Diet by zodiac sign: menu, recommendations and reviews. Foods that are not suitable for Capricorn

None of the diets help in principle... What if you resort to another one - the stellar one? That is, a diet according to the horoscope, the meaning of which is to choose for yourself a certain list of products with which you can eat tasty and satisfying without adding a single extra centimeter to your waist. Dreams? Not really. It turns out that in order to eat without harming your own figure and body, it is enough to know... your zodiac sign. Well, shall we try?


Aries are not gourmets in their gastronomic preferences. They are, perhaps, pragmatic - they prefer simple products, without gourmet delights in the form of delicacies, spices or herbs. This format sometimes deprives Aries of the necessary vitamins and energy recharging, but provides extra centimeters at the waist, since the charming “sheep”, after a hearty meal, love to take a little nap or sit for an hour or two with a book, or leisurely chat on the “networks.”

Diet. It is advisable to include simple dishes - a variety of soups, cereals, salads from fresh and boiled vegetables, meat (preferably poultry) and fish treats, stewed with vegetables and plenty of herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions. And most importantly, do not test your body’s strength, follow your diet (a gap of half an hour to an hour is allowed), and most importantly, try to refrain from “belly celebrations” after 18.00. Okay, after 19.00. And at night - so be it - the stars “allow” themselves to treat themselves to a sandwich of a piece of black bread and a thin slice of hard cheese (preferably low-fat feta cheese) plus green apple or 1-2 tangerines.

Diet. If you suddenly really want to go on a diet, first of all, exclude animal fats (lard, fatty meat, smoked meats), as well as coffee from your diet - do not overstimulate the already “fiery” nervous system. Try the MAYO protein diet - perhaps this menu will suit your tastes and figure.


These beauties have an enviable appetite, they love to eat heartily and... quickly, so they are often prone to being overweight. In addition, Taurus’ metabolism is too slow, so any excess in meals threatens to instantly turn into fat, and innovations from delicacies or exotic foods threaten allergies.

Diet. A logical conclusion follows from this: firstly, Taurus should learn to chew properly, or rather, chew. Only in this way can you avoid digestive difficulties and not cause irreparable damage to your figure. For meat, prefer beef; for side dishes, prefer rice, barley or corn grits. Secondly, include in your menu foods rich in fiber - salads made from cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli and sea cabbage), apples, carrots, beets and, of course, celery. Don’t forget about seafood - iodine is essential in your menu, as are foods with a slight laxative effect - prunes, raisins.

Diet. In mind increased risk allergies, it is useful to arrange detoxification sessions for yourself at least once a year - a gentle cleansing of the body with the help of a special diet of low-calorie dishes that have a “cleansing” effect. This “rapid response squad” includes oatmeal, apples, spinach, persimmons, cabbage, prunes, green tea.


The twins, always fluttering through life, also love to eat, but due to their own restlessness, they are unable to follow a diet and be selective about the food itself. Therefore, they do not hesitate to sit on sandwiches or feast on fast food for weeks. Fortunately, Geminis are somewhat lucky with their metabolism. But... with such dynamism, oxygen saturation of the blood is disrupted, that is, oxygen is consumed very quickly, and therefore metabolic products do not have time to be quickly eliminated from the body. Because of this, waste products circulate in the blood for a long time, causing intestinal “troubles” and skin “disorders” - rashes, ulcers.

Diet. It is important for Geminis to create their menu, taking into account 3 points: regimen, vitamins and support for the nervous system. The regime simply must be followed - it is best to break the “tasting” into 5-6 parts (especially if you work in an office). At the same time, in no case should you eliminate protein foods from your diet: eggs, cheese, nuts, cottage cheese and various gifts from the bottom of the sea - fish, shrimp, seaweed. Prunes, raisins and dried apricots will help support the nervous system. By the way, Geminis are not forbidden to eat nuts as a snack - peanuts, pistachios, cashews and even exotic delicacies in small quantities.

Diet. Geminis easily fit into a diet - even if it is the Protasov version or a raw food diet. Another thing is that Twins just as quickly switch from a diet to a usual high-calorie diet. You will have to be rational and count calories, and also limit yourself to sweets.


It just so happens that Cancer is a slave to his stomach, and he, like no one else, is recommended to strictly follow a diet. Diets, in the good and comfortable sense of the word - when you should choose tasty and healthy products, cook them using a minimum heat treatment plus - beautiful table setting and cutlery. In this “package”, Cancers manage to get special pleasure from the aesthetics of the meal, which, by the way, turns out to be no less satisfying than the body requires, and at the same time more digestible and light.

Diet. Cancers are recommended for seafood and veal. Among vegetables, beans, tomatoes, cauliflower and celery are especially recommended, and among fruits - pomegranate, persimmon and apricots (dried apricots). Don't forget about fermented milk products and spices that will help lift your mood.

Diet. Cancers will become much slimmer if they stop abusing salty foods, chocolate and consuming significant amounts of liquid.


Like true predators, Lionesses adore meat, and any “variations” of it. It is impossible not to take into account that these big cats are very partial to sweets and other delicacies, which, let’s be honest, contain a lot of calories.

Diet. As little salt as possible. It is in salt and meat that all the “lion’s” diseases are found! White bread and candy spike your blood sugar levels. Meat - yes, but lean - chicken and turkey. But still, despite the lion's obvious passion for meat, special attention should be given to various fruits and dried fruits. Among vegetables, you should give preference to tomatoes (preferably cherry), zucchini and eggplant in any form. Favorite olives - yes too! Like no one else, Leos love luxury, so from time to time you just need to pamper yourself with delicacies, like caviar or exotic fruits - feijoa, kumquat, carom, rambutan or pitahaya.

Diet. Any variant of a protein diet, subject to fasting days, on which it is not forbidden to drink juices or kefir (yogurt).


These ladies are real fans of health in general and nutrition in particular. If not for one “but”... Virgo’s figure and digestion are harmed by an addiction to sweets and starchy foods.

Diet. Virgos are recommended ovolacto-vegetarianism (when the diet includes dairy products plus eggs) or separate meals with regular and simple products. By the way, carbohydrate foods - pasta, bread - are not forbidden, but without the “accompaniment” of fatty and hot sauces. Apples and greens in unlimited quantities have a very beneficial effect on the Virgo stomach. But spicy and difficult to digest foods should definitely be avoided - for this it is best to cook in a double boiler.

Diet. If anyone is contraindicated (and categorically!) to lose weight, it’s Virgo, who is prone to nervous exhaustion and is already slender and fragile. After all, the state of her vulnerable nervous system depends general condition intestines.


Libras, like true aesthetes, are seriously puzzled by the taste and appearance of the dishes on their plate. Among the pitfalls in Libra’s diet is an excess of sweet and salty foods.

