Igor Heresh: “Street photography is a drive. Igor Heresh: “The task of any platform for the Internet of Things is to quickly consume heterogeneous data. Those with “stronger elbows” and the fastest Internet survive

I told Rusbase about the main mistakes of a sales manager or any person who decided to sell something to someone.

Do you want the buyer to trust you? Then never do that.

Do you want to sell something to someone? Then don't ever do that

Igor Heresh

The one with the stronger elbows and the faster Internet survives

With the development of the number of not so much professionals as “impudent” people, competition in the sales market has increased, and this is how natural selection According to Darwin, the one with the “strongest elbows” and the fastest Internet survives.

In Russia, the classic “sales person” is, as a rule, a graduate of a polytechnic university, no matter what city. A young man who has not worked a day in his profession buys a suit, a briefcase and goes into sales. Almost everything is bad in this case, except, perhaps, enthusiasm, but this is not at all a guarantee of success.

Everyone makes mistakes. We must remember this and be prepared.

But making mistakes in such a way as to remain “on top” is a special talent; such sellers stick with them to the last.

In my personal practice, there were various cases from a banal lateness for a client meeting to an error in calculations.

The main thing to remember is that the seller is a public being.

He, that is, I, is a kind of quintessence of universal human skills and vices at the same time. A “sales person” must always be pure and honest, so any mistake I make becomes a universal problem.

21 years ago, when I was just starting to wear out the “salesman costume,” the hardest thing to get rid of was the “restless hands” syndrome and unnecessary words in conversations. Unfortunately, no special life hacks on this topic exist and cannot exist.

Total self-control and good sleep– yours true friends in any weather. In six months, this will be recorded in the subcortex, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Once, on a date with a girl, I caught myself thinking that I was speaking automatically, like a salesman. She noticed this and said she would call back.

Speaking of friends, my first boss taught me that colleagues should be friends whom you can always come to for advice, no matter how trivial it may sound. Much definitely depends on how the leader builds relationships in the team. The rest is up to the team itself. Nowadays, warm, sincere relationships in companies are very rare, but I am usually lucky.

If you are not confident in yourself, write a sample dialogue in advance, lock yourself in the meeting room, speak out loud several times and move on.

2. The inability to hear the client and a superficial attitude towards his requests is the main scourge not only of sellers, but of most people in general.

Your task is not to “win” the client, but to help. Talking about your product is the second thing, first– understand the client and offer what you yourself would be willing to buy in his situation.

3. Very often a “sales person” who is not confident in himself is ready to agree with the client.

When talking to a client, you should not use something like: “Yes, I agree, it’s expensive.” This is immediately checkmate in favor of the client. He left and definitely won’t buy anything from you. But if I were to say: “Yes, I agree, it’s expensive, but you’ll save here, here and here”- sounds completely different.

4. Who told you that you are better? Very often you can hear from sellers a “smell” of arrogance towards the client.

Like: “Don’t you know?”. Yes, he doesn’t know, your task is to rejoice at the opportunity to give the client new information that is useful to him, and not to take it out on him for being “obsessive.” Become a friend to the client, best of all sincerely. Who told you that you are smarter?

The most valuable thing I have understood over so many years is even the most thorough knowledge of my product and good manners They won’t make you a sales star if empathy and belief in what you are selling are empty words for you.

Igor Heresh is a manager by profession, and until a certain point he didn’t even think about taking up photography. But one day I saw an album by Henri Cartier-Bresson - and from then on, photography, especially street photography, became an integral part of his life. Today Igor tells our magazine about himself.

About me

I am a manager by profession; my friend discovered the world of photography for me by showing me an album by Henri Cartier-Bresson. I started filming ten years ago. I studied photography on my own, bought albums, and tried to repeat it. The book by Alexander Iosifovich Lapin greatly influenced me. Completed one course at the Academy of Classical Photography (taught by Anton Gorbachev).

