adapt to any conditions.
  • I can do anything with passion.
  • I can quit what I started when interest in it disappears.
  • It is not difficult for me to switch from one job to another.
  • I'm tired of monotonous work.
  • I easily make acquaintances, I have a lot of friends and acquaintances.
  • I am quite resilient and can work as long as necessary.
  • I speak loudly and can express my thoughts quickly and clearly.
  • I maintain my composure in unexpected situations.
  • I am always friendly towards others.
  • I fall asleep quickly and wake up easily.
  • Sometimes I am prone to rash decisions.
  • I can be inattentive in conversations and can lose the thread of the conversation.

What does a phlegmatic person think to himself?

  • As a rule, I am balanced and very calm.
  • I perform all my actions in the intended sequence.
  • I am characterized by prudence and caution.
  • I can wait a long time.
  • I'm not given to idle chatter, let others do the talking.
  • I calmly express my thoughts and do not show emotions in conversation.
  • I am characterized by patience and restraint.
  • I have no unfinished business.
  • I don't skimp on trifles.
  • If the matter is worthwhile, I can give it my all.
  • I try to stick to a plan in everything I do.
  • I always control my emotions.
  • I usually do not respond to either praise or criticism.
  • I am lenient when jokes are made about me.
  • I am true to my passions.
  • I feel uncomfortable switching to another activity.
  • I have the same relationship with everyone.
  • I am characterized by pedantry and accuracy.
  • I have a hard time getting used to changes.
  • I am characterized by endurance and composure.
  • I’m gradually getting used to people, I can’t make friends.

What does a melancholic person think to himself?

  • I am socially shy and very self-conscious.
  • I get lost in an unusual environment.
  • I can't easily walk up and talk to a stranger.
  • I'm not sure I'm capable of anything.
  • I am not bothered by loneliness, I take it calmly.
  • My failures are overwhelming me.
  • I can immerse myself in myself and not come out of this state for a long time.
  • I get tired often and quickly.
  • I can't talk loudly.
  • It’s easier for me to adapt than to defend my point of view.
  • I am very impressionable, sometimes I can be moved to tears.
  • I am pleased when people praise me.
  • I take criticism very painfully.
  • I am always strict with myself and demanding of others.
  • I am characterized by suspicion and suspiciousness.
  • I am easily hurt and offended.
  • I get carried away with the offense and worry for a long time.
  • I cannot share my thoughts and feelings with others.
  • I usually don't show activity, I'm too timid.
  • I am not used to arguing and meekly follow any instructions.
  • I like it when others show me compassion.

Temperament type test results!

Accordingly, the more positive answers, the more pronounced your this type temperament.

To determine the percentage, add up the sum of all positive responses. Then multiply the number of positive responses for a particular type by 100% and divide by total quantity positive answers.

What happened?

The type of temperament that scores more than 40% is considered the main one.

The type of temperament that corresponds to from 30 to 39% is considered pronounced.

The type of temperament that scores from 20 to 29% manifests itself only in certain circumstances.

A type of temperament that scores less than 20% manifests itself extremely weakly.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hippocrates (about 460 BC, - about 370 BC) is a famous ancient Greek healer, doctor and philosopher. He went down in history as the “father of medicine” (

A psychological test to determine your character type will determine your emotional type. Each person has one of two types of character, which usually does not change from birth. Our online test: [Your Character] will help you determine your type. It is very likely that you cannot be classified into only one group, because your character is usually a mixture of two different types. Try to answer the test questions honestly. At the end of the test you will be given an assessment of your character type with some comments. Our online test: [Your Character] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

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Possible answers to the questions: “yes”, “no”. The first answer that comes to your mind is correct. Record your answers - "yes" - plus, "no" - minus - on a piece of paper.

    Do you often feel cravings for new impressions to experience strong sensations?

    Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand you, encourage you, and express sympathy?

    Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

    Is it true that it is very difficult for you to answer “no”?

    Do you think about your affairs slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

    Do you always keep your promises, even if it is not profitable for you?

    Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

    Do you usually act and speak quickly, and do you spend a lot of time thinking?

    Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no real reason for this?

    Is it true that you can decide on anything in a dispute?

    Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex who you like?

    Does it happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

    Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?

    Do you often worry about thoughts that you shouldn't do or say something?

    Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

    Are you easily offended?

    Do you often like to be in company?

    Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would like to hide from other people?

    Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything in your hands burns, and sometimes you feel very lethargic?

    Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but especially close ones?

    Do you often dream?

    When people shout at you, do you respond in kind?

    Do you often feel guilty?

    Are all your habits good and desirable?

    Are you able to give free rein? own feelings and have a lot of fun in a noisy company?

    Do you consider yourself an excitable and sensitive person?

