In the subject of social studies. On the role of social studies as a school subject

Social science is a science that studies society and the processes occurring in it. In its arsenal, social science has many tools related to different branches of knowledge. Everything that concerns interaction in society, trends in the development of the human collective, is the object of study of this academic discipline.

The place of social science in the system of sciences

“Social science is a science that studies society” - this is precisely the definition that was formed in the philistine consciousness, and it is partly true, but still does not fully reflect the essence of this scientific discipline. To understand what this branch of knowledge is, let’s first talk about science in general. So, science as a term denotes a system of studying the world around us.

Branches of knowledge from the point of view of the object under study can be divided into several groups:

  1. Fundamental. Sciences, which are a help and a tool, the basis for all others. This group includes not only the sciences themselves, such as mathematics, but also those branches that form the basis - for example, nuclear chemistry.
  2. Technical. Disciplines that study the technosphere, as well as auxiliary ones for this. This group includes architecture, cybernetics, computer science, systems engineering, mechanics, and so on.
  3. Humanitarian. Sciences that study human activity in certain areas. Literary criticism, art criticism, psychology.
  4. Applied. Those disciplines that may have direct practical application in a person's life.
  5. Public. A layer of sciences that study social processes. This group includes sciences that study man - social science, sociology, as well as disciplines that study the activities of communities of people: history, political science, economics, jurisprudence.

Related Sciences

So, having studied the classification of sciences in general, we come to the question of what sciences study social science. To begin with, it should be noted that the humanities, which are often identified with social sciences, are not necessarily such. Thus, they explore the creativity or activities of individuals without their direct connection with society.

The group of social sciences is focused specifically on human activity in the context of his interaction with other people. Below are the sciences that study social studies. The table contains a list of disciplines and a description of research objects.

Disciplines related to social science

Name of discipline

Object of study


Economic activity of society, laws of production, distribution, consumption, exchange


Patterns of functioning of society, relationships and communities of people, social institutions

Cultural studies

Achievements of humanity in art and spiritual life

Political science

Political organization and social life

Life and activities of society in the past

Thus, by studying the table, you can understand what sciences study social science. In addition to the above, some experts also include psychology, anthropology, philosophy and pedagogy in this group.

Dwelling on every aspect human activity and after analyzing the overall picture, we can conclude that this scientific discipline is fundamental and necessary.

Economics as a science related to social science

When describing the sciences that help to study social science, the first step is to dwell on the discipline, which is of great practical importance, and in modern world is one of the fundamental ones. This is economics. Let us consider further how it collaborates with other social sciences.

As already mentioned, social science is a science that studies society. A fundamental component of the life of society is economic activity, without which there would simply be no need to think about other types of activities. Production, distribution, exchange - all these stages imply both a direct economic component and a human factor. And it is at the junction of these two interconnected components relationships in society and there is a need for a comprehensive study of them. In such cases, we are talking about the emergence of economics in the arsenal of social sciences, and the discipline acts as a research tool.

Sociology is a central element of social science

Sociology occupies almost a central place in the totality of sciences about the human collective. The discipline examines in detail the structure of society, the characteristics of relationships between people, and trends in society.

Combining the qualities of fundamental and applied science, sociology, on the one hand, studies social phenomena, and on the other hand, can predict them and thus influence them.

The scientific discipline has several difficult dilemmas associated with the heterogeneity of approaches of scientists to certain issues. For example, the attitude of scientists from different schools of sociology to the question of the initial environment of society is different: whether it is initially conflicting or favorable. It is in resolving this issue that other social disciplines help. Social science is a science that studies the possibility of applying applied knowledge from one branch of knowledge to another.

Cultural studies

From the time when the first people began to unite into tribes and live in communities, they began to engage in the first creativity. Surprisingly, rock art, found today in some places on the planet, can say a lot about the people of that time. fine arts, oral folk art, vocals - all this was developed even thousands of years ago.

What it is - the spiritual heritage of humanity, what it contains and what it can give to generations that come after - this is what cultural studies studies.

Social science is a science that studies society with all its facets, and in Western taxonomy, cultural studies is not an independent discipline, but only a section of social science. In the domestic classification, it is customary to distinguish this science as an independent one, with its own subject and method of study.

