Fortune telling at a distance appeal to energy. Fortune telling by distance

In the article, Veronika Lytkarina expresses her opinion on the effectiveness of online fortune telling.

It seems to me that such questions can arise only in two cases. Or when a person does not have a clear idea of ​​how Tarot fortune telling occurs and what mechanism underlies its predictive effect. Or it comes from people with an esoteric mindset - a material mindset, those who always strive to find a rational explanation for occult phenomena. For example, that “a psychic is able to “read” information from the information field of a nearby person.” What then to do with telepathy at a distance? What, very strong psychic? I doubt…

In any case, digression into the area of ​​​​reasoning about how and why fortune telling works will take us far from the topic and will not provide clear explanations. And they exist.

The first explanation follows from personal experience. For example, I and many of my colleagues tell fortunes to people, both acquaintances and strangers, located at a great distance, and this in no way (according to statistical observations) affects the number accurate fortune telling and the number of errors. My colleagues and I did a little research on this. And they came to the conclusion that errors exist, but their number is actually the same when fortune telling in the direct presence of the client, and when fortune telling is remote. Therefore, the distance at which the fortune teller is from you does not affect the result of fortune telling.

The second argument relates to historical information, and, I believe, is much more objective than separate opinion. Because the ancients understood and knew much more about predictions and their technologies than we do now.

If you take the trouble to read literature on the history, culture and life of ancient times, you will find many references to how people turned for prophecies. And then you find out that, for example, when some king, politician or simply rich and famous person, wanted to receive a prediction regarding his future, he did not run every time to the Delphic temple, or to another place where he could receive a prophecy. Moreover, some highly recognized and popular “places” were located at such a distance that expeditions actually had to be sent there. Everything was simpler when a ruler or military leader, who could not leave his place of work to travel to the Oracle, wanted to find out about the future, he sent proxies with questions and gifts. And they brought the seer’s answer in oral, written or other form.

Therefore, here is the answer to our question, is it possible to guess (learn about the future) while being at a distance from the Oracle (in our case, a tarot reader or a similar worker in the occult industry). Historical information says that it is possible!

Therefore, I am sure that a person who is able to predict the future will accurately predict it anywhere, and the personal presence of the person asking the question is not necessary.


Magic - the oldest way influence on surrounding people, events and circumstances in a person’s life. Magic has existed as long as humanity, because it guards human consciousness and the other world. Magic is intended to help everyone who applies in achieving personal goals, finding long-awaited happiness, protecting health and well-being, attracting all possible forces and energies for the maximum realization of all human potential. Magic can do it all!

At all times, wise and far-sighted people resorted to the help of magicians and sorcerers, some sometimes tried to study themselves, but this is a long and tedious task, and if you really need a quick result and real magical help, then the easiest way is to turn to a real magician than to try to solve the problem yourself. Any person with magical abilities has always been very important and valuable, and turning to a real specialist for magical help was generally a common thing. But time does not stand still and modern world, in our age information technology Seeking magical help from a distance became a real salvation!

Magical help at a distance, via telephone, Internet, mail, is our reality. You can always call me personally, regardless of the geography of your location. Sending photographs is also not a problem, and as you know, almost all the main rituals of magic can be done from a photograph.

Magic. Help from a distance. In what cases is it necessary to contact a magician online?

  • If you are in another city or country and would like to contact the specialist of your choice.
  • If you urgently need real magical help, but there are no magicians in your area who can help you.
  • If your close person when you see that there is a purposeful attack on him negative impact, failures or the effect of a black love spell has begun.
  • If you are on vacation, a trip and you urgently need to tell fortunes, do a Tarot reading or carry out diagnostics.
  • If you really don’t have time to stand in traffic jams and you need the time spent on the road for other things.

In all these cases, as well as in other situations, you can contact me both personally and at a distance. I will do my best to help you as quickly as possible. Immediate magical help, magical help at a distance - sometimes the only saving grace in the most difficult situations. life situations, when every day, and sometimes every hour matters. And if your situation requires an immediate solution, then I will begin to deal with your problem as soon as possible.

How effective is magical help at a distance?

Many people have already become convinced of the effectiveness and efficiency of my rituals, which you can read about in. As I already said, most rituals and rites of magic are carried out using photographs, which are not difficult to send. Magic exists regardless of time and distance. Magic rituals work whether you believe in it or not. To do strong love spell or a ritual for money and good luck, you don’t need to convince yourself and inspire faith.