Diet. Rule one: no herring, cucumbers or salted fish, especially at night! Rule two: do not fill your stomach with everything that comes to hand. It is better to eat one apple than to cram a three-layer sandwich into your body. Due to the tendency to vascular diseases, Libra is recommended to eat black currants, cranberries, and viburnum. Ideal breakfast - oatmeal or sprouted cereal sprouts. It is worth giving up spicy and spicy dishes - it is better to diversify your dishes with exquisite sauces and vitamin-rich salads.

Diet. Its components can be replaced with one word “minimum”. That is, almost everything is possible, but not very large quantities. Use the “three bites” rule, because we get the most pleasure from the first and last bite of food. And compensation for a slight feeling of hunger will be an exquisite atmosphere and a sense of harmony during the meal.


Young ladies born under this zodiac sign are very picky about the contents of their plate - even a strong appetite will not force them to eat “anything.” Pole to everything It is important for Scorpios to feel the taste of food, hence the passion for various cuisines, especially those that are replete with spices and pepper.

Diet. As you know, too much is not healthy. Therefore, Scorpios - lovers of gastronomic “zest” - will have to limit themselves to tastings of various national cuisines (it’s optimal to stop at 1-2) and culinary “spices”. Scorpio's addiction to exotic dishes can lead to metabolic disorders. Dairy products are useful only in limited quantities, and you can pamper yourself with seafood and fish delicacies.

Diet. No diet can benefit them if they cannot taste the food. You should not experiment with different cuisines, since this sign is only suitable for the cuisine that is familiar to him since childhood. To lose weight, Scorpio needs to eat as much fermented milk products as possible, including whey, every day. And, of course, fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, apples, apricots and watermelons.


Fiery Sagittarius women prefer not only tasty, but also substantial food. They are naturally very active and athletic, but some of them forget about everything, completely immersing themselves in their career. This is where, having changed their lifestyle, they begin to gain weight and gain excess weight very quickly. Plus, Sagittarius has two weak points: the liver and the nervous system. Both require the most caring attitude towards yourself. But the main problem for Sagittarius is excessive fluid consumption.

Diet. Eliminate smoked meats, sauces, seasonings, salt and sugar from the menu - to a minimum. The meat you are prescribed is lean pork, which can best be replaced with soy. But you can enjoy vegetables and herbs - dill and celery - as much as you like. And one more thing - try to eat only boiled food, but not fried food. Put milk, fresh vegetables and fruits at the forefront of your menu. And don’t forget to streamline your drinking regimen: drink mineral water. One or two bottles a day - and good health is guaranteed.

Diet. The key rule is not to eat or drink at night.


Alas and ah! -, but neat and perfectionist Capricorns practically do not think about their health and often subject their body to various strength tests. If they are busy with something, they may completely forget about food. But when there is a lull in work, they can afford to eat to the fullest. Of course, this immediately affects their digestion - constipation is a given - and their figure.

Diet. Capricorn's metabolism is sluggish and slow, which is why the skeletal system suffers first. Hence the requirement to include in the diet as many fermented milk dishes, fish, eggs and butter, which help activate vitamin D. Capricorns are not “distinguished” by the best digestion, so before eating they are not forbidden to drink something stimulating, for example, a little dry red wine. And breakfast is a must!

Diet. If Capricorn notices a couple of extra pounds or centimeters, he immediately begins to fight them, often in barbaric ways. Fasting is contraindicated for you. It is optimal to arrange fasting days for yourself once a week, and close the refrigerator after 18.00. However, the key to getting rid of excess calories is to cleanse the body. Baths, saunas, and herbal infusions have a good effect.


Ladies born under this sign are perhaps the biggest with a sweet tooth and the least obsessed with their shape. They start looking effective method for weight loss only after they cannot fit their favorite outfit on their figure. Fortunately, Aquarians do not need much effort to get rid of excess weight; it is enough to regulate their calorie expenditure and intake.

Diet. No more than half a bar of chocolate or cake per day. It is better to drink tea and coffee without sugar. Meat - only white, baked fish. Instead of butter, use vegetable oil. Instead of sugar - honey. But milk, kefir, rice, pasta, vegetable salads - as much as your heart desires.

Diet. It is advisable to “cleanse” the body once every six months by switching to a porridge, fruit and vegetable diet for a week. And in order not to torment yourself with diets especially often, have lunch no later than 15.00, have dinner no later than 19.00 and at night allow yourself no more than a glass of juice or yogurt.


You should not think that if a young lady is a Pisces, then she is lethargic and lacking initiative in life. This is truly the most creative sign! But the fact that their metabolism is really slow is an indisputable fact. Pisces are more prone to allergic manifestations, overwork and “accumulation” of extra pounds.

Diet. For Pisces, it reflects their sign - feast on all possible seafood, gourmet and not so gourmet, like seaweed and seaweed. You will have to give up canned food, hot spices and fried foods, especially those with large amounts of fat. Forget about fried foods and gravies, sauces and fats. Grains (especially rice), foods rich in iron and phosphates are healthy: grapes, apples, nuts, pomegranates!

Diet. All you have to do is adhere to the banal gastronomic “legislation”: eat breakfast, have a heavy lunch, and keep dinner to a minimum. At the same time, try to refrain from “Lucullus feasts” even on holidays. And if the “belly festival” took place, you are shown weekly diet, consisting of cereals, boiled fish and vegetable salads.

Consultant - Irina Batalova-Samoilenko, endocrinologist, nutritionist

Lose weight - what a sweet word for a woman! You are constantly sitting on different diets, you suffer, you starve, you barely lose three kilos, and damn them, they come back a month later, and even with an extra weight? Darling, maybe we should turn to heaven? In the literal sense of the word - what does your astrological sign say about what will help you gain the slimness of a doe? And although astrology is not officially recognized as a science, it is difficult to deny the influence of heavenly forces on earthly processes, which each of us has been convinced of at least once in our lives.

The diet according to the signs of the zodiac is based, like your horoscope, on the study of the influence of planets on the physical and mental body of a person. Try what astrologers offer, and watch, your silhouette will quickly melt, like ice under the sun.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Representatives of this sign are less likely than others to gain excess weight, although they are often dense in build. And for us girls, even 2 kilograms on our tummy causes unimaginable suffering. Therefore, the main rule for losing weight, which astrologers recommend taking as a basis, is to eat as often as possible. Yes, yes, you, Aries, are very lucky! But of course, there are limitations.

Products that are not suitable for Aries:

  • Red meat - beef, veal, lamb, horse meat. In general, it is recommended to eat less meat, especially fried meat. So, alas, kebab is no longer for you if you want to achieve parameters of 90-60-90 in record time. Well, somehow “lamb” eats lamb – not comme il faut.
  • Roast. Well, no comments here. Any zodiac sign will not get far with fried food, so switch to steam cutlets and grill.
  • Pickles and spices. Salt retains water, this known fact, but it is Aries who need to avoid its excessive consumption more than others, since excess weight can be caused solely by edema, and not by fat. And spices are not particularly suitable for Aries due to the fact that they suppress the natural manifestation of the earthly element.
  • Stimulating drinks – black tea, coffee, alcohol, energy tonics. Caffeine and alkaloids overstimulate the already active nervous system of Aries.
  • Sweets. But this, lambs, is a complete taboo for you! Moreover, we are talking not only about cookies, caramels, and cakes, but also about products containing fructose. And these are sweet fruits and honey. So you have to tighten your belt and be patient if you want to lose weight.