Political science in the system of social sciences

Political science is the science of relations between power and man, the functioning of state institute, about the place of man in this structure. Since the formation of the first management apparatus, the need for this discipline has become clear. Its connection with social science is obvious: the state exists only where society exists, and at the same time, there is now no civilized society in which there would be no state.


The most important role in the system of sciences that study society is assigned to the discipline of history. Covering thousands of years, leading the biography of all previous generations, it is able to provide answers to many questions of our time. How individual civilizations developed, what was the apogee of their evolution and why they fell - all this gives to modern man opportunity to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

History shows how, at one time or another, people and the state, the state and the state, interacted with each other.

Social studies as an academic discipline is used to study society various instruments and methods. Being combined with other social sciences, this branch of knowledge allows a person to become one step closer to understanding the secrets of society.

Social science is a science that studies the development human society and the place of man in it. It includes knowledge from other branches of science, such as philosophy, sociology, political science, ethics, history, economics. Social science includes the following sections: society, man, knowledge, spiritual life of society, economics, social relations, politics, law.

IN modern society the need and importance of social science are already sufficiently realized. WITH scientific point vision The need for social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, since it gives a holistic picture of society. By forming a holistic idea of ​​society, social science creates new knowledge, a new worldview. It absorbs the most important, fundamental and valuable of social sciences, but is not a simple sum of them. It is thanks to social science that we have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about society, in which the diversity of information leads to ideological changes in consciousness associated with the understanding of society, which means that social science has a scientific meaning.

By creating changes in worldview, social science becomes the basis for the formation of a person’s moral values ​​and moral principles. This is what the study of the spiritual sphere of society leads to: religion, philosophy, culture, art, ethics and aesthetics. This humanistic meaning social studies, which gives young people the necessary knowledge about morality and the society in which we live. Therefore, social science is necessary for everyone, regardless of their chosen profession, because there is no real citizen without knowledge of society. Social studies helps students adapt to a changing and complex social reality, promotes successful socialization of the individual, and provides career guidance assistance.

Why do you need to study social studies?

In the modern world, every person is a part of society, he performs several social roles, interacts directly with other people. Modern democratic society is gradually becoming civil. A true citizen is not just a person who has legal rights and responsibilities, but also has achieved a certain level of self-awareness. This is a person who consciously relates to himself, his place in society, actively participating in social and political life. Social studies contributes to the formation of an active civic position, which represents the social needs necessary for the modern development of society. This is awareness of one’s belonging to a small and large Motherland, the willingness and ability to build a decent life, fulfilling one’s civic duty, and an understanding of what it consists of. All this is impossible without the body of knowledge about society that can only be provided by the study of social science, this its civic aspect.

Don't forget about your general outlook. The knowledge that students acquire while studying social studies remains with them for the rest of their lives, no matter who they become in life, no matter what profession they receive, no matter what social and economic position they occupy. Social science provides the basis for practical competencies that help one take a worthy place in society, promotes self-realization, and hence social progress.

The society has existed for millennia, but understanding it from a scientific point of view happened not so long ago. Sociology as a science that studies society appeared only in the first half of the 19th century. The subject of social science is akin to philosophy; it is not Dan, A given because it is a problem. The study of society largely consists of finding an increasingly deeper definition of the very concept of society. This is philosophical aspect social studies.

Social science also has something that brings it closer to science. This is, first of all, the desire for objective knowledge of one’s subject. Another feature that unites science and social science is the desire to identify cause-and-effect relationships, to consider the subject in its formation and development. The fact that in social science there is no mathematical rigor of the obtained results of knowledge as in the natural sciences does not mean that there is no knowledge in it. This kind of knowledge, for example, is embedded in the spiritual traditions of humanity: in philosophy, religion, morality and art. It is sometimes difficult to analyze scientifically and can be destroyed under its influence. Without manifestations of spirituality there is no human society.
Social studies, like science, is incompatible with superstitions. Social science does not predict or prophesy, but is capable of making scientific forecasts that may or may not come true, because there are many factors that are difficult to predict, but, nevertheless, they have a strong influence on the development of society.