About street photography

I'm attracted to people. Their thoughts, their joys and sorrows. They stand, walk, think. Urban geometry is also of interest. Its rhythm, its complexity. I really like showing people - their feelings, emotions, experiences. I have tried many times to photograph architecture or portraits - this is absolutely not my thing. I would like to record those moments in people’s lives that we may see every day, but do not pay attention to.
Street photography is a drive. Someone tries to get adrenaline while driving a car or jumping from a parachute. And I take photographs of people at the market or on the subway.

About black and white photography

I've read many interviews with photographers who shoot in black and white. Everyone explains their attachment to black and white photography. I honestly say that, in my opinion, it is easier. It's easier to convey what you want in black and white. For me color photography- it's complicated. I think that I will devote the next 10 years to studying color.

About the weather

Any weather inspires me, because in any weather you can find a subject to shoot.

About travel

I am lucky that my job requires me to travel frequently. I just get up early in the morning before meetings or take an extra day and walk around the whole city, if it’s small, all the flea markets, residential areas. I can remember many trips in which I found decent photographs. This is Beijing, and New York, and Smolensk, and London.

About the shooting process

If the shot doesn’t work out and there is an opportunity, I come back, but it doesn’t always exist. There are situations when you have enough time, excellent conditions for shooting, but nothing works out. Everything depends only on you. If you're not in the mood, nothing will work out.

About the criteria for a good photograph

There is only one criterion for a good photograph - the time the viewer spent viewing the photograph.

About technology

Initially I had a Canon 30D. Accordingly, I have a lot of Canon lenses. There was a moment when it appeared strong desire switch to Nikon, but my mind convinced me not to switch, so as not to spend a lot of money on glass for Nikon again.

About the qualities needed by a photographer

It all depends on what the photographer is shooting. If it’s wedding photography, then you need some character traits, but if you’re photographing objects, you need completely different ones. I am a very emotional person. I think that this rather helps me in photography.

About creative guidelines

Among Russian photographers, I am inspired by Slyusarev, Mukhin, Maximishin. Among the non-Russian ones, these are Cartier-Bresson, Koudelka, Kartesh.

About the club

I found out about the club on the Internet. I joined because I was interested in the opportunity to get a photographer's license.
My daughter is interested in rhythmic gymnastics, and one day she asked me to photograph the Grand Prix in rhythmic gymnastics. Thanks to the club, I received accreditation and spent the whole day photographing gymnasts next to photojournalists from the most famous sports newspapers and magazines right next to the gymnastics mat. I gained experience filming sports competitions. And members of the fan club printed one of my photos as a gymnast on T-shirts. I think this is the most honest and pleasant assessment for a photographer.
I had two dreams related to photography: to publish a book and to have an exhibition. I solved the first problem, but the second one has not yet been solved. If the club helps photographers first bring their work to the level of an exhibition (even if not for free), and then helps in organizing the exhibition itself, that would be great!

Questionnaire. About the author

First name, last name, age: Igor Heresh
Website: www.garry.ru
Technique: Canon 5D Mark III
Inspiration: People

/ 06.09.2016

The first platform for the Internet of Things, developed in Russia using domestic technologies, appeared in May of this year. As Igor Heresh, deputy, told the site general director for business development of JSC "Group-T1" (part of the Renova Group of Companies), today its capabilities are being tested by companies operating in the field of energy, insurance, monitoring vehicles, smart home, etc. Due to its versatility, the IoT platform is capable of working with heterogeneous sensors, applications and has the ability to connect predictive analytics modules, which allows it to be used in a variety of industries.

Igor, please tell us about the prerequisites for creating a universal platform for the Internet of Things?

A year and a half ago, a team of JSC "Group-T1" was formed from professionals who had previously worked in different areas telematics and telecom: in the production of telematics equipment, in the mapping business, in various telematics service providers, in telecom operators of fixed and mobile communications etc.

We asked ourselves: “What were our difficulties in working with telematics platforms in past jobs and projects?”