    Are you considered a lively and cheerful person?

    After something is done, do you often return to it in your mind and think that you could have done it better?

    Are you usually quiet and reserved when you're around people?

    Do you sometimes gossip?

    Does it ever happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts are popping into your head?

    Is it true that it is more pleasant and easier for you to read about what interests you in a book, although you can quickly and easily learn about it from friends?

    Do you have palpitations?

    Do you like work that requires constant attention?

    Does it ever happen that you “shiver”?

    Is it true that you always say only good things about people you know, even when you are sure that they will not know about it?

    Is it true that you don’t like being in a company where they constantly make fun of each other?

    Are you irritable?

    Do you like work that requires quick action?

    Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and “horrors” that could happen, although everything ended well?

    Do you walk slowly and leisurely?

    Have you ever been late for a date, work or school?

    Do you often have nightmares?

    Is it true that you are such a lover of conversation that you never miss an opportunity to talk with a stranger?

    Do you have any pain?

    Would you be upset if you couldn't see your friends for a long time?

    Would you call yourself a nervous person?

    Are there people you know that you clearly don’t like?

    Can you say that you are a confident person?

    Are you easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or your work?

    Is it difficult to truly enjoy a party?

    Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

    Would you be able to bring some life into a boring company?

    Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

    Are you worried about your health?

    Do you like to make fun of others?

    Do you suffer from insomnia?

Test processing ("key").

Lie scale.

The answer is “yes” to questions: 6, 24, 36.

The answer is “no” to questions: 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

Count the amount. If the result is 4 or more points, this means that you have developed so-called social desirability: you answered not as you really are, but as you would like or as is accepted in society. In other words, your answers are not reliable. If the result is less than 4 points, your answers are sincere. Please continue.

If the “key” answer matches your answer, you add one point to yourself. If it does not match, zero points.

Extraversion scale.

The answer is "yes" to questions: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

The answer is “no” to questions: 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 41, 51.

Count the amount.

Emotional Stability Scale.

Answer "yes" to questions: 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52 , 55, 57.

Count the amount.

Draw coordinate axes: the horizontal axis is the “extraversion scale”, the vertical axis is the “emotional stability scale”. Each scale from 1 to 24 intersects at point 12. Mark your indicators on the axes. Find the intersection point. A point can lie on an axis if one of the scales is 12.

The result you got is your predominant temperament type. Using the extraversion scale, you can see the type of personality orientation: extrovert or introvert.




Phlegmatic person


Type nervous system

Strong unbalanced

Strong, balanced and agile

Strong balanced inert


Active. The person is fast and impetuous.

The man is alive, mobile, quickly responding to surrounding events.

A slow, imperturbable person.

Wariness in gaze, posture.

Behavior in society

A leader who easily establishes contacts, but has difficulty maintaining them. Impulsive, prone to conflict.

In the center of attention, respected, easy to establish contacts

Difficult to establish, but easily maintains acquaintance.

Prefers to be on the sidelines.


Prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden mood swings. Unbalanced.

Experiences failures and troubles relatively easily.

Weak external expression of mental state. More or less constant mood.

An easily vulnerable person, he tends to deeply experience even minor failures, but is outwardly restrained.

Able to devote himself to work with exceptional passion. Gets into work quickly.

He gets involved in the work quickly, but completes it if there is interest. Prefers everything new.

It starts up slowly, but is able to withstand significant loads.

He gets tired quickly. Characterized by careful planning and self-control, there are few errors in his work.

Loud, harsh, sometimes rude.

Lively, emotional.

Calm, measured, with pauses.

Quiet, can be reduced to a whisper.

Quickly remembers, quickly forgets.

Good, grasps on the fly.

Remembers slowly, remembers for a long time.

Remembers quickly due to high ability to analyze.


Developed switching, quickly concentrates.

Developed switching, distribution, quickly focuses

Resilience has been developed.

The cognitive sphere can develop.

To your attention, dear site visitors psychological assistance website, it is proposed to go through the most popular and sought-after psychological test on a person’s personality online and free.

This character test is based on the test-methodology for determining character accentuation according to Leonhard and determines 10 scales of accentuation corresponding to a person’s psychotype, showing many personality traits and temperament.

The online personality test consists of 88 questions that must be answered “YES” or “NO.”

Test to determine a person’s personality online

Instructions for an online test to determine a person’s personality:
Important- answer the person’s test questions quickly, without thinking - whatever comes to mind first. Then the results will be correct.

Your leading accented character will be determined by the highest score (total 24 points for each psychotype)

Take a character test

You can take the test and find out your character absolutely free, online and without registration.
View the entire printed text of the test, without computer program, and independently calculate the points and determine your accentuation, you can