Social studies is also an academic discipline. Goals The academic subject of social science is structured by highlighting five areas: development of students’ personality, education, assimilation of a knowledge system, development of skills, formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities. .

Since social science covers a wide range of different sciences, studying this subject is necessary for those who choose the following professions: political scientist, sociologist, cultural scientist, lawyer, economist, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, manager (by industry), etc.

Let's consider one of the lesser known, but very interesting professions- lawyer A lawyer is a legal specialist, a legal scholar, an expert in current legislation, as well as the fundamentals and philosophy of law. Jurisprudence (or jurisprudence) is a science that studies the body of knowledge about the state, government and law. A lawyer, as a specialist in the field of law, knows exactly what and how, and most importantly, why. Based on the laws of the state, he will help resolve any situation in which his client finds himself for various reasons.

A specialist in this field must, first of all, be trained both theoretically and practically to approach the problems of business, criminal, land and labor law. To do this, you need to graduate from the appropriate university, receive a higher legal education, and after completing your studies, a person will be able to work not only as a practical professional, but also in the scientific field.

During their studies, students study a whole range of legal sciences:

· general theory of state and law;

history of political and legal doctrines;

· history of state and law, constitutional law;

· branches of the national legal system.

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The work program in social studies for grade 10 (advanced level) is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the State Standard for Basic general education, Approximate program of basic general education in social studies and the author’s program of L. N. Bogolyubov


Social studies as academic subject includes basic social sciences

(philosophy, sociology, social psychology, political science, economics and
jurisprudence), focusing on specialized knowledge that
necessary for effective solution the most typical problems in
social, economic, political, spiritual spheres of life.
Characteristic feature course is one hundred social sciences
are not considered in isolation, but as closely related
are disciplines that make up a single whole. Thus,
Social studies allows students to develop a holistic picture
social world. The course "Social Studies" takes special place among
social and humanitarian disciplines taught at school.
Its peculiarity is that this course is not a science or a section in
system scientific knowledge, and an academic discipline designed to introduce
schoolchildren and with the basics of social life, and introduce them into the complex of social,
social and human sciences that will be studied in universities.

Social studies introduces students to a holistic picture of society

life, considering all its components. Therefore the course content
includes a wide range of topics - from philosophy to political science, from sociology
to ethics and aesthetics Social science is called upon to expand the horizon
perception of the surrounding world. At the same time, it lays the foundation
theoretical thinking, teaches the ability to think. Thanks to
the formation of theoretical thinking, students will be able not only
gain knowledge in class, but also develop the ability to acquire new ones
knowledge on your own.

Thus, social studies as a school subject is characterized by:

  • Focus on theoretical generalization of educational material;

  • Integrated character, special compared to others
school disciplines, focus on interdisciplinary connections;

  • Discussive nature;

  • Practice-oriented character;

  • The need to attract materials from modern life.
Important content and didactic feature course - presentation of the fundamentals of the most important social sciences: philosophy, sociology, political science, social psychology.


Implementation work program sets goals:

- development personality in the period of early youth, its spiritual, moral, political
And legal culture, economic way of thinking, social behavior, based"
on respect for law and order, the ability to self-determination and self-realization; interest
to the study of social and humanitarian disciplines;

- upbringing all-Russian identity; civil liability, legal
self-awareness, tolerance, respect for social norms, commitment to humanism
ethical and democratic values ​​enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

- o m p l o r i n g a k n e d i g e s s y s t e mth about economic and other types of human activities,

about society, its spheres, legal regulation public relations required for
interaction with the social environment and fulfilling the social roles of a person and citizen,
for subsequent study of socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines at the institution
nia of the system of secondary and higher education vocational education and self-education;

- about in laDM e n t i n g s k i l l s and receive and critically comprehend social information, analyze, systematize the data received; master methods of cognitive,

communicative, practical activities necessary for participation in civil life
society and state;

- FORMATION OF EXPERIENCE applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of social relations; civic and social activities;

f interpersonal relationships; relations between people of different nationalities and religions
Denmark; in the family and everyday sphere, to compare one’s actions and the actions of other people
with the standards of behavior established by law; assistance by legal means and means
protection of law and order in society.