As a result, we came to the conclusion that previously all telematics platforms were created for narrow-profile tasks: vehicle monitoring, monitoring of anti-theft systems, etc. More than ten years have passed since the creation of such solutions. Over the years, technology has undergone major changes and transformations.

When we decided to analyze the market a year and a half ago existing solutions in the field of the Internet of Things, we discovered that most large international software vendors have many of the so-called Internet of Things platforms based on existing ERP systems, which greatly limits their use. By and large, it is difficult to call this a platform for the Internet of Things; rather, it is an extension of the functionality of ERP and CRM systems.

Our team has set itself the task: to create a global system that will have functionality for different types human activity and business. It should be able to monitor health status, the state of agricultural areas, the state of energy facilities, etc., that is, it should be a universal basis for any Internet of Things solution.

In May of this year, using the example of the system “ Smart home"We presented our ready-made platform in action.

What makes your solution unique?

Any platform for the Internet of Things, in my understanding, is a giant horizontal scalable database that allows you to consume data from any type of special device and applications, as well as process the received information: from sensors in a bracelet on your wrist, from mHealth devices, from humidity sensors soil, vegetables and fruits, temperature sensors in a smart home, automotive sensors etc.

The task of any platform for the Internet of Things is to quickly and efficiently consume and store data, and with the help of analytics and visualization modules, to provide various services.

I believe that our platform can be called unique for domestic market, since it does not use a single module that would need licensing. The solution is based on open technologies, which means it does not require deductions cash licensors, which leads to lower costs for using the service. In addition, our platform is “omnivorous”, which contributes to its development and subsequent implementation of similar products in various areas.

For example, today you can use it for a smart home, and tomorrow – to collect thousands of different parameters from gas turbine units.

Analytics modules in the platform will tell you the approximate date of failure of elements of gas turbine units, when it is necessary to change bearings in order to avoid emergencies. In a smart home, the indicators of temperature sensors, humidity sensors, motion sensors, etc. are analyzed in order to turn on the air conditioner and humidifiers when you return from work. In this case, a single database and a single parsing module are used. It would seem that the analytics are different, but everything is based on a single software.

One of the most important advantages of such a platform is its ease of customization. For mobile telecom operators who plan to use our product to provide the Smart Home service to their end customers, this is one customization; for an energy complex company that plans to use the platform to obtain information from turbines, this is another customization.

Which companies are already interested in your Smart Home solution? Do you have pilot projects with them?

We are focused on providing our solutions to customers from Russia and the CIS. We have interests from Kazakhstan - telecom companies who plan to use our platform to provide smart home services to end consumers. We are currently negotiating with two Russian telecom operators on a similar request.

In addition, we receive applications from energy companies to organize pilot projects. We visualize predictive models for them to predict equipment breakdowns. This will help reduce repair costs, prevent forced equipment downtime, and possibly accidents. We have recently received requests from insurance companies and fleets who want to use our solutions to analyze driving habits, prevent accidents, etc.

As you can see, these are different expectations that an IoT platform can meet.

We are implementing pilot projects in the fields of energy, passenger transport and smart homes. Testing is currently ongoing, so I cannot disclose details of pilot projects.

Should we expect the emergence of new domestic platforms for the Internet of Things? What are the preconditions for this?

As I already noted, for lately technology has undergone major changes and transformations.

One of the key prerequisites that will lead to the emergence of new domestic platforms for the Internet of Things is the specifics of the market. For example, in Russia the cost of services cellular communication one of the lowest in the world, including GPRS traffic. So, for example, in the UK, a gas company will try to replace GSM communication in sensors with PLC or LPWAN, because cellular traffic is expensive there. And in Russia on at the moment It’s easier to create a solution based on GSM communications, since communications are cheap and of high quality.

It’s hard to imagine now, but perhaps in the near future there will be significantly more meters with SIM cards in our country than in Europe, where communications are much more expensive.