Magic works regardless of your attitude towards it, and help from a distance is absolutely in no way inferior to the effectiveness of personal contact with a magician. Now we are, of course, not talking about those fakes and charlatans who are also abundant on the Internet, no - we are now talking about real magic and real working magicians who conduct personal receptions and do not hide from anyone, about those magicians who are truly capable of helping people find happiness, love and prosperity.

Speaking about the effectiveness of magical help at a distance, we can safely say that it is even more effective, since it does not waste precious minutes of delay, which can then turn out to be fatal and the situation can be very drawn out and complicated. After all, everyone understands that the sooner you start solving a problem, the easier and simpler its solution will be. And in a situation when they are trying to ruin your life and destiny with black witchcraft, or when your rival begins to cast a love spell on your loved one, you simply cannot hesitate.

Magic and help from a distance are sometimes the only means of saving your well-being, harmonious relationships, good luck and prosperity. Moreover, if you refuse magical help from a distance, you risk losing to your rivals and competitors. After all, in the world modern technologies Not only information flows, but also magical services became available to us. And that's all more people resort to the help of an online magician. By neglecting and doubting magical help from a distance, you may just miss that precious time during which your rival will try to take away your loved one with the help of a love spell, take away your luck, do damage... and all this may just happen using magic at a distance. Of course it's up to you to decide!

It is very easy to seek magical help from a distance. You can always call me personally by phone 8-913-031-0191.

Or write by email: [email protected]

All information is strictly confidential. If, after the initial diagnosis, I undertake to work with you, then I guarantee the result and effectiveness of the rituals, correct and accurate execution on time.

With the advent of the Internet, human life on planet Earth has changed. Paper letters, landline telephones are becoming a thing of the past. film cameras and wires. On the other hand, the value of live communication has increased greatly - virtual reality inevitably gets boring. But it provides unlimited opportunities for communication, and this plus outweighs all possible minuses.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a type of helping service, and in the pre-Internet era all such services were provided live. However, for example, psychological consultations by telephone have existed for a long time, which is understandable. You can draw up a written document for the client astrological forecast, having received all the information by email. But fortune telling... how does it work at a distance? Is this magic, or is every tarot reader required to be a psychic?

The main secret of fortune telling at a distance

It’s interesting that it’s quite easy to prove the operation of Tarot cards online - you just have to take it and try it. Every experienced tarot reader once upon a time made his first reading - and most likely live. After 5-10 layouts, he, not believing his own eyes, asked: “Does this really work?”, and after 50 layouts (and for some, much earlier), he already knew for sure that THIS worked. And one day I “spread my cards” to someone over the phone or on Skype. And it all happened again: it turns out there is no difference for Tarot cards.

Even if the client does not see the deck and does not touch it with his hands (not all specialists allow this, but some consider contact between the client and the deck desirable) - the layouts turn out to be as effective as live ones. After some time, tarot readers manage to make readings for people they don’t know at all or have never seen - for example, foreign pop stars or politicians. Theoretically, you can tell fortunes about the inhabitants of another galaxy. True, it would be desirable for there to be a request from there. The answer to the “magic” is hidden in a simple axiom, which you don’t need to know for fortune telling to work. Here it is:

Information moves instantly.

There are no physical or, by and large, mental barriers to information. The talent of a tarot reader is to read it from cards on which everything is “drawn” in one way or another. A deck of cards, like any fortune-telling (mantic) system, is a receiver of information “waves”. Their source is the collective unconscious, or the energy-information field, or the noosphere, or the Akashic Chronicles - each tarot reader, depending on his craving for a particular teaching, chooses a name to his liking. This very field is everywhere. It binds all people, their thoughts and actions into universal interdependence.

How to conduct online fortune telling correctly?

In order for the cards to capture exactly those waves that relate specifically to a given client, the tarot reader asks for his data - name, sometimes date of birth and place of residence. The same applies to all participants in the situation for which we are guessing - this is called the “context of the alignment.” It is very important to ask exact question- with its help, the tarot reader lays out a certain communication channel, a dedicated line, and information about this client, according to the law of synchronicity, is displayed in the layout. Moreover, the Universe knows perfectly well what the client is thinking about, and even more - what he is NOT thinking about - the individual unconscious of each person is directly connected with the collective.