The course “Social Studies” in 10 grades (advanced level) contains a complex of knowledge that reflects the main objects of study: society as a whole, a person in society, cognition, social relations, politics, the spiritual and moral sphere. In the 10th grade, the distribution of teaching hours by sections and topics of the course is calculated at 102 teaching hours (3 hours per week).

Requirements for the level of student preparation

As a result of studying social studies, the student must
know / understand:

The biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of personality socialization,

the place and role of man in the system of social relations;

Trends in the development of society as a whole as complex dynamic system, and also important

the most important social institutions;

The need to regulate social relations, the essence of social norms,

mechanisms of legal regulation;

Features of social and humanitarian knowledge;

be able to:

Characterize the main social objects, highlighting their essential features,

patterns of development;

Analyze information about social objects, highlighting them common features and differences,

establish correspondences between the essential features and characteristics of the studied social
scientific phenomena and social science terms and concepts;

Explain. cause-and-effect and functional connections of the studied social entities

projects (including the interaction between man and society, the most important social institutions of society
state and.natural environment, society and culture, relationships between subsystems and elements of society);

Use examples to reveal the studied theoretical positions and concepts of social

economics and humanities;

Search for social information presented in various sign systems


Extract insights on given topics from unadapted original texts; system

matize, analyze and generalize disordered social information, distinguish
it contains facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions;

Evaluate the actions of subjects of social life, including individuals, groups, organizations

tions, from the point of view of social norms, economic rationality;

Formulate your own judgments based on acquired social science knowledge.

ideas and arguments on certain issues;

  • prepare an oral presentation, creative work on social issues;

  • apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving problems
    educational tasks on current social problems;
use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life:

To successfully perform typical social roles; conscious interaction with

various social institutions;

  • improving one's own cognitive activity;

  • critical perception of information received in interpersonal communication and in the mass
    howl of communication; carrying out independent search, analysis and use of collected
    no social information;

  • practical solutions life problems arising in social activities;

  • orientation in current social events and processes; definitions of personal
and civic position;

  • foresight possible consequences certain social actions;

  • assessments of current events and people's behavior from the point of view of morality and law;

  • implementation and protection of human and civil rights, conscious implementation of civil
implementation of constructive interaction between people with different beliefs, cultures
tourist" values, social status.

Brief description of the course being studied. Methods of working with the textbook. (1 hour)
Social sciences and their classification. The place of philosophy in the system of social science. Philosophy and science. Sociology, political science, social psychology as social sciences.

Myths of antiquity. Ancient Indian Vedas about the origin of the world. Buddhism. Sages of the Taoist school. Confucianism. Plato and Aristotle on society and state.

Social contract theory. A. Smith Labor Society. Forward to the "golden age".

Civil Society of G. Hegel. On the way to scientific sociology. Marxist doctrine of

society. Development of social science in the twentieth century.

Philosophical quests of the 19th century. Russian philosophical thought of the early twentieth century. Berdyaev

The needs of modern society for social and humanitarian specialists. Main professions of social and humanitarian profile. Vocational educational institutions.
SOCIETY AND PERSON. . (24 hours)
The origin of man and the formation of society. Theories of human origin. Humanity as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution.

Social essence of activity. Thinking and activity.

The relationship between thinking and language.

Society as a form of joint life activity of people. Differences between society and society.

Society as a special part of the world. Factors of change in society.

Social system, its subsystems and elements. Social system and its environment.

Levels of consideration of society: social-philosophical, historical-typological, social-specific.

World of the East. Western values. Civilizational development of society. Typology of civilizations.

Meaning and direction historical development. Formations and civilizations. Civilization and culture. The concept of culture.

The concept of the historical process. Popular masses, social groups, public

associations as participants in the historical process.

Historical figures. Types of social dynamics. Factors of change in society.

Progress and regression. The inconsistency of progress. Progress criteria. Progressive

social forces. Diversity and unevenness of social development processes.

Freedom and arbitrariness. Freedom and responsibility. Freedom of choice. Free society.