Useful foods for Aries:

  • Unlimited fish. Animal protein is extremely necessary for the body, and red meat is not suitable for representatives of the fire element such as Aries. So feel free to eat fish. I’ll be glad, because you don’t have to limit yourself to only low-fat types, and lose weight for joy!
  • Fermented milk: cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurts are good food for Aries, supplying their fragile bones with a lot of calcium.
  • Legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, mung beans, and lentils, will provide the missing protein and help normalize hemoglobin.
  • Parsley and parsnips are your energy boosters. By adding these foods to your diet daily, you will speed up your metabolism, which means that you will burn extra pounds at an accelerated pace.
  • Vegetables and fruits are high in vitamin C. This is your signature vitamin, Aries! Eat more oranges, tangerines, kiwis, drink infusions of rose hips, raspberries, hibiscus tea, and be sure to drink water with lemon every day.

Diet for Aries:

  • A diet with a sharp calorie restriction is not suitable for you, so any express diets that promise “minus 7 kg in 7 days” will do you more harm than good.
  • Try a diet based on the right combination of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • The ideal solution for losing excess weight would be a pulsed diet, which involves one fasting day a week with a normal diet (taking into account the recommendations of the stars).

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The sign most associated with excess weight gain and even obesity. No, of course, this does not mean that all Taurus wear size XXXL, but anatomically, most Taurus have a strong build with broad bones: Philip Kirkorov, Elizabeth II, George Clooney, Jack Nicholson. It is noted that Taurus are lovers of very tasty and satisfying food, and they are especially drawn to sweets. And this sweet thing is your biggest enemy. Recommendations from astrologers: stop sublimating your life’s troubles into appetite! Simply put, don’t eat your sorrows (and your joys too!) with cakes and ice cream. Believe me, there are things in the world much sweeter than chocolate. For example, the reflection of a thin waist in the mirror, compliments from a man, hot sex.

Products that are not suitable for Taurus:

  • Sweets. It’s either an effort of will, or a conscious agreement with oneself, or going around the shops as often as possible, so as not to accidentally buy something sweet. Very good for coping with sweet cravings physical activity. Start running. Or swim. Or dance the Mandala dance. The result will be surprising. Yes, you know this yourself.
  • Baked goods and flour. As for the baking – no comments. As for bread and other dishes containing flour, you should know: white flour is poison for you. Only whole grain from unrefined wheat, as well as rye, oatmeal, and buckwheat. Believe me, pancakes, pies and bread made from such flour are even tastier.
  • Pork and other fatty meats. Only dietary varieties - chicken, rabbit, turkey, young veal.

Healthy foods for Taurus:

  • Sea kale.
  • Cod liver. It, like seaweed, contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is why excess weight sometimes comes. Just don’t overdo it, cod liver is a fairly fatty product.
  • Nuts. The unsaturated fatty acids they contain regulate cholesterol levels.
  • Drinks with a sour taste - fruit drinks without added sugar, especially cranberry, natural citrus fresh juices, natural lemonade.

Diet for Taurus:

  • Separate meals. Proteins and carbohydrates are enemies to each other. Why do you need to fight inside your body?
  • A vegetarian diet, which involves giving up meat (even for a while).
  • Low-calorie, carbohydrate-free diets - you can easily find on the Internet a huge number of such diets, designed for 2-3 days with a consumption of no more than 1000 kilocalories per day. But remember that these are exclusively short-term diets!

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very prone to obesity and overeating. And they also love the exciting “death attraction” - losing weight back and forth, and by 10 kilograms. Why death? Because such swings are simply deadly for the body, and the metabolism can be disrupted just once or twice. Therefore, among Geminis there are a lot of those who are “on a diet” for life - when visiting with a martyr’s look, she chews a leaf of lettuce, and at home she has a blast like an adult, eating a week’s supply of food from the refrigerator overnight.

To lose weight, Geminis must first stop dividing themselves into two and decide what they want: to wear for the rest of their lives. lifebuoys at the waist or short sexy dresses? And then things will work out, because Geminis lose weight very easily. To do this, it is enough to eat green vegetables, spend more time in the fresh air, and walk.

Products that are not suitable for Geminis:

  • Sweets. Well, it’s just some kind of scourge for all zodiac signs! And Geminis can generally eat candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No, honey, or the waist, or the candy. The choice is yours.
  • Animal proteins and fats. The stars do not recommend such coarse earthly food as meat to airy Geminis. It is not Geminis who eat meat, but meat “eats” their powerful energy, weakening it and putting it into imbalance.
  • Alcohol. Gemini's already excitable nervous system may not be able to withstand such a stimulant. The consequences are worse than a nuclear disaster!

Useful products for Gemini:

  • Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels! But only special ones: seafood, fish, cheese, eggs are ideal sources of animal protein for this sign. Meat - if you absolutely cannot live without it, then poultry and lean varieties of red meat.
  • Nuts are an excellent natural immune stimulant.
  • Cereals and legumes are an additional source of protein, as well as vitamins and microelements. They are especially good when sprouted.
  • Products containing calcium: fermented milk, cheeses, honey, garlic, apples, asparagus, broccoli.
  • Green vegetables that help you lose weight: cucumbers, different types lettuce, parsley, cilantro, young cabbage, zucchini, olives.

Diet for Gemini:

  • Separate meals. This has already been discussed above about other signs.
  • Macrobiotic diet. Very interesting system nutrition based on the idea of ​​Taoism. According to it, all products have yin and yang energy, but not all are combined with each other. Geminis, with their curious minds, will find it very interesting to learn and practice this system.
  • A grain-based diet is a mono-diet based on buckwheat, rice or sprouted wheat.
  • Vegetarian diet.
  • Five-minute diets with sharp caloric restriction are not recommended.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

For Cancers, weight is very dependent on events in their personal lives. Everything is fine - they relax. But if Cancer is stressed or sad, he instantly loses weight if he was plump, and quickly gains weight if he was normal. Simply put, Cancer solves any life difficulties in the company of a refrigerator. Therefore, astrologers advise Cancers, like Geminis, to bring their inner world into harmony.

Foods that are not suitable for Cancer:

  • Sugar-containing foods and especially drinks. Cancer just swells on them. You should know that sugar causes fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, and if your sign is Cancer, then sweets and carbonated drinks create a threefold stormy life in your stomach. Hence - discomfort, heaviness in the epigastric region, bloating, heartburn.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables enhance the fermentation process, so it is better to eat mostly boiled vegetables, and select fruits individually and eat them separately, that is, fruit salad is definitely not the dish for you.
  • Some types of seafood can cause allergies.