Those who are interested in esotericism will remember the amusing word “egregor” - a synonym for the collective energy-information field. There are ways to connect to certain fields, for example, prayer - best way contact with the Christian egregor. This is a matter of personal preference and faith - there are many instrument decks, some of them are tuned to specific channels, some to general ones. But by and large, any Tarot deck will work in any situation. When fortune telling online, especially without using a video camera, it is important to establish the closest possible contact between the tarot reader and the client. For example, asking the client which cards to draw from the deck or when to finish shuffling it. This will help the client feel needed during the session and will additionally “clean the channel” of erroneous requests.

Sometimes clients ask if the question needs to be voiced. In principle, the intended question has already been voiced to the Universe. The good forces up there always hear everything and take action. However, the louder the client is about his goal and purpose, the better for the greater good. And the tarot reader, after all, is not a telepath, and he needs the context of the layout in order to give an answer in words. He always counts pictures from cards; translating them to the verbal level is a more difficult task.

Online fortune telling allows you to effectively consult at a distance, which significantly increases your work opportunities - anyone who goes online can find the right specialist on the other side of the Earth. Isn't this the magic of the 21st century?

The new Tarot reading for love touches on such a difficult type of relationship as long-distance relationships.

There are many examples of how long term relationship over the phone or on the Internet, eventually grew into strong and happy marriages. There are also couples who are unable to bear the long separation.

Does it make sense to communicate with a person who is far away? Can rare meetings keep the fire of love alive, or will it go out sooner or later? How, after all, does a partner behave while his other half is on the other side of the country or even the planet?

The cards will answer these questions for you. When the question arises about the possibility of a long-distance relationship, one of the most painful problems is the issue of betrayal. Some people believe that long-distance relationships simply cannot exist without cheating; others argue that you can “be patient” for the sake of love.

One way or another, painful guesses and suspicions cause many unpleasant minutes. Fortune telling will allow you to dispel your doubts and find the meaning of such a relationship.

You can use any tool for the reading: Tarot, Lenormand, even Runes, if you are comfortable with them good contact. No one straight from the store will answer your questions fully and clearly until you work through it.

You need to shuffle the deck (mix the Runes), draw one card at a time, mentally asking the question:

  1. How does your partner perceive this relationship at the moment?
  2. What is the significance of real meetings with a partner for a partner?
  3. What is the significance of virtual communication with a partner for a partner?
  4. How does your partner spend his free time?
  5. How hard is your partner experiencing separation from you?
  6. What are your partner's plans for your couple and your relationship?
  7. How does the partner feel about the opportunity to build a long-term relationship with his partner?
  8. How does the partner assess the likelihood of marriage in this relationship?
  9. What is the couple's future in the near future?
  10. What's it like further development of this relationship in the distant future?
  11. Advice from cards regarding this relationship.

Interpret the alignment as a whole to assess your partner’s true intentions towards your love, and his role in your couple. The last card will give you recommendations on how to behave and what to do to maintain and develop your love.

With the advent of the Internet, human life on planet Earth has changed. Paper letters, landline telephones, film cameras and wires are becoming a thing of the past. On the other hand, the value of live communication has increased greatly - virtual reality inevitably gets boring. But it provides unlimited opportunities for communication, and this plus outweighs all possible minuses. Tarot card reading is a type of assistive service, and in the pre-Internet era, all such services were provided live. However, for example, psychological consultations by telephone have existed for a long time, which is understandable. You can make a written astrological forecast for the client after finding out all the data by email. But fortune telling... how does it work at a distance? Is this magic, or is every tarot reader required to be a psychic?