Needs and interests. Typology of activity. Game. Studying as an activity.

Preservation and dissemination of spiritual values. Mastering spiritual values

culture. Spiritual consumption.

Sociology of labor. Social partnership and prospects for its development in Russia.

Politics as an activity. Subjects and objects of politics. Relationship between goals and means

in politics. Power and politics.

Typology of power relations. Political relations.


The problem of the cognizability of the world. The concept of agnosticism. Cognitive activity.

Sensual and rational cognition.

The concept of scientific truth. The relativity of truth. Truth and error.

Mythological and rational-logical knowledge. Life experience and common sense.

Group cohesion. Friendly relations. Personal self-determination.

Relationships in student groups. Leadership style.

Psychology of family relationships. Gender behavior. Family education.

“Hazing” And other forms of violence in the group. The special danger of criminal groups.

The problem of interpersonal conflict. Structure, functions, dynamics of the conflict. Ways to constructively resolve conflict.

Educational - methodological and material - technical support educational subject.

The work program is focused on the useeducational and methodological set:
Social studies. 10 grades [Text]: textbook. for general education institutions: profile level /
L. N. Bogolyubov, A. V. Belyavsky, N. I. Gorodetskaya [and others]; edited by L. N. Bogolyubov [etc.];
Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - M.: Education, 2013.

DidactAndlogical materials for the course “Man and Society”. Grades 10-11 [Text]: a guide for
teachers / ed. L. N. Bogolyubova, A. T. Kinkulkina. - M.: Education, 2007.
School Dictionary of Social Studies. Grades 10-11 [Text]: a manual for students / ed.

L. N. Bogolyubova, Yu. I. Averyanova. - M.: Education, 2011.

Lazebnikova, A. Yu. Social science. Unified State Exam [Text]: method. manual for preparation / A. Yu. La-
Zebnikova, M. Yu. Brant. - M.: Exam, 2005.

Tests. Social science. 1"0-11 grades [Text]: options and answers of the centralized (total
gov) testing. - M.: 000 "Rustest", 2014.

Edinth state exam 2010. Social studies [Text]: educational training. materials

for training students / FIPI-Center. - M., 2014.

Dopolnithoselbnohwhetherteratatradla uchAndthoselI:

GrAjdanian Code of the Russian Federation.
Code on administrative law violations of the Russian Federation.
Constitution Russian Federation.

Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Troudoy Code of the Russian Federation.

AlexanfirewoodA,And Yu. Social science. Intensive course [Text] / I. Yu. Aleksandrova, V. V. Vla-
Dimirova, L. Sh. Lozovsky. -M.: Iris-Press, 2010.

BAkhmutovA, L. S. Methods of teaching social studies [Text]: textbook. aid for students ped.
higher textbook establishments: at 2 o'clock / L. S. Bakhmutova. - M.: Humanite. IC “Vlados”, 2001.

BeckYeshev,TO. A. Social studies [Text]: training manual/ K. A. Bekeshev. - M.: Prospekt,

ANDbrAgimov,R. Yu. We pass the basics of sociology and political science [Text]: for secondary students. professional
education / R. Yu. Ibragimov [etc.]. -Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2005.

KarAyearna, L.N. Social studies tests. 11th grade [Text]: manual for teachers / L. N. Ka-
ragodana. - M.: Education, 2007.

LozOSunToyy, L. Sh. Workshop on social studies [Text]: questions and answers; tests with solutions
niyami L . Sh. Lozovsky, B. A. Raizberg, - M.: Rolf: Iris-Press, 2010.

Ppolitics and right. School workshop. 10-11 grades [Text]: manual for general education students

wat. textbook establishments / bus.-SOST. M. I. Shilobod, V. F. Krivosheev. - M.: Bustard, 1997.

Sychev, A. A. Social studies [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. A. Sychev. - M.: Alpha-M:

INFRA-M, 2010.

Sidelnikova, T. T. Political science: comments, diagrams, aphorisms [Text]: textbook. allowance
for students higher textbook institutions / T. T. Sidelnikova, D. A. Temnikova, I. A. Sharagin. - M.: Guma-
nit. IC “Vlados”, 1999.