Useful foods for Cancer:

  • Fish and white meat, stewed or steamed.
  • Vegetable first courses.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Cancers need to strictly adhere to the rule: “There is only one freshness - the first, and it is also the last.” Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (c).

Diet for Cancer:

  • Kefir.
  • Bonn soup.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If Leo has not realized himself in life, he will seek solace in food. But you shouldn’t do this, because overeating will affect not only blurred forms, but also a load on the cardiovascular system. The stars guarantee Leo to become truly royal, provided that the menu is compiled correctly with the expectation of supporting the heart. This means not eating at night, avoiding fatty and fried foods, putting stress on the body physical exercise and, of course, first of all, look for ways to realize yourself in the profession, creativity and society.

Products that are not suitable for Leo:

  • Red meat.
  • Anything that contains a high percentage of fat. You will have to give up smoked meats, lard, and mayonnaise - and not only because of the reflection in the mirror, but primarily because it is inappropriate for health. You don't want to have a stroke at a young age, do you?

Useful products for Leo:

  • Any foods containing potassium, which nourishes the heart muscle. These are dried apricots, figs, potatoes, soybeans, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • No other sign is better suited to teas from medicinal herbs. Brew burdock root with coltsfoot and celandine in a thermos, and your vessels will always be like those of a baby.

Diet for Leo:

  • An ideal way of eating is one in which you cannot eat after 18.00. Such unloading of the digestive tract for 12 hours will save you from extra centimeters on your waist in 2.5-3 months.

Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

The Virgo woman is practically a male ideal. She has everything that is described by the classics: a thin waist, rounded hips, proud breasts, long legs, scarlet lips and alluring eyes. Let's keep silent about the flexible nature, thriftiness of these women and their devotion to the family. Well, that's ideal! In order to preserve what nature has given, Virgo needs to make an effort, since poor nutrition can turn a princess into a Baba Yaga, not in manners, of course, but in appearance - easily.

Virgos age very quickly in appearance, so a carefully balanced diet is very important to maintain a young, blooming appearance.

Products that are not suitable for Virgo:

  • True cooks, Virgos are ready to live in the kitchen. First, second, third and compote are a mandatory daily menu. And, of course, an abundance of animal fats, smoked meats, sweets, and preserves. This is taboo. The desire to feed the family tastier and more satisfying is understandable, but tasty and satisfying is not a synonym for “fat.” Therefore, reconsider your culinary preferences in favor of dietary food.
  • Alcohol in high doses is what destroys all people, and for Virgo, just a little bit is enough for this.

Useful products for Virgo:

  • Vegetables containing a lot of fiber.
  • Wholemeal pasta.
  • Dietary lean meat baked on a grill without oil.
  • Abundance of fruit! In general, as you understand, food should be as simple and natural as possible.

Diet for Virgo:

  • Vegetarian diet.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Libra is the most vulnerable sign in terms of health. Breeze - they catch a cold to the point of bronchitis, overeat during a feast - acute pancreatitis, drink too much - a severe hangover. In women, all nutritional errors are deposited on the sides and chin, making the owner ten years older. Therefore, this particular sign needs moderation in food preferences throughout life.

Products that are not suitable for Libra:

  • Less dairy, it is quite difficult to digest.
  • Homemade and store-bought pickles and marinades kill the kidneys.
  • Smoked meats and sausages are simply poison for this sign. Libra's delicate stomach cannot cope with the abundance of preservatives and salt in such products, reacting with colic, gastritis, acid-base imbalance and even ulcers.

Useful products for Libra:

  • Porridges made from different grains, brown rice and brown rice are especially good.
  • Poultry, seafood, lean meat exclusively in boiled-stewed-steam form.
  • Sprouted grains.
  • Products containing copper: cucumbers, different types of lettuce, currants, strawberries, radishes.

Diet for Libra:

  • Libras need to avoid any diets that restrict carbohydrates - this is their food, without it they will waste away.

Oh, no one can compete with these gambling eaters! Scorpios are not even gourmets; they can more often be called gluttons. This sign eats too many high-calorie foods - guess which ones are more? That's right - sweets and baked goods. Give up buns, and your waist will soon show the world its ideal centimeters.

Products that are not suitable for Scorpio:

  • Pork, lamb.
  • Confectionery.

Useful foods for Scorpio:

  • As you understand, everything is moderate in calories and has minimal fat content. Well, your main trump card is ginseng. This miracle root can be used in any accessible form: if you want, drink the tincture, if you want, add powder to your dishes, and if your wallet allows, then use it in its natural form. Moreover, it is better if it is a red root.

Diet for Scorpio:

  • Small meals 5-6 times a day.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

The stars indicate that Sagittarians are among the most vulnerable signs, with very sensitive nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Record holders, in general.

We have already talked about the connection between health and nutrition more than once, and astrologers once again confirm: Sagittarius’ intemperance towards food leads to a crushing undermining of all of the listed systems. Their liver is a frankly weak point, so the most important thing that needs to be taken into account is the systematic cleansing of the liver from toxins and waste.

Products that are not suitable for Sagittarius:

  • Fatty meats. If you choose chicken, then do not rely on the fact that its name makes its meat dietary. Chicken legs, of course, are tasty, but this is the fat we are talking about. And remember that pork can also be lean.
  • Salo. Oooh, and with garlic too! Know, Sagittarius, this traditional Ukrainian delicacy is a direct hit to your liver. Banned!
  • Traditional, like for everyone: sweet and salty. You know about the dangers of excess sugar and salt, so we won’t repeat it.

Useful products for Sagittarius:

  • Legume protein. Eat mung beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, beans and peas in any form.
  • Vegetables and herbs that contain a lot of silicon: cucumbers, asparagus, young cabbage, nettles, parsley, celery, parsnips, cilantro, mint.
  • And your signature “dish” is... water. Especially mineral rich in silicon.

Diet for Sagittarius:

  • A vegetable diet with a minimum of protein, but with a large amount of food. A bowl of salad in the morning, noon and evening will give you all the necessary vitamins and microelements and relieve hunger.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Astrologers testify that Capricorns are more likely than other signs to experience metabolic disorders. An imperfect digestive system is a consequence of disrupted hormonal processes. Therefore, if, despite all your efforts, the weight does not go away, you need to see an endocrinologist, and then start losing weight in accordance with his recommendations. This means that the path to ideal forms for representatives of this sign can be very, very thorny.

Foods that are not suitable for Capricorn:

  • Like any sign of losing weight, you need to limit fatty foods and foods containing simple carbohydrates.
  • Desserts containing sugar are also not for you.
  • The stars say that it is better for Capricorns not to consume such a healthy and unique product as spinach.