The main secret of fortune telling at a distance

It’s interesting that it’s quite easy to prove that Tarot cards work online—you just have to take it and try it. Every experienced tarot reader once upon a time made his first reading - and most likely live. After 5-10 layouts, he, not believing his own eyes, asked: “Does this really work?”, and after 50 layouts (and for some, much earlier), he already knew for sure that THIS worked. And one day I “spread my cards” to someone over the phone or on Skype. And it all happened again: it turns out there is no difference for Tarot cards. Even if the client does not see the deck and does not touch it with his hands (not all specialists allow this, but some consider contact between the client and the deck desirable) - the layouts turn out to be as effective as live ones. After some time, tarot readers manage to make readings for people they don’t know at all or have never seen - for example, foreign pop stars or politicians. Theoretically, you can tell fortunes about the inhabitants of another galaxy. True, it would be desirable for there to be a request from there. The answer to the “magic” is hidden in a simple axiom, which you don’t need to know for fortune telling to work. Here it is:
Information moves instantly.
There are no physical or, by and large, mental barriers to information. The talent of a tarot reader is to read it from cards on which everything is “drawn” in one way or another. A deck of cards, like any fortune-telling (mantic) system, is a receiver of information “waves”. Their source is the collective unconscious, or the energy-information field, or the noosphere, or the Akashic Chronicles - each tarot reader, depending on his craving for a particular teaching, chooses a name to his liking. This very field is everywhere. It binds all people, their thoughts and actions into universal interdependence.

How to conduct online fortune telling correctly?

In order for the cards to capture exactly the waves that relate specifically to a given client, the tarot reader asks for his data - name, sometimes date of birth and place of residence. The same applies to all participants in the situation for which we are guessing - this is called the “context of the alignment.” It is very important to ask an exact question - with its help, the tarot reader lays out a certain communication channel, a dedicated line, and information about this client, according to the law of synchronicity, is displayed in the layout. Moreover, the Universe knows perfectly well what the client is thinking about, and even more - what he is NOT thinking about - the individual unconscious of each person is directly connected with the collective. Those who are interested in esotericism will remember the amusing word “egregor” - a synonym for the collective energy-information field. There are ways to connect to certain fields, for example, prayer is the best way to contact the Christian egregor. This is a matter of personal preference and faith - there are many instrument decks, some of them are tuned to specific channels, some to general ones. But by and large, any Tarot deck will work in any situation. When fortune telling online, especially without using a video camera, it is important to establish the closest possible contact between the tarot reader and the client. For example, asking the client which cards to draw from the deck or when to finish shuffling it. This will help the client feel needed during the session and will additionally “clean the channel” of erroneous requests. Sometimes clients ask if the question needs to be voiced. In principle, the intended question has already been voiced to the Universe. The good forces up there always hear everything and take action. However, the louder the client is about his goal and purpose, the better for the greater good. And the tarot reader, after all, is not a telepath, and he needs the context of the layout in order to give an answer in words. He always calculates pictures from cards; translating them to the verbal level is a more difficult task.

Online fortune telling allows you to effectively consult at a distance, which significantly increases your work opportunities - anyone who goes online can find the right specialist on the other side of the Earth. Isn't this the magic of the 21st century?

Fortune telling real and virtual: what, when and how

We've all heard it, and some of us have used it. various ways fortune-telling in order to lift the curtain of the future at least a little and get advice on matters in the present. The sacrament of fortune telling became widespread before the advent of writing; accordingly, quite a lot of different methods of fortune telling and rituals have reached our times: fortune telling on objects, card decks and Tarot cards, Lenormand cards, various runes and coins.

With the advent of new computer technology, in particular, on the Internet, you can increasingly hear the concept of virtual fortune telling or online fortune telling. By asking questions of the Universe, by starting fortune telling online, or by spreading out a deck of Tarot cards, you will certainly receive an answer. Now all that remains is to understand it correctly and use the information received in life here and now. In this article you will receive information about when and how best to tell fortunes online and in real life, as well as some recommendations regarding the ritual. online fortune telling.


What is the process of fortune telling?

Fortune telling is not only an educational, mysterious, but also a very entertaining activity. The popularity is explained by the fact that we all want to at least make the “right” decisions and, if possible, protect our loved ones and ourselves from wrong actions and negative events in life. The fact is that the answer to your question is already embedded in the subconscious, but not everyone is able to intuitively feel what awaits them in a given situation.

Fortune telling on cards, runes or online fortune telling is a response message from our subconscious now, even if the date of this event according to the calendar will not come soon. As popular wisdom says, a person is the architect of his own happiness. It is with the help of special symbols and objects that we can unravel the information received and choose for ourselves the maximum truthful fortune telling that truly meet your needs and abilities.