TyulIEve, T. AND. Social studies [Text]: teacher’s handbook / T. I. Tyulyaeva. - M.: As-
trill, 2010.
Additional literature for students:

Dzhegutenov,B. TO. Social science. Answers for schoolchildren and applicants [Text] / B. K. Je-
Gutanov, V. S. Oleinikov. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2010.

Domashek, E. IN. School reference book on social studies [Text] / E. V. Domashek. - Rostov
n/a : Phoenix, 2010.

Furslkina, E. IN. Social studies [Text]: a guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam / E. V. Mekhalkina. -
Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2010.

Korsanov, GG Social studies tutor for high school students [Text] / G. G. Kor-
dignitaries - Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2010.

Sazonova, G G Social science in tables and diagrams [Text] / G. G. Sazonova. - M.: Victoria

Learning objective : to reveal the subject of social science as a synthesis of social sciences, the specifics of the object of study, the significance of social knowledge for humans.

Lecture outline:

1. Social science and its subject. Fundamentals of social sciences included in social science.

2. The importance of social knowledge.

Social science - strange word!

It's not clear, but it seems familiar.

Society is everything people of the earth,

People of the country and people of the family.

But here's an interesting strange thing:

How did Man come into being?

Biology will give you the exact answer.

Social science. Why is it important?

What does social science study?

What is secret knowledge?

We are starting to study a new subject called “social studies”. What kind of discipline is this? To begin with, let us note that this is not science in the full sense of the word. Scientists do not study social science, but sociology, philosophy, history, economics, political science, law and many other sciences that study human life and society. Therefore, strictly speaking, social studies is an academic discipline, the main task of which is to introduce you to the basics public life. The above-mentioned sciences are the sources from which social science draws its material. But it is a science in the sense that the knowledge it provides is obtained, systematized and proven using methods used only by science.

What does social science study? To answer this question, let us introduce the concepts object And item studying. Object The study of social studies is society as a whole. What does this mean?

Society is studied by many different sciences: history, sociology, philosophy, political science, law. They are also called humanities unlike natural sciences. But they all explore separate spheres social life, for example, economic or spiritual life. Social science is interested in all aspects of social life. It is also important for him how people enter into relationships with nature, and how they connect with each other, how they learn, experience, and act. Therefore, to embrace society as a whole means to consider the economic life of society, social relations, relations of power and management, spiritual life, as well as the relationships between them.

Thus, by introducing the concept of “object of study,” we separated, on the one hand, the sphere of interests of social science from the sphere of interests of natural sciences sciences, and, on the other hand, they drew a line between social science and other humanities.

You already have experience in studying the humanities and at least know one discipline that also studies not nature, but society, and studies not individual parts of society, but society as a whole. This is history. This is why the division into subject and object can be useful to us. After all, several sciences can study the same object. But each science, according to its interests, highlights in it those aspects that it considers essential. The set of essential properties, identified according to the goals of a particular science, is usually called the subject of science.

It is possible to establish what is the subject of social science by comparing it with the science of “history”. Let's remember what she is studying. Usually historians study the area that is called "past". In addition, it is not difficult to notice that those aspects of social life that historians study are always tied to specific place And time. So they are not interested in spiritual life in general, but in the spiritual life of the Greek polis or the Roman Empire.

Now we can talk about subject of social studies. If its object is society as a whole, and not its individual parts, then its subject is general properties social life, preserved in space and time among diverse human associations. Figuratively speaking, historians study differences in society, and social scientists - similarities.

It is necessary to distinguish philosophical and sociological approach to the study of society. Sociology interested in what is denoted by the term “ social structure", those. way of organization and communication individual elements social system into a single whole, driving forces, meaning and direction of development of society. She studies issues of personality formation, its interaction with other people within large and small groups. The subject of sociology is the general and specific social patterns of the organization, functioning and development of society. Philosophical the view of society is inseparable from the philosophical problems of man. He is interested in connections and patterns that unite people into a single whole, into a social organism. The subject of philosophy is a multi-problematic relationship "the world is man" those. she studies: 1) general principles of the world order; 2) a person’s attitude to the world. She is looking for answers to the following questions: How does the world in general work? How does a person relate to the world? What is his place in it? How does he know it and how does he act in this world?