Useful foods for Capricorn:

  • In order to stimulate digestion, a push is needed. Herbs and spices can handle this well: their choice is incredibly wide, but we advise you to buy them in eco-shops or from Uzbeks in the market to be sure that no preservatives or flavor enhancers have been added to the turmeric or asafoetida.
  • Complex carbohydrates (rice, oats, buckwheat, grain sprouts, eggplant).
  • Capricorns, your unique product is honey. Make desserts from honey (for example, mix oatmeal, raisins, dried apricots and banana into a homogeneous mass, add honey, roll into balls, dry in the oven with the door ajar), make drinks - whipped cream will be just right, sauces for salads, and so on.

Diet for Capricorn:

  • Buckwheat (for three weeks you eat only river and drink kefir).
  • Apple (you eat 1.5 kg of apples in any form per day).

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Astrologers have calculated that Aquarius ladies have the biggest sweet tooth. It’s good if you love sweets and have an increased metabolism, but what if not? Reasonable nutrition for Aquarius is based on the balance of proteins and carbohydrates. Suppliers of carbohydrates are cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits. So, if other signs are not advised to get carried away with large quantities of fruits, such as bananas, then Aquarius can eat kilograms of them without harming their figure.

Products that are not suitable for Aquarius:

  • Cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream!
  • Smoked products.

Useful products for Aquarius:

  • Soups, salads and side dishes made from vegetables such as spinach, eggplant, beans, zucchini, beets.
  • Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  • Buckwheat brings the greatest benefit to Aquarius.

Diet for Aquarius:

  • Buckwheat.
  • Japanese.
  • Kremlevskaya.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Do you know what the main problem of Pisces is? They are prone to hysteria and are often ready to drown their sorrows in a glass. Or eat it. And thoroughly. Fishes, don't! There are much better ways to cope with stress. Therefore, for them, like for Sagittarius, the liver is the weakest organ. And Pisces women tend to pay insufficient attention to their figure. And they are not disciplined enough to limit themselves to certain foods. By the way, the diet is very disciplined. If you are determined to go on a diet, set yourself a goal - to lose weight, for example, by your birthday.

Foods that are not suitable for Pisces:

  • Sugar, fats - standard set.
  • Dark meat.
  • Spicy seasonings and sauces.
  • Monitor your fluid intake – Pisces, unlike all signs, is not recommended by the stars to drink too much.

Useful foods for Pisces:

  • Red vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, radishes, bell pepper, apples, grapes, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries.
  • Buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, brown rice.
  • Seafood.
  • Top foods for Pisces – walnuts and raisins.

Diet for Pisces:

  • Separate meals.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Apple.

As you already understand, there is one universal recipe for everyone - eat foods in their natural form with minimal processing, do not overeat, do not indulge in sweets - and everything will be okay! Who are you according to your horoscope? What diet do you follow?

Basic principles of proper nutrition and weight loss for zodiac signs.

With spring approaching, many girls are trying to get their bodies in order. To do this, they go on the most stringent and unusual diets. A diet based on your zodiac sign will help you remove extra pounds from your stomach and hips.

Wine diet for all zodiac signs: menu, rules

This weight loss technique is suitable for all zodiac signs, since it is low in calories and allows you to remove a lot of fluid from the body.

Almost all weight loss methods prohibit the consumption of alcohol. The exception is the wine diet. It is based on the consumption of certain foods and dry red wine.

Features of the wine diet:

  • No liquids other than wine and plain water should be consumed.
  • The diet is low-calorie, so there are restrictions on some foods
  • You should not consume sugar in any form. Sweeteners allowed
  • You can't add salt to food

A weight loss method for 5 days has been calculated. All this time you will eat the same foods.

Sample menu for a wine diet:

  • Start your morning with a hard-boiled egg and tomato
  • For second breakfast, eat one apple. I wish it was green
  • For lunch, treat yourself to a pack of low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and a cucumber
  • In the evening, drink a glass of semi-dry red wine (200 ml)

Stick to this menu for 5 days. Give preference to these types of wine: Cabernet, Muscat, Isabella.

Benefits of the wine diet:

  • Losing 5 kg in a short period of time
  • You can drink alcohol, which is an advantage during the holidays
  • Improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin

Please note that large weight loss is due to the removal of water from the body due to the cessation of salt consumption.

The wine diet should be repeated no more than once every 60 days. This is due to the low calorie content of the daily diet. You can extend the diet up to 7 days, in which case replace part of the cottage cheese with low-fat hard cheese.

Sagittarius is famous for its indomitable energy and love of life. That is why among such people there are long-livers. Sagittarius' weak points include the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Problems with the circulatory system may occur. That is why the diet for Sagittarius is aimed at strengthening the liver and nervous system.

  • Seeds
  • Sauerkraut
  • By-products
  • Lean meat
  • Liver
  • Pomegranates and beets

It is worth limiting your consumption of fatty and fried foods. It is from these products that the liver suffers. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. This way, you can cleanse your body and get rid of excess fluid.

Geminis are flighty and changeable people. They are constantly on the move and do not notice fatigue. It is in this main problem sign. Regarding food, Geminis rarely prepare complex dishes. It’s easier for them to go to the nearest cafe and eat fast food.
You can't do that. These people are often nervous and eat their anxiety. The result is excess weight and gastritis with ulcers.

  • Eat lean meat
  • Increase your consumption of dairy products and eggs
  • Eat green salad and parsley
  • Reduce portions, but increase the number of meals
  • Eat every 2-3 hours

Diet according to the zodiac sign Libra

At first glance, Libras have great health. But that's not true. In fact, Libra has low body resistance to disease. They constantly “catch” some viruses and infections. This is worth paying a lot of attention to. Strengthen your immune system with medications and healthy foods.

Ways to lose weight for Libra:

  • Can be considered ideal
  • Separate nutrition according to Shelton is suitable for Libra
  • You can be a vegetarian

Libras should not use low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diets to lose weight.

Libra often suffers overweight because they love to eat. Accordingly, you will have to lose weight in any case.

Aquarians are also not known for their good health, but the correct distribution of responsibilities and a well-organized workday allow them to avoid many ailments associated with the nervous system. Aquarians often suffer from ailments of the musculoskeletal system, so you should not carry heavy objects and control the load on your legs and spine.

Aquarians need to pay attention:

  • For the amount of sweets. Representatives of this sign have a terrible sweet tooth.
  • Reduce the amount of spices and smoked meats
  • Drink unsweetened tea and coffee
  • Aquarius needs to pay a lot of attention to sleep. Need more sleep. Insomnia can cause disorders in the central nervous system

Virgo is a suspicious sign that often eats up problems with something sweet. Typically, these signs are not prone to overeating, but love to eat candy or meat. Problems with the digestive tract often occur.