Online fortune telling is an opportunity to see a situation of interest from the outside, but it is not a clear, programmed response to the development of the situation. The prediction can be fully realized, provided that the participants and events of the process remain unchanged, which, in principle, cannot be 100%, since we make choices every day, and no one knows what it will be like tomorrow. Therefore, if you liked the result of online fortune telling, then make every effort to implement it, and do not wait for a gift of fate on a silver platter.

Online fortune telling is a virtual hint if you are at a crossroads and don’t know what to do. Fortune telling online is a way to consider the situation with different sides, and then it will be much easier for you to make a decision, having acquired information about the possible course of action. Read below about when fortune telling is most truthful and when it is still not worth turning to the Universe.

Online fortune telling

When is it possible or, conversely, should you not guess?

If you decide to tell fortunes online or are going to a meeting with a fortuneteller, the question of the “right” time for this is probably very important. There are quite a lot of discussions about when it is or is not worth guessing, so after reading the proposed material, you will be able to make your own decision about when the best time is for you. better days for fortune telling, and when it is better to postpone the journey into the world of magic and mysteries.

Favorable days fortune telling is determined by the calendar:

  • - church;
  • - lunar.

If we talk about the phases of the Moon, then the most truthful fortune telling can be obtained on the 12th, 14th and 18th lunar day.

This is what it looks like lunar calendar fortune telling:

  • - Second lunar day“open” to online fortune telling on the topic of love.
  • - The sixth lunar day is excellent for short-term forecasting of events (for a month).
  • - The tenth lunar day is not a very good day for answers from the Universe, unless we are talking about knowing the reason for the current situation.
  • - The twentieth lunar day is the day of love relationships and everything connected with them.
  • - The twenty-second lunar day is responsible for work and business. Fortune telling on the 22nd lunar day will be as truthful as possible if you are interested in the question of career and partners.
  • - The twenty-seventh lunar day is the time for any questions.
  • - The twenty-eighth lunar day is an opportunity to open your “third eye” and interpret the clues of intuition and the Universe as correctly as possible.

Many people know that the church as a whole does not welcome fortune telling, but still in church calendar There are days when you can guess:

  • - Yuletide fortune telling- time New Year's holidays, magic and magic, which begins with Christmas and ends with Epiphany. During this period, you can guess online not only about love affairs, but also about the events of the entire coming year.
  • - Maslenitsa week interesting because you can successfully tell fortunes about your future husband and the relationship between a man and a woman in general;
  • - The holiday of Ivan Kupala - with the onset of evening on the night of July 6-7, since ancient times, girls have woven wreaths of wild flowers and herbs to lower them into the water, thereby telling fortunes about the groom, and the bravest ones went into the forest in search of fern flower. Also, a week before and after the holiday, absolutely everyone was guessing. If you don’t have the opportunity to tell your fortune yourself, start online fortune telling on our website.

When you shouldn’t guess online at all:

  • - if you feel unwell;
  • - a state when “the cards just fall out of your hands.

Fortune telling online

How can you tell fortunes today?

Of course, today there are more than a hundred rituals and methods of fortune telling, some are directly related to the actions of our ancestors (truthful fortune telling on water, coffee grounds or fortune telling on wax), while others prefer the symbols and signs of a playing card deck or Tarot cards. We invite you to try to lift the curtain of the future with the help of a new virtual fortune telling.

Online fortune telling helps you get an answer to the question right now with the help of mystical runes or phrases from the Book of Changes, arcana of Tarot cards or knowledge of the Book of Fates. On our website you can run free truthful fortune telling with interpretation of the most popular types of predictions. Armed with the information you have received, decide for yourself when it is best to tell fortunes online, but for now the most popular is virtual fortune telling.

Virtual fortune telling from the Book of Changes involves interpreting the situation based on the translation of the ancient Chinese book of wise actions and advice by the famous philosopher Confucius. The essence of fortune telling is based on the work of two forces: the forces of good and the forces of evil. Which one will prevail and decide the outcome of the situation.

Start online fortune telling based on the book “I Ching” right now to get answers to the most exciting questions, because even ancient philosophers and rulers said that only the Book of Changes knows all the secrets of the past, future and present existence. For the prediction to be true, try to concentrate as much as possible on the question, protecting yourself from external stimuli (TV, telephone, pets) and relax.

Do you want to find out what awaits you in the future or tell your fortune? love relationship, Then virtual fortune telling on the Astro7 website we are ready to help you unlock the secrets and possibilities of the world of magic.