In the mass consciousness, philosophy seems to be something very far from real life. But that's not true. And before the philosopher and before a simple person the same questions and problems still exist. These problems are not “invented” by philosophers; they are posed by life itself. Philosophical thought is a thought about the eternal, about the meaning of life. And if life were only fun and celebration, if there was no place in it for worries, anxieties, or sorrows, philosophy, most likely, simply would not exist. People would not have problems, and philosophy always solves problems.

Social studies is an academic discipline that studies the development of human society and the place of man in it. As we have already said, it includes knowledge from other branches of science, such as philosophy, sociology, political science, ethics, history, economics and law.

Political science deals with issues political system society, power, state structure.

Economy examines the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of produced goods and services, production (economic) relations in society, economic systems, problems of the state's influence on the economy. It is well known that people's needs are limitless - they are constantly changing and increasing. Their limitlessness is due to the desire of people to increase consumption and make them more attractive own life. Unfortunately, economic resources are limited, so the most important problem economic life is to distribute them in such a way as to satisfy the needs of people as best as possible.

Thus, The subject of economic science is to substantiate ways of distributing limited resources in order to ensure the most complete satisfaction of the needs of society.

Jurisprudence studies the rules of behavior, problems of lawful behavior, offenses and punishments for them.

In modern society, the need and importance of social science are quite obvious and realized. From a scientific point of view, the need for social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, because it gives a holistic view of society. By forming a holistic idea of ​​society, social science creates new knowledge, a new worldview. It absorbs the most important, fundamental and valuable of the social sciences, but is not a simple sum of them. It is thanks to social science that we have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about society and man, in which the diversity of information leads to ideological changes in consciousness associated with an understanding of society, which means social studies has scientific meaning.

In modern society, the need and importance of social science is recognized, perhaps, by everyone. Let's take a closer look at what they are. Three aspects of need can be distinguished: scientific, humanitarian and civil.

From a scientific point of view, the need for social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, that only it can give a holistic picture of society, not divided into dozens of sciences that have detailed information, necessary only for narrow specialists. At the same time, social science is not a “hodgepodge”, not some kind of computer that simply collects information from all the humanities. By forming a holistic idea of ​​society, taking the most important, fundamental and valuable of the social sciences, social science creates new knowledge, because the whole is always larger, more complex than the simple sum of its parts and cannot be reduced to it.

Thus, thanks to social science, our knowledge about society increases. And in this sense, social science has scientific meaning.

From a humanitarian point of view, social science is necessary for formation of a highly moral personality. This is facilitated by the study of the spiritual sphere of society: culture in general, philosophy, religion, art and morality. By becoming familiar with spiritual values ​​and knowledge, a person expands and deepens his worldview horizon. Social studies, therefore, is personally significant, because it gives young people the necessary knowledge, both in the sphere of morality and regarding the society in which they live. And in this sense, social science is necessary for everyone, regardless of the chosen specialty, because There is no individual without morality, just as there is no real citizen without knowledge of society.. Social studies contributes to the socialization of the individual and helps young people adapt to difficult social reality.

A modern democratic society cannot but be civil, i.e. it must be a collection having rights and having responsibilities citizens. A full-fledged citizen can be a person who is not only endowed with legal rights and responsibilities, but also has a sufficient level of self-awareness, i.e. conscious of himself, his place and role in society, actively participating in political life. Social studies contributes to the formation of a progressive civic position that reflects the needs of modern society. A conscious attitude towards one's civic duty and a true understanding of what it consists of is impossible without the body of knowledge about society that only the study of social science can provide. Democracy is impossible without high level citizens' self-awareness.

Related information.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Social studies- a complex of disciplines, the object of study of which are various aspects of social life. As an academic subject, it includes the fundamentals of social sciences (philosophy, sociology, social psychology, law, economics, political science, etc.) and focuses on the special knowledge necessary to effectively solve the most typical problems in the social, economic, political, spiritual spheres of life . A characteristic feature of the social studies course is that social sciences are considered not in isolation, but as closely related disciplines that make up a single whole. We can say that if each individual science offers its own fragment of knowledge about society and man and its own point of view on it, then social science allows us to put together a holistic and three-dimensional picture social world.