  • Limit your consumption of yeast dough. It increases the volume of the intestines due to gases
  • Minimize your consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is preferable to steam or bake them
  • Introduce oat bran into your diet
  • Virgos often suffer from constipation, so fiber will not harm them
  • Vegetable diets are recommended for weight loss

Capricorn is a long-liver, but not thanks to good health, but to his knowledge of moderation. Representatives of this zodiac sign rarely overeat, so they are not prone to being overweight. But the problem comes with a slow metabolism. To speed up metabolic processes, you can drink 50 ml of aperitif before meals.

  • Eat less sweets
  • You can lose weight on a buckwheat and vegetable diet
  • Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your menu
  • Eat small portions

Leos love to eat, so for lunch they usually eat first course, second course and dessert. Such food preferences should be abandoned. Leos are used to eating the best, so it is difficult for them to give up their usual menu.

Tips for Leos:

  • Eat small meals
  • Change your usual menu
  • Replace traditional borscht and meat with Japanese cuisine. They are low in calories and promote weight loss
  • Replace sugar with honey and don't eat sweets

Cancers prefer simple dishes and are supporters of conservatism. When preparing food, use healthy products and do not overdo it with spices and salt. Therefore, they rarely suffer from excess weight.

  • To lose weight, use express diets designed for a maximum of 7 days
  • Stop overeating
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Don't exclude soups from your diet

Scorpios often behave like little children. They like to restrain themselves all day, and in the evening they eat to their fill. They are prone to the appearance of tumors due to their love of fatty and fried foods. They need to reconsider their usual menu.

Scorpios should not eat the following foods:

  • Fatty meats and sausages
  • Canned food and smoked meats
  • Confectionery
  • Lots of salt

It is best to switch to proper nutrition and introduce a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables into the menu.

Pisces zodiac sign: diet

Pisces are prone to depression and therefore eat away their pain with sweets or drink wine. Accordingly, fish often experience injuries and are susceptible to infectious diseases. Pisces are prone to abscesses, varicose veins, and tumors.

  • Remove red meat from the menu. Replace it with poultry and seafood
  • Don't drink alcohol
  • Introduce salad and fresh vegetables into your diet
  • Buy dietary supplements for the digestive tract

As you can see, the diet according to zodiac signs takes into account weak points people born under specific constellations. In addition, it will help you lose weight properly without harm to your health.

VIDEO: Diet according to zodiac signs

Astrology is a rather controversial and mysterious science. Some believe in the influence of stars on our lives, others are skeptical about this, but one thing is absolutely certain: each person is individual, has his own unique character and unique organism. Have you ever wondered why someone gains 2 kg from 2 buns, while someone doesn’t gain even a gram even if they eat a large piece of cake with cream? Why does a certain diet suit one person and not another? It's not just about genetics and lifestyle. There is a certain connection between the metabolism in the body and the moment of birth.

There are a lot of different diets that are based on blood types, certain days of the week, types of foods, etc. Such diets have really helped many people, so why not try a diet specifically for your zodiac sign, especially since astrologers have already calculated everything for a long time. Even if you're skeptical about astrology, you can simply try eating certain foods that work for you without gaining weight.

As we all know, there are exactly 12 signs in the horoscope. All of them are divided into 4 elements - 3 signs for each. Also, every 2 elements have their own gender. So, to female include water and earth signs, and masculine signs include air and fire signs. “Male” signs have an accelerated metabolism, their food is digested quickly, the feeling of hunger comes faster, but satiety comes sooner. “Female” signs have a slower metabolism, their absorption of food occurs slowly, and the feeling of hunger comes much later. Based on this, the calorie content of foods is different for different signs. Meal timing should also be taken into account. For “male” signs, adherence to the regime is necessary. It is recommended that they eat food at the same time, and divide meals 5-6 times a day. “Feminine” signs are allowed snacks throughout the day.

Let's consider food preferences for each sign separately.

Aries belongs to the “masculine” sign, he is active, but very forgetful, often “has his head in the clouds,” so his meals should be on a schedule. This sign cannot imagine their diet without meat, so Aries must have a meat dish on his table for lunch. To maintain energy and not gain weight, it is better for Aries to avoid confectionery products with cream and give preference to dried fruits. Among dietary products, you can eat cabbage, apples, nuts, potatoes, beets, and legumes in unlimited quantities. Best alcoholic drink for Aries - red wine, in extreme cases, vodka. The foods that Aries will recover from most quickly are smoked meats, full-fat dairy products (ice cream), and fast food.

With age, the metabolism of this sign deteriorates, Therefore, Aries is not recommended to snack on the run and drink a lot of coffee.

Diet Taurus

Taurus is a “feminine” sign and tends to be overweight. Taurus loves sweets and is generally a supporter of “eating well,” which is why the risk of obesity increases with age. For Taurus, fish and any seafood rich in iodine are a must in their diet. This sign has a weak thyroid gland, so vegetables and fruits should be rich in iodine and microelements. Bananas, apricots, all citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach, onions, garlic, hot pepper- these are the must-have products for Taurus. Vodka is suitable as an alcohol, but beer and carbonated low-alcohol drinks should be avoided. Taurus needs to drink a lot of water to normalize metabolism. It is contraindicated to eat at night.

Diet Gemini

Gemini belongs to the “masculine” sign. Gemini's metabolism is quite intense, so they quickly get full, but just as quickly they want to eat again. The Gemini diet should contain a lot of protein - meat of any kind, fish, dairy products. This sign is unstable and has a weak nervous system. Stress provokes excessive appetite and cravings for alcohol in Gemini, which can lead to heart disease and mental disorders. For this reason, the sign’s menu should contain foods rich in potassium - bananas, plums, corn, peas, celery, tomatoes, nuts, dates. Geminis should not overeat at night, and should limit themselves to sweets.

Diet Cancer

Cancer is a “feminine” sign, and it tends to be overweight in its own right. This typically water sign is bound to consume a lot of water. Cancer does not need foods rich in starch and sugar. The hermit’s best “food friends” are foods rich in vitamin A and calcium. Carrots, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, citrus fruits, and dairy products are perfect for Cancers. It is also recommended to consume light daily vegetable soups, milk porridges and desserts. White wine is suitable for Cancer, but it is better not to drink strong drinks at all, since this sign is prone to the development of alcoholism. It is better to eat confectionery products in the first half of the day, and limit their consumption.

Diet Leo

Leo belongs to the “masculine” sign. Like no other, Leo needs proteins. Any meat, eggs, cheese, legumes and dairy products should be in Leo's diet daily. Leo is rarely prone to being overweight, but is very prone to nervous exhaustion. Any vegetables and fruits of red and orange color. From alcohol, Leo can treat himself to good cognac in small quantities. Leos are advised to adhere to a diet and eat at the same time. Sweets are not contraindicated for Leo in moderation.

Diet Virgo

Virgo belongs to the “feminine” sign. Virgo has a weak digestive system, so she always needs to follow a diet. Any fatty meat, pastry cream, sauces, smoked meats and fast food are contraindicated for Virgo. Her menu should consist of light vegetables, lean fish, water-based cereals, bran, cereals, and dried fruits. Alcohol and strong coffee should be avoided.

Diet Libra

Libra is a masculine sign. These are true gourmets, they love to eat tasty food, even if only a little. Libras will not “sip” lean soup; they need a lot of herbs and spices that improve the taste of the dish. Libras are recommended to eat sea fish, lean meat, and exotic non-acidic fruits. Citrus fruits and vinegar will not be beneficial, since Libras often have a weak stomach and pancreas. Libra can handle almost anything from alcohol in small doses. Sweets should be limited, replacing them with honey, jam, and dried fruits. You can use almost anything from fruits and vegetables, the main thing is to alternate them. Libras are also advised to eat a lot of greens and bananas for normal functioning of the heart muscle. The best diet for this sign would be to abstain from eating after 6 pm.

Diet Scorpio

Scorpio belongs to the “feminine” sign. Scorpio is particularly resilient, so going hungry is not a problem for him. However, after fasting for some time, Scorpio may break loose and start eating in large quantities. To keep in shape, Scorpio needs protein, red meat will be especially useful. Vegetables include pumpkin, radishes, turnips, peppers, onions, beets, and cucumber. Suitable fruits and berries include watermelon, melon, raspberries, and strawberries. It is good for Scorpios to have fasting days, for example on kefir and apples. It is worth limiting sweets and being careful with alcohol.

Diet Sagittarius

Sagittarius belongs to the “masculine” sign. Sagittarius loves to eat and drink. Overeating is often the norm for him. Any Sagittarius diet should start with moderation. Fatty meats should be replaced with poultry, and alcohol should be eliminated altogether. This sign loves extremes - he can eat buckwheat for a week, and then eat everything that comes to hand. Both options are harmful to the health and nervous system of Sagittarius, so his diet should contain a lot of vegetables and fruits, as well as legumes. Almost all vegetables and fruits are suitable for Sagittarius, and any greens are also useful. Fasting days on fermented milk products are good for weight loss.

Diet Capricorn

Capricorn belongs to the “feminine” sign. Capricorn's metabolism is slow, so his diet should include spices that improve digestion - cloves, anise, nutmeg. Capricorn often leads a sedentary lifestyle, so food should be easily digestible. Fatty meats, smoked meats, and fatty desserts are excluded. Capricorn benefits from fish, dairy products, and any dark berries. An aperitif before lunch is allowed in small doses.

Diet Aquarius

Aquarius is a masculine sign. The main problem of Aquarius is the craving for sweets. This sign cannot live without confectionery products; it is because of them that Aquarians are often overweight. Overeating is rarely characteristic of this sign; he does not need exotic food, simple food is enough. Fruits suitable for Aquarius include pomegranate, quince, strawberry, plum, grapes, and apricot. Vegetables include eggplant, pumpkin, cucumber, carrots, and potatoes. As for alcohol, red wine will be useful. The diet for Aquarius is to exclude sweets from your diet.

Pisces Diet

Pisces belongs to the “feminine” sign. They are forgetful and slow to the point that sometimes they simply forget to eat. Pisces metabolism is also slow, so this sign often needs a diet. Pisces have a weak liver, so complex fruit and vegetable salads are required in the diet, but fatty foods are not needed. Apple, pomegranate, quince, banana, kiwi, pear, cherry are the main fruits for Pisces. Suitable vegetables include cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, and lettuce. The basis of the protein diet should be seafood and milk. Pisces should beware of alcohol and try not to drink it at all.

No matter what sign you were born under, remember that fatty foods and alcohol are generally not healthy. It will be difficult to lose weight with sweets, and fast food does not bring any benefit to the body.

Interesting, simple, quick recipes.

Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences. The exact date of its appearance is unknown, but people have been able to predict entire events for thousands of years by looking at the stars. There are still debates, but they can be considered scientifically based. A lot of people do not trust such assumptions, especially horoscopes in newspapers and magazines. They really shouldn't be trusted. After all, most of it is compiled by people who have nothing to do with astrology. Despite the large number of skeptics, one cannot help but notice that the main character traits of people with the same zodiac sign are quite similar. They share the same traits, both good and bad. It is believed that biologically such people are also very similar. Based on this, a diet according to the zodiac sign was developed. Such nutrition systems have existed for quite a long time; they were developed individually for each zodiac sign.

There are several similarities between the diets for each zodiac sign. First of all, they do not indicate the serving size, a specific list of products, and also do not set strict restrictions and time frames. Initially, all these recommendations were created not for the purpose of losing weight, but simply to maintain human health.
By combining the basic rules of diets with reducing portion sizes, excluding sweet, fried, smoked, salty, fatty foods, control drinking regime, you can significantly reduce weight in a relatively short period of time.
You don’t have to invent your own individual nutrition system for weight loss, but use an existing one, one of those that suits you best.

Aries is a very active sign. Astrologers often highlight simply immoderate energy, a constant desire to create and do something new. Unfortunately, such excellent quality is not combined with time control. Often, Aries simply do not have time to eat normally; they have to be content with quick snacks. Therefore, even despite all the activity, among Aries there are often people who are extremely overweight.
It is best for Aries not to include dark meat, animal oil, canned foods, or excessively salty and spicy foods in their diet. Both with diet and ordinary life Various stimulating drinks, including black tea, are contraindicated for them.
The diet according to the zodiac sign recommends that Aries eat lean fish, any cereals, low-fat dairy products, carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips and radishes, legumes, and greens. Most of the total diet should be given to fruits, especially citrus fruits. You need to drink as many decoctions of rose hips and various herbs as possible.
Based on these recommendations, we can say that Aries are perfectly suited to diets based on cereals, for example, oatmeal, buckwheat, etc., vegetables, as well as those based on regular intake of kefir.

Taurus are extremely calm and reasonable. The same can be said about their metabolism. He is quite slow compared to other zodiac signs. Therefore, problems with excess weight often arise.
Taurus are very picky eaters. They can be called the biggest gourmets among all the zodiac signs. They especially love sweets, but this is what they should give up first during a diet.
In addition, you should completely avoid fatty and fried foods. It is best to lean on plant foods, stewed vegetables, especially carrots, beets, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, onion. All types of nuts are very beneficial for Taurus. Among fruits, special preference is given to peaches, apricots, oranges, and tangerines. Your diet should include plenty of red fruits and vegetables.
Drinks prohibited include coffee and strong tea. It is worth drinking various diuretic decoctions, for example, chamomile, lingonberry leaf.
In general, any low-fat diet is suitable for Taurus. With their help, they can lose weight quite quickly.