Social studies as a subject in secondary school

Social science- a generalized school subject in the Russian Federation secondary school, touching on a variety of social topics. In fact, its teaching is a replacement for the canceled subject “social studies” in the USSR (largely built on Marxist-Leninist philosophy with ideological and patriotic education). The essence of the subject is to teach the fundamentals of social sciences.

Includes, in addition to the basics of social sciences (see below), an “introduction” to law (rather not in a scientific, but in an applied sense; a full-fledged separation of the school subject of civics and the section of law in a social studies course has not yet occurred), the beginnings of psychology and general discussions about “spirituality” (which are outside the scope of positive science).

Social science as a complex of sciences

Social science- a general name for sciences that study society as a whole and social processes. The term is used to distinguish in the humanities disciplines that study society from disciplines that study man (usually outside society - for example, psychology).

At a minimum, the term “social science” includes: economics, sociology, cultural studies, political science, and jurisprudence.

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  • on the pages of the scientific and educational magazine “Skepticism”
  • - project for effective preparation schoolchildren and applicants for the Unified State Exam (USE), as well as for the state final certification (GIA) in social studies, which in its content corresponds to state standard education of the Russian Federation in the subject of social studies.

An excerpt characterizing Social Studies

While Prince Andrei went to report about the crimson general, this general, apparently not sharing Boris’s concepts of the benefits of unwritten subordination, fixed his eyes so much on the impudent ensign who prevented him from talking with the adjutant that Boris felt embarrassed. He turned away and waited impatiently for Prince Andrei to return from the commander-in-chief's office.
“That’s what, my dear, I was thinking about you,” said Prince Andrey as they walked into the large hall with the clavichord. “You have no reason to go to the commander-in-chief,” said Prince Andrei, “he will say a lot of pleasantries to you, tell you to come to him for dinner (“that wouldn’t be so bad for the service in that chain of command,” thought Boris), but from there on nothing will come of it; us, adjutants and orderlies, will soon be a battalion. But here’s what we’ll do: I have a good friend, adjutant general and a wonderful person, Prince Dolgorukov; and although you may not know this, the fact is that now Kutuzov with his headquarters and all of us mean absolutely nothing: everything is now concentrated with the sovereign; so let’s go to Dolgorukov, I need to go to him, I already told him about you; so we'll see; Will he find it possible to place you with him, or somewhere else, closer to the sun?
Prince Andrei always became especially animated when he had to lead young man and help him in secular success. Under the pretext of this help to another, which he would never accept for himself out of pride, he was close to the environment that gave success and which attracted him to itself. He very willingly took on Boris and went with him to Prince Dolgorukov.
It was already late in the evening when they entered the Olmut Palace, occupied by the emperors and their entourage.
On this very day there was a military council, which was attended by all members of the Gofkriegsrat and both emperors. At the council, contrary to the opinions of the old men - Kutuzov and Prince Schwarzernberg, it was decided to immediately attack and give a general battle to Bonaparte. The military council had just ended when Prince Andrei, accompanied by Boris, came to the palace to look for Prince Dolgorukov. All the people in the main apartment were still under the spell of today’s military council, victorious for the young party. The voices of the procrastinators, who advised waiting for something without attacking, were so unanimously drowned out and their arguments were refuted by undoubted evidence of the benefits of the offensive, that what was discussed in the council, the future battle and, without a doubt, victory, seemed no longer the future, but the past. All the benefits were on our side. Enormous forces, undoubtedly superior to those of Napoleon, were concentrated in one place; the troops were inspired by the presence of the emperors and were eager to get into action; the strategic point at which it was necessary to operate was known to the smallest detail to the Austrian General Weyrother, who led the troops (it was as if it were a happy accident that the Austrian troops last year were on maneuvers precisely on those fields on which they now had to fight the French); the surrounding area was known to the smallest detail and depicted on maps, and Bonaparte, apparently weakened, did nothing.