At first glance, the twins seem fragile and defenseless, but this is just a shell. In fact, people with this zodiac sign are very active and purposeful.
The peculiarity of Geminis is excessive emotional stress in difficult situations, so their diet is filled with foods that are designed to strengthen the nervous system.
To lose weight, they will have to completely give up fatty and high-carbon foods. In this, their nutrition system for weight loss is similar to the diet for the zodiac sign Scorpio. In addition, to lose weight you should completely give up alcohol.
Geminis should lean on protein, both animal and plant. They need to eat more meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Recommended vegetables are potatoes, cabbage, eggplants and zucchini, lettuce. Fruits - only the most dietary ones, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi.
In addition to the composition of the menu, you need to pay attention to the process of eating. Geminis often eat on the go, and this is dangerous for their figure. You need to force yourself to eat only for dining table, slowly and thoughtfully.

Cancers often lack energy and vitality, and this is reflected in their recommended diet.
Cancers should significantly reduce the amount of food they eat at one time. It is better to eat often, but in fairly small portions. Alcohol can only be drunk separately from food, so no beer with snacks or champagne with fruit. You should also not eat raw vegetables and fruits. It is best to cook them in the oven or boil them.
Most of the menu should consist of grains and dairy products. In addition to them, fish and white meat are included, but only boiled or steamed. Soups without frying are very useful, especially those made with low-fat chicken or vegetable broth. Among the seasonings, particular preference is given to garlic; it contains a lot of microelements such as selenium, which is extremely necessary for crayfish.
The diet for the Cancer zodiac sign is similar to common systems based on cereals and fruits.

Leos have a very purposeful character. They stubbornly go towards their intended goal, not noticing anything on their way. This often results in exhausting work and absolute non-compliance with the rules of balanced nutrition.
Leos are prohibited from foods that negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, for example, fatty and fried foods, dark meat, alcohol, and sweets.
Protein is essential, but you should eat only the most nutritious foods high in protein, such as white meat (except pork), eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts.
You should choose citrus fruits from fruits, and potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, celery, and onions from vegetables. It is worth including foods rich in potassium and magnesium in your menu. These microelements are necessary to strengthen blood vessels and maintain normal heart function. These include fish, grains, egg yolks, cocoa and soy.
It is recommended to drink decoctions of calendula, laurel, celandine and burdock.
Any grain and protein diet is great for Leos.

The girls have excellent health. Among them, the most common are long-livers. The goal of the diet is to maintain the condition of the body, so it does not have a large list of recommended products. A person under the Virgo zodiac sign can decide for himself which products are most beneficial for her.
Still, as in any nutrition system, fast carbohydrates, for example, sweets, should be excluded. Fried, fatty, smoked, overly salted, and canned foods will also not benefit your figure.
Virgos are advised to eat more vegetables, preferably potatoes, beets, and pumpkin. Your favorite fruit should be pomegranate.
Thanks to this versatility of nutrition, almost all common diets are suitable for virgins.

Libra in terms of health is the opposite of Virgo. Outwardly they look very energetic and strong, but in reality they can be crippled by a more or less serious illness. Therefore, it is important for Libras, more than anyone else, to maintain proper nutrition, and not only for weight loss.
In order to maintain health, Libra first of all needs to give up various pickles. You should not drink too much milk or eat any smoked foods. Foods and seasonings with a high content of acids, for example, radishes, radishes, vinegar, citrus fruits, are harmful.
The diet for the zodiac sign Libra consists only of simple food, with a minimum of ingredients and heat treatment. Various cereals are most suitable. Seafood and lean meats are used as a source of protein. Vegetables should be eaten mainly those containing a lot of copper: radishes, lettuce, beets. It is also present in large quantities in berries such as black currants, strawberries and cranberries.
Of the popular diets, scales are most suitable various options protein, as well as a diet on kefir and beet juice.

Scorpios can go all day without food, but in the evening they eat to their heart's content. To lose weight, you first need to eradicate this bad habit. It is best to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.
Fatty foods, as well as foods high in carbohydrates, are completely contraindicated for Scorpios. When losing weight, you should exclude not only sweets, but even cereals, and also reduce the amount of fruit.
Most of the diet should consist of lean meats, such as chicken or game, as well as fish and seafood.
Vegetables you should choose are cabbage, radishes, beets, carrots, onions, peppers, turnips, and pumpkin. Much attention should be paid to spices, especially coriander, basil, sage, ginseng and vanilla.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, which makes its own adjustments to the usual way of life. Sagittarians are extremely purposeful and easily achieve their goals. Despite the fact that people of this zodiac sign often suffer various injuries, there are many long-livers among them.
To lose weight, Sagittarians need to exclude all fatty meats, including beef. The main source of protein for them will be chicken, fish and seafood, although their quantity should be reduced, because a plant-based diet is recommended for Sagittarius.
You need to eat all types of legumes, dairy products, and any vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
The diet for Sagittarius is quite simple. The main thing is to exclude meat, but with everything else there are no special restrictions. So, for such people to lose weight, almost any type of diet is suitable, except for protein ones, like the Kremlin diet, where the basis of the diet is meat.

Capricorns' metabolism constantly needs stimulation. This can be done both through a more active lifestyle and various workouts, and through nutrition.
This zodiac sign, unlike the others, is not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, it is recommended to drink coffee and black tea. Caffeine will have a beneficial effect on metabolism. However, other stimulating drinks, such as alcohol and energy drinks, should not be consumed.
There are no special restrictions regarding nutrition, but in order to lose weight, you should remove a number of foods that do not contribute to weight loss. Replace all sweets with berries and honey.
The menu should include various seasonings, especially those that have a hot or simply warming effect: cinnamon, pepper, ginger, cloves, etc.
Of the common diets, various fruit and cereal options are most suitable.

Aquarians rarely gain excess weight, because overeating is completely unusual for them. They are used to eating thoughtfully, paying attention to every taste, and not just swallowing everything. If you belong to this sign, the most important thing for losing weight is not to lose so much good habit, and if it has already disappeared, take all measures to return to this regime.
Still, even Aquarians have habits that are harmful to their figure. They all have a sweet tooth. You should avoid sugar during a weight loss diet. Along with it, fatty and fried foods are excluded.
You need to eat as many vegetable salads as possible. It is advisable to have them in every meal. Those that contain spinach, beets, carrots, cabbage, and beans are especially useful.
The best fruits for Aquarius are apples, quinces, plums, melons, and pomegranates.
Aquarius is suitable for weight loss various systems separate food.

Last on the list of zodiac signs is the sign of Pisces. They are always calm and reasonable, which also affects their metabolism. They, like Capricorns, should pay special attention to hot spices when creating a diet menu, but hot sauces are contraindicated.
You should also eliminate red meat and generally reduce the amount of protein you consume.
The most useful vegetables for fish are cucumbers, tomatoes, and radishes. Fruits - apples, grapes and pomegranates. They contain a lot of iron, which fish need to stay